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(C Signed 19.03.21) S. Contract Mesdan SPB

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Hqp uoNc NGOAr THr.

IOr{c so npnzrros
Ngdy t9 thdng 03 ndm 2021
Date: March 19 2021


Eia chi: 9FiB, Sa5 413, EudngLin ShenN., Taipei, Eii Loan, R.O.C.
DiQn tho4i: (886-2)- 25601676 Fax (886-2)-25310287
Dpi diQn boi Be CI{ERRY KO - T6ng Girim d6c
, Suu dfly goi ti BGn BAN
Add: 9F/8, No. 413, Lin Shen N. Road, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Tel: (886-2)- 25601676 Fax: (886-2)- 25310287
Represented by: Ms. CHERRY KO General Director
He reinafter c alle d th e SELLE R
Vd: cONc ry cO rHAN sqr pHU BAr
Dia chi: Khu cdng nghi€p pht Bei, phuong phri Bei, Thi x6 Huong
Thriy, Tinh
Thria Thi6n Hu6, ViptNam
EiQn tho4i: +84- 234- 386 3240/ 3863367 Fax: +84- 234-
Dai diQn bdi Ba rnAN THI KIM CHI _ T6ng Gi6m Diic
Sau tlfly ggi Ii BGn MUA
Add: Phu Bai Industrial zone, phu Bai ward, Huong Thuy Town,
Thua Thien
Hue Province, Vietnam.
Tel: +84- 234- 3863240/ 3863367 Fax: +84- 234- 3863363
Represented by Mrs. TMN THI KIM cHI General Director
Hereafter called as the B(IyER.

sau qu6 trinh thuorng lu'gng, hai b6n rtong hj kiit hqp d6ng voi nhfrng tli6u khoan
1i vi dieu kiQn
Afier negotiations, both parties have mutually agreed to sign this
contract covering the following
terms and conditions:


ARTICLE 1: coMMoDrry - spECIFIcATToN -
euANTITy - pRrcE
1.1- Hhng h6a, s6 lugng vir gi6 ci
Commodity, and

MO ti hing Thinh ti0n

Description Amount
Hing h6a: CAC

Mfy thi nghiQm d0 sin

Twist Lab
Mdy thi nghigm gu6ng sqt con
Wrap reel - metric ten positions
Code: l6lX LAB

3 Mdy thi nghiQm gu6ng crfii vir sEi th6 01 B0 5,944.72 5,944.72
.Ii6u khi6n bing DiQn 0l Set
Electronic Sliver and roving reel, I meter
Code: 254,4' LAB
4 Miy tlo tI$ minhb6ng xo (Micronaire) 01 B0 18,980.86 18,980.86
Micronaire cotton Jibre Jineness meter 01 Set
Code: 199C LAB
5 Miy gudng bing den 01 B0 3,343.04 3,343.04
Planofil electric hairiness table 01 Set
Code:2520 LAB
Bf,ng den, g6m 2lo4i: 20 cai 117.55 2,351.00
Black Tables, including 2 kinds : 20 Pcs
a) Lo4i bang gudng 1 sqi (Md s6:2520 580) x
6 cili
Complete black trapezoidal table (Code:
b) Lo{ bnng d6 gu6ng 2 sqi ddng thdi (Me
s6:2520 610) x 14 c6i
Complete double black trapezoidal table
for "Kit Two" (Code: 2520 610 x 14 ocs
<' B0 ed dirng khi gu6ng 2 sqi tldng thli trGn 01c6i 489.62 489.62
\ lo4i bing den 2 sgi 01 Pc

TY Kit" Two" (Code 2520 600)

6 Thi6t bi chu6n b! miu b6ng 01c6i 5,282.30 5,282.30
Raw cofion selector 01 Pc
Di Code: 3282 LAB
)s (TNCOTERMS 2020) 45,228.00

Bdng chfr: Bin mwoi ldm ngdn hai trdm hai mroi tdm DOla Mj chiln./.)
(Say: The United States Dollars Forty Five thousand, Two hundred Twenty Eight only)

* Ti5ng gi6 tri hqp ddng n6u tr6n bao g6m ph4m vi cung c6p n€u t4i Di€u I niy vi chi phf
cho chuy€n vi6n k! thuft nguli ViQt Nam drin trg girip kI thuflt vd tu viin cdng nghQ vA cic thiiit
bi Thi nghi$m tld cung c6p tai nhi miy cria bOn Mua, v6i gi6 tri 500 USD.
The aforesaid total contracted value covers the scopes of supply stated in this Article 1
and charges for Vietnamese skilled technicians to peiform technical assistance and technology
consultancy in the supplied Lab Equipment at the factory of the Buyer, at a yalue of USD 500.
* Thdi gian thgc hiQn hqp d6ng: khoing 200 ngdy k,5 tir ngiy hai bOn tlt k6t hqp d6ng qua
Contract Performance Period: 200 days approx. from the contract counter-signing date
1.2-Dic di6m ki thuft / Technical specifications:
C6c dac tinh ky ttru6t ctra thiiSt bi tt i ngnig* n6u tr6n du-o. c m6 ti & Phu lgc sti Ot cria hqp

The detailed technical specifications of Lab Equipment are as per the Annex No. 0t being
attached to the contract.
Todn bQ thi6t bithi nghiQm ddu m6i 100% vi tlugc sin xu6t n[m 2021theo c6ng ngh6 ch6
tgo ti6n titin nh6t criaNhi chti t4o.
All of the Lab Equipment mentioned in this contract are 10096 brand new, of
manufacturing year of 2021 according to the latest technologt of the Manufacturer.
Ngudn <liQn:230Y,50H2, I pha
Supply power: 230V, 50H2, I phase

1.3- Nhi ch6 t4o vi Nuri'c xuit xr?:

planufacturer and Country of Origin
- Nhn chri tpo ho{c nhd cung cdp I Manufacture or supplier:MESDAN S.p.A Italy
- Nu6c xu6t xt I Country of Origin:ItalylUK
* Nudc Y ho6c c6c nudc Chdu Au cho c6c mgc l, 2,3, 5 & 6
Italy or European countries for items I, 2, 3, 5 & 6
+ Nudc Anh cho mgc 4
United Kingdom (UK) for item 4.

OrIu z:DoNG G6I . KE NHAN nai.c. GIAo HANG - BAo HIEM

2.1- D6ng g6i I Packing:
Todn bQ hing h6a phii du-o. c d6ng g6i can tnan dat ti6u chuAn xu6t kh6u quiic tri blng duong
: hdng khdng.
All commodities must be packed carefully according to the international export standard by
lc airfreight.
ll Trudc khi tl6ng g6i, hang ho6 ttugc 6p dgng c6c biQn ph6p ngdn ngria bio quan trrinh hu
lIi h6ng trong qu6 trinh vfln chuy6n, chuy6n tii vi luu kho.
Preventive measures before packing are carried out to protect the cargo
from damages
dur ing tr an sp ort a t i on, tr ans s hipm ent and s tor a ge.
2.2-KA nhf,n m{c lMarkingsz
C6c thdng tin sau ddy vi hj hiQu cinh b6o dtng cho qu6 hinh vfln chuy6n vi btic d0 tlugc
viiit bing ti6ng Anh tr€n ba mflt cria m6i ttrtngrtiQn hang uang .1r" kh6ng phai:
The following information and warning signals
for handling and storage are written in
English on 03 (three) sides of each case/package in indelibte ink:
- DiSn: cONc ry cp sQr pH0 BAr
- Noi di5n: SAn bay Ei Ning, Vi6t Nam
Destination : Da Nartg Airport, Yietnam
2.3- Giao himg I Delivery:
- Thdi gian giao hang / Time of shipment:
Trong vdng 90 ngiy-sau khi nhan clugc Thu tin dpng tri ngay (LtC At Sight) hoan h6o
kh6ng hriy ngang vi c6 th6 chuy6n nhugng (ntiu khdng bi aqh h"*g bdi Covid-ti; ra Uan
quy c6ch k! thuft cira b€n Mua.
Shipment time: Within 90 days after receipt of an ingvocable,: transferable & workable
Letter of Credit At Sight (UC At SighS $f no affection by Covid-l9) and technical questionaire
documents Jilled in by the Buyer.
- Sdn bay giao hang: U6t tcy sAn bay nio d nu6c Y.
Airyiort of departure: Any airport in ltaly

- Sdn bay dd hdng: Sdn bay Ed NBng, Viet Nam.
Airport of destination: Da NangAirport, Vietnam.
- Thdng b6o giao hang: Trong vdng 07 ngiy sau khi hang l€n m6y bay, b6n Brin sE fax hoflc
email thdng b6o chi ti6t giao hang cho b6n Mua vd: tri gi6 ciah6a don, # nieu chuy6n bay, s6n
bay giao hang vd dd'hing, kh6ng vfn don, thdi gian du ki6n hang dtin s6n bay oa NEng.
Shipping advice: Writhin 07 days after loading, the Seller is to
fax the Buyer shipment
particulars, such as: invoice value, flight code, departure and destination airports, AWB, ETA
Da Nang Airport Vietnam.
- Giao hang tung phen: Kh6ng Cho ph6p.
Partial shipment: Not Allowed.
- Chuyi3n tii: Cho ph6p.
Transshipment: Allowed.
2.4- Bho hi6m I Insurance:
. B6n Brin c6 nghia vu mua bAo hi6m cho tdt ci hdng h6a vdi di6u kiQn mqi rui ro vi rui ro
chirin tranh' Mric b6i thuong bio hi6m c6 gi6 tribeng tlot% giatr! hing h6a it6.ung.6p
h6a tlon thuong m4i.
The Seller is responsible to buy insurance to all of the goods covering all risks and
risk. The insurance compensation rate values at ll0o/o of the commercial invoice
value of the
supplied goods.


100% T6ng gi6 tri hqp ddng 45.228,00USD s€ dugc thanh to6n bnng Thu
tin dqng T16 ngay
(LlC At Sight) khdng hriy ngang vi c6 thii chuytin nhuong, cho:
100% of the contract value of 45,228.00 USDwill be pryable by means of
I on irrevocable and
ri transferable Letter of Credit At Sight (I/C At Sight), infavor of,
- T6n tdi khoan: coNG Ty TNHH TIIUONG M4J TIMTEX
Account name: TIMTEX TMDING CO., LTD.
- S6 tai khoin: 03653005982
Account No. : 03653005982
Swift Code: ICBCTWT?1|T
- T6n ngdn hang: c6ng ty TNHH Ngin hing thucrng m4i
eu6c td MEGA - phdng Edi
Bank name: Mega International Commerciol Bank Co., Ltd.-Foreign
- Dla chi: Tdng2, 56 100, Eudng Chi-Lin, Ddi Bic, Ddi Loan.
Bank address: 2F, No.l00, Chi-Lin Rd, Taipei, Taiwan
* ttfro/o T6ng gi6 txiL/CsE tlugc thanh torin khi xu6t trinh c6c chimg
tu giao hang y€u cAu sau
* 100% of the UC
amount should be paid against presentation offollowing requested shipping
- l/3 bO gtic Khdng vfn <lon t16 giao hang ghi rd "Cu6c tr6 trudc't theo lQnh cria ng6n
mbL/C vd thdng b6o cho b€n Mua.
1/3 origini Airway Bitl, marked "Freight Prepaid" *od, out to
order of the IlC opening
bank and notifi the Buyer.
- H6a don thuong m4i c6 chfr ky vd d6ng d6u: 04 ban gtic.

Signed and stamped Commercial Invoice: 04 originals
- Danh muc chi titit d6ng hang c6 cht ky: 04 bin gtic
Signed Packing List in details: 04 originals
- Gi5.v Chung nhfn xu6t xi do co quan c6 thAm quydn cia nudc Nhd chii tpo ph6t hdnh:
01 bin gtic vi 02 b6n copy.
Certificate of Origin issued by a competent authority of the Manufacturer's country:
original and 02 copies.
- chimg nhfn Chdt lugng vd Sti luqng c6 chir hy cria Nhd ch6 tpo / NhA cung c6p: 03
, . goc.

. Signed Certi/icate of Quality and Quantity issued by the Manufacturer /

Supplier: 03
- Nguy€n bQ Gi6y chimg nhfn bio hii5m c6 cht kf
.xic nhfln dO triSng c6 gi6 tri bing tt1%
gi6 tri cria H6a itqr thuong mai theo gi6 CIP, bang dong ti6n
cria h6a don thuong mai vi c6
n6u t6n, <lia chi, s6 aign thopi vi sti fax cua mgt aai
brliai quyiSt khi6u o vjei Nam vd
khiiSu nai c6 thc thanh to6n 6 viet Nam, d5i v6i c6c rui ro sau
aiyae" ,1" "ui ;;;;;n;rg, viQi
Nam: EGu kiQn rui ro tttii vdi hang h6a (A); Didu kiQn rui ro khi xiy
ra chii5n tranh (Hang
h6a); Di6u ki6n nii ro khi xiy ra tlinh cdng
fiang noa;; oidu kiQn rui ro khi xiy ra bpo lopn.
Full set of signed Insurance Policy or Certificate in assignable
form aid endorsed in
blankfor I lhpct ofCIP invoice value in invoice currency and stating the
name, address, phone
andfax numbers of a claims settling agent in Vietnam and claims payable
in Vietnam covering
the following risks to Da Nang Airport, Vietnam: Institute
cargo clauses (A); Institute war
clauses (cargo); Institute strikes clauses (cargo); Riots and civil
\ - Gi6y chimg nhfn ngudi hu&ng lqi kdm theo ban copy email neu ro ,ene'
*Ot bQ chring
tir khdng giao dich dugc tl6 clugc b€n Brln gti cho b6n Mua qua tlucmg
i( e ------- t-----D
org vdng 07
ngdy ldm vidc ki5 & ngiy giao hang. "*uil
( Beneficiary's certificate enclosing a copy of email certifying that
one set of non-
t. negotiable documents has been sent to the Buyer within 07 working
days from the shipment
date by email
* Thdi gian hiQu lgc cria Llc
f1 riltrong vdng trO ngiy k6 tu ngny m6 L/c.
The validity of the L/c wiil be within lI0 daysfrom the ub
issuance date
* cdng ty TNm{ Ngdn hing Thuong
mai Qu5c t6 MEGA Ii ngdn hang rlugc chi rlinh thgc
hi€n vigc chuy6n nhuqng.
MEGA International Commercial Bank Co., Ltd. is nominated as
transferring bank.
*T6t cb c6c khoan phf ngfln hang ph6t sinh tai nu6c b6n Brin sE
do b6n B6n dam nhiQm vd
ngugc l4i, cdc khoan phi ng6n hang ph6t sinh tai nu6c b€n
Mua s6 do b6n Mua chiu.
All banking charges arising in the Seller's country wilt be borne by the Seller and those
arising outside of the seiler's country wilt be borne by the Buyer.
* c6 th6 chAp nhfn chring tu giao hang gtic cria b6n ttui ea (ngo4i
tru H6a don vd rt6i ptrit5u;
Third party's originnl shtpping documents are acceptable
except the Cdmmercial Invoice
and Dra/i.

oltu 4: TAr LrEU KV rHUAT

- 01 B0 Tdi liQu kf thuft cria mdi loai thitit b! thl nghiQm s€ duo. c grii diin b6n Mua
kdm rrong
16 hdng khi giao
0l Set of Technical Documents of each type of Lab Equipment wiu be sent to the
Buyer as
the attachments to each kind of the goods.
- Ng6n ngt c sri dpng trong tii liQu kI thuft ld titing Anh.

Language applied in all technical documents is English.

omu s:u{p oar -TRq GIUP ri

- Trong vdng 02 tuin k€ tu ngdy nhfln tlugc y6u ciu cta b€n Mua, b€n B6n sE cri chuy6n viOn
k! thuft a6n ntra miy ctra bdn Mua tl6 thUc hiQn viQc gi6m sr{t lip dflt,trq gitp ky thuat ve tu
v6n cdng nghQ vd toan b0 thi6t bi Thi nghiQm.
Wjthin 02 weelcs after the Buyer's request, the Seller will send technicians to the Buyer's
.factory for erection supervision, technical asisstance and technologt consultancy in all of the
Lab Equipment.
+ Tdt ci c6c chi phi dtii v6i chuy€n vi6n k! thuflt cria BOn B6nAIhi cung c6pNhd chti tao
(g6m: V6 m6y bay kht h6i nQi d!a, noi [n 0, luong vi phu cdp hang ngiy, 6m dau, tai n4n vd
nii ro, bta 5n s6ng vd 6n t6i hang ngey, ...) ddu sE do b6n Brin chiu tr6ch nhipm chi tr6.
All of charges or costs concerning skilled technicians fro* the
Seller/Supplier/Manufacturer (including: Domestic returned air tickets, accommodation, salary
& daily allowances, siclcness, accident and rislcs, daily breaffist and dinner, etc.) are for full
account of the Seller.
+ BOn Mua chi phUc vU bta dn trua hang ngiy vd bta dn t6i (n6u phii Inm viQc ngoii gid)
t4i nhi in cria b€n Mua vi h6 hg viQc d6n tai sdn bay, tlua tt6n tti l4i ldm viQc tu C6ng ty vE kh6ctt
s4n vd ngugc l4i trong thdi gian ngudi cria BCn B6nA{hi cung c6pNhn chti tpo thgc hipn nhiQm
vg t4i bOn Mua.
The Buyer only sertes daily lunch and dinner (if overtime work is a must) at the Buyer's
Canteen and supports airport pick up, local transportationfrom the Company to the hotel and
vice versa during the Seller's/Supplier's/Manufacturer's personnelfuffill their responsibilities at
the Buyer's jobsite,
- BOn Mua chiu trich nhiQm 6p ttlt vi vfln hinh t6t cir c6c thi6t bi Thi nghiQm du6i sg gi6m
s6t, trg girip ky thu4t vi tu vin c6ng nghQ ctra chuy€n vi6n k! thu4t ngubi ViQt Nam cria BOn
B6nNhd cung c6pA.lhi chii t4o. Toan b0 chc ddctinh k! thuflt vi hiQu su6t ctra thitit bi dAu phni
tl4t ti6u chuAn y6u ciu.
The Buyer is responsiblefor erection and operation of all Lap Equipment under supervision,
technical asistance and technologt consultancy by the Vietnamese skilled technicians from the
Seller/Supplier/Manufacturer. All technical specifications and fficiency of the Lab Equipment
must reach the standards of the Supplier/The Manufacturer.
- Chuy6n vi6n kf thuft cria B6n BrinA{hi cung c6pNhn chi{ t4o ctng c6 tr6ch nhiQm ttdo t4o
ngudi cria b€n Mua v€ vdn hi.,nh, xri lf s1r cti vi bio du6ng A6i vOi t6t ca tfri6t bi Thi nghiQm t4i
b€n Mua.
The Seller's/Supplier's/Manufacturer's technical ipecialist(s) will also be responsible to train
the Buyer's people on operattng, trouble shooting and maintaining all of the Lab Equipment at the
jobsite of the Buyer.
- Trong qu6 trinh lip tl{t, n6u c6 t6t tcy chi ti6t phu tirng ndo cta thi6t bi c6p thiiiu sti lugng,
bi hu h6ng gdy vd ho{c kh6ng pht hqp vdi c6c ti6u chi k} thupt ghi trong hgp ddng, ngudi dpi
di6n ctra b6n Brin phii li6n hQ ngay v6i Nhd ch6 t4o, nOu r0 chi tilit vA v6n ad xhy ravi y6u
cdu Nhi chli tao trong vdng 15 ngiy (niiu hang c6 sEn).k,i tu ngiy hai b6n kf bi6n ban x6c nhfln,
b€n Bdn c6 tr6ch nhiQm cung c6p miSn phi cho b6n Mua c6c phlr tung pht hqp mdi 100% (niiu
hing thay thti c6 sEn) nhu li phgr tung bO sung hoflc thay thti b[ng dieu ki6n giao hang CIP Sdn
bay Di-Ning ViQt Nam nhim dim bio toan b0 thi6t bi Thi nghiQm d6 rlusc lip tlat hoan chinh

vi dua vdo vfn hanh sin xu6t thing ti5n <IQ y€u ciu. NiSu hang kh6ng c6 sin thi b6n chii tpo thitit
bi se giri cho b6n Mua trong th&i gian nhanh ntr6t cO ttrri.
During erection period, if there are any parts of the Lab Equipment which are short in
quantities, broken or unsuitable with the technical characteristics mentioned in the contract, the
Seller's authorized representative must immediately contact the Manufacturer stating in details
of the current happens and request the Manufacturer that within l5 days (if goods are in stock)
from the signing date of a confirmation minutes by both parties, the Seller will be responsible
for supplying the Buyer 100% brand-new suitable parts free of charge as supplementary or
replacement spare parts (ifreplaced parts are in stock) by CIP Danang Airport Vietnam in order
to assure that the whole Lab Equipment is completely installed and put into operation on time
schedule. If replaced parts are not available, then the Manufacturer should send to the Buyer
within the soonest time.

ortu o: DICH vU sAU nAN sANc

- BOn B6n dim bio cung c6p l6u dii c6c chi ti6t phu trg vd c6c chi tiiit thay thti tieu chuAn v6i
thdi gian giao hang s6m nh6t khi b6n Mua c6 nhu ciu.
The Seller ensures to supply auxiliary equipment and standard spare parts with the best
delivery time and price when required with the long term supply.
- BCn Bdn <l6m bio cung c6p c6c th6ng tin cAn thiiSt php vu cho c6ng viQc sta chta, b6o du6ng
vd khi b6n Mua c6 y6u cdu, bdn Bdn sE ctt chuyOn gia kg thu6t tdi b6n Mua <ti5 trq girip giai quytil
c6c v6n ee ry tfruat.
The Seller assures to supply necessary information for repair and maintenance. Upon
request from the Buyer, the Seller shall dispatch skilted technician to the Buyer to help solve
e quipment t e c hni c al pr oblems.

ortu z: TRAcH NHrEM nAo nANn

- Bdn B6n chiu h6ch nhigm vA sg hu h6ng hoflc ch6t luqng Ao l5i ctrti tpo thitit bi trong su5t
qu6 trinh ffip d3t.
The Seller shall be respowible for any defects or worl*nanship's of the equipments during
erection and c ommissioning
- Thbi gian b6o hnnh ddi v6i toan bO thiet bi h 12 thdng kri tu ngdy kf BiCn ban nghiQm thu
nhung khdng qud14 thdng ki5 tt ngdy Kh6ng vfn rton (AWB)
Warranty period for Lab Equipments is 12 months signing date of Report on Final
commissioning but not longer than 14 monthsfrom date of Airway Bill (r4,wB)
- Trong sutit thdi gian bio hanh, n6u c6 bdt k) h6ng h6c trong hoat r1Qng t oAc Oo l5i chti tao
thi b6n Mua sE thdng b6o vi y6u ciu b6n B6n cung c6p mi6n phi ngay tdi b€n Mua chi tiiit thay
thii. Trong truhng hqp b6n Mua kh6ng thti tg r.iu .t ru euqc, tt i sau khi nh{n rlugc th6ng
cta b6n Mua, b6n Brin sE cri chuydn gia kI thuflt diin nhd m6y cta b6n Mua ttti sira chta. iilt
c6c chi phi ph6t sinh trong thdi gian bio hanh thi6t bi sE do b€n B6n etim nhiQm. "e
During the warranty period, if anyfailure in operation or defect in materials, the Buyer shall
notify the Seller and the Seller will send new replacement part immediately
free of ciarge. In
case the Buyer is unable to repair the equipment by themselves, the Seller will send their
technician to repair the equipment afier notification..All expenses arising during warranty
period shall be paid by the Seller.


- N6u b6n B6n chfm giao hdtrg so v6i th&i gian nhu quy rt-inh t4i Eidu
2, thi b6n Brin phai b6i
thulng tdi b€n Mua mfc o,o5o gi6 tri hq,p ddng cho 01 tudn muQn atii voi 04 tu6nrnuon
ti6n vd 0,08yo gi6 tri hgp <t6ng cho 01 tuAn muQn atii voi 04 tuAn mu6n tiiip
theo. Tuy r!r,
ti5ng tr! gi6 khoin phpt kh6ng rtuqc qu6 5% trigi6 cria toan bQ t qp
a6d. "t
If the Sellerfails to deliver
the equipment in due course as per Article 2, the Seller is to pay
the Buyer penalty at the rate of 0.05% per week of the value if delayed
equipment for Jirst 04
weelrs and 0.08% per day for the successive 04 weelcs and thereafter.
However, tital penatty
shall not exceed 5%o ofthe contract value.
- Niiu gap tru&ng hqp bdt khi kh6ng, bao gdm dich bQnh Covid-l9,
b6n B6n s6 duoc mi6n
tr6ch nhiQm bi phpt
In case offorce maieurs, including Covid-|9 epidemic, the Seller is free of penalty
ortu q: sAr r<rrA rrrl(Nc
- Bdn ndo kh6ng hodn thinh nghia qr cria minh theo hqp
ddng do tinh trpng udt mra kh6ng s6
ph6i th6ng b6o cho b€n kia trong vdng l0 ngdy. Gi6y chrmg
nh[n ctu phdng Thucrng mai oi6t
nu6c criaNhi chii t4o u can trri6t de hm bengchtu! va tini trang
b6t r.ia 6,tus.---'"
The party, which is unable tofulfill his obligations under
the Contract, is to i"f** the other
party within 10 (ten) days. CertiJicate of Chamber of commerce required
as proof for such
- Tronglrudng hqp tinh tr4ng b6t ktr6 khring kdo ddi vugt qu6 03
th6ng, b6n B6n vi b6n Mua
s€ c6 quydn tu ch5i thgc hiQn c6cnghia vu tii5; theo c0a hno;d"* vd trong trudmg hgrp
ndy c6c
BCn kh6ng rlugc y6u cAu khoin b6i thuong ndo.
Should the duration of above circumstance exceed three (03)
months, each party will have
the right to refuse further fuffiltment of its obligations under the
Contract, and in this case
neither partywill have the right to askfor compensation of
the losses incurredfrom other party.


- Mqi.tranh ch6p xdy ra trong qu6 trinh thlrchiQn hqp.ddng,
nt5u c6 thi tru6c ti6n s€ ilugc giii
quytit uing thuong lu-o. ng. N6u ktrong.gidi quytit a"-*
trr"** luqng thi tranh ch6f se duqc
dua ra Trung Tdm Trqng Tni
Qutic 16 vipt trtam (VIAC) ucn .anr, phdng Thuong M4i vi C6ng
NghiQp vigt Nam d6 giai quytit trreo luft di6u chinh cria phdng
rr,ucrnt rraai qioc iti tai ruri,
Ph6p 6p dpng Luft Thuv SY dii phrin xdt tr6ch nhiQm
mdi Ben. igon ngit qne
Any claim arising out of the performance of this contract
h tii5ng Anh.
br, atfirst,-settled amicabty.
Should it not be possible to reach such an agreement, serious
disputes shail be settled by
arbitration at the vietnam International Arbitration Center (TIAC)
at vietnam Chamber of
Commerce and Industry as per the rules and regulatiow
of the International Chamber of
Commerce in Paris, France under Swiss material liw.
Language ofarbitration
r shall be English.
- Mqi chi phf vC trgng tdi s6 do B6n thua ki6n chiu.
All charges for arbitration will be borne by the losing party.

ortu rr: cAc oltu KrpN rarAc

lf .1- T6t cA Phg luc li mQt phan khOng th6 t6ch rdi cria hqp d6ng.
Any annex is afully-integrated part of the contract.
It'2'Tdt'cirbd sung vi sria aoi co gi6iri chi sau khi c6 hai b6n dd c6 vln brin x6c nh6n.
All amendments and alternations are valid only after having written confirmation by both
f 13- T6t citcdc khodn thu6 ph6t sinh d nuoc b€n Brln c6 li6n quan d6n viQc thgc
hiQn hqp ddng
ld do bon B6n chiu, nguqc l4i c6c khoin thu6 d nu6c b€n Mua thi do b€n Mua chlu.
Any tax or duty occurring in the Seller's country relating to the execution of this contract
are for the Seller's account, but those in the Buyer's country will be
for the Buyei,s account.
11.4- Hsp ddng ndy duqc Up thdnh 06 bin g5c bing tiiingAnh va iiiing viet;6
iiioiph6p lf
nhu nhau vd c6 hi€u lsc kti ttr ngdy kf. Be1B6n git 01 ban vi b6n Mua gif 03 ben.
ffq,p Obrg
ndy cfing c6 thii tlu-o. c hai b€n kf vd ct6ng d6u qua fax ho{c email.
This Contract shall be made into 04 originals in Engtish and Vietnamese having
the sarne
legal $alue and take ffict right aJter both parties counter-sign this. The Seller
keeps 0l original
and the Buyer keeps 03 ones. This contract can also be couner-signed and
stampei viafax/email.
1r.5- Hqp ddng ndy c6 hipu lsc thsc hi6n chi khi c6 hai b6n odrloa j,6u '-
ry va eone
This contract shall become effective in case and when both sides sign ind
11'6- Trong truhng hqp c6 sai s6t gita nQi dung bing tiiing ViQt vd ti6ng
antr ttri uu tien sri dpng
nQi dung bing ti6ng Anh.
In the event of ambiguity or discrepancy between the two language versions,
the executed
English version shall prevail.
u.7-. Hqp ddng ndv s€ t.u dQng thanh $ khi thli h4n bdo henh toan bQ c6c thii5t bi
Thf nghiQm
da k6t thfic. N6u c6 giao tran itrtraruri6u, t o5, thanh to6n thtra/thi6u thi
hr;ar;;ii.org ,rrat
bing 0l GiSy x6c nhfln c6ng ng.
This contract becomes automatically tiquidated when the warranty periodfor
all supplied
Lab Equipment has expired. Any excess/short shipment or excess/short payment
will be settled
ri. through debit note.


{"f; PHA


g Gi6m d6c
General Director

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