OMRN2859 IARJET 45 40 46 2023 - ZNLLVFQ
OMRN2859 IARJET 45 40 46 2023 - ZNLLVFQ
OMRN2859 IARJET 45 40 46 2023 - ZNLLVFQ
The impact of gate length, oxide dielectric materials, and oxide thickness on
the GaNNT MOSFETs performance
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1 author:
W. A. Abdul-Hussein
University of Sumer , College of Basic Education
All content following this page was uploaded by W. A. Abdul-Hussein on 09 October 2023.
Research Article
The impact of gate length, oxide dielectric materials, and oxide thickness
on the GaNNT MOSFETs performance
Article History Abstract: The expansion of the integrated circuit industry in recent years has
Received: 25.09.2023 been primarily propelled by the progressive growth of metal-oxide-semiconductor
Revision: 30.09.2023 field effect transistors (MOSFETs). The device is employed as a rapid switch in
Accepted: 05.10.2023 computers advanced. The switching speed of MOSFETs is significantly
Published: 09.10.2023 influenced by the selection of gate length, oxide dielectric materials, and oxide
Author Details thickness. Gallium nitride nanotubes (GaNNT) with remarkable stability in
W. A. Abdul-Hussein ambient conditions, making them a promising candidate for use as channel
material in the forthcoming era of MOSFET technology. This study utilizes ab
Authors Affiliations initio simulation to examine the device functionality of double-gate (DG) GaNNT
Department of Science, College of Basic MOSFETs sub-5 nm under the impact of gate length, oxide dielectric material,
Education, University of Sumer, 64005, Rifaee, and oxide thickness. The findings suggest that enhancing the gate length and
Iraq dielectric constant, as well as reducing the oxide thickness, can lead to significant
improvements in the ratio of I_on⁄I_off, subthreshold swing (SS),
Corresponding Author* transconductance (g_m), power dissipation (PDP), and delay time (τ). The
W. A. Abdul-Hussein enhancement is notably conspicuous when considering a channel length that is 5
How to Cite the Article: nm for devices of n-type. Hence, GaNNT demonstrates significant potential as a
W. A. Abdul-Hussein (2023). J5The impact of channel material in the advancement of complementary MOSFETs that are
gate length, oxide dielectric materials, and compatible with both n-type and p-type devices.
oxide thickness on the GaNNT MOSFETs
performance; IAR J Eng Tech; 4(5), 40-46 Keywords: density functional theory, field effect transistor, gallium nitride, ab-
Copyright @ 2023: This is an open-access article initio simulations.
distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons ________________________________________________________________
Attribution license which permits unrestricted use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium for non
commercial use (NonCommercial, or CC-BY-NC)
Silicon (Si) electronic devices have been around for as long as there
provided the original author and source are credited.
have been electronics, but scaling-related issues have hampered their
advancement (P. L. Taylor & O. Heinonen. 2002). Rapid development in
complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor (MOS) technology is based on making transistors smaller while keeping their
functionality. With the reduced dimensions of field effect transistors based on Si, the dependableness and efficacy of these
FETs are cause for concern. Also, their limitations in scaling and fabrication for leakage current and gate oxide thickness,
the emergence effects of short channels in transistors, such as gate leakage current, and subthreshold swing, further
complicate the scaling process (Y. Taur & T. H. Ning. 2021).
There have been numerous proposals for overcoming GaN has emerged as a very promising material due to its
these limitations. Nanotubes are another fascinating exceptional properties, making it suitable for numerous
structure that can further extend the scaling to build applications, such as high power, LED, and high
MOSFET (B. I. Yakobson & P. Avouris. 2001). One of mobility applications. GaN exhibits a distinctive
the benefits of nanotubes for transistors is that they have characteristic in the form of a stable hexagonal
high carrier mobility (E. Snow, P, et al., 2005, N. R. configuration (D. P. Williams, et al., 2009). GaN bulk
Franklin, et al., 2002) since electrical transport in transistors have demonstrated exceptional speed,
superior nanotubes may be ballistic (J. J. Palacios. 2014, enabling frequencies of up to 205 GHz, hence offering
A. Javey, et al., 2003) . A team of researchers from IBM the potential to enhance the speed and cost-effectiveness
has successfully fabricated a transistor composed of a 9- of existing devices (D. Marti, et al., 2011). GaNNT has
nm nanotube, demonstrating superior operational been observed to possess favorable electrical and optical
efficiency in comparison to other transistors of similar characteristics, without any compromise on generality.
dimensions (A. D. Franklin et al. 2012). In addition to The effective synthesis of single-crystal GaNNT has
their organic counterparts, nanotubes of non-organic been achieved through the utilization of the epitaxial
origin can also serve as a viable option for a transistor casting process (J. Goldberger et al. 2003). Their uses as
channel. Several types of nanotubes, such as Boron devices such as transistors are not well understood. To
Nitride nanotube (BN), Gallium Nitride (GaN), Silica, date, there has been a paucity of studies conducted on the
and Nickel Halide, are readily accessible (V. V. subject matter of GaNNT transistors. In a similar vein to
Pokropivny. 2001). The focus of our study pertains to Carbon nanotubes, the utilization of GaNNT can be
GaNNT and their application as channels in transistors. employed to generate field effect transistors. BN
W. A. Abdul-Hussein; IAR J Eng Tech; Vol-4, Iss-4; (Sept-Oct, 2023): 40-46
nanotubes have been identified as the precursor to basis set that double ζ polarized is implemented. The
GaNNT, and they have been successfully synthesized exchange-correlation phenomenon is characterized by
and demonstrated semiconducting characteristics (C. the utilization of a generalized gradient approximation
Zhi, Y. Band, et al., 2010). Despite belonging to same inside the functional framework by Perdew Burke
class as Nitride nanotubes of III-group, BN and GaN Ernzerhof with the adoption of the model of a single
nanotubes exhibit different characteristics (M. Zhang, et electron (J. P. Perdew, et al., 1996). Since doping carriers
al., 2005). Through the utilization of Density Functional largely mask the electron-electron interaction, the model
Theory (DFT) principles, simulation investigations have of a single electron is qualified to describe an electronic
revealed that Boron Nitride and Carbon nanotubes device's structure (S. Gao & L. Yang. 2017, H. Zhong et
exhibit analogous behaviors. al. 2016). The k-point grids (H. J. Monkhorst & J. D.
Pack. 1976) are defined using the Monkhorst-Pack
The primary objective of this investigation is to scheme as 9×9×1 and 9×9×175 for the central region and
illustrate the benefits of utilizing GaN material in the the electrode region within the Brillouin zone,
design of MOSFETs through the implementation of respectively. The mesh cutoff established at 125 hartrees,
simulation techniques as per the tenets of DFT. In while the temperature maintained at 300 K. To avoid
addition, the study of their relative performance with interlayer interaction, a vacuum space of 10 Å is
gate lengths ( Lg ), dielectric constants, and oxide implemented as a boundary condition. The structure
thicknesses ( t ox ) has been carried out in terms of optimization process has been carried out until the
improvement in short-channel effects. For the theoretical energy difference per atom reaches 10−6 eV . The
analysis of sub-5 nm DG GaNNT MOSFETs n- and p- boundary conditions are periodic in the x-direction,
type performance, we employed a quantum-transport ab Neumann in the y-direction, and Dirichlet in the z-
initio methodology. direction, as illustrated in fig. 1. The direction of
transportation is aligned with the z-axis.
The simulation of transport properties is conducted RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
using the DFT in conjunction with a nonequilibrium The construction of the GaNNT MOSFET model
Green's function technique, as applied via the Atomistix involves the utilization of intrinsic GaNNT material
ToolKit (J. M. Soler et al. 2002, M. Brandbyge, et al., Lg ≤ 5 nm as the channel. The design setup depicted in
2002). The drain current Ids at a specific bias/ gate Fig. 1 employs double gates, to utilize strongly n- or p-
voltage Vb / Vg is computed using Landauer-Büttiker doped GaNNT as electrodes. The optimal doping
formula (S. Datta. 1997). concentrations for the electrodes are determined to be
4 × 1013 cm−2 for n doping and 6 × 1013 cm−2 for p
doping, respectively, as per the results of the test. Gate
lengths were set to range from 1 to 5 nm, in 1 nm steps
with SiO2, HfSiO4, HfO2, La2O3, and TiO2 as the oxide
where T(E, Vb , Vg ) represents the transmission dielectric material. The range for the oxide thickness is
coefficient, whereas fs(d) denotes the source (drain) established to be between 0.1 and 0.5 nm , with
Fermi-Dirac function. Additionally, μs(d) indicates the increments of 1 nm, and the supply voltage (Vdd = Vb =
Fermi potential for the source (drain). Specifically, the 0.5 V) is adopted for each device.
W. A. Abdul-Hussein; IAR J Eng Tech; Vol-4, Iss-4; (Sept-Oct, 2023): 40-46
thickness by adjusting the gate voltage within the range in the Ids due to the Low conduction band edge energy
of 0 to 1 V at supply voltage Vdd = Vb = 0.5 V. The Ids of FETs with a high dielectric material (B. C. Mech & J.
curves of n and p-type FETs at Lg = 5 nm with Kumar. 2017), implying that the process of conduction
EOT=0.1 nm show increased Ids with higher gate takes place at reduced energy levels, which makes the
dielectric materials, as represented in fig. 2 (c and d). In TiO2 and the La2O3 materials are better candidates as
these figures, the Ids exhibits a greater magnitude when gate dielectric. At Lg = 5 nm nm and SiO2 dielectric
considering TiO2 as compared to other dielectric layer, fig. 2 (e and f) shows the decrease of driving
materials. An increase in the dielectric constant leads to current for the same gate voltage due to an increase in
an increase in the gate capacitance, thereby resulting in oxide thickness which leads to the reduction of gate
an increase in the inversion charge. An elevation in the capacitance (K. Roy, S. Mukhopadhyay, & H.
inversion charge leads to a corresponding augmentation Mahmoodi-Meimand. 2003).
Figure 2. Transfer characteristics of DG GaNNT MOSFETs as a function of (a, b) gate lengths, (c, d) oxide
dielectric material, and (e, f) oxide thickness.
The Ion ⁄Ioff ratio serves as a key metric for drop. Moreover, it can be observed from fig. 3 (b) that
evaluating the performance of a device, as it reflects the the Ion ⁄Ioff ratio exhibits an upward trend as the
ability to achieve high performance (large Ion value) dielectric constant increases. In a similar vein, it can be
while minimising leakage power (small Ioff value). In observed from fig. 3(c) that there is a notable decrease in
this context, the value of Ion is determined when the Vg the Ion ⁄Ioff ratio as the t ox is increased.
is equal to the threshold voltage (Vth ), while the value of
Ioff is determined when Vg is set to 0 V. According to fig.
3 (a), it can be observed that there is an increase in the
Ion ⁄Ioff ratio as the Lg is increased. The Ion ⁄Ioff ratio
exhibits an increase as the Lg is extended, because the
Ion experiences an increase while the Ioff undergoes a
W. A. Abdul-Hussein; IAR J Eng Tech; Vol-4, Iss-4; (Sept-Oct, 2023): 40-46
Figure 3. 𝐈𝐨𝐧 ⁄𝐈𝐨𝐟𝐟 ratio of DG GaNNT MOSFETs as a function of (a) gate lengths, (b) oxide dielectric material,
and (c) oxide thickness.
In order to assess the effectiveness of gate control, the ambient temperature. As depicted in fig. 4 (a), the SS
SS holds significant importance (L. Xu et al. 2022). values of the GaNNT MOSFETs exhibit a decreasing
Enhanced gate control is correlated with a reduced SS in trend as the Lg increases. Notably, the SS value
subthreshold region. Based on the formula SS = experiences a significant reduction from 95 to 78 mV/
∂Vg ⁄∂ log Ids (N. Gowthaman & V. M. Srivastava. dec when Lg increases from 1 to 5 nm. The reduction of
2022), the term SS represents the magnitude of the leakage from the source to the drain is achieved by
change in Vg required to induce a 1dec alteration in the raising the dielectric constant. This, in turn, effectively
current. According to the references (W. A. Abdul- lowers the SS to 62 mV/dec when utilizing TiO2 as the
Hussein, et al., 2023, M. Iqbal et al. 2019), it is widely dielectric material, as depicted in fig. 4 (b). The value of
believed that long channel conventional MOSFETs, SS exhibits a progressive increase as the t ox increases,
which typically have dimensions in the micrometer eventually reaching a value of 98 mV/dec at a thickness
range, exhibit a fundamental SS limit of 60 mV/dec at of 0.5 nm, as depicted in fig. 4 (c).
Figure 4. Subthreshold swing of DG GaNNT MOSFETs as a function of (a) 𝐋𝐠 , (b) oxide dielectric material, and (c)
𝐭 𝐨𝐱 .
W. A. Abdul-Hussein; IAR J Eng Tech; Vol-4, Iss-4; (Sept-Oct, 2023): 40-46
Transconductance an additional significant element, to control gates. Generally, the parameter g m exhibits an
plays a role in regulating the behaviour of the gate inside upward trend as both Lg and the dielectric constant
the sub-threshold region. This can be expressed as the increase, as depicted in fig. 5 (a, b). Conversely, g m
derivative of drain current with respect to gate voltage, experiences a decline when t ox grows, as illustrated in
denoted as ( g m = ∂Ids ⁄∂Vg ) (L. Xu et al. 2022). A fig. 5 (c).
greater value of g m is expected to enhance the capacity
Figure 5. Transconductance of DG SWAlNNT MOSFETs with 𝐋𝐠 (a), oxide dielectric material (b), and 𝐭 𝐨𝐱 (c).
The characteristic of digital circuits is determined by charge of the central region and W represents the channel
their switching speed. The calculation of switching speed width. Based on the reference provided (L. Xu et al.
involves the utilization of the formula τ = Ct Vdd ⁄Ion (X. 2022), it is assumed that the value of Cf , the channel
Sun et al. 2018). In this equation, Ct represents the total capacitance, is twice that of Ci , the intrinsic channel
capacitance, which is the combination of fringing capacitance. In general, it can be observed from fig. 6 (a,
capacitances (Cf ) and channel capacitance (Cch ) (L. Xu b) that the parameter τ demonstrates a decreasing pattern
et al. 2022). The determination of Cch can be with increasing values of Lg and the dielectric constant.
accomplished by employing the formula Cch = In contrast, the variable τ exhibits an upward trend as the
∂Q ch ⁄W ∂Vg , where Q ch denotes the total Mulliken parameter t ox increases, as depicted in fig. 6 (c).
W. A. Abdul-Hussein; IAR J Eng Tech; Vol-4, Iss-4; (Sept-Oct, 2023): 40-46
Figure 6. Delay time of DG GaNNT MOSFETs with 𝐋𝐠 (a), oxide dielectric material (b), and 𝐭 𝐨𝐱 (c).
In the context of MOSFET applications, the PDP, both n-type and p-type. The results indicate that the PDP
denoted as PDP = Vdd Ion τ, serves as a significant metric exhibits a little drop as the Lg and dielectric constant
for evaluating the switching energy for digital circuits. In increase, as shown in fig. 7(a and b). whereas, it increases
fig. 7, an analysis was conducted on the power-delay with the t ox , as depicted in fig. 7(c).
product (PDP) of 2D-channel GaNNT MOSFETs for
Figure 7. PDP of DG GaNNT MOSFETs with 𝐋𝐠 (a), oxide dielectric material (b), and 𝐭 𝐨𝐱 s (c).
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