Annex I BOQ For Construction of Sand Dam and Mini Water Supply System
Annex I BOQ For Construction of Sand Dam and Mini Water Supply System
Annex I BOQ For Construction of Sand Dam and Mini Water Supply System
RFT 335075 - SOM1038/2023/31
Notes: A site assessment visit shall be conductued by the contractor before filling the bill of quantitiy to check the site conditions.
The contractor shall contact WHH Office incase of any clarifications regarding the construction work and all rates of units shall be
included in the in the BOQ like transportaiton, cost of materials , installation cost, etc.
B.1 Construction of rubble stone masonry wall joined with cement sand
plaster of 1:3 mix ration. Use dressed stone pointed with a strong m3 46.78 -
cement/sand plaster
Sub-total B 0.00
C Concrete Work (core-spillway and Core- Wings)
C.1 Construction of Reinforced core concrete spillway and core wings as
shown in the design details. Use a longitudanal and trasverse iron
bars (Y16@30cm with strips of 10mm bars @15cm c/c). Use a
vibrator for 1:2:3 mix ratio and provide formworks. The rates of
concrete shall include testing (at least 2x times) concrete cubes on m3 31.66 -
Test laboratory approved by WHH Engineer. The report will include
compressive strength (specimen size 20x20x20 cm), workability, etc.
Also concrete hammer test shall be carried out by the contractor.
D Protection works
Construction of Rip-rap stone at the downstream apron of the sand
dam. Use a mortar cement sand ratio of 1:2 for the joints and dress m3 27.60 -
up the stone.
A.2 Excavation of footing trenches: 4No (1.0 m long x 1.0 wide x 1.0 m
deep) M 3 4.000 -
A.3 Footing blinding : lay 5 cm thick lean 4No (1.2 m long x 0.40 wide x
0.05) m concrete 1:4:8
/3bags of cem/0.4 cum of river sand /0.8 of graded stone 40mm
nominal size as per M 3 0.200 -
specification above the excavated footing and foundation
trenches ,cure the blinding
A.4 Footing concrete: provide and cast 4No (1 x1 x 1) R.C.C footing over the
blinding mix 1:2:3 reinforced concrete with double layer 6y14bar
spacing 150mmc/c deformed steel in both direction and using vibrator. M 3 4.000 -
A.5 Excavation of foundation trenches 4No (3.8 m long x 0.4 m wide x 0.1
m deep) M 3 0.608 -
A.7 Supply and cast four RCC beams, two middle tie beams and with
cement concrete of 1:1.5:3 proportions (M20), The beams should be
kept moist at least 4 days. Beam section dimensions. Middle tie beam,
4No (5.4 m long x 0.25 m deep x 0.40 m wide) + 2No (15.2 m
perimeter x 0.25 m deep x 0.40 m wide) R.C.C beam mix concrete M 3 5.2 -
reinforced with 4Y 14 linked and tied with Y8mm stirrups @150 mm c/c.
A.8 Floor concrete slab: lay 250 mm thick plain concrete over the
crashed stones mix 1:2:3 of concrete (Area: 14.44 m2 x 0.25 m high). M 3 3.61 -
A.9 RCC Columns: cast in place 4No (3.4 m high x 0.30m wide x 0.30m
thick) R.C.C columns mix 1:2:3 reinforced with 9Y 12 mm with 8mm M 3 1.22 -
@150 mmc/c double layer.
A.10 Bottom and Top R.C.C circular slabs: cast in place 150mm thick
R.C.C slab of the water storage with lid mix 1:2:3 reinforced with Y12
mm for main bar and 12 to distribution + 8mm stirrups 2No (Area: M 3 4.332 -
14.44 m2 x 0.15 m high/thick).
A.11 R.C.C circular shear walls: provide and cast 150 mm R.C.C wall
with mixt ratio of 1:2:3 concrete reinforced with Y12 with Y12 mm
distribution @150mm c/c at 2m level of roof beam for R.C.C wall
reinforced with Y12 linked with Y8 mm stirrups (Area: 1.720 m2 x2.6 m M 3 4.470 -
high). Include the cost of finishing using bondex water proofing for
internal walls.
A.12 Prepare and lay 5 mm thick cement flooring and walls screed finished
smooth cement slurry. M 3 1.901 -
A.15 White washing and emulsion paint: apply 2 coats of emulsion and
external of the elevated tank. M 2 28.589 -
A.16 Supply and install 4cm*4cm box steel external access ladder to the tank
with 7 m long ; and internal ladder of 4m long with same dimensions. Pcs 2 -
A.17 Provide and fix 2-inch diameter Inlet and outlet GI pipe class C with
valves 2-inch , overflow pipe 2 inch as well as pressure pipe
complete with all the fitting necessary for the full fictional No. 4 -
plumbing work.
A.18 Supply and install galvanized steel manhole lid (0.6x0.6m) for the
tank upper access and painting with one prime coat, and two oil No. 1 -
A.19 Steel frame fence for elevated tank Supply and fix steel frame painted
with approved antirust paint, include the cost for nuts, bolts and fix it to
the water tank. The frame should 2.5 x 2.5- inch Ms pipe with 180
cm height weldeded and bolted with mesh wire that have gate door 1m M2 100 -
x 1m with its hinges and lockable with 40- meter perimeter.
A.20 Visibility with WHH logo and Project details Painted on two side of the
tank. Ls 1 -
B.5 Grauting- putting lean concrete above the gravel pack with a mixed ration
of 1:3:6. 3
M 0.50 -
Sub-total B 0.00
C.Masonry work
C.1 Filling 2.0m widex 1.5m depthx 4m length dressed hardcore protection m3
under the apron platform. 12.00 -
Sub-total C 0.00
Sub-total 3- for shallow well (USD) 0.00
4. Construction of water point
No Description of actvity Unit Quantity Unit price Total price
A.1 Site clearance and excavation of the top soft soil, 6 m width, 5.2 m
width and 40 cm deep M3 12.48 -
A.3 Supply all material and install 2" GI pipe class B of total 70m with
necessary valves , the pipe is from the source to the water tank.
This system should include all fittings (Tees, sockets ,gate
m 70 -
valves, caps, unions, reduces, Pegler non-return valves at the
shallow well and inlet tank, GI-HDPE adopters, 2 water meters)
A.5 Supply all material and install 2" diameter of total 10m HDPE
distribution branch pipe line to water kiosks with necessary fittings.
This system should include all fittings (Tees, HDPE couplings, m 30 -
gate valves, caps, unions, reduces and adopters)
A.2 Supply a 10mm2 thick Solar Cable for interconnections, PV cable MC4 and
neccessary solar asseccories. Ls 1 -
A.5 Flow control: Supply and fix Original England Pegler 2" none return valve at
the shallow and at the inlet of the tank- well's 2" G.I. pipe outlet. Ls 2 -
A.7 Supply and fix 6mm thick blue original submersible water pump cable and install
from the shallow well to the solar panels.( Expected distance- 50m to 100m).
Ls 1 -
A.8 Fence for solar panels: Supply 2" steel hollow section pipes of 2m long, 1.5m
spaced and fix with concrete, supply chain link heavy gauge and install fence for
the solar panels. The dimension of the fence are (10m by 8m) Fence should m 80 -
also have a gate of 2m by 0.8m with frame and lock pad.
A.9 Training one person and supervising Engineer to do the light maintenance of
the solar system and provide them basic tools. Ls 1 -