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2.1 General

Figure 2-2 VT Installation Illustration at HV Side of in-feeding Transformer

Calculation example for Figure 2-2:

0283 Balancing factor of line1: = (38.5/35*0.1) / (6/6*0.1) = 1.10

Default setting: 1.00

0284 Angle adjustment of line1: = 1 * 30° = 30°

Default setting: 0.0°

2.1.2 CT Installation

Line current is helpful for reliable self-start which can be used as the additional criteria, e.g, for under-voltage
starting condition. Only 1-ph current is required for line side.

3-ph bus current is only required if protective functions for tie-CB under primary diagram of sectionalized single
busbar with 3-CB are configured.

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C53000-G1176-C369-4, Release Date 07.2016
2.1 General

Figure 2-3 shows the current connection example.

Figure 2-3 CT Connection Illustration

Line current is only essential for self-auto starting condition of reverse power. Then, the connection must be
parameterized under Power System Data 1, e.g, 0280 CT connection of Line 1 = IB.

2.1.3 Remote ON/OFF

The device 7VU683 supports to remotely switch on/off functions over protocol if parameter 0650 Remote setting
ON/OFF is set to YES.

Below functions can be remotely switched on/off over protocol,

• HSBT function;
• Protection function;
• Kinds of switching direction;
• Kinds of transfer mode;

22 SIPROTEC, 7VU683, User Manual

C53000-G1176-C369-4, Release Date 07.2016
2.2 HSBT

2.2 HSBT

2.2.1 General

After power loss of running source, the decaying residual voltage on bus is there which is produced by induction
motors. To transfer the motor bus to alternative source, the asynchronous switching must occur. Special
consideration must be taken into account to avoid any damages to motors.

Key points are to secure the safe but fast transfer for motor bus to minimize the impact to motor winding and
processing loads. All relevance to fast transfer will be described in below chapters, for example, starting
conditions, switching sequences, transfer modes, etc. Bus Residual Voltage

After power loss, residual voltage will be there on motor bus which is induced by rotating motors with
remanence. Figure 2-4 shows the simulation results.

Figure 2-4 Residual Voltage Simulation on Motor Bus

Key conclusions regarding the simulation,

SIPROTEC, 7VU683, User Manual 23

C53000-G1176-C369-4, Release Date 07.2016
2.2 HSBT

• The amplitude of residual voltage is decaying;

• The frequency of residual voltage is decaying;
• The phase angle difference between the residual voltage and alternative source is bigger and bigger;
• The differential voltage across the alternative source CB is swinging, i.e, from -180to 180. Philosophy

Some attentions must be paid to the co-ordination between HSBT and protective relays. Figure 2-5 shows the

Figure 2-5 Co-ordination Philosophy between HSBT and Protective Relays

Some basic rules can be drawn from Figure 2-5,

• Protective relay will detect and clear any system fault or HV bus fault, and result at CB4 (CB6) trip. This leads
to power loss of motor bus. Normally there is not any indication routed to HSBT. HSBT can only be self-
started by integrated abnormal detection criterions, e.g, under-voltage, under-frequency, etc.
• Protective relay, for example, differential protection (ANSI 87), will detect and clear any fault on in-feeding
transformer, and result at CB1 trip. Meanwhile, HSBT should be externally started by protective relay.
• Protective relay, for example, over-current protection (ANSI 50), will detect and clear any fault on motor bus,
and result at CB1 trip. Meanwhile, HSBT should be externally blocked by protective relay.
HSBT should be externally started under planned operation, for example, starting up of generator. This can be
actualized via binary input, for example, push the external button of OPEN CB1. It will also be externally started

24 SIPROTEC, 7VU683, User Manual

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2.2 HSBT

under fault, e.g, in-feeding transformer over-loading, this can be actualized via binary input, e.g, the indication
from protective relays. HSBT should be internally self-started under power loss of motor bus, e.g, up-stream
CB is tripped.

Switching sequence means the operating sequence of running source CB and alternative source CB. Three
possible sequences are there. PARALLEL sequence is to send the CLOSE command to alternative source CB
first, then send the OPEN command to running source CB. That is, the two sources will over-lap for short time
on motor bus. SIMULTANEOUS sequence is to send the OPEN and CLOSE command at the same time. Very
short source dead time caused by the operating time difference of two CBs could be there. The last
SEQUENTIAL sequence is to send the OPEN command to running source CB first, then the CLOSE command
to alternative source CB. That is, a significant source dead time on motor bus will be there.

PARALLEL sequence is actually to make synchro-check to alternative source CB under steady condition. It's
only available for planned operation if over-lapping is allowed. The OPEN command can be automatically sent
out after the alternative source CB is switched on under switching sequence PARALLEL Auto. It can also be
manually sent out after the alternative source CB is switched on under switching sequence PARALLEL Half-

Special attentions have to be paid for both SIMUTANEOUS and SEQUENTIAL sequence under dynamic
condition. Then, various transfer modes are applied. Each mode acts as different criterions and has different
action time. Both FAST and REAL-TIME FAST modes are designed according to the fast transfer definition in
ANSI C50.41-2012. The other three slow modes serve as the backup transfer. Each mode has to be

To avoid the possible over-loading of alternative source during the low voltage re-starting of bus motors after
transfer, it's helpful to deploy the low voltage load-shedding function before transfer mode RES-VOLT.

The overall workflow in HSBT 7VU683 is shown in Figure 2-6.

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C53000-G1176-C369-4, Release Date 07.2016

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