Indipco Manual
Indipco Manual
Indipco Manual
10. Pipelining........................................................................... 44
10.1 Proper Assemble of Push - On Joint
10.2 On site cutting of the pipe
fal hOlding
FAL Holding, the major shareholder of INDIPCO, has been a key player in Saudi Arabia’s rapid
development since the 1970’s. FAL Holding has grown into an international group of companies the
Middle East, Europe & North America with an annual revenue exceeding U$ 600 millions and more
than 4,000 employees. FAL Holding is engaged in a diverse range of activities,with headquarters in
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. In addition to the expansion of its own activities,
FAL Holding provides reliable sponsorship and business development capabilities for foreign
companies wishing to do business in Saudi Arabia
(International Ductile
Iron Pipes Co. Ltd.) is an
Associate Member of FAL
is one of world’s leading
group. The manufacturing
manufacturers and exporter
plant was established in INDIPCO
of Ductile Iron Pipes
2009 and is located within has developed the plant
ranging from DN 100 to
the Royal Commission for with the latest state of the
DN 2200, which are used in
Jubail and Yanbu - Jubail art equipment procured
the potable and irrigation
Industrial City. from best countries. It
water networks, sewerage
is still improving and
networks, fire fighting
developing its products,
system, and gas pipelines.
equipments and systems
to give convenience to our
customers. The Company
provides high quality
pipelines and excellent
services in dealing with its
clients. All our products
〈〈 INDIPCO is one comply or exceed European
The most significant event in recent pipe history was development of ductile iron in 1948.
In a period of time that the ductile iron pipe, gained widespread acceptance. The specification of
ductile iron increased to where all iron piping installations for the past several years has been using
ductile and gray iron pressure pipe no longer manufactured. Improvements in casting methods,
processing, and metallurgical technology are continuously producing superior quality pipe, capable
of satisfying the specific piping needs of the 20th century and beyond.
Ductile Iron Mechanical Properties Cast Iron
Spheroid Carbon of Ductile Iron Pipes & Fittings Flakes Carbon
Ductile Iron Pipe
Iron Fitting
DN 80-1000 DN 1100-2600
Tensile Min 420 Min 420
Strength N/mm² N/mm²
Elongation Min 10% Min 7 % Min 5 %
Yield Min 300
Min 300 N/mm²
Strength N/mm²
Hardness Max 230 HB Max 250 HB
Density 7.06 ton/m² 7.06 ton/m²
• At this stage the raw materials are increased
its temperature to achieved the superheat to
obtain a molten metal.
Zinc Coating
• It is coated at the outer layer for the pipe
to have corrosion resistance of all types of
mineral or chemical in soil.
• It is dimensional inspection implemented
and base on the Acceptance Quality Level of
• The pipes are passed in this process for
microstructure correction to give the best
result for the ductility and malleability of the
• Tight sampling technique and inspection in
this area is very challenging and dimensional
inspection of pipes.
Finished Product
• Visual inspection and leak test is conducted in
socket to spigot base on the SASO 1014
GS 766.
Bitumen Coating
• It is an organic liquids that are highly viscous,
black, sticky and composes primarily of highly
condensed Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons,
Which used for protecting the pipe prior to
• Visual inspection for even coating and coating
thickness are monitored.
(Saudi Arabia Standard Organizations) (International Standard Organizations)
Pipe Weight Average
Average Wall Cement including Cement Mass
Size O.D.
Effective Thickness Thickness Cement in Kg
(mm) (mm)
Length (L) M (mm) (mm)
L 6M Per Meter
DN100 6 6.1 118 3 107.6 2.1
DN150 6 6.3 170 3 163.2 3.2
DN200 6 6.4 222 3 219.2 4.2
DN250 6 6.8 274 3 286.2 5.2
DN300 6 7.2 326 3 360.8 6.3
DN350 6 7.7 378 5 476.8 12.3
DN400 6 8.1 429 5 566.0 14.0
DN450 6 8.6 481 5 667.0 15.0
DN500 6 9.0 532 5 774.0 17.5
DN600 6 9.9 635 5 1007.4 20.9
DN700 6 10.8 739 6 1298.8 29.3
DN800 6 11.7 842 6 1594.4 33.4
DN900 6 12.6 945 6 1916.6 37.6
DN1000 6 13.5 1049 6 2267.7 41.7
DN1100 6 14.4 1152 6 2645.0 45.5
DN1200 6 15.3 1255 6 3058.0 50.0
The design of the pipe materials has been done since 19th century. And it keeps on improving and more
competitive with other materials use as pipes. INDIPCO’s ductile iron pipe design, have the following factors
that have been considered.
It required for standard wall thickness of the socket and spigot pipes by using the following equation. For
pipe (40 - 200) will be using this formula ( e = 5.8 + 0.003 DN) only and the rest will use the below formula.
And complying with the standard from SASO 1014 GS 766 in Dimension and masses of spigot and socket
pipes (Class K=9) as shown below.
Total Mass (approx.) for a Effective
Mass of Length
Diameter DE e Mass/meter
socket L
6 meters ± 30 mm
100 118 6.1 15.1 4.3 95
150 170 63 21.8 7.1 144
200 222 6.4 30.6 10.3 194
250 274 6.8 40.2 14.2 255
300 326 7.2 50.8 18.6 323
350 378 7.7 63.2 23.7 403
400 429 81 75.5 29.3 482
500 532 9 104.3 42.8 669
600 635 9.9 137.1 59.3 882
700 738 10.8 173.9 79.1 1123
800 842 11.7 215.2 102.6 1394
900 945 12.6 260.2 129.9 1691
1000 1048 135 309.3 161.3 2017
1200 1255 153 420.1 237.7 2758
1400 1462 17.1 547.2 279.3 3563
1600 1668 18.9 690.3 375.4 4517
1800 1875 20.7 850.1 490.6 5591
2000 2082 22.5 1026.3 626.4 6784
2200 2288 24.3 1218.3 784.2 8094
The maximum allowable working pressure for INDIPCO’s ductile iron pipelines.
Maximum Allowable Working Pressure (bars)
Nominal Diameter DN
D.I. Pipe
100 64/
150 64/
200 62
250 54
300 49
350 45
400 42
500 40
600 38
700 36
800 34
900 32
1000 31
1200 30
1400 28
1600 27
1800 26
2000 26
2200 25
7. Pipe Joints
INDIPCO has two types of Joints, namely the push-on joint and the mechanical joint.
The Push-on joints is an extremely strong and efficient joint for water, sewerage, slurry and effluent pressure pipelines.
It has a single jointing component which is a specially shaped rubber gasket, comprising a ‘heel’, of hardened rubber
which affects the required seal. The joint is suitable for in ground and above ground pipelines.
Allowable Maximum
Joint Outside Socket Recommended
DN Deflection Diameter Depth A Insert Depth for
Dl (mm) Spigot B (mm)
(˚) (mm)
100 5 163 118 88 78
150 5 217 170 94 84
200 5 278 222 100 90
250 4 336 274 105 95
300 4 393 326 110 100
350 4 448 378 110 100
400 3 500 429 110 100
450 3 540 480 120 110
500 3 604 532 120 110
600 3 713 635 120 110
700 2 824 738 150 140
800 2 943 842 160 150
900 2 1052 945 175 165
1000 2 1158 1048 185 175
1100 2 1267 1152 200 190
1200 2 1377 1255 215 205
1400 1.5 1610 1462 239 229
DN 15 00 -22 00 m m
The mechanical joint is a bolted joint utilizing a ductile iron gland and mechanical joint gasket. The mechanical
joint is recommended for water service where many connections are required.
All components of the mechanical joint are interchangeable. The spigot end of mechanical joint pipe has the same outside
diameter as push-on joint pipe. As a result, it can be fitted into such joints in the field by beveling the outside edge.
Triduct Gasket
Weld Bead
Locking Ring
ll D
Joint System
1- Flexible Push-on Joint for socketed pipes (K9) and fittings (K12 & K14)
2- Flanged joint type (PN10, PN16, PN25 & PN40 ) for pipes and fittings pipes (K9) and fittings (K12
& K14)
Note: Flange PN40 for Pipes and fittings details can be provided up on request
DN B Weight DN B C Weight
(mm) (mm) (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) kg
80 30 7.4 80 100 110 11.3
100 30 9.7 100 120 125 14.8
150 35 16.2
B 150 170 160 28.5
200 40 25.5 200 220 190 44.5
250 50 33.5 250 270 225 68.5
300 55 43
300 320 225 100
350 60 58 350 370 290 133
400 65 70 400 420 320 180
450 70 83.5 450 470 355 230
500 75 98.5 C 500 520 385 294
600 85 131 600 620 450 442
700 95 225 700 720 515 618
800 110 295 800 820 580 832
900 120 393 900 920 645 1113
1000 130 489 1000 1020 775 1535
1200 150 757 1200 1220 840 2153
1400 130 936
1500 140 1095
1600 140 1187
1800 155 1431
2000 165 1702
2200 190 2181
80 80 170 165 14.7 14.7 14.7 450 200 330 410 122.0 122.0 124.0
100 80 170 175 17.5 17.5 17.5 450 300 445 430 149.0 149.0 154.0
100 100 190 180 18.9 18.9 19.4 450 400 560 450 177.0 181.0 192.0
150 80 170 H 205 25.5 25.5 25.5 450 450 620 460 192.0 200.0 211.0
150 100 195 210 27.0 27.0 27.5 500 80 215 420 113.0 113.0 113.0
150 150 255 220 32.5 32.5 33.5 500 100 215 420 114.0 114.0 114.0
200 80 175 235 36.5 36.5 36.5 500 150 330 440 137.0 137.0 138.0
200 100 200 240 38.5 38.5 39.0 500 200 330 460 140.0 140.0 142.0
200 150 255 250 44.5 44.5 45.5 500 300 450 480 171.0 171.0 176.0
200 200 315 260 51.5 51.0 53.0 500 400 565 480 201.0 206.0 217.0
250 80 200 270 47.0 47.0 47.0 500 500 680 500 236.0 249.0 260.0
250 100 200 270 47.5 47.5 48.0 600 80 220 480 145.0 145.0 145.0
250 150 315 290 59.0 59.0 60.0 600 100 220 480 146.0 146.0 147.0
250 200 315 290 62.5 62.0 64.0 600 150 340 500 177.0 177.0 178.0
250 250 375 300 71.0 71.0 74.5 600 200 340 500 180.0 180.0 182.0
300 80 205 300 54.5 54.5 54.5 600 300 455 520 216.0 216.0 221.0
300 100 205 235 55.0 55.0 55.5 600 400 570 540 252.0 257.0 268.0
300 150 320 320 68.5 68.5 69.5 600 600 800 580 338.0 362.0 374.0
300 200 320 320 72.0 71.5 73.5 700 100 345 525 242.0 242.0 243.0
300 300 435 340 62.0 91.5 97.0 700 150 345 525 246.0 246.0 247.0
350 80 205 330 70.5 70.5 70.5 700 200 345 525 249.0 249.0 251.0
350 100 205 330 71.0 71.0 71.5 700 400 575 555 329.0 333.0 334.0
350 150 325 350 87.5 87.5 88.5 700 600 810 585 421.0 445.0 456.0
350 200 325 350 90.5 90.5 92.5 700 700 925 600 476.0 487.0 521.0
350 300 440 370 113.0 113.0 118.0 800 100 350 585 304.0 304.0 305.0
350 350 495 380 123.0 126.0 134.0 800 150 350 585 308.0 308.0 309.0
400 80 210 360 83.0 83.0 83.0 800 200 350 585 311.0 311.0 313.0
400 100 210 360 84.0 84.0 84.5 800 400 580 615 405.0 410.0 421.0
400 150 325 380 102.0 102.0 103.0 800 600 1045 645 588.0 612.0 624.0
400 200 325 380 105.0 105.0 107.0 800 800 1045 675 640.0 655.0 708.0
400 300 440 400 129.0 129.0 134.0 900 150 355 645 381.0 381.0 382.0
400 400 560 420 155.0 160.0 171.0 900 200 355 645 385.0 384.0 386.0
450 80 215 395 97.5 97.5 97.5 900 400 590 675 497.0 502.0 513.0
450 100 215 395 98.5 98.5 99.0 900 600 1170 705 758.0 782.0 794.0
450 150 330 410 119.0 119.0 119.0 900 800 1170 735 808.0 823.0 876.0
Section X X
DN B C A Weight ( kg)
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) PN 10 PN16 PN25
80 165 110 180 14.8 14.8 14.8
100 180 125 200 18.2 18.2 19.2
150 220 160 250 31.5 31.5 33.5
200 260 190 300 49.0 48.5 52.5
250 350 225 350 78.5 77.5 85.0
300 400 255 400 111.0 111.0 121.0
350 450 290 450 147.0 153.0 168.0
400 500 320 500 192.0 201.0 223.0
450 550 350 550 245.0 261.0 283.0
500 600 385 600 309.0 336.0 357.0
600 700 450 700 475.0 522.0 546.0
700 800 515 800 684.0 708.0
800 900 580 900 944.0 974.0
900 1000 645 1000 1252.0 1290.0
1000 1100 710 1100 1629.0 1698.0
1200 1300 840 1300 2599.0 2709.0
80 80 330 165 15.8 15.8 15.8 450 100 950 375 177.0 193.0 215.0
100 80 360 175 18.6 18.6 19.6 450 150 950 375 180.0 196.0 219.0
100 100 360 180 19.5 19.5 21.0 450 200 950 375 183.0 199.0 222.0
150 80 440 205 29.0 29.0 31.0 450 300 950 475 199.0 215.0 242.0
150 100 440 210 30.0 30.0 32.5 450 400 950 475 210.0 230.0 263.0
150 150 440 220 33.5 33.5 36.5 450 450 950 475 216.0 240.0 272.0
200 80 520 235 43.0 42.5 46.5 500 100 1000 400 215.0 242.0 264.0
200 100 520 240 44.0 43.5 48.0 500 150 1000 400 218.0 245.0 267.0
200 150 520 250 47.0 47.0 52.0 500 200 1000 400 221.0 248.0 271.0
200 200 520 260 51.0 50.5 56.5 500 300 1000 500 237.0 264.0 291.0
250 100 700 275 69.5 68.0 76.0 500 400 1000 500 248.0 279.0 311.0
250 150 700 325 73.5 73.0 81.0 500 500 1000 500 261.0 301.0 333.0
250 200 700 325 77.5 76.5 86.0 600 150 1100 450 309.0 356.0 381.0
250 250 700 350 84.0 83.0 93.5 600 200 1100 450 312.0 359.0 385.0
300 100 800 300 94.5 93.5 105.0 600 300 1100 550 328.0 375.0 404.0
300 150 800 350 99.02 98.5 110.0 600 400 1100 550 338.0 401.0 424.0
300 200 800 350 103.0 102.0 115.0 600 600 1100 550 367.0 438.0 473.0
300 300 800 400 117.0 116.0 132.0 700 200 650 525 281.0 304.0
350 100 850 325 117.0 123.0 139.0 700 300 760 540 319.0 342.0
350 150 850 325 120.0 126.0 143.0 700 400 870 555 358.0 386.0
350 200 850 325 124.0 129.0 147.0 700 600 1200 585 476.0 536.0
350 300 850 425 140.0 145.0 166.0 700 700 1200 600 499.0 548.0
350 350 850 425 145.0 153.0 177.0 800 200 690 585 368.0 397.0
400 100 900 350 146.0 155.0 178.0 800 300 800 600 413.0 443.0
400 150 900 350 149.0 158.0 181.0 800 400 910 615 459.0 493.0
400 200 900 350 152.0 161.0 185.0 800 600 1350 645 633.0 687.0
400 300 900 450 168.0 177.0 204.0 800 800 1350 675 685.0 730.0
400 400 900 450 178.0 193.0 226.0 900 200 730 645 454.0 492.0
900 400 950 675 561 604 1800 1200 2100 1290 3543 3822
900 600 1500 705 810 895 1800 1400 2320 1320 3910 4190
900 800 1500 735 860 932 1800 1600 2540 1350 4328 4641
900 900 1500 750 887 944 1800 1800 2760 1380 4750 5086
1000 200 770 705 570 638 2000 600 1500 1310 3119 3419
1000 400 990 735 694 767 2000 800 1720 1340 3505 3796
1000 600 1650 765 1036 1129 2000 1000 1940 1370 3898 4209
1000 800 1650 795 1085 1169 2000 1200 2160 1400 4314 4644
1000 1000 1650 825 1150 1253 2000 1400 2380 1430 4733 5066
1200 400 1070 855 1008 1122 2000 1600 2600 1460 5202 5567
1200 600 1290 885 1176 1312 2000 1800 28200 1490 5668 6055
1200 800 1510 915 13637 1492 2000 2000 3040 1520 6185 6599
1200 1000 1730 945 1570 2055
1200 1200 1950 975 1806 1970
1400 600 1320 980 1527 1665
1400 800 1540 1010 1755 1884
1400 1000 1760 1040 19958 2143
1400 1200 1980 1070 2262 2431
1400 1400 2200 1100 2545 2715
1600 600 1380 1090 2019 2221
1600 800 1600 1120 2294 2487
1600 1000 1820 1150 2578 2971
1600 1200 2040 1180 2888 3122
1600 1400 2260 1210 3208 3444
1600 1600 2480 1240 3586 3854
1800 600 1440 1200 251 2768
1800 800 1880 1260 3184 3442
1800 1000 1880 1260 3184 3442
Concentric Type
Mass (kg)
DN dn T t L
PN10 PN16 PN25
100 80 7.2 7 200 9.3 9.3 9.8
125 100 7.5 7.2 200 11.3 11.3 12.5
80 7 400 16.4 16.4 17.4
150 100 7.8 7.2 300 16 16 17.5
125 7.5 200 14 14 15.5
100 7.2 600 27.5 27.5 30
200 8.4
150 7.8 300 22.5 22 25
150 7.8 600 39 22 43.5
250 9
200 8.4 300 31 30 36
100 7.2 700 50.5 41 57
150 7.8 650 48.5 48.5 55
300 9.6
200 8.4 600 52 51.5 59
250 9 300 41 40 49
200 8.4 650 61.5 64 74
250 10.2 9 600 65.5 67.5 79.2
300 9.6 300 49.5 52 66
200 8.4 700 73.5 77.5 90.5
250 9 650 77 81.5 96
400 10.8
300 9.6 600 80.5 85 101
350 10.2 300 58 67 86
250 9 700 89.5 97 112
300 9.6 650 93.5 101 117
450 11.4
350 10.2 600 95.6 106 126
400 10.8 300 70.5 83 105
250 9 750 99.4 114 130
300 9.6 700 109 122 138
500 12
350 10.2 650 111 127 145
400 10.8 600 110 130 153
Concentric Type
Mass (kg)
DN dn T t L
PN10 PN16 PN25
500 450 12 11.4 300 83 104 126
300 9.6 800 145 180 191
350 10.2 750 147 174 193
600 400 13.2 10.8 700 150 178 201
450 11.4 650 151 183 260
500 12 600 149 190 216
400 10.8 800 196 212 251
450 11.4 750 197 211 251
700 14.4
500 12 700 200 199 252
600 13.2 600 195 207 288
450 11.4 850 263 286 347
500 12 800 256 284 347
800 15.6
600 13.2 700 260 298 340
700 14.4 600 250 290 374
450 11.4 950 347 380 467
500 12 900 338 377 470
900 600 16.8 13.2 800 318 356 462
700 14.4 700 321 352 446
800 15.6 600 308 364 468
500 12 1000 452 501
600 13.2 900 422 490
Concentric Type
Mass (kg)
DN dn T t L
PN10 PN16 PN25
Concentric Type
Mass (kg)
DN dn T t L
PN10 PN16 PN25
1600 25.2 1400 2176 2404
2000 1800 27.6 1030 1800 2079
1400 22.8 2200 3168 3385
1500 24 2015 3070 3328
2200 1600 32.4 25.2 1830 2980 3240
1800 27.6 1460 2712 2994
2000 30 1090 2250 2570
DN L D B R Weight (kg)
mm mm mm mm mm (PN16)
Weight Weight
PN16 PN 16
mm mm mm mm
Kg Kg
P P P1 P2
Flange – Puddle – Spigot Spigot – Puddle – Spigot Spigot – Puddle – Puddle – Spigot
Flange – Socket
Dismantling Joint
Step 1 Step 5
Cut the polyethylene tube approximately two feet longer Pull the polyethylene from the new pipe over this same
than the pipe section. Remove all lumps of clay, mud, bell, providinga double layer of polyethylene and secure
cinder, or other impurities that might have stick on the the end of the polyethylenein place.
pipe surface during storage. Slip the polyethylene around
the pipe from the spigot end. Bunch the polyethylene
on the end of the pipe then pull back the suspended
polyethylene so that it will clear the pipe end.
Step 6
Take up stack in the polyethylene tube along the pipe
barrel making the snug but not tight fit. Fold over on top
of pipe and secure in placr about every three feet.
Step 2
Dig a shallow bell holes at the joint locations to facilitate
installation of the polyethylene. Lower the pipe into the
trenchand make up the pipe joint with the preceding
section of pipe.
Step 7
Make sure any tears in the polyethylene are repaired with
tape or another piece of polyethylene secured over the
damaged area approximately every three feet.
Step 3
Move the cable hoist to the bell end of the pipe and lift
the pipe enough to slip the polyethylene along with
it. Spread the polyethylene over the entire barrel of
the pipe. Make sure it is dirt-free or no other bedding
material becomes trapped between the wrap and the
pipe. Step 8
Backfill the trench according to specifications being
careful not to damagethe polyethylene while tamping
around the pipe. Backfill should not contain materials that
Step 4 may damage the polyethylene.
Make the overlap of the polyethylene by pulling back BACKFILLING
the bunched of it from the preceding length of pipe and
secure it in place with plastic tie straps or other related
adhesive tape.
INDIPCO provides WRAS approve joint INDIPCO can supply epoxy material for the repair of
lubricant for pipe installation at site cement at site when required.
Main properties of cement epoxy
*Different sizes of pipes must be stacked separately for ease and safety
*Stacking height are limited by less than 3M for safety and easy material handling purpose
DN Number 100 150 200 250 300 -400 500 600 800 1000 1200 1-400 1600 1800 2000 2200
No. of Layers 10 10 10 6 5 5 5 5 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
9.3 Shipping
* INDIPCO’s products are shipped from Jubail Industrial City to any point of the kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the rest of
the world by any mode of transportation preferred by the client.
* Pipes and fittings should be inspected upon receipts, specifically the quantity and the quality of the pipes. Any
deviations will be reported to INDIPCO immediately.
* INDIPCO’s standard practice of pipes bundling ranging from 100mm-200mm as follows:
Note (DN >300 not bundled)
DN Number 100 150 200 250 300 400 500 600 800 900 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200
Total Number of Pipes 250 140 100 80 60 40 18 18 10 6 4 4 4 2 2 2 2
This table should be used as guide only and please consults INDIPCO for more assistance.
Note: Material managements of Gaskets must observe proper disposition and storages, in which the material must
be stored in separate place with adequate space for proper positioning to avoid deformation and defects and separate
storage bin from other material stocks. Storage room temperature must be moderate from 15 degree to 27 degree
10. Pipelining
10.1 Proper Assemble of Push - On Joint:
Tools needed: Wire Brush or Steel Brush, Cotton rags, and Paint Brush, lubricant
Clean the socket by removing the all earth particles present like sands, dust and etc. with the use of wire brush or steel
brush then check for damage.
Also on the Spigot, suggested to use the rags to remove the dirt, and sand. Then check for possible
damage and be sure that it has the presence of chamfer or beveled.
Place the gasket in socket and check ifit is properly compressed in the socket’s circumference.
Apply (INDIPCO’s lubricant) on the gasket contact surface and on spigot (4 inches from the end).
Prepare the spigot and the socket by aligning it on stable platform.
Push the spigot to the socket until the second white line must only be visible.
Checking the gasket using the stainless steel ruler, by inserting the one end of the ruler in the socket and spigot gap. All
measurement must be the same on its circumference.
Chamfer Dimensions
DN Min Max
Mm Mm Mm
80 10 14
100 10 14
150 10 14
200 10 14
250 10 14 L
300 10 14
350 10 14
400 12 16
450 12 16
500 14 18
600 14 18
700 16 20
800 16 20
900 18 22
1000 20 24
1100 22 26
1200 24 28
Conversion Table:
Pressure Volume
145.03 psi 3.79 Liters
1 Gal US
10 bar 0.00379 m3
IMPa 1 N/mm2 Area
1000 kPa 0.000001 km2
9.869 atm, 7500.63 mmHg 1m2 100 dm2
Weight 10.764 ft2
2.2046 lbs Density
1 kg
0.001 Metric tons, 0.0011 tons 1000 g/m3
Flow rate 1 kg/m3 0.001kg/L 0.00834 lb/gal
1.34xl0-1 gal US/day 0.00194 slug/ft3
1 ft3/min 1.61xl0-1 Gal UK/min Work
2.12 L/sec
2.77xl0-4 W-hr
Length 2.78xl0-7 KW -hr
1000 mm, 3.28 ft, 100 cm 3.78xl0-7 hp
1m 9.48xl0-7 BTU
39.37 in.
Corporate Headquarter
Malaz, Al Ahsa Street, Behind Pepsi Factory
P.O. Box 285814, Riyadh 11323
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia (K.S.A)
GPS Coordinates: 24.691766, 46.728235
P.O. Box 10524 Jubail Industrial City 31961
Tel.: +966 (013) 340 7565
Fax: +966 (013) 340 8824
GPS Coordinates: 27.051410, 49.542104