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Lesson 1 Communication Communication: GNED05

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LESSON 1 4. Receiver
COMMUNICATION ➔ The recipient of the message. The receiver
is the person who receives the transmitted
COMMUNICATION message. The receiver may be a part of an
➔ It is a systemic process in which people audience in a public speaking event, a reader
interact with and through symbols to create of a letter or a driver who reads road signs.
and interpret meanings. The receiver is expected to listen or read
➔ Communication is a process. carefully, to be aware of different kinds of
sender to jot down information when needed,
COMMUNICARE to provide response and to ask questions for
➔ The English word 'communication' has been clarifications.
derived from the Latin word, 'Communicare'
which means to impart or participate or to 5. Feedback
transmit. The word 'Communicare' is derived ➔ The reactions or responses of the receiver to
from the root 'Communis' which means to the message from the sender. In any
make common or to share. communication scenario, a feedback is
essential to confirm recipient
PRE-HISTORIC AGE understanding. Feedbacks, like messages, are
➔ Prehistoric people primarily uses oral expressed in varied forms. A simple nod for a
language as a medium of communication. question of verification is considered a
feedback. Thus, feedbacks may be written,
VARIOUS PRIMITIVE DEVICES spoken or acted out.
1. Smoke signaling
2. Pigeon post 6. Context or Environment
3. Hydraulic/Maritime Semaphores ➔ The place, the feeling, the mood, the mindset
and the condition of both sender and
COMPONENT OF COMMUNICATION receiver. The environment may involve a
1. Source physical set-up of a location where
➔ The speaker or sender of the message. The communication takes place, the space
sender carefully crafts the message. The occupied by both the sender and the receiver,
sender may be anyone: an author of a book or including the objects surrounding the sender
a public speaker. and receiver. It consists of such factors as:
a. Physical Milieu
2. Message ➔ It is where the communication takes place,
➔ The message, information, or ideas from the the time of day, the environmental
source or speaker. The message is the reason conditions (like temperature, lighting and
behind any interaction. It is the meaning noise level), distance between or among
shared between the sender and the receiver. communicators and seating arrangements
Messages take many form. They could mean
poems, songs, essays, news articles, road b. Social Milieu
signs or symbols. ➔ It refers to the nature of relationships existing
between or among the communicators (what
3. Channel and how messages are formed, shared and
➔ The means to deliver a message such as understood would depend on whether the
face-to-face conversation, telephone calls, e- interaction takes place among family
mails, and memos, among others. The members, friends, work associates and
channel is the means by which message is strangers).
conveyed.(e.g. When your parents receive a
notification of your absences from school, c. Psychological Milieu
the channel is a letter). ➔ It is the communicators’ mood and feelings
(the same joke that amuses you when in a
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bantering mood makes you explode angrily Paralanguage
when in a hostile mood). ➔ It is a component of meta-communication that
may modify meaning, give nuanced meaning,
d. Cultural Milieu or convey emotion, by using techniques such
➔ The beliefs, values and norms shared by a as prosody, pitch, volume, intonation, etc.
large group of people (interaction is very
much easier with someone of your own race Communication also occurs:
and with one who has adapted to and imbibed 1. Intrapersonal Communication
your culture). ➔ It is communication with oneself and occurs
only inside our heads.
e. Historical Milieu
➔ It pertains to the background provided by 2. Interpersonal Communication
previous communication incidents between or ➔ It is communication between people whose
among the communicators and which affects lives mutually influence one another and
understandings in the current exchange. typically occurs in dyads, which means in
7. Barrier or Noise
➔ The factors which may affect the 3. Public Communication
communication process. It also means ➔ It is sender focused and typically occurs when
distractions that interfere with the accurate one person conveys information to an
transmission and reception of a message. audience.
These obstructions can be any or all of the
1. We communicate to meet needs.
Communication Process 2. We communicate to enhance or maintain or
> SENDER sense of self.
| V 3. We communicate to fulfill social obligations
F| ENCODING 4. We communicate to develop relationships.
E| V 5. We communicate to exchange information.
E| MESSAGE < 6. We communicate to influence others.
D| V |
A| V | 1. Communication is purposive.
C|RECEIVER < 2. Communication is continuous
K| V 3. Communication messages vary in conscious
|-DECODING encoding.
4. Communication is relational.
PRIMARY FORMS OF COMMUNICATION 5. Communication has ethical implications.
1. Verbal Communication 6. Communication is learned.
➔ Verbal communication encompasses all
communication using spoken words, or
unspoken words as in the case with sign

2. Nonverbal Communication
➔ This includes body language, such as
gestures, facial expressions, eye contact, and

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