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Second Labaratory Report MR - Park

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Ajou University in Tashkent

Civil System Engineering

Second laboratory Report

Topic name: First-Order Ordinary Differential Equations

Group number: C-101

Student: Fayzullaxo’jayev Abduazizxo’ja
Assignment deadline: ___________

Accepted the job: Chang-Hwan Park

place of signature: _________________

Tashkent – 2022 y.
Although the main focus of these notes is on solvers for differential equations, this
first chapter is devoted to the closely related class of problems known as difference
equations. The main motivation for introducing this topic first is that the
mathematical formulation of difference equations is very easy to translate into a
computer program. When we move on to ODEs in the next chapter, we shall see
that such equations are typically solved by applying some numerical scheme to
turn the differential equation into a difference equation, which is then solved using
the techniques presented in this chapter
2- Definition First Order DE.

A first order differential equation is an equation of the form F(t,y,y′)=0.F(t,y,y

′)=0. A solution of a first order differential equation is a function f(t)f(t) that
makes F(t,f(t),f′(t))=0F(t,f(t),f′(t))=0 for every value of t.

Here, FF is a function of three variables which we label t,t, y,y, and y′.y′. It is
understood that y′y′ will explicitly appear in the equation although tt and yy need
not. The variable yy itself is dependent on t,t, hence it is understood that y′y′ must
be the derivative of yy with respect to t.t. Since only the first derivative
of yy appears, but no higher order derivative, this is a first order differential
Throughout the notes, we use the independent variable tt as many applications are
based on the independent variable representing time. If no meaning is attributed to
the independent variable, we may want to write a first order differential equation in
the usual manner as


Graphical Solution to First Order Differential Equation.

Sketch various solutions to the differential equation dydx=2x.dydx=2x.
We integrate both sides of the differential equation to find
for any constant C∈R.C∈R. This family of solutions are parabolas which are
translated vertically, as shown in the graph below taking C=−2,0,2.C=−2,0,2.

Sequences and Difference Equations

Sequences is a central topic in mathematics, which has important applications in
numerical analysis and scientific computing. In the most general sense, a sequence
is simply a collection of numbers:
x0, x1, x2, ..., xn,....

For some sequences we can derive a formula that gives the the n-th number xn as
a function of n. For instance, all the odd numbers form a sequence

and for this sequence we can write a simple formula for the n-th term;
xn = 2n+ 1.

With this formula at hand, the complete sequence can be written on a compact
(xn)∞ n=0, xn = 2n+ 1.
A difference equation for computing interest.

To start with a simple example, consider the problem of computing how an

invested sum of money grows over time. In its simplest form, this problem can be
written as putting x0 money in a bank at year 0, with interest rate p percent per
year. What is then the value after n years? You may recall from earlier in IN1900
(and from high school mathematics) that the solution to this problem is given by
the simple formula
xn = x0(1 +p/100)n

, so there is really no need to formulate and solve the problem as a difference

equation. However, very simple generalizations, such as a non-constant interest
rate, makes this formula difficult to apply, while a formulation based on a
difference equation will still be applicable. To formulate the problem as a
difference equation, we use the fact that the amount xn at year n is simply the
amount at year n−1 plus the interest for year n−1. This gives the following relation
between xn and
xn−1: xn = xn−1 + p 100 xn−1.
The complete program for solving this difference equation may look like:
Import numpy as np
Import matplotib.pyplot as plt

X0 = 100 #initial amount

P= 5 #interest rate

N= 4 #number of years

X = np.zeros( N+1 )

X[0] = x0

For n in range (1, N+1):

X[n] = x[ n-1] + (p/100.0)*x[n-1]

Plt.plot (x, ‘ro’)

Plt.xlabel (‘years’)

Plt.ylabel (‘amoun’)

Plt.show ()

This code only involves tools that we have introduced earlier in the course.1 The
three lines starting with x[0] = x0 make up the core of the program. We here
initialize the first element in our solution array with the known x0, and then step
into the for-loop to compute the rest. The loop variable n runs from 1 to N(= 4),
and the formula inside the loop computes x[n] from the known x[n-1].

Heun's Method

Theoretical Introduction

In the last lab you learned to use Euler's Method to generate a numerical solution
to an initial value problem of the form:

y′ = f(x, y)

y(xo) = yo
Now it's time for a confession: In the real-world of using computers to derive
numerical solutions to differential equations, no-one actually uses Euler's Method.
Its shortcomings, discussed in detail in the last lab, nameley its inaccuracy and its
slowness, are just too great. Though it is of some historical interest, the primary
reason we bother to discuss it at all is that while it is a fairly simple algorithm to
understand, it still enables us to start thinking more clearly about algorithmic
approaches to the problem in general. We will now develop a better method than
Euler's for numerically solving this same kind of initial value problem, but we'll
use Euler's method as a foundation. For this reason Heun's Method is sometimes
referred to as the Improved Euler Method.

So where should we begin? Let's start by asking what it is about Euler's Method
that makes it so poor at its job. Recall that the basic idea is to use the tangent line
to the actual solution curve as an estimate of the curve itself, with the thought that
provided we don't project too far along the tangent line on a particular step, these
two won't drift too far apart. In reality, this turns out to be asking too much. Even
when extremely small step sizes are used, over a large number of steps the error
starts to accumulate and the two solutions part company! We can even go so far as
to theoretically predict what kind of error the method will introduce.

Where the actual solution curve is concave-up, its tangent line will underestimate
the vertical coordinate of the next point, as seen in the image below.

Ideally, we would like our "prediction line" to hit the solution curve right at its
next predicted point, as shown below.

(Of course, where the actual solution curve is concave-down, the situation is
reversed, and the tangent line will overestimate the vertical coordinate of the next

Last part we got how start with a simple example, consider the problem of
computing how an invested sum of money grows over time. In its simplest form,
this problem can be written as putting x0 money in a bank at year 0, with interest
rate p percent per year. What is then the value after n years? You may recall from
earlier in IN1900 (and from high school mathematics) that the solution to this
problem is given by the simple formula

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