Lesson 1: Communication Processes: Message/Code
Lesson 1: Communication Processes: Message/Code
Lesson 1: Communication Processes: Message/Code
Communication Processes
▪ comes from the Latin word, “Communis”, and
“Communicare” . “Communis” is a noun word, Message/Code
which means common, communality or sharing. ▪ It is the idea, information, view, fact, feeling,
etc. that is generated by the sender and is then
▪ “Communicare” is a verb, which means to intended to be communicated further.
make something common. means of sending or
receiving information, such as telephone lines Channel/Medium
or computers. describes the process of ▪ It is the pathway or device wherein messages
exchanging of information between people, for pass through. ▪ The five senses are significant to
example by means of speaking, writing, or using pass through. ▪ Other methods can be done
a common system of signs or behavior. through face-to-face communication, letter
writing, through a telephone or cellular phone,
COMMUNICATION PROCESS a public address using print and social media.