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Device Physics of Carbon Nanotube FETs

Mark Lundstrom
Network for Computational Nanotechnology and Purdue University
465 Northwestern Avenue
West Lafayette, IN 47907
Since the first reports of single wall carbon nanotubes (CNTs), they have been the subject of
intense interest for basic and applied research. When the first carbon nanotube field-effect
transistors (CNTFETs), were reported, it was not even clear how they functioned, but progress
has been rapid. CNTFET device physics is now rather well understood, and sophisticated
transistor structures with high-performance operation are now being reported. Although
manufacturing issues will ultimately play a decisive role in any future CNT electronic
technology, my focus in this talk is on the physics of CNT devices - specifically the CNTFET. It
is still too early to tell what role CNTFETs may play in electronic systems of the future, but they
provide us with a specific context in which to develop technology and understand transport,
contacts, interfaces, etc., which are likely to be important for CNT electronics in general.
The rapid progress in the performance of CNTFETs and in our ability to understand device
physics and to predict device performance is a good example of how theory and simulation can
complement experimental work in emerging fields of research. In this talk, Ill present my
perspective on what is understood and what questions remain. My own understanding has
developed during a close collaboration between my group at Purdue and Professor Hongjie Dais
group at Stanford University and also by following closely the work of other laboratories,
especially the group at IBM Research.
Carbon nanotube FETs with device metrics that
exceed those of silicon MOSFETs (e.g. device
delay at a specified on-off ratio) have now been
reported [1].
As shown in the figure, our
understanding of these devices has progressed to
the point where their general features can be
quantitatively explained. The simulation technique
that has proved most useful is the nonequilibrium
Greens Function formalism (NEGF) of quantum
transport [2] solved self-consistently with Poissons
equation. An implementation based on a pz orbital
description in circumferential mode space has
proven to be a useful device simulation tool [3].
Not only can I-V characteristics be simulated, the technique provides detailed insight into the
internal device physics. As shown by the figure below, the ballistic local density-of-states shows
quantum structure, multiple subbands, tunneling, and confined states in the valence band.
Recently, phonon scattering has been included [4] to examine the physics of sub-60 mV/decade
subthreshold swings as reported recently by Appenzeller, et al. [5].

In this presentation, I will use

simulations to examine a
2nd subband
number of device issues. The
important role of contacts and
the trade-offs between metal
source/drains and MOSFETband gap
like doped source/drains will
be discussed. Ill discuss the
role of phonon scattering and
explain why strong optical
phonon scattering has little
Confined states
effect on the on-current. Next,
Ill discuss band-to-band
tunneling and the role of
The effect of defects in the
CNT will also be discussed, and the talk will conclude with a brief discussion of how to compare
CNTFETs to other FETs.
Acknowledgements The author thanks his colleagues and students, Dr. Jing Guo, Siyu
Koswatta, Dr. Dmitri Nikonov, Neophytous Neophytou, Sayed Hasan and Dr. M.P. Anantram.
He also thanks the MARCO Focus Center on Materials, Structures, and Devices, the NASA
Institute for Nanoelectronics and Computing, Intel Corporation, and the NSF Network for
Computational Nanotechnology for supporting this work.

A. Javey, et al., Nano Letters, 4, p. 1319, 2004.

Supriyo Datta, Quantum Transport: From Atom to Transistor, Cambridge Univ. Press, 2005.
Jing Guo, et al., Int. J. on Multiscale Computational Eng., 2, pp. 257-276. 2004.
Siyu Koswatta, et al., submitted., June, 2005.
J. Appenzeller, et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 196805 (2004).

MARK LUNDSTROM is the Don and Carol Scifres
Distinguished Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
at Purdue University where his teaching and research center on
the physics, technology, and simulation of electronic devices.
Lundstrom is the founding director of the NSF-funded Network
for Computational Nanotechnology, which has a mission to serve
the U.S. National Nanotechnology Initiative through online
services that support research, education, and collaboration. He
serves on the leadership councils of the NASA-funded Institute
for Nanoelectronics and Computing and the MARCO Focus
Center for Materials, Structures, and Devices. Lundstroms work
has been recognized most recently by the 2005 Semiconductor
Industry Association's University Researcher Award for his career
contributions to semiconductor device physics and simulation.

Modeling of Nanoscaled FETs:

Ultrathin-body SOI FETs versus Carbon nanotube FETs
Ken Uchida1,2, Atsuhiro Kinoshita2, and Junji Koga2

Center for Integrated Systems, Stanford University

420 Via Palou, Stanford University, Stanford CA 94305, USA


Research & Development Center, Toshiba Corporation

8 Shinsugita-cho, Isogo-ku, Yokohama 235-8522, Japan

Tel: +81-45-770-3687, Fax: +81-45-770-3578, ken1.uchida@toshiba.co.jp

Scaling down of electronic device sizes has been the fundamental strategy for improving
the performance of LSIs. The ITRS roadmap [1] suggests that in 2016 the gate length of
MOSFETs will be less than 10nm. In this nanoscaled regime, fundamental limits and
technological challenges are encountered. In addition, the quantum confinement effects and
parasitic resistance will have significant impacts on MOSFET performance in these small
FETs. In this work, we will introduce our experimental study on the quantum confinement
effects on ultrathin-body SOI MOSFETs as well as on the properties of nanoscaled Schottky
junction formed between inversion-layer and metal source/drain. The quantum confinement
effects in nanoscaled devices and metal source/drain will be important also in carbon
nanotube FETs.
Quantum Confinement Effects
By utilizing SOI MOSFETs with SOI thickness of less than 5nm, the quantum
confinement effects on MOSFET characteristics are investigated [2-5] and the following
results are demonstrated. 1) The threshold voltage of MOSFETs is increased as SOI thickness
decreases. 2) The slope of the Cgc-Vg curve around Vth becomes sharper as SOI thickness
decreases. 3) The mobility is strongly modulated due to subband structure modulation induced
by the quantum confinement effects. Although the mobility behavior as a function of SOI
thickness is a little complicated, it is basically understood in terms of quantum confinements
in ultrathin SOI.
Schottky source/drain
It should be noted that the Schottky junction formed between inversion-layer and
sourd/drain metal influences the ON current of FETs and that the junction will have strong
influence from the field induced by the gate. In order to investigate the gate field effect on
Schottky barrier, Schottky barrier height, B, around the gate edge of a gated Schottky diode is
thoroughly investigated [6]. Fig. 1 shows a schematic structure of our gated Schottky diode. A

nano-Schottky diode is formed between the metal (CoSi2) electrode and the accumulation
accumulation layer



diode current ID consists of a)


diode current at VG of 0V, Ib,



which mainly passes through the



layer. As shown in Fig. 1, the

bottom of the entire Schottky



junction and b) current through





Fig. 1. Schematic of fabricated gated Schottky diode

which is additional current to Ib at

(CoSi2/n-Si) and measurement setups. The thickness of the

the positive VGs. Therefore, the

gate oxide was 10 nm. The channel length and width were


designed to be 10 and 10 m, respectively.

nano-Schottky diode, Iacc, can be




extracted as Iacc=ID-Ib.
By investigating the nano-Schottky characteristics, it is demonstrated that the increase of
VG significantly lowers the Schottky barrier height. The B lowering can be quantitatively
explained in terms of the image-force-induced potential lowering. Based on the above results,
it is concluded that Schottky S/D MOSFETs with source metal of 0.2-eV B have the potential
to show the competitive performance with conventional MOSFETs.
In this work, the quantum confinement effects in ultrathin-body MOSFETs and the
properties of nanoscaled Schottky jnunction formed between inversion-layer and metal
source/drain are discussed. The effects and properties will be important also in CNTFETs.

[4] K. Uchida et al., IEDM, p805, 2003

[1] ITRS 2004 update.

[5] K. Uchida et al., IEDM, p229, 2004

[2] K. Uchida et al., IEDM, p633, 2001

[6] A. Kinoshita et al., SSDM, p710, 2003.

[3] K. Uchida et al., IEDM, p47, 2002

SOI MOSFETs, and strained MOSFETs.

Ken Uchida joined the Research and

He won the 2003 IEEE EDS Paul

Development Center, Toshiba Corporation,

Rappaport Award and Young Scientist

Kawasaki, Japan in 1995. He has studied


carrier transport in nano-scaled structures

Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of

and has worked on physics and technology

Japan in 2005.












Characterization of Carbon Nanotube FETs with Various Contact Metals

Takashi Mizutani
Department of Quantum Engineering, Nagoya University
Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are promising materials for the nano-scale electron devices
such as nanotube FETs for ultra-high density integrated circuits and quantum-effect devices
for novel intelligent circuits, which are expected to bring a breakthrough in the present silicon
technology. 1-3

In order to fully develop the potential of the CNT-FETs, it is important to

understand the behavior of the contacts of the CNT-FETs. In this report, we have fabricated
CNT-FETs using various metals as contacts and studied the device characteristics in detail.
CNT FETs were fabricated using position-controlled CNT growth by thermal CVD on
patterned catalysts4 in order to specify the position of the CNT-FETs. The fabricated
CNT-FETs usually showed p-type conduction. As a novel device, various peapod FETs with
metallofullerenes inserted in the CNTs were fabricated. They showed ambipolar I-V
characteristics with both n- and p-type conduction behaviors depending on the gate voltage.5
The ambipolar characteristics are explained based on the Schottky-barrier-transistor
model,6 where the transistor action occurs primarily by changing the Schottky contact
resistance by the gate voltage rather than the channel resistance. It has been shown that the
bandgap of the peapod FETs is dependent on what kind of metallofullerene is inserted in the
CNT channel.7 This indicates the possibility of bandgap engineering of the CNTs by
encapsulating metallofullerenes.
Based on the Schottky-barrier-transistor model, we have realized n-channel CNT-FETs
without any doping in the CNT channel, employing Ca as a contact metal with a small work
function.8 The barrier height of the contact obtained by the temperature dependence of the
drain current suggests the formation of the polarization at the metal/CNT interface. We also
fabricated the CNT-FETs using various kinds of contact metals with different work functions
(Pd, Ti, Mg, and Ca). The threshold voltage was dependent on the work function of the
contact metals, which suggests that the Fermi level pinning is weak in the CNTs. The drain
current hysteresis was decreased by Si3N4 surface passivation.9
The effects of light illumination on the CNT FETs were studied using microphotocurrent
spectroscopy.10 Based on the excitation photocurrent spectra, the chirality of the CNT used in
the FET channel was assigned. It has also been shown that the CNT-FETs is suitable for the
photodetectors with a large dynamic range of 4 orders of magnitude.
Another important application of the CNT-FETs is the label-free biosensor. It is expected
to have a high sensitivity because of a large surface-to-volume ratio of the CNT channel. The
contact electrodes were covered with insulator to avoid the antigen-containing solution

touching the electrodes, which might result in a change of the work function of the contact
metal leading to the modulation of the drain current. The drain current decreased by
introducing the antigen-containing solution (anti-mouse IgG F(c) [Goat]) to the
antibody-immobilized CNT-FETs.11
We have shown experimental results on CNT-FETs with SWNT as a channel. While they
have a potential for computer electronics, it is likely that the initial applications of
CNT-FETs will be in less integrated systems such as biosensors and optoelectronic devices.
New functional devices based on their unique 1-D characteristics are also interesting.
1. C. Dekker: Phys. Today 52, 22 (1999).
2. M. S. Dresselhaus, G. Dresselhaus and Ph. Avouris: Carbon Nanotubes: Synthesis,
Structure, Properties, and Applications (Springer, Berlin, 2001) vol. 80.
3. P. Avouris, J. Appenzeller, R. Martel, and S. Wind: Proc. IEEE 91 (2003) 1772.
4. Y. Ohno, S. Iwatsuki, T. Hiraoka, T. Okazaki, S. Kishimoto, K. Maezawa, H. Shinohara and
T. Mizutani, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 42 (2003) 4116.
5. T. Shimada, T. Okazaki, R. Taniguchi, T. Sugai, H. Shinohara, Y. Ohno, S. Mizuno, S.
Kishimoto and T. Mizutani, Appl. Phys. Lett. 81 (2002) 4067.
6. S. Heinze, J. Tersoff, R. Martel, V. Derycke, J. Appenzeller and Ph. Avouris: Phys. Rev.
Lett. 89 (2002) 10680.
7. T. Shimada, T. Okazaki, R. T. Sugai, H. Shinohara, Y. Ohno and T. Mizutani, Jpn. J. Appl.
Phys. 44 (2005) 469.
8. Y. Nosho, Y. Ohno, S. Kishimoto, and T. Mizutani, Appl. Phys. Lett. 86 (2005) 73105.
9. T. Mizutani, S. Iwatsuki, Y. Ohno and S. Kishimoto: Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 44 (2005) 1599.
10. Y. Ohno, S. Kishimoto, T. Mizutani, T. Okazaki and H. Shinohara, Applied Physics Letters
84 (2004) 1368.
11. K. Tani, H. Ito, Y. Ohno, S. Kishimoto, M. Okochi, H. Honda and T. Mizutani, 2005 Int.
Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conf., Tokyo, Japan (to be presented).
Takashi Mizutani received the B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in electronics
engineering from Nagoya University, Aichi, Japan, in 1971, 1973, and 1984,
In 1973, he joined the Musashino Electrical Communication Laboratory,
NTT, Tokyo, where he worked on GaAs devices. In 1983, he moved to
NTT Atsugi Electrical Communication Laboratories, Kanagawa, Japan,
where he worked on InGaAs FETs and quantum-effect devices. Since 1995
he has been a professor at the Department of Quantum Engineering,
Nagoya University, and is conducting research in nanotube electronics,
compound semiconductor devices and quantum effect devices.

Title: AC Performance of Nanoelectronics

Speaker: Peter John Burke, Associate Professor, U.C. Irvine
Talk abstract:
In this talk I will describe our experimental and theoretical progress at understanding the high
frequency properties of metallic and semiconducting carbon nanotubes. Specific topics to be
addressed will include the recent demonstration of carbon nanotube transistors operation at
microwave frequencies (2.6 GHz), carbon nanotube interconnect demonstration from dc to 10
GHz, and synthesis of ultra-long electrically contacted nanotubes (up to 0.4 cm in length).
Some typical results are shown in the figure on the following page, from refs. [1-4]. In Fig. 1 A
we show an SEM image of a 0.4 cm long electrically contacted SWNT. In Fig. 1 B, we plot the
measured resistance as a function of length for electrically contacted SWNTs from the literature.
In Fig. 1C is plotted our estimate of the intrinsic cutoff frequency of nanotube FETs as a function
of gate length, and comparisons are given to some traditionally semiconductor technologies. In
Fig. 1D, we plot the length of electrically contacted, individual SWNTs vs. year, and in Fig. 1E
we plot the length of all individual SWNTs vs. year. These and other results will be discussed at
the conference.
Burke Bio:
Peter Burke received his PhD in physics from Yale University in 1998. From 1998-2001, he was
a Fairchild Postdoctoral Scholar in physics at Caltech. He has been with the University of
California Irvine in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science since 2001.

[1.] S. Li, Z. Yu and P. J. Burke, "Electrical Properties of 0.4 Cm Long Single Walled Carbon
Nanotubes", Nano Letters, 4, 2003-2007, (2004).
[2.] Z. Yu, S. Li and P. J. Burke, "Synthesis of Aligned Arrays of Millimeter Long, Straight
Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes", Chemistry of Materials, 16, 3414-3416, (2004).
[3.] P. J. Burke, "Ac Performance of Nanoelectronics: Towards a Thz Nanotube Transistor", Solid
State Electronics, 40, 1981-1986, (2004).
[4.] P. J. Burke, Z. Yu and C. Rutherglen, "Carbon Nanotubes for Rf and Microwaves (Plenary
Talk)", European Microwave Week 2005 (Paris), (2005).



0.4 cm
Single Walled Carbon Nanotube

1 mm

UC Irvine (2004, Nano Letters)

Maryland (2004, Nano Letters)
Stanford (2004, Nature)
Cornell (Nano Letters, 2004)
Ballistic limit
(lowest contact resistance allowed
by quantum mechanics)
Scaling 6 k/m


fT =

fT (GHz)

Resistance (Ohm)






2C gs

g m = 20 S
C gs = 40 aF / m







0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2

Gate Length (m)

5 10


Length (m)

Electrically contacted, individual

SWNT length vs. year


Length vs. year, all individual SWNT


UC Irvine


Length (mm)

Nanotube length (microns)

Los Alamos/Duke








Figure 1
















Observation of atomic defects in carbon nanostructures

Kazu Suenaga
National Institute for Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
AIST Central 5, 305-8565 Tsukuba Japan

Physical and chemical properties of carbon nanostructure can be drastically altered by its
atomic defects and chirality. The stability and mobility for vacancy, interstitial and
topological defects in carbon nanotube, those are induced during HR-TEM observations, are
examined [1]. Thermal relaxation of metastable Frenkel defect (interstitial and vacancy pair)
created "in-situ" by electron irradiation is clearly observed at the temperatures above 473K,
and it is attributed to an instantaneous recombination (annihilation) of interstitials and
vacancies [2]. Then the chirality and handedness assignment of individual carbon nanotubes
will be demonstrated [3]. Also the migration behaviors of metal atoms in metallo-fullerene
peapods or doped peapods firmly correlated to the atomic defects in nanotube and /or
fullerene will be shown [4, 5, 6].


A. Hashimoto, K. Suenaga, A. Gloter, K. Urita and S. Iijima, Nature 430 (2004) 870


K. Urita, K. Suenaga, T. Sugai, H. Shinohara and S. Iijima, Phys. Rev. Lett., 94

(2005) 155502


Z. Liu, K. Suenaga, H. Yoshida, T. Sugai, H. Shinohara and S. Iijima (submitted)


K. Urita, Y. Sato, K. Suenaga, A. Gloter, A. Hashimoto, M. Ishida, T. Shimada, H.

Shinohara and S. Iijima, Nano lett. 4 (2004) 2451


L. Guan, K. Suenaga, Z. Shi, Z. Gu and S. Iijima, Phys. Rev. Lett., 94 (2005) 045502


Y. Sato, K. Suenaga, S. Bandow and S. Iijima, (submitted)


This research was supported by NEDO Nano-carbon technology project.


Kazu Suenaga was born in Osaka in 1966. He got his Ph.D in Materials Science at the
University of Tokyo in 1994. He was a postdoctoral fellow at Ecole Nationale
Superieure des Mined de Paris (1994-1997) and at the Solid State Physics Laboratory
in the University Paris-Sud (1997-1998). Then he jointed the Japan Science and
Technology Corporation as a researcher (1998-2001) and now is a Senior Research
Scientist at National Institute for Advanced Industrial Science
and Technology (AIST). He is also a group leader of the
JST-ERATO Nakamura Functional Carbon Cluster project. A
recipient of Honda Memorial Promotional prize (1997) and the
Seto prize (Japanese Society of Microscopy, 2005). His research
interests are on the atomic-scale characterization of novel
materials by EELS and (S)TEM.

Synthesis and Device Applications of Aligned Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes on Sapphire

Song Han, Xiaolei Liu, Chongwu Zhou*
Department of Electrical Engineering-Electrophysics, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA
Single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) have attracted enormous attention as model systems for nanoscience and nanotechnology. Many applications have been proposed and then demonstrated, including
SWNT high performance transistors and sensors. To go from discrete devices to scalable and integratable
circuits and systems, high-throughput synthesis of ordered carbon nanotubes over large areas are of
particular interest. This may allow fabrication and integration of nanotubes devices in a way similar to
the standard silicon-on-insulator (SOI) approach, where the active material is all over the underlying
insulator, thus enabling top-down fabrication with patterning and etching. In this talk we present a
surprising discovery of high-throughput growth of highly aligned and evenly spaced carbon nanotube
arrays on a-plane sapphire substrates for the first time.

50 m

2 m

2 m

40 m


Figure 1. Aligned growth of single walled carbon nanotubes. (A) Low magnification SEM image of SWNTs
grown on ( 11 2 0 ) sapphire substrate. The white arrow shows the gas flow direction. Inset is a higher
magnification SEM image of the SWNTs. (B) AFM image of aligned SWNTs. Inset is the histogram of SWNT
diameters distribution. (C) SEM image of a second layer SWNTs grown on the sample shown in (A). The white
arrow points the gas flow direction. (D) Schematic diagram of SWNT on ( 11 2 0 ) sapphire substrate terminated
with oxygen atom. The red balls present oxygen atoms and blues ones are Aluminum atoms. The purple plane
shows the orientation of a-plane with [0001] direction perpendicular to the nanotube axis.

Carbon nanotube growth involves the interaction between nanotubes and substrate surfaces. This
interaction is so strong that it can influence carbon nanotube growth such as length and position. Thereby,
its possible that the growth direction of carbon nanotubes can be guided by certain morphologies of
atoms on substrate surfaces. For our approach, SWNTs were grown on single crystal ( 11 2 0 ) Al2O3
substrates. Ferritin clusters were monodispersed onto the Al2O3 substrates as catalysts. CVD growth of
SWNTs was performed at 900 C. Gas flows of C2H4, CH4 and H2 were controlled at 10 sccm, 2000 sccm
and 800 sccm respectively. After 10 minute growth, the samples were cooled down gradually and imaged
with Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) and Atomic Force Microscope (AFM).
The SWNTs were grown uniformly on the whole surface area and their orientations were found to favor
certain crystalline direction of the substrate, regardless of the gas flow direction as shown in Fig. 1A.
Control experiments reveal that SWNTs are aligned normal to [0001] direction on a-plane sapphire
substrate. This is in sharp contrast to the randomly oriented growth of SWNTs on Si/SiO2 substrates.
These SWNTs are commonly tens of micrometers long. The inter-tube spacing is typically around 200
nm as shown in the inset of Fig. 1A and the highest density we got is 40 SWNTs/m. The carbon
nanotube diameters were measured by AFM (Fig. 1B). The result shows that the as-grown SWNT
diameters have narrow distribution, as the average diameter of 1.34 0.30 nm (Fig. 1B inset).
The same growth condition was applied to grow SWNTs on different orientations of single crystal Al2O3
substrates. We found that only on ( 1 1 02 ) oriented Al2O3 substrate, similar aligned SWNT growth was
achieved. These results imply that the surface interaction between a-plane or r-plane sapphire substrate
and SWNTs forces the nanotubes only grow alone certain directions. In addition, when a second layer of
SWNTs was grown atop the first layer by carrying out a second round of CVD synthesis, the growth
direction was along the gas flow direction and SWNTs can be a few hundred micrometers to millimeters
long (Fig. 1C). This observation, as a side proof, supports the hypothesis that the substrate-nanotube
interaction plays an important role for the SWNTs alignment since the first layer of nanotubes may
screen the interaction between the second layer and the substrates.
Figure 1D shows the schematic diagram of a SWNT on a-plane sapphire substrate terminated with
oxygen atoms. The oxygen chains, which are perpendicular to the [0001] direction as shown in the figure,
may strongly interact with SWNTs and guide the nanotubes to grow alone the directions that have lowest
potential energy. This strong force also holds the SWNTs close to the sapphire surface so that the
nanotube growth is always affected by this interaction. As the result, the first layer SWNTs grown on
sapphire substrates follow the favorite growth direction and they are much shorter than the second layer
In a summary, we demonstrate that SWNTs can be aligned grown on a- or r-plane single crystal Al2O3
substrates with very high density and narrow diameter distribution over large area. Our synthesis of
dense arrays of well aligned and evenly spaced SWNTs paves the way toward large-scale assembling of
nanotube-on-insulator (NOI) devices and circuits, in analogy to the silicon-on-insulator (SOI) approach
adopted by the semiconductor industry. After post growth treatment, these NOI samples can provide
integration ready substrates. Using conventional fabrication techniques, high density integrated SWNT
devices can be realized over large area and combined with other chemical and biological systems.
Template-Free Directional Growth of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes on a- and r-Plane Sapphire, S.
Han, X. Liu, and C. Zhou, J. of Am. Chem. Soc. 127, 5294 - 5295 (2005).

Possibility and Fabrication of Carbon-Nanotube Transistors

Fumiyuki Nihey
NEC Fundamental and Environmental Research Laboratories
34 Miyukigaoka, Tsukuba 305-8501, Japan
Tel: +81-29-850-1584 Fax: +81-29-856-6139 E-mail: nihey@frl.cl.nec.co.jp
Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have attracted much attention as possibly essential ingredients for
future nanoelectronics because of their very narrow diameters of an order of nanometers, possible engineering of electronic properties, ballistic transport, and large current capacity. In order
to clarify the advantage of CNTs, benchmark study should be addressed with well-established
Si-MOSFET technologies. In addition, device fabrication methods with CNTs should be developed in order to step toward their practical use.
We have investigated the intrinsic transconductance of CNTFETs with CNTs grown by
chemical vapor deposition (CVD). The measured transconductance at a drain voltage of 1 V
was 8.7 S for a CNT with a diameter of 1.5 nm. Very high intrinsic transconductance of 20
S was estimated by considering the contribution of parasitic resistance. Apparent and intrinsic
transconductance per unit channel width were 5800 S/um and 13000 S/um, respectively.
These are considerably larger than those for the state-of-the-art Si MOSFETs. We expect the
performance of CNTFETs will advance further by improving CNT quality and by optimizing
device structures.[1]
We have also developed a novel method for iron nanoparticle synthesis that enables easy
control of both the positions and diameters of the nanoparticles with precision significantly
smaller than lithography limit, and have demonstrated diameter- and position-controlled CNT
growth by these nanoparticles. We patterned iron particles having a 1.7 nm 0.6 nm diameter
distribution within a positioning accuracy of 5 nm by means of lithographically-anchored
nanoparticle synthesis (LANS) method [2], consisting of dot-patterning of electron-beam resist mixed with organic iron, phase-separation by temperature elevation, and carbon removal
by oxidation. The particle size can be controlled by iron content in electron-beam resist and
pattern size. The position of the particles are limited by initial dot positions. CNTs were
successfully grown by ethanol CVD. This method is readily applicable to the fabrication of
high-performance CNTFETs.
The authors acknowledge support by New Energy and Industrial Technology Organization
(NEDO) as part of Nano-Carbon Technology (NCT) project.
[1] F. Nihey et al., Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 43, L1356 (2004).
[2] M. Ishida et al., Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 43, L1356 (2004).

Dr. Fumiyuki Nihey is a Principal Researcher in NEC Fundamental
and Environmental Research Laboratories.
He was born in Fukushima, Japan, in 1962 and received B.S., M.S.,
and Ph.D degrees in physics from Osaka University in 1985, 1987,
and 1996, respectively. In 1987, he joined Microelectronics Laboratories, NEC Corporation, where he was engaged in compound
semiconductor device research. In 1991, he joined Fundamental
Research Laboratories in NEC Tsukuba, where he studied ballistic
transport and quantum interference phenomena in semiconductor
microstructures. He spent a year as a visiting scientist of M.I.T. in
1995, where he studied metal-insulator transition in periodic systems. He is currently responsible for the research and development
of carbon nanotubes for electronics applications.
Dr. Nihey is a member of Japanese Society of Applied Physics,
Physical Society of Japan, and American Physical Society. He has
served on Program Committee of International Microprocesses and
Nanotechnology Conference since 2004. He is also a visiting associate professor in Tsukuba University.

Ultra-Fast Dynamics in Carbon Nanotubes

Explored by TDDFT-MD Simulations
Yoshiyuki Miyamoto
Fundamental and Environmental Res. Labs., NEC Corp.
34 Miyukigaoka, Tsukuba, 305-8501, Japan

Because of substantial stabilities despite their extremely narrow diameters, carbon

nanotubes are expected as key materials for realizing nano-scaled devices. However, observed
physical properties such as mechanical strength and electronic conductivity are inferior to
those theoretically predicted. This fact infers that real nanotubes have structural imperfections
otherwise theoretical understandings are not enough. Precise analysis of structures and
intrinsic properties of nanotubes are thus highly demanded. The first-principles approach is
one of powerful tools (in addition to experimental approaches) for satisfying such demand.
In this paper, I focus on properties of narrow-diameter nanotubes from a viewpoint of
non-equilibrium phenomena. Narrow nanotubes are expected to have strong electron-phonon
coupling and thus to possess very short time-constant of the carrier decay, which has been
found in this presentation. Meanwhile, narrow nanotubes can recover their structures by
ultra-fast dynamics caused by electronic excitation, which improves quality of carbon
nanotubes. We expect that the electronic excitation can be alternative to conventional thermal
processes after fabrication of nanotube-devices.
We perform molecular dynamics (MD) simulation under the electronic excitation,
which is approximated by promoting electronic occupation-numbers in performing density
functional theory (DFT) calculation. This approximation is so called as constraint DFT.
Throughout the MD simulation, the level-alternations sometimes occur among the states with
different electron-occupations which cause numerical instability in the constraint DFT
calculations. To avoid the instability, we trace the time-evolutions of the Kohn-Sham wave
functions at each time-step of the MD simulation by solving the time-dependent Kohn-Sham
equation. This type of simulation is extremely time-consuming with ordinary computers but is
feasible with massively parallelized usage of fast processors. Indeed, most suitable system for
this kind of simulation is a vector-parallel super-computer like as the Earth Simulator.
In this presentation, I will show two major topics. The first topic is a hot-carrier
decay dynamics in thin nanotubes. When nanotubes are used as high-frequency devices, fast
on-off operation is necessary and rapid decay of the injected hot-carrier is required. Previous
experimental research with use of the femto-second laser [1] suggested that there are two-time
domains of the decay; the fast electron-electron coupling and slow electron-phonon coupling.
Our present simulation demonstrates that thin nanotube starts to show decay via

electron-phonon coupling at 200 fs, which is unexpectedly earlier compared to the thicker
The other topic is a simulation of impurity extraction by means of optical surgical
knife. Oxygen impurities are most serious ones since they become strong scattering centers
for conducting electrons and initiate the structural degradation. Because of stronger C-O
bonds than C-C bonds, thermal and chemical processes are hopeless for eliminating the
oxygen impurities from carbon nanotube, while electronic excitation is expected to be useful
according to our simulation. We can introduce two holes in the C-O bonds by a resonant
Auger process initiated by O 1s core excitation. The simulation tells us a spontaneous
emission of an O atom from a nanotube upon the resonant Auger process [2]. Surprisingly,
nanotube can repair a big vacancy made upon O-emission by forming new C-C bonds.
This work has been done in collaboration with Professors David Tomnek and Angel
Rubio, and Drs Savas Berber and Mina Yoon. Implementation of the computer program called
as First-Principles Simulation tool for Electron Ion Dynamics (FPSEID) [3] have been
achieved in collaboration with Professor Osamu Sugino. All calculations listed here have been
done by using SX5 in NEC Fuchu-plant and by using the Earth Simulator.
[1] T. Hertel, and G. Moos, Phys. Rev. Lett. 84, 5002 (2000).
[2] Y. Miyamoto, N. Jinbo, H. Nakamura, A. Rubio, and D. Tomnek, Phys. Rev. B70, 233408
[3] O. Sugino and Y. Miyamoto, Phys. Rev. B B59, 2579 (1999); ibid, Phys. Rev. B66,
89901(E) (2002).

1987 Finished Master Degree at Osaka Univ.
1987 Joined NEC Fundamental Res. Labs.
1991 Got Doctor Degree From Osaka Univ.
1993-1995 Visited Researcher at UC Berkeley (Cohen/Louie Group)
1995- Current position

Electronic properties and applications of semiconducting carbon nanotubes

Michael S. Fuhrer
Department of Physics and Center for Superconductivity Research,
University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742-4111, USA
The growth of individual, long (> 1 mm), high-quality single- or few-walled carbon nanotubes
(CNTs) on substrates by chemical vapor deposition has allowed the careful study of the intrinsic
electronic properties of this material. Recently we have made electrical measurements on
semiconducting CNTs up to 800 microns in length in a field-effect transistor (FET) geometry
(see Figure 1), and determined that the charge carrier mobility is greater than 100,000 cm2/Vs at
room temperature, exceeding that of the best known semiconductors. Analysis of the FET
behavior at higher drain bias indicates that semiconducting CNTs do not experience current
saturation due to optical phonon emission (as observed in metallic CNTs) but rather show
saturation of the carrier velocity at ~2 x 107 cm/s, approximately three times higher than the
value for Si FETs. Our recent efforts have focused on the sources of scattering which limit the
mobility in semiconducting CNTs. The relatively temperature-independent mobility together
with the disorder seen in scanned-gate microsopy of semiconducting CNTs suggests that defect
scattering, likely due to charged defects in the substrate, dominates the resistance of the CNT
even at room temperature, and the mobility could be significantly higher in the absence of
defects. In order to study CNTs free of the substrate, we have prepared long (> 100 microns),
suspended, electrically contacted CNTs without exposure to resists or solvents. We have probed
the electrical properties of these nanotubes both via fixed electrodes and using mobile probes in
situ in a scanning electron microscope (see Figure 2). We have also studied the thermal
desorption of adsorbates native to the CNTs, and the resulting changes in electrical properties.

Figure 1. Electrically contacted carbon nanotube with length approximately 300

microns between electrical leads.

Figure 2. Electrical probing of suspended carbon nanotube. This scanning

electron micrograph shows four tungsten electrical probes (yellow) making
contact to a suspended carbon nanotube (green). The blue area is the silicon
dioxide substrate from which the nanotubes grow.

Short Bio: Michael Fuhrer received his B.S. in Physics from the
University of Texas at Austin in 1990. He received his Ph. D. in
Physics from the University of California at Berkeley in 1998 after
doing research on electronic and thermal transport in High-Tc and
fullerene superconductors with Alex Zettl. Dr. Fuhrer remained at
Berkeley as a postdoctoral researcher with Alex Zettl and Paul
McEuen, working on electronic transport in carbon nanotube
devices. Dr. Fuhrer joined the faculty at the University of Maryland
as an assistant professor in 2000 (promoted to Associate Professor
in 2005), where he is pursuing research on carbon nanotube
nanostructures, and molecular electronics.

Optical response of carbon nanotube thin films and their transistors

Y. Iwasa
Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University, Sendai 980-8577, Japan
e-mail: iwasa@imr.tohoku.ac.jp
It is widely accepted that single walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) are one of the most
promising materials for electronic and optical applications. Recent progress in synthesis
and processes made not only individual tubes but also thin films of SWNTs available for
functional devices. In this paper, we report optical response of SWNT thin films and their
First, we report nonlinear optical response of SWNTs. Though much attention is been
paid on isolated SWNTs, bundled films are also very important for application to the
optical switches due to their ultrafast responses. SWNT films displaying sharp exciton
peaks at optical communication wavelength provides interesting playground of nonlinear
optical spectroscopy. An important feature of the bundled SWNT films is that the
relaxation of excitons is much faster than that in the isolated SWNTs in solution. This
ultrafast response in the bundled films is because the exciton states generated in
semiconducting tubes are quickly transferred to neighboring metallic tubes, as was clearly
demonstrated by the infrared pump-probe spectroscopy. Due to this ultrafast response, we
were able to show that the optical Stark effect is responsible for the large nonlinear optical
response of SWNTs.
The second topic is the optical response under static electric field, which is important for
detailed understanding of excitonic states of SWNTs. However, the contamination of
metallic tubes has hindered an application of external electric field on SWNT films. Here
we demonstrate that the configuration of thin film transistors allows us to investigate the
optical spectra under electric field mostly perpendicular to the tube. We have observed the
red-shifts, broadening, and intensity modulations in the exciton absorption spectra under
gate electric field. The former two are possibly understood by the quantum confined Stark
effect, while the latter provided evidence of carrier accumulation.
Other topics such as far infrared spectroscopy and flexible-transparent transisitors of the
SWNT thin films will be touched in the symposium. This work has been carried out in
collaboration with T. Takenobu (IMR, Tohoku University), M. Shiraishi (Osaka
University), H. Kishida, H. Okamoto (The University of Tokyo), O. Zhou (University f
North Carolina), and J. Musfeld (University of Tennessee).

Yoshihiro Iwasa
Institute for Materials Research
Tohoku University
Katahira 2-1-1, Aoba-ku, Sendai 980-8577, Japan
TEL: +81-22-215-2030
FAX: +81-22-215-2031
e-mail: iwasa@imr.tohoku.ac.jp

Yoshihiro Iwasa, born in 1958, received his Ph. D. degree at The University of Tokyo
in 1986. He became Research Associate (1986) and Lecturer (1991) at The University of
Tokyo, Associate Professor at Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
(JAIST) (1994), and Professor at Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University
(2001). He has been a visiting scientist at AT&T Bell Laboratories at Murray Hill, USA
(1993-94) and a visiting associate professor at The University of Tokyo (2000-2001).
His main field of research is physics of organic electronics and nanocarbon materials,
and superconductivity in intercalation compounds. He is currently focusing on integration
of nanoscaled materials for synthesizing functional materials, fabricating molecule based
devices, and controlling device properties. He has received Metal Research Promotion
Award (2002), IBM Japan Science Prize (2004), and Daiwa Adrian Prize (2004).

Carbon nanotube field-effect transistors The latest insights

Joerg Appenzeller
IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
Route 134, Yorktown Heights, NY 10598
Over the last few years carbon nanotubes (CNs) have attracted an increasing interest as
building blocks for electronics applications. While metallic nanotubes are considered as
interconnects in integrated circuits, semiconducting tubes are evaluated as field-effect
transistor (FET) components. Since the first CNFET operation has been demonstrated in
1998,1,2 device performance has been significantly improved.3,4,5 Among other things it has
been shown that CNFETs operate in the ballistic regime even at room-temperature, provided
that not too large drain and gate voltages are applied and that their channel length does not
exceed a couple of hundred nanometers.6,7,8 One of the more unexpected findings in the
context of CNFETs was that they cannot be described within a conventional MOSFET model.
The most critical observation has been that carbon nanotube transistors in fact behave as
Schottky barrier devices.9,10 It was found that switching in nanometer size semiconductors,
such as carbon nanotubes, contacted with source/drain metal electrodes is determined entirely
by the metal/semiconductor interfaces and their field-dependence, provided that transport in
the semiconductor is ballistic. Making use of this particular type of nanotube property, we
have been able to gain important insights into the topic of multi-mode transport in CNFETs11
and, most importantly, have recently successfully fabricated the first band-to-band tunneling
CNFET with a much more abrupt switching behavior than can be obtained with any
conventional transistor approach.12 My presentation will cover in particular this critical aspect
of transport in carbon nanotubes and the performance potential of tunneling CNFETs will be

S.J. Tans A. Verschueren, and C. Dekker, Nature 393, 49 (1998).

R. Martel T. Schmidt, H.R. Shea, T. Hertel, and Ph. Avouris, Appl. Phys. Lett. 73, 2447


A. Bachtold, P. Hadley, T. Nakanishi, and C. Dekker, Science 294, 1317 (2001).

A. Javey, H. Kim, M. Brink, Q. Wang, A. Ural, J. Guo, P. McIntyre, P. McEuen, M.

Lundstrom, and H. Dai, Nature Materials 1, 241 (2002).


S. Wind, J. Appenzeller, R. Martel, V. Derycke, and Ph. Avouris, Appl. Phys. Lett. 80, 3817


M. Fuhrer, H. Park, and P.L. McEuen, IEEE Trans. on Nanotech. 1, 78 (2002).

A. Javey, J. Guo, Q. Wang, M. Lundstrom, and H. Dai, Nature 424, 654 (2003).

S. Wind, J. Appenzeller, Ph. Avouris, Phys. Rev. Lett. 91, 058301 (2003).

S. Heinze, J. Tersoff, R. Martel, V. Derycke, J. Appenzeller, and Ph. Avouris, Phys. Rev. Lett.

89, 106801 (2002).


J. Appenzeller, J. Knoch, V. Derycke, R. Martel, S. Wind, and Ph. Avouris, Phys. Rev. Lett.

89, 126801 (2002).


J. Appenzeller, J. Knoch, M. Radosavljevic, and Ph. Avouris, Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 226802


J. Appenzeller, Y.-M. Lin, J. Knoch, and Ph. Avouris, Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 196805 (2004).

Dr. J. Appenzeller received the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in physics
from the Technical University of Aachen, Germany in 1991 and
1995. His Ph.D. dissertation investigated quantum transport
phenomena in low dimensional systems based on III/V
heterostructures. He worked for one year as a Research Scientist
in the Research Center in Juelich, Germany before he became an
Assistant Professor with the Technical University of Aachen in
1996. During his professorship he explored mesoscopic electron transport in different
materials including carbon nanotubes and superconductor/semiconductor-hybride devices.
From 1998 to 1999, he was with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, as a
Visiting Scientists, exploring the ultimate scaling limits of silicon MOSFET devices. Since
2001, he has been with the IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown, NY, as a Research
Staff Member mainly involved in the investigation of the potential of carbon nanotubes for a
future nanoelectronics.

Field Emission Microscopy and In-situ Transmission Electron Microscopy

of Carbon Nanotube Electron Emitters
Yahachi Saito
Department of Quantum Engineering, Nagoya University
Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya 464-8603, Japan
Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are promising field emitters because of their sharp geometry, mechanical
strength, chemical stability and electrical conductivity.

The sharp geometry of CNTs brings about

significant field enhancement on their tips, leading to the lowest threshold voltage for electron
emission among any other materials.

Here, we report field emission properties revealed by

field emission microscopy (FEM) and dynamic behavior and degradation mechanism of
field-emitting CNTs observed by in-situ transmission electron microscopy (TEM).
1. FEM of CNT Field Emitters
FEM experiments were carried out in an ultra-high vacuum using multiwall carbon
nanotubes (MWNTs) produced by electric arc discharge.

Six pentagonal rings were

observed in FEM patterns from a MWNT with clean surface, indicating preferential emission
from pentagons [1].

This is largely due to the locally pronounced field concentration around

the pentagons where the local curvature is large compared to the other hexagon regions.
It was found that adsorption of gas molecules enhanced the electron emission irrespective
of molecular species inspected (H2, CO, N2, O2 and Ar) [2], and that the adsorption and
desorption of residual gas molecules were responsible for fluctuations in emission current.
It should also be noted that interference fringes are observed between the neighboring
pentagons. It was found that the fringe spacing was inversely proportional to the square root
of the accelerating voltage.

The visibility of fringes increased with the accelerating voltage,

which can be explained in terms of the reduction of a virtual source size [3].


experimental results support the idea that the fringes were due to the interference of electron
beams emitted from the adjacent pentagons.
3. In-situ TEM of Field Emission from CNTs
CNTs examined are (1) double-wall CNTs (DWNTs), (2) closed-cap multiwall CNTs
(closed MWNTs) and (3) open-ended MWNTs (open MWNTs) produced by arc-discharge

CNT emitters produced by arc discharge were attached to a tip of a tungsten (W)

needle by electrophoresis.

The W needle with CNTs (cathode) and a copper plate (anode)

were held on a special sample holder of a TEM (JEM 2011), by which position of CNT
emitters relative to the copper anode can be adjusted finely and electric voltage can be applied

between the electrodes.

Figure 1 show TEM pictures of bundles of DWNTs at two different applied voltages of
60 V and 100 V.

DWNTs formed bundles after the electrophoresis, and each bundle

contained about seven DWNTs.

Branching of the bundles due to electrostatic forces and

shortening of the bundle length are observed. Sublimation of DWNT bundles started from
their tips when the emission current exceeded 10 A [4].

For open MWNTs, peeling-off and

subsequent sublimation of outer layers was observed when the emission current exceeded ca.
20 A. On the other hand, the closed MWNT did not show severe peeling of graphite layers
when the emission current was moderate (less than 25 A), though sublimation of a few
layers was observed at higher current.

DWNT bundles showed the lowest threshold voltage

to begin electron emission, but the maximum emission current without sublimation was the
lowest among the three kinds of CNTs examined.

The closed MWNT was the most robust

emitter though its highest voltage was the highest among the three.

Fig. 1


TEM pictures of bundles of DWNTs field emitting at (a) 60 V, 2.5 A and (b) 100 V, 12 A.

[1] Y. Saito et al., Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 39 (4A) L271 (2000)

22, 1312 (2004)

[2] K. Hata et al., J. Vac. Sci. & Tech. B

[3] K. Hata et al., Ultramicroscopy 95, 107 (2003)

[4] K. Seko et al., Jpn. J. Appl.

Phys. 44, L743 (2005)

Yahachi Saito received his B.E., M.E., and Dr. E. degree from Nagoya
University in 1975 ,1977 and 1980, respectively. In 1980, he was engaged
in Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. In 1981 he worked at
Toyohashi University of Technology.

In 1985, he worked at Nagoya

He became an associate professor in 1990 and became a

professor in 2000 at Mie University. Since 2004, he has been a professor at

Department of Quantum Engineering, Nagoya University.

Controlling field emission characteristics of SWNT by varying the (n.m) structure and bundle size
Liang Zhang, Leandro Balzano, Daniel E. Resasco,
School of Chemical, Biological, and Materials Engineering, University of Oklahoma

Field emission studies were conducted on as-produced CoMoCATTM single-walled

carbon nanotube/silica composites with controlled nanotube diameter and bundle size. It has
been observed that the as-produced nanotube material does not need to be separated from the
high-surface area catalyst to be an effective electron emitter. By adjusting the catalytic synthesis
conditions, single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNT) of different diameter and bundle size were
synthesized. The synthesis reaction temperature was found to affect the nanotube diameter and
bundle size in opposite ways; that is, as the synthesis temperature increased the nanotube average
diameter became larger, but the bundle size became smaller. A gradual and consistent reduction
in the emission onset field was observed as the synthesis temperature increased. It is suggested
that the bundle size, more than the nanotube diameter or chirality, determines the field emission
characteristics of these composites.

By combination of Raman, electron microscopy and optical absorption studies, we have

shown that the SWNT/silica composites synthesized by the CoMoCATTM process at different
temperatures contain nanotubes of gradually different nanotube diameters and bundle sizes, from
smaller diameter and larger bundles at lower temperatures (750oC) to larger diameter and smaller
bundles at higher temperatures (950oC). This controlled trend has allowed us to investigate the
effect of nanotube structure on the field emission characteristics of the as-produced SWNT/silica

The detailed analysis of the optical absorption

spectra (see Fig. 1) has allowed us to identify the
(n,m) identity of the most abundant nanotube
components in each of the as-produced SWNT
samples, e.g., the most abundant semiconducting
species in NTR750 is the (6,5) nanotube, while
(7,6) and (8,7) become dominant at higher
temperatures. One may expect that nanotubes of
smaller diameters may emit at lower fields.
However, as shown in Fig. 2, the field emission trend follows the opposite behavior. That is, the
diameter of the individual SWNT is not the decisive parameter of the field emission
characteristics, but rather the size of
the bundle. A perfect agreement was
obtained between the bundle size
determined by SEM and TEM and the
size of emitter predicted by the curve
fitting of the emission curves.

This is a clear demonstration that the field emission characteristics of SWNT can be
controlled by the nanotube synthesis conditions.

Optical properties of carbon nanotubes

Riichiro Saito
Department of Physics, Tohoku University and CREST Japan
Aoba3-6, Aramaki, Aoba-ku, Sendai, Miyagi 980-8578, Japan
e-mail: rsaito@phys.tohoku.ac.jp

Recent progress of Raman and photoluminescence spectroscopy of carbon nanotubes is

reviewed [1]. Resonance Raman and photoluminescence spectroscopy are standard tools for
characterizing single wall carbon nanotubes (SWNTs). The optical response of carbon
nanotube has been widely investigated by many researchers and it becomes a very hot topic in
the field of SWNTs.
A SWNT is a rolled up graphene sheet into a cylinder. The electronic structure and phonon
property depend on SWNT diameter and geometry as is known as chirality[2]. The chirality is
expressed by two integers (n,m)[2]. We have calculated the resonance energies and Raman (or
PL) intensity as a function of (n,m), in which we have shown anisotropic matrix element of
electro-phonon interaction and optical dipole transition as a function of wavevector, k. The
relaxation process of photo-excited career in a (6,5) SWNT is observed with use of 78 laser
lines[3] in which we can see many phonon assisted luminescence spectra independently.
Theoretical calculation shows that longitudinal optic phonon has a strong contribution to the
fast relaxation process[4]. We also discuss the relaxation of an electron wave packets in a
SWNT from which we estimated inelastic mean free path[5].
[1] Raman Spectroscopy of Carbon Nanotubes, M. S. Dresselhaus, G. Dresselhaus, R. Saito,
A. Jorio, Physics Reports, 409, 47-99, (2005) related papers therein.
[2] "Physical Properties of Carbon Nanotubes", R. Saito, G. Dresselhaus and M. S.
Dresselhaus, Imperial College Press, (1998). The introductory textbook of carbon
[3] Phonon-assisted excitonic recombination channels observed in DNA-wrapped carbon
nanotubes using Photoluminescence spectroscopy, S. G. Chou, F. Plentz Filho, J. Jiang, R.
Saito, D. Nezich, H. B. Ribeiro, A. Jorio, M. A. Pimenta, Ge. G. Samsonidze, A. P. Santos,
M. Zheng, G. B. Onoa, E. D. Semke, G. Dresselhaus, M. S. Dresselhaus, Phys. Rev. Lett.
94, 127402, (2005)

[4] Photoexcited electron relaxation processes in single wall carbon nanotubes, J. Jiang, R.
Saito, A. Gruneis, S. G. Chou, Ge. G. Samsonidze, A. Jorio, G. Dresselhaus, and M. S.
Dresselhaus, Phys. Rev. B, 71, 045417, (2005)
[5] Quantum Decoherence in carbon nanotubes due to electron-phonon coupling, S. Roche, J.
Jiang, F. Triozon, R. Saito, Phys. Rev. Lett., in press.

Riichiro Saito
Department of Physics, and JST CREST, Tohoku University
3-6, Aoba, Aramaki, Aoba-ku, Sendai, 980-8758, Japan
TEL: +81-22-794-7754 FAX: +81-22-794-6447
e-mail: rsaito@phys.tohoku.ac.jp Web: http://flex.phys.tohoku.ac.jp/

Physical properties of carbon nanotubes

Riichiro Saito was born on March 13th in 1958, and received
his Ph. D. at The University of Tokyo in 1985. He became
Research Associate at The University of Tokyo (1985),
Electro-Communications (1990), and Professor at
Department of Physics, Tohoku University (2003). He has
been a visiting scientist at Massachusetts Institute of
Technology (1991-2) at Prof. Gene Dresselhaus and Prof.
Mildred S. Dresselhaus. and Visiting Associate Professor at
The University of Tokyo (1990-1, 1993-4, 1997-8).
His main field of research is Physical Properties of Carbon Nanotubes. The same title of
book was published from Imperial College Press (1998) with Prof. Gene Dresselhaus and Prof.
Mildred S. Dresselhaus. He got the 13th Japan IBM prize (Physics, 1999). He has published
140 original papers and about 30 reviews.


Sashiro Uemura
Strategic Development Project SDP5
728-23 Tsumura-cho, Ise, Mie 516-1103 Japan
+81-596-39-1181, suemura@noritake-itron.jp

In 1998, we successfully manufactured the first experimental device with Carbon

Nanotube(CNT) emitter, and actual devices were also successfully manufactured at first as
lighting-elements and flat-panels with screen-printed nanotube cathodes. The field emission
displays(FEDs) performed stable electron emission, adequate luminance, and long life of the
emitters with an industrial approach. The results revealed that the nano-scale material CNT
was applicable to field emitter for display devices. A high aspect ratio and small radius of
curvature at their tips, together with high chemical stability and high mechanical strength of
CNTs, are advantageous for use in field emitters. For practical high-luminance color panels,
we succeeded at first to make a triode structure panel which was an x-y addressable
high-luminance FED panel in 1999. The demonstrated panel showed a good legibility and
excellent luminance. The screen-printing method was suitable for fabricating a large-area
cathode, but we considered that it was not suitable for fabricating a uniform emitter. For
image-displays, a more uniform emission at a low applied voltage is required.
As a first trial of fabricating a uniform CNT cathode by the CVD technique, we
prepared an aligned CNT layer on a metal substrate by plasma-enhanced CVD. Even though
the CNTs thus prepared were vertically aligned, electron-emission density and uniformity
were unsatisfactory. This may be caused by the non-uniform concentration of the electric field
over individual CNTs. A more uniform electric field over the cathode surface will be formed
when the surface of the CNT layer is smooth and round around the electrode edges and when
the surface resistivity is uniform. We succeeded in obtaining a surface morphology favorable
for the CNT field emitter by the newly developed thermal CVD. The CNTs grown on
metal-electrode frames by the new method formed a web-like networked structure, and the
tips of the CNTs were found throughout the small-mesh network-like structure. The spatial
distribution of the electron emission from the new CNT emitter was moderately uniform,
indicating that a uniform electric field is formed over the CNT electrode. The technology was
also applicable to a large area up to 40in. in size by arranging many metal frames on a glass
substrate. (Figure 1)
The CNT layer was prepared using a thermal-CVD equipment, on a patterned plate of
426-alloy. Metal catalysts necessary for CNT growth are included in the alloy. The alloy has a

special thermal property, i.e., its thermal-expansion coefficient coincides with that of glass
which is used as a material of vacuum vessels.
The CNT-FED will be valuable in high luminance and low power consumption for
large-screen-size display applications.


Figure 1. CNT layer deposited on a patterned metal electrode.

Dr. Sashiro Uemura received his B.S. degree from
Mie University in 1973, and his Ph.D. from
Nagoya University in 1990.
In 1973, he joined ISE ELECTRONICS CORP.,
where he invented the active-matrix vacuum
fluorescent display(VFD). In 1989, he was engaged






high-voltage VFDs for out-door large size displays.

In 1997, he

developed the first carbon nanotube

field-emission display(FED), which became available

for actual use in 1998. His affiliation was changed





In 2000, the Japan Society of Applied Physics honored him with the Best Original Paper
award. In 2002, the Society for Information Display honored him with the Special
Recognition Award for pioneering contributions to the development of carbon-nanotube
field-emission display, and the Vacuum Technology Award was awarded to him by the
vacuum society of Japan.

Optical Properties of Isolated Single Wall Carbon Nanotubes

Directly Grown in Ceramics
Hiromichi Kataura
Nanotechnology Research Institute (NRI),
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
Central 4, 1-1-1 Higashi, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8561, Japan
After finding of the photoluminescence from suspended single wall carbon nanotubes
(SWCNTs), nanotube researchers interests have been focusing on the intrinsic physical
properties of isolated and individual SWCNTs. Especially, the excitonic effects in
one-dimensional system are the most exciting issue in these two years. For thit purpose,
SWCNTs suspended in water was often used as a sample using some kinds of surfactants.
Someone found, however, Raman spectrum of the SWCNT was strongly modified by
interactions between SWCNTs and the surfactant. For example, the radial breathing mode
(RBM) frequency showed about 4% up-shift accompanying a strong intensity reduction. In
the tangential mode, furthermore, G(-) band and Fano component were disappeared. These
spectral changes are not small and suggest a strong interaction between SWCNTs and
surfactants. Now the suspended SWCNTs in vacuum without using any surfactant were
required to investigate the intrinsic physical properties of individual SWCNTs.
Here we propose a new synthesis method to realize well isolated SWCNTs in air. We used
nano-porous MgO balk ceramics as a catalyst support instead of fine particles. High purity
SWCNTs were grown in pores of ceramics by alcohol CVD method. Pore size was controlled
to be around 20 nm that permits to penetrate alcohol vapor in ceramics but obstructs to
construct bundles of SWCNTs. High resolution SEM observation shows SWCNTs are well
suspended and bundles are very thin. Although it is very difficult to see individual SWCNTs
by SEM due to a less resolution, we found some SWCNTs are individual. This suggests our
sample contains considerable amount of individual SWNCTs that are well suspended in pores
of MgO ceramics.
Figure 1 shows Raman spectrum of the SWCNTs grown in ceramics. For a comparison,
Raman spectrum of SWCNTs grown on fine particles of the exactly same catalyst is also
shown in Fig. 1. Since the catalysts and growth conditions are exactly same, grown SWCNTs
should have same diameter distribution. This means the RBM spectra should be same for both
samples if there is no morphological difference. However, it is clearly seen that only the
SWCNTs grown in ceramics show very narrow RBM Raman lines. The typical linewidth of
each peak is 1.0 cm-1 at room temperature. This extremely narrow Raman shape indicates a
long lifetime of phonons in SWCNTs in ceramics. This means phonons in SWCNTs are not
scattered by defects, impurities on the wall, and neighboring SWCNTs. In other word,

SWCNTs in ceramics are high purity, well isolated and suspended in air. Furthermore,
intensity ratios of RBM peaks are different from each other. This means resonance effects of
each sample are different probably due to the different electronic structure.
To see a detailed electronic structure of each sample, resonance Raman spectra and
photoluminescence E11/E22 mapping were measured. Both measurements show the same
results that E22 excitation energy of semiconducting SWCNTs are about 50 meV higher than
those of the micelles while E11 emission energy shows no change. Detailed discussion will be
done in the presentation.
This work was in part supported by Industrial Technology Research Grant Program in 03
from New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO) of Japan. A
part of this work was conducted in AIST Nano-Processing Facility, supported by
"Nanotechnology Support Project" of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and
Technology (MEXT), Japan.

Raman Intensity (a.u.)


Co/MgO block
isolated SWCNT

Figure 1. Raman spectra of SWCNTs grown in

ceramics (upper) and SWCNTs grown on the fine
particles of the same catalyst (lower). Only upper

Co/MgO powder
bundled SWCNT

spectrum has very narrow RBM lines. Raman

intensity at 165 and 205 cm-1 ,which are assigned to
the bundle peaks, are very weak in the bulk catalyst









Raman shift (cm )

1987, Doctor of Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering,
Tsukuba University







Metropolitan University
2004, Senior Research Scientist, Nanotechnology Research
Institute (NRI), National Institute of Advanced Industrial
Science and technology (AIST)
2005, Leader, Self-assembled nanoelectronics group, NRI, AIST

Nano-Peapods in the Making

Hisanori Shinohara
Department of Chemistry & Institute for Advanced Research, Nagoya University, Nagoya 464-8602,
e-mail: noris@cc.nagoya-u.ac.jp
Carbon nanotubes (CNT) encapsulating fullerenes and metallofullerenes [1], the so-called
nano-peapods or simply peapods, are novel forms of CNT-fullerenes hybrid materials which are known
to exhibit some novel structural and electronic properties. One of the salient examples of such fullerene
nano-peapod is Gd@C82 metallofullerene peapods.
Elecrtronic properties of Gd@C82 metallofullerene peapods, (Gd@C82)n@SWNTs,

are investigated

by electron energy-loss spectroscopy (EELS) [2,3], scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy
(STM/STS) [4] and field-effect transistors (FETs) transport measurements [5]. In semiconducting
nanotubes the band gap can be varied from ~0.5 to ~0.1 eV with inserted Gd@C82 endohedral
metallofullerenes with spatial periodicity of 1.1 nm to 8.0 nm, depending on the density of the
fullerenes. The present findings suggest that metallofullerene peapods may point the way toward novel
electronic devices.
Figure 1 shows a schematic representation of, what we call, nano-peapod (single-wall carbon
nanotube encapsulating endohedral metallofullerenes) on the basis of high-resolution transmission
electron microscopy (HRTEM) observations.


Single-wall carbon nanotube encapsulating endohedral metallofullerenes

(metallofullerene nan-peapod). The encapsulated metallofullerenes are Gd@C82.

TEM images and electron energy loss spectra suggested that the metallofullerenes can be spaced
regularly as close as 1.1 nm in a high-density peapod structure, while 1.1 3 nm spacing was often
observed in a low-density peapod. In the present Gd@C82 peapod samples, about 10% of over 200
SWNT images showed locally modified semiconducting band gaps.
[1] H.Shinohara, Rep.Prog.Phys.63, 843 (2000).
[2] K.Suenaga et al., Phys. Rev.Lett. 90, 55506 (2003).
[3] K.Hirahara et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 85, 5384 (2000).
[4] J. Lee et al., Nature 415 1005 (2002).
[5] T.Shimada et al. Appl.Phys.Lett. 81, 4067 (2002).

Hisanori Shinohara
Department of Chemistry & Institute for Advanced Research
Nagoya University
Nagoya 464-8602,




e-mail: noris@cc.nagoya-u.ac.jp

Hisanori Shinohara received his B.Sc. in 1977 from Shinshu University and his Ph.D. from Kyoto
University in 1983 in Chemical Physics. He joined the research group of Prof. Nishi as a research
associate of Institute for Molecular Science (IMS) at Okazaki in 1979 where he made some pioneering
works on laser spectroscopy of supersonic jet-cooled molecular clusters of water, ammonia, benzene
and so on. He then became an associate professor of Chemistry at Mie University in 1988. During this
period he started fullerenes and metallofullerenes works in addition to molecular microclusters. He
came to Nagoya University in 1993 as a full professor in Chemistry. He is the recipient of the Japan
Mass Spectrometry prize (1991), the Japan Metal Society prize (1994), the Japan IBM Science prize
(1996), and Molecular Science Forum Lectureship at Chinese Academy of Science (2002). He is widely
known for his achievement on the production and characterization of endohedral metallofullerenes and
novel carbon nanotube materials. His research team has been produced, purified and characterized
more than 70 endohedral metallofullerenes. His research team recently synthesized the first single-wall
carbon nanotubes with metallofullerenes encapsulated inside the nanotubes, which was reported in
Phys.Rev.Lett. and Science in 2000 and Nature in 2002.
Totally, he has published over 350 original and peer-reviewed scientific papers including
approximately 180 in the top physics and chemistry journals, and more than 60 review papers in
journals and books. He has also presented a lot of invited lectures/seminars and conference talks. He is
also the members of Japan Chemical Society, Japan Physical Society, Japan Mass Spectrometry
Society, Materials Research Society (U.S.A.), Electrochemical Society (U.S.A.), American Association
for the Advancement of Science (U.S.A.), and serve as referees in many international journals in
physics, chemistry, materials science and engineering.

Carbon nanotube technologies: via interconnects and molecular dynamic study

Yuji Awano
Fujitsu Limited and Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd.
A carbon nanotube (CNT) exhibits not only unique atomic arrangements but also
interesting physical properties as well, such as highest current density exceeding 1E9A/cm2,
ultra-high thermal conductivity as high as that of diamond, ballistic transport along the tube.
Their remarkable properties make a CNT one of the ideal materials for a wide range of
applications. In this talk, we demonstrate the advantages of CNTs for ULSI interconnections,
which we believe that it must be one of the most promising applications for metallic CNTs.
We report present status of CNT material technologies including molecular dynamic
simulations of CNT growth mechanism and the potential of metallic CNT vias for future
ULSI interconnects (Fig. 1).
In order to introduce CNTs to Si ULSIs for exploiting their excellent features, it is needed
to lower the growth temperature about 400C, a limit established by the thermal tolerance of
low-k dielectrics. In our hot-filament CVD system, a mixture of C2H2, Ar and H2 was used as
the gas source. We obtained multi-walled nanotubes (MWNTs) with well-graphitized graphen
sheets using Co catalysts on Ti contact layers at 450C (Fig. 2). We fabricated test samples of
1000 chains of 2-m-diameter via consisting of about 1000 tubes (Fig. 3). By optimizing the
structure of the interface between MWNTs and Ti bottom contact layers, we could obtain via
resistance of 0.7 for a 2-m-diameter via with the growth temperature of 510C, which is in
the same order of magnitude as the theoretical value of W plugs and one order of magnitude
higher than that of Cu vias (Fig. 4). The corresponding resistance of about 0.7 k per MWNT
indicates that most of the inner shells contribute to carrier conduction as an additional channel.
It is important to produce CNTs at a greater density and smaller diameter to obtain resistance
as low as that of Cu wire. To study how we can control the diameter of a CNT and how we
can increase the density, we studied the CNT growth process using classical molecular
dynamics simulation (Fig. 5). Based on the simulated results, we are going to try using a
size-classified catalytic nano-particle technique to increase the density to 1012 /cm2. The
nano-particles were generated by laser ablation, classified with a differential mobility analyzer,
and deposited onto the substrate. We confirmed that the particles did not coalesce during
growth, and the MWNTs have outer diameters matching the particle sizes, indicating that this
method can produce diameter-controlled MWNTs.
If we look at the preliminary results on the reliability of CNT vias, there is no visible
degradation at the via current of 2106 A/cm2, which is comparable or a higher current density
than the limited value of Cu vias due to electro-migration, for 100 hours at room temperature.

In this case, the estimated current density of one nanotube was about 2.0108 A/cm2, which is
two orders of magnitude higher than the current density for Cu.
1. M. Nihei, et al., Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Vol. 44, No. 4A, pp.1626, 2005
2. M. Nihei et al., the IEEE 2005 International Interconnect Technology Conference, 2005

Fig. 1 Schematic of future LSI interconnects consisting of CNT vias.

CNT density (CNTs / cm2)

Via diameter: 2 m



Total resistance (/via)



1010 1011 1012 1013




Ta (5 nm)
Cu (100 nm)

Ballistic limit of
SWNT (1 shell


Ni catalyst, 600C


Inner shells
10 shells


Co catalyst, 450C
Co catalyst, 510C

W plug


Cu via


Si sub.

Fig. 2 TEM images of MWNTs grown

by Co catalyst layer at 450C.



103 104



Number of CNTs in vias

Fig. 3 SEM photographs and a schematic

of CNT via-chains.

Fig. 4 Dependence of total resistance of

CNT vias on number of CNTs in vias.

Fig. 5 Molecular dynamic simulation

of CNT diameter control growth on a

Dr. Yuji Awano

Yuji Awano was born in Tokyo, Japan, on January 11, 1958. He
received Ph. D. degree from Meiji University in 1985. He carried
out his research between 1979 and 1985, at Electrotechnical
Laboratory (ETL), where he engaged in theoretical study on
various high-speed compound semiconductor devices, and was the
first person to apply the Monte Carlo particle simulation method to
the theoretical study of ballistic electron transport and electrical properties of
submicrometer-sized devices. Since 1985, he has been employed by Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd.,
Atsugi, Japan. From 1985 to 1991, he worked on experimental and theoretical studies of
short-channel HEMTs. From 1991 to 1992, he was a visiting scientist at M.I.T., Cambridge,
MA. Since 1995, he has been engaged in R&D on ultra-small-sized FETs and quantum effect
devices. He is currently a Research Fellow in Nanotechnology Research Center of Fujitsu
Laboratories Ltd. He is responsible for the R&D of CNT material and device technologies.

Magnetoresistance and Electron Interactions in Single-Walled Carbon

David H. Cobden
Department of Physics, University of Washington
Seattle WA 98195-1560


G (S)

Electron-electron interactions are important in single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) because of their one-dimensional (1D) electronic dispersion. Describing the conduction electrons
in a perfect SWNT as a Luttinger liquid can explain the power-law energy dependence of tunneling rates seen in a number of transport experiments on nanotubes. However, real SWNTs include disorder and phonons, and theoretically little is known about disordered 1D systems with
interactions. An important aspect of annotates is that, unlike in an ideal 1D system, the electronic bands are modified by an applied magnetic field B [1]. This means SWNTs can exhibit
magnetic field sensitivity even at temperatures much higher than the Zeeman energy. The resulting magnetoresistance (variation of the linear resistance with B) can in principle be used to probe
important and currently unknown properties such as the dephasing length. In addition, as has
recently been shown, measurements of the nonlinear electrical transport in a magnetic field can
in principle be used to obtain the electronelectron interaction strength, as well as the
handedness of the nanotube [2,3,4].
With these considerations in mind we
studied two-terminal transport through
SWNTs in a magnetic field parallel to the
tube axis [5]. In this geometry the field
acts on the bands simply through an
Aharonov-Bohm phase shift. The resis100
tance of our nanotubes is dominated by
bulk disorder, with a backscattering length
Vg = -6.1 V
lb in the range 150 nm to 1 m, much less
T (K)
than the gold contact separation L = 4 m.
First, we found parabolic magnetoresistance at room temperature in the metallic regime which could be positive or
negative, typically of magnitude 5% at 16
T and only weakly dependent on gate volt200
age. An example is shown in Figure 1a.
Large negative magnetoresistance has
been seen previously near the conductance
minimum in clean small-gap nanotubes at
100 K [6], where it could be explained by
a decreasing bandgap. However a new
mechanism may be needed to account for
B (T)
magnetoresistance in the metallic regime,
Figure 1. Magnetic field and temperature dependence
possibly taking account of interactions.
Second, we found that at low tempera- of two-terminal transport coefficients in a semiconducting nanotube device (characteristics inset at
tures the linear conductance G remains
the top). (a) The linear conductance G is symmetric
symmetric in B, as it must according to in B, in accordance with Onsager, but (b) the nonlinOnsager symmetry [7], but it fluctuates as ear coefficient of the V2B current term is not.

a function of B or gate voltage, and it shows a persistent dip at B = 0. Similar behavior has been
reported very recently for SWNTs with weak disorder in a perpendicular magnetic field [8]. The
results are reminiscent of single-particle quantum interference effects and weak localization. Indeed, magnetoresistance in SWNTs due to interference effects with scattering only at the contacts has been demonstrated [9]. However, the disordered regime appears not to have been considered theoretically before. One has to take into account the fact that the clean system is a Luttinger liquid not a Fermi liquid, and so interpreting the behavior in the dirty regime (conductance
much less than the ballistic limit of 4e2/h) in terms of coherent fermionic quasiparticles seems
hard to justify.
Finally, we measured the quadratic coefficient (B) in the nonlinear current-voltage characteristic, I(V) = G(B)V + (B)V2 + . We found in all three devices studied that (B) is asymmetric in B, in contrast with the Onsager symmetry of G. This is apparent in the data in Figure
1b. The B-antisymmetric component of (B) can only exist as a result of electron-electron interactions [2-4]. If one makes the expansion (B) = 0 + B + , the coefficient is proportional
to the strength of interactions in the sample and therefore can be used to deduce the interaction
parameter. This provides a powerful motivation for measuring in this and other systems. The
nonzero values of we find are strong evidence that interactions are relevant in nanotube transport, both at high and low temperatures. We believe this is the first time the coefficient has
been investigated in any detail, although a pioneering measurement was made once before [10].
Consistent with qualitative theoretical expectations, we find that at high temperatures is small
and has a constant sign independent of gate voltage. Note that in this regime the sign of could
in principle be used to measure the handedness of the nanotube. At low temperatures develops
reproducible mesoscopic fluctuations. There exist as yet no calculations of in 1D case with
which we can quantitatively compare the measurements.
This work was done by the authors of Ref. [5].
[1] H. Ajiki and T. Ando, Physica B 201, 349 (1994).
[2] E.L. Ivchenko and B. Spivak, Phys. Rev. B 66, 155404 (2002).
[3] B. Spivak and A. Zyuzin, Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 226801 (2004).
[4] D. Sanchez and M. Buttiker, Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 106802 (2004).
[5] J. Wei, M. Shimogawa, Z. Wang, I. Radu, R. Dormaier, D.H. Cobden, cond-mat/0506275.
[6] E. D. Minot, Y. Yaish, V. Sazonova, and P.L. McEuen, Nature 428, 536 (2004).
[7] L. Landau and E. M. Lifshitz, Statistical Physics Volume 1 (Butterworth-Heinemann, 1980).
[8] H.T. Man and A.F. Morpurgo, Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 026801 (2005)
[9] J. Cao, Q. Wang, M. Rolandi, and H. Dai Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 216803 (2004).
[10] V.Krstic, S.Roth, M.Burghard, K.Kern, G.L.J.A. Rikken, J. Chem. Phys. 117, 11315 (2002).

David H Cobden is an Assistant Professor in the Department of
Physics at the University of Washington. He received a PhD from
the University of Cambridge in 1992. He is interested in electronelectron interaction and correlation phenomena in nanostructures and
reduced dimensions, and their manifestations in electrical transport.
Most of his work has been on mesoscopic semiconductor devices and
carbon nanotubes.

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