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Sample Charity Accounts 5

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Trustees' Annual Report for the period

Period start date Period end date

Day Month Year Day Month Year
13 Novemb 2020 31 December 2021
From er To

Section A Reference and administration details

Charity name Poverty Pound

Other names charity is known by

Registered charity number (if any) 1192332

Charity's principal address Harlow, Essex


Names of the charity trustees who manage the charity

Name of person (or body)
Dates acted if not for
Trustee name Office (if any) entitled to appoint trustee
whole year
(if any)
1 Bharat Thakrar
2 Anoupama Ritoo
3 Jaikishan Patel
Names of the trustees for the charity, if any, (for example, any custodian
Name Dates acted if not for whole year

TAR 1 March 2012

Names and addresses of advisers (Optional information)
Type of adviser Name Address

Name of chief executive or names of senior staff members (Optional information)

Section B Structure, governance and

Description of the charity’s trusts
CIO Foundation Constitution
Type of governing document

(eg. trust deed, constitution)

CIO Foundation Constitution
How the charity is
(eg. trust, association,
Trustees are appointed or reappointed annually
Trustee selection methods
(eg. appointed by, elected by)

Additional governance issues (Optional information)

You may choose to include

additional information, where
relevant, about:
 policies and procedures
adopted for the induction
and training of trustees;
 the charity’s
organisational structure
and any wider network
with which the charity
 relationship with any
related parties;
 trustees’ consideration of
major risks and the system
and procedures to manage

Section C Objectives and activities

TAR 2 March 2012

The prevention or relief of poverty and financial hardship for the
benefit of the public through:
• Providing or assisting in the provision of items or services to
individuals or communities in poverty
• Raising awareness of poverty and financial hardship by
educating and informing the wider community on poverty and
the impact it has in the UK and globally. This will be done using a
Summary of the objects
range of difference approaches for example (but not limited to)
of the charity set out in
social media platforms, social and fundraising events that the
its governing document
charity organise to raise donations and through the website for
Poverty Pound.
• Organising charity fundraisers to raise money through
donations. The money raised will be used to provide essential
items and aid those in poverty.
• Adapting to the ever changing social and economic climate
and address the needs of the community at that relevant time.

At the forefront of our planning was the importance of public

benefit and helping reach out to those that need our support.

The tagline and our USP is: Unite. Support. Provide. The message
is simple and clear that we should all unite to help tackle
poverty in society. The support and donations will help us
achieve our objectives and reach out and aid more people that
need help. We will be able to provide support and improve the
lives of others.

Summary of the main Due to the pandemic, we were unable to carry out public
activities undertaken for fundraising events, so instead like many others, we focused our
the public benefit in efforts on online fundraising events. During the tough period, we
relation to these objects found this to be useful and beneficial for people to come
(include within this together and be more positive. It helped us to raise awareness of
section the statutory the new charity and raise donations for the cause.
declaration that trustees
have had regard to the With the funds raised, we were able to provide food hampers to
guidance issued by the families in the local community. The families were referred based
Charity Commission on on their financial backgrounds, needs and circumstances.
public benefit)
Throughout the year, Poverty Pound would also be contacted
with specific requests for food hampers.

Throughout, we would source the items ourselves, collate, pack

and distribute.

Being a new startup Charity in the tough times, it has been hard
to raise funds as our sole income is through donations. However,
as a team we have persevered and have plans for 2021. The first
main focus will be a Winter campaign for those livening below
the line, struggling or homeless.
Additional details of objectives and activities (Optional information)

TAR 3 March 2012

You may choose to include
further statements, where
relevant, about:
 policy on grantmaking;
 policy programme related
 contribution made by

Section D Achievements and performance

As mentioned previously, we did fundraising events online.
Summary of the main
To be able to bring the community together and celebrate
achievements of the
a function from our homes (a function that would usually
charity during the year
be celebrated in person but not possible this year due
COVID restrictions) was good as it created a positive
atmosphere and people could enjoy being together again
albeit virtually.

It gave people a chance to dress up and generally feel

good. It was also a great chance to spread the word and
raise awareness of Poverty Pound and also the key
issues/struggles facing many individuals and families.
During these online events, we were able to show the work
we have undertaken as well as raising donations
throughout the online events.

As a Charity, Poverty Pound hopes to not only reach out to

those living below the poverty line or homeless but also
the important element of raising awareness of the issues
we are faced with. Sadly, with the current economic
climate and uncertainty, many are faced with uncertain
times ahead.

With the generous donations received throughout, we were

able to distribute food hampers to the local community.
Throughout the year, Poverty Pound would also be
contacted with specific requests for food hampers which
were happy to provide.

Poverty Pound was also approached by a local school to

provide toiletries hampers. As a Charity we believe it is
important to listen to the needs of society and it was clear
when speaking with the Headteacher the real need was
toiletries. The families we supported were from low income
and struggled with the basic essential items. As a result we
sourced and provide items such as deodorants, shampoo,
TAR 4 March 2012
Section D Achievements and performance
toilet roll, washing detergents to name a few.

Section E Financial review

The funds as at 31.12.21 will be used for the year ahead in
Brief statement of the reaching out and supporting more people who need help and
charity’s policy on support. One of our key aims is to do a Winter Warmer
reserves campaign where we distribute items such as sleeping bags,
gloves, scarves, hats etc.

As a new Charity, we solely rely on generous donations by

individuals and must effectively spread out the funds to be used
in reaching out to as many people as possible.

Details of any funds

materially in deficit

Further financial review details (Optional information)

TAR 5 March 2012

You may choose to include
additional information,
where relevant about:
 the charity’s principal
sources of funds
(including any
 how expenditure has
supported the key
objectives of the charity;
 investment policy and
objectives including any
ethical investment policy

Section F Other optional information

Section G Declaration
The trustees declare that they have approved the trustees’ report above.

Signed on behalf of the charity’s trustees

Signature(s) BThakrar

Full name(s) Bharat Thakrar

Position (eg Secretary, Chair
Chair, etc)

TAR 6 March 2012

Charity Name No (if an
Poverty Pound

Receipts and payments accoun

For the period Period start date Period
from 13.11.2020 31.1

Section A Receipts and payments

Unrestricted Restricted Endowment
funds funds funds
to the nearest
to the nearest £ to the nearest £
A1 Receipts
Donations 2,683 - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -

2,683 - -
Sub total(Gross income for AR)
A2 Asset and investment sales,
(see table).
- - -
- - -
Sub total - - -

Total receipts 2,683 - -

A3 Payments
Expenditure 1,069 - -

- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
Sub total 1,069 - -

A4 Asset and investment

purchases, (see table)
- - -
- - -
Sub total - - -

Total payments 1,069 - -

Net of receipts/(payments) 1,614 - -

A5 Transfers between funds - - -
CCXX R1 accounts (SS) 1 10/31/2022
A6 Cash funds last year end - - -
Cash funds this year end 1,614 - -

CCXX R2 accounts (SS) 2 10/31/2022

Section B Statement of assets and liabilities at the end of the
Categories Details funds
to nearest £
B1 Cash funds Cash at Bank 1,614

Total cash funds 1,614

(agree balances with receipts and payments
account(s)) OK
Details to nearest £
B2 Other monetary assets -

Fund to which
Details asset belongs
B3 Investment assets

Fund to which
Details asset belongs
B4 Assets retained for the
charity’s own use

Fund to which
Details liability relates
B5 Liabilities

CCXX R3 accounts (SS) 3 10/31/2022

B5 Liabilities

Signed by one or two trustees on

behalf of all the trustees Signature Print Name

BThakrar Bharat Thakrar

CCXX R4 accounts (SS) 4 10/31/2022

No (if any)

s and payments accounts CC16a

Period end date

Total funds Last year

to the nearest £ to the nearest £

2,683 -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -

2,683 -

- -
- -

2,683 -

1,069 -

- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
1,069 -

- -

1,069 -

1,614 -
- -
CCXX R5 accounts (SS) 5 10/31/2022
- -
1,614 -

CCXX R6 accounts (SS) 6 10/31/2022

iabilities at the end of the period
Restricted Endowment
funds funds
to nearest £ to nearest £
- -

- -

- -

- -

Restricted Endowment
funds funds
to nearest £ to nearest £
- -

- -

- -

- -

- -

- -

Current value
Cost (optional)
- -

- -

- -

- -

- -

Current value
Cost (optional)
- -

- -

- -

- -

- -

- -

- -

- -

- -

Amount due When due

(optional) (optional)

CCXX R7 accounts (SS) 7 10/31/2022


Date of
Print Name

Bharat Thakrar 28.10.22

CCXX R8 accounts (SS) 8 10/31/2022

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