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Name: Miguel M. Aquino Jr.

Date: September 05, 2023

Section & Year: 3 BSE - E


Types of Applied Description Importance Examples


1. Action Research Action research is a The importance of A social worker at a

technique for action research is it homeless shelter is
improving teaching produces knowledge concerned about the
methods. Action, about inquiry in high rates of
appraisal, and realistic educational recidivism among the
reflection are some of environments. Action shelter's clients. She
its methods. A research enables decides to do an
process of evidence educators to learn by action research
collection must be doing in order to project to see if
undertaken in order advance personally or providing job training
to change practices. professionally. The and placement
action research services to the clients
process is unique in will help them find
educational research and keep jobs. She
due to its collects data on the
participatory element. clients' employment
status before and
after receiving the
services, and she
finds that the
recidivism rate does

2. Impact Assessment Impact assessment Impact Assessment A study was

Research research is a type of research is important conducted to evaluate
research that seeks to for a number of the impact of a new
measure the effects of reasons. It can help educational program
on student
an intervention, such to: Inform decision-
achievement. The
as a policy, program, making: Impact program was
or project. It can be assessment research designed to improve
used to assess the can provide valuable reading skills in
intended and information about the elementary school
unintended impacts potential impacts of students. The study
of an intervention, as and intervention, both compared the reading
scores of students
well as the short-term intended and
who participated in
and long-term unintended. the program to the
impacts. reading scores of
students who did not
participate in the
program. The study
found that students
who participated in
the program had
significantly higher
reading scores than
students who did not
participate in the
program. This study
provides evidence
that the new
educational program
was effective in
improving student
achievement. The
findings of this study
can be used to inform
policymakers and
educators about the
effectiveness of this
type of program

3. Evaluation Evaluation research is Evaluation research A school district

Research type of applied is the systematic conducts a survey of
research that uses assessment of the parents to assess
scientific methods to effectiveness of their satisfaction
access the programs, policies, with the new math
effectiveness of a and interventions. It curriculum. A social
program, policy, or is important for a service agency
intervention. It is a number of reasons, conducts focus
systematic process of including: To groups with
collecting data, determine whether a homeless youth to
analyzing it, and program is achieving gather their feedback
drawing conclusions its goals. To identify on a new program
about the value of areas where a designed to help
the program or program can be them find housing. A
intervention. improved. To make hospital conducts a
decisions about cost-benefit analysis
whether to continue, to determine the
expand, or modify a effectiveness of a
program. To inform new treatment for
the development of cancer. A company
new programs. To conducts a usability
hold program test of a new website
providers to see how easy it is
accountable. To for users to navigate.
build public support
for programs.
Name: Miguel M. Aquino Jr. Date: September 05, 2023
Section & Year: 3 BSE - E


Cross – sectional Research Longitudinal Research

Cross-sectional research is a type Longitudinal research is a type of

of research in which data is research in which data is collected
collected from different individuals from the same individuals or
or groups at the same point in time. groups over a period of time. This
This type of research is often used type of research is often used to
to describe the current status of a study changes over time, such as
population or to compare different the development of a disease or
groups of people. For example, a the effects of a treatment. For
cross-sectional study could be used example, a longitudinal study
to compare the health of people could be used to track the changes
who smoke to the health of people in the cognitive abilities of people
who do not smoke. as they age.

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