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Uwoc Iwow2012

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Investigation of Suitable Modulation Techniques

for Underwater Wireless Optical Communication

C. Gabriel1,2 , M. A. Khalighi1 , S. Bourennane1, P. Leon2, V. Rigaud2
Institut Fresnel, École Centrale Marseille, Marseille, France
IFREMER, La Seyne-sur-Mer, France

Abstract— For an underwater wireless optical communi- II. B RIEF DESCRIPTION OF MODULATION SCHEMES
cation system, we consider the use of different intensity
We provide in this section a brief introduction to the
modulation techniques, and compare their performance by
taking realistic system parameters into account. In partic- modulation techniques we consider, as well as their pros
ular, we contrast the performances of on-off keying, pulse and cons. An example of bit-symbol mapping is illustrated
position modulation, pulse width modulation, and digital in Fig. 1 to help the reader follow the discussions. To do
pulse interval modulation, when a PIN or an avalanche a fair comparison between the different schemes, we fix
photodiode is used at the receiver. We discuss the suitability
the transmission bit rate to Rb and the average transmit
of these modulation techniques to the underwater optical
channel by considering the implementation issues. optical power to Pav for all modulations.
Thanks to its advantages of cost-effectiveness and The classical OOK is widely used in fiber and free-
power-efficiency, optical communication has received a space optical communication due to its implementation
great attention since a few years and has been considered simplicity [3]. We consider the non-return-to-zero OOK
as an attractive transmission technique for underwater modulation and denote the symbol duration by TOOK .
wireless sensor networks (UWSN). Optical propagation Then, the required BW B is equal to Rb and the transmit
in water is subject to high absorption and scattering optical power per ON slot is PON = 2 Pav .
leading to strong light intensity attenuation. Fortunately, B. PPM
in most practical situations, high data-rate communication For a direct-detection optical link, under peak and av-
over medium transmission ranges is possible without erage power constraints, a slotted binary modulation like
suffering from any inter-symbol-interference (ISI) [1], [2]. PPM can nearly achieve the channel capacity [3]. When
In the UWSN context, one critical issue is the nodes’ performing hard signal detection at the receiver, PPM has
power consumption that should be minimized through the advantage that, in contrary to OOK, it does not require
the choice of adequate equipments and data transmission dynamic thresholding for optimal detection. Consider the
techniques. Energy efficiency, in turn, depends on the classical L-ary PPM where a symbol corresponds to
optical modulation scheme as well as on the receiver M = log2 L bits. Also, let TPPM and Ts denote the symbol
detection and signal processing parts among other factors. and slot durations, respectively, where Ts = TPPM /L. We
We would like in this work to compare the perfor- have TPPM = TOOK (log2 L) and PON = L Pav .
mance of different modulation techniques from the point The important advantage of PPM over OOK is that
of view of energy efficiency while taking into account it is more average-energy efficient. However, this comes
other important factor such as bandwidth (BW) efficiency at the expense of lower BW efficiency [4]; The required
and the receiver implementation complexity. We focus BW for L-PPM is B = LRb /(log2 L) which increases
on intensity modulation and direct detection (IM/DD) with L. Although a large BW is usually available in
techniques due to the transceiver cost and implementation optical communication, a larger L results in a higher
complexity concerns. More specifically, we study the peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR), necessitates a higher
four modulation techniques of ON-OFF keying (OOK), switching speed for the electronic circuits, and also makes
pulse position modulation (PPM), pulse width modulation the receiver slot synchronization more difficult.
(PWM), and digital pulse interval modulation (DPIM).
We consider realistic system parameters and the two cases C. PWM
of using a PIN photo-detector (PD) and an avalanche For L-ary PWM with M = log2 L, we use the same
photodiode (APD) at the receiver, and compare these symbol duration TPWM as TPPM , but the duration of ON
modulation schemes from the point of view of maximum slots is varied between Ts and L Ts . Hence, PON =
achievable transmission range conditioned to a target bit- 2Pav /(L+1). In contrast to PPM, PWM requires less peak
error-rate (BER) performance. power PON , has a better spectral efficiency, and is more
In Section II, we briefly present the considered modu- resistant to ISI, especially for larger L [5]. Nevertheless,
lations and the main considerations related to them. Then, these advantages are counterbalanced by higher power
some numerical results are presented in Section III to requirements of PWM that increases with L. For receiver
compare their performance. Lastly, concluding remarks noise calculations, we consider the average BW for PWM
are provided in Section IV. that is given by B = 2LRb /((1 + L) log2 L).
By DPIM, for each symbol, an ON slot of duration Ts′
is sent followed by a number of OFF slots depending on
the M input bits [6], [7]. An additional guard slot (GS)
is also added, in general, to avoid sending consecutive
ONpulses. Due to this reason, it is sometimes called 1GS-
DPIM. We have PON = (L + 3)Pav /2. Also, the average
symbol duration for DPIM is TDPIM = (L + 3)Ts′ /2 and
the required average BW is B = (L + 3)Rb /(2 log2 L)
PPM and PWM are usually called isochronous and
synchronous modulations because they map the input bits
on a symbol of fixed duration. Both schemes require slot-
and symbol-level synchronization. In contrast, DPIM is an
anisochronous and asynchronous time modulation scheme Fig. 1. Example of bit-symbol mapping for OOK, PPM, PWM, and
with variable symbol length, and does not require symbol DPIM with 1 GS. L = 8.
synchronization [7]. In addition, it is more BW efficient
than PPM and PWM, because we should not wait the
We consider uncoded modulation over the frames of
end of a fixed symbol period before sending the next
length 1024 bits using a quasi-monochromatic 532 nm
symbol. The main potential problem with DPIM is the
LED of initial divergence angle 20◦ . This way, we relax
error propagation in signal demodulation at the receiver.
exact underwater node positioning requirement. We con-
E. Other related IM/DD modulations sider communication in deep waters where sunlight can-
not penetrate and we can effectively neglect background
Various extensions to PPM have been proposed in the radiations. We assume that the communication takes
literature so far. By multi-pulse PPM (MPPM), several ON place in clear ocean waters with a typical chlorophyll
slots are transmitted during a symbol duration that results concentration of 0.31 mg m−3 , resulting in an absorption
in reduced PAPR and a higher BW efficiency, at the coefficient of a = 0.069 m−1 and a scattering coefficient
expense of increased demodulation complexity [8]. When of b = 0.08 m−1 , which are the main parameters related
the multiple pulses are conditioned to occupy adjacent to optical wave propagation [2]. On the receiver side, we
slots, MPPM is called overlapping PPM (OPPM) [9]. By consider the use of a PIN diode and an APD with quantum
differential PPM (DPPM), in a PPM symbol, the OFF efficiencies of η = 0.82 and 0.78, respectively, and the
slots following an ON slot are removed. This releases cut-off frequency of fc = 300 MHz. Given the limited
the symbol synchronization requirement and improves the fc , we should limit L to 8 for PPM, PWM, and DPIM
BW efficiency [10]. By digital pulse interval and width modulations. The PD is placed at the focal plane of a
modulation (DPIWM), the binary sequence is encoded large collimating lens of diameter D = 20 cm and focal
in the width of the pulses of alternating amplitude [11]. distance F = 25 cm. Considering a 3.0 mm active area
PPMPWM, proposed in [5], is a combination of PPM diameter for the PD, the receiver field-of-view (FOV) is
and PWM with power and BW efficiencies in mid-way 0.69◦, which is taken into account in our simulator.
between PPM and PWM [12]. The main disadvantages of
these PPM derivations are their reduced energy efficiency, A. Case of PIN diode
their relatively high demodulation complexity, and the Figure 2 shows the curves of BER as a function of
risk of error propagation in detecting a received frame Z for the different modulations when a PIN PD is used
of symbols. at the receiver. In this case, the receiver dominant noise
Note that, except OOK, the schemes that we considered is the thermal noise whose variance is proportional to
above are time modulation techniques. Pulse amplitude B [13]. We notice that, for a target BER of 10−6 , the
modulation (PAM), with OOK as its simplest scheme, link distance is limited to 26 m when OOK is used. For
may also be a choice. However, by L-ary PAM, the laser L-PWM, this distance is about 19.5 m for L = 2, and it
intensity is modulated on L levels [3]. This requires a decreases for larger L. L-PPM enables larger transmission
laser with a variable emission intensity which is costly. ranges especially for increased L; Z is limited to about
32 m for L = 8. Notice that for L = 2, we have the same
performance as for OOK. L-DPIM, on the other hand, is
We present here simulation results based on the Monte slightly less efficient than L-PPM; it outperforms OOK
Carlo approach presented in [2] to compare the perfor- for L = 4 and 8.
mances of the four modulation techniques retained in
Section II. Our performance criterion is the maximum B. Case of APD
attainable link distance for an average transmit optical We consider an APD of maximum gain G = 50.
power of Pav = 0.1 W and a transmission bit-rate of For this case, the dominant receiver noise is the APD
Rb = 100 Mbps, conditioned to a target BER of 10−6 . shot noise which is proportional to G [13]. Here, for
PAV = 0.1 W, Rb = 100 M BPS , BER = 10−6 .

Modulation scheme Z with PIN Z with APD
OOK, 2-PPM 26 m 48 m
4-PPM 30 m 53 m
8-PPM 32 m 57 m

−4 4−PWM 2-PWM 19 m 41 m
8−PWM 4-PWM 18 m 39 m
4−PPM 8-PWM 15 m 37 m
10 8−PPM
2-DPIM 23 m 45 m
−6 4−DPIM 4-DPIM 27 m 49 m
8−DPIM 8-DPIM 29 m 51 m
15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Z (m)
can also considered as a more suitable choice than the
Fig. 2. BER performance for different modulations. Pav = 0.1 W, classical OOK. The better BW efficiency and PAPR of
Rb = 100 Mbps. PIN photodiode with fc = 300 MHz and η = 0.82. DPIM, as compared to PPM, are obtained at the expense
Receiver parameters: D = 20 cm F = 25 cm, FOV = 0.69◦ .
of more computationally complex demodulation, however.

The authors wish to thank Prof. Hassan Akhouayri from In-
10 stitut Fresnel for the discussions on the implementation aspects
concerning the transmitter/receiver optics.
−3 OOK
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