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Lesson 1: Communication Processes: Message/Code

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Lesson 1:

Communication Processes

▪ comes from the Latin word, “Communis”, and
“Communicare” . “Communis” is a noun word, Message/Code
which means common, communality or sharing. ▪ It is the idea, information, view, fact, feeling,
etc. that is generated by the sender and is then
▪ “Communicare” is a verb, which means to intended to be communicated further.
make something common. means of sending or
receiving information, such as telephone lines Channel/Medium
or computers. describes the process of ▪ It is the pathway or device wherein messages
exchanging of information between people, for pass through. ▪ The five senses are significant to
example by means of speaking, writing, or using pass through. ▪ Other methods can be done
a common system of signs or behavior. through face-to-face communication, letter
writing, through a telephone or cellular phone,
COMMUNICATION PROCESS a public address using print and social media.

- cyclical manner of sending and receiving Feedback

messages and vice versa as a response or ▪ the result of the interaction between the
feedback from the previous message in the sender and the decoder. In here, the decoder
form of ideas, thoughts, feelings, opinions is gives a response to the message conveyed. As
transmitted between two or more persons with the communication process progresses, the
the intent of creating a shared understanding speaker becomes the decoder too. Each party in
which follows a course and has progression. the communication process continuously sends
message to the other.
Feedback serves as an assessment
Source/Encoder on how the receiver interprets each
▪ Holds the fulcrum of the communication message:
▪ The sender or the communicator generates ▪ Negative Feedback
the message and conveys it to the receiver. happens when there is lack of understanding
▪ He is the source and the one who starts the ▪ Positive Feedback
communication (usually) using past takes place when the receiver full understands
experiences, thoughts, perceptions, and the message. Although it may not fully agree
feelings. with the source as the message is interpreted
Receiver/Decoder ▪ Ambiguous Feedback
▪ He is the person who is last in the chain and occurs when the message relayed is not very
for whom the message was sent by the sender. clear thereby giving confusion to the receiver.
Once the receiver receives the message and
understands it in proper perspective and acts Context
according to the message, only then the This refers to the circumstances - situation,
purpose of communication is successful. condition, environment where communication
occurs. The way you express messages will
depend upon whom you are talking to
Communication Noise A. Intrapersonal Communication
refers to influences on effective communication ❑ Communication express through self-talk.
that influence the interpretation of ❑ Involves personal thoughts and emotions.
conversations. Classified as: ❑ Feedback goes back to you
b. INTERNAL NOISE B. Interpersonal Communication
c. SEMANTIC NOISE ❑ Communication between two people
(dyadic) or small group of individuals (small
a. EXTERNAL NOISE group discussion)
originates from the communicators'
❑ Allows the speakers to discuss topics that
environment. ex. physical noise, laughter, the
interest them, or they may share a common
videoke sessions in the neighborhood.
bond with each other.
Includes anything that is self-related attitudes,
C. Public Communication
opinions, beliefs that hamper effective
❑ One person is speaking in front of an
communication. ex. hunger, and pain out of
audience o the magnitude or size may be
illness psychological thoughts like - worry,
limited or numerous.
anxiety, disappointments. Etc.
❑ The speaker delivers the message in a formal
When the sender and receiver do not share the setting, giving a topic that is thematic.
same meanings for their verbal and nonverbal ❑ Feedback from the audience may be
signals. Understanding a particular word or available o Components: speaker, speech, and
gesture differently from that of the person you audience .
are speaking can create this noise.
D. Mass Communication
Frame of Reference ❑ Communication takes place through a
Communicators bring into their interactions technology such as the social network/internet,
their own value system or culture, preference, television, radio, and newspaper.
world views, self-concept, expectations, and ❑ The message is replicated many times,
experiences. resulting to a multiplier effect to the receivers.
Speakers must be a very careful of the kind of
TYPES OF COMMUNICATION information being disseminated. The message
▪ I. Verbal Communication conveyed must be screened prior to public
▪ II. Non-Verbal Communication dissemination.

I. Verbal Communication Adler & Rodman (2006)

includes the use of symbols that have universal ▪ First mass message is aimed at a large
meanings and can be classified as spoken or audience without any personal contact between
written can be done through intrapersonal, sender and receivers.
interpersonal, public, and mass communication. ▪ Second, most of the messages sent via mass
communication channels are developed, or at
KINDS of VERBAL COMMUNICATION least financed, by large organizations.
A. Intrapersonal Communication ▪ Less personal and more than a product.
B. Interpersonal Communication ▪ Always controlled by many gatekeepers who
C. Public Communication determine what message will be delivered to
D. Mass Communication
consumers, how they will be constructed, and Manifested to evoke certain emotions such as
when they will be delivered. happy joyful, sad, frustration, and many other
facial movements.

II. Non-Verbal Communication D. Paralanguage

Non-verbal communication is communication ❑ Detected in loud, or faint sound to provide
without words because written words are authority or emphasis to the volume of the
perceived to be verbal, but there is a lack of words.
sound element. Hence, words in non-verbal ❑ Volume, Pitch, Speaking Rate, and Voice
communication is not included. Therefore, non- Quality
verbal gestures, eye movements, tone of voice, E. Touch
the use of space and touch. Because these ❑ Can be hug, kiss, handshake
Languages, Literature, and Communication Page ❑ In the new normal, elbow toss can be
11 non-verbal cues are not shared universally, applied.
they may give a different meaning to another F. Space and Distance
culture and thus, considered as ambiguous. ❑ Indicates the importance of a person.
❑ Distance signifies the intimacy and personal
Adler & Rodman, 2006 acceptance in some cultures.
• “Nonverbal communication performs a third
G. Clothes and Personal Appearance
valuable social function: conveying emotions
❑ Provide a quick personal surveillance of the
that we may be unwilling or unable to express ─
person’s age, interest, personality, sex, attitude,
or ones we may not even aware of. In fact,
social standing, or religious affiliation.
nonverbal communication is much better suited
H. Symbols
to expressing attitudes and feelings than ideas”.
• can be in silence, Body Language (gesture), ❑ General graphic presentation so that people
Facial Expression, Paralanguage or use of voice, will be guided accordingly such as traffic signs,
Touch (hug, kiss, handshake), Space and mathematical problems, medical, and other
Distance, Clothes and Personal Appearance, and fields of specialty (Rasel, 2013) .
Symbols ❑ Something that represent something else.

A. Silence III. Forms of Communication

▪ Conveys meanings to the spectators that can A. Formal Communication
be seen in a person who is quiet yet busy, a Involve the use of public speaking or mass
person who is contemplating, grieving, not to communication, a combination of both verbal
be disturbed or being in a difficult situation. In a and nonverbal messages. Language is more
conversation between two individuals, a silent precise as the speaker is careful with grammar.
reply may signify the receiver does not A dress code, proper posture, and eye contact
understand or may refuse to answer. are being taken into consideration.
B. Body Language B. Informal Communication
▪ Unconscious movement – tell the state of Involves interpersonal and small group
emotion the person is undergoing such as discussion where people can be at ease and be
walking around for being bored, biting the more comfortable. During the interaction, less
fingernails for being nervous, or other activities attention is given to nonverbal cues like
done unconsciously. clothing, posture, and eye contact.
▪ Conscious movement - entails individuals to
render the designated actions to be rendered IV. Functions of Communication
for specific purposes. 1. Informing and Conveying the Message
C. Facial Expression
2. Persuading ideas, opinions, and suggestions 2. COMMUNICATION NECESSITATES
3. Integrating divisions and departments by NEGOTIATION OF MEANINGS OF
building a communication network SYMBOLS
4. Creating and establishing relationships - two-way negotiation specifies that
5. Helping in decision making communication use or negotiate the meanings
6. Reducing misunderstanding and resolving of verbal and non-verbal.
troubles - each participant in the communication has
different frame of reference(background,
CHARACTERISTICS OF assumptions, and cultures).
- reflected in the definitions and stressed of
1. COMMUNICATION IS A PROCESS transactional model occurs in a context


-There is a transmission of thoughts, ideas, and - draws interaction among emotional history,
emotions. Communication follows a course and social relationship, and cultural capital of the
has progression. participants


1. Linear Model the physical characteristics of a particular
2. Interactive Model communication situation in terms of its time,
3.Transactional Model place, setting, and occasion relating to or
involving organization and planning.
- Communication as one-way or linear C. INTERACTIONAL CONTEXT
transmission of messages. - various composition or classifications of
-project an active sender and passive receiver interaction dictate the style of communication
- interaction model of communication
2. INTERACTIVE MODEL describes communication as a process in which
-a two-way process communication because it participants alternate positions as sender and
recognizes the presence of feedback receiver and generate meaning by sending
-has added concept "FIELD OF EXPERIENCE" messages and receiving feedback
-acknowledges the people integrated into the
communication process 4. THE GOAL OF COMMUNICATION
3. TRANSACTIONAL MODEL - entails the participants in the communication
Emphasizes a conscious interaction between process have achieved common, mutual, or
the sender and the receiver to create meaning shared understanding of the subject matter/s
and arrive at a common understanding of the comprised of the thoughts and emotions
information. involved in the process.

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