CNF Lesson 10 Proofreading and Revising TW
CNF Lesson 10 Proofreading and Revising TW
CNF Lesson 10 Proofreading and Revising TW
Objectives: At the end of this lesson, the learner should be able to:
Subject Matter: Unit IV. Experiencing Creative Nonfiction through Reading and Writing
Lesson 10: Proofreading and Revising a Written Output
Book(s): Baronda, AJC. (2016). Creative Nonfiction. Manila, Philippines. JFS Publishing Services.
Prentice Hall. (2004). Grammar & Composition IV. Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd.
Brainstorm as much as you can about the word “Proofreading” and “Revision”. Write all the
words/phrases you can associate and relate on the spaces below.
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DO NOT WRITE anything on this activity sheet. All answers should be written on a YELLOW PAD.
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CNF Quarter Two: Week 10 Lesson 10: Proofreading and Revising a Written Output
Revising on the other hand, as we have discussed in Module 6 of our previous lesson in
Creative Nonfiction, allows the writer to look critically at his writing to find errors and to make improvements.
The writer should put his paragraph aside for a while and examine it and revise it when he can view it with
some objectivity.
1. Does the topic sentence accurately state the main idea developed in the paragraph or is it too general or too
2. Does the topic sentence suggest your purpose and suit your intended audience?
3. Does the support contain enough examples, details, facts, reasons, and/or incidents to develop the topic
4. Can you find any weaknesses among supporting ideas: vague statements, generalizations, or weak
5. Can you eliminate any extraneous or unimportant information?
6. Does the supporting information follow the most logical order consistently throughout?
7. Have you achieved coherence by using transitions, coordinating and subordinating words, repetitions of main
words, synonyms, and consistent pronouns to connect ideas?
8. Could you improve any confusing or awkward places by adding any of the linking devices, parallelism, or a
bridge idea?
9. Does the paragraph need a concluding sentence?
10. Do your sentences vary in lengths, openers, and structures?
11. Are the word choices the best you can find for your ideas?
12. Are there any errors in grammar, usage, mechanics, or spelling?
DO NOT WRITE anything on this activity sheet. All answers should be written on a YELLOW PAD.
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CNF Quarter Two: Week 10 Lesson 10: Proofreading and Revising a Written Output
Let’s see how far you are doing. Read the sentences below, proofread for errors using the appropriate
proofreading marks. Revise the sentences on the blanks.
1. Where did Molly go __________________________________
2. Im so excited you’re here __________________________________
3. Wheres the door __________________________________
4. Together well have so much fun __________________________________
5. The family had dogs and chickens __________________________________
6. Whats your name asked martin __________________________________
7. We cant wait for sumer __________________________________
8. Why did we stop dancing __________________________________
9. She is from japan __________________________________
10. Can you paly the paino __________________________________
Correct the paragraph for any errors in grammar, spelling, or punctuation. Then, revise the
paragraph. (Copy and answer on a yellow pad).
For city slickers leave collecting in autum is an exhilarating experinece, the leaves fairly obliterate
the grounds creating a slippery forrest floor that is often hasardous to walk on. The feiry autumnel
colors ilumine the hills injecting ones spirit with the special joy of being alive. The grey macadam of
city streets fade in our memory, it is like an old black and white movie next to 3-D technicolr. The
leaves are pointed rounded brittle limp jaged conical—each are a collectors delight to be treasured
as a momento of a day as natures guest on our return to the cinder-block city.
Key to answers:
DO NOT WRITE anything on this activity sheet. All answers should be written on a YELLOW PAD.
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