04 Evaluating Continuous Improvement Aa
04 Evaluating Continuous Improvement Aa
04 Evaluating Continuous Improvement Aa
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Developing a school strategic plan Evaluating for continuous improvement
Process and outcome evaluation both play How to use process evaluation
key roles at different stages of a strategic plan’s
life cycle. Process evaluation doesn’t need to be complex.
One simple approach is to introduce a traffic
This guide recommends practical steps for
light system that assigns colour ratings based on
evaluating processes for improving practices,
whether practices are delivered to schedule and
as well as the effect of these practices on
in the way they were planned. For example:
student learning.
We recommend reading this guide after A green rating means the outputs expected
you have read the third guide in this series, for a particular practice have been produced
Selecting practices to deliver improvement. or are on track to be produced.
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Developing a school strategic plan Evaluating for continuous improvement
Output status
Expected (traffic light
Action When output rating) Process evaluation notes
The actions listed in this example are not exhaustive of everything a school may need to consider to
achieve the related goal.
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Developing a school strategic plan Evaluating for continuous improvement
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Developing a school strategic plan Evaluating for continuous improvement
Key considerations
Evaluation as a shared learning opportunity
It’s important to be realistic about the time required
Participation in evaluation activities helps
for a change in practice to translate into a change
staff collectively understand how their
in student learning. Developing incremental and
practice influences student learning and
sequenced outcomes that show a gradual and
contributes towards their school achieving
realistic change in student learning can help
its goals.
with this.
Before you enact a plan, it can be helpful
At times – namely, earlier in the use of a practice –
to set up a team responsible for evaluating
it may be more appropriate for outcomes to describe
continuous improvement. This could
a measurable change in a proxy that precedes a
include a mix of school leaders, teachers
change in student learning. Proxies can include
and education support staff, and should
teacher beliefs, knowledge or skills, or student beliefs
involve those accountable for delivery
(sometimes referred to as attitudes) or engagement.
within the plan.
Data sources that capture evidence of proxies are The evaluation team should set a schedule
identified in the first guide of this series (these are of meetings over the course of the year
referred to as ‘supplementary’ data sources). based on when evidence is available to
If you choose to include proxies that don’t relate measure outputs and student learning
directly to student learning, do so sparingly, and outcomes. Findings that emerge from
ensure there is a robust evidence-based theory evaluation conversations should be
that describes how the proxy you’ve identified is a communicated back to all staff and, if
precursor to student learning. For example, if you appropriate, the wider school community.
select a proxy focused on changes in staff collective Protocols should be established for what
efficacy (measured through a staff perception to do when outputs are evaluated as not
survey), you need to have a high degree of familiarity on track, requiring attention to remain on
with and confidence in the evidence base that track, or not fully met. This should include
shows that an increase in staff collective efficacy determining why a practice has not been
influences an increase in student outcomes. applied in the way it was intended or
did not have the anticipated effect on
Further, you should use this evidence base to
student learning. Focus should then be
inform when it’s reasonable to stop relying on
directed towards actions for getting back
the proxy as an indicator of change, and start
on track. Genuine and direct professional
directly measuring changes in student learning.
conversations grounded in data and
This is important because even when you have
evidence facilitate this process.
a high degree of familiarity and confidence in
the evidence base that describes how the proxy All staff responsible for delivering
you have identified is a precursor to student improvements within the strategic plan
learning, changes in a proxy don’t guarantee that should have a clear understanding of how
changes in student learning will follow. Once the and when evaluation activities will occur,
minimum amount of time has passed for changes even if they don’t participate directly in
in learning to be observable, you’ll need to stop the evaluation team.
measuring the proxy, and start measuring student
learning outcomes.
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Developing a school strategic plan Evaluating for continuous improvement
To provide feedback on this guide or view further information, including full references and additional
resources, visit AERO’s website.