Status Codes Used in Housekeeping
Status Codes Used in Housekeeping
Status Codes Used in Housekeeping
Stayover: The guest is not checking out today and will remain at
least one more night.
On-change: The guest has departed, but the room has not yet
been cleaned and readied for resale.
Sleep-out: A guest was booked to the room, but the bed has not
been used.
Skipper: The guest left the hotel without paying the bill.
Sleeper: The guest has settled his/her account and left the hotel,
but the front office staff has failed to properly update the room's
Vacant and ready: The room has been cleaned and inspected and
is ready for an arriving guest.
Lock Out: The room has been locked so that the guest cannot re-
enter until they are cleared by the front desk.
DNCO: Did not check out, the guest made arrangements to settle
his or her account but has left without informing the front desk.
Due Out: The room is expected to become vacant after the
following day's check-out time.
Check Out: The guest has settled his or her account, returned
the room keys and left the hotel.