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V454/V458 Unified Fault Code Chart

SPN FMI DTC Description Component Failure Cause Failure Repair

Check PCV for opening (PWM=0% --> no pressure)

Pressure Control Valve (PCV) stuck in close position,
Check wiring harness for electric power (short circuit) or Check wiring for metering unit for partial short
additional current through PCV due to electric problem in wiring,
Fuel pressure control Pressure control valve: Maximum rail pressure in limp circuit (current by-passes MeUn)
18 14 12000E Fuel pressure (Rail) control return flow tube from PCV clogged
home mode exceeded Check return tube from PCV to tank for clogging and Check 0-delivery valve of CP
Metering Unit (MeUn) stuck in full feeding position
Check metering Unit for 0-delivery (PWM=100% --> no delivery)
No electrical power to metering unit
Check return flow tube from zero delivery valve to tank for clogging

Fuel pressure control: Insufficient rail pressure, fuel injection release

18 31 12001F Fuel pressure Rail pressure insufficient to start the engine Check reason for insufficient rail pressure, tank empty,fuel filter clogged, pump problem or leakage

Clean fuel filter

97 31 61001F Water in Fuel Determination: Water in Fuel Water in Fuel determination Water in fuel filter
Check Sensor measured value

Oil Pump control: Duty cycle above maximum limit expected for the
100 0 640000 Oil Lubricant Oil level low, oil leakages, oil pump wear or oil pressure sensor measurement incorrect Check oil level, check oil pressure measure, check system for leakage, check oil pump.
considered operating point

Oil pressure sensing: Diagnostic fault check for oil pressure below minimum
100 1 640001 Oil pressure sensing Low oil pressure or digital oil pressure switch blocked Check oil level and pressure, check oil pressure switch

Sensor defective or wiring short circuit to external source

100 3 640003 Oil pressure sensing: SRC high for oil pressure sensor Oil pressure sensing Check wiring and connector continuity or replace sensor
Remark: Most ECU analog input pins are provided with a pullup resistor. In this case an open circuit
error will also be identified as an SRC Max error.

100 4 640004 Oil pressure sensing: SRC low for Oil pressure sensor Oil pressure sensing Sensor defective or short circuit to ground in the wiring Check wiring or replace sensor

Check oil level, check oil leakage, check wiring and the accuracy of Oil Pressure sensor and replace it if
100 18 640012 Oil Pressure Sensor: Physical signal below minimum limit Oil pressure sensing Oil pressure too low, or inaccurate or defective Oil Pressure sensor, or defect in its wiring

Short circuit of sensor to external source or defective sensor

102 3 660003 Boost pressure sensor: SRC High Air Intake pressure value Boost pressure Check wiring and connector continuity or replace sensor
Remark: Most ECU analog input pins are provided with a pullup resistor. In this case an open circuit
error will also be identified as an SRC Max error.

102 4 660004 Boost pressure sensor: SRC Low Air Intake pressure value Boost pressure Short circuit at wiring harness or inside the boost pressure sensor to ground or open circuit Check of wiring or replace boost pressure sensor

102 15 66000F Boost Pressure: Diagnostic Fault Check for High Plausibility error Boost pressure Inaccurate or defective boost pressure sensor, defect in the wiring Check wiring and the accuracy of the boost pressure sensor and replace it if necessary

102 17 660011 Boost Pressure: Diagnostic Fault Check for Low Plausibility error Boost pressure Inaccurate or defective boost pressure sensor, defect in the wiring Check wiring and the accuracy of the boost pressure sensor and replace it if necessary

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V454/V458 Unified Fault Code Chart

SPN FMI DTC Description Component Failure Cause Failure Repair

Implausible turbine speed variation, defective sensor

103 2 670002 Turbine speed sensor: Implausible speed variations Turbocharger speed sensor check wiring or replace sensor
Sticking turbine?

103 3 670003 Turbine speed sensor: SRC High fault path Turbocharger speed sensor Damaged Turbocharger or Turbine Speed sensor defective Check turbocharger, check wiring or replace sensor

103 4 670004 Turbine speed sensor: SRC low fault path Turbocharger speed sensor Damaged Turbocharger or Turbine Speed sensor defective Check turbocharger, check wiring or replace sensor

Signal connection from sensor to ECU is interrupted

103 8 670008 Turbine speed sensor: signal long period fault path Turbocharger control Check wiring, check sensor
Signal line has a short circuit to supply or ground.

Clogged air filter leading to low intake pressure and turbine overspeed, inadequate application of Check, clean or replace air filter, check application of speed evaluation, check for plausiblity of raw turbine
103 31 67001F Turbocharger Irreversible overspeed detection Turbocharger control
speed evaluation from raw signal, defective turbine speed sensor, sticking VGT speed signals (pulses), replace sensor, check VGT

Short circuit of sensor to external source or defective sensor

105 3 690003 Boost temperature: SRC high for air intake temperature Boost temperature Check wiring and connector continuity or replace sensor
Remark: Most ECU analog input pins are provided with a pullup resistor. In this case an open circuit
error will also be identified as an SRC Max error.

105 4 690004 Boost temperature: SRC low for air intake temperature Boost temperature Short circuit of sensor to ground or defective sensor Check wiring or replace sensor

Check cause for exceeding maximum allowed threshold (like environmental factors, system problem or
engine misuse).
105 16 690010 Boost temperature: Physical Signal above maximum limit Boost temperature Excessive boost temperature is measured
If threshold exceeding is implausible check wiring and the accuracy of the sensor and replace it if

Check cause for value to fall below minimum allowed threshold (like environmental factors, system problem
or engine misuse).
105 18 690012 Boost temperature: Physical Signal below minimum limit Boost temperature Excessively low boost temperature is measured
If threshold exceeding is implausible check wiring and the accuracy of the sensor and replace it if

107 15 6B000F Air FIlter Clogging first level warning Air FIlter Air filter is clogged Clean or replace air filter

107 16 6B0010 Air FIlter Clogging second level warning Air FIlter Air filter is clogged Clean or replace air filter

108 3 6C0003 Environmental pressure: Signal Range Check High Ambient pressure sensor Sensor defective or short circuit to external source If sensor is defective ECU must be replaced.

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V454/V458 Unified Fault Code Chart

SPN FMI DTC Description Component Failure Cause Failure Repair

108 4 6C0004 Environmental pressure: Signal Range Check Low Ambient pressure sensor Sensor defective or short circuit to ground If sensor is defective ECU must be replaced.

If the vehicle is not located at extremely low altitude (below sea level), check pressure sensor for
108 20 6C0014 Environmental pressure: Physical value implausibly high Ambient pressure sensor Enviornemantal pressure implausibly high

If sensor is defective ECU must be replaced.

If the vehicle is not located at extremely high altitude, check pressure sensor for plausibility
108 21 6C0015 Environmental pressure: Physical value implausibly low Ambient pressure sensor Enviornemantal pressure implausibly low
If sensor is defective ECU must be replaced.

110 0 6E0000 Info: Engine temperature exceeded warn level Info: Torque Limitation active Too high engine temperature Cooling system problem or simply overheated engine due to heavy use or high environmental temperature

Very cold ambient conditions and cabin heater(s) on full power (specially if additional heaters using
Ensure that engine was not running in extreme ambient conditions.
coolant temperature installed in the vehicle)
Check wiring and connectors (corrosion)
110 2 6E0002 Coolant temp sensor: defect fault check for Absolute plausibility test Coolant temp sensor Additional electrical resistance in the wiring (corroded connector)
Check accuracy of sensor, replacement of sensor
Inaccurate sensor (although sensor does not exceed its signal range)
Check Thermostat functionality
Engine thermostat blocked in open position

Check sensor
Engine Coolant Temperature: value not plausible compared to reference
110 7 6E0007 Coolant temp sensor Coolant temperature sensor drifted
temp sensor after long stand still time Remark: If the vehicle is provided of a blockheater (WEBASTO or similar) ghost failures may be detected.
The heater is not managed or recognised by Engine control unit

Plausibility check: One or more temperature sensors deviating from

110 11 6E000B Temperature Sensor One or more temperature sensors deviating from expected value (measured temperature too low) Check wiring, check sensors
expected value at cold start (measured temp.too low)

110 15 6E000F Info: Engine coolant temperature exceedingly high (1st detection) None Event detection, engine coolant temperature too high No intervention necessary

110 16 6E0010 Info: Engine temperature exceeded pre-warn level Info: Torque Limitation active Too high engine temperature Cooling system problem or simply overheated engine due to heavy use or high environmental temperature

Check cause for value to fall below minimum allowed threshold (like environmental factors, system problem
Engine Cooling Water Temperature Sensor: Physical Signal below or engine misuse).
110 18 6E0012 Coolant temp sensor Excessively low Coolant temperature is measured
minimum limit If threshold exceeding is implausible check wiring and the accuracy of the sensor and replace it if

152 11 98000B External device triggered an ECU reset during normal ECU initialisation ECU Internal At least one external device using IO external library, required ECU reset due to internal errors Check connected external devices

152 31 98001F External device triggered an ECU reset during normal ECU driving ECU Internal At least one external device using IO external library, required ECU reset due to internal errors Check connected external devices

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V454/V458 Unified Fault Code Chart

SPN FMI DTC Description Component Failure Cause Failure Repair

Ensure correct wiring and proper functioning of rail pressure sensor,

Fuel pressure (Rail) sensor: offset rail pressure correction is below
157 1 9D0001 Fuel pressure (Rail) sensor Rail pressure sensor signal inaccurate
minimum value
Replace sensor if necessary and reset learning values in EEPROM / start New learning

Check wiring and connectors of Rail pressure sensor for good contacts.
157 2 9D0002 Fuel pressure (Rail) sensor: Rail pressure raw value is intermittent Fuel pressure (Rail) sensor Periodical loose of contact in the weiring, the connectors or sensor itself
Check sensor, replace sensor if necessary and reset learning values in EEPROM / start New learning

Check wiring and proper functioning of rail pressure sensor

157 4 9D0004 Fuel pressure (Rail) sensor: Sensor voltage below lower limit Fuel pressure (Rail) sensor Short circuit of wiring to ground or defective pressure sensor
Replace sensor if necessary and reset learning values in EEPROM / start New learning

Short circuit of wiring to external source or defective pressure sensor

Check wiring and connector continuity or replace sensor
157 11 9D000B Fuel pressure (Rail) sensor: Sensor voltage above upper limit Fuel pressure (Rail) sensor
Remark: Most ECU analog input pins are provided with a pullup resistor. In this case an open circuit
Replace sensor if necessary and reset learning values in EEPROM / start New learning
error will also be identified as an SRC Max error.

Fuel pressure (Rail) sensor: offset rail pressure check aborted due to CHeck reason for irregular ECU switch off (ECU supply cut, interrupted afterrun by operator or ECU supply
157 14 9D000E None Irregular ECU switch off was detected
irregular ECU switch OFF management)

157 16 9D0010 Rail Collective fault1 Positive detected Fuel pressure (Rail) control At least one error causing rail pressurepositive deviation was detected Check and repair source failure

Ensure correct wiring and proper functioning of rail pressure sensor,

Fuel pressure (Rail) sensor: rail pressure raw value is above maximum
157 20 9D0014 Fuel pressure (Rail) sensor Rail pressure sensor signal inaccurate
Replace sensor if necessary and reset learning values in EEPROM / start New learning

Ensure correct wiring and proper functioning of rail pressure sensor, replace sensor
157 21 9D0015 Fuel pressure (Rail) sensor: rail pressure raw value is below minimum offset Fuel pressure (Rail) sensor Rail pressure sensor signal inaccurate
Replace sensor if necessary and reset learning values in EEPROM / start New learning

Battery voltage: Power stage diagnosis could be disabled due to high Power supply is to high --> possibly external power supply connected (battery charger??) or internal Check battery status and voltage level,Disconnect external device if connected or replace ECU if no supply
158 16 9E0010 Battery voltage
Battery voltage failure of ECU (wrong measurement of supply voltage) problem is found.

Battery voltage: Power stage diagnosis could be disabled due to low Battery Too low battery voltage, possible also during engine cranking (possibly in cold conditrion), too low Chech battery state (charge state). Check connectors and wiring harness to corrosion and/or too high
158 18 9E0012 Battery voltage
voltage measurement of battery voltage possibly due to corroded contacts or wiring harness electrical resistance

168 3 A80003 Battery voltage: SRC high for battery voltage sensor Battery voltage Alternator voltage governor defect Replace alternator governor device or alternator

Battery defect, alternator defect, wiring problems (too high resistance) or ECU defect. Occurrence
168 4 A80004 Battery voltage: SRC low for battery voltage sensor Battery voltage Replace battery or alternator. Check ECU and wiring.
possible during cold start.

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V454/V458 Unified Fault Code Chart

SPN FMI DTC Description Component Failure Cause Failure Repair

168 16 A80010 Battery voltage: SRC high for battery voltage sensor Battery voltage Alternator voltage governor defect, Battery defect, wiring defect or ECU defect. Check and replace if necessary battery, alternator, wiring or ECU.

Battery defect, alternator defect, wiring problems (too high resistance) or ECU defect. Occurence
168 18 A80012 Battery voltage: SRC low for battery voltage sensor Battery voltage Replace battery or alternator. Check ECU and wiring.
possible during cold start.

Selected Temperature sensor 3 delivering implausible value (check

171 2 AB0002 Temperature Sensor The temperature sensor is drifted Check temperature sensor
description for detail)

Sensor defective or short circuit in wiring to external source

Environmental Temperature sensor (in humidity sensor): SRC High for
171 3 AB0003 Ambient temperature sensor Check wiring and connector continuity or replace sensor
Environment Temperature Remark: Most ECU analog input pins are provided with a pullup resistor. In this case an open circuit
error will also be identified as an SRC Max error.

Environmental Temperature sensor (in humidity sensor): SRC low for

171 4 AB0004 Ambient temperature sensor Sensor defective or short circuit wiring to ground Check wiring or replace sensor
Environment Temperature

Selected Temperature sensor 1 delivering implausible value (check

172 2 AC0002 Temperature Sensor The temperature sensor is drifted Check temperature sensor
description for detail)

Sensor defective or short circuit to external source

Intake Manifold Air Temperature: Signal Range Check High for Temperature
172 3 AC0003 Intake Air Manifold Temperature Sensor Check wiring and connector continuity or replace sensor
sensor (Voltage High) Remark: Most ECU analog input pins are provided with a pullup resistor. In this case an open circuit
error will also be identified as an SRC Max error.

Sensor defective or short circuit to ground

Intake Manifold Air Temperature: Signal Range Check Low for Temperature
172 4 AC0004 Intake Air Manifold Temperature Sensor Check wiring or replace sensor
sensor (Voltage Low) Note: This failure can also be detected, if a very high boost temperature occured (> 350°C) e.g. due to
full flow of non cooled EGR or fire ....

Selected Temperature sensor 2 delivering implausible value (check

172 14 AC000E Temperature Sensor The temperature sensor is drifted Check temperature sensor
description for detail)

174 3 AE0003 Fuel Temp Sensor: SRC high for fuel temperature sensor Fuel Temp Sensor Sensor defective or short circuit to external source Check wiring or replace sensor

174 4 AE0004 Fuel Temp Sensor: SRC low for fuel temperature sensor Fuel Temp Sensor Sensor defective or short circuit to ground Check wiring or replace sensor

Check cause for exceeding maximum allowed threshold (like environmental factors, system problem or
engine misuse).
174 16 AE0010 Fuel Temperature Sensor: Physical Signal above maximum limit Fuel Temp Sensor Excessive Fuel temperature measured
If threshold exceeding is implausible check wiring and the accuracy of the sensor and replace it if

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V454/V458 Unified Fault Code Chart

SPN FMI DTC Description Component Failure Cause Failure Repair

Sensor defective or wiring short circuit to external source

175 3 AF0003 Oil Temperature sensing: SRC High for Oil Temperature Oil Temperature sensing Check wiring and connector continuity or replace sensor
Remark: Most ECU analog input pins are provided with a pullup resistor. In this case an open circuit
error will also be identified as an SRC Max error.

175 4 AF0004 Oil Temperature sensing: SRC low for Oil Temperature Oil Temperature sensing Sensor defective or wiring short circuit to ground Check wiring or replace sensor

Check cause for exceeding maximum allowed threshold (like environmental factors, system problem or
engine misuse).
175 15 AF000F Oil Temperature sensing: Physical Signal above maximum limit Oil Temperature sensing Excessive measured Oil temperature
If threshold exceeding is implausible check wiring and the accuracy of the sensor and replace it if

Check cause for exceeding maximum allowed threshold (like environmental factors, system problem or
engine misuse).
175 16 AF0010 Oil Temperature sensing: Oil temperature too high Oil Temperature sensing Measured oil temperature too high
If threshold exceeding is implausible check wiring and the accuracy of the sensor and replace it if

Check cause for value to fall below minimum allowed threshold (like environmental factors, system problem
or engine misuse).
175 18 AF0012 Oil Temperature sensing: Physical Signal below minimum limit Oil Temperature sensing Excessively low measured Oil temperature
If threshold exceeding is implausible check wiring and the accuracy of the sensor and replace it if

No reactions necessary only if this fault/information status reoccurs frequently. In this case check driving
190 0 BE0000 Engine Overspeed: Overspeed detection in component engine protection Engine Overspeed Engine overspeed has occurred conditions of vehicle, engine speed acquisition and injection system for quantity set point and actual value
during fault recognition, check also for ECM errors.

190 15 BE000F Info: Engine speed too high (3rdt detection) Engine Overspeed Event detection, engine speed too high No intervention necessary

354 4 620104 Intake Air humidity Sensor: SRC low for Induction Air Humidity Intake Air humidity Sensor Short circuit of wiring to ground or defective sensor Check wiring and sensor

354 16 620110 Induction Air Humidity Sensor: Physical signal above maximum limit Intake Air humidity Sensor Inaccurate or defective Induction Air Humidity sensor, or defect in its wiring Check wiring and the accuracy of Induction Air Humidity sensor and replace it if necessary

354 18 620112 Induction Air Humidity Sensor: Physical signal below minimum limit Intake Air humidity Sensor Inaccurate or defective Induction Air Humidity sensor, or defect in its wiring Check wiring and the accuracy of Induction Air Humidity sensor and replace it if necessary

NO action needed as long as the failure IndAHSRCMaxDly is not active.

354 31 62011F Info: Intake Air humidity Sensor: SRC high for Induction Air Humidity Intake Air humidity Sensor Sensor defective or short circuit to external source
If failure IndAHSRCMaxDly is not active, check duration of failure active: If a single duration lasts longer
than ~10 min --> there is probably an electrical failure. --> Check wiring or replace sensor

ECU internal: write access to non volatile memory failed for at least one
628 14 74020E ECU Internal ECU internal error If the error appears sporadically no intervention is needed, if persistent, ECU must be replaced

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V454/V458 Unified Fault Code Chart

SPN FMI DTC Description Component Failure Cause Failure Repair

ECU internal: read access to non volatile memory failed for at least one
628 31 74021F ECU Internal ECU internal error If the error appears sporadically no intervention is needed, if persistent, ECU must be replaced

Cam Shaft speed signal not stable:

Check wiring, sensor installation and proper functioning of camshaft phase sensor (evaluate raw signals)
- electrical intermittent open circuit
Check if sensor fixed correctly (should not be moveable),check wiring harness and contacts, check if
636 2 7C0202 Engine speed sensing: DFC for camshaft signal diagnosis - disturbed signal Engine speed sensing - sensor not fixed correctly
electrical lines with high electric performance are additionally installed (components not validated by the
- electrical disturbances due to damaged isolation of wiring harness
vehicle manufacturer).
- electrical disturbances due to special electrical features

Camshaft speed sensor defective Check if sensor mounted correctly

636 9 7C0209 Engine speed sensing: DFC for camshaft signal diagnosis - no signal Engine speed sensing Wiring harness "open circuit" Check wiring harness
Camshaft sensor not mounted Check sensor functionality and replace it if necessary

Camshaft sensor position deviates form crankshaft position:

- camshaft mal positioned (e.g. tooth belt: 1 tooth skipped)
636 31 7C021F Engine speed sensing: DFC for camshaft offset angle exceeded Engine speed sensing - camshaft position wheel mal positioned (if adjustable) Check correct positions of camshaft signal wheel and crankshaft signal wheel to piston position
- camshaft sensor position mal positioned (if adjustable)
- crankshaft signal mal positioned (same as camshaft)

Check if sensor fixed correctly (should not be moveable)

- High vibration of crank shaft signal sensor
Check wiring harness and contacts
- Intermittent open circuit of sensor
637 2 7D0202 Engine speed sensing: Crankshaft signal disturbance Engine speed sensing
- Electrical disturbances due to damaged isolation of wiring harness
Check if electrical lines with high electric performance are additionally installed (components not validated
- Electrical disturbances due external electromagnetic disturbances
by the vehicle manufacturer)

Crank shaft speed sensor defect Check if crank shaft speed sensor mounted correctly
637 9 7D0209 Engine speed sensing: Crankshaft signal loss Engine speed sensing Crank shaft speed sensor not mounted correctly Check wiring harness to open/short circuit
Crank shaft speed sensor not connected electrically, open circuit or short circuit. Check crank shaft speed sensor for correct function and replace it if necessary

641 14 81020E eVGT Actuator: Electrical failure detected Turbocharger control Defective eVGT actuator, electrical problem Check eVGT supply, wiring, replace actuator

641 16 810210 Turbine ovespeed defect recognition Turbocharger control It's possible a clogging of the air filter. Check the air filter, clean or replace it.

641 31 81021F eVGT Actuator: General error reported by actuator via CAN message Turbocharger control Defective eVGT Actuator, general error Check eVGT supply, wiring, replace actuator

651 3 8B0203 Injector: Short Circuit between High Side and Low Side for injector 1 Injector Short circuit between High-Side and Low−Side for injector 1 detected Check wiring and injector 1 for electrical problems

651 4 8B0204 Injector: Short Circuit at Low Side for injector 1 Injector Short circuit at Low−Side for injector 1 detected Check wiring and injector 1] for electrical problems

651 5 8B0205 Injector: Open load for injector 1 None Open load between Low−Side and High−Side for injector 1 detected Check wiring and injector 1 for electrical problems

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V454/V458 Unified Fault Code Chart

SPN FMI DTC Description Component Failure Cause Failure Repair

652 3 8C0203 Injector: Short Circuit between High Side and Low Side for injector 2 Injector Short circuit between High-Side and Low−Side for injector 2 detected Check wiring and injector 2 for electrical problems

652 4 8C0204 Injector: Short Circuit at Low Side for injector 2 Injector Short circuit at Low−Side for injector 2 detected Check wiring and injector 2] for electrical problems

652 5 8C0205 Injector: Open load for injector 2 None Open load between Low−Side and High−Side for injector 2 detected Check wiring and injector 2 for electrical problems

653 3 8D0203 Injector: Short Circuit between High Side and Low Side for injector 3 Injector Short circuit between High-Side and Low−Side for injector 3 detected Check wiring and injector 3 for electrical problems

653 4 8D0204 Injector: Short Circuit at Low Side for injector 3 Injector Short circuit at Low−Side for injector 3 detected Check wiring and injector 3] for electrical problems

653 5 8D0205 Injector: Open load for injector 3 None Open load between Low−Side and High−Side for injector 3 detected Check wiring and injector 3 for electrical problems

654 3 8E0203 Injector: Short Circuit between High Side and Low Side for injector 4 Injector Short circuit between High-Side and Low−Side for injector 4 detected Check wiring and injector 4 for electrical problems

654 4 8E0204 Injector: Short Circuit at Low Side for injector 4 Injector Short circuit at Low−Side for injector 4 detected Check wiring and injector 4] for electrical problems

654 5 8E0205 Injector: Open load for injector 4 None Open load between Low−Side and High−Side for injector 4 detected Check wiring and injector 4 for electrical problems

655 3 8F0203 Injector: Short Circuit between High Side and Low Side for injector 5 Injector Short circuit between High-Side and Low−Side for injector 5 detected Check wiring and injector 5 for electrical problems

655 4 8F0204 Injector: Short Circuit at Low Side for injector 5 Injector Short circuit at Low−Side for injector 5 detected Check wiring and injector 5] for electrical problems

655 5 8F0205 Injector: Open load for injector 5 None Open load between Low−Side and High−Side for injector 5 detected Check wiring and injector 5 for electrical problems

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V454/V458 Unified Fault Code Chart

SPN FMI DTC Description Component Failure Cause Failure Repair

656 3 900203 Injector: Short Circuit between High Side and Low Side for injector 6 Injector Short circuit between High-Side and Low−Side for injector 6 detected Check wiring and injector 6 for electrical problems

656 4 900204 Injector: Short Circuit at Low Side for injector 6 Injector Short circuit at Low−Side for injector 6 detected Check wiring and injector 6] for electrical problems

656 5 900205 Injector: Open load for injector 6 None Open load between Low−Side and High−Side for injector 6 detected Check wiring and injector 6 for electrical problems

677 3 A50203 Starter Relay HS: power stage output short circuit to battery Starter control Short circuit of wiring to external source or defective HS starter relay Check of wiring or replacement of HS relay

677 4 A50204 Starter Relay HS: power stage output short circuit to ground Starter control Short circuit of wiring to ground or defective HS starter relay Check of wiring or replacement of HS starter relay

729 3 D90203 Air heater: Short circuit to battery on power stage 0 Air heater Short circuit of wiring to external source or inside air heater Check of wiring, replace air heater

729 4 D90204 Air heater: Short circuit to ground error on power stage 0 Air heater Short circuit of wiring to ground or inside air heater Check of wiring, replace air heater

729 5 D90205 Air heater: Open load on Power stage 0 Air heater Broken or disconnected wiring or defective air heater Check of wiring or replace air heater

729 6 D90206 Air heater: Over temperature on Power stage 0 Air heater High battery voltage, high temperature inside ECU, high load or wiring problem Check load and output, check wiring, replace ECU

Check wiring for correct voltage supply of the connected sensor.Check connected sensors electrical
1043 15 13040F Monitoring of internal 12V supply SRC_HIGH Error ECU Voltage Supply Defect in wiring harness, electrical failure in connected sensors or in the ECM integrity.
Replace ECM.

Check wiring for correct voltage supply of the connected sensor.Check connected sensors electrical
1043 17 130411 Monitoring of internal 12V supply SRC_LOW Error ECU Voltage Supply Defect in wiring harness, electrical failure in connected sensors or in the ECM integrity.
Replace ECM.

Check wiring for correct voltage supply of the connected sensor.Check connected sensors electrical
1043 20 130414 Monitoring of 12V sensor supply 1 SRC_HIGH Error ECU Voltage Supply Defect in wiring harness, electrical failure in connected sensors or in the ECM integrity.
Replace ECM.

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V454/V458 Unified Fault Code Chart

SPN FMI DTC Description Component Failure Cause Failure Repair

Check wiring for correct voltage supply of the connected sensor.Check connected sensors electrical
1043 21 130415 Monitoring of 12V sensor supply 1 SRC_LOW Error ECU Voltage Supply Defect in wiring harness, electrical failure in connected sensors or in the ECM integrity.
Replace ECM.

ECU Internal: Diagnostic fault check to report the ECR (engine

1072 31 30041F ECU Internal ECM internal failure or calibration error. 0
decompression brake) release error

1073 31 31041F ECU Internal: Diagnostic fault check to report the engine brake release error ECU Internal ECM internal failure or calibration error. 0

ECU Internal: Diagnostic fault check to report the exhaust flap brake release
1074 31 32041F None ECM internal failure or calibration error. Replace ECU

ECU Internal: Diagnostic fault check to report the error due to injection
1116 31 5C041F ECU Internal ECU internal failure or calibration error. Contact Helpdesk
quantity correction

VGT actuator sticking, PCR control signal deviating (turbo speed? boost pressure? exhaust
1127 0 670400 Turbocharger control: Boost pressure value above highest threshold value Turbocharger control Check PCR control sensors, check VGT actuator

Check wiring and the accuracy of the temperature sensor and replace it if necessary (Sensor is ECU
1136 3 700403 ECU Temperature Sensor: Signal above maximum limit ECU Temperature sensing Inaccurate or defective temperature sensor, defect in the wiring
internal, only ECU replacement possible)

Check wiring and the accuracy of the temperature sensor and replace it if necessary (Sensor is ECU
1136 4 700404 Diagnostic Fault Check for Signal below minimum limit ECU Temperature sensing Inaccurate or defective temperature sensor, defect in the wiring
internal, only ECU replacement possible)

1136 6 700406 ECU Temperature Sensor: Short circuit to battery (ECU internal error) ECU Temperature sensing ECU internal error ECU should be replaced

Check cause for exceeding maximum allowed threshold (like environmental factors)
ECU Temperature Sensor: Physical Signal ECU Temperature first sensor
1136 16 700410 ECU Temperature sensing Excessive ECU temperature measured Check wiring and the accuracy of the temperature sensor and replace it if necessary (Sensor is ECU
above maximum limit
internal, only ECU replacement possible)

Check cause for value to fall below minimum allowed threshold (like environmental factors)
ECU Temperature Sensor: Physical Signal ECU Temperature first sensor
1136 18 700412 ECU Temperature sensing Excessively low ECU temperature measured Check wiring and the accuracy of the temperature sensor and replace it if necessary (Sensor is ECU
below minimum limit
internal, only ECU replacement possible)

Wrong configuration of CAN timing (Prescaler, synchronization jump width, sampling, propagation Check timing configuration with hardware compatibility, check termination resistors and network connection
1231 11 CF040B CAN Bus: Error CAN Bus Node 1 CAN Bus and phase segments), bad termination resistors, defective network connection and contacts or and contacts. Short circuits to external source, ground or CAN High to Low.Monitor CAN communication for
defective CAN controller with erroneous messages. erroneous behaviour of a participant.

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V454/V458 Unified Fault Code Chart

SPN FMI DTC Description Component Failure Cause Failure Repair

Wrong configuration of CAN timing (Prescaler, synchronization jump width, sampling, propagation
Check timing configuration with hardware compatibility, check termination resistors and network connection
and phase segments), bad termination resistors, defective network connection and contacts or
and contacts. Short circuits to external source, ground or CAN High to Low.Monitor CAN communication for
1235 11 D3040B CAN Bus: Error CAN Bus Node 2 CAN Bus defective CAN controller with erroneous messages.
erroneous behaviour of a participant.
Power/ground fault originating from the ATS relay. CAN network not able to send messages due to a
Check for power, continutiy, and short circuit conditions at ATS relay and associated wiring.
no power condition.

Wrong configuration of CAN timing (Prescaler, synchronization jump width, sampling, propagation
Check timing configuration with hardware compatibility, check termination resistors and network connection
and phase segments), bad termination resistors, defective network connection and contacts or
and contacts. Short circuits to external source, ground or CAN High to Low.Monitor CAN communication for
1235 31 D3041F CAN Bus: Error passive CAN Bus Node 2 CAN Bus defective CAN controller with erroneous messages.
erroneous behaviour of a participant.
Power/ground fault originating from the ATS relay. CAN network not able to send messages due to a
Check for power, continutiy, and short circuit conditions at ATS relay and associated wiring.
no power condition.

Check low pressure system for clogging (specially fuel filter)

Leakage in the high pressure system:
Che tubing between presupply and gear pump
low efficiency of high pressure pump, internal leakage of injector, leaking pressure control valve
1240 11 D8040B Fuel pressure control Metering unit: Leakage in overrun Fuel pressure control Metering unit Check feeding of presupply pump (possibly low due to clogged tubes at tank outlet)
Too low pressure at High pressure pump inlet due clogged filter, leaking low pressure tubes, electric
Check hgih pressure part for leakages (internal / external)
presupply pump defective or gear pump defective
Check High pressur pump for efficiency

Check low pressure system for clogging (specially fuel filter)

Leakage in the high pressure system:
Che tubing between presupply and gear pump
injection nozzle stuck in open position, low efficiency of high pressure pump, internal leakage of
Fuel pressure control Metering unit: Leakage in high pressure system Check feeding of presupply pump (possibly low due to clogged tubes at tank outlet)
1240 14 D8040E Fuel pressure control Metering unit injector, leaking pressure control valve
detected at idle Check hgih pressure part for leakages (internal / external)
Too low pressure at High pressure pump inlet due clogged filter, leaking low pressure tubes, electric
Check High pressur pump for efficiency
presupply pump defective or gear pump defective
Check injectors for tightness

External leakage in the high pressure or low pressure system. Check if system has no external leakage
Fuel pressure sensor signal shows wrong (mainly too low) values. Check if fuel pressure sensor signal is correct
1240 31 D8041F Fuel pressure (Rail) control: Leakage in high pressure system Fuel pressure (Rail) control Injectors leak internally (do not close) Check if injectors close well
High pressure pump has too low feeding efficiency Check High pressure pump delivery
Restriction in fuel supply Check fuel supply line and check for clogged filter

1321 3 290503 Starter Relay LS: power stage output short circuit to battery. Starter control Short circuit of wiring to external source or defective LS starter relay Check of wiring or replacement of LS starter relay

1321 4 290504 Starter Relay LS: Power stage output short circuit to ground Starter control Short circuit of wiring to ground or defective LS starter relay Check of wiring or replacement of LS starter relay

1321 5 290505 Starter Relay LS: power stage output No Load error Starter control Broken or disconnected wiring or defective LS starter relay Check of wiring or replacement of LS starter relay

1321 6 290506 Starter Relay LS: power stage output over temperature error Starter control High battery voltage, high temperature inside ECU, high load or wiring problem Check battery voltage, wiring, power stage and LS starter relay

Check metering Unit (MeUn), if closing (PWM = 100%)

Metering unit stuck in open position, zero-delivery throttle clogged, metering unit without power due to
Fuel pressure control Metering unit: Fuel Rail pressure above maximum Check electric wiring to MeUn
1442 0 A20500 Fuel pressure control Metering unit electrical error.
limit with MeUn Control Check low pressure fuel tubes (return from CP to tank free?)
Low pressure side: pressure after zero-delivery throttle too high (Pump backflow pressure too high)
Check zero delivery valve for correct working

Bad Contacts on Connector Check Connector

Fuel metering unit: Error check for loose contact between metering unit
1442 2 A20502 Fuel metering unit "Broken" wiring harness or Insulation (--> short circuits) Check Wiring Harness
(MeUn) and ECU
Defective Metering Unit (MeUn) Check Metering unit (MeUn)

1. Replace main relay (sticky contacts)

1485 7 CD0507 Main Relay sticking None Sticky Main Relay
2. Delete stored faults in failure memory

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V454/V458 Unified Fault Code Chart

SPN FMI DTC Description Component Failure Cause Failure Repair

1624 19 58061F Vehicle speed sensor: Vehicle speed signal via CAN defective Vehicle speed sensor Defective or incorrect functioning of vehicle speed measuring device Check speed measuring device for proper functioning

1. Erase Level 2/3 error from fault code memory.

2. Operate vehicle for a short distance - e.g. few kilometers; if diagnosable checking the operation point in
ECU Internal: Diagnostic fault check to report "WDA active" due to errors in The procedure is independent from Level 1 errors which may have been entered in parallel, e.g. by which the error entry was set.
1648 12 70060C ECU Internal
query-/response communication Level 1 functions similar to the one causing the Level 2/3 entry due to functional dependencies. 3. a) If Level 2/3 error does not reappear: do not replace ECU, but erasure of fault code memory is
3. b) If Level 2/3 error does reappear: replace ECU.

1675 31 8B061F ECU Key 16: Defective T50 switch ECU Key 16 Too long cranking request, short circuit in ignition key module or in wiring Check ignition key module and wiring

1761 1 E10601 SCR Reagent Tank Level: Empty Urea Tank SCR Reagent Tank Level Tank is empty Refill Urea tank

1761 3 E10603 SCR Reagent Tank Level Sensor: Signal above maximum limit. SCR Reagent Tank Level Reduction agent level in the tank sensor defective or short circuit to battery Check wiring or replace sensor

1761 4 E10604 SCR Reagent Tank Level Sensor: Signal below minimum limit. SCR Reagent Tank Level Reduction agent level in the tank sensor defective or short circuit to ground Check wiring or replace sensor

1761 14 E1060E Urea Tank Level: system error SCR Reagent Tank Level Urea tank level sensor reports a system error Replace sensor

Info: SCR reagent tank level below first warning level, DFC for triggering
1761 17 E10611 SCR Reagent Tank Level Reducing agent tank level below first warning level Refill reducing agent tank
warning action dependent on filling level of reducing agent

Info: SCR reagent tank level below second warning level, DFC for triggering
1761 18 E10612 SCR Reagent Tank Level Reducing agent tank level below low second warning level Refill reducing agent tank
warning action dependent on filling level of reducing agent

1761 19 E10613 Diagnostic fault check for signal error from CAN SCR Reagent Level Sensing Urea tank level sensor sending an error message Urea tank level sensor defective, replace it.

Selected Temperature sensor 4 delivering implausible value (check

2630 2 460A02 Temperature Sensor The temperature sensor is drifted Check temperature sensor
description for detail)

2797 1 ED0A01 Injector: Booster voltage too low Injector Diagnosis threshold of the booster voltage is not reached. Replace ECU

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SPN FMI DTC Description Component Failure Cause Failure Repair

2797 4 ED0A04 Injector: Short circuit of the HDEV power stage high−side (first bank error) Injector Short circuit at High−Side on one or more injectors of First Bank Check wiring and injectos of First Bank

Injector: Number of injections is limited by electrical load balance of the

2797 31 ED0A1F Injector Application of number of requested injections not compatible with system capability 0
booster capacitor

Injector: Short circuit of the HDEV power stage high−side (second bank
2798 4 EE0A04 Injector Short circuit at High−Side on one or more injectors of Second Bank Check wiring and injectos of Second Bank

SCR Reagent Tank Temperature sensing: SRC high for Urea temperature SCR Reagent Tank Temperature
3031 3 D70B03 Sensor defective or short circuit in wiring to external source Check wiring or replace sensor
sensor sensing

SCR Reagent Tank Temperature sensing: SRC low for Urea temperature SCR Reagent Tank Temperature
3031 4 D70B04 Short circuit of sensor to battery or defective sensor Check wiring or replace sensor
sensor sensing

Check tank temperature sensor, check tank heater valve

Tank overheated: tank temperature sensor measures implausible values or tank heater valve
3031 6 D70B06 Urea Tank temperature: overheating of the AdBlue tank SCR Tank heater
permanently open
Check coolant lines assignment on tank heater valve for correct assembly (lines not mixed up)

3031 11 D70B0B Urea Tank Temperature: system error SCR Temp Sensing Urea tank temperature sensor reports a system error Replace sensor

SCR Reagent Tank Temperature

3031 19 D70B13 SCR Reagent Tank Temperature sensing: Signal error for CAN message Urea tank temperature sensor defective Check sensor and replace it if necessary

UREA Tank Temperature: Tank temperature sensor plausibility check failed

3031 20 D70B14 SCR Temp Sensing Urea Tank temperature sensor drifted Check sensor connector, wiring and sensor measured value
(> max drift)

UREA Tank Temperature: Tank temperature sensor plausibility check failed

3031 21 D70B15 SCR Temp Sensing Urea Tank temperature sensor drifted Check sensor connector, wiring and sensor measured value
(< min drift)

3064 7 F80B07 DPF model plausibility: Diagnostic fault check for damaged particulate filter DPF model plausibility Cracked or dismounted particulate filter Check if black smoke is visible at exhaust pipe.

Short Circuit or Open wire in Sensor internal wiring harness

3216 2 900C02 NOx Upstream Sensor (CAN): Nox Concentration invalid NOx Sensor (CAN) Replace NOx Upstream Sensor
Defective NOx Upstream Sensor

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V454/V458 Unified Fault Code Chart

SPN FMI DTC Description Component Failure Cause Failure Repair

3216 14 900C0E NOx Upstream Sensor: Sensor Implausible Upstream NOx Sensing NOx upstream sensor measurement deviation Check and replace NOx upstream sensor

3216 31 900C1F NOx Upstream Sensor (CAN): NOx Sensor detects incorrect supply NOx Sensor (CAN) Defective NOx upstream sensor supply Check wiring harness, vehicle supply voltage. If failure is still peresent replace the NOx upstream sensor

3222 12 960C06 NOx Upstream Sensor (CAN): Sensor Heater performance insufficient NOx Sensor (CAN) NOx upstream sensor heater efficiency decreased Check wiring/supply, replace NOx upstream sensor.

Wiring defect
3223 5 970C05 CAN NOx Upstream Sensor: Open Circuit Error for NOx Upstream Sensor CAN NOx Sensor Internal NOx upstream sensor wiring defect, replace sensor.
NOx upstream sensor defect

Wiring defect
3223 6 970C06 CAN NOx Upstream Sensor: Short Circuit Error for NOx Upstream Sensor CAN NOx Sensor Internal NOx upstream sensor wiring defect, replace sensor.
NOx upstream sensor defect

NOx upstream Sensor: Lambda value measurement from NOx upstream NOx sensors upstream is measuring lambda value different from modelled expected value or air/fuel Check correct mounting of NOx upstream sensor, check system for presence other faults involving fuelling
3224 2 980C02 NOx Sensing
sensor incorrect quantity estimation is incorrect. or air quantity determination, replace Nox upstream sensor

Wiring defect
3224 5 980C05 NOx Upstream Sensor (CAN): Open Wire error detected by sensor NOx Sensor (CAN) Internal NOx Upstream Sensor wiring defect, replace sensor.
NOx Upstream Sensor defect

Wiring defect
3224 6 980C06 NOx Upstream Sensor (CAN): Short circuit error detected by sensor NOx Sensor (CAN) Internal NOx Upstream Sensor wiring defect, replace sensor.
NOx Upstream Sensor defect

3226 10 9A0C0A NOx Downstream Sensor: measured value stuck NOx Sensing NOx Downstream Sensor defective or incorrectly mounted Check sensor mounting, replace NOx Downstream Sensor

3226 31 9A0C1F NOx Downstream Sensor (CAN): NOx Sensor detects incorrect supply NOx Sensor (CAN) Defective NOx Downstream Sensor supply Check wiring harness, vehicle supply voltage. If failure is still present replace the NOx Downstream Sensor

Wiring defect
3232 5 A00C05 CAN NOx Downstream Sensor: Open Circuit Error for Nox Sensor CAN NOx Sensor Internal NOx downstream Sensor wiring defect, replace sensor.
NOx downstream Sensor defect

Wiring harness has short circuit

3232 6 A00C06 CAN NOx Downstream Sensor: Short Circuit Error for Nox Sensor CAN NOx Sensor Internal NOx downstream Sensor wiring defect, replace sensor.
NOx downstream Sensor defect

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SPN FMI DTC Description Component Failure Cause Failure Repair

3232 12 A00C0C NOx Downstream Sensor (CAN): Sensor Heater performance insufficient NOx Sensor (CAN) NOx downstream sensor heater efficiency decreased Check wiring/supply, replace NOx downstream sensor

3234 2 A20C02 NOx Sensor: Lambda value measurement from NOx sensor incorrect NOx Sensing NOx sensors downstream is measuring lambda value different from Lambda modelled value Check NOx sensor, check system for presence other faults involving fuelling or air quantity determination.

Wiring defect
3234 5 A20C05 NOx Downstream Sensor (CAN): Open circuit error detected by sensor NOx Sensor (CAN) Internal NOx downstream Sensor wiring defect, replace sensor.
NOx downstream Sensor defect

Wiring defect
3234 6 A20C06 NOx Downstream Sensor (CAN): Short circuit error detected by sensor NOx Sensor (CAN) Internal NOx Downstream Sensor wiring defect, replace sensor.
NOx Downstream Sensor defect

Note: Fast ambient temperature change, e.g. vehicle exposed to sun shine after very cold night, or if the
sensor is in a "warm air stream" (e.g. by additional engines like a cooling compressor for a cold
Exhaust Temperature monitoring 3: deviation from other sensors at cold
3242 14 AA0C0E Exhaust Temp monitoring Exhaust Temperature before SCR Catalyst measures wrong values compartment which runs also during vehicle stand still, or an external source like a "exhaust stream" of a
start (check description for details)
builidng climatisation) can cause this failure, if the ambient of this sensor is not equal to the "normal"
ambient! --> in this case no action needed!. Check wiring and connectors and replace sensor if necessary

Check wiring and connectors for correct isolation / contact

Check sensor and replace it, if necessary
Exhaust Temperature monitoring 2: Measured value deviating from Bad electrical wiring (e.g. corroded connector or damaged isolation of wire) or gain offset of sensor for
3242 31 AA0C1F Exhaust Temp monitoring Note: failure can also be caused, if the real exhaust temperature differes from the calculated one due to a
modelled temperature (check description for details) Exhaust Temperature after Oxidation Catalyst measures wrong values
failure in the engine like wrong injection pressure, wrong injection begin, wrong EGR rate. Therefore check
also the engine system, if the failure can not be repaired easily.

3251 2 B30C02 DPF pressure monitoring: Fault check for the pressure sensor plausibility DPF pressure monitoring Differential pressure sensor is inaccurate. Check accuracy of differential pressure sensor.

Short circuit of wiring to external source or defective sensor

3251 3 B30C03 DPF differential pressure sensor: SRC value above maximum limit DPF pressure sensing Check wiring and connector continuity or replace sensor
Remark: Most ECU analog input pins are provided with a pullup resistor. In this case an open circuit
error will also be identified as an SRC Max error.

3251 4 B30C04 DPF differential pressure sensor: SRC value below minimum limit DPF pressure sensing Short circuit of wiring to ground or defective sensor Check wiring or replace sensor

3251 11 B30C0B DPF filter differential pressure sensor: Digital Signal Processor DSP fault DPF pressure monitoring Sensor internal error Replace sensor

3251 12 B30C0C DPF filter differential pressure sensor: sensor reports an internal fault DPF pressure sensing Sesnor defective Replace sensor

DPF filter differential pressure sensor: measured data invalid (secure check
3251 14 B30C0E DPF pressure sensing Sensor internal fault Replace sensor

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V454/V458 Unified Fault Code Chart

SPN FMI DTC Description Component Failure Cause Failure Repair

Check filter for proper installation and function.

DPF pressure monitoring: Differential pressure over DPF higher then
3251 15 B30C0F DPF pressure monitoring Filter is clogged or not installed correctly (exhaust flow restricted) If foreseen perform service regeneration or parking regeneration (if functionality available) or replace filter
(depending on troubleshooting instructions project specific)

Check filter for proper installation and function.

Perform service regeneration and reset soot oveload error using UDS Routine control $0300
3251 16 B30C10 Differential pressure over particulate filter value above maximum threshold DPF pressure monitoring Filter is clogged or not installed correctly (exhaust flow restricted) Remark: Parking regeneration cannot be started.
For Muffler versions where dP sensor is measuring difference over OxiCat + DPF+AdBlue mixer, clogging
should be considered also for all the parts involved (i.e. urea cristallization)

DPF filter differential pressure sensor: counter for frame receive error above
3251 19 B30C13 DPF pressure sensing Sensor internal error Replace sensor
maximum limit

3251 31 B30C1F DPF filter differential pressure sensor: sensor reports internal failure DPF pressure sensing Sensor internal fault Replace sensor

DPF filter differential pressure sensor: sensor reporting SRC high

3285 3 D50C03 DPF pressure monitoring Measured pressure too high, sensor piping interchanged? Check correct piping install, check compatibility of sensor with measured pressure range

3285 4 D50C04 DPF filter differential pressure sensor: sensor reporting SRC low information DPF pressure monitoring Measured pressure too low Check correct piping install, check compatibility of sensor with measured pressure range

3285 5 D50C05 DPF filter differential pressure sensor: sensor reporting underr voltage error DPF pressure sensing Sensor supply too low Check wiring (integrity, resistance)

3285 6 D50C06 DPF filter differential pressure sensor: sensor reporting over voltage error DPF pressure sensing Sensor supply to high Check wiring (integrity, resistance)

3361 7 210D07 SCR monitoring: Clogged filter detected SCR Reagent Feeding Urea filter clogged Replace filter

Communication problem between ECU and Supply Module Check wiring harness and electrical connections
Supply Module Temperature signal not correct: Time period outside
3361 8 210D08 SCR Supply Module
specified range
Wiring harness defective If no problem found on wiring harness or connectors, replace Supply Module

Communication problem between ECU and Supply Module Check wiring harness and electrical connections
Supply Module Temperature signal: Synchronisation (Sync) signal not
3361 14 210D0E SCR Supply Module
Wiring harness defective If no problem found on wiring harness or connectors, replace Supply Module

Verify that the dataset is matching to the Supply Module type used on the machine
Communication problem between ECU and Supply Module
3361 31 210D1F Supply Module Temperature not available SCR Supply Module Check wiring harness and electrical connections
Wiring harness defective
If no problem found on wiring harness or connectors, replace Supply Module

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V454/V458 Unified Fault Code Chart

SPN FMI DTC Description Component Failure Cause Failure Repair

Check system for leakages.

3362 7 220D07 SCR monitoring: Leakage detection during phase without dosing SCR Control SCR System leakage or dosing valve untight
Execute an Urea-Dosing-System-Test (UDST) and follow the UDST-Trouble-Shooting Guideline to repair
the failure

Wiring harness defective Check wiring harness and electrical connections

SCR Reagent Heating: Short circuit to battery error of Urea Tank Heater
3363 3 230D03 SCR Tank heater
Defective Urea Tank Heater Valve If no problem found on wiring harness or connectors, replace Urea Tank Heater Valve

Wiring harness defective Check wiring harness and electrical connections

SCR Reagent Heating: Short circuit to ground error of Urea Tank Heater
3363 4 230D04 SCR Tank heater
Defective Urea Tank Heater Valve If no problem found on wiring harness or connectors, replace Urea Tank Heater Valve

Urea Tank Heater Valve not connected at K15-ON

Check wiring harness and electrical connections
3363 5 230D05 SCR Reagent Heating: Open Load error of Urea Tank Heater Valve SCR Tank heater Wiring harness defective
If no problem found on wiring harness or connectors, replace Urea Tank Heater Valve
Defective Urea Tank Heater Valve

Check wiring harness and electrical connections

High temperature inside ECU, caused by
3363 6 230D06 SCR Reagent Heating: Over Temperature error of Urea Tank Heater Valve SCR Tank heater
high battery voltage, high load or problem on wiring harness or connectors
If no problem found on wiring harness or connectors, replace Urea Tank Heater Valve

Tank Heater Valve defective

Check Tank Heater Valve function
3363 12 230D0C SCR Tank heater: Urea tank heating insufficient SCR Tank heater Wiring harness defective
Check coolant lines assignment on Tank Heater Valve for correct assembly (lines not mixed up)
Coolant lines on Tank Heater Valve mixed up

3364 5 240D05 UREA Quality Sensor: Short Circuit to Ground Error (quality signal) SCR Reagent Quality Short Circuit to Ground error of quality sensor (property signal) If the error is frequent or permanent replace sensor

3364 6 240D06 UREA Quality Sensor: Short Circuit to Battery Error (quality signal) SCR Reagent Quality Short Circuit to Battery error of quality sensor (property signal) If the error is frequent or permanent replace sensor

3364 18 240D12 Urea quality: concentration low (time based evaluation) SCR Reagent Quality DEF with too low concentration detected Check DEF in the tank, replace it if non conform fluid is present

3507 3 B30D03 Short circuit to battery error at high side actuator relay with index x = 2 Actuator Relay (ECU Internal) Short circuit of wiring to external source or inside connected actuator Check of wiring or replacement of connected actuator

3507 4 B30D04 Short circuit to ground error at high side actuator relay with index x = 0 Actuator Relay (ECU Internal) Short circuit of wiring to ground or inside connected actuator Check of wiring or replacement of connected actuator

3507 6 B30D06 Short circuit to ground error at high side actuator relay with index x = 2 Actuator Relay (ECU Internal) Short circuit of wiring to ground or inside connected actuator Check of wiring or replacement of connected actuator

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V454/V458 Unified Fault Code Chart

SPN FMI DTC Description Component Failure Cause Failure Repair

3507 14 B30D0E Short circuit to ground error at high side actuator relay with index x = 1 Actuator Relay (ECU Internal) Short circuit of wiring to ground or inside connected actuator Check of wiring or replacement of connected actuator

3507 31 B30D1F Short circuit to battery error at high side actuator relay with index x = 3 Actuator Relay (ECU Internal) Short circuit of wiring to external source or inside connected actuator Check of wiring or replacement of connected actuator

3508 14 B40D0E Short circuit to battery error at high side actuator relay with index x = 0 Actuator Relay (ECU Internal) Short circuit of wiring to external source or inside connected actuator Check of wiring or replacement of connected actuator

3508 31 B40D1F Short circuit to battery error at high side actuator relay with index x = 1 Actuator Relay (ECU Internal) Short circuit of wiring to external source or inside connected actuator Check of wiring or replacement of connected actuator

Excessive battery voltage, defect in wiring harness, electrical failure in connected sensors or in the Check battery voltage, check wiring for correct voltage supply of the connected sensor and the ECM.
3509 3 B50D03 ECU Power Stage 1: Overvoltage failure at sensor supply 1 ECU Power Stage 1
ECM Replace ECM

Check wiring of the connected sensor and the ECM.

3509 4 B50DB4 ECU Power Stage 1: Short Circuit to Ground failure at sensor supply 1 ECU Power Stage 1 Defect in wiring harness, electrical failure in connected sensors or in the ECM
Replace ECM

Check battery voltage, check wiring for correct voltage supply of the connected sensor and the ECM.
3509 5 B50D05 ECU Power Stage 1: Undervoltage failure at sensor supply 1 ECU Power Stage 1 Low battery voltage, defect in wiring harness, electrical failure in connected sensors or in the ECM
Replace ECM

Excessive battery voltage, defect in wiring harness, electrical failure in connected sensors or in the Check battery voltage, check wiring for correct voltage supply of the connected sensor and the ECM.
3509 6 B50D06 ECU Power Stage 1: Overtemperature failure at sensor supply 1 ECU Power Stage 1
ECM Replace ECM

Excessive battery voltage, defect in wiring harness, electrical failure in connected sensors or in the Check battery voltage, check wiring for correct voltage supply of the connected sensor and the ECM.
3509 12 B50D0C ECU Power Stage 1: Error Sensor supply for sensors ECU Power Stage 1
ECM Replace ECM

Excessive battery voltage, defect in wiring harness, electrical failure in connected sensors or in the Check battery voltage, check wiring for correct voltage supply of the connected sensor and the ECM.
3510 3 B60D03 ECU Power Stage 2: Overvoltage failure at sensor supply 2 ECU Power Stage 2
ECM Replace ECM

Check wiring of the connected sensor and the ECM.

3510 4 B60D04 ECU Power Stage 2: Short Circuit to Ground failure at sensor supply 2 ECU Power Stage 2 Defect in wiring harness, electrical failure in connected sensors or in the ECM
Replace ECM

Check battery voltage, check wiring for correct voltage supply of the connected sensor and the ECM.
3510 5 B60D05 ECU Power Stage 2: Undervoltage failure at sensor supply 2 ECU Power Stage 2 Low battery voltage, defect in wiring harness, electrical failure in connected sensors or in the ECM
Replace ECM

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V454/V458 Unified Fault Code Chart

SPN FMI DTC Description Component Failure Cause Failure Repair

Excessive battery voltage, defect in wiring harness, electrical failure in connected sensors or in the Check battery voltage, check wiring for correct voltage supply of the connected sensor and the ECM.
3510 6 B60D06 ECU Power Stage 2: Overtemperature failure at sensor supply 2 ECU Power Stage 2
ECM Replace ECM

Excessive battery voltage, defect in wiring harness, electrical failure in connected sensors or in the Check battery voltage, check wiring for correct voltage supply of the connected sensor and the ECM.
3510 12 B60D0C ECU Power Stage 2: Error Sensor supply for sensors ECU Power Stage 2
ECM Replace ECM

Excessive battery voltage, defect in wiring harness, electrical failure in connected sensors or in the Check battery voltage, check wiring for correct voltage supply of the connected sensor and the ECM.
3511 3 B70D03 ECU Power Stage 3: Overvoltage failure at sensor supply 3 ECU Power Stage 3
ECM Replace ECM

Check wiring of the connected sensor and the ECM.

3511 4 B70D04 ECU Power Stage 3: Short Circuit to Ground failure at sensor supply 3 ECU Power Stage 3 Defect in wiring harness, electrical failure in connected sensors or in the ECM
Replace ECM

Check battery voltage, check wiring for correct voltage supply of the connected sensor and the ECM.
3511 5 B70D05 ECU Power Stage 3: Undervoltage failure at sensor supply 3 ECU Power Stage 3 Low battery voltage, defect in wiring harness, electrical failure in connected sensors or in the ECM
Replace ECM

Excessive battery voltage, defect in wiring harness, electrical failure in connected sensors or in the Check battery voltage, check wiring for correct voltage supply of the connected sensor and the ECM.
3511 6 B70D06 ECU Power Stage 3: Overtemperature failure at sensor supply 3 ECU Power Stage 3
ECM Replace ECM

Excessive battery voltage, defect in wiring harness, electrical failure in connected sensors or in the Check battery voltage, check wiring for correct voltage supply of the connected sensor and the ECM.
3511 12 B70D0C ECU Power Stage 3: Error Sensor supply for sensors ECU Power Stage 3
ECM Replace ECM

Excessive battery voltage, defect in wiring harness, electrical failure in connected sensors or in the Check battery voltage, check wiring for correct voltage supply of the connected sensor and the ECM.
3512 3 B80D03 ECU Power Stage 4: Overvoltage failure at sensor supply 4 ECU Power Stage 4
ECM Replace ECM

Check wiring of the connected sensor and the ECM.

3512 4 B80D04 ECU Power Stage 4: Short Circuit to Ground failure at sensor supply 4 ECU Power Stage 4 Defect in wiring harness, electrical failure in connected sensors or in the ECM
Replace ECM

Check battery voltage, check wiring for correct voltage supply of the connected sensor and the ECM.
3512 5 B80D05 ECU Power Stage 4: Undervoltage failure at sensor supply 4 ECU Power Stage 4 Low battery voltage, defect in wiring harness, electrical failure in connected sensors or in the ECM
Replace ECM

Excessive battery voltage, defect in wiring harness, electrical failure in connected sensors or in the Check battery voltage, check wiring for correct voltage supply of the connected sensor and the ECM.
3512 6 B80D06 ECU Power Stage 4: Overtemperature failure at sensor supply 4 ECU Power Stage 4
ECM Replace ECM

Excessive battery voltage, defect in wiring harness, electrical failure in connected sensors or in the Check battery voltage, check wiring for correct voltage supply of the connected sensor and the ECM.
3512 12 B80D0C ECU Power Stage 4: Error Sensor supply for sensors ECU Power Stage 4
ECM Replace ECM

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V454/V458 Unified Fault Code Chart

SPN FMI DTC Description Component Failure Cause Failure Repair

Excessive battery voltage, defect in wiring harness, electrical failure in connected sensors or in the Check battery voltage, check wiring for correct voltage supply of the connected sensor and the ECM.
3513 3 B90D03 ECU Power Stage 5: Overvoltage failure at sensor supply 5 ECU Power Stage 5
ECM Replace ECM

Check wiring of the connected sensor and the ECM.

3513 4 B90D04 ECU Power Stage 5: Short Circuit to Ground failure at sensor supply 5 ECU Power Stage 5 Defect in wiring harness, electrical failure in connected sensors or in the ECM
Replace ECM

Check battery voltage, check wiring for correct voltage supply of the connected sensor and the ECM.
3513 5 B90D05 ECU Power Stage 5: Undervoltage failure at sensor supply 5 ECU Power Stage 5 Low battery voltage, defect in wiring harness, electrical failure in connected sensors or in the ECM
Replace ECM

Excessive battery voltage, defect in wiring harness, electrical failure in connected sensors or in the Check battery voltage, check wiring for correct voltage supply of the connected sensor and the ECM.
3513 6 B90D06 ECU Power Stage 5: Overtemperature failure at sensor supply 5 ECU Power Stage 5
ECM Replace ECM

Excessive battery voltage, defect in wiring harness, electrical failure in connected sensors or in the Check battery voltage, check wiring for correct voltage supply of the connected sensor and the ECM.
3513 12 B90D0C ECU Power Stage 5: Error Sensor supply for sensors ECU Power Stage 5
ECM Replace ECM

Excessive battery voltage, defect in wiring harness, electrical failure in connected sensors or in the Check battery voltage, check wiring for correct voltage supply of the connected sensor and the ECM.
3514 3 BA0D03 ECU Power Stage 6: Overvoltage failure at sensor supply 6 ECU Power Stage 6
ECM Replace ECM

Check wiring of the connected sensor and the ECM.

3514 4 BA0D04 ECU Power Stage 6: Short Circuit to Ground failure at sensor supply 6 ECU Power Stage 6 Defect in wiring harness, electrical failure in connected sensors or in the ECM
Replace ECM

Check battery voltage, check wiring for correct voltage supply of the connected sensor and the ECM.
3514 5 BA0D05 ECU Power Stage 6: Undervoltage failure at sensor supply 6 ECU Power Stage 6 Low battery voltage, defect in wiring harness, electrical failure in connected sensors or in the ECM
Replace ECM

Excessive battery voltage, defect in wiring harness, electrical failure in connected sensors or in the Check battery voltage, check wiring for correct voltage supply of the connected sensor and the ECM.
3514 6 BA0D06 ECU Power Stage 6: Overtemperature failure at sensor supply 6 ECU Power Stage 6
ECM Replace ECM

Excessive battery voltage, defect in wiring harness, electrical failure in connected sensors or in the Check battery voltage, check wiring for correct voltage supply of the connected sensor and the ECM.
3514 12 BA0D0C ECU Power Stage 6: Error Sensor supply for sensors ECU Power Stage 6
ECM Replace ECM

3515 31 BB0D1F DEF qualty sensor: Temperature not plausible, sensor possibly dismounted SCR Reagent Quality Quality Sensor not mounted in the DEV circuit, possible tampering Check sensor mounting, check temperature measured value both on tank and sensor.

3516 1 BC0D01 Urea quality: concentration low SCR Reagent Quality DEF with too low concentration detected Check DEF in the tank, replace it if non conform fluid is present

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SPN FMI DTC Description Component Failure Cause Failure Repair

DEF quality sensor is not able to deliver a valid measured value, there could be a problem with air
3516 12 BC0D0C Urea quality: sensor defective SCR Reagent Quality Check urea in the tank, check correct sensor installation or possible tampering.
bubbles or debris in the tank interfering with the sensor normal function

3521 31 C10D1F DEF qualty sensor: critical fluid identified SCR Reagent Quality Critical substance instead of reagent was detected (diesel or other fluid potentially destructive) Replace reagent

Special ambient conditions or vehicle use (city cycle) which lead to too low DPF temperature for real
Check temperature sensor before Oxicat and before DPF for correct measuring
DPF model plausibility: Fault path for maximum number of locked Temperature sensor before Oxicat or before DPF show too low temperature, so system dose not
3525 0 C50D00 DPF model plausibility Check Oxicat
regenerations detect real regeneration.
Oxicat does not work correctly, i.e. the temperature increase is too low (should be shown by a
Check DPF
additionally stored dedicated failure)

3555 2 E30D02 Environmental pressure: Value implausible Ambient pressure sensor ECU internal sensor defective Replace ECU

Another failure requested engine speed limitation.

3607 14 170E0E ECU internal Check: Injection cut off demand (ICO) for shut off coordinator ECU internal Check This failure path should always appear in failure memory with another lead failure from ECM No action, this is only an information path
monitoring level (level 2)

3695 2 6F0E02 DPF emergency regeneration switch: Not plausible switch value DPF emergency regen.switch Emergency regeneration switch pressed at high vehicle speed or switch defective Check emergency regeneration switch

Particulate filter service regeneration: number of regeneration requested via Service regeneration started via service tester should be carried out or counter resetted via service tool
3696 0 8F0E1F DPF emergency regen.switch Particulate filter service regeneration was requested too many times
vehicle button exceeded limit (Routine control $0302)

3696 7 700E07 Particulate filter emergency regeneration switch stuck closed DPF emergency regen.switch Emergency regeneration switch stuck Check and repair Emergency regeneration switch

3697 3 710E03 DPF Control Lamp: Short circuit to battery error DPF Control Lamp Short circuit of wiring to battery Check of wiring

3697 4 710E04 DPF Control Lamp: Short circuit to ground error DPF Control Lamp Short circuit of wiring to ground Check of wiring

3697 5 710E05 DPF Control Lamp: No load error DPF Control Lamp Broken or disconnected wiring or defective lamp Check of wiring or replace lamp

No reaction needed if failure isn't present after short time, check load and output, check wiring, replace
3697 6 710E06 DPF Control Lamp: Over temperature error DPF Control Lamp High battery voltage, high temperature inside ECU, high load or wiring problem

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V454/V458 Unified Fault Code Chart

SPN FMI DTC Description Component Failure Cause Failure Repair

3703 7 770E07 Particulate FIlter Inhibition Switch stuck None Switch for filter regeneraration inhibition stuck in pressed postion Check regeneration filter inhibition switch

Special ambient conditions and vehicle use which does not allow correct DPF regeneration due to too
low exhaust temperatures Service regeneration should be performed to reduce soot mass in the filter
3719 16 870E10 DPF model plausibility: Calculated soot mass above threshold DPF model plausibility Temperature sensor before Oxicat and/or before DPF shows too low temperature
Oxicat does not work correctly (bad HC burning) - in this case also a further dedicated failure should If Service regeneration fails: see troubleshooting there.
be stored and the vehicle shows blue smoke and strong odour.

Particulate filter service regeneration: regeneration requested via vehicle Service regeneration started via service tester should be carried out or counter resetted via service tool
3727 31 8F0E1F DPF emergency regen.switch Service regeneration started via vehicle button was interrupted too many times
button interrupted too many times (Routine control $0302)

Fuel filter heater: Short circuit to battery error in power stage of fuel filter
4009 3 A90F03 Fuel filter heater Short circuit of wiring to external source or inside fuel filter heater Check of wiring, replace fuel filter heater

Fuel filter heater: Short circuit to ground error in power stage of fuel filter
4009 4 A90F04 Fuel filter heater Short circuit of wiring to ground or inside fuel filter heater Check of wiring, replace fuel filter heater

4009 5 A90F05 Fuel filter heater: No load error in power stage of fuel filter heating Fuel filter heater Broken or disconnected wiring or defective fuel filter heater. Check of wiring or replace fuel filter heater

4009 6 A90F06 Fuel filter heater: Over Temperature error at ECM power stage Fuel filter heater High battery voltage, high temperature inside ECU, high load or wiring problem Check load and output, check wiring, replace ECU

Sensor defective or short circuit to external source

Coolant temp sensor: SRC High for Engine coolant temperature(down
4076 3 EC0F03 Coolant temp sensor Check wiring and connector continuity or replace sensor
stream) Remark: Most ECU analog input pins are provided with a pullup resistor. In this case an open circuit
error will also be identified as an SRC Max error.

Coolant temp sensor: SRC low for Engine coolant temperature(down

4076 4 EC0F04 Coolant temp sensor Sensor defective or short circuit to ground Check wiring or replace sensor

Reagent with too low UREA concentration (<<32%) Check Reagent, if correct concentration, Check Dosing quantity of SCR system, Check if the catalyst has
Too low or no Reagent injection been tampered. Check if engine raw emissions are OK (e.g. drive vehicle at constant speed without
Too High NOx Emissions: Catalyst efficiency lower than first NOx
4090 0 FA0F00 Too High NOx Emissions Wrong NOx measurement (NOx Sensor measures too high values) Reagent injection and compare measured with estimated NOx with tester), if not check NOx Sensor,
production threshold level
Engine NOx raw emissions higher than expected (humidity sensor measures too humid air, injection Humidity Sensor, Fuel pressure sensor,Injection timing. If OK, repeat test WITH Reagent dosing and check
timing anticipated, fuel pressure sensor measures too low fuel pressure Closed Loop Control parameter: if continuously < 0.7 or > 1.3 --> risk of NH3 slip due to system problem.

Backflow Line (from Supply Module to Urea Tank) clogged

Filter or throttle in Backflow Connector on Supply Module blocked
Execute an Urea-Dosing-System-Test (UDST) and follow the UDST-Trouble-Shooting- Guideline to repair
4334 0 EE1000 SCR Reagent Feeding: UREA pressure too high (2nd level) SCR Control Urea pressure sensor defective
the failure
Clogging of Supply Module Pre-Filter, Clogging of Tank Filter, Blockage on tank ventilation, Blockage
on suction side of Urea system, Urea level too low (suction of air)

Supply Module connector disconnected during K15-On

Check wiring harness and electrical connections
Short circuit of sensor to external source
4334 3 EE1003 SCR Supply Module: Voltage signal from Urea Pressure Sensor is too high SCR Supply Module
Sensor defective
If no problem found on wiring harness or connectors, replace Supply Module
Wiring harness defective

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V454/V458 Unified Fault Code Chart

SPN FMI DTC Description Component Failure Cause Failure Repair

Supply Module connector disconnected during K15-On

Check wiring harness and electrical connections
Short circuit of sensor to ground
4334 4 EE1004 SCR Supply Module: Voltage signal from Urea Pressure Sensor is too low SCR Supply Module
Sensor defective
If no problem found on wiring harness or connectors, replace Supply Module
Wiring harness defective

Blocked, frozen or damaged Pressure Line, Suction Line frozen, blocked or leaking (tubing,
hyd.connector, O-ring), Backflow Line blocked (tubing, hyd.connector, O-ring), DEF-filter in DEF Tank
clogged, Filter in Supply Module Inlet Connector clogged Execute an Urea-Dosing-System-Test (UDST) and follow the UDST-Trouble-Shooting- Guideline to repair
4334 10 EE100A SCR monitoring: pressure stabilization error SCR Control
Filter in Supply Module Backflow Connector clogged, Tank Ventilation Line clogged the failure
Leakage on Suction Pipe inside Tank-Sender-Unit
Supply Module defective

Blocked, frozen or damaged Pressure Line

Check the Pressure Line
Check the Pressure Line heater
4334 14 EE100E SCR monitoring: pressure drop error SCR Control Blocked or damaged Dosing Valve
Execute an Urea-Dosing-System-Test (UDST) and follow the UDST-Trouble-Shooting- Guideline to repair
the failure
Pressure Line Heater ineffective

Back flow line (from Urea Tank to Supply Module) clogged

Execute an Urea-Dosing-System-Test (UDST) and follow the UDST-Trouble-Shooting- Guideline to repair

4334 15 EE100F SCR Reagent Feeding: UREA pressure too high SCR Control Filter or throttle in Backflow Connector on Supply Module blocked
the failure
Urea pressure sensor defective

Clogging of Tank Filter, Clogging of Supply Module Pre-Filter, Blockage on tank ventilation, Blockage
Execute an Urea-Dosing-System-Test (UDST) and follow the UDST-Trouble-Shooting- Guideline to repair
4334 17 EE1011 SCR Reagent Feeding: UREA pressure too low SCR Control on suction side of Urea system, Urea level too low (suction of air), Air leakage on suction side of the
the failure
Urea system, Pump not delivering enough, Urea pressure sensor defective

Check Tank Heater Valve function

4337 2 F11002 Supply Module temperature dynamic plausibility error SCR Supply Module Insufficient heating of the Supply Module
Check coolant lines assignment on Tank Heater Valve for correct assembly (lines not mixed up)

Defective Supply Module temperature sensor or defective Supply Module HEATER temperature
4337 31 F1101F Supply Module temperature cold start plausibility error SCR Supply Module Replace Supply Module

Wiring harness defective Check wiring harness and electrical connections

4354 3 021103 Short Circuit to Battery on Urea Pressure Line SCR Reagent Heating
Defective Urea Pressure Line If no problem found on wiring harness or connectors, replace Urea Pressure Line

Wiring harness defective Check wiring harness and electrical connections

4354 4 021104 Short Circuit to Ground on Urea Pressure Line SCR Reagent Heating
Defective Urea Pressure Line If no problem found on wiring harness or connectors, replace Urea Pressure Line

Urea Pressure Line not connected at K15-ON

Check wiring harness and electrical connections
4354 5 021105 Open Load on Urea Pressure Line SCR Reagent Heating Wiring harness defective
If no problem found on wiring harness or connectors, replace Urea Pressure Line
Defective Urea Pressure Line

Wiring harness defective Check wiring harness and electrical connections

4354 6 021106 Over Temperature on power stage of Urea Pressure Line SCR Reagent Heating
Defective Urea Pressure Line If no problem found on wiring harness or connectors, replace Urea Pressure Line

Wiring harness or electrical connector defective Check wiring harness and electrical connections
Urea Tank Heater Valve defective Check Urea Tank Heater Valve
4354 14 02110E Heater error or repeated tank freezing condition require enforced shut off SCR Control
Defect on electrically heated Pressure Line Check electrically heated Pressure Line
(if applicable) (if applicable)

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V454/V458 Unified Fault Code Chart

SPN FMI DTC Description Component Failure Cause Failure Repair

Wiring harness defective Check wiring harness and electrical connections

4355 3 031103 Short Circuit to Battery on Urea Backflow Line SCR Reagent Heating
Defective Urea Backflow Line If no problem found on wiring harness or connectors, replace Urea Backflow Line

Wiring harness defective Check wiring harness and electrical connections

4355 4 031104 Short Circuit to Ground on Urea Backflow Line SCR Reagent Heating
Defective Urea Backflow Line If no problem found on wiring harness or connectors, replace Urea Backflow Line

Urea Backflow Line not connected at K15-ON

Check wiring harness and electrical connections
4355 5 031105 Urea Backflow Line Heater Actuator power stage: Open Load error SCR Reagent Heating Wiring harness defective
If no problem found on wiring harness or connectors, replace Urea Backflow Line
Defective Urea Backflow Line

Wiring harness defective Check wiring harness and electrical connections

4355 6 031106 Over Temperature on power stage of Urea Backflow Line SCR Reagent Heating
Defective Urea Backflow Line If no problem found on wiring harness or connectors, replace Urea Backflow Line

Wiring harness defective Check wiring harness and electrical connections

4356 3 041103 Short Circuit to Battery on Urea Suction Line SCR Reagent Heating
Defective Urea Suction Line If no problem found on wiring harness or connectors, replace Urea Suction Line

Wiring harness defective Check wiring harness and electrical connections

4356 4 041104 Short Circuit to Ground on Urea Suction Line SCR Reagent Heating
Defective Urea Suction Line If no problem found on wiring harness or connectors, replace Urea Suction Line

Urea Pressure Line not connected at K15-ON

Check wiring harness and electrical connections
4356 5 041105 Open Load on Urea Suction Line SCR Reagent Heating Wiring harness defective
If no problem found on wiring harness or connectors, replace Urea Suction Line
Defective Urea Suction Line

Wiring harness defective Check wiring harness and electrical connections

4356 6 041106 Over Temperature on power stage of Urea Suction Line SCR Reagent Heating
Defective Urea Suction Line If no problem found on wiring harness or connectors, replace Urea Suction Line

Check wiring and connectors for correct isolation / contact

Check sensor and replace it, if necessary
Exhaust Temperature monitoring 3: Measured value deviating from Bad electrical wiring (e.g. corroded connector or damaged isolation of wire) or gain offset of sensor for
4360 2 081102 Exhaust Temp monitoring Note: failure can also be caused, if the real exhaust temperature differes from the calculated one due to a
modelled temperature (check description for details) Exhaust Temperature before SCR Catalyst measures wrong values
failure in the engine like wrong injection pressure, wrong injection begin, wrong EGR rate. Therefore check
also the engine system, if the failure can not be repaired easily.

Sensor defective or short circuit in wiring to external source

SCR Catalyst Temperature sensing: SRC high for Catalyst temperature
4360 3 081103 SCR Temp Sensor Upstream Check wiring and connector continuity or replace sensor
upstream Remark: Most ECU analog input pins are provided with a pullup resistor. In this case an open circuit
error will also be identified as an SRC Max error.

SCR Catalyst Temperature sensing: SRC low for Catalyst temperature

4360 4 081104 SCR Temp Sensor Upstream Sensor defective or short circuit in wiring to ground Check wiring or replace sensor

Sensor defective or short circuit in wiring to external source

SCR Catalyst Temperature sensing: SRC high for Catalyst temperature
4363 3 0B1103 SCR Temp Sensor Downstream Check wiring and connector continuity or replace sensor
downstream Remark: Most ECU analog input pins are provided with a pullup resistor. In this case an open circuit
error will also be identified as an SRC Max error.

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V454/V458 Unified Fault Code Chart

SPN FMI DTC Description Component Failure Cause Failure Repair

SCR Catalyst Temperature sensing: SRC low for Catalyst temperature

4363 4 0B1104 SCR Temp Sensor Downstream Sensor defective or short circuit in wiring to ground Check wiring or replace sensor

UREA Quality Sensor: Sensor Short Circuit to Ground error reported

4365 5 0D1105 SCR Reagent Quality Defective Urea quality sensor Check and replace sensor
(Temperature signal)

UREA Quality Sensor: Sensor Short Circuit to Battery error reported

4365 6 0D1106 SCR Reagent Quality Defective Urea quality sensor Check and replace sensor
(Temperature signal)

4365 31 0D111F UREA Quality Sensor: Sensor System error reported (Temperature signal) SCR Reagent Quality Defective Urea quality sensor Check and replace sensor

Blocked, frozen or damaged (kinked) backflow line Check the backflow line
Check the filter inside the Backflow Connector on Supply Module
4376 2 181102 SCR monitoring: general backflow line plausibility error SCR Control Blocked or damaged filter or throttle in Backflow Connector on Supply Module Check the Backflow Line heater
Execute an Urea-Dosing-System-Test (UDST) and follow the UDST-Trouble-Shooting Guideline to repair
Backflow Line Heater ineffective the failure

Wiring harness defective Check wiring harness and electrical connections

4376 3 181103 SCR Reverting Valve: Short circuit to battery error SCR Supply Module
Defective Urea Reverting Valve If no problem found on wiring harness or connectors, replace Supply Module

Wiring harness defective Check wiring harness and electrical connections

4376 4 181104 SCR Reverting Valve: Short circuit to ground error SCR Supply Module
Defective Urea Reverting Valve If no problem found on wiring harness or connectors, replace Supply Module

Supply Module not connected at K15-ON

Check wiring harness and electrical connections
4376 5 181105 SCR Reverting Valve: Open load error SCR Supply Module Wiring harness or electrical connector defective
If no problem found on wiring harness or connectors, replace Supply Module
Defective Urea Reverting Valve

Check wiring harness and electrical connections

High temperature inside ECU, caused by
4376 6 181106 DFC for Over Temperature of urea reverting valve actuator power stage SCR Supply Module
high battery voltage, high load or problem on wiring harness or connectors
If no problem found on wiring harness or connectors, replace Supply Module

Execute an Urea-Dosing-System-Test (UDST) and follow the UDST-Trouble-Shooting- Guideline to repair

4376 7 181107 SCR dosing system: Reverting valve plausibility error SCR Reverting Valve Reverting Valve blocked mechanically in dosing position (eg. by Urea cristals)
the failure

SCR dosing system: Reverting Valve plausibility error at low voltage and Execute an Urea-Dosing-System-Test (UDST) and follow the UDST-Trouble-Shooting- Guideline to repair
4376 31 18111F SCR Reverting Valve Reverting Valve blocked mechanically in dosing position (eg. by Urea cristals)
low ambient temperature the failure

Short circuit of sensor to external source or defective sensor

Oxidation Catalyser Upstream Temperature Sensor: Signal value above
4765 3 9D1203 Upstream DOC Temperature Check wiring and connector continuity or replace sensor
maximum limit (SIgnal High) Remark: Most ECU analog input pins are provided with a pullup resistor. In this case an open circuit
error will also be identified as an SRC Max error.

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V454/V458 Unified Fault Code Chart

SPN FMI DTC Description Component Failure Cause Failure Repair

Oxidation Catalyser Upstream Temperature Sensor: Signal value below

4765 4 9D1204 Upstream DOC Temperature Short circuit of sensor to ground or defective sensor Check wiring or replace sensor
minimum limit (Signal Low)

Note: Fast ambient temperature change, e.g. vehicle exposed to sun shine after very cold night, or if the
sensor is in a "warm air stream" (e.g. by additional engines like a cooling compressor for a cold
Exhaust Temperature monitoring 1: deviation from other sensors at cold
4765 14 9D120E Exhaust Temp monitoring Exhaust Temperature before Oxidation Catalyst measures wrong values compartment which runs also during vehicle stand still, or an external source like a "exhaust stream" of a
start (check description for details)
builidng climatisation) can cause this failure, if the ambient of this sensor is not equal to the "normal"
ambient! --> in this case no action needed!. Check wiring and connectors and replace sensor if necessary

4765 31 9D121F Oxicat Temp Monitoring: wrong mounting of temperature sensors DOC Temp Monitoring Wrong mounting of temperature sensors upstream and downstream of a Oxidant catalyst. Check and remounting correctly the temperature sensors.

Note: Fast ambient temperature change, e.g. vehicle exposed to sun shine after very cold night, or if the
sensor is in a "warm air stream" (e.g. by additional engines like a cooling compressor for a cold
Exhaust Temperature monitoring 2: deviation from other sensors at cold
4766 2 9E1202 Exhaust Temp monitoring Exhaust Temperature after Oxidation Catalyst measures wrong values compartment which runs also during vehicle stand still, or an external source like a "exhaust stream" of a
start (check description for details)
builidng climatisation) can cause this failure, if the ambient of this sensor is not equal to the "normal"
ambient! --> in this case no action needed!. Check wiring and connectors and replace sensor if necessary

Short circuit of sensor to external source or defective sensor

Oxidation Catalyser Downstream Temperature Sensor: Signal range check
4766 3 9E1203 Downstream DOC Temperature Check wiring and connector continuity or replace sensor
high (Voltage High) Remark: Most ECU analog input pins are provided with a pullup resistor. In this case an open circuit
error will also be identified as an SRC Max error.

Oxidation Catalyser Downstream Temperature Sensor: Signal range check

4766 4 9E1204 Downstream DOC Temperature Short circuit of sensor to ground or defective sensor Check wiring or replace sensor
low (Voltage Low)

Check wiring and connectors for correct isolation / contact

Check sensor and replace it, if necessary
Exhaust Temperature monitoring 1: Measured value deviating from Bad electrical wiring (e.g. corroded connector or damaged isolation of wire) or gain offset of sensor for
4766 14 9E120E Exhaust Temp monitoring Note: failure can also be caused, if the real exhaust temperature differes from the calculated one due to a
modelled temperature (check description for details) Exhaust Temperature before Oxidation Catalyst measures wrong values
failure in the engine like wrong injection pressure, wrong injection begin, wrong EGR rate. Therefore check
also the engine system, if the failure can not be repaired easily.

4781 0 AD1200 DPF model plausibility: Maximum soot mass in DPF exceeded DPF model plausibility Regeneration could not be carried out for too long Perform particulate filter service regeneration.

Temperature sensors before and after Oxicat interchanged

Check correct connection of Temperature sensors at Oxicat Upstream and Particulate FIlter Upstream
5018 18 9A1312 Oxicat Temp Monitoring: Passive monitoring of the oxidation catalyst DOC Temp Monitoring Oxicat thermal aged (too low efficiency) or damaged Check / Replace Oxicat
Check Injectors
Post injection not working

Short Circuit or Open wire in wiring harness Check wiring harness

NOx Upstream Sensor (CAN): NOx Sensor detects not plausible values for
5027 2 A31302 NOx Sensor (CAN)
Lambda value
Defective NOx Upstream Sensor Check NOx Upstream Sensor

5055 17 BF1311 Oil viscosity(below a first threshold) Oil Lubricant Oil consumption -> oil degradated, first level. Oil change needed, first warning

Check wiring harness and electrical connections on Heater Relay

5137 7 111407 SCR Heater Relay stuck closed SCR Heater Relay Heater relay stuck in closed position
If no problem found on wiring harness or connectors, replace Heater Relay

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V454/V458 Unified Fault Code Chart

SPN FMI DTC Description Component Failure Cause Failure Repair

Check wiring harness and electrical connections on Heater Relay

5137 13 11140D SCR Heater Relay stuck open SCR Heater Relay Heater relay stuck in opened position
If no problem found on wiring harness or connectors, replace Heater Relay

No intervention necessary on this fault.

5246 0 7E1400 Info: SCR Inducement: Level 3 (creep mode), triggered by Tampering fault Inducement INFO: Inducement Level3 due to "Tampering" fault activated
"Tampering" fault which is root cause for inducement should be repaired

No intervention necessary on this fault.

5246 15 7E140F Info: SCR Inducement: Warning, triggered by Tampering fault Inducement INFO: Driver warning due to "Tampering" fault activated
"Tampering" fault, which is root cause for inducement should be repaired

Info: SCR Inducement: Level 1 (Torque reduction), triggered by Tampering No intervention necessary on this fault.
5246 16 7E1410 Inducement INFO: Inducement Level1 due to "Tampering" fault activated
fault "Tampering" fault which is root cause for inducement should be repaired

5310 0 BE1400 HC accumulated in the exhaust reached first engine shut off limit None Engine driven a long time at idle condition (low temperatures) Warm up engine and exhaust by driving under load

HC accumulated in the exhaust not decreasing enough after reaching first

5310 14 BE140E None Engine driven a long time at idle condition (low temperatures) Warm up engine and exhaust by driving under load
engine shut off

ECU Internal: Diagnostic fault check to report the plausibility error in rail
5313 2 C11402 ECU Internal ECU internal failure or calibration error. Contact Helpdesk
pressure monitoring

After long stand still time (10 hours), compare coolant temperature with exhaust gas temperatures. All
Exhaust gas temperature sensor: two or more temp sensors not plausible
5318 2 C61402 Exhaust Temp monitoring Several sensors have wrong measurement values. temperatures must be within 10°C.
after long stand still time
Replace sensor which is outside of this tolerance.

ECU internal Check: Not plausible fault: non strictly monotonous q curves Wrong application of the basic map for conversion of injection quantity to inner torque and vice versa
5357 2 ED1402 ECU internal Check Application error, the dataset has a faulty application and should not be used.
quantity in conversion maps fuel quantity /torque (FMTC_trq2qBas_MAP).

5380 3 041503 Fuel Metering Unit: Short Circuit to Battery at High Side Fuel metering unit Short circuit of wiring to battery or inside Metering Unit at High Side Check of wiring, replace Metering Unit

5380 4 041504 Fuel Metering Unit: Short Circuit to Ground at High Side Fuel metering unit Short circuit of wiring to ground or inside Metering Unit at High Side Check of wiring, replace Metering Unit

1. Check / replace wiring harness and the connections.

5380 5 041505 Fuel metering unit: open load at High SIde Low SIde Fuel metering unit Open load error of the metering unit. 2. Replace metering unit.
3. Replace ECU.

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V454/V458 Unified Fault Code Chart

SPN FMI DTC Description Component Failure Cause Failure Repair

1. Check wiring harness and connections.

5380 6 041506 Fuel Metering Unit: Short Circuit between High Side and Low Side Fuel metering unit Fuel metering unit has a short circuit between high side and low side. 2. Replace wiring harness.
2. Replace metering unit.

Clogging of Tank Filter, Clogging of Supply Module Pre-Filter, Blockage on tank ventilation, Blockage
Execute an Urea-Dosing-System-Test (UDST) and follow the UDST-Trouble-Shooting- Guideline to repair
5392 14 10150E SCR Control: Pressure-Build-Up not possible SCR Control on suction side of Urea system, Urea level too low (suction of air)
the failure
Leakage in the Urea system , Pump not delivering enough, Urea pressure sensor defective

Wiring harness defective Check wiring harness and electrical connections

5394 3 121503 SCR Dosing Module: Diagnostic error check for short circuit to battery. SCR Dosing Module
Defective Urea Dosing Valve Actuator If no problem found on wiring harness or connectors, replace Dosing Module

Wiring harness defective Check wiring harness and electrical connections

5394 4 121504 SCR Dosing Valve: Short circuit error between highside and lowside switch. SCR Dosing valve
Defective Urea Dosing Valve Actuator If no problem found on wiring harness or connectors, replace Dosing Module

Wiring harness defective Check wiring harness and electrical connections

5394 5 121505 SCR Dosing Module: Diagnostic error check for short circuit to ground. SCR Dosing Module
Defective Urea Dosing Valve Actuator If no problem found on wiring harness or connectors, replace Dosing Module

Execute an Urea-Dosing-System-Test (UDST) and follow the UDST-Trouble-Shooting Guideline to repair

5394 7 121507 SCR Dosing valve: Dosing Valve is stuck SCR Dosing Module Dosing Valve blocked mechanically
the failure

Supply Module connector disconnected during K15-On

Check wiring harness and electrical connections
5394 31 12151F SCR Dosing valve: Diagnostic error check for open load. SCR Dosing Module Wiring harness defective
If no problem found on wiring harness or connectors, replace Dosing Module
Defective Urea Dosing Valve Actuator

Wiring harness defective Check wiring harness and electrical connections

SCR Reagent Pump: Short circuit to battery error on power stage for urea
5435 3 3B1503 SCR Supply Module
pump motor
Urea Pump Motor defective If no problem found on wiring harness or connectors, replace Supply Module

Wiring harness defective Check wiring harness and electrical connections

SCR Reagent Pump: Short circuit to ground error on power stage for urea
5435 4 3B1504 SCR Supply Module
pump motor
Urea Pump Motor defective If no problem found on wiring harness or connectors, replace Supply Module

Supply Module not connected at K15-ON

Check wiring harness and electrical connections
5435 5 3B1505 SCR Supply Module: Open load error on power stage for urea pump motor SCR Supply Module Wiring harness or electrical connector defective
If no problem found on wiring harness or connectors, replace Supply Module
Urea Pump Motor defective

Check wiring harness and electrical connections

SCR Supply Module: Over temperature error on power stage for urea pump
5435 6 3B1506 ECU Internal High battery voltage, high temperature inside ECU, high load or wiring problem
If no problem found on wiring harness or connectors, replace Supply Module

SCR Supply Module: UREA pump motor non availability after temperature
5435 31 3B151F SCR Supply Module Communication error between Supply Module and ECU Check electrical wiring and connectors between ECU & Supply Module

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V454/V458 Unified Fault Code Chart

SPN FMI DTC Description Component Failure Cause Failure Repair

5441 2 411502 ECU Internal Check: Error in the plausibility of the injection energizing time ECU internal Check ECM internal failure or calibration error. Contact Helpdesk

5441 14 41150E Injector: Number of injections is limited by runtime Injector Dataset application wrong, too high number of injections allowed. Dataset should be replaced, contact Help Desk

5441 31 41151F ECU Internal: Error in the plausibility of the start of energising angles ECU Internal ECM internal failure or calibration error. Contact Helpdesk

5447 3 471503 Fuel Metering Unit: Short Circuit to Battery at Low Side Fuel metering unit Short circuit of wiring to battery or inside Metering Unit at Low Side Check of wiring, replace Metering Unit

5447 4 471504 Fuel Metering Unit: Short Circuit to Ground at Low Side Fuel metering unit Fuel metering unit has a short circuit to ground at low side. Check / replace wiring harness and the connections.

- Check delta pressure sensor on filter

5466 0 5A1500 Particulate filter overloaded (level 3) DPF pressure monitoring Filter is overloaded, flow resistance too high - Perform filter regeneration or clean filter (at this point procedure not defined yet)
- Check presence and condition of DOC

- Check delta pressure sensor on filter

5466 16 5A1510 Particulate filter overloaded (level 2) DPF pressure monitoring Filter is overloaded, flow resistance too high - Perform filter regeneration or clean filter (at this point procedure not defined yet)
- Check presence and condition of DOC

Pressure increase and pressure shock are means to set system into limp home mode. In case of rail
Pressure Relief Valve: Pressure shock test performed, second step, rail pressure sensor failure or maximum rail pressure exceede, the system is set into limp home mode by
5571 10 C3150A Pressure Relieve Valve No intervention necessary
pressure shock performing pressure increase (MeUn set to full delivery) and pressure shock (MeUn set to full delivery
and injection quantity set to zero)

Pressure Relief Valve is open due to: Failure of rail pressure sensor, wiring harness, metering unit or Check Rail pressure sensor, metering unit, wiring harness connection, rail system failure or PRV opening
5571 11 C3150B Info: Pressure Relief Valve Opened Pressure Relieve Valve
rail pressure failure pressure decrease

Pressure increase and pressure shock are means to set system into limp home mode. In case of rail
Pressure Relief Valve: Pressure shock test performed, first step, rail pressure sensor failure or maximum rail pressure exceeded, the system is set into limp home mode by
5571 14 C3150E Pressure Relieve Valve No intervention necessary
pressure increase performing pressure increase (MeUn set to full delivery) and pressure shock (MeUn set to full delivery
and injection quantity set to zero)

Check other rail failure, check PRV valve tightness and opening pressure, check metering unit, check wiring
Pressure Relief Valve: Opening count of PRV for wear out monitoring had PRV opens to often. Possible failure causes: Metering unit or wiring harness defective, rail pressure
5571 15 C3150F Pressure Relieve Valve
exceeded maximum value sensor failure, PRV problem (PRV opening pressure too low)
The PRV needs to be replaced and counter for number of opening should be reset using appropriate routine
control service.

Check other rail failure, check PRV valve tightness and opening pressure, check metering unit, check wiring
harness, check RDS.
Pressure Relief Valve: Open time of PRV for wear out monitoring had PRV opens to often. Possible failure causes: Metering unit or wiring harness defective, rail pressure
5571 16 C31510 Pressure Relieve Valve
exceeded maximum value sensor failure, PRV problem (PRV opening pressure too low)
The PRV needs to be replaced and timer monitoring opening status should be reset using appropriate
routine control service.

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V454/V458 Unified Fault Code Chart

SPN FMI DTC Description Component Failure Cause Failure Repair

ECU Internal: Diagnostic fault check to report the ADC no-load test pulse
5572 14 C4150E ECU Internal ECM internal failure Replace ECM

5572 31 C4151F ECU Internal: Diagnostic fault check to report the ADC test error ECU Internal ECM internal failure Replace ECM

Failure in Cruise control module (switches) Check Cruise control unit

Cruise control: Irreversible fault path which indicates the invalid combination
5607 2 E71502 Cruise control
of cruise control keys pressed
Failure in wiring harness Check wiring harness

5706 16 4A1610 Supply Module Heater temperature: duty cycle above maximal limit SCR Supply Module Communication error between Supply Module and ECU Check electrical wiring and connectors between ECU & Supply Module

5706 18 4A1612 Supply Module Heater Module: duty cycle below minimal limit SCR Supply Module Communication error between Supply Module and ECU Check electrical wiring and connectors between ECU & Supply Module

Wiring harness defective Check wiring harness and electrical connections

5746 3 721603 Short Circuit to Battery on Urea Heater Relay SCR Reagent Heating
Defective Urea Heater Relay If no problem found on wiring harness or connectors, replace Urea Heater Relay

Wiring harness defective Check wiring harness and electrical connections

5746 4 721604 Short Circuit to Ground on Urea Heater Relay SCR Reagent Heating
Defective Urea Heater Relay If no problem found on wiring harness or connectors, replace Urea Heater Relay

Wiring harness defective Check wiring harness and electrical connections

5746 5 721605 Open Load on Urea Heater Relay SCR Reagent Heating
Defective Urea Heater Relay If no problem found on wiring harness or connectors, replace Urea Heater Relay

Wiring harness defective Check wiring harness and electrical connections

5746 6 721606 Over Temperature on power stage of Urea Heater Relay SCR Reagent Heating
Defective Urea Heater Relay If no problem found on wiring harness or connectors, replace Urea Heater Relay

Info: SCR Inducement: Level 3 (creep mode), triggered by monitor INFO: Inducement Level3 due to monitor attributed to "Reagent dosing interruption" group activated. No intervention necessary on this fault.
5840 0 D01600 Inducement
attriubted to Reagent dosing interruption group This group for Off Road application includes also general ATS sensor plausibility failures Monitor which is root cause for inducement should be repaired

Info: SCR Inducement: Warning, triggered by monitor attriubted to Reagent INFO: Inducement Level1 due to monitor attributed to "Reagent dosing interruption" group activated. No intervention necessary on this fault.
5840 15 D0160F Inducement
dosing interruption group This group for Off Road application includes also general ATS sensor plausibility failures Monitor which is root cause for inducement should be repaired

Info: SCR Inducement: Level 1 (Torque reduction), triggered by monitor INFO: Inducement Level1 due to monitor attributed to "Reagent dosing interruption" group activated. No intervention necessary on this fault.
5840 16 D01610 Inducement
attriubted to Reagent dosing interruption group This group for Off Road application includes also general ATS sensor plausibility failures Monitor which is root cause for inducement should be repaired

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SPN FMI DTC Description Component Failure Cause Failure Repair

Info: SCR Inducement: Level 3 (creep mode), triggered by Reagent Quality No intervention necessary on this fault.
5841 0 D11600 Inducement INFO: Inducement Level3 due to "Reagent Quality" fault activated
fault "Reagent Quality" fault which is root cause for inducement should be repaired

No intervention necessary on this fault.

5841 15 D1160F Info: SCR Inducement: Warning, triggered by Reagent Quality fault Inducement INFO: Driver warning due to "Reagent Quality" fault activated
"Reagent Quality" fault, which is root cause for inducement should be repaired

Info: SCR Inducement: Level 1 (Torque reduction), triggered by Reagent No intervention necessary on this fault.
5841 16 D11610 Inducement INFO: Inducement Level1 due to "Reagent quality" fault activated
quality fault "Reagent quality" fault which is root cause for inducement should be repaired

5862 15 E6160F Supply Module Temperature: duty cycle above maximal limit SCR Supply Module Communication error between Supply Module and ECU Check electrical wiring and connectors between ECU and Supply Module

5862 17 E61611 Supply Module Temperature: duty cycle below minimal limit SCR Supply Module Communication error between Supply Module and ECU Check electrical wiring and connectors between ECU and Supply Module

6819 31 A31A1F Inducement: repeated offender logic activated Inducement Info failure: a failure relevant for inducement was detected, setting repeated offender logic No intervention necessary, fault starting inducement logic should be repaired

Disconnect all hydraulic lines from Supply Module to balance the pressure.
6875 15 DB1A0F SCR monitoring: UREA pressure positive offset SCR Supply Module Pressure sensor output too high
After that reconnect the hydraulic connectors and execute an Urea-Dosing-System-Test (UDST) and follow
the UDST-Trouble-Shooting Guideline to repair the failure

Disconnect all hydraulic lines from Supply Module to balance the pressure.
6875 17 DB1A11 SCR monitoring: UREA pressure nagative offset SCR Supply Module Pressure sensor output too low
After that reconnect the hydraulic connectors and execute an Urea-Dosing-System-Test (UDST) and follow
the UDST-Trouble-Shooting Guideline to repair the failure

Verify that the dataset is matching to the Supply Module type used on the machine.
7107 2 C31B02 SCR Supply Module: communication error SCR Supply Module Communication error between Supply Module and ECU
Check electrical wiring and connectors between ECU & Supply Module

7107 8 C31B08 SCR Supply Module: Pump Motor PWM signal is out of range SCR Supply Module Communication error between Supply Module and ECU Check electrical wiring and connectors between ECU & Supply Module

7107 15 C31B0F Urea pump motor speed duty cycle above maximal limit SCR Supply Module Communication error between Supply Module and ECU Check electrical wiring and connectors between ECU and Supply Module

7107 16 C31B10 SCR Supply Module: Pump motor internal duty cycle above maximal limit SCR Supply Module Communication error between SM and ECU Check el.wiring and el.connectors between ECU & SM

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SPN FMI DTC Description Component Failure Cause Failure Repair

7107 17 C31B11 Urea pump motor speed duty cycle below minimal limit SCR Supply Module Communication error between Supply Module and ECU Check electrical wiring and connectors between ECU and Supply Module

7107 18 C31B12 SCR Supply Module: Pump motor internal duty cycle below minimal limit SCR Supply Module Communication error between SM and ECU Check el.wiring and el.connectors between ECU & SM

518144 14 00E8EE ECU Internal: Diagnostic fault check to report the engine speed error ECU Internal ECM internal failure or calibration error. Contact Helpdesk

518145 4 01E8E4 ECU Temperature Sensor: Short circuit to ground (ECU internal error) ECU Temperature sensing ECU internal error ECU should be replaced

518146 2 02E8E2 ECU Temperature Sensor: Implausible sensor measuring ECU Temperature sensing ECU internal error ECU must be replaced

518147 31 03E8FF ECU SW Reset: Hardware related resets (Controller, HSM, Watchdog) ECU SW Reset Electronic disturbances, various hardware defects (ECU internal) or configuration problems If error occurs repeatedly, reprogram EDC. If error remains, replace EDC.

518148 31 04E8FF ECU SW Reset: Resets related to ECU Starter Block or Customer Block ECU SW Reset Electronic disturbances, various hardware defects (ECU internal) or configuration problems If error occurs repeatedly, reprogram EDC. If error remains, replace EDC.

Electronic disturbances, various hardware defects (ECU internal) or configuration problems Check if ECU is correctly supplied (no unexpected voltage drops)
518149 31 05E8FF ECU SW Reset: Reset related to ASW (under voltage, bus errors, CPU) ECU SW Reset If no external disturbancies are found and error occurs repeatedly, reprogram EDC. If error remains,
Resets triggered from Application SW ( Example: under voltage, Bus error, CPU TRAP…) replace EDC.

ECU Internal: Diagnosis fault check to report the error to demand for an
518150 31 06E8FF ECU Internal ECM internal failure or calibration error. Contact Helpdesk
ICO due to an error in the PoI2 shut-off

518151 31 07E8FF ECU Internal: Error in the plausibility of PoI3 efficiency. ECU Internal ECM internal failure or calibration error. Contact Helpdesk

518159 31 0FE8FF Injector: Number of injections is limited by system Injector Dataset application wrong, too high number of injections allowed. Dataset should be replaced, contact Help Desk

ECU Internal: Diagnostic fault check to report the error due to torque
518161 31 11E8FF ECU Internal ECU internal failure or calibration error. Contact Helpdesk

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V454/V458 Unified Fault Code Chart

SPN FMI DTC Description Component Failure Cause Failure Repair

ECU Internal: Error due to injector EnergizingTime exceeding threshold at

518162 31 12E8FF ECU Internal ECU internal failure or calibration error. Contact Helpdesk

1. Erase Level 2/3 error from fault code memory.

2. Operate vehicle for a short distance - e.g. few kilometers; if diagnosable checking the operation point in
The procedure is independent from Level 1 errors which may have been entered in parallel, e.g. by which the error entry was set.
518164 31 14E8FF Injection quantity limited by Level2 correction None
Level 1 functions similar to the one causing the Level 2/3 entry due to functional dependencies. 3. a) If Level 2/3 error does not reappear: do not replace ECU, but erasure of fault code memory is
3. b) If Level 2/3 error does reappear: replace ECU.
1. Erase Level 2/3 error from fault code memory.
The procedure is independent from Level 1 errors which may have been entered in parallel, e.g. by 2. Operate vehicle for a short distance - e.g. few kilometers; if diagnosable checking the operation point in
Level 1 functions similar to the one causing the Level 2/3 entry due to functional dependencies. which the error entry was set.
518165 31 15E8FF Level 2 torque limitation corrected for stable idle speed is activated None
3. a) If Level 2/3 error does not reappear: do not replace ECU, but erasure of fault code memory is
Idle fuel quantity too high, unexpectied high load at idle sufficient.
3. b) If Level. 2/3 error does reappear: replace ECU.

518166 31 16E8FF ECU Internal: Stack memory threshold overrun error None Measured stack consumption is greater than value of Stack-Limit configured. Contact Help Desk

ECU Internal: Error in the plausibility of the energising times of the zero fuel
518183 31 27E8FF ECU Internal ECU defective or wrong calibration Contact Help Desk
quantity calibration

Irregular switch off counter triggered.

Delete fault memory.
518201 11 39E8EB ECU system: Irregular switch off detected None Power supply loss or software reset detected at engine running
If error is present repeatedly check if supply management on vehicle is normal (unexpected power shut off
during running or during afterrun) or if driver is constantly cutting battery supply instead of normal key off

Power supply loss or software reset detected. If error sporadical, operator is maybe cutting battery supply before afterrun is completed or possibly in case
518201 31 39E8FF ECU system: Irregular switch off detected None
The ECU was switched off before after the condition 'End of Shutdown reached' was fulfilled. of timed ECU supply cut after key off, time too short (ECU afterrun duration not fix!)

518203 31 3BE8FF ECU Internal: Injection Cut Off request from Shut Off Path Test ECU Internal ECM internal failure Erase error memory, if the error reappears in short time ECU needs to be replaced

1. Erase Level 2/3 error from fault code memory.

2. Operate vehicle for a short distance - e.g. few kilometers; if diagnosable checking the operation point in
The procedure is independent from Level 1 errors which may have been entered in parallel, e.g. by which the error entry was set.
518204 31 3CE8FF ECU Internal: Post build selectable monitoring ECU Internal
Level 1 functions similar to the one causing the Level 2/3 entry due to functional dependencies. 3. a) If Level 2/3 error does not reappear: do not replace ECU, but erasure of fault code memory is
3. b) If Level 2/3 error does reappear: replace ECU.
1. Erase Level 2/3 error from fault code memory.
2. Operate vehicle for a short distance - e.g. few kilometers; if diagnosable checking the operation point in
The procedure is independent from Level 1 errors which may have been entered in parallel, e.g. by which the error entry was set.
518217 31 49E8FF ECU Internal: Diagnostic fault check to starter permission monitor ECU Internal
Level 1 functions similar to the one causing the Level 2/3 entry due to functional dependencies. 3. a) If Level 2/3 error does not reappear: do not replace ECU, but erasure of fault code memory is
3. b) If Level 2/3 error does reappear: replace ECU.

518219 31 4BE8FF ECU Internal: Error in the operating mode at level 1 ECU Internal ECM internal failure or calibration error. Erase error memory, if the error reappears in short time ECU needs to be replaced

518220 31 4CE8FF ECU Internal: Error in total injection quantity at level 2 ECU Internal ECM internal failure or calibration error. Erase error memory, if the error reappears in short time ECU needs to be replaced

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SPN FMI DTC Description Component Failure Cause Failure Repair

1. Erase Level 2/3 error from fault code memory.

2. Operate vehicle for a short distance - e.g. few kilometers; if diagnosable checking the operation point in
The procedure is independent from Level 1 errors which may have been entered in parallel, e.g. by which the error entry was set.
518242 31 62E8FF ECU Internal: Diagnostic fault check to report "Errorpin active" ECU Internal
Level 1 functions similar to the one causing the Level 2/3 entry due to functional dependencies. 3. a) If Level 2/3 error does not reappear: do not replace ECU, but erasure of fault code memory is
3. b) If Level 2/3 error does reappear: replace ECU.

CAN Bus: Timeout Error of CAN-Receive-Frame Vehicle Control Module to Defective CAN controller of Vehicle Control Module , undervoltage of VCM, missing VCM, CAN cable Check presence and correct connection of the VCM to the network, Check correct functioning of the VCM
518249 9 69E8E9 CAN Bus
EDC (VM2EDC: low/high Idle, Intermediate speed Gov.parameters) connecting the VCM is disconnected or broken. Short circuit in wiring. CAN controller and its voltage supply. Check wiring.

518254 11 6EE8EB CAN Bus: CAN-Receive-Frame of TSC1VE out of range condition CAN Bus TSC1 torque control invalid Check Vehicle Controller CAN connection

CAN Bus: CAN-Receive-Frame of TSC1VE rolling counter error (frame

518254 14 6EE8EE CAN Bus Missing or duplicated frame from Vehicle Controller Check Vehicle Controller CAN connection

CAN Bus: TimeOut of CAN-Receive-Frame TSC1VE from Vehicle Defective CAN controller of the Vehicle Controller, CAN cable disconnected or broken. Short circuit in Check presence and correct connection of the Vehicle Controller to the network, Check correct functioning
518255 9 6FE8E9 CAN Bus
Controller wiring. of the CAN controller. Check wiring.

518255 11 6FE8EB CAN Bus: CAN-Receive-Frame of TSC1VR out of range condition CAN Bus TSC1 torque control invalid Check Body Computer CAN connection

CAN Bus: CAN-Receive-Frame of TSC1VR rolling counter error (frame

518255 14 6FE8EE CAN Bus Missing or duplicated frame from Body Computer Check Body Computer CAN connection

518255 19 6FE8F3 CAN Bus: CAN-Receive-Frame of TSC1VE, Checksum error CAN Bus Disturbed CAN controller of Vehicle Controller Check presence and correct connection of Vehicle Controller to the network, check correct programming

518255 31 6FE8FF CAN Bus: CAN-Receive-Frame of TSC1VR error condition CAN Bus TSC1 torque control invalid Check Body Computer connection to CAN

CAN Bus: TimeOut of CAN-Receive-Frame TSC1VE from Vehicle Defective CAN controller of the Vehicle Controller, CAN cable disconnected or broken. Short circuit in Check presence and correct connection of the Vehicle Controller to the network, Check correct functioning
518256 9 70E8E9 CAN Bus
Controller (active mode) wiring. of the CAN controller. Check wiring.

518256 19 70E8F3 CAN Bus: CAN-Receive-Frame of TSC1VR, Checksum error CAN Bus Disturbed CAN controller of Body Computer Check presence and correct connection of Body Computer to the network, check correct programming

518256 31 70E8FF CAN Bus: CAN-Receive-Frame of TSC1VE error condition CAN Bus TSC1 torque control invalid Check Vehicle Controller connection to CAN

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V454/V458 Unified Fault Code Chart

SPN FMI DTC Description Component Failure Cause Failure Repair

CAN Bus: TimeOut of CAN-Receive-Frame TSC1VE from Vehicle Defective CAN controller of the Vehicle Controller, CAN cable disconnected or broken. Short circuit in Check presence and correct connection of the Vehicle Controller to the network, Check correct functioning
518257 9 71E8E9 CAN Bus
Controller (passive mode) wiring. of the CAN controller. Check wiring.

CAN Bus: CAN-Receive-Frame of VM2EDC, Rolling counter or Checksum

518261 14 75E8EE CAN Bus Wrong CAN configuration in the Vehicle Controller Module Check CAN configuration in the Vehicle Controller Module

518327 31 B7E8FF CAN Bus: CAN-Receive-Frame of TSC1ADR error condition CAN Bus TSC1 torque control invalid Check AEBS connection to CAN

518397 4 FDE8E4 Short circuit to battery error at high side actuator relay with index x = 4 Actuator Relay (ECU Internal) Short circuit of wiring to external source or inside connected actuator Check of wiring or replacement of connected actuator

518398 4 FEE8E4 Short circuit to battery error at high side actuator relay with index x = 5 Actuator Relay (ECU Internal) Short circuit of wiring to external source or inside connected actuator Check of wiring or replacement of connected actuator

518399 4 FFE8E4 Short circuit to ground error at high side actuator relay with index x = 3 Actuator Relay (ECU Internal) Short circuit of wiring to ground or inside connected actuator Check of wiring or replacement of connected actuator

518400 4 00E9E4 Short circuit to ground error at high side actuator relay with index x = 4 Actuator Relay (ECU Internal) Short circuit of wiring to ground or inside connected actuator Check of wiring or replacement of connected actuator

Check wiring and connectors

518401 4 01E9E4 Short circuit to battery error at high side actuator relay with index x = 6 Actuator Relay (ECU Internal) Short circuit on wiring harness or connector to ECU
If no problem found on wiring harness or connectors, replace ECU

518402 4 02E9E4 Short circuit to battery error at high side actuator relay with index x = 7 Actuator Relay (ECU Internal) Short circuit of wiring to external source or inside connected actuator Check of wiring or replacement of connected actuator

Check wiring and connectors

518403 4 03E9E4 Short circuit to battery error at high side actuator relay with index x = 8 Actuator Relay (ECU Internal) Short circuit on wiring harness or ECU connector to external source
If no problem found on wiring harness or connectors, replace ECU

518404 4 04E9E4 Short circuit to ground error at high side actuator relay with index x = 5 Actuator Relay (ECU Internal) Short circuit of wiring to ground or inside connected actuator Check of wiring or replacement of connected actuator

Check wiring and connectors

518405 4 05E9E4 Short circuit to ground error at high side actuator relay with index x = 6 Actuator Relay (ECU Internal) Short circuit on wiring harness or ECU connector to ground
If no problem found on wiring harness or connectors, replace ECU

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SPN FMI DTC Description Component Failure Cause Failure Repair

518406 4 06E9E4 Short circuit to ground error at high side actuator relay with index x = 7 Actuator Relay (ECU Internal) Short circuit of wiring to ground or inside connected actuator Check of wiring or replacement of connected actuator

Check wiring and connectors

518407 4 07E9E4 Short circuit to ground error at high side actuator relay with index x = 8 Actuator Relay (ECU Internal) Short circuit of wiring or ECU Connector to ground
If no problem found on wiring harness or connectors, replace ECU

518408 3 08E9E3 Power Relay 0 for Smart Sensors and Actuators: Short Circuit to Battery Actuator Relay (ECU Internal) Short circuit of wiring to external source or defective Power relay 0 Check of wiring or replacement of Power Relay 0

518408 4 08E9E4 Power Relay 0 for Smart Sensors and Actuators: Short Circuit to Ground Actuator Relay (ECU Internal) Short circuit of wiring to ground or inside Power Relay 0 Check of wiring or replacement of Power Relay 0

518408 5 08E9E5 Power Relay 0 for Smart Sensors and Actuators: Open Load error Actuator Relay (ECU Internal) Broken or disconnected wiring or defective Power Relay 0 Check of wiring or replacement of Power Relay

High battery voltage, high temperature inside ECU, high load or wiring problem or problem inside
518408 6 08E9E6 Power Relay 0 for Smart Sensors and Actuators: Over Temperature error Actuator Relay (ECU Internal) Check battery voltage, wiring, power stage and Power Relay 0
Power Relay 0

518410 4 0AE9E4 Short circuit to battery error at high side actuator relay with index x = 9 Actuator Relay (ECU Internal) Short circuit of wiring to external source or inside connected actuator Check of wiring or replacement of connected actuator

518411 4 0BE9E4 Short circuit to ground error at high side actuator relay with index x = 9 Actuator Relay (ECU Internal) Short circuit of wiring to ground or inside connected actuator Check of wiring or replacement of connected actuator

CAN Bus: CAN-Receive-Frame of TSC1PE rolling counter error (frame

518494 14 5EE9EE CAN Bus Missing or duplicated frame from PTO Controller Check PTO Controller CAN connection

518494 19 5EE9F3 CAN Bus: CAN-Receive-Frame of TSC1PE, Checksum error CAN Bus Disturbed CAN controller of PTO Controller Check presence and correct connection of PTO Controller to the network, check correct programming

518494 31 5EE9FF CAN Bus: CAN-Receive-Frame of TSC1PE error condition CAN Bus TSC1 torque control invalid Check PTO controller connection to CAN

CAN Bus: TimeOut of CAN-Receive-Frame TSC1PE from PTO Controller Check presence and correct connection of the PTO Controller to the network, Check correct functioning of
518495 9 5FE9E9 CAN Bus Defective CAN controller of PTO Controller, CAN cable disconnected or broken. Short circuit in wiring.
(active mode) the CAN controller. Check wiring.

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V454/V458 Unified Fault Code Chart

SPN FMI DTC Description Component Failure Cause Failure Repair

CAN Bus: TimeOut of CAN-Receive-Frame TSC1PE from PTO Controller Check presence and correct connection of the PTO Controller to the network, Check correct functioning of
518496 9 60E9E9 CAN Bus Defective CAN controller of PTO Controller, CAN cable disconnected or broken. Short circuit in wiring.
(passive mode) the CAN controller. Check wiring.

CAN Bus Received frames: Checksum Error of CAN-Receive-Frame

518594 19 C2E9F3 CAN Bus CAN message corrupted or wrongly configurated Check CAN configuration and functionality of involved actors (ABS,EBS,ASR)
Electronic Brake Controller (EBC1RCS)

CAN Bus Received frames: Missed or repeated frame Error of CAN-Receive-

518595 19 C3E9F3 CAN Bus CAN malfunction, frame lost or repeated Check CAN connection, bus load or other CAN malfunctions
Frame Electronic Brake Controller (EBC1RCS)

CAN Bus Received frames:Timeout Error of CAN-Receive-Frame Electronic Check presence and correct connection of EBS to the network, Check correct functioning of the CAN
518596 9 C4E9E9 CAN Bus Defective CAN controller of EBS, CAN cable disconnected or broken. Short circuit in wiring.
Brake Controller (EBC1RCS) controller. Check wiring.

CAN Bus: Timeout Error of CAN-Receive-Frame BC2EDC1 from Body Defective CAN controller of Body Computer , under voltage or missing, CAN cable connecting the BC Check presence and correct connection of the Body Computer to the network, check correct functioning of
518644 9 F4E9E9 CAN Bus
Computer is disconnected or broken. Short circuit in wiring. the BC CAN controller and its voltage supply. Check wiring.

518644 14 F4E9EE CAN-Receive-Frame BC2EDC1 from Body Computer: Checksum error CAN Bus Wrong CAN configuration in the Body Computer Check CAN configuration in the Body Computer

CAN Bus: Timeout Error of CAN-Receive-Frame BC2EDC2 from Body Defective CAN controller of Body Computer , under voltage or missing, CAN cable connecting the BC Check presence and correct connection of the Body Computer to the network, check correct functioning of
518645 9 F5E9E9 CAN Bus
Computer is disconnected or broken. Short circuit in wiring. the BC CAN controller and its voltage supply. Check wiring.

Info failure: No intervention necessary

518653 31 FDE9FF CAN Bus VCM: DFC of Auxiliary Engine Shutdown Switch Message CAN Bus VCM External shut off request by BC2EDC2 message.
Check failure source for engine shut off (Fid_EngShOff)

CAN Bus: Timeout Error of CAN-Receive-Frame CM1BC (from Body Defective CAN controller of Body Computer, CAN cable disconnected or broken. Short circuit in Check presence and correct connection of the Body Computer to the network, Check correct functioning of
518654 9 FEE9E9 CAN Bus
Computer) wiring. the CAN controller. Check wiring.

CAN Bus: TIme Out of CAN-Receive-Frame Torque Speed Control TSC1VR Defective CAN controller of the Body Computer, CAN cable disconnected or broken. Short circuit in Check presence and correct connection of the Body Computer to the network, Check correct functioning of
518665 9 09EAE9 CAN Bus
message from Body Computer wiring. the CAN controller. Check wiring.

Check presence and correct connection of the Body Computer to the network, Check correct functioning of
CAN Bus: TimeOut of CAN-Receive-Frame TSC1VR from Body Computer Defective CAN controller of the Body Computer, CAN cable disconnected or broken. Short circuit in the CAN controller. Check wiring.
518666 9 0AEAE9 CAN Bus
(active mode) wiring.
Received messages are monitored for time out

CAN Bus: TimeOut of CAN-Receive-Frame TSC1VR from Body Computer Defective CAN controller of the Body Computer, CAN cable disconnected or broken. Short circuit in Check presence and correct connection of the Body Computer to the network, Check correct functioning of
518667 9 0BEAE9 CAN Bus
(passive mode) wiring. the CAN controller. Check wiring.

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V454/V458 Unified Fault Code Chart

SPN FMI DTC Description Component Failure Cause Failure Repair

CAN Bus: Timeout Error of CAN-Receive-Frame FLP2EDC from Exhaust Defective CAN controller of Exhaust Flap Actuator , undervoltage or missing Flap, CAN cable Check presence and correct connection of the Exhaust Flap Actuator to the network, check correct
518694 9 26EAE9 CAN Bus
Flap disconnected or broken. Short circuit in wiring. functioning of the CAN controller and its voltage supply. Check wiring.

Exhaust Flap Actuator: Control failure reported by actuator via CAN

518694 11 26EAEB Exhaust Flap actuator Smart actuator reports an actuation error Check and replace smart actuator

Exhaust Flap Actuator: Electrical problem reported by actuator via CAN

518694 12 26EAEC Exhaust Flap actuator Defective exhaust flap, electrical problem Check Exhaust Flap supply, wiring, replace actuator

518695 14 27EAEE Exhaust Flap Actuator: Actuator reports system failure over CAN message Exhaust Flap actuator Exhaust flap System failure reported by smart actuator Check reported issue, check flap

518698 31 2AEAFF Exhaust Flap Actuator: Actuator reports over temperature error Exhaust Flap actuator Exhaust Flap Actuator overheated, supply problem?, increased resistance Check Exhaust Flap actuator supply, wiring and friction

CAN Bus: Timeout error of CAN-Receive frame NOxData from NOx Defective CAN controller of NOx Downstream Sensor, CAN cable disconnected or broken. Short Check presence and correct connection of the NOx Downstream Sensor to the network, Check correct
518867 9 D3EAE9 CAN NOx Sensor
downstream sensor circuit in wiring. functioning of the CAN controller. Check wiring.

CAN Bus: Timeout error of CAN-Receive frame NOxData from NOx Defective CAN controller of NOx upstream sensor, CAN cable disconnected or broken. Short circuit in Check presence and correct connection of the NOx upstream sensor to the network, Check correct
518868 9 D4EAE9 CAN NOx Sensor
Upstream Sensor wiring. functioning of the CAN controller. Check wiring.

In use regeneration or high load/high temperatures should solve the issue, if the problem persists DEF
519044 14 84EBEE UREA deposit accumulation at low temperature exceeded limit DEF Deposit Unfavourable driving condition, for instance low Catalyst temperatures can cause this error
dosing quantity should be verified

519044 31 84EBFF UREA Quality Sensor: Sensor System Error reported (quality signal) SCR Reagent Quality Defective Urea quality sensor Check and replace sensor

Replace NOx Downstream Sensor

Short Circuit or Open wire in sensor internal wiring harness 1) clear memory with tester, 2) if performance limiter active: disable it with tester, 3) drive the vehicle
NOx Sensor (CAN): NOx Downstream Sensor detects not plausible values
519045 2 85EBE2 NOx Sensor (CAN) ~20min in engine speed range >1600rpm with constant periodes of ~5 sec and more than 5 motoring
(NOx or Lambda)
Defective NOx Downstream Sensor phases > 10sec (highest gear), 4) check with "OBD scan tool" Service $01 (or Readinsess state) that
"comprehensive components" are "ready", 5) if not: repeat the procedure

CAN Bus: Timeout Error of CAN-Receive-Frame A1DEFI from DEF quality Defective CAN controller in DEF quality sensor, CAN cable connecting the interface is disconnected or
519050 9 8AEBE9 CAN Bus Check presence and correct connection of the DEF quality sensor Interface to the network. Check wiring.
sensor broken. Short circuit in wiring.

CAN Bus:Timeout Error of CAN-Receive-Frame AT1T1I from DEF Tank Defective CAN controller in DEF Tank Level sensor, CAN cable connecting the interface is Check presence and correct connection of the DEF Tank Level sensor Interface to the network. Check
519051 9 8BEBE9 CAN Bus
Level sensor disconnected or broken. Short circuit in wiring. wiring.

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V454/V458 Unified Fault Code Chart

SPN FMI DTC Description Component Failure Cause Failure Repair

519055 31 8FEBFF SCR monitoring: Withdraw of the dosing readiness above allowed threshold SCR Dosing Pressure Under pressure error present for too long Check and repair reason for underpressure error

Execute an Urea-Dosing-System-Test (UDST) and follow the UDST-Trouble-Shooting Guideline to repair

519056 7 90EBE7 SCR Dosing valve: Dosing Valve is stuck at low voltage SCR Dosing Module Dosing Valve blocked mechanically
the failure

Check Tank Heater Valve function

519294 2 7EECE2 Supply Module Heater temperature dynamic plausibility Error SCR Supply Module Insufficient heating of the Supply Module
Check coolant lines assignment on Tank Heater Valve for correct assembly (lines not mixed up)

CAN Bus: TimeOut of CAN-Receive-Frame TSC1AE from ABS/ESP/ASR Defective CAN controller of the ABS / ASR / ESP Control, CAN cable disconnected or broken. Short Check presence and correct connection of the ABS / ASR / ESP Control to the network, Check correct
519496 9 48EDE9 CAN Bus
Control (passive mode) circuit in wiring. functioning of the CAN controller. Check wiring.

Check wiring and connectors for correct isolation / contact

Check sensor and replace it, if necessary
Exhaust Temperature monitoring 4: Measured value deviating from Bad electrical wiring (e.g. corroded connector or damaged isolation of wire) or gain offset of sensor for
519546 2 7AEDE2 Exhaust Temp monitoring Note: failure can also be caused, if the real exhaust temperature differes from the calculated one due to a
modelled temperature (check description for details) Exhaust Temperature after SCR catalyst measures wrong values
failure in the engine like wrong injection pressure, wrong injection begin, wrong EGR rate. Therefore check
also the engine system, if the failure can not be repaired easily.

Note: Fast ambient temperature change, e.g. vehicle exposed to sun shine after very cold night, or if the
sensor is in a "warm air stream" (e.g. by additional engines like a cooling compressor for a cold
Exhaust Temperature monitoring 4: deviation from other sensors at cold
519550 2 7EEDE2 Exhaust Temp monitoring Exhaust Temperature after SCR catalyst measures wrong values compartment which runs also during vehicle stand still, or an external source like a "exhaust stream" of a
start (check description for details)
builidng climatisation) can cause this failure, if the ambient of this sensor is not equal to the "normal"
ambient! --> in this case no action needed!. Check wiring and connectors and replace sensor if necessary

519551 2 7FEDE2 Two or more Selected Temperature sensors deliver implausible values Temperature Sensor More than one temperature sensor considered for enhanced plausibility check is drifted Check all involved temperature sensor

Validation mode activated (full power restart in case of inducement

519644 31 DCEDFF Inducement Validation restart is set No repair necessary for this paths, failure causing inducement to be set must be repaired.

Once failure causing severe inducement is repaired, inducement lock should be reset using specific routine
519646 31 DEEDFF SCR Inducement: severe inducement locked status reached. Inducement Locked severe inducement status reached
control "Reset the severe deactivation counter" (Id. $029F)

Info: SCR Inducement: Warning, triggered by Costumer Moderate fault No intervention necessary on this fault.
519647 15 DFEDEF Inducement INFO: Driver warning due to "Customer Inducement moderate" group activated
(errors impacting NOx efficiency) Root cause for inducement should be repaired

Hose connection upstream from the particle filter detached or completely blocked.
519694 7 0EEEE7 DPF filter differential pressure sensor: Hose Line Monitoring DPF pressure sensing Atmospheric pressure is constantly present at the pressure connection upstream from the particle Check mounting, check hose line

DPF pressure monitoring: Fault check for the pressure sensor plausibility at
519694 12 0EEEEC DPF pressure monitoring Differential pressure sensor is inaccurate. Check accuracy of differential pressure sensor.
cold conditions

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SPN FMI DTC Description Component Failure Cause Failure Repair

Check differential pressure sensor mounting and hose lines.

DPF pressure monitoring: Fault check for Hose Line connection of
519694 14 0EEEEE DPF pressure monitoring Differential pressure sensor of filter upside down, hose lines crossed
differential pressure sensor Reset offset drift compensation for diff.pressure sensor using dedicated UDS Routine Control Service (ID

Hose connection upstream from the particle filter detached or completely blocked.
519695 7 0FEEE7 DPF differential pressure sensor: Hose Line Monitoring at cold state DPF pressure sensing Atmospheric pressure is constantly present at the pressure connection upstream from the particle Check mounting, check hose line

DPF is clogged.
Filter regeneration was not successful or not possible.
DPF model plausibility: Measured differential pressure over DPF exceeds Launch service regeneration via tester and check filter and exhaust system.
519697 0 11EEE0 DPF model plausibility
limit Excessive engine soot could be caused by prolonged too low boost conditions (damaged Check and repair other errors related to excessive soot
turbocharger or leakages in the air system), damaged injectors, usage of non conform fuel, low
injection pressure.

Check metering Unit (MeUn), if closing (PWM = 100%)

Metering unit stuck in open position, zero-delivery throttle clogged, metering unit without power due to
Fuel pressure control Metering unit: Too high fuel pressure with MeUn on 0- Check electric wiring to MeUn
519744 15 40EEEF Fuel pressure control Metering unit electrical error.
delivery state Check low pressure fuel tubes (return from CP to tank free?)
Low pressure side: Pressure after zero-delivery throttle too high (Pump backflow pressure too high)
Check zero delivery valve for correct working

Check low pressure system for clogging (specially fuel filter)

Leakage in the high pressure system:
Check tubing between pre supply and gear pump
injection nozzle stuck in open position, low efficiency of high pressure pump, internal leakage of
Fuel pressure control Metering unit: Too low fuel rail pressure with MeUn Check feeding of pre supply pump (possibly low due to clogged tubes at tank outlet)
519744 18 40EEF2 Fuel pressure control Metering unit injector, leaking pressure control valve
Control Check high pressure part for leakages (internal / external)
Too low pressure at High pressure pump inlet due clogged filter, leaking low pressure tubes, electric
Check High pressure pump for efficiency
pre supply pump defective or gear pump defective
Check injectors for tightness
Check low pressure system for clogging (specially fuel filter)
Leakage in the high pressure system:
Check tubing between pre supply and gear pump
injection nozzle stuck in open position, low efficiency of high pressure pump, internal leakage of
Fuel pressure control Metering unit: Fuel rail pressure below limit with MeUn Check feeding of pre supply pump (possibly low due to clogged tubes at tank outlet)
519745 17 41EEF1 Fuel pressure control Metering unit injector, leaking pressure control valve
Control Check high pressure part for leakages (internal / external)
Too low pressure at High pressure pump inlet due clogged filter, leaking low pressure tubes, electric
Check High pressure pump for efficiency
pre supply pump defective or gear pump defective
Check injectors for tightness

519757 31 4DEEFF Fuel metering unit: DIagnosric information unavailable Fuel metering unit The ECU is defect (connection to the DGDI is jammed or the DGDI is defect). Replace ECU

No actions necessary due to this failure alone. If power reduction occurred due to actual defect, the failure
Info: Torque Limitation active: Torque limitation caused by turbocharger
519844 31 A4EEFF Info: Torque Limitation active Info failure: Limitation due to turbocharger protection was active triggering the torque limitation should also be in the failure memory. Follow troubleshooting of this root

No actions necessary due to this failure alone. If power reduction occurred due to actual defect, the failure
519845 31 A5EEFF Info: Torque Limitation active: Torque limitation caused by engine protection Info: Torque Limitation active Info failure: Limitation due to engine protection was active triggering the torque limitation should also be in the failure memory. Follow troubleshooting of this root

No actions necessary due to this failure alone. If power reduction occurred due to actual defect, the failure
519846 31 A6EEFF Info: Torque Limitation active: Torque limitation caused by injection system Info: Torque Limitation active Info failure: Limitation due to Injection system was active triggering the torque limitation should also be in the failure memory. Follow troubleshooting of this root

No actions necessary due to this failure alone. If power reduction occurred due to actual defect, the failure
Info: Rail pressure, speed Limitation active: Limitation caused by ihigh rail
519847 31 A7EEFF Info: Torque Limitation active Info failure: Limitation due to high fuel temperature was active triggering the torque limitation should also be in the failure memory. Follow troubleshooting of this root

519852 31 ACEEFF Info: Engine shut off request through CAN Info: Engine shut OFF Engine shut off was requested Info failure: No intervention necessary

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SPN FMI DTC Description Component Failure Cause Failure Repair

Check which failure activated the performance limitation (FID_CoVehPrfmLim%%OBD with %%=11,12,21
or 22) and perform troubleshooting on the basis of this defect.
519859 0 B3EEE0 Info: Torque Limitation active: OBD performance limiter is active. Info: Torque Limitation active Active power reduction due to the OBD performance limiter because of too high NOx emissions
Note: The OBD performance limiter can be disabled with service tester at maximum 5.00- times for 4.00h
each time, to give the possibility to drive also a fully loaded vehicle to the next repair station.

No actions necessary due to this failure alone. If power reduction occurred due to actual defect, the failure
Info: Torque Limitation active: Torque limitation caused by high engine
519867 31 BBEEFF Info: Torque Limitation active Active power reduction > 120.00s due to high engine coolant temperature triggering the torque limitation should also be in the failure memory. Follow troubleshooting of this root
coolant temperature

No actions necessary due to this failure alone. If power reduction occurred due to actual defect, the failure
Info: Torque Limitation active: Torque limitation caused by high exhaust gas
519868 31 BCEEFF Info: Torque Limitation active Active power reduction > 120.00s due to high Exhaust gas temperature triggering the torque limitation should also be in the failure memory. Follow troubleshooting of this root

No actions necessary due to this failure alone. If power reduction occurred due to actual defect, the failure
Info: Torque Limitation active: Torque limitation caused by high fuel Active power reduction > 120.00s
519869 31 BDEEFF Info: Torque Limitation active triggering the torque limitation should also be in the failure memory. Follow troubleshooting of this root
temperature due to high fuel temperature

No actions necessary due to this failure alone. If power reduction occurred due to actual defect, the failure
Info: Torque Limitation active: Torque limitation caused by high air intake
519871 31 BFEEFF Info: Torque Limitation active Active power reduction > 120.00s due to high air intake temperature triggering the torque limitation should also be in the failure memory. Follow troubleshooting of this root

No actions necessary due to this failure alone. If power reduction occurred due to actual defect, the failure
triggering the torque limitation should also be in the failure memory. Follow troubleshooting of this root
Info: Torque Limitation active: Torque limitation caused by high oil
519872 31 C0EEFF Info: Torque Limitation active Active power reduction > 120.00s due to high oil temperature error.
If no other error justifies increased oil temperature and engine is provided with an oil thermostat, check its
correctly functioning.

No actions necessary due to this failure alone. If power reduction occurred due to actual defect, the failure
Info: Torque Limitation active: Torque limitation caused by turbo charger
519873 31 C1EEFF Info: Torque Limitation active Active power reduction > 120.00s due to turbocharger protection after start triggering the torque limitation should also be in the failure memory. Follow troubleshooting of this root

No actions necessary due to this failure alone. If power reduction occurred due to actual defect, the failure
Info: Torque Limitation active: Torque limitation caused by SCRCAT
519874 31 C2EEFF Info: Torque Limitation active Active power reduction due to excessive temperatures in the SCR catalyst triggering the torque limitation should also be in the failure memory. Follow troubleshooting of this root

1. Erase Level 2/3 error from fault code memory.

2. Operate vehicle for a short distance - e.g. few kilometers; if diagnosable checking the operation point in
The procedure is independent from Level 1 errors which may have been entered in parallel, e.g. by which the error entry was set.
520344 11 98F0EB ECU Internal: Safety Management Unit Alarm Group 0 Failure 11 issued ECU Internal
Level 1 functions similar to the one causing the Level 2/3 entry due to functional dependencies. 3. a) If Level 2/3 error does not reappear: do not replace ECU, but erasure of fault code memory is
3. b) If Level 2/3 error does reappear: replace ECU.
1. Erase Level 2/3 error from fault code memory.
2. Operate vehicle for a short distance - e.g. few kilometers; if diagnosable checking the operation point in
The procedure is independent from Level 1 errors which may have been entered in parallel, e.g. by which the error entry was set.
520344 31 98F0FF ECU Internal: Safety Management Unit Alarm Group 0 Failure 1 issued ECU Internal
Level 1 functions similar to the one causing the Level 2/3 entry due to functional dependencies. 3. a) If Level 2/3 error does not reappear: do not replace ECU, but erasure of fault code memory is
3. b) If Level 2/3 error does reappear: replace ECU.
1. Erase Level 2/3 error from fault code memory.
2. Operate vehicle for a short distance - e.g. few kilometers; if diagnosable checking the operation point in
The procedure is independent from Level 1 errors which may have been entered in parallel, e.g. by which the error entry was set.
520345 11 99F0EB ECU Internal: Safety Management Unit Alarm Group 0 Failure 15 issued ECU Internal
Level 1 functions similar to the one causing the Level 2/3 entry due to functional dependencies. 3. a) If Level 2/3 error does not reappear: do not replace ECU, but erasure of fault code memory is
3. b) If Level 2/3 error does reappear: replace ECU.
1. Erase Level 2/3 error from fault code memory.
2. Operate vehicle for a short distance - e.g. few kilometers; if diagnosable checking the operation point in
The procedure is independent from Level 1 errors which may have been entered in parallel, e.g. by which the error entry was set.
520345 31 99F0FF ECU Internal: Safety Management Unit Alarm Group 0 Failure 12 issued ECU Internal
Level 1 functions similar to the one causing the Level 2/3 entry due to functional dependencies. 3. a) If Level 2/3 error does not reappear: do not replace ECU, but erasure of fault code memory is
3. b) If Level 2/3 error does reappear: replace ECU.

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SPN FMI DTC Description Component Failure Cause Failure Repair

1. Erase Level 2/3 error from fault code memory.

2. Operate vehicle for a short distance - e.g. few kilometers; if diagnosable checking the operation point in
The procedure is independent from Level 1 errors which may have been entered in parallel, e.g. by which the error entry was set.
520346 11 9AF0EB ECU Internal: Safety Management Unit Alarm Group 0 Failure 3 issued ECU Internal
Level 1 functions similar to the one causing the Level 2/3 entry due to functional dependencies. 3. a) If Level 2/3 error does not reappear: do not replace ECU, but erasure of fault code memory is
3. b) If Level 2/3 error does reappear: replace ECU.
1. Erase Level 2/3 error from fault code memory.
2. Operate vehicle for a short distance - e.g. few kilometers; if diagnosable checking the operation point in
The procedure is independent from Level 1 errors which may have been entered in parallel, e.g. by which the error entry was set.
520346 31 9AF0FF ECU Internal: Safety Management Unit Alarm Group 0 Failure 16 issued ECU Internal
Level 1 functions similar to the one causing the Level 2/3 entry due to functional dependencies. 3. a) If Level 2/3 error does not reappear: do not replace ECU, but erasure of fault code memory is
3. b) If Level 2/3 error does reappear: replace ECU.
1. Erase Level 2/3 error from fault code memory.
2. Operate vehicle for a short distance - e.g. few kilometers; if diagnosable checking the operation point in
The procedure is independent from Level 1 errors which may have been entered in parallel, e.g. by which the error entry was set.
520347 11 9BF0EB ECU Internal: Safety Management Unit Alarm Group 0 Failure 7 issued ECU Internal
Level 1 functions similar to the one causing the Level 2/3 entry due to functional dependencies. 3. a) If Level 2/3 error does not reappear: do not replace ECU, but erasure of fault code memory is
3. b) If Level 2/3 error does reappear: replace ECU.
1. Erase Level 2/3 error from fault code memory.
2. Operate vehicle for a short distance - e.g. few kilometers; if diagnosable checking the operation point in
The procedure is independent from Level 1 errors which may have been entered in parallel, e.g. by which the error entry was set.
520347 31 9BF0FF ECU Internal: Safety Management Unit Alarm Group 0 Failure 4 issued ECU Internal
Level 1 functions similar to the one causing the Level 2/3 entry due to functional dependencies. 3. a) If Level 2/3 error does not reappear: do not replace ECU, but erasure of fault code memory is
3. b) If Level 2/3 error does reappear: replace ECU.
1. Erase Level 2/3 error from fault code memory.
2. Operate vehicle for a short distance - e.g. few kilometers; if diagnosable checking the operation point in
The procedure is independent from Level 1 errors which may have been entered in parallel, e.g. by which the error entry was set.
520348 31 9CF0FF ECU Internal: Safety Management Unit Alarm Group 0 Failure 8 issued ECU Internal
Level 1 functions similar to the one causing the Level 2/3 entry due to functional dependencies. 3. a) If Level 2/3 error does not reappear: do not replace ECU, but erasure of fault code memory is
3. b) If Level 2/3 error does reappear: replace ECU.
1. Erase Level 2/3 error from fault code memory.
2. Operate vehicle for a short distance - e.g. few kilometers; if diagnosable checking the operation point in
The procedure is independent from Level 1 errors which may have been entered in parallel, e.g. by which the error entry was set.
520349 11 9DF0EB ECU Internal: Safety Management Unit Alarm Group 1 Failure 11 issued ECU Internal
Level 1 functions similar to the one causing the Level 2/3 entry due to functional dependencies. 3. a) If Level 2/3 error does not reappear: do not replace ECU, but erasure of fault code memory is
3. b) If Level 2/3 error does reappear: replace ECU.
1. Erase Level 2/3 error from fault code memory.
2. Operate vehicle for a short distance - e.g. few kilometers; if diagnosable checking the operation point in
The procedure is independent from Level 1 errors which may have been entered in parallel, e.g. by which the error entry was set.
520349 31 9DF0FF ECU Internal: Safety Management Unit Alarm Group 1 Failure 1 issued ECU Internal
Level 1 functions similar to the one causing the Level 2/3 entry due to functional dependencies. 3. a) If Level 2/3 error does not reappear: do not replace ECU, but erasure of fault code memory is
3. b) If Level 2/3 error does reappear: replace ECU.
1. Erase Level 2/3 error from fault code memory.
2. Operate vehicle for a short distance - e.g. few kilometers; if diagnosable checking the operation point in
The procedure is independent from Level 1 errors which may have been entered in parallel, e.g. by which the error entry was set.
520350 11 9EF0EB ECU Internal: Safety Management Unit Alarm Group 1 Failure 15 issued ECU Internal
Level 1 functions similar to the one causing the Level 2/3 entry due to functional dependencies. 3. a) If Level 2/3 error does not reappear: do not replace ECU, but erasure of fault code memory is
3. b) If Level 2/3 error does reappear: replace ECU.
1. Erase Level 2/3 error from fault code memory.
2. Operate vehicle for a short distance - e.g. few kilometers; if diagnosable checking the operation point in
The procedure is independent from Level 1 errors which may have been entered in parallel, e.g. by which the error entry was set.
520350 31 9EF0FF ECU Internal: Safety Management Unit Alarm Group 1 Failure 12 issued ECU Internal
Level 1 functions similar to the one causing the Level 2/3 entry due to functional dependencies. 3. a) If Level 2/3 error does not reappear: do not replace ECU, but erasure of fault code memory is
3. b) If Level 2/3 error does reappear: replace ECU.
1. Erase Level 2/3 error from fault code memory.
2. Operate vehicle for a short distance - e.g. few kilometers; if diagnosable checking the operation point in
The procedure is independent from Level 1 errors which may have been entered in parallel, e.g. by which the error entry was set.
520351 11 9FF0EB ECU Internal: Safety Management Unit Alarm Group 1 Failure 3 issued ECU Internal
Level 1 functions similar to the one causing the Level 2/3 entry due to functional dependencies. 3. a) If Level 2/3 error does not reappear: do not replace ECU, but erasure of fault code memory is
3. b) If Level 2/3 error does reappear: replace ECU.
1. Erase Level 2/3 error from fault code memory.
2. Operate vehicle for a short distance - e.g. few kilometers; if diagnosable checking the operation point in
The procedure is independent from Level 1 errors which may have been entered in parallel, e.g. by which the error entry was set.
520351 31 9FF0FF ECU Internal: Safety Management Unit Alarm Group 1 Failure 16 issued ECU Internal
Level 1 functions similar to the one causing the Level 2/3 entry due to functional dependencies. 3. a) If Level 2/3 error does not reappear: do not replace ECU, but erasure of fault code memory is
3. b) If Level 2/3 error does reappear: replace ECU.
1. Erase Level 2/3 error from fault code memory.
2. Operate vehicle for a short distance - e.g. few kilometers; if diagnosable checking the operation point in
The procedure is independent from Level 1 errors which may have been entered in parallel, e.g. by which the error entry was set.
520352 11 A0F0EB ECU Internal: Safety Management Unit Alarm Group 1 Failure 7 issued ECU Internal
Level 1 functions similar to the one causing the Level 2/3 entry due to functional dependencies. 3. a) If Level 2/3 error does not reappear: do not replace ECU, but erasure of fault code memory is
3. b) If Level 2/3 error does reappear: replace ECU.

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V454/V458 Unified Fault Code Chart

SPN FMI DTC Description Component Failure Cause Failure Repair

1. Erase Level 2/3 error from fault code memory.

2. Operate vehicle for a short distance - e.g. few kilometers; if diagnosable checking the operation point in
The procedure is independent from Level 1 errors which may have been entered in parallel, e.g. by which the error entry was set.
520352 31 A0F0FF ECU Internal: Safety Management Unit Alarm Group 1 Failure 4 issued ECU Internal
Level 1 functions similar to the one causing the Level 2/3 entry due to functional dependencies. 3. a) If Level 2/3 error does not reappear: do not replace ECU, but erasure of fault code memory is
3. b) If Level 2/3 error does reappear: replace ECU.
1. Erase Level 2/3 error from fault code memory.
2. Operate vehicle for a short distance - e.g. few kilometers; if diagnosable checking the operation point in
The procedure is independent from Level 1 errors which may have been entered in parallel, e.g. by which the error entry was set.
520353 11 A1F0EB ECU Internal: Safety Management Unit Alarm Group 2 Failure 15 issued ECU Internal
Level 1 functions similar to the one causing the Level 2/3 entry due to functional dependencies. 3. a) If Level 2/3 error does not reappear: do not replace ECU, but erasure of fault code memory is
3. b) If Level 2/3 error does reappear: replace ECU.
1. Erase Level 2/3 error from fault code memory.
2. Operate vehicle for a short distance - e.g. few kilometers; if diagnosable checking the operation point in
The procedure is independent from Level 1 errors which may have been entered in parallel, e.g. by which the error entry was set.
520353 31 A1F0FF ECU Internal: Safety Management Unit Alarm Group 1 Failure 8 issued ECU Internal
Level 1 functions similar to the one causing the Level 2/3 entry due to functional dependencies. 3. a) If Level 2/3 error does not reappear: do not replace ECU, but erasure of fault code memory is
3. b) If Level 2/3 error does reappear: replace ECU.
1. Erase Level 2/3 error from fault code memory.
2. Operate vehicle for a short distance - e.g. few kilometers; if diagnosable checking the operation point in
The procedure is independent from Level 1 errors which may have been entered in parallel, e.g. by which the error entry was set.
520354 11 A2F0EB ECU Internal: Safety Management Unit Alarm Group 2 Failure 19 issued ECU Internal
Level 1 functions similar to the one causing the Level 2/3 entry due to functional dependencies. 3. a) If Level 2/3 error does not reappear: do not replace ECU, but erasure of fault code memory is
3. b) If Level 2/3 error does reappear: replace ECU.
1. Erase Level 2/3 error from fault code memory.
2. Operate vehicle for a short distance - e.g. few kilometers; if diagnosable checking the operation point in
The procedure is independent from Level 1 errors which may have been entered in parallel, e.g. by which the error entry was set.
520354 31 A2F0FF ECU Internal: Safety Management Unit Alarm Group 2 Failure 18 issued ECU Internal
Level 1 functions similar to the one causing the Level 2/3 entry due to functional dependencies. 3. a) If Level 2/3 error does not reappear: do not replace ECU, but erasure of fault code memory is
3. b) If Level 2/3 error does reappear: replace ECU.
1. Erase Level 2/3 error from fault code memory.
2. Operate vehicle for a short distance - e.g. few kilometers; if diagnosable checking the operation point in
The procedure is independent from Level 1 errors which may have been entered in parallel, e.g. by which the error entry was set.
520355 11 A3F0EB ECU Internal: Safety Management Unit Alarm Group 2 Failure 4 issued ECU Internal
Level 1 functions similar to the one causing the Level 2/3 entry due to functional dependencies. 3. a) If Level 2/3 error does not reappear: do not replace ECU, but erasure of fault code memory is
3. b) If Level 2/3 error does reappear: replace ECU.
1. Erase Level 2/3 error from fault code memory.
2. Operate vehicle for a short distance - e.g. few kilometers; if diagnosable checking the operation point in
The procedure is independent from Level 1 errors which may have been entered in parallel, e.g. by which the error entry was set.
520355 31 A3F0FF ECU Internal: Safety Management Unit Alarm Group 2 Failure 29 issued ECU Internal
Level 1 functions similar to the one causing the Level 2/3 entry due to functional dependencies. 3. a) If Level 2/3 error does not reappear: do not replace ECU, but erasure of fault code memory is
3. b) If Level 2/3 error does reappear: replace ECU.
1. Erase Level 2/3 error from fault code memory.
2. Operate vehicle for a short distance - e.g. few kilometers; if diagnosable checking the operation point in
The procedure is independent from Level 1 errors which may have been entered in parallel, e.g. by which the error entry was set.
520356 11 A4F0EB ECU Internal: Safety Management Unit Alarm Group 2 Failure 7 issued ECU Internal
Level 1 functions similar to the one causing the Level 2/3 entry due to functional dependencies. 3. a) If Level 2/3 error does not reappear: do not replace ECU, but erasure of fault code memory is
3. b) If Level 2/3 error does reappear: replace ECU.
1. Erase Level 2/3 error from fault code memory.
2. Operate vehicle for a short distance - e.g. few kilometers; if diagnosable checking the operation point in
The procedure is independent from Level 1 errors which may have been entered in parallel, e.g. by which the error entry was set.
520356 31 A4F0FF ECU Internal: Safety Management Unit Alarm Group 2 Failure 5 issued ECU Internal
Level 1 functions similar to the one causing the Level 2/3 entry due to functional dependencies. 3. a) If Level 2/3 error does not reappear: do not replace ECU, but erasure of fault code memory is
3. b) If Level 2/3 error does reappear: replace ECU.
1. Erase Level 2/3 error from fault code memory.
2. Operate vehicle for a short distance - e.g. few kilometers; if diagnosable checking the operation point in
The procedure is independent from Level 1 errors which may have been entered in parallel, e.g. by which the error entry was set.
520357 11 A5F0EB ECU Internal: Safety Management Unit Alarm Group 3 Failure 0 issued ECU Internal
Level 1 functions similar to the one causing the Level 2/3 entry due to functional dependencies. 3. a) If Level 2/3 error does not reappear: do not replace ECU, but erasure of fault code memory is
3. b) If Level 2/3 error does reappear: replace ECU.
1. Erase Level 2/3 error from fault code memory.
2. Operate vehicle for a short distance - e.g. few kilometers; if diagnosable checking the operation point in
The procedure is independent from Level 1 errors which may have been entered in parallel, e.g. by which the error entry was set.
520357 31 A5F0FF ECU Internal: Safety Management Unit Alarm Group 2 Failure 8 issued ECU Internal
Level 1 functions similar to the one causing the Level 2/3 entry due to functional dependencies. 3. a) If Level 2/3 error does not reappear: do not replace ECU, but erasure of fault code memory is
3. b) If Level 2/3 error does reappear: replace ECU.
1. Erase Level 2/3 error from fault code memory.
2. Operate vehicle for a short distance - e.g. few kilometers; if diagnosable checking the operation point in
The procedure is independent from Level 1 errors which may have been entered in parallel, e.g. by which the error entry was set.
520358 11 A6F0EB ECU Internal: Safety Management Unit Alarm Group 3 Failure 12 issued ECU Internal
Level 1 functions similar to the one causing the Level 2/3 entry due to functional dependencies. 3. a) If Level 2/3 error does not reappear: do not replace ECU, but erasure of fault code memory is
3. b) If Level 2/3 error does reappear: replace ECU.

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V454/V458 Unified Fault Code Chart

SPN FMI DTC Description Component Failure Cause Failure Repair

1. Erase Level 2/3 error from fault code memory.

2. Operate vehicle for a short distance - e.g. few kilometers; if diagnosable checking the operation point in
The procedure is independent from Level 1 errors which may have been entered in parallel, e.g. by which the error entry was set.
520358 31 A6F0FF ECU Internal: Safety Management Unit Alarm Group 3 Failure 1 issued ECU Internal
Level 1 functions similar to the one causing the Level 2/3 entry due to functional dependencies. 3. a) If Level 2/3 error does not reappear: do not replace ECU, but erasure of fault code memory is
3. b) If Level 2/3 error does reappear: replace ECU.
1. Erase Level 2/3 error from fault code memory.
2. Operate vehicle for a short distance - e.g. few kilometers; if diagnosable checking the operation point in
The procedure is independent from Level 1 errors which may have been entered in parallel, e.g. by which the error entry was set.
520359 11 A7F0EB ECU Internal: Safety Management Unit Alarm Group 3 Failure 16 issued ECU Internal
Level 1 functions similar to the one causing the Level 2/3 entry due to functional dependencies. 3. a) If Level 2/3 error does not reappear: do not replace ECU, but erasure of fault code memory is
3. b) If Level 2/3 error does reappear: replace ECU.
1. Erase Level 2/3 error from fault code memory.
2. Operate vehicle for a short distance - e.g. few kilometers; if diagnosable checking the operation point in
The procedure is independent from Level 1 errors which may have been entered in parallel, e.g. by which the error entry was set.
520359 31 A7F0FF ECU Internal: Safety Management Unit Alarm Group 3 Failure 14 issued ECU Internal
Level 1 functions similar to the one causing the Level 2/3 entry due to functional dependencies. 3. a) If Level 2/3 error does not reappear: do not replace ECU, but erasure of fault code memory is
3. b) If Level 2/3 error does reappear: replace ECU.
1. Erase Level 2/3 error from fault code memory.
2. Operate vehicle for a short distance - e.g. few kilometers; if diagnosable checking the operation point in
The procedure is independent from Level 1 errors which may have been entered in parallel, e.g. by which the error entry was set.
520360 11 A8F0EB ECU Internal: Safety Management Unit Alarm Group 3 Failure 18 issued ECU Internal
Level 1 functions similar to the one causing the Level 2/3 entry due to functional dependencies. 3. a) If Level 2/3 error does not reappear: do not replace ECU, but erasure of fault code memory is
3. b) If Level 2/3 error does reappear: replace ECU.
1. Erase Level 2/3 error from fault code memory.
2. Operate vehicle for a short distance - e.g. few kilometers; if diagnosable checking the operation point in
The procedure is independent from Level 1 errors which may have been entered in parallel, e.g. by which the error entry was set.
520360 31 A8F0FF ECU Internal: Safety Management Unit Alarm Group 3 Failure 17 issued ECU Internal
Level 1 functions similar to the one causing the Level 2/3 entry due to functional dependencies. 3. a) If Level 2/3 error does not reappear: do not replace ECU, but erasure of fault code memory is
3. b) If Level 2/3 error does reappear: replace ECU.
1. Erase Level 2/3 error from fault code memory.
2. Operate vehicle for a short distance - e.g. few kilometers; if diagnosable checking the operation point in
The procedure is independent from Level 1 errors which may have been entered in parallel, e.g. by which the error entry was set.
520361 11 A9F0EB ECU Internal: Safety Management Unit Alarm Group 3 Failure 2 issued ECU Internal
Level 1 functions similar to the one causing the Level 2/3 entry due to functional dependencies. 3. a) If Level 2/3 error does not reappear: do not replace ECU, but erasure of fault code memory is
3. b) If Level 2/3 error does reappear: replace ECU.
1. Erase Level 2/3 error from fault code memory.
2. Operate vehicle for a short distance - e.g. few kilometers; if diagnosable checking the operation point in
The procedure is independent from Level 1 errors which may have been entered in parallel, e.g. by which the error entry was set.
520361 31 A9F0FF ECU Internal: Safety Management Unit Alarm Group 3 Failure 19 issued ECU Internal
Level 1 functions similar to the one causing the Level 2/3 entry due to functional dependencies. 3. a) If Level 2/3 error does not reappear: do not replace ECU, but erasure of fault code memory is
3. b) If Level 2/3 error does reappear: replace ECU.
1. Erase Level 2/3 error from fault code memory.
2. Operate vehicle for a short distance - e.g. few kilometers; if diagnosable checking the operation point in
The procedure is independent from Level 1 errors which may have been entered in parallel, e.g. by which the error entry was set.
520362 11 AAF0EB ECU Internal: Safety Management Unit Alarm Group 3 Failure 26 issued ECU Internal
Level 1 functions similar to the one causing the Level 2/3 entry due to functional dependencies. 3. a) If Level 2/3 error does not reappear: do not replace ECU, but erasure of fault code memory is
3. b) If Level 2/3 error does reappear: replace ECU.
1. Erase Level 2/3 error from fault code memory.
2. Operate vehicle for a short distance - e.g. few kilometers; if diagnosable checking the operation point in
The procedure is independent from Level 1 errors which may have been entered in parallel, e.g. by which the error entry was set.
520362 31 AAF0FF ECU Internal: Safety Management Unit Alarm Group 3 Failure 20 issued ECU Internal
Level 1 functions similar to the one causing the Level 2/3 entry due to functional dependencies. 3. a) If Level 2/3 error does not reappear: do not replace ECU, but erasure of fault code memory is
3. b) If Level 2/3 error does reappear: replace ECU.
1. Erase Level 2/3 error from fault code memory.
2. Operate vehicle for a short distance - e.g. few kilometers; if diagnosable checking the operation point in
The procedure is independent from Level 1 errors which may have been entered in parallel, e.g. by which the error entry was set.
520363 11 ABF0EB ECU Internal: Safety Management Unit Alarm Group 3 Failure 28 issued ECU Internal
Level 1 functions similar to the one causing the Level 2/3 entry due to functional dependencies. 3. a) If Level 2/3 error does not reappear: do not replace ECU, but erasure of fault code memory is
3. b) If Level 2/3 error does reappear: replace ECU.
1. Erase Level 2/3 error from fault code memory.
2. Operate vehicle for a short distance - e.g. few kilometers; if diagnosable checking the operation point in
The procedure is independent from Level 1 errors which may have been entered in parallel, e.g. by which the error entry was set.
520363 31 ABF0FF ECU Internal: Safety Management Unit Alarm Group 3 Failure 27 issued ECU Internal
Level 1 functions similar to the one causing the Level 2/3 entry due to functional dependencies. 3. a) If Level 2/3 error does not reappear: do not replace ECU, but erasure of fault code memory is
3. b) If Level 2/3 error does reappear: replace ECU.
1. Erase Level 2/3 error from fault code memory.
2. Operate vehicle for a short distance - e.g. few kilometers; if diagnosable checking the operation point in
The procedure is independent from Level 1 errors which may have been entered in parallel, e.g. by which the error entry was set.
520364 11 ACF0EB ECU Internal: Safety Management Unit Alarm Group 3 Failure 4 issued ECU Internal
Level 1 functions similar to the one causing the Level 2/3 entry due to functional dependencies. 3. a) If Level 2/3 error does not reappear: do not replace ECU, but erasure of fault code memory is
3. b) If Level 2/3 error does reappear: replace ECU.

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V454/V458 Unified Fault Code Chart

SPN FMI DTC Description Component Failure Cause Failure Repair

1. Erase Level 2/3 error from fault code memory.

2. Operate vehicle for a short distance - e.g. few kilometers; if diagnosable checking the operation point in
The procedure is independent from Level 1 errors which may have been entered in parallel, e.g. by which the error entry was set.
520364 31 ACF0FF ECU Internal: Safety Management Unit Alarm Group 3 Failure 3 issued ECU Internal
Level 1 functions similar to the one causing the Level 2/3 entry due to functional dependencies. 3. a) If Level 2/3 error does not reappear: do not replace ECU, but erasure of fault code memory is
3. b) If Level 2/3 error does reappear: replace ECU.
1. Erase Level 2/3 error from fault code memory.
2. Operate vehicle for a short distance - e.g. few kilometers; if diagnosable checking the operation point in
The procedure is independent from Level 1 errors which may have been entered in parallel, e.g. by which the error entry was set.
520365 11 ADF0EB ECU Internal: Safety Management Unit Alarm Group 3 Failure 6 issued ECU Internal
Level 1 functions similar to the one causing the Level 2/3 entry due to functional dependencies. 3. a) If Level 2/3 error does not reappear: do not replace ECU, but erasure of fault code memory is
3. b) If Level 2/3 error does reappear: replace ECU.
1. Erase Level 2/3 error from fault code memory.
2. Operate vehicle for a short distance - e.g. few kilometers; if diagnosable checking the operation point in
The procedure is independent from Level 1 errors which may have been entered in parallel, e.g. by which the error entry was set.
520365 31 ADF0FF ECU Internal: Safety Management Unit Alarm Group 3 Failure 5 issued ECU Internal
Level 1 functions similar to the one causing the Level 2/3 entry due to functional dependencies. 3. a) If Level 2/3 error does not reappear: do not replace ECU, but erasure of fault code memory is
3. b) If Level 2/3 error does reappear: replace ECU.
1. Erase Level 2/3 error from fault code memory.
2. Operate vehicle for a short distance - e.g. few kilometers; if diagnosable checking the operation point in
The procedure is independent from Level 1 errors which may have been entered in parallel, e.g. by which the error entry was set.
520366 11 AEF0EB ECU Internal: Safety Management Unit Alarm Group 3 Failure 8 issued ECU Internal
Level 1 functions similar to the one causing the Level 2/3 entry due to functional dependencies. 3. a) If Level 2/3 error does not reappear: do not replace ECU, but erasure of fault code memory is
3. b) If Level 2/3 error does reappear: replace ECU.
1. Erase Level 2/3 error from fault code memory.
2. Operate vehicle for a short distance - e.g. few kilometers; if diagnosable checking the operation point in
The procedure is independent from Level 1 errors which may have been entered in parallel, e.g. by which the error entry was set.
520366 31 AEF0FF ECU Internal: Safety Management Unit Alarm Group 3 Failure7 issued ECU Internal
Level 1 functions similar to the one causing the Level 2/3 entry due to functional dependencies. 3. a) If Level 2/3 error does not reappear: do not replace ECU, but erasure of fault code memory is
3. b) If Level 2/3 error does reappear: replace ECU.
1. Erase Level 2/3 error from fault code memory.
2. Operate vehicle for a short distance - e.g. few kilometers; if diagnosable checking the operation point in
The procedure is independent from Level 1 errors which may have been entered in parallel, e.g. by which the error entry was set.
520367 11 AFF0EB ECU Internal: Safety Management Unit Alarm Group 4 Failure 1 issued ECU Internal
Level 1 functions similar to the one causing the Level 2/3 entry due to functional dependencies. 3. a) If Level 2/3 error does not reappear: do not replace ECU, but erasure of fault code memory is
3. b) If Level 2/3 error does reappear: replace ECU.
1. Erase Level 2/3 error from fault code memory.
2. Operate vehicle for a short distance - e.g. few kilometers; if diagnosable checking the operation point in
The procedure is independent from Level 1 errors which may have been entered in parallel, e.g. by which the error entry was set.
520367 31 AFF0FF ECU Internal: Safety Management Unit Alarm Group 3 Failure 9 issued ECU Internal
Level 1 functions similar to the one causing the Level 2/3 entry due to functional dependencies. 3. a) If Level 2/3 error does not reappear: do not replace ECU, but erasure of fault code memory is
3. b) If Level 2/3 error does reappear: replace ECU.
1. Erase Level 2/3 error from fault code memory.
2. Operate vehicle for a short distance - e.g. few kilometers; if diagnosable checking the operation point in
The procedure is independent from Level 1 errors which may have been entered in parallel, e.g. by which the error entry was set.
520368 11 F0FEB ECU Internal: Safety Management Unit Alarm Group 4 Failure 17 issued ECU Internal
Level 1 functions similar to the one causing the Level 2/3 entry due to functional dependencies. 3. a) If Level 2/3 error does not reappear: do not replace ECU, but erasure of fault code memory is
3. b) If Level 2/3 error does reappear: replace ECU.
1. Erase Level 2/3 error from fault code memory.
2. Operate vehicle for a short distance - e.g. few kilometers; if diagnosable checking the operation point in
The procedure is independent from Level 1 errors which may have been entered in parallel, e.g. by which the error entry was set.
520368 31 B0F0FF ECU Internal: Safety Management Unit Alarm Group 4 Failure 10 issued ECU Internal
Level 1 functions similar to the one causing the Level 2/3 entry due to functional dependencies. 3. a) If Level 2/3 error does not reappear: do not replace ECU, but erasure of fault code memory is
3. b) If Level 2/3 error does reappear: replace ECU.
1. Erase Level 2/3 error from fault code memory.
2. Operate vehicle for a short distance - e.g. few kilometers; if diagnosable checking the operation point in
The procedure is independent from Level 1 errors which may have been entered in parallel, e.g. by which the error entry was set.
520369 11 B1F0EB ECU Internal: Safety Management Unit Alarm Group 4 Failure 2 issued ECU Internal
Level 1 functions similar to the one causing the Level 2/3 entry due to functional dependencies. 3. a) If Level 2/3 error does not reappear: do not replace ECU, but erasure of fault code memory is
3. b) If Level 2/3 error does reappear: replace ECU.
1. Erase Level 2/3 error from fault code memory.
2. Operate vehicle for a short distance - e.g. few kilometers; if diagnosable checking the operation point in
The procedure is independent from Level 1 errors which may have been entered in parallel, e.g. by which the error entry was set.
520369 31 B1F0FF ECU Internal: Safety Management Unit Alarm Group 4 Failure 18 issued ECU Internal
Level 1 functions similar to the one causing the Level 2/3 entry due to functional dependencies. 3. a) If Level 2/3 error does not reappear: do not replace ECU, but erasure of fault code memory is
3. b) If Level 2/3 error does reappear: replace ECU.
1. Erase Level 2/3 error from fault code memory.
2. Operate vehicle for a short distance - e.g. few kilometers; if diagnosable checking the operation point in
The procedure is independent from Level 1 errors which may have been entered in parallel, e.g. by which the error entry was set.
520370 11 B2F0EB ECU Internal: Safety Management Unit Alarm Group 4 Failure 6 issued ECU Internal
Level 1 functions similar to the one causing the Level 2/3 entry due to functional dependencies. 3. a) If Level 2/3 error does not reappear: do not replace ECU, but erasure of fault code memory is
3. b) If Level 2/3 error does reappear: replace ECU.

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V454/V458 Unified Fault Code Chart

SPN FMI DTC Description Component Failure Cause Failure Repair

1. Erase Level 2/3 error from fault code memory.

2. Operate vehicle for a short distance - e.g. few kilometers; if diagnosable checking the operation point in
The procedure is independent from Level 1 errors which may have been entered in parallel, e.g. by which the error entry was set.
520370 31 B2F0FF ECU Internal: Safety Management Unit Alarm Group 4 Failure 5 issued ECU Internal
Level 1 functions similar to the one causing the Level 2/3 entry due to functional dependencies. 3. a) If Level 2/3 error does not reappear: do not replace ECU, but erasure of fault code memory is
3. b) If Level 2/3 error does reappear: replace ECU.
1. Erase Level 2/3 error from fault code memory.
2. Operate vehicle for a short distance - e.g. few kilometers; if diagnosable checking the operation point in
The procedure is independent from Level 1 errors which may have been entered in parallel, e.g. by which the error entry was set.
520371 11 B3F0EB ECU Internal: Safety Management Unit Alarm Group 6 Failure 1 issued ECU Internal
Level 1 functions similar to the one causing the Level 2/3 entry due to functional dependencies. 3. a) If Level 2/3 error does not reappear: do not replace ECU, but erasure of fault code memory is
3. b) If Level 2/3 error does reappear: replace ECU.
1. Erase Level 2/3 error from fault code memory.
2. Operate vehicle for a short distance - e.g. few kilometers; if diagnosable checking the operation point in
The procedure is independent from Level 1 errors which may have been entered in parallel, e.g. by which the error entry was set.
520371 31 B3F0FF ECU Internal: Safety Management Unit Alarm Group 4 Failure 9 issued ECU Internal
Level 1 functions similar to the one causing the Level 2/3 entry due to functional dependencies. 3. a) If Level 2/3 error does not reappear: do not replace ECU, but erasure of fault code memory is
3. b) If Level 2/3 error does reappear: replace ECU.
1. Erase Level 2/3 error from fault code memory.
2. Operate vehicle for a short distance - e.g. few kilometers; if diagnosable checking the operation point in
The procedure is independent from Level 1 errors which may have been entered in parallel, e.g. by which the error entry was set.
520372 11 B4F0EB ECU Internal: Safety Management Unit Alarm Group 6 Failure 12 issued ECU Internal
Level 1 functions similar to the one causing the Level 2/3 entry due to functional dependencies. 3. a) If Level 2/3 error does not reappear: do not replace ECU, but erasure of fault code memory is
3. b) If Level 2/3 error does reappear: replace ECU.
1. Erase Level 2/3 error from fault code memory.
2. Operate vehicle for a short distance - e.g. few kilometers; if diagnosable checking the operation point in
The procedure is independent from Level 1 errors which may have been entered in parallel, e.g. by which the error entry was set.
520372 31 B4F0FF ECU Internal: Safety Management Unit Alarm Group 6 Failure 11 issued ECU Internal
Level 1 functions similar to the one causing the Level 2/3 entry due to functional dependencies. 3. a) If Level 2/3 error does not reappear: do not replace ECU, but erasure of fault code memory is
3. b) If Level 2/3 error does reappear: replace ECU.
1. Erase Level 2/3 error from fault code memory.
2. Operate vehicle for a short distance - e.g. few kilometers; if diagnosable checking the operation point in
The procedure is independent from Level 1 errors which may have been entered in parallel, e.g. by which the error entry was set.
520373 11 B5F0EB ECU Internal: Safety Management Unit Alarm Group 6 Failure 16 issued ECU Internal
Level 1 functions similar to the one causing the Level 2/3 entry due to functional dependencies. 3. a) If Level 2/3 error does not reappear: do not replace ECU, but erasure of fault code memory is
3. b) If Level 2/3 error does reappear: replace ECU.
1. Erase Level 2/3 error from fault code memory.
2. Operate vehicle for a short distance - e.g. few kilometers; if diagnosable checking the operation point in
The procedure is independent from Level 1 errors which may have been entered in parallel, e.g. by which the error entry was set.
520373 31 B5F0FF ECU Internal: Safety Management Unit Alarm Group 6 Failure 15 issued ECU Internal
Level 1 functions similar to the one causing the Level 2/3 entry due to functional dependencies. 3. a) If Level 2/3 error does not reappear: do not replace ECU, but erasure of fault code memory is
3. b) If Level 2/3 error does reappear: replace ECU.
1. Erase Level 2/3 error from fault code memory.
2. Operate vehicle for a short distance - e.g. few kilometers; if diagnosable checking the operation point in
The procedure is independent from Level 1 errors which may have been entered in parallel, e.g. by which the error entry was set.
520374 11 B6F0EB ECU Internal: Safety Management Unit Alarm Group 6 Failure 4 issued ECU Internal
Level 1 functions similar to the one causing the Level 2/3 entry due to functional dependencies. 3. a) If Level 2/3 error does not reappear: do not replace ECU, but erasure of fault code memory is
3. b) If Level 2/3 error does reappear: replace ECU.
1. Erase Level 2/3 error from fault code memory.
2. Operate vehicle for a short distance - e.g. few kilometers; if diagnosable checking the operation point in
The procedure is independent from Level 1 errors which may have been entered in parallel, e.g. by which the error entry was set.
520374 31 B6F0FF ECU Internal: Safety Management Unit Alarm Group 6 Failure 3 issued ECU Internal
Level 1 functions similar to the one causing the Level 2/3 entry due to functional dependencies. 3. a) If Level 2/3 error does not reappear: do not replace ECU, but erasure of fault code memory is
3. b) If Level 2/3 error does reappear: replace ECU.
1. Erase Level 2/3 error from fault code memory.
2. Operate vehicle for a short distance - e.g. few kilometers; if diagnosable checking the operation point in
The procedure is independent from Level 1 errors which may have been entered in parallel, e.g. by which the error entry was set.
520375 11 B7F0EB ECU Internal: Safety Management Unit Alarm Group 6 Failure 8 issued ECU Internal
Level 1 functions similar to the one causing the Level 2/3 entry due to functional dependencies. 3. a) If Level 2/3 error does not reappear: do not replace ECU, but erasure of fault code memory is
3. b) If Level 2/3 error does reappear: replace ECU.
1. Erase Level 2/3 error from fault code memory.
2. Operate vehicle for a short distance - e.g. few kilometers; if diagnosable checking the operation point in
The procedure is independent from Level 1 errors which may have been entered in parallel, e.g. by which the error entry was set.
520375 31 B7F0FF ECU Internal: Safety Management Unit Alarm Group 6 Failure 7 issued ECU Internal
Level 1 functions similar to the one causing the Level 2/3 entry due to functional dependencies. 3. a) If Level 2/3 error does not reappear: do not replace ECU, but erasure of fault code memory is
3. b) If Level 2/3 error does reappear: replace ECU.
1. Erase Level 2/3 error from fault code memory.
2. Operate vehicle for a short distance - e.g. few kilometers; if diagnosable checking the operation point in
The procedure is independent from Level 1 errors which may have been entered in parallel, e.g. by which the error entry was set.
520379 11 BBF0EB ECU Internal: Safety Management Unit Alarm Group 2 Failure 30 issued ECU Internal
Level 1 functions similar to the one causing the Level 2/3 entry due to functional dependencies. 3. a) If Level 2/3 error does not reappear: do not replace ECU, but erasure of fault code memory is
3. b) If Level 2/3 error does reappear: replace ECU.

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V454/V458 Unified Fault Code Chart

SPN FMI DTC Description Component Failure Cause Failure Repair

Excessive CAN traffic on Vehicle CAN

520380 31 BCF0FF Vehicle CAN Buffer overflow MCAN CAN Bus Check CAN traffic, check anomalies of Control Units connected to Vehicle CAN
Too many CAN frames configured for this CAN. One control unit sending continuously error frames.

Excessive CAN traffic on Engine CAN

520381 31 BDF0FF Engine CAN BUffer overflow MCANR CAN Bus Check CAN traffic, check anomalies of Control Units connected to Engine CAN
Too many CAN frames configured for this node. One control unit sending continuously error frames.

Use appropriate UDS service reset command ($31 $01 $03 $0F), to reset failure memory delete counter,
520494 15 2EF1EF Failure memory delete counter exceeded threshold value ECU EEPROM Excessive number of failure memory delete requests (tampering device installed?)
Check reason for continuous failure memory delete triggering (external device?)

System cannot be emptied correctly

SCR Reagent Feeding: UREA pressure too high during afterrun (system not Execute an Urea-Dosing-System-Test (UDST) and follow the UDST-Trouble-Shooting- Guideline to repair
520495 31 2FF1FF SCR Control
correctly emtying) the failure
Risk of ice pressure damage

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