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Football Handout

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China's Tsu Chu players and Japan's Kemari

players were the first to have an "International"
Football – Is a team sport played between two game of their versions of soccer, believed to
teams of 11 players each who primarily use their have occurred roughly 50 B.C.
feet to propel a ball around a rectangular field
called a pitch. Football is a term used by FIFA, 600-1600 A.D.
the sport’s world governing body, and the In Mexico & Central America the rubber ball was
International Olympic Committee. created, and used in a game on a recessed
Soccer – The word soccer comes from a slang court 40-50 feet long shaped like a capital "I".
abbreviation of the word association, which 700s
British players of the day adapted as “assoc”,
“assoccer” and eventually soccer or soccer The first Football games played in Britain was
football. between the locals of east of England, starting
after a 'legendary' game that involved kicking\
5000-300 B.C around the severed head of a Danish prince that
There is evidence in China that military forces they had defeated in a war.
around 2nd and 3rd century BC (Han Dynasty) 1331
played a game, originally named "Tsu Chu", that
involved kicking a leather ball stuffed with fur Despite the violence of these celebratory
into a small hole. Like Soccer, no hands were games, they were still popular. This led King
permitted during the play of the game. Edward III of England to pass laws in 1331 to
stop the game
2500 B.C
There was possibly a version of a type of ball
game played by young women in Egypt during King James I of Scotland also passed a law
the age of Baqet III, as images of this sport were banning the game
depicted on his tomb, though there is not much
known of this sport except that it was played with
a ball. In Italy they played a game called "calcio" with
teams of 27+ people. The game involved
1000 B.C
kicking, carrying or passing a ball across a goal
The Japanese version of 'soccer' was called line. In 1580, Giovanni Bardi published a set of
Kemari, a game much like modern hacky sack, rules of the game of calcio.
played with two to twelve players, and played a
larger ball stuffed with sawdust. There was also
a field designated by four trees (cherry, maple, Queen Elizabeth I of England, enacted laws that
pine and willow). could sentence a football player to jail for a week
followed by penance in a church.
8TH-6TH B.C.
In ancient Greece, they played a game called
Episkyros, in which two equal numbered teams In Alaska and Canada, the native Eskimos
would try to throw the ball over the heads of the played a game called aqsaqtuk on ice, using
other team balls stuffed with grass, caribou hair, and moss
1605 1885
Football became legal again in England The first international match played by teams
outside of Great Britain was between USA and
Canada, played in Newark.
In North America, native American Indians in the
original Jamestown settlement played a game
called pasuckuakohowog, meaning "they gather Introduction of the penalty kick.
to play ball with the foot."
Soccer played at the Olympic Games for the first
Eton College of England established a set of time
rules for the games.
Establishment of FIFA by delegates from
In the USA, football was played among the France, Belgium, Denmark, the Netherlands,
Northeastern universities and colleges of Spain, Sweden and Switzerland at a meeting in
Harvard, Princeton, Amherst and Brown. Paris on the 21st of May.
1848 1930
The rules were further standardized, and a new In 1930, The Federation Internationale de
version was adopted by all the schools, college Football Association (FIFA) held soccer's first
and universities, known as the Cambridge World Cup tournament in Montevideo, Uruguay,
Rules.1862 with 13 teams.
The first soccer club formed anywhere outside 1932
of England was the Oneida Football Club,
Soccer was taken off the program for the
Boston USA.
Olympic Games in Los Angeles, due to a
1863 controversy between FIFA and the IOC
October 26 of 1863, the Football Association 1991
was formed. On December 8 1863, Association
The inaugural Women's World Cup in 1991 in
Football and Rugby Football finally split into two
China was won by the United States.
different organizations.
The American women's team won the first- ever
The Football Association rules were further
women's soccer event at the Olympics.
amended to exclude any handling of the ball.
The Players
The first official international football match was
played, between the national teams of Scotland The players are 11 on both sides of teams in a
and England, played in Glasgow Scotland. match, however substitutes are also available.
There are four classes in which the 11 players
are divided:
The four British associations agreed on a
uniform code and formed the International
Football Association Board.
Goalkeepers Football Equipments
He/She has to try and stop the other team from Football Jersey - The uniform chosen only for
scoring (kicking the ball into his goal). The their team. Football Jersey should be
goalkeeper is the only player who can touch preferably long-sleeved and if a player is
the ball with his/her hands. wearing any undergarment, it should be of the
same color of the jersey or at least the sleeves
of the undergarment should match the color of
They try and stop the other team from scoring the sleeves of the jersey.
by protecting their goal.
Football Shorts - A player may wear a tight or
Midfielders They are the players in between loose-fitting shorts. All the players get to wear
the defenders and strikers. They pass the ball similar types of shorts except the goalkeeper. It
to the strikers so they can score. Midfielders is advisable not to wear too baggy shorts like
also help defenders (by defending their goal) that of Basketball players.
and strikers (by trying to score themselves).
Shin Guards - They protect your legs against
Strikers (also known as forwards or attackers): missed kicks and fast coming balls.
They try to score goals by kicking the ball into
Socks - Socks are essential for soccer
the other team's goal.
because they keep shin guards in place and
protect your feet from getting dirty and
damaged during the game. The socks are
PLAYER POSITIONS made up of thick synthetic or cotton material.
• Defenders Cleats (soccer shoes/studs) - These cleats are
o Fullback mainly divided into four parts:
o Central Defender
• Midfielders a. Upper - this is the top covering of the shoe,
o Wide Midfielder which attaches to the sole.
o Central Midfielder b. Insole - is the inner area where the foot
• Forwards rests.
o Striker
c. Outsole - is the outer area where studs or
spikes are present.
d. Heel - is the back area of the shoe and gives
support to the heels and spikes.
Soccer ball - This is the main football
equipment around which the whole game
revolves. It is made up of vulcanized rubber
with plastic bladders and the outer cover is
also of plastic.

Football Rules and Regulations:

-Always play fairly
-Obey the Referee
-Always be a good player
-Say sorry for your mistake GROUP 1
-Stop when the whistle blows BSA-2
-Match is held as two halves of 45 minutes
each with a break of 15 minutes halfway
Mark Leo Mahinay - Reporter
Rucejie Condeza - Reporter
-Each team must have 11 players
Ashley Araullo - Reporter
-Each team must have a goal-keeper,
Louella Travina - Reporter
defenders, and midfielders
Deceryl Adapon
-Players are not allowed to handle the ball with
hands Jennifer Tabancura
Kathleen Ligtas
Football Court Dimension Ivy Mae Yting
Nicole Bolo
Aiko Rivera
Sha Nne
Edylizza Estoque
Erica Epa
Rocsan Obedencio
Dai Ynamie Pajaron
Juliet Nercuit
Yorelyn Polinar

Football Scoring System

-To score the ball must go into your opponent's
-A goal in soccer gets one point
-A goal can be scored with any part of the body
apart from the hand or arm up to the shoulder
-The goal itself consist of a frame measuring 8
feet high and 8 yards wide.

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