Republic of The Philippines Luanluan Street, Poblacion I, Carcar City, Cebu Tel # 487-0063/487-9077 Carcarcitycollege -
Republic of The Philippines Luanluan Street, Poblacion I, Carcar City, Cebu Tel # 487-0063/487-9077 Carcarcitycollege -
Republic of The Philippines Luanluan Street, Poblacion I, Carcar City, Cebu Tel # 487-0063/487-9077 Carcarcitycollege -
Topics : ✓ Prepositions
Objectives : At the end of this session, the students are expected to:
✓ identify the type and function of the preposition used in a sentence;
✓ use prepositions in describing a place, time, and directions; and
✓ realize the importance of using appropriate prepositions in sentences.
What is a preposition?
A preposition is a word used to link nouns, pronouns, or phrases to other words within a
sentence. They act to connect the people, objects, time and locations of a sentence.
Prepositions are usually short words, and they are normally placed directly in front of nouns. In
some cases, you’ll find prepositions in front of gerund verbs. A nice way to think about
prepositions is as the words that help glue a sentence together. They do this by expressing
position and movement, possession, time and how an action is completed.
Indeed, several of the most frequently used words in all of English, such as of, to, for, with, on
and at, are prepositions. Explaining prepositions can seem complicated, but they are a common
part of language and most of us use them naturally without even thinking about it.
In fact, it’s interesting to note that prepositions are regarded as a ‘closed class’ of words in the
English language. This means, unlike verbs and nouns, no new words are added to this group
over time. In a way, it reflects their role as the functional workhorse of the sentence. They are
unassuming and subtle, yet vitally important to the meaning of language.
There are two very important rules to remember when using prepositions. Because they are
somewhat vague, learning about prepositions and using them correctly in sentences takes
practice. Because 1:1 translation is often impossible when dealing with prepositions, even the
most advanced English students have some difficulty at first.
1. The first rule is that to make sentences clear, specific prepositions are
needed. For example, the preposition in means one thing and the
preposition on cannot substitute for it in all cases. Some prepositions are
interchangeable but not always. The correct preposition means one
particular thing and using a different proposition will give the sentence a
very different meaning. I want to see you in the house now, Bill! means
something very different from I want to see you on the house now, Bill! In
the house means Bill should go through the door, walk inside, and stand in
the hall or living room. On the house means Bill would need to get a ladder
and climb to the roof where he would be on top of the house.
2. The second rule for using prepositions is that prepositions are generally
followed by nouns or pronouns. There was a time in the past when teachers
held strictly to this rule, but it made for some clunky sentences. I am seeking
someone I can depend on ends with the preposition on, so people who
insisted that sentences shouldn’t end with a preposition would be forced to
use convoluted and unnatural phrasing. To avoid ending that sentence
above with a preposition, you’d have to say, someone I can depend on is
whom I am seeking.
Examples of Prepositions
In the following sentences, examples of prepositions have been italicized. As you read, consider
how using different prepositions or even different types of prepositions in place of the examples
might change the relationship between the rest of the words in the sentence.
Types of Prepositions
There are three types of prepositions, including time prepositions, place prepositions, and
direction prepositions. Time prepositions are those such as before, after, during, and until;
place prepositions are those indicating position, such as around, between, and against; and
direction prepositions are those indicative of direction, such as across, up, and down. Each
type of preposition is important.
Type of Prepositions
Prepositions of Time
Basic examples of time prepositions include: at, on, in, before and after. They are
used to help indicate when something happened, happens or will happen. It can get
a little confusing though, as many different prepositions can be used.
Prepositions of time examples in the following sentences are in bold for easy identification.
For example:
- I was born on July 4th, 1982.
- I was born in 1982.
- I was born at exactly 2am.
- I was born two minutes before my twin brother.
- I was born after the Great War ended.
The above makes it seem quite difficult, with five different prepositions used to indicate when
something happened. However, there is a set of guidelines that can help decide which
preposition to use:
➢ For years, months, seasons, centuries and times of day, use the preposition in:
- I first met John in 1987.
- It’s always cold in January
- Easter falls in spring each year.
- The Second World War occurred in the 20th century.
- We eat breakfast in the morning.
➢ For days, dates and specific holiday days, use the preposition on.
- We go to school on Mondays, but not on Sunday
- Christmas is on December 25th.
- Buy me a present on my birthday.
➢ For times, indicators of exception and festivals, use the preposition at:
- Families often argue at Christmas time.
- I work faster at night.
- Her shift finished at 7pm.
➢ Before and after should be much easier to understand than the other examples of
prepositions of time. Both are used to explain when something happened, happens or
will happen, but specifically in relation to another thing.
- Before I discovered this bar, I used to go straight home after work.
- We will not leave before 3pm.
- David comes before Bryan in the line, but after Louise.
Other prepositions of time could include: During, about, around, until and throughout.
- The concert will be staged throughout the month of May.
- I learned how to ski during the holidays.
- He usually arrives around 3pm.
- It was about six in the morning when we made it to bed.
- The store is open until midnight.
Prepositions of Place
To confuse matters a bit, the most common prepositions to indicate time – on, at,
in – are also the most common prepositions to indicate position. However, the rules
are a little clearer as place prepositions are a more rigid concept than time
Prepositions of place examples in the following sentences are in bold for easy identification.
Lots of other prepositions of place, such as under, over, inside, outside, above and below
are used in English. There is, however, a lot less confusion as they refer to rigid positions
rather than abstract ones.
Prepositions of Movement
Prepositions of movement are quite easy to understand as they are less abstract
than prepositions of place and time. Essentially, they describe how something or
someone moves from one place to another. The most commonly used preposition
of movement is to, which usually serves to highlight that there is movement towards
a specific destination.
Prepositions of movement examples in the following sentences are in bold for easy
Other more specific prepositions of movement include: through, across, off, down and into.
These prepositions can sometimes get mixed up with others. While they are similar, they
have individual meanings that add context to the movement.
Hart, S. (2016). Written English. Canada: Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.
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