MMW Lesson 2 Fibonacci Sequence
MMW Lesson 2 Fibonacci Sequence
MMW Lesson 2 Fibonacci Sequence
- Galileo Galilei
History of Fibonacci
Exact origin is unknown. Fibonacci Sequence
Discovered after an investigation on the The Fibonacci sequence is a series of
reproduction of rabbits. numbers that follow a unique integer
1202 – first introduced to the Western sequence. (Sila nang sila)
European mathematics by Leonardo of These numbers generate mathematical
Pisa aka Fibonacci patterns that can be found in all aspects
of life.
Leonardo of Pisa (1170-1250) The patterns can be seen in everything
from the human body to physiology of
Leonardo Bigollo Pisano (Leonardo the plants and animals.
Traveler from Pisa)
is a famous mathematician. How does it work?
one of the best –known mathematicians Derived from the Fibonacci numbers.
of the medieval Europe. The Fibonacci numbers are as follows.
Also known as Fibonacci 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144
a short for the Latin “filius Bonacci” (ito lagi ang terms)
which means “the son of Bonacci” These numbers are obtained by adding
1202 - Took a trip to several Arab and the two previous numbers in the
Eastern countries sequence to obtain the next term.
Wrote a book titled Liber Abaci (Book of The formula is Fn= Fn-1+ Fn-2
Introduced modus Indorum (method of
the Indians) known as the Hindu – Golden Ratio
Arabic numerals system, in the West The golden ratio is an irrational
Europe, and explained why the Hindu – mathematical constant, approximately
Arabic numeral system was more equal to 1.6180339887.
sophisticated and efficient The golden ratio is often denoted by the
system than the Roman Numeral Greek letter ɸ (Phi) or the 21st letter in
System. the Greek alphabet.
His study of the sequence began with Two quantities are in the golden ratio if
the breeding patterns of rabbits. In the ratio between the sum of those
which he found rabbit generations quantities and the larger one is the
Mathematics in the Modern World
Lesson 2: Fibonacci Sequence
same as the ratio between the larger
one and the smaller
Golden Rectangle
In equation form, it looks like this: The Golden Rectangle can be formed
through the pairing of successive
Fibonacci numbers, which can go on
a = longer part Golden Spiral/Fibonacci
b = smaller part
a + b = whole length Spiral
A spiral growing out of squares sized
according to Fibonacci Series
A spiral that can be found in nature,
architecture, and art galleries all over the
If you divide two successive numbers in world.
this series, you will find a common
The golden ratio ɸ ≈ 1.6180339887 Reasons
We do have evidence that the Golden
Ratio seems to be Nature's perfect
Can be found throughout the nature
As it is highly unusual for decimal
integers of a number and its reciprocal
to be the same
Applicable to the growth of every living
Fibonacci numbers are nature’s
numbering system.
The Fibonacci Sequence can be found in
a sunflower heads seed arrangement.