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Oral Com Quiz Bee

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COMMUNICATION - the process of ❖ RECEIVER is the recipient of the

sharing and conveying messages or message or someone who

information from one person to another decodes the message.
within and across channels, contexts, and ❖ FEEDBACK is the reactions,
cultures. responses, or information provided
by the receiver.
Types of Communication: ❖ CONTEXT is the environment
Verbal, Nonverbal, Visual, Written where communication takes place.
❖ BARRIER is the factor that affects
Nature of Communication: the flow of communication.
❖ Communication is a process.
❖ Communication occurs between Process of Communication:
one or more people (the speaker ➔ The speaker generates an idea.
and the receiver). ➔ The speaker encodes an idea or
❖ Communication can be expressed converts the idea into words or
through written or spoken words, actions.
actions, or both at the same time. ➔ The speaker transmits or sends
❖ Communication is complex out a message.
because there are a lot of factors, ➔ The receiver gets the message.
such as power, language, and ➔ The receiver decodes or interprets
relationship differences, that can the message based on the context.
impact the conversation. ➔ The receiver sends or provides
❖ Communication is continuous. It feedback.
never stops because it is an
endless cycle. Models of Communication
❖ Communication is dynamic as it is 1. Shannon-Weaver Model - known as the
constantly changing. The models mother of all communication models, the
have changed over time because Shannon-Weaver model (1949) depicts
people have also changed how communication as a linear or one-way
they communicate. It grows and process consisting of five elements: a
evolves. source (producer of message); a
transmitter (encoder of message into
Elements of Communication: signals); a channel (signals adapted for
❖ SPEAKER is the source of transmission); a receiver (decoder of
information or message. message from the signal); and a
❖ MESSAGE is the speaker's destination. This model, however, has
information, ideas, or thoughts. been criticized for missing one essential
❖ ENCODING is the process of element in the communication process:
converting the message into words feedback. Without feedback, the speaker
or actions that the speaker will not know whether the receiver
understands. understands the message or not.
❖ CHANNEL is the medium or the
means, such as personal or non- 2. Transaction Model - Unlike the
personal, verbal or nonverbal, in Shannon-Weaver Model, which is a one-
which the message is conveyed. way process, the Transaction Model is a
❖ DECODING is the process of twoway process with the inclusion of
interpreting the encoded message feedback as one element. This model is
of the speaker by the receiver. more interactive. There is a collaborative
exchange of messages between participants taking turns sending
communicators with the aim of and receiving a message).
understanding each other. It also shows ● Later, Wilbur Schramm, who
that a barrier, such as noise, may interfere talked about the model in his book,
with the flow of communication. The process, and effects of
communication, adopted the notion
Communication Models: and field of experience
➔ SHANNON-WEAVER MODEL- (common/mutual understanding),
Also called the mother of all or commonality, to the mix.
communication models, developed ● Field of experience- incorporates
in 1949 by Claude Shannon and what is mutually understood
Warren Weaver. They were between the sender and receiver
primarily interested in “machine
translation”, and how early Functions of Communication:
computers, radios, and TVs ➔ REGULATION OR CONTROL- to
transmit information. control behavior
● For the telephone, the channel is a ➔ SOCIAL INTERACTION- allows
wore, the signal is an electrical individuals to interact with others
current in it, and the transmitter ➔ MOTIVATION- motivates or
and receiver are the telephone encourages people
handsets. The noise includes ➔ EMOTIONAL EXPRESSION-
crackling from the wire. facilitates people’s expressions of
● Linear or one-way type of their feelings and emotions
communication. (The message ➔ INFORMATION DISSEMINATION-
stops or ends with the receiver, to convey information
★ Effective Communication is about
➔ BARLUND’S TRANSACTIONAL understanding the emotion and
MODEL - In 1970, Dean C. intentions behind the information
Barlund created this model of
communication to understand the Benefits of Effective Communication:
basic interpersonal ➔ BUILDS TRUST
communication that cannot be ➔ PREVENTS/RESOLVES
catered by their linear models. PROBLEMS
● giving and receiving messages ➔ DEVELOPS GOOD
are reciprocal (feedback).Context RELATIONSHIP
and noise are two critical barriers ➔ IMPROVES PRODUCTIVITY
to effective communication. ➔ PROMOTES TEAM BUILDING

➔ OSGOOD&SCHRAMM MODEL 7CS of Communication:

● Built on the theory that ➔ COMPLETENESS- communication
communication is a two-way should include everything that the
street, with a sender and a receiver needs to hear for him/her
receiver. Charles Egerton to respond, react, or evaluate
Osgood popularized the notion properly
that communication was circular ➔ CONCISENESS- making the
rather than linear (requires two message straight to the point
➔ CONSIDERATION- the speaker For effective and successful verbal
should consider relevant communication, use words to express
information about his/her receiver ideas which can be easily understood by
➔ CONCRETENESS- the message the person you are talking to. Consider
is concrete and supported by facts, appropriateness, brevity, clarity, ethics,
figures, and real-life examples and and vividness when engaging in this type
situations of communication.
➔ COURTESY- respecting the
culture and values of his/her 1. Appropriateness
receiver The language that you use should be
➔ CLEARNESS- implies the use of appropriate to the environment or
simple and specific words to occasion (i.e., whether formal or informal).
express ideas 2. Brevity
➔ CORRECTNESS- eliminates the Speakers who often use simple yet
negative impact on the audience precise and powerful words are found to
and increases the credibility of the be more credible. Try to achieve brevity by
message being more direct with your words. Avoid
fillers and insubstantial expressions which
Communication barrier do not add to the message, such as “uh,”
- Anything that comes in the way of “you know,” “I guess,” and others.
receiving and understanding 3. Clarity
messages that one sends to The meanings of words, feelings, or ideas
another may be interpreted differently by a
- Block or interfere listener; hence, it is essential for you to
❖ Psychological barrier- anger clearly state your message and express
❖ Physical barrier- your ideas and feelings.
natural/humanmade 4. Ethics
❖ Physiological barrier- disability Words should be carefully chosen in
❖ Attitudinal barrier- behaviors consideration of the gender, roles,
❖ Cultural barrier- lack of ethnicity, preferences, and status of the
understanding about others’ person or people you are talking to.
culture 5. Vividness
Words that vividly or creatively describe
things or feelings usually add color and
spice to communication. Hence, you are
encouraged to find ways to charm your
audience through the use of vivid words.

Nonverbal communication refers to an

interaction where behavior is used to
Verbal Communication and Nonverbal convey and represent meanings. All kinds
Communication of human responses that are not
expressed in words are classified as
Verbal Communication refers to an nonverbal communication. Examples of
interaction in which words are used to nonverbal communication are stares,
relay a message. smiles, tone of voice, movements,
manners of walking, standing and sitting,
appearance, style of attire, attitude
towards time and space, personality, attitudes, and relationships (Gudykunst &
gestures, and others. Kim, 2003). Moreover, this facet of
communication can also be seen as a
Mastery of nonverbal communication is bargained understanding of human
important for several reasons: experiences across diverse societies.
1. It enhances and emphasizes the Simply put, intercultural communication is
message of your speech, thus making it the sending and receiving of messages
more meaningful, truthful, and relevant. across languages and cultures.
2. It can communicate feelings, attitudes,
and perceptions without you saying a Sometimes, intercultural communication
word. can flow smoothly and become very
3. It can sustain the attention of listeners interesting for a cross-cultural group.
and keep them engaged in the speech. However, things may not go as planned
4. It gives the audience a preview to the when communication is disrupted by
type of speaker you are. cultural collisions.
5. It makes you appear more dynamic and
animated in your delivery. When you speak, your speech is
6. It serves as a channel to release continuously accompanied by gestures,
tension and nervousness. facial expressions, and other body
7. It helps make your speech more movements that add to what you are
dramatic. saying in different ways. For example,
8. It can build a connection with listeners. nodding means “yes” in the Indian
9. It makes you a credible speaker. subcontinent, Iran, most of Europe, Latin
10. It helps you vary your speaking style America, and North America. However, in
and avoid a monotonous delivery. Greece, Lebanon, Syria, Palestine,
Turkey, Macedonia, Bulgaria, and Albania,
Definition and Nature of Intercultural nodding indicates disagreement.
Communication Moreover, in the case of Japanese
culture, silence as a form of
Intercultural communication happens communication is more integrated in their
when individuals interact, negotiate, and customs than in Western languages. It is
create meanings while bringing in their therefore important for you to
varied cultural backgrounds (Ting- acknowledge and understand the many
Toomey, 1999). communication patterns present in other
For some scholars, intercultural
communication pertains to communication The Developmental Model of
among people from different nationalities Intercultural Sensitivity
(Gudykunst, 2003). Still, others look at
intercultural communication as The Developmental Model of Intercultural
communication that is influenced by Sensitivity (DMIS) offers a structure that
different ethnicities, religions, and sexual explores how people experience cultural
orientations. differences. According to Bennett and
Bennett (2004), it has six stages. These
Both interpretations show that intercultural are the following:
communication takes place when people
draw from their cultural identity to Stage 1: Denial. The individual does not
understand values, prejudices, language, recognize cultural differences.
An individual in the denial stage might be themselves and their actions based on
heard saying: multifarious cultural viewpoints.
“All cities are the same; they all have tall An individual in the integration stage might
buildings, fast food chains, and coffee be heard saying:
shops.” “I can look at things from the perspective
of various cultures.”
Stage 2: Defense. The individual starts to
recognize cultural differences and is Once you understand these stages, you
intimidated by them, resulting in either a may apply it to 1) recognize
superior view on own culture or an communication behaviors which differ
unjustified high regard for the new one. from your own, 2) take into account what
An individual in the defense stage might can influence these types of behaviors,
be heard saying: and 3) try to analyze how linguistic and
“This culture does not view life the way we cultural communities differ in terms of
do; our culture is certainly better.” communication behavior and influencing
“Their ways are better than my own; I wish factors (Allwood, 1985).
I were one of them.”
Characteristics of Competent
Stage 3: Minimization. Although Intercultural Communicators
individuals see cultural differences, they
bank more on the universality of ideas World Bank (2010) identifies the following
rather than on cultural differences. traits that define a competent intercultural
An individual in the minimization stage communicator.
might be heard saying: 1. flexibility and the ability to tolerate high
“Once we see through the cultural levels of uncertainty
differences, we really are just the same!” 2. reflectiveness or mindfulness
3. open-mindedness
Stage 4: Acceptance. The individual 4. sensitivity
begins to appreciate important cultural 5. adaptability
differences in behaviors and eventually in 6. ability to engage in divergent thinking
values. (or thinking creatively) and systems-level
An individual in the acceptance stage thinking (or thinking how each one in a
might be heard saying: system or organization influences each
“These people and I have different values other)
and experiences, and I think we can learn 7. politeness
from one another.”
Note that in addition to culture, other
Stage 5: Adaptation. The individual is very elements such as gender, age, social
open to world views when accepting new status, and religion must also be taken
perspectives. into consideration when communicating
An individual in the adaptation stage might with others. Refrain from showing
be heard saying: bias when talking to someone by following
“To address our issue, I have to adjust my the tips below.
approach to consider both my own and my 1. Avoid stereotypes, i.e., generalizations
counterpart’s background.” about a certain group.
2. Challenge gender norms; avoid using
Stage 6: Integration. Individuals start to go “he” and “man” to refer to a general group
beyond their own cultures and see of people. To remedy this, you may use
plural pronouns or rewrite a sentence to The personal part means that your unique
avoid using pronouns. qualities as a person matter during
The use of his/her is also acceptable. interpersonal ommunication…” (p. 5)
3. Do not talk down on younger people
and the elderly. Types of Interpersonal Context
4. Be sensitive to the religious practices of Dyad Communication – communication
others. that occurs between two people
5. Be polite at all times; do not belittle Example:
people you perceive to be on a lower ● You offered feedback on the
social class than you. speech performance of your
Types of Speech Context ● You provided comfort to a friend
who was feeling down.
1. Intrapersonal – This refers to
communication that centers on one 3. Small Group – This refers to
person where the speaker acts both as communication that involves at least
the sender and the receiver of message. three but not more than twelve people
“The message is made up of your engaging in a face-to-face interaction to
thoughts and feelings. The channel is your achieve a desired goal. In this type of
brain, which processes what you are communication, all participants can freely
thinking and feeling. There is feedback in share ideas in a loose and open
the sense that as you talk to yourself, you discussion.
discard certain ideas and replace them Example:
with others.” (Hybels & Weaver, 2012, p ● You are participating in an
16) organizational meeting which aims
Examples: to address the concerns of your
● You spent the night thinking and fellow students.
analyzing why a student from the ● You are having a discussion with
other class talked to you on the your group mates on how to finish
way home and you decided it the assigned tasks.
probably meant nothing.
● You felt happy while thinking about 4. Public – This type refers to
how your teacher appreciated you communication that requires you to deliver
for submitting your project before or send the message before or in front of
the due date and you reflected on a group. The message can be driven by
why this was so. informational or persuasive purposes. “In
public communication, unlike in
2. Interpersonal – This refers to interpersonal and small group, the
communication between and among channels are more exaggerated. The
people and establishes personal voice is louder and the gestures are more
relationship between and among them. expansive because the audience is
Solomon and Theiss (2013) state that “the bigger. The speaker might use additional
inter part of the word highlights how visual channels such as slides or a Power
interpersonal communication connects Point presentation.” (Hybels & Weaver,
people… when you engage in 2012, p 19)
interpersonal communication, you and Example:
another person become linked together… ● You deliver a graduation speech to
your batch.
● You participate in a declamation, Speech Acts
oratorical, or debate contest A speech act is an utterance that a
watched by a number of people. speaker makes to achieve an intended
effect. Some of the functions which are
5. Mass Communication – This refers to carried out using speech acts are offering
communication that takes place through an apology, greeting, request, complaint,
television, radio, newspapers, magazines, invitation, compliment, or refusal. A
books, billboards, internet, and other types speech act might contain just one word or
of media. several words or sentences. For example,
Example: “Thanks” and “Thank you for always being
● You are a student journalist there for me. I really appreciate it” both
articulating your stand on current show appreciation regardless of the length
issues through the school’s of the statement.
Three Types of Speech Act
Types of Speech Style According to J. L. Austin (1962), a
philosopher of language and the
1. Intimate – This style is private, which developer of the Speech Act Theory, there
occurs between or among close family are three types of acts in every utterance,
members or individuals. The language given the right circumstances or context.
used in this style may not be shared in These are:
public. 1. Locutionary act is the actual act of
2. Casual – This style is common among uttering.
peers and friends. Jargon, slang, or the “Please do the dishes.”
vernacular language are used. 2. Illocutionary act is the social function of
3. Consultative – This style is the standard what is said.
one. Professional or mutually acceptable By uttering the locution “Please do the
language is a must in this style. Examples dishes,” the speaker requests the
of situations are communication between addressee to wash the dishes.
teachers and students, employers and 3. Perlocutionary act is the resulting act of
employees, doctor and patient, judge and what is said. This effect is based on the
lawyer, or President and his/her particular context in which the speech act
constituents. was mentioned.
4. Formal – This style is used in formal “Please do the dishes” would lead to the
settings. Unlike the consultative style, this addressee washing the dishes.
is one-way.
Examples are sermons by priests and There are also indirect speech acts which
ministers, State of the Nation Address of occur when there is no direct connection
the President, formal speeches, or between the form of the utterance and the
pronouncements by judges. intended meaning. They are different in
5. Frozen – This style is “frozen” in time force (i.e., intention) from the inferred
and remains unchanged. It mostly occurs speech act. For example, read the
in ceremonies. following utterance.
Common examples are the Preamble to “Can you pass the rice?”
the Constitution, Lord’s Prayer, and Inferred speech act: Do you have the
Allegiance to country or flag. ability to hand over the rice?
Indirect speech act: Please pass the rice.
So while the utterance literally asks the 2. Directive – a type of illocutionary act in
addressee if he or she has the ability to which the speaker tries to make the
hand a plate of rice, it actually indirectly addressee perform an action. Some
requests the addressee to pass the rice to examples of a directive act are asking,
the speaker. ordering, requesting, inviting, advising,
and begging.
Performatives Example:
Austin also introduced the concept of Please close the door.
performative utterances: statements which
enable the speaker to perform something 3. Commissive – a type of illocutionary act
just by stating it. In this manner, verbs that which commits the speaker to doing
execute the speech act that they intend to something in the future. Examples of a
effect are called performatives. A commissive act are promising, planning,
performative utterance said by the right vowing, and betting.
person under the right circumstances Example:
results in a change in the world. Note that From now on, I will participate in our group
certain conditions have to be met when activity.
making a performative utterance.
For example, the phrase “I now pronounce 4. Expressive – a type of illocutionary act
you husband and wife,” when uttered by in which the speaker expresses his/her
an authorized person such as a judge will feelings or emotional reactions. Some
have the actual effect of binding a couple examples of an expressive act are
in marriage. However, if the same thanking, apologizing, welcoming, and
statement is uttered to the same couple in deploring.
the same place by someone who is not Example:
authorized to marry them—as in the case I am so sorry for not helping out in our
of the accompanying picture, a robot — group projects and letting you do all the
then there is no effect whatsoever work.
because a condition was not met.
5. Declaration – a type of illocutionary act
which brings a change in the external
Searle’s Classifications of Speech Act situation.
As a response to Austin’s Speech Act Simply put, declarations bring into
Theory, John Searle (1976), a professor existence or cause the state of affairs
from the University of California, Berkeley, which they refer to. Some examples of
classified illocutionary acts into five declarations are blessing, firing, baptizing,
distinct categories. bidding, passing a sentence,
and excommunicating.
1. Assertive – a type of illocutionary act in Example:
which the speaker expresses belief about You are fired!
the truth of a proposition. Some examples By saying that someone is fired, an
of an assertive act are suggesting, putting employer causes or brings about the
forward, swearing, boasting, and person’s unemployment, thus changing
concluding. his external situation.
No one makes better pancakes than I do. Always keep in mind that speech acts
include concrete life interactions that
require the appropriate use of language
within a given culture. Communicative For example, in your class, you might be
competence (i.e., the ability to use asked by your teacher to brainstorm on
linguistic knowledge to effectively peer pressure or deliver a speech on
communicate with others) is essential for digital natives. In these cases, you cannot
a speaker to be able to use and decide to talk about something else. On
understand speech acts. Idioms and other the other hand, conversing with your
nuances in a certain language might be friends during ordinary days can be far
lost or misunderstood by someone who more casual than these examples. Just
does not fully grasp the language yet. the same, remember to always be on
point and avoid sideswiping from the topic
Types of Communicative Strategy during the conversation to avoid
Since engaging in conversation is also communication breakdown.
bound by implicit rules, Cohen (1990)
states that strategies must be used to start 3. Turn-taking
and maintain a conversation. Knowing and Sometimes people are given unequal
applying grammar appropriately is one of opportunities to talk because others take
the most basic strategies to maintain a much time during the conversation. Turn-
conversation. The following are some taking pertains to the process by which
strategies that people use when people decide who takes the
communicating. conversational floor. There is a code of
behavior behind establishing and
1. Nomination sustaining a productive conversation, but
A speaker carries out nomination to the primary idea is to give all
collaboratively and productively establish communicators a chance to speak.
a topic. Basically, when you employ this Remember to keep your words relevant
strategy, you try to open a topic with the and reasonably short enough to express
people you are talking to. your views or feelings. Try to be polite
When beginning a topic in a conversation, even if you are trying to take the floor from
especially if it does not arise from a another speaker. Do not hog the
previous topic, you may start off with news conversation and talk incessantly without
inquiries and news announcements as letting the other party air out their
they promise extended talk. Most own ideas. To acknowledge others, you
importantly, keep the conversational may employ visual signals like a nod, a
environment open for opinions until the look, or a step back, and you could
prior topic shuts down easily and initiates accompany these signals with spoken
a smooth end. This could efficiently signal cues such as “What do you think?”
the beginning of a new topic in the or “You wanted to say something?”
4. Topic Control
2. Restriction Topic control covers how procedural
Restriction in communication refers to any formality or informality affects the
limitation you may have as a speaker. development of topic in conversations. For
When communicating in the classroom, in example, in meetings, you may only have
a meeting, or while hanging out with your a turn to speak after the chairperson
friends, you are typically given specific directs you to do so. Contrast this with a
instructions that you must follow. These casual conversation with friends over
instructions confine you as a speaker and lunch or coffee where you may take the
limit what you can say. conversational floor anytime.
Remember that regardless of the formality Termination refers to the conversation
of the context, topic control is achieved participants’ close-initiating expressions
cooperatively. This only means that when that end a topic in a conversation. Most of
a topic is initiated, it should be collectively the time, the topic initiator takes
developed by avoiding unnecessary responsibility to signal the end of the
interruptions and topic shifts. You can discussion as well.
make yourself actively involved in the Although not all topics may have clear
conversation without overly dominating it ends, try to signal the end of the topic
by using minimal responses like “Yes,” through concluding cues. You can do this
“Okay,” “Go on”; asking tag questions to by sharing what you learned from the
clarify information briefly like “You are conversation. Aside from this, soliciting
excited, aren’t you?”, “It was unexpected, agreement from the other participants
wasn’t it?”; and even by laughing! usually completes the discussion of the
topic meaningfully.
5. Topic Shifting
Topic shifting, as the name suggests, The Speech Writing Process
involves moving from one topic to another. Just like events planning, or any other
In other words, it is where one part of a activities, writing an effective speech
conversation ends and where another follows certain steps or processes. The
begins. process for writing is not chronological or
When shifting from one topic to another, linear; rather, it is recursive. That
you have to be very intuitive. Make sure means you have the opportunity to repeat
that the previous topic was nurtured a writing procedure indefinitely, or produce
enough to generate adequate views. You multiple drafts first before you can settle
may also use effective conversational on the right one.
transitions to indicate a shift like “By the ● Conducting an audience analysis
way,” “In addition to what you said,” ● Determining the purpose of the
“Which reminds me of,” and the like. speech
● Selecting a topic
6. Repair ● Narrowing down a topic
Repair refers to how speakers address the ● Gathering data
problems in speaking, listening, and ● Selecting a speech pattern
comprehending that they may encounter ● Preparing an outline
in a conversation. For example, if ● Creating the body of the speech
everybody in the conversation seems to ● Preparing the introduction
talk at the same time, give way and ● Preparing the conclusion
appreciate other’s initiative to set the ● Editing and/or Revising
conversation back to its topic. ● Rehearsing
Repair is the self-righting mechanism in
any social interaction (Schegloff et al, Types of Speech According to Purpose
1977). If there is a problem in
understanding the conversation, speakers 1. An informative speech provides the
will always try to address and correct it. audience with a clear understanding of a
Although this is the case, always seek to concept or idea. The lectures of your
initiate the repair. teachers are the best examples of this
7. Termination 2. An entertainment speech amuses the
audience. The humorous speeches of
comedians and performers are the best ● First day at work or in class, or
examples of this type. during an interview
3. A persuasive speech seeks to provide Advantages
the audience with favorable or acceptable ● Spontaneous or natural speaking
ideas that can influence their own ideas ● More focused and brief
and decisions. The campaign speeches of Disadvantages
the running candidates for government ● Tendency to be disorganized
posts are the best examples of this type. ● Lacks connection with the
Types of Speech According to Delivery ● Nerve-racking for inexperienced
speakers and beginners
1. Extemporaneous Tips
Description ● Once you are requested to say
● Speaking with limited preparation something, pause for a moment to
● Guided by notes or outline plan in your head what to say.
● Delivered conversationally ● State your main point briefly and
● Most popular type deliver it at a pace your audience
Speaking Situations can follow.
● When you are a candidate for a ● End by saying thank you.
post in a student government and
you deliver your campaign speech 3. Manuscript
before a voting public Description
● When you are assigned to report a ● Speaking with advanced
topic in class preparation
Advantages ● Planned and rehearsed speech
● Helps you look confident ● Reading aloud a written message
● Engages the audience Speaking Situations
Disadvantages ● Newscasting with a TelePrompter
● May not have adequate time to or an autocue device
plan, organize, and rehearse ● Presenting the legal proceedings
Tips and verdict in court
● Create an outline ● Reading the rules and criteria in a
● Organize your points logically contest
(most important to least important Advantages
or vice versa) ● Exact repetition of the written
● Use facts and real-life experiences words
as your examples ● Guided speech
● Manage your time well Disadvantages
● Rehearse, rehearse, rehearse ● Boring and uninteresting
2. Impromptu presentation
Description ● Lacks audience rapport or
● Speaking without advanced connection
preparation Tips
● Unrehearsed speech ● Rehearse the speech over and
● Spoken conversationally over again until you sound natural.
Speaking Situations ● Observe accomplished news
● In an event where you are asked anchors and note how
to say a few words
conversational they sound when 2. Look your audience members in the
they deliver the news. eye so they will feel that they are part of
your speech. Eye contact should be
4. Memorized maintained to keep the attention of your
Description audience and enhance your delivery.
● Speaking with advanced 3. Remember to adjust your volume to the
preparation size of the audience and the venue. When
● Planned and rehearsed speech addressing a large audience, modulate
● Reciting a written message word- your voice in such a way that you speak
for-word from memory loudly without sounding like shouting or
Speaking Situations yelling.
● When you perform in a stage play 4. Vary your rate or speed to keep your
● When you deliver a declamation, audience interested and to avoid a
oratorical, or literary piece monotone pattern. The audience might get
● When an actor or actress in a bored if you speak very slowly and they
scene performs a script from might get confused if you speak very fast.
memory Hence, your rate should be at an
Advantages appropriate speed.
● Exact repetition of the written 5. Master your voice and find your pitch
words from memory level (high or low). If you have a high pitch
● Free to move around the stage level, modulate or slightly move it down. If
Disadvantages you have a low pitch level, modulate or
● Speakers might end up speaking slightly move it up. Your performance will
in a monotone pattern. definitely be affected if you do not
Alternatively, he/she might take a modulate.
fast pace. 6. Use pauses when you emphasize the
● When the speaker cannot control most important words, phrases, or
his/her stage fright, he/she might sentences. Your pauses should not last
have difficulty remembering his/her for three seconds. Otherwise, it will result
memorized speech. in dead air or a moment of awkward
Tips silence.
● Rehearse the speech over and 7. Pronounce and enunciate words
over again until you sound natural correctly. You will confuse the audience if
and feel confident. you mispronounce words, and it could
● Observe how actors/actresses distract them and affect your credibility.
perform their script in a theater, 8. Avoid fillers or expressions that
television, or movie scenes. substitute actual words in your speech
because these words are distracting.
More Tips for Effective Speech Delivery Examples of fillers are “like,” “um,” “ah,”
“uh,” and “er.” To reduce the use of these
1. Use a conversational style more often. fillers, detect the instances when you use
This is the style that is more natural; it is them: Do you generally use fillers after
the style that you always use when you each sentence, between different ideas, or
express yourself with your family and whenever you make transitions? Then,
friends. Audience members do not like the instead of using them the next time you
speaker to sound unnatural or deliver a speech, simply stop and pause.
9. Start your speech by standing straight - Focuses on mutual exchange of
and balancing your weight. This will give a ideas and norms
positive first impression. - Collective change, No one is left
10. Use precise movements. Avoid unchanged
distracting mannerisms like swaying back ➢ Multiculturalist
and forth, leaning on the podium, licking or - Persons respectful of and engaged
biting your lips, playing with your with people from distinctly different
wristwatch or jewelry, scratching parts of cultures
your body, frowning, and others. Observe
your mannerisms and learn how to avoid ❖ CULTURAL IGNORANCE- lack of
them when speaking in public. understanding and respect for
11. Avoid having a poker face or a highly other cultures
animated face. These facial expressions ❖ CULTURAL DIVERSITY-
appear distracting and may even be appreciating that society is made
annoying. Instead, follow the most highly up of many different groups
suggested tip: smile. However, make sure ❖ CULTURE- system of knowledge,
that the meaning of your speech reflects in beliefs, values, customs, and
your facial expressions; do not smile if you behaviors that are acquired,
are talking about something sad. shared, and used by members
12. Dress properly and appropriately. during daily living
Wearing the proper attire will make you ❖ CO-CULTURE- cultures within a
look more confident and professional. culture; composed of members of
Make sure not to overdress, as this may the same general culture who
distract your audience. differ in some ethnic or sociological
13. Observe ethics by coming prepared, way from the parent culture
being honest with your words, being ❖ ACCOMMODATION- maintaining
polite, avoiding offensive words and back- cultural identity while striving to
biting or talking negative things about establish relationships with
other people, or copying someone’s work members of the dominant culture
without proper documentation. ❖ ASSIMILATION- trying to fit in
14. Breathe in and out to relax before your ❖ SEPARATION- resist interaction
speech. Most importantly, have fun. ❖ ETHNOCENTRISM- belief that
one’s own culture is superior
➢ Multicultural ❖ RELATIVISM- acceptance of all
- Society that contains several other cultures are equal
cultural or ethnic groups. People
live alongside one another but do Culturally Sensitive and Bias-Free
not always have engaging Language:
interactions. ➔ RACISM- discrimination against
➢ Cross-cultural races (race and ethnicity)
- Comparison of different cultures ➔ SEXISM- discrimination based on
- Differences are acknowledged and sex or gender
can bring about individual change ➔ AGEISM- discrimination based on
but not collective transformations age
➢ Intercultural ➔ DISABILITY/ABLEISM- lack of
- Deep understanding and respect understanding and awareness of
for all cultures the person’s situation/
discrimination against people with
➔ CLASSISM- discrimination based
on one’s social class

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