Design and Performance Validation of A Fuel Cell Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
Design and Performance Validation of A Fuel Cell Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
Design and Performance Validation of A Fuel Cell Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
AIAA 2006-823
This paper describes methods for design of an unmanned aerial vehicle which uses a proton exchange membrane fuel cell as its primary powerplant. The proposed design methods involve the development of empirical and physics-based contributing analyses to model the performance of the aircraft subsystems. The contributing analyses are collected into a design structure matrix which is used to map aircraft performance metrics as a function of design variables over a defined design space. An exhaustive search within the design space is performed to identify optimal design configurations and to characterize trends within the design space so as to inform lower-level design decisions. The results of the design process are used to construct a demonstration fuel cell-powered aircraft. Test results from the demonstration aircraft and its subsystems are compared to predicted results to validate the contributing analyses and improve their accuracy in further design iterations.
A AR CL CMH dtank h H0 I0 kMH Kv L/D mMH Rcont Rm Sw T
Tr Vm
WH 2
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Metal hydride tank area Aspect ratio Lift coefficient (Referenced to the planform wing area) Specific heat capacity of metal hydride, 419 J/kgoC Diameter of metal hydride tank, m Convection coefficient, W/m2 Metal hydride enthalpy of formation, J/mol Electric motor no-load current, A Thermal conductivity of metal hydride, 1.2 W/moC Electric motor voltage constant, rpm/V Lift over drag ratio Mass of metal hydride, kg Electric motor controller resistance, Electric motor internal resistance, Planform wing area, ft2 Temperature, oC Time rate of change of temperature, oC/sec Thrust margin ratio (available thrust/required thrust) Electric motor input voltage, V Hydrogen flow rate, mol/sec
Graduate Student, The Daniel Guggenheim School of Aerospace Engineering, 270 Ferst Drive N.W. Atlanta, Georgia 30332-0150, AIAA Student Member. Graduate Student, The George W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering, 801 Ferst Drive N.W. Atlanta, Georgia 30332-0405, AIAA Student Member. Deputy Director, Georgia Tech Research Institute, and Professor, The George W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering, 801 Ferst Drive N.W. Atlanta, Georgia 30332-0405, Associate Fellow of AIAA. Boeing Professor of Advanced Aerospace Systems Analysis, The Daniel Guggenheim School of Aerospace Engineering, 270 Ferst Drive N.W. Atlanta, Georgia 30332-0150, Associate Fellow of AIAA. 1 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Copyright 2006 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. All rights reserved.
therm m
uel cell powerplants for UAVs are particularly attractive because of their high energy density. Where advanced batteries can reach energy densities of 150 Wh/kg at the module level,1 fuel cells can achieve > 800 Wh/kg at the system level.2 Proposed aircraft applications of fuel cells take advantage of their high energy density as auxiliary power units for conventionally powered aircraft or as primary powerplants for low power or long endurance aircraft.3 This study is concerned with the application of proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cells as the primary powerplant in a medium-scale unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). A few researchers have used very small scale model aircraft to demonstrate fuel cell-powered UAVs without detailed design and documentation.4,5 Ofoma and Wu,6 and Soban and Upton have performed preliminary design without hardware development or system-level validation.7 AeroVironment has demonstrated a large scale fuel cell UAV,8 but the design and development challenges of fuel cell UAVs are still not well-understood by the general UAV community. In order to begin developing tools and technologies for design and implementation of fuel cells as powerplants in aeronautical vehicles, a PEM fuel cell UAV demonstration project was started in the Summer of 2004 as a collaboration between the Aerospace Systems Design Laboratory (ASDL) and the Georgia Tech Research Institute. A portion of the design work is being provided by students working in alternative propulsion as part of the NASA University Research Engineering Technology Institute (URETI) grant to the Georgia Institute of Technology. The primary research objectives of this project are: the development of validated tools for a fuel cell aircraft design, and the demonstration of a series of fuel cell UAVs. The UAV platform is chosen as the focus of the research effort because of the large number of potential fuel cell UAV applications, and its suitability in scale and cost for an academic research program.9 This paper first proposes a methodology for the design of PEM fuel cell UAVs. The results of the design process are then implemented and a demonstrator fuel cell aircraft is constructed. Test results from the demonstrator aircraft and its component systems are then used to validate the design methodology. Concluding remarks consider the efficacy of the design process and some of the challenges of design and development of fuel cell UAVs.
Design Methodology
The design was divided into two main tasks, a high-level conceptual design task meant to explore the design space and propose an optimal design, and a lower-level propulsion and aerodynamic system design task used to develop working hardware for validation and improvement of the design tools. Within the conceptual design task, the entire aircraft design is decomposed into several contributing analyses (CAs). Each of the CAs require global input design variables, as well as intermediate variables that are shared with other CAs. The intermediate variables of these CAs are then linked logically to form a design structure matrix (DSM). Global design variables are used as inputs to the DSM. The number of global input variables defines the dimension of the design space while the ranges of the global variables define the design space size. Using fixed point iteration, the intermediate variables can be converged to predict overall aircraft performance metrics at a particular point in the design space. The design space can then be explored using search, optimization, or design of experiments (DOE) methods to identify feasible regions and select optimal designs. Because of the high computational load associated with the conceptual design task, simplifying assumptions are built into the contributing analyses. Validation of the conceptual design is critical for ensuring its effectiveness. The low-level design task uses the optimal designs identified in the high-level conceptual design task as the basis for the detailed design of the aircraft components. This low-level design is performed manually using a wide variety of design processes. Response surface equations fit to the conceptual design data set allow for the design tradeoffs to be understood within the low-level design task without having to repeat the computational design process. The low-level design makes use of more detailed system models than the conceptual design to inform the design process. Comparison of design and tested performance for the aircraft and its subsystems ensure the validity of the low-level design task and can be used to calibrate and improve both the low and high-level design and analysis tools for further iterations.
The primary purposes of the conceptual design was to determine the existence and size of a feasible design space, and to located optimal configurations for a demonstration fuel cell powered aircraft. This purpose was 2 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
accomplished by defining a very broad design space and exploring the design space through an exhaustive grid search. A. Design Space Definition The demonstration aircraft was chosen to reside within the radio controlled (RC) powered aircraft class governed by the Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA). This class limits the maximum weight to 55 lbs10 but allows the aircraft to be developed and flight tested with minimal regulations. Constraining the aircraft to this class was also financially advantageous as a wide variety of aircraft components are available for purchase and would not need to be developed. For this class of aircraft, five major electric motor manufacturers were identified. Combined, these manufacturers offer a vast variety of electric motors allowing for a broad power range with motors ranging in power from tens of watts to several kilowatts. Using the available electric motors as a guide, several commercially available fuel cells were selected for analysis. To keep the budget reasonable, available fuel cells costing more than $10,000 were not considered. As a result, a database of six fuel cells was developing allowing a maximum power range of between 150 W to 2 kW. To provide hydrogen storage for the fuel cell stacks, metal hydride tanks with capacities varying from 18-370 SL of hydrogen were selected. Propellers were selected based on a survey of common propeller sizes used in the RC community. The selected design space was defined by propeller diameters ranging from 6-26 inches with pitch lengths varying from half the value of the propeller diameter up to a the length of the propeller diameter. Structural design was based on typical fiberglass and wood-based construction familiar to model builders working with this class of aircraft. Based on these techniques, an aspect ratio range of 10-20 was selected. Based on an estimated size of the aircraft, a wing area range of 10 ft2 to 15 ft2 was also selected for the design Figure 1. Conceptual design aircraft configurations. space. A standard aircraft configuration was chosen with a tractor propeller and empennage. To simplify both the analysis and the initial number of design variables, a straight wing with no taper and no washout was assumed. The increase in performance due to taper and/or washout was anticipated to be of secondary importance since the low power-to-weight ratio of available fuel cell stacks would require a high aspect ratio wing design. The aircraft fuselage shape was initially determined using the volume and weight balance of the propulsion components. Since the fuel cell was the heaviest component, the motor, battery, and fuel cell were located so that the center of gravity of the aircraft would lie near the center of gravity of the fuel cell. Two streamlined fuselage shapes were then fit around the volume of the components. The first shape was a streamlined shape with the fuselage structure extending to the tail of the aircraft (see the top two fuselage shapes in Figure 1). The second shape consisted of a tadpole like fuselage where more severe curvature was used to enclose the rear of the fuselage, and then an exterior tailboom was used to support the empennage (see the bottow two fuselage shapes in Figure 1). For each fuselage, the wing was allowed to be placed at either the top or bottom of the fuselage. The empennage was allowed to consist of either a conventional or V-tail configuration. In all, the two fuselage shapes, wing placements, and empennages result in eight standard configurations that were considered. Figure 1 shows four of these eight standard configurations. B. Contributing Analyses The analysis of the entire aircraft was decomposed into five CAs: Aerodynamic Simulation, Propeller/Fuel Cell/Motor Analysis, Weights Tabulation and Calculation, Performance Analysis, and Metal Hydride Hydrogen Storage. These CAs were then developed and tested in parallel before being linked into the DSM. 1. Aerodynamic Simulation Aerodynamic analysis of the eight different fuselage shapes combined with variable wing area and aspect ratio was performed using several different software packages. Initially, a spreadsheet program was used to determine the basic shape of the fuselage based on the geometry of the fuel cell, hydrogen tank(s), and the electric motor. This 3 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
spreadsheet program then fed the fuselage data in the Rapid Aircraft Modeler11 (RAM) program which in addition to rendering the fuselage, also generated the geometry of the wings and empennage. The model from RAM was then used to create input files for two aerodynamic analysis codes, the Boeing Design and Analysis12 (BDAP) code, and VORLAX13. BDAP was used to calculate drag due to skin friction. VORLAX is a vortex lattice code that was used to calculate lift and drag due to lift. Using both codes, the drag polar data and the static stability for each configuration was calculated. Validation for the aerodynamics analysis was accomplished by recreating aircraft configurations from textbooks and comparing the calculated vs. published results. 2. Propeller/Fuel Cell/Motor Analysis The propeller/fuel cell/motor analysis consists of analyses of the propeller, fuel cell, and electric motor. These analyses are linked and iteratively solved to determine the operating points of the propulsion system. These operating points are used to generate propulsive engine decks as a function of input parameters. These engine decks contain the propulsive power, thrust, and efficiency as a function of airspeed. In addition, weights, currents, voltages, efficiencies, and losses of each of the propulsion system components are also calculated. 2.1 Propeller Analysis One of the key areas of the propulsion analysis was developing a suitable propeller model for the scale being considered. Goldsteins vortex method for propeller analysis was chosen since it has been shown to be accurate for small scale aircraft propellers,14 and other propeller analysis methods, such as momentum theory are not recommended for propeller design.15 Using the Goldstein method, a computer analysis program was developed. The propeller input geometry used in the program was based on laser measurements of a typical RC class propeller14. The propeller program output was compared to and found to be in excellent agreement with experimental data for the given propeller geometry. Assuming the general pitch distribution and airfoil data to be consistent over a family of propellers similar to the input geometry propeller, the propeller pitch distribution and planform shape were scaled to allow for the analysis of propellers of different diameters and pitches. In addition, calibration factors were included in the code. These calibration factors were used in conjunction with experimental data to allow the code to predict performance of propellers with geometries that significantly varied from the propeller input geometry. 2.2 Fuel Cell Analysis Since the fuel cell would be purchased rather than be designed, the fuel cell analysis was based on the power, volume, and weight of available fuel cells. The polarization curves were obtained for six available fuel cells with total stack powers ranging from 150 W to 2 kW. Polynomial regressions of the polarization curves were used to simulate the fuel cell performance. This method of modeling the fuel cell powerplant ignores potentially significant aspects of the fuel cell system such as dynamic, thermal, and control system induced performance limitations. In a fuel cell aircraft application, dynamic performance limitations can be ignored because the operating pressure of the fuel cell is low, cold start capability is not necessary, and the bandwidth of pilot inputs is relatively low. Within these assumptions, static polarization curves have been shown to represent the performance and fuel consumption of fuel cell vehicles with good fidelity.16 2.3 Electric Motor Analysis The electric motor is modeled using a conventional lumped parameter equivalent circuit model of the motor, as shown in Figure 2. This model uses a no-load current (I0), motor internal resistance (Rm), controller resistance (Rcont), and motor voltage constant (Kv = m/Vm). Values of the lumped parameters are obtained from several different manufacturers of brushed and brushless DC motors. This modeling approach is recommended by one the leading electric motor manufacturers17. 3. Weight Tabulation and Calculation The weight of the aircraft was estimated primarily by using data from past aircraft built by the UAV Procurement Laboratory (UAVPL) at Georgia Tech. In some cases, such as with the wing, different construction techniques were used to build small sections of identical Figure 2. Equivalent circuit model for size. These sections were then weighed to develop volume and weight- electric motor analysis based scaling factors to be used in the analysis. Computer aided design
programs were used to estimate the weight of custom built parts from engineering drawings and from solid models. Manufacturer supplied weights were used for all commercially available parts. 4. Performance Analysis The Performance Analysis CA calculates the flight performance of the aircraft using the drag polar, aircraft weight, and engine deck of that configuration. To calculate the cruise performance, the Performance Analysis CA throttles the propulsion system to match the available thrust to the required thrust at the minimum drag airspeed. To calculate climb rates, the CA estimates the maximum climb rate based on available power. Takeoff distance is calculated with a model of the accelerating aircraft that includes estimates of ground effect. Thrust margin ratio is calculated using the maximum thrust available at minimum drag speed. 5. Metal Hydride Hydrogen Storage Modeling of the metal hydride hydrogen storage centered around attempting to model the rate and capacity of hydrogen desorption from the hydrogen storage bed. The rate of hydrogen desorption limits the maximum power available from the fuel cell and the hydrogen storage capacity limits the aircraft endurance. A simple heat transfer analysis shows the magnitude of the problem of heat transfer to the metal hydride tank. Because of the low thermal conductivity of the metal hydride powder, the thermal time constant of the metal hydride tank is very large,
therm =
To supply the hydrogen required for 500 W gross fuel cell output power, the change in temperature of the metal hydride bed is,
o C CMH , & T = MH = = 0.54 C 0 sec &m H MH mMH hAT mMH H WH 2
under isentropic conditions at 7 SL/min of hydrogen desorption. This represents a fundamental mismatch between the high rate of heat exchange required for producing hydrogen and a low rate of heat conductivity within the metal hydride bed. Although, these disadvantageous conditions cannot be changed through system design, the heat & removed from the system ( H ) can be reduced through improvement of the conditions of convective heat transfer. Practically, this can be accomplished by increasing the temperature and velocity of the convective fluid and increasing the wetted surface area. The rate can also be increased by using a liquid convective medium rather than a gas. For the conceptual design of the metal hydride tank systems two numerical simulations are constructed. Both of these models are not well suited to the requirements of the conceptual design, but constitute first order approximations of the performance of the metal hydride tank systems. The first simulation consists of a steady state model incorporating a continuous solution for the temperature profile within the metal hydride bed with conduction and constant/homogeneous heat generation, a thermal resistance model of conduction within the steel container, and a thermal resistance model of convection to the environment. This steady state model is a similar model to VanHanen, 199618. This model cannot represent the pressure and temperature dependence of the hydrogen desorption rate, but was used to calculate the maximum hydrogen release rate for each candidate metal hydride tank. The second simulation consists of a lumped parameter model that uses the heat of hydride formation to calculate the bulk temperature of the metal hydride bed as a function of time and hydrogen flow rate. The model assumes that there is convective heat transfer with the environment and that the temperature of the MH bed is constant in space. This model uses the experimental results of Inomata, 1998 to calculate the time history of the MH tank pressure, temperature, convective heat transfer, reacted fraction and reaction rate19. Additional inputs to the model include ambient temperature, tank dimensions, convective thermal resistance and more. Because this lumped parameter model does represent the pressure and temperature dependence of the hydrogen desorption rate, it was used to calculate whether the capacity of the metal hydride bed is heat transfer limited or capacity limited, but because the Biot number of the system is > 4 for forced water convection, the isothermal approximation is invalid, and the results are only an approximation. The metal hydride hydrogen tanks are specified to provide 60 SL of hydrogen capacity and a flight time of approximately 40 mins. 5 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
C. Design Structure Matrix In order to analyze an aircraft configuration, each CA was arranged into a Design Structure Matrix (DSM). The order of the CAs within the DSM was arranged so that only one feedback loop was required (see Figure 3). This feedback loop returned fuel cell efficiency and power data from the Performance Analysis CA to the Metal Hydride Hydrogen Storage CA. The Metal Hydride Hydrogen Storage CA would then perform a check to make sure that a sufficient flow rate of hydrogen was available for the given performance requirements. Design variable inputs to the DSM included wing properties, fuel cell properties, electric motor properties, fuselage and empennage properties, metal hydride tank type and quantity and propeller properties. These inputs were chosen as the design variables. Using fixed point iteration, the intermediate Figure 3. Design Structure Matrix with inputs and outputs variables within the DSM are converged resulting in a viable design configuration. A host of variables were output for each viable design configuration. Two main responses were tracked. The first was defined as a thrust margin ratio (Tr). Using a given airspeed, the thrust margin ratio was defined to be the amount of available thrust divided by the amount of required thrust. This response was to be maximized. The second main response was the overall propulsion system efficiency at a given airspeed. This response was also to be maximized. Many combinations of design variable inputs result in infeasible designs that are not capable of flight. Infeasible designs were defined as designs without sufficient power for steady level flight at the minimum drag airspeed. If a design was infeasible, no data was output from the DSM. Feasible designs took about 2 seconds to converge using a typical Pentium 4 computer. Infeasible designs were recognized and discarded in a fraction of a second. D. Design Space Exploration Once the DSM was completed, the design space could be explored to identify optimum designs. Zero-order methods, gradient based methods, stochastic methods, and design of experiments were considered for design space exploration. Since very little was known about the general behavior of the design space, a zero-order grid search was selected. Using a grid search would allow the whole design space to be mapped so that trends could be identified. A grid search was also easy to implement and did not require the design space to be smooth or differentiable. Implementing a grid search required discretization of the design space. Since analyzing one case or set of input variables in the DSM took approximately 2 seconds, attention had to be given regarding the number of cases in which to populate the design space. The final discretization consisted of 20 motors with 2 separate gear ratios, 6 fuel cells, 53 propellers, 6 metal hydride hydrogen storage tanks, 5 different aspect ratios, 5 different wing areas, and 8 different aerodynamic configurations. This discretization resulted in over 15.2 million cases. Since a majority of cases were infeasible, full execution of the discretized design space could be Figure 4. Thrust margin and propulsive efficiency. completed in under 2 days.
E. Conceptual Design Results Execution of the DSM over the discretized design space resulted in approximately 2,000 feasible designs. This small number of feasible designs was expected as the power to weight ratio of the available and affordable fuel cells was poor. However, a family of feasible aircraft designs was located. Figure 4 shows a scatter plot of the data. The conceptual designs contained in Figure 4 are mostly based on fuel cell stack powers of 500 W to 800 W. Although a few designs at powers as low as 300 W were feasible, these designs had very small thrust margin ratios at the minimum drag airspeed. Below 300 W, virtually all designs examined by the analysis were infeasible. The designs with the highest propulsive efficiency and the highest thrust margin ratios were located on both the upper-limit wing area and aspect ratio constraint boundaries. Feasible total aircraft weights were centered in the 20 to 30 lb range with the best performing designs weighing around 30 lbs. The weight was primarily driven by the mass of the fuel cell. The highest efficiency was mainly a function of the motor/propeller. Larger power motors with low voltage constants and high gear ratios were able to turn large propellers at low current and low rpm. This proved to be more efficient than turning smaller propellers at higher rpm. Since the higher power fuel cells were better matched to the larger motors and propellers, higher propulsive efficiency was found for the higher power fuel cell stacks. In the majority of the best performing aircraft, the fuel cell current at cruise was very close to the fuel cells peak operating current. By investigating this, it was found that matching the proper electric motor and propeller for a given fuel cell power and airspeed was the biggest factor in determining a successful design. In order to choose the feasible designs in which to pursue further analysis for the detailed design study, a few criterions were developed. The first criterion was that the minimum thrust margin ratio should be 3. This criterion was based on historical data of other aircraft in roughly the same aircraft class20. The second criterion was that propulsive efficiency at cruise should be greater than 38%. The final criterion was that maximum current draw should at least 10% below the peak fuel cell stack current. The last criterion was to help protect the fuel cell from being driven outside of its design range. Based on these criterions, three basic aircraft configurations were selected for further comparison. These aircraft along with a few performance parameters are given in Table 1. Each of the designs in Table 1 had the same wing area (Sw = 15 ft2), aspect ratio (AR = 20), and used three 20L metal hydride tanks. However, each aircraft had a slightly different wing, tail, and fuselage configuration. The 300 W plane had a conventional tail, tadpole fuselage, and high wing. The 500 W and 800 W aircraft had V-tails with low wings. The 500 W aircraft Figure 5. Conceptual design aircraft using a 500W used a streamlined fuselage while the 800 W aircraft had fuel cell. a tadpole fuselage. Table 1. Best conceptual aircraft designs.
Aircraft 300 W Fuel Cell 500 W Fuel Cell 800 W Fuel Cell
Takeoff Endurance (Distance, (min) Time) 67 43 37 72ft, 4.5s 106ft, 5.8s 69ft, 3.6s
After further studying the designs in Table 1, it was decided to move to a more detailed design based on the 500 W fuel cell airplane design. This decision was primarily influenced by the availability of the 500 W fuel cell. Inquiries were made into purchasing either the 500 W or 800 W fuel cells. The 500 W fuel cell showed the greatest efficiency at cruise but the 800 W fuel cell displayed the best thrust margin ratio. Unfortunately, the 800 W fuel cell was not immediately available and would have to be custom built. Due to budget and time constraints, the decision
was made to select the 500 W fuel cell design to use for the demonstrator aircraft. A picture of the 500 W fuel cell demonstrator aircraft geometry is shown in Figure 5. The 500 W fuel cell stack selected is model number 64-32 manufactured by BCS Fuel Cell, Inc. The fuel cell is a forced-flow model consisting of a stack of 32 fuel cells.
With a completed conceptual design, a more detailed design was begun. This detailed design focused on design and integration of the fuel cell system as well as improving the aerodynamic design of the aircraft. The full design of the demonstrator aircraft was also developed. A. Fuel Cell System Design and Integration With a completed conceptual design, a number of design requirements were left to be resolved in the lower-level powerplant system design. These included design of the hydrogen delivery and refueling system, thermal management system, and air management and system dynamic response. Relevant analysis tools and design solutions were developed and are summarized below. The 500 W BCS fuel cell selected in the conceptual design is self-humidified and requires an air manifold pressure of 5 psig and a hydrogen manifold pressure of 3 psig. The fuel cell balance of plant systems are designed for a cathode stoichiometry of 2 and 90% hydrogen utilization. The required air flow and hydrogen flow rates are shown in Figure 6. Figure 6. Theoretical reactant flow rates of 1. Air Management The air management system is required to maintain constant 500W BCS fuel cell. Flow rates were used for pressure at the cathode of the fuel cell system and provide design of hydrogen storage and balance of plant stoichiometry of 2.0, anode variable flow rate control. Variable flow rate control is (cathode particularly important in a self-humidified fuel cell system stoichiometry of 1.1). because of the risk of under-humidification at low current densities. The 5 psig cathode pressure is regulated with a calibrated ball valve (Microchek 14B14B-5 psi, Lodi, CA). Flow rate is controlled by pulsewidth modulation (PWM) of two diaphragm compressors (T-Squared Manuf. T202, Lincoln Park, NJ). These compressors are powered from a 24 V output DC-DC converter that is powered from the fuel cell bus voltage. By using two compressors, and turning one of the compressors off when low flow is required, higher high flow rates and lower low flow rates are achievable than is possible with a single compressor. 2. Hydrogen Storage and Management The hydrogen tanks chosen in the conceptual design were 3 MmNi4.1Fe0.9 metal hydride tanks. These hydrogen storage tanks desorb hydrogen via an endothermic reaction. Because the hydrogen desorption rate is temperature and pressure dependent, heat transfer to the reaction must occur in order to maintain a given reaction rate. To provide adequate hydrogen adsorption rates, the metal hydride hydrogen storage system is designed with three cylindrical tanks (BL20HHX, Hydrogen Components Inc., Littleton, CO). The tanks are contained within a manifold and are in circulating contact with the fuel cell cooling water. The metal hydride hydrogen storage system is shown in Figure 7. Pressure relief, a fill port and the pressure regulator are integrated into the hydrogen manifold. Figure 7. Hydrogen storage system. During hardware-in-the-loop bench top testing that included 8 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
simulation of a flight sequence, the hydrogen storage system provides 40 SL of usable hydrogen and 7 min 5 sec of flight time. These results differs substantially from the predictions obtained from the conceptual design task. 3. Thermal Management A liquid cooling circuit provides temperature regulation for the fuel cell and the metal hydride hydrogen storage tanks. During flight, heat produced by the fuel cell is rejected into the coolant stream. The coolant is circulated through the metal hydride coolant manifold and provides the enthalpy of hydrogen formation to the metal hydride bed. By removing fuel cell waste heat from the coolant stream, the radiator can be downsized. This hypothesis was tested using a high-level fuel cell system model that incorporates heat transfer to and from the fuel cell, coolant water, metal hydride tanks, radiator and thermostatic controller. This simulation incorporates transport Figure 8. Air management system performance delays due to coolant water flow rate. The total power absorbed at 5 psi cathode pressure by the metal hydride tanks is 120 W at the peak fuel cell hydrogen consumption of 7 SL/min. This represents 22% of the 550 W total cooling requirement of the fuel cell at peak power and allows for a roughly equivalent reduction in radiator heat rejection capacity. 4. Controls The functions of the fuel cell controller are: Thermostatic Fan Control This function turns on the radiator fans when the fuel cell temperature is greater than 50 C. Open Loop Compressor PWM An inductive current sensor measures the current output of the fuel cell. This function reads the current sensor and calculates the required PWM conditions for the compressors. The compressor control is openloop. Mode Control There are three modes of fuel cell controller operation: Idle, Purge, and Fly. In Idle mode the fuel cell system is not producing power. Purge mode allows the fuel cell controller to purge the cathode manifold of the fuel cell at startup or shutdown. Fly mode is the normal mode of operation that includes active control of the fuel cell system. The Open Loop Compressor Purging Cycle During Purge mode, the controller controls the compressors to operate at maximum flow rate to purge the cathode manifold of the fuel cell. Thermostatic Shutdown When the maximum operating temperature of the fuel cell (65 C) is exceeded, the fuel cell system is shut down and the controller returns to Idle mode. Voltage Limit Shutdown When the minimum operating voltage of the fuel cell (10 V) is exceeded, the fuel cell system is shut down and the controller returns to Idle mode.
Figure 9. Hydrogen utilization and purge hydrogen flow of fuel cell system
Figure 10. Hydrogen purge cycle effect on hydrogen flow rate and anode manifold pressure
Hydrogen Pressure Shutdown When the minimum operating hydrogen pressure at the anode (1 psi) is exceeded, the fuel cell system is shut down and the controller returns to Idle mode. Traction Motor Controller Enable When the fuel cell controller is in Fly mode the aircraft electric motor controller is enabled. At all other times, the motor controller is disabled. Purge Valve Control The fuel cell controller provides a signal to the anode purge valve to purge the fuel cell anode manifold. The purge cycle is adjustable between 5 and 60 seconds and the purge period is 0.3 seconds.
5. Fuel Cell System Performance To validate the design and demonstrate the function of the entire fuel cell system, the fuel cell system was tested in the laboratory before implementation in the fuel cell aircraft. The controlled behavior of the air management system is shown in Figure 8. For air flow demands under 15 SLPM the controller uses only one compressor, this allows the air management system to reach a stable minimum airflow of 7 SLPM. For greater air flow demands, both compressors can be used to achieve a maximum airflow of 33 SLPM. The controlled behavior of the hydrogen purging system is shown in Figure 10. This plot shows the rate of hydrogen flow into the fuel cell and the anode manifold pressure as a function of time. The purge cycle occurs every 8 seconds and has a purge period of 0.3 seconds. Because of rate limitations of the metal hydride hydrogen storage tanks and the dynamics of the hydrogen regulator, there is a dip in anode pressure during the purge cycles. Because the purge frequency of the anode is always constant, the purging cycle has an effect on the hydrogen utilization of the fuel cell system, as shown in Figure 9. The purge hydrogen flow represents the test averaged rate of hydrogen flow rate that is purged from the anode manifold. Because very little hydrogen is being consumed by the fuel cell at low current conditions, the hydrogen utilization is very low. At maximum current, the hydrogen utilization is Figure 11. Accessory power breakdown for fuel cell system maximized at 91%. A total usable output power of 458 W is available from the 500 W rated fuel cell system. The balance of the power between the system net output power and the 568 W gross output from the fuel cell is consumed by accessory loads. Figure 11 shows the breakdown of the power consumed by the accessory loads as a function of fuel cell system output current. All powers refer to power taken at the fuel cell bus voltage, so the compressor power consumption includes the power consumption of the 24 V DCDC converter that powers the compressors. The 8.3 W of power consumed intermittently by the cooling system fan is not included in this graph. The compressors make up the largest part of the power consumed by the fuel cell system. The water pump, purge valve and microcontroller hardware consume a constant 11.2 W. Overall, the fuel cell system including balance of plant and hydrogen storage has a specific power of 40.8 W/kg and a specific energy of 3.5 Wh/kg. B. Demonstrator Aircraft Aerodynamic Design Using the conceptual design results as a starting point, the aerodynamic design of the demonstrator aircraft was further studied and improved. The aerodynamic configuration was slightly changed by making the propulsion system into a pusher rather than tractor configuration. The wing and empennage designs were also changed from the conceptual design. Finally, the tail and wing control surfaces were sized based on control requirements. 1. Aerodynamic Code Selection For the detailed aerodynamic design, WINGS2004 was chosen as the primary aerodynamic code. WINGS2004 is a potential flow code for multiple lifting surfaces based on modified lifting-line theory21. WINGS2004 was 10 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
selected over the VORLAX code used in the conceptual design because it allowed for faster execution times, and was easier to use for calculating trimmed conditions as well as stability and control derivatives. 2. Aircraft Configuration Selection The aircraft selected in the conceptual design was a 30 conventional low-wing tractor propeller design with a streamlined fuselage and a V-tail. As the fuselage design progressed, a pusher propeller design was considered since a more aggressive 25 rear taper could be facilitated with a pusher design. It was assumed that a more aggressive rear fuselage taper could decrease Tractor 20 both drag and weight. To compare both fuselages, aerodynamic Pusher models were created in WINGS2004. Both configurations used the straight rectangular wing suggested in the conceptual design. 15 The same amount of tail area placed at the same distance behind the main wing was also used for the empennage of both 10 configurations. However, the tractor design empennage had a V 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 tail whereas the pusher design used an inverted V-tail. The fuselage drag characteristics for both fuselages were calculated CL using a method suggested by Roskam22. The L/D comparison of both configurations is shown in Figure 12. Since the pusher Figure 12. Tractor and pusher propeller design displayed a higher L/D for the same lift coefficient (CL), it configuration comparison. was selected for the demonstrator aircraft. 3. Airfoil Selection The wing airfoil was selected by perusing low speed airfoil wind tunnel data collected by the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign23. Airfoils were examined that had a design CL near the design CL calculated in the conceptual design. Additional attention was also given to airfoil thickness as well as low Reynolds number performance and stall characteristics. The results were narrowed to two airfoils, the 33.73 33.73 SD7062 and the Clark Y airfoil. The aircraft 32.758 32.11 0 0 wing design from the conceptual design aircraft 30.49 30.49 was then modeled in WINGS2004 using both the SD7062 and Clark Y airfoils. The SD7062 31.8877 31.8877 29.42472 30.83273 resulted in higher values of L/D and also 0.1096 0.1249 displayed better stall characteristics and was 22.3682 22.3682 thus chosen as the demonstrator aircraft airfoil
Weight L/D
Design CL
Design CL
0.80682 0.72726
0.032 4. Wing Planform Shape 0.55931 0.55931 The conceptual design specified a straight 66.1928 66.1928 rectangular wing with an aspect ratio of 20 and 2 47.6992 49.23326 wing area of 15 ft . However, both the aspect 1.4731 1.6792 ratio and wing area occurred at the maximum 41.9151 41.9151 allowed values. To more fully study the effect 1.43071 1.43071 of wing area and aspect ratio around the 1.116015 1.039661 0.0309 0.0352 conceptual design wing, a three-level full0.99313 0.99313 factorial design of experiments (DOE) was 4.9199 4.9199 conducted. This DOE allowed the wing area to 2 4.297233 4.495917 vary using levels of 10, 15, and 20 ft . The 0.0192 0.0218 2.51262 aspect ratio levels were also set at 10, 15, and 2.51262 20. For each case in the DOE, a drag polar was 442000 442000 calculated using WINGS2004. For each DOE 294360 263333.3 10565 12043 case, the fuselage design was fixed. The tail 245165 245165 design was also fixed based on dimensions 17 15 20 from the conceptual design aircraft. The drag Sw Sw AR polar was used to calculated the maximum L/D. The lift coefficient corresponding to the Figure 13. Wing design response surface results.
Velocity Thrust Req Thrust Margin Re #
0.764956 0.0365
Re #
Thrust Margin
Thrust Req
17 AR
maximum L/D was then chosen as the design CL. The velocity for steady level flight at the design CL was then calculated. In addition, using the optimum motor and propeller combination selected in the conceptual design, the thrust margin ratio at the flight velocity was then calculated. To gain further insight into the wing design, second-order Response Surface Equations (RSEs) were fit to the DOE data using a least-squares regression. The weight, L/D, design CL, velocity, thrust required, thrust margin ratio, and Reynolds number were treated as the response variables with the wing area and aspect ratio used as the design variables. The RSE regression provided an excellent fit to the data with coefficient of determination values greater than 0.96 (R2 > 0.96) for each of the responses. The RSEs were then used to study the trends of each of the responses as a function of the design variables. Figure 13 shows how each of the RSEs behave as a function of the design variables. The red lines in Figure 13 correspond to individual design points on the response surface. Values given on the x-axis show the current value of the design point as well as the ranges of the design variables. Values on the y-axis show the range of the response variables, as well as the current design point values and corresponding uncertainty. The curves show the RSE behavior around the design point. Overall, the RSEs showed that increasing the aspect ratio had the biggest influence on all responses except for the weight and flight velocity. The weight was a function solely of wing area since commercially available composite spars were not available with a wall thickness thin enough to save weight for the decreased bending loads of smaller aspect ratio wings. Since flight velocity is primarily a function of wing loading, it is a strong function of wing area. The RSEs show that although increasing the aspect ratio improves performance, it also increases the design lift coefficient making the aircraft fly closer to stall. In addition, increasing the aspect ratio reduces the Reynolds number which increases drag. Adding wing area slightly increases the thrust required. However, 4 4.5 4.75 Re # 4.25 adding wing area also decreases the flight velocity. Since fixed pitch 3.75 propeller thrust typically increases with decreasing velocity, this caused the thrust margin ratio to increase with increased wing area despite the 3.5 slight increase in required thrust. Since maximizing the thrust margin ratio would give the aircraft better flight performance, this response variable was used to help 3.25 Thrust Margin determine a target wing area and aspect ratio for further design. The contour plot in Figure 14 shows how the thrust margin ratio changes with 3 both wing area and aspect ratio. The region of the contour plot with a thrust margin ratio less than four is considered non-feasible and is thus 2.75 shaded in blue. Using a thrust margin ratio of 4 as a constraint boundary versus the thrust margin of 3 used in the conceptual design was due to 10 Sw 20 differences in assumptions used in the aerodynamic analysis. The data in Figure 14 did not include drag due to the landing gear. Neglecting this Figure 14. Wing design contour plot. drag as well as using the improved pusher fuselage resulted in higher thrust margin ratios. The second boundary shown on Figure 14 deals with the Reynolds number. Based on wind tunnel data for the SD7062 airfoil, a Reynolds number constraint boundary for the wing was set at 275,000. This constraint limits designs of extremely high aspect ratios including the preliminary wing design. Based solely on Figure 14, setting the wing area at 20 and the aspect ratio near 20 provides the highest thrust margin ratio within the DOE limits and Reynolds number constraint. However, concerns about being close to the low Reynolds number constraint, increasing the design lift coefficient, and building such a high aspect ratio wing were raised. As a compromise, a design decision was made to set the wing area at 17 ft2 and the aspect ratio at 17. Values of the design and response variables for this design are contained in the right side of Figure 13. Similarly, values of the design and response variables for the conceptual design aircraft are contained in the left side of Figure 13. Although increasing the wing area and lowering the aspect ratio gave an overall slight decrease in thrust margin ratio (4.5 to 4.3), this wing design increased the wing chord and increased the Reynolds number for cruise from 263,333 to 294,360. Although a rectangular wing of AR = 17 provides a low overall induced drag, the high aspect ratio results in poor span efficiency. To improve the span efficiency, taper was added to the outer 38 inches of each wing. The taper ratio was set at 8/12. This allowed for an 8 inch chord section at the wingtips. This 8 inch chord provided a tip Reynolds number at cruise near 200,000. Data on the SD7062 airfoil at this Reynolds number showed some increase in drag but not enough to outweigh the improved span efficiency. However, it was decided not reduce the tip chord any further due to a more drastic increase in drag at Reynolds numbers below 200,000. The 38 inch span of the tapered section was chosen as a compromise to help improve span efficiency without drastically increasing 12 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
10 AR 20
the wingspan. Since the wing area was held constant, adding the tapered wing segments increased the aspect ratio from 17 to 19.2. The L/D ratios for each of the wing designs considered is shown in Figure 15. Note that increasing the span efficiency by adding taper allows for higher L/D ratios than the conceptual design, even though the conceptual design had a slightly higher aspect ratio.
35 30 25 20
5. Empennage Design 15 Sw=15,AR = 20, No Taper The empennage was designed using an inverted V-tail design. 10 The inverted V-tail was placed 44 inches behind the chord of the Sw=17,AR=17, No Taper main wing. This placement was based mainly on the available 5 Sw=17,AR=19.2,Taper=8/12 length of the composite tailbooms. The V-tail airfoil was selected to be a NACA0009 with a 10 inch chord. By fixing the location 0 behind the main wing as well as the airfoil chord, two variables 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 could be used to describe the inverted V-tail: the horizontal spacing CL between the bottom of the inverted V, and the height. The tail was sized based on satisfying two stability variables, the static margin and the yawing moment coefficient. Based on previous aircraft Figure 15. Lift over drag ratio for wing designs as well as suggestions in Phillips15, a static margin of 25 and design iterations. a yawing moment coefficient of 0.04 were selected as target values. To meet these target values, an iterative scheme was used. The iterative scheme took an existing inverted V-tail design and then calculated derivates of both the static margin and yawing moment coefficient with respect to the width and the height of the tail. These derivatives were then used to predict the dimensions of the inverted V-tail yielding the target stability values. Using the new dimension to specify a new tail design, the method was repeated until the target values were met. The final tail design has a horizontal spacing of 40 inches and a height of 16.6 inches with an angle of 100.56 degrees between the two surfaces forming the inverted V. 6. Roll Stability Roll stability was achieved by adding dihedral to the tapered sections of the main wing. Based on meeting roll stability criteria set forth in Phillips15, 10 degrees of dihedral was needed.
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
7. Control Surface Sizing Motor = C50 13XL, Prop = 24x20 The aircraft was designed with flaps, ailerons, and ruddervators. The ruddervators were sized Motor = C50L, Prop = 20x18 based maintaining landing pitch and yaw authority Motor = C50 12XL, Prop = 23x18 with an 8 mph crosswind. The ailerons were chosen to extend the length of the tapered sections of the Motor = C50 17L, Prop = 22x18 wings. The aileron size was based on meeting handling qualities suggested in Phillips.15 The flaps 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 were included to help slow the aircraft for landing. The flap chordwise length was chosen to equal the Flight Velocity, ft/s chordwise length of the ailerons. The spanwise length of each flap was chosen based on available Figure 16. Optimal propeller and motor combinations based on fuel cell data from the conceptual design. area on the non-tapered section of the wing. C. Propulsion System In the conceptual design, the number of motor and propeller combinations analyzed were limited by the time it took to execute the propulsion analysis since each motor/propeller combination was analyzed for multiple fuel cells. Once the 500 W fuel cell was selected, the number of motor and propeller combinations could be expanded. The motor database was expanded from the 20 motors used in the conceptual design, to 308 motors. Similarly, the propeller database was expanded to 108 different commercially available propellers from five different manufacturers. These 108 propellers were selected from larger diameter propellers of higher pitch based on results from conceptual design. Every motor/propeller combination in the updated database was analyzed at flight velocities of 0 ft/s, 46 ft/s, and 60 ft/s. The 46 ft/s flight velocity represented the estimated cruise flight speed. 13 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
At the cruise speed, only 1.4% of the more than 30,000 combinations analyzed had a thrust margin 35 ratio greater than 4. Of these 1.4%, four motor/propeller combinations with the highest thrust 30 margins were chosen. The available thrust for these 25 motor/propeller combinations is shown in Figure 16. After further examining the results, it was found that 20 the Hacker C50-13XL not only had the best 15 performance, but also exhibited excellent performance when matched with the other BCS Supplied Data 10 propellers listed in Figure 16. After the Hacker C50-13XL motor had been 5 Actual Measured Data purchased, the motor was static tested with several 0 different propellers. It was found that the Bolly brand propellers gave good agreement with the 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 propeller analysis. This was expected since a Bolly geometry was used in the propeller input file. Current (A) However, other brand propellers of equal diameter and pitch varied in measured performance from the Figure 17. Comparison of actual and supplied fuel cell propeller model. To account for variances, polarization curves. calibration factors were calculated to allow the code to better predict the performance of various propellers from other manufacturers. The full propeller database was then updated to include the calibration factors for non-Bolly propellers and the all 108 propellers were reanalyzed with the Hacker C50-13XL motor. The result was that two best performing propellers changed from the 24x20 and 23x18 shown in Figure 16 to Bolly 24x24 and 22x20 propellers. After the Hacker C50-13XL motor had been purchased and tested with several of the purchased propellers, the fuel-cell system was completed and bench tested with the Hacker motor. The polarization curve measured on the actual fuel cell system slightly varied from the data provided by the manufacturer (see Figure 17). The main difference was that the fuel cell peak current was limited around 24 amps on the actual fuel cell verses the 35 amp peak limit given by the manufacturer. This difference in peak current was partially due to diverting power to the accessories. A higher peak current of 30 amps was achieved by using a secondary power source for the accessories but still represents a departure from the data provided by the manufacturer. Since the difference in peak current was significant, the propulsion system analysis was re-executed using the actual measured data with a peak current of 24 amps. 10 To handle the change in peak current, the propulsion code was slightly modified. The code 5 previously used a high negative slope for the voltage vs. current in the region beyond the peak current. In 0 addition, motor/propeller combinations that required currents in excess of a few amps beyond the peak 0 20 40 60 80 current when operating at max throttle were -5 Hacker B50 17XL (24x24) eliminated. In the modified code, if a motor/propeller Hacker C50 13XL (22x20) combination required more than the peak current, the Hacker B50 14XL (22x20) -10 throttle was adjusted within the code to draw exactly NEU 1515 1.5Y (22x20) the peak current. This method gave better agreement -15 between propulsion bench tests than the earlier version Airspeed, ft/s of the code. Using the modified code and updated fuel cell polarization data slightly changed the optimum Figure 18. Motor/Propeller performance relative to motor/propeller selection. The resulting optimal Hacker C50 13XL motor with Bolly 22x20 propeller. motors were of a similar class as the Hacker C50- Propeller diameter and pitch for each motor is shown in 13XL motor but typically had lower voltage constants. parenthesis. However, the Hacker C50-13XL was still one of the best performing motors. Figure 18 shows the motor/propeller performance of three other motor/propeller combinations relative to the C50-13XL motor and Bolly 22x20 prop. Although the other motor/propeller
Percent Change in Thrust
Voltage (V)
combinations can provide as much as 5% more available thrust for a range of airspeeds, all of these motors provide less thrust at higher airspeeds. The only motor in Figure 18 that was immediately available was the NEU 1515-1.5Y motor. This motor was purchased and bench tested with the Fuel Cell. Unfortunately, this motor did not perform as well as predicted and could not match the performance of the Hacker C50-13XL. Further investigation showed that excessive losses in the NEU planetary gearbox were causing the decrease in performance. As a result, the Hacker motor was chosen as the final motor for the demonstrator aircraft. The final demonstrator aircraft design is shown in Figure 19.
Figure 19. Fuel cell demonstrator aircraft design. D. Demonstrator Aircraft Construction The demonstrator aircraft was built by the UAV Procurement Laboratory (UAVPL) at the Georgia Institute of Technology. The fuselage and the main wing section extending to the tailbooms were built out of fiberglass using a specially designed mold. Plywood was used in several places in the fuselage for reinforcing critical stress areas. The wings were built using foam cores sheeted with balsa wood and covered with Ultracoat. Phenolic tubes of 1 inch inner diameter were inserted into the foam cores and used as sleeves for a 161.4 inch long composite spar. The composite spar had an outer diameter of 1 inch with a wall thickness of 0.059 inches. The tailbooms were made from 0.75 inch inner diameter carbon fiber tubes with a wall thickness of 0.035 inches. The tail surfaces wer built using a foam core sheeted with balsa wood and covered with Ultracoat. The landing gear were machined out of aluminum and used standard model aircraft tires. The final weight breakdown of the demonstrator aircraft is shown in Table 2. Table 2 also contains the predicted weight breakdown of the demonstrator aircraft. Note that there were significant errors in predicting the weight of the aircraft. All of the aircraft components were heavier than their predicted weights. The largest error in weight prediction was for the actual aircraft structure. Both the fuselage and empennage predicted weights were nearly half what was measured when the plane was completed. These prediction errors were traced to omission of significant components in the weight predictions, departures from the specified aircraft construction, and a lack of a detailed engineering design of the aircraft structure. The most significant error was due to omission of significant components. The propulsion system was overweight by 18.39% mainly because more components were needed than were planned for. The weight predictions of the wings and tail were also significantly off since components such as glue, the phenolic tubes, hinges, and attachments screws were not included in the estimate. Another significant error was due to departures made from the specified aircraft design. This error was very evident in the fuselage. UAVPL made a very optimistic fuselage weight estimation based on a structural design that used only a few layers of fiberglass throughout the fuselage skin. However, the fuselage was built much more conservatively using a much thicker fiberglass skin. This caused the fuselage weight to be almost three times more than predicted weight since much of the fuselage had unnecessary layers of fiberglass. Finally, the lack of a detailed structural design also contributed to increased weight. Most of the structural design and weight predictions were provided by the UAVPL. These predictions were formulated using historical data from UAVs of a smaller class. The typical UAVs built in the past by the UAVPL were limited primarily by available materials and construction methods. As a result, the typical materials and aircraft construction methods were more than adequate for the structural loads encountered by the small UAVs thus requiring little engineering 15 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
structural design. Unfortunately, the demonstrator aircraft size and weight proved to be significantly outside the UAVPLs historical database. As the plane was being built and problems with the structure arose, several structural reinforcing elements were added that were absent from the weight predictions. Since most of these changes occurred during building, little analysis was performed to actually minimize the weight of any design changes. Table 2. Predicted and actual weight breakdown of the demonstrator aircraft.
Actual Weight (lbf) 6.27 0.68 1.59 1.03 0.67 5.25 1.56 14.06 7.05 2.23 0.73 0.68 1.82 8.53 1.70 6.81 26.57 43.61 Percentage Predicted of Total Weight (lbf) Weight 14.37% 2.15 1.56% 0.64 3.64% 1.48 2.37% 0.51 1.53% 0.29 12.04% 2.53 3.58% 1.54 32.24% 14.00 16.17% 4.63 5.10% 2.03 1.68% 1.55% 4.17% 1.78 19.57% 3.90% 15.62% 60.92% 4.27 0.80 4.06 22.44 31.57 Percent Error 191.57% 5.29% 7.50% 103.95% 127.66% 107.92% 1.54% 0.45% 52.39% 9.59% Description Fuselage Weight Receivers, Batteries, Cables, etc. Landing Gear Tail with nylon bolts Tailbooms left wing wing spar Fuel Cell Hydrogen Tank assembly Radiator and H2O Air filter, Tubing, and Converter CPU Assembly Motor, Speed Controller, Prop Fuselage Total Weight Empennage Total Weight Wing Total Weight Propulsion Total Weight Total Weight
To determine how the extra weight would 450 4 influence the performance, the Weight Tabulation 400 3.5 and Calculation CA was updated to include the actual demonstrator weight. Similarly, the 350 3 Aerodynamics CA was updated to include the most 300 2.5 recent WINGS2004 drag polar. The actual 250 measured fuel cell polarization data was also input 2 into the Motor/Fuel Cell/Propeller CA. The DSM in 200 1.5 Figure 3 was then executed for airspeeds ranging 150 from stall to the maximum predicted airspeed (see Fuel Cell Available Power 1 DC Power Required (43.6 lbs) 100 Figure 20). DC Power Required (35.9 lbs) 0.5 50 Thrust Margin Ratio (43.6 lbs) Figure 20 shows both the required DC power Thrust Margin Ratio (35.9 lbs) from the fuel cell as well the available fuel cell DC 0 0 power. The curves are limited by the stall speed on 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 the left, and the maximum cruise speed on the right. Airspeed, ft/s Note that the available DC power decreases slightly with higher airspeeds. At higher airspeeds the propeller begins to unload until it reaches a point to Figure 20. Required and available direct current power where the motor/propeller combination can no for steady level flight of the demonstrator aircraft. longer draw the peak current from the fuel cell stack. Figure 20 also shows the DC power required for steady level flight as a function of airspeed for aircraft of two different weights, 35.9 lbs and 34.6 lbs. Note that the minimum DC power required occurs at the stall airspeed for both aircraft weights. As a result, for low power applications, the aircraft will need to cruise near its stall speed. 16 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Thrust Margin Ratio Power, W
Figure 21. Demonstrator aircraft shown before the first test flight. The added weight and updated fuel cell information had a dramatic effect on the thrust margin ratio, dropping the maximum Tr to around 2.5. This thrust margin ratio is below the constraint of 3 used in the conceptual design and the more stringent constraint of 4 used in selecting the wing area. Although, technically the aircraft still has enough power for steady level flight, the demonstrator aircraft does not meet the design criteria for thrust margin ratio. In addition, the sensitivity of the thrust margin ratio to weight can be seen by examining the results based on an aircraft weight of 35.9 lbs. Decreasing the weight from 43.6 lbs to 35.9 lbs increases the maximum thrust margin ratio from 2.5 to 3.1
To validate the performance models embedded within the DSM, a series of bench-top tests were performed. These tests compared the measured performance (fuel cell voltage, fuel cell current, motor speed, static thrust, noload current, and voltage constant) of the hardware against its modeled performance for a subset of the design space permutations. All permutations were tested using the 500 W BCS fuel cell with two different electric motors (Hacker C50 13XL and NEU 1515 1.5Y) and two propellers (Bolly 22x20 and Bolly 24x24). Sample results from one of these validations using the Hacker C50 13XL and the Bolly 22x20 prop is shown in Figure 22. As shown in Figure 22, the Propeller/Fuel Cell/Motor CA accurately predicts the fuel cell voltage and current as well as the motor speed. In addition, the modeled static thrust of the Hacker C50 13XL using either propeller was also in agreement with the bench test data. Initially, the motor speed and static thrust results for the NEU 1515 1.5Y motor did not show as good as agreement as the Hacker C50 13XL motor. Analysis of the data showed that the NEU motor efficiency was about 10% below what was predicted. The lumped parameter values of the NEU motor were then experimentally measured. It was found that the noFigure 22. Comparison of measured and modeled load current of the NEU motor was much higher than powertrain performance expected due to excessive losses in the 6.7:1 planetary gearbox. Adjusting the no-load current to reflect the measured values provided excellent agreement between the modeled and tested performance. Based on these results, it was determined that Propeller/Fuel Cell/Motor CA was very useful in providing data needed for accurately exploring the design space. To validate the models of the aerodynamic performance of the aircraft, a comparison was made between the results of two separate aerodynamic analysis codes, WINGS2004 and WINGDES. WINGS2004 is a Utah State 17 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
University (USU) potential flow code for multiple lifting surfaces based on modified lifting-line theory. WINGDES is a NASA-developed, vortex-lattice based potential flow code that can calculate flow separation.24 The results of this comparison are shown in Figure 23. Both codes predict nearly the same aircraft aerodynamic properties up to a CL of 0.8. At this point, WINGDES predicts flow separation that cannot be predicted with the WINGS2004 code. The very close correlation between the two codes provides some measure of validation of the aerodynamic performance calculation routines at lower values of CL. To validate the models of the aerodynamic performance and verify the stability of the demonstrator aircraft without risking the fuel cell, several batterypowered flight tests were performed. A sample of the output data from one of the flight tests is presented in Figure 24. This flight test was performed on September 21, 2005. The airplane was loaded with ballast to bring the total weight to 35.9 lbs. The aircraft began takeoff at a time of 0 sec. The aircraft touched down on the runway at a time of 107 sec. Because the power available from the battery was greater than the power available from the fuel cell powerplant, the control system of the aircraft was Figure 23. Comparison of aircraft aerodynamic equipped with a power limiting mode. This mode limits performance as calculated using independent the battery-powered aircraft to the same power as the fuel aerodynamic analyses cell-powered aircraft (approximately 450 W). The first 45 seconds shown in Figure 24 correspond to takeoff, climb out, and the first turn of the aircraft. For this portion of the flight, the constant peak power of approximately 450 W was used. After demonstrating that the aircraft could takeoff, climb, and turn using 450 W of power, the pilot used the manual override to make the full 700 W of battery power available for his final turn and landing approach. As a precaution, the pilot wanted adequate power in case an abort was necessary during the landing approach. The 35.9 lb curves shown in Figure 20 correspond to the test flight weight shown in Figure 24. Unfortunately, problems with the aircraft pitot tube hindered the collection of any valid airspeed data to validate the data in Figure 20. Unfortunately, the demonstrator aircraft was extensively damaged during its 11th battery-powered test Figure 24. Battery powered flight test data flight. As a result of the damage, no battery-powered flight test at the full 43.6 lb weight nor with the fuel cell powerplant has been completed. As of 5 January 2006, the aircraft design is being improved and the aircraft is scheduled to be rebuilt and flown in the 2nd quarter of 2006.
Concluding Remarks
A design process for fuel cell aircraft is proposed that splits the design into conceptual and low-level design tasks. Within the conceptual design task, a series of contributing analyses are constructed and assembled into a design system matrix. The design system matrix is solved iteratively for various aircraft configurations throughout the design space. Important design space trends are then identified and optimal configurations are selected as bases for the low-level design tasks. Within the low-level design tasks a wide variety of design processes including design of experiments and response surface methodology are used. This design process has benefits for design of systems whose design characteristics are not well understood, or for which conventional design methods do not exist. A large design space is available in the search for an optimal configuration, which allows unintuitive configurations to compete with more intuitive configurations. By fitting response surface equations to the design data set, the design tradeoffs can be easily visualized and understood within the lower-level design tasks. The fidelity of the contributing analyses is of great importance because of the stark tradeoff that exists with this design process between fidelity and computational intensity. In the case of the propeller contributing analysis, the 18 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
need for accurate modeling of the propeller required that the analysis incorporate a computationally intense Goldstein vortex code. In the case of the fuel cell contributing analysis, a simple polynomial fit of the polarization curve resulted in satisfactory accuracy. In the case of the metal hydride tank contributing analysis, the computational intensity of implementing an integrated finite element simulation of heat and mass transfer within the tank, led to missed design goals. The design process has served to eliminate large regions of the original design space as infeasible for fuel cell aircraft. In some regions of the design space, there are more optimal solutions that appear feasible but were not included in the original design space. Better performing fuel cell aircraft appear to be possible with realizable improvements in motor/propeller performance matching, fuel cell power density, lighter weight hydrogen storage, etc. The proposed design process has the benefit of being generic and adaptable. New regions of the design space can be added and integrated with existing results. The results of the analysis can be viewed in both large and small scale. As was demonstrated in the low-level wing planform shape design task, the results of the conceptual design can be refined to guide further optimization. The separation of the conceptual design process into CAs that are joined together in a DSM allows the design process to be highly modular. This structure and the iterative solution method puts few requirements on the CA. Each CA is highly independent and can be updated or replaced easily. The position of the CA within the DSM can also be changed without affecting the results. A fuel cell CA whose input is voltage and whose output is current can be replaced with a fuel cell CA whose output is voltage and input is current without affecting the results. In the future this design process can be used to investigate the effect of design changes on the performance of fuel cell powered aircraft. Of interest are the effects of aircraft morphology, hydrogen storage density and fuel cell technology on the performance and mission capability of the aircraft. The fuel cell airplane that is the output of this design process has been constructed and tested to provide validation of the contributing analyses. The construction process shows that a viable fuel cell powerplant for a fuel cell aircraft can be constructed using commercial off the shelf technology. The design performance of the fuel cell powerplant was met. The aircraft was constructed and flew 11 battery-powered test flights, partially validating the aerodynamic and propulsion system design. Poor estimates of constructed aircraft weight suggest that aircraft structure and fuel cell balance of plant design should be integrated into the conceptual design task. In September of 2005, the demonstrator aircraft that was constructed for this research project was extensively damaged during its 11th battery-powered test flight. At present the aircraft is being reconstructed with significant improvements in aircraft and fuel cell design for demonstration in the 2nd quarter of 2006.
This research was funded in part by the NASA University Research Engineering Technology Institute (URETI) grant to the Georgia Institute of Technology. The authors would also like to thank the many research engineers at the Georgia Tech Research Institute and the Aerospace Systems Design Laboratory that provided valuable expertise and guidance during the course of the project.
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