(C Signed 19.03.21) S. Contract Mesdan SPB
(C Signed 19.03.21) S. Contract Mesdan SPB
(C Signed 19.03.21) S. Contract Mesdan SPB
IOr{c so npnzrros
Ngdy t9 thdng 03 ndm 2021
Date: March 19 2021
sau qu6 trinh thuorng lu'gng, hai b6n rtong hj kiit hqp d6ng voi nhfrng tli6u khoan
1i vi dieu kiQn
Afier negotiations, both parties have mutually agreed to sign this
contract covering the following
terms and conditions:
3 Mdy thi nghiQm gu6ng crfii vir sEi th6 01 B0 5,944.72 5,944.72
.Ii6u khi6n bing DiQn 0l Set
Electronic Sliver and roving reel, I meter
Code: 254,4' LAB
4 Miy tlo tI$ minhb6ng xo (Micronaire) 01 B0 18,980.86 18,980.86
Micronaire cotton Jibre Jineness meter 01 Set
Code: 199C LAB
5 Miy gudng bing den 01 B0 3,343.04 3,343.04
Planofil electric hairiness table 01 Set
Code:2520 LAB
Bf,ng den, g6m 2lo4i: 20 cai 117.55 2,351.00
Black Tables, including 2 kinds : 20 Pcs
a) Lo4i bang gudng 1 sqi (Md s6:2520 580) x
6 cili
Complete black trapezoidal table (Code:
b) Lo{ bnng d6 gu6ng 2 sqi ddng thdi (Me
s6:2520 610) x 14 c6i
Complete double black trapezoidal table
for "Kit Two" (Code: 2520 610 x 14 ocs
<' B0 ed dirng khi gu6ng 2 sqi tldng thli trGn 01c6i 489.62 489.62
\ lo4i bing den 2 sgi 01 Pc
Bdng chfr: Bin mwoi ldm ngdn hai trdm hai mroi tdm DOla Mj chiln./.)
(Say: The United States Dollars Forty Five thousand, Two hundred Twenty Eight only)
* Ti5ng gi6 tri hqp ddng n6u tr6n bao g6m ph4m vi cung c6p n€u t4i Di€u I niy vi chi phf
cho chuy€n vi6n k! thuft nguli ViQt Nam drin trg girip kI thuflt vd tu viin cdng nghQ vA cic thiiit
bi Thi nghi$m tld cung c6p tai nhi miy cria bOn Mua, v6i gi6 tri 500 USD.
The aforesaid total contracted value covers the scopes of supply stated in this Article 1
and charges for Vietnamese skilled technicians to peiform technical assistance and technology
consultancy in the supplied Lab Equipment at the factory of the Buyer, at a yalue of USD 500.
* Thdi gian thgc hiQn hqp d6ng: khoing 200 ngdy k,5 tir ngiy hai bOn tlt k6t hqp d6ng qua
Contract Performance Period: 200 days approx. from the contract counter-signing date
1.2-Dic di6m ki thuft / Technical specifications:
C6c dac tinh ky ttru6t ctra thiiSt bi tt i ngnig* n6u tr6n du-o. c m6 ti & Phu lgc sti Ot cria hqp
The detailed technical specifications of Lab Equipment are as per the Annex No. 0t being
attached to the contract.
Todn bQ thi6t bithi nghiQm ddu m6i 100% vi tlugc sin xu6t n[m 2021theo c6ng ngh6 ch6
tgo ti6n titin nh6t criaNhi chti t4o.
All of the Lab Equipment mentioned in this contract are 10096 brand new, of
manufacturing year of 2021 according to the latest technologt of the Manufacturer.
Ngudn <liQn:230Y,50H2, I pha
Supply power: 230V, 50H2, I phase
- Sdn bay dd hdng: Sdn bay Ed NBng, Viet Nam.
Airport of destination: Da NangAirport, Vietnam.
- Thdng b6o giao hang: Trong vdng 07 ngiy sau khi hang l€n m6y bay, b6n Brin sE fax hoflc
email thdng b6o chi ti6t giao hang cho b6n Mua vd: tri gi6 ciah6a don, # nieu chuy6n bay, s6n
bay giao hang vd dd'hing, kh6ng vfn don, thdi gian du ki6n hang dtin s6n bay oa NEng.
Shipping advice: Writhin 07 days after loading, the Seller is to
fax the Buyer shipment
particulars, such as: invoice value, flight code, departure and destination airports, AWB, ETA
Da Nang Airport Vietnam.
- Giao hang tung phen: Kh6ng Cho ph6p.
Partial shipment: Not Allowed.
- Chuyi3n tii: Cho ph6p.
Transshipment: Allowed.
2.4- Bho hi6m I Insurance:
. B6n Brin c6 nghia vu mua bAo hi6m cho tdt ci hdng h6a vdi di6u kiQn mqi rui ro vi rui ro
chirin tranh' Mric b6i thuong bio hi6m c6 gi6 tribeng tlot% giatr! hing h6a it6.ung.6p
h6a tlon thuong m4i.
The Seller is responsible to buy insurance to all of the goods covering all risks and
risk. The insurance compensation rate values at ll0o/o of the commercial invoice
value of the
supplied goods.
Signed and stamped Commercial Invoice: 04 originals
- Danh muc chi titit d6ng hang c6 cht ky: 04 bin gtic
Signed Packing List in details: 04 originals
- Gi5.v Chung nhfn xu6t xi do co quan c6 thAm quydn cia nudc Nhd chii tpo ph6t hdnh:
01 bin gtic vi 02 b6n copy.
Certificate of Origin issued by a competent authority of the Manufacturer's country:
original and 02 copies.
- chimg nhfn Chdt lugng vd Sti luqng c6 chir hy cria Nhd ch6 tpo / NhA cung c6p: 03
, . goc.
- 01 B0 Tdi liQu kf thuft cria mdi loai thitit b! thl nghiQm s€ duo. c grii diin b6n Mua
kdm rrong
16 hdng khi giao
0l Set of Technical Documents of each type of Lab Equipment wiu be sent to the
Buyer as
the attachments to each kind of the goods.
- Ng6n ngt c sri dpng trong tii liQu kI thuft ld titing Anh.
vi dua vdo vfn hanh sin xu6t thing ti5n <IQ y€u ciu. NiSu hang kh6ng c6 sin thi b6n chii tpo thitit
bi se giri cho b6n Mua trong th&i gian nhanh ntr6t cO ttrri.
During erection period, if there are any parts of the Lab Equipment which are short in
quantities, broken or unsuitable with the technical characteristics mentioned in the contract, the
Seller's authorized representative must immediately contact the Manufacturer stating in details
of the current happens and request the Manufacturer that within l5 days (if goods are in stock)
from the signing date of a confirmation minutes by both parties, the Seller will be responsible
for supplying the Buyer 100% brand-new suitable parts free of charge as supplementary or
replacement spare parts (ifreplaced parts are in stock) by CIP Danang Airport Vietnam in order
to assure that the whole Lab Equipment is completely installed and put into operation on time
schedule. If replaced parts are not available, then the Manufacturer should send to the Buyer
within the soonest time.
g Gi6m d6c
General Director