Research Paper Design and Development of Aircraft Droop Nose Ribs by Using Optistruct
Research Paper Design and Development of Aircraft Droop Nose Ribs by Using Optistruct
Research Paper Design and Development of Aircraft Droop Nose Ribs by Using Optistruct
Research Paper
T.Muneiah1, E.Bhaskar 2, Ch.Venkata Rajesh3
Topology method using Optistruct is shown in above horizontal segments. Allowing the width of the
figure, steps are involved is same like free size horizontal segments (w1 and w2) to vary would
optimization. Response is given for volume fraction involve changing the shape of the cut-outs in the ribs,
as 0.3% from the total volume and weight and design variables would have to be linked to
compliance as an objective which will reduce the ensure for example that the vertical stiffeners
weight of the component by giving innovative shape remained along the centreline of the truss-members.
to wing. With the current shape optimisation pre-processing
Topology optimization problem setup takes 17 tools for OptiStruct this would have been time
iterations to solve and to give innovative design to consuming to set up, and with the short time scales of
develop wing ribs in same shape for production. the project this complexity was not implemented.
Having constructed finite element models for detailed
sizing and shape optimisation, optimisation was now
performed designing for minimum mass with both
manufacturing requirements and stress and buckling
allowables as design criteria in the optimisation
process. For stress, a Von Mises stress allowable was
used with a reduction factor for fatigue. For buckling,
the design philosophy was not to allow buckling of
Figure .6: Iterations for topology optimization the structure below ultimate loads. The buckling
constraints for the optimisation were defined
requiring the buckling load factor in linear eigenvalue
buckling to be greater than unity for all ultimate
loads. To avoid optimisation convergence problems,
due to buckling mode switching, buckling constraints
were formulated for the five lowest buckling
eigenvalues in each load case.
The optimisation as it stood converged to a feasible
Figure .7: Topology Shape given by Optistruct Software design for all thirteen ribs, with the final masses
After getting thickness and topology results redesign summing to a total close to the weight target
of model is designed in CATIA V5R19 software and specified for the work package. Subsequent to the
submitted for production and manufacturing of Wing optimisation, the new rib designs have had to be
Rib structure. analysed / tested for several other criteria including
local flange buckling, fatigue and birdstrike. Both
fatigue tests and machining trials are currently
Figure .9: Final Shape and thickness are applied as The above table shows the comparison of stress,
mentioned in Free Size optimization result.
displacements and mass of two models, which is
Ideally, all of the dimensions of the truss-member
below the yield point value of Aluminium 2024-T3
cross-sections as well as the shear web thickness
material Optistruct software was developed to
should be allowed to vary as design variables in the
produce an innovative rib design, which resulted in
optimisation, allowing a detailed optimisation of the
an optimized weight saving over 500kg per aircraft.
in-plane and out-of-plane stability of the ribs. In
Wing Rib will sit in aircraft wing structure as shown
practice the height/thickness of the vertical stiffeners
in below figure
were allowed to vary, but only the thickness of the
Int. J. Adv. Engg. Res. Studies/III/IV/July-Sept.,2014/18-21
Malik et al, International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Studies E-ISSN2249–8974