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Business Communication:
Business communication is communication that is intended to help a business achieve a
fundamental goal, through information sharing between employees as well as people outside
the company.

 Upward communication.
 Downward communication.
 Lateral communication.
 External communication.

The different types of barriers are as follow:

1. Language
2. Cultural
3. Behavioral
4. Attitudinal
5. Environmental

Cultural Difference:
Cultural Differences in Communication may cause several serious concerns that might affect
your business and the working relationship. You’ll find hundreds of cultural differences in
communication from country to country. Cultural diversity makes communication hard, and
in business, it can be extremely delicate because people from different cultures might have
diverse behaviors, language, signs, expressions, etc.

Body Language and Space
Addressing People
Cultural & Language Barriers
Cultural Barriers in the Workplace

Body Language & Space:

Body language and Space accounts for around 55% of communication. In situations where
there is a language barrier, that percentage becomes even higher. That’s why it’s important to
be aware of the type of body language you use in cross-cultural communications. If you get it
wrong, you can end up unintentionally sending the wrong messages. In some cultures, eye
contact is important, whereas in a few cultures eye contact is disrespectful.

Addressing People:
First impressions are everything, so it’s essential that you get things right from the first point
of communication. That means addressing people in an appropriate manner. Find out whether
it’s more acceptable to use someone’s first name, surname, or title before reaching out to
them. Some cultures do this more formally than others. For example, in Thailand, it’s
common for workers to address their bosses as ‘father’ or ‘mother’ when business relations
are particularly good.

Cultural & Language Barriers:

Effective communication can be difficult when parties don’t share a common language. As a
result, companies often hire translators to mediate communications between the two to solve
the language barriers. However, this doesn’t solve everything. When speaking to people
across different cultures, you need to be aware of few words and phrases can’t be directly
translated into other languages. It would be best if you were especially careful when
using idioms in business communications. While their meanings may seem obvious to you,
they can be entirely baffling for non-native speakers. In any case, it’s polite to try and learn at
least a few words, like ‘hello’ and ‘thank you’ in the other party’s language. They’re bound to
appreciate the effort.

Conflict In Workplace:
Dealing with conflict can be a complex and delicate issue in any case if you’re dealing with
people from different cultures. When you add language or cultural barriers, they become even
more difficult. It’s important to be aware of how different cultures respond to these types of
For example, in many Western cultures, it’s common to approach someone directly about a
problem or disagreement you may have with them. However, Asian cultures can be very

6 Cultural Barriers to Effective Business Communication

Language Skills
The most crucial barrier to effective communication in international business is language. If
you cannot speak or understand the language of your counterparts, it will be impossible to
communicate with them effectively. Even if you are able to use a translator, there is always
the risk that something will be lost in translation. It is also worth noting that different
languages have different levels of formality. For example, in German, the word “du” is used
for friends and family, while the word “Sie” is used for business associates. If you use the
wrong form of address, it can cause offence. Another language-related issue that can lead to
communication problems is the use of idioms and colloquialisms. These are expressions that
cannot be translated literally and often have different meanings in different cultures.

Stereotypes & Ethnocentrism

Stereotypes and ethnocentrism can also cause communication problems in business.
Ethnocentrism is the belief that your own culture is superior to other cultures, while
stereotypes are oversimplified or exaggerated beliefs about a particular group of people. It’s
vital to be aware of these issues arising in a culturally diverse workplace, as any form of
discrimination can lead to a breakdown in communication and even confrontation or conflict.
Behavior’s & Beliefs
Cultural norms and values can also lead to communication problems in business. Different
cultures also have different ideas about what is polite behavior, how to treat positions of
authority and the appropriate conduct for business meetings. For example, in some cultures, it
is perfectly acceptable to bargain over prices, while in others this would be seen as very rude.
It’s vital that businesses have a cohesive understanding of the values and expectations of their
employees, clients, and suppliers to avoid any potential misunderstandings and ensure
that negotiations are handled appropriately across different cultures.

Culture Shock
It’s also important for businesses to account for a certain level of culture shock in global
projects. This is the feeling of disorientation that people can experience when they are
exposed to a new and unfamiliar culture. Culture shock can lead to communication problems
as people may find it difficult to adjust to the new way of doing things. It’s important to be
patient and understanding with employees who may be experiencing culture shock and to
provide the appropriate resources, accommodations, and support.

Non-verbal Communication
Body language, eye contact, facial expressions and other forms of non-verbal communication
can also vary significantly from one culture to another. For example, in some cultures, it is
considered rude to make direct eye contact, while in others it is seen as a sign of respect. It’s
important to be aware of these cultural differences to avoid any misunderstandings.
Misinterpreting body language or non-verbal cues can lead to communication problems and
can even cause offence.
Signs & Symbols
Written language and communication are also affected by culture. Different cultures have
different ways of conveying meaning through signs and symbols. For example, in the west, a
white rose is often seen as a symbol of purity, while in China it is seen as a symbol of death.
It’s essential that businesses are aware of these cultural differences to avoid any
misunderstandings or offence to a cultural background your business is targeting.

How To Overcome Cultural Barriers to Effective Communication

Invest in Business Language Training
As mentioned, the language barrier is one of the most common cultural barriers to
communication in business. The best way to overcome this is to invest in language training
for your employees. This will ensure that everyone in the company has a good understanding
of the languages spoken by your clients, suppliers, and other key stakeholders. It will also
help to build relationships and trust with these people, which is essential for effective
communication. When you can speak the same language as your clients and coworkers, it
makes it much easier to understand each other and to build strong relationships. Offering
your employees business language training is a great way to reap these benefits.

Encourage Cultural Diversity

Another way to overcome cultural barriers to communication is to encourage cultural
diversity in the workplace. This can be done by hiring employees from a variety of different
backgrounds and by promoting cross-cultural understanding and respect. By encouraging
cultural diversity, you will create a more inclusive environment where everyone feels
comfortable communicating with each other. Diversity is a driving force for innovation, so it
can also help to boost your business’s creativity and competitiveness.

Create a Code of Conduct

It’s also a good idea to create a code of conduct that outlines the company’s expectations for
communication and behavior. This should be designed to promote respect and understanding
between employees of different cultures and outline how the business plans to accommodate
cultural differences in its workforce. The code of conduct should be reviewed and updated on
a regular basis to ensure that it remains relevant and effective. All employees should be made
aware of the code of conduct and should be given the opportunity to provide feedback. By
having a code of conduct in place, you will create a more positive and cohesive work
environment for employees of all cultural backgrounds.

Promote Clear & Open Communication

As discussed, clear and open communication is key to overcoming cultural barriers in the
workplace. To promote clear communication, you should encourage employees to ask
questions and to speak up if they don’t understand something. It’s also important to provide
employees with the resources they need to communicate effectively. This could include
things like language training, cultural awareness training or even just a simple glossary of
terms. When everyone is on the same page, it will be much easier to avoid misunderstandings
and build strong working relationships.
Offer Cross-Cultural Training to Employees
To help your staff understand a new cultural perspective, you can offer cross-cultural
training. This type of training is designed to promote understanding and respect for different
cultures. Cross-cultural training can be delivered in a variety of ways, such as through
workshops, seminars, e-learning courses, or even cultural immersion experiences. It’s
important that the training is relevant and tailored to the needs of your employees.
By offering cross-cultural training, you will help your employees to understand and
appreciate the cultural differences within your organization, communicate effectively with
people from different cultures, and build strong working relationships.

Empower Your Leadership Team

Diverse cultures should be represented at all levels of the organization, including in
leadership positions. This will send a strong message that your company is committed to
promoting cultural variance and diversity. It’s also important to empower your leaders to
champion cultural inclusion and understanding. They should be given the resources and
support they need to create a positive and cohesive work environment. By leading by
example, they will encourage and motivate others to do the same.

Looking For Expert Business Language and Cross-Cultural

Communication Training?
Cross cultural barriers in communication can have a negative impact on your business. To
overcome these barriers, you need to invest in language training and cross-cultural training
for your employees. At SIMON & SIMON, we offer a range of Business Language
Training and Cross-Cultural Training solutions that are designed to meet the specific needs of
your organization. Our courses are delivered by experienced and qualified trainers who are
experts in their field.

How To Work Across Cultures

When up against a cultural barrier, individuals must make the effort required to communicate
effectively. But it’s the organization that must take the lead. How can managers prepare to
work with people from a different culture? Here are some steps to follow for successful and
positive communication:

1. Introspect on Your Own Culture

Solutions start with the self. Individuals must try to understand their own culture and how it’s
conditioned them. They can translate that into an understanding of where cultural differences
might arise with others.

2. Learn About Others

All employees across teams should attempt to understand the culture of the other person with
whom they’re trying to communicate. This might mean that the marketing team has to do a
deep dive to understand the culture in a new country the organization is entering. Or that
global teams need to get to know their colleagues’ cultures. Over time, the efforts will show
results as a better understanding develops of how people behave, work and care for their
families, friends, and communities. And it’s fun!

3. Get Personal
Get to know the person and team. To understand how someone thinks, there is no substitute
for the personal. This will allow colleagues to improve communication much faster than any
other effort. Encourage managers to spend more time getting to know their employees
personally. Managers will also need training on how to adjust their communications for those
who have a different cultural background. Developing attentive listening skills and body
language that’ll make those from all cultures feel comfortable is a good practice. To
overcome cultural barriers, employees across the board need to put in the work. They must
take the time to understand other cultures and gain a thorough understanding of the barriers
that may arise from an individual’s background.

How Cultural Barriers Can Hold Back an organization.

It isn’t just that cross-cultural communication barriers create interpersonal problems. A socio-
cultural barrier can also have a deep impact on organizations. Here’s a few examples:
1. An Inability to Get the Job Done and Meet Deadlines. When Communication Breaks
Down, This Is the Worst-Case Scenario.
2. A Low Employee Morale That Leads to High Turnover and Poor Performance.
3. Constant Misunderstandings Because Of Cultural Differences Can Cause a Stressful
and Unpleasant Workplace. At Its Worst, It Can Cause Legal Issues.
4. An Inability to Trust the Boss, Which Could Cause a Lack of Motivation or Care
Towards the Organization’s Success.
To overcome the socio-cultural barrier, organizations should look at examples of cultural
barriers to communication that have been faced by others. Organizations large and small have
been able to succeed with teams spread across the world and there’s no reason issues can’t be
addressed head on.

How To Identify a Cultural Barrier

It isn’t uncommon for problems to arise from cultural differences. But how to diagnose the
problem? These are the signs there are cross-cultural communication barriers in the
 The Use of Unprofessional Language. This Might Include Incorrect Use of Phrases
and Slang Words In Another Language
 Resistance Arising from The Preference of Some For A More Direct Communication
Style, Which Can Be Interpreted As Angry Or Disrespectful
 A Failure to Get the Point Across. Misunderstood Messages Can Result from
Language Problems. While This Is Understandable, It Must Be Addressed
 Rude Or Snide Behavior, Such as Mocking a Person for Not Understanding the
Conversation or Talking Over Them During Meetings or Conversations
 A Lack of Interest in Getting to Know Others from Other Cultures. This Can Lead To
Animosity Because Of The Missed Opportunities For Growth Within An
The cultural barrier can be overcome just like any other by understanding them, but it takes a
lot of time and effort. However, understanding the differences in behavior, values and
communication styles will help managers become more effective and successful cross-
cultural communicators.
The pandemic has altered how organizations function across borders. On one hand, more and
more people are working from wherever they are. On the other, it has made in-person
meetings harder, which can worsen cultural conflict. Here’s how remote working can make
cultural barriers worse:
 There Is No Opportunity for People to Observe One Another And Reflect Upon What
They See, And Therefore to Learn From One Another’s Behavior
 The Inability of Remote Workers to Be Aware Of Their Behavior Because They Lack
Feedback From Others
 Emails And Texts Can Be Misinterpreted and Misconstrued. When It’s Not Possible
to Cross the Office for A Clarification, This Can Cause Friction
To overcome cross-cultural barriers, managers need to learn about the culture and language
of others. They can also study examples of cultural barrier. This way, they’ll understand how
their words are interpreted and be able to better communicate. It’s important that managers
develop and show trust through their interactions with all employees, so that they feel
comfortable in expressing their feelings and thoughts regarding the culture barrier affecting
Now more than ever, it’s important for organizations to work toward building cohesive
international teams. Cross-cultural barriers to communication can be overcome by leaders
who put in the work. Harappa’s Building Presence course will help them do just that. It’ll
teach positive body language, how to build trust and develop an individual voice that gives
everyone space to shine. With the course’s live support and self-paced learning, it’s easy to
develop as a professional. Empower your teams with the Harappa advantage.

How to Resolve Cultural Communications in the Workplace

Differences in race, religious beliefs, lifestyle, and sexual orientation are among many
cultural differences that may affect how people communicate in the workplace. Resolving
communications problems caused by cultural differences requires patience, understanding
and respect. A major mistake is forming opinions before even engaging in communications.
Opinions reached before an opportunity to discuss the matter makes resolving conflict

Treating people as individuals regardless of culture is sometimes a key to resolving
communication issues. For example, it is improper to assume that a woman takes a certain
position on a subject because she is a woman. Such generalizations can cause conflict in
communication. Not all people who are members of the same culture will react to
communication in the same way or offer the same opinion on a subject. However, it is true
that cultural backgrounds may affect how people act, behave, and communicate. But that
does not mean people of a certain culture will all communicate or react to events in the same

Learning more about other lifestyles and cultures helps people avoid conflict in
communication, particularly in multicultural settings. Information on cultural awareness is
widely available in books at public libraries. Open and honest discussions about cultural
differences with friends and colleagues are helpful as well. Learning more about cultural
differences helps avoid jumping to unfair or wrong assumptions about a person’s statements
or other communication efforts.

Conflict in communications between cultures also is avoidable when all parties resist
assigning blame. Two companies merging staffs in a business transaction may have different
styles of managing and working. Putting the teams together can cause an immediate clash of
cultures, with problems intensified if both sides always blames the other for problems and
breakdown in communication. Simply placing the blame on others is not constructive and can
make communication problems worse.

Listening Skills
Focusing on listening well with an open mind also helps resolve cultural communications
problems. Paying close attention to words used in a conversation or other form of
communication can help resolve these problems. It’s also important to pay attention to the
context of the discussion and the tone of the communication.

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