Users Manual PSEN ML B 2 1 570403 V2 0 3840728
Users Manual PSEN ML B 2 1 570403 V2 0 3840728
Users Manual PSEN ML B 2 1 570403 V2 0 3840728
Operating Manual-1003895-EN-08
This document is the original document.
All rights to this documentation are reserved by Pilz GmbH & Co. KG. Copies may be made
for the user's internal purposes. Suggestions and comments for improving this documenta-
tion will be gratefully received.
Source code from third-party manufacturers or open source software has been used for
some components. The relevant licence information is available on the Internet on the Pilz
Pilz®, PIT®, PMI®, PNOZ®, Primo®, PSEN®, PSS®, PVIS®, SafetyBUS p®,
SafetyEYE®, SafetyNET p®, the spirit of safety® are registered and protected trademarks
of Pilz GmbH & Co. KG in some countries.
Section 1 Introduction 5
1.1 Validity of documentation 5
1.2 Using the documentation 5
1.3 Definition of symbols 5
Section 2 Safety 7
2.1 Intended use 7
2.2 Safety regulations 8
2.2.1 Safety assessment 8
2.2.2 Additional documents that apply 8
2.2.3 Use of qualified personnel 8
2.2.4 Warranty and liability 9
2.2.5 Disposal 9
2.3 For your safety 9
Section 3 Overview 10
3.1 Unit features 10
3.2 Scope of supply 10
Section 5 Wiring 22
5.1 Important information 22
5.2 Pin assignment, connector and cable 22
5.3 EMC requirements 22
Section 8 Installation 29
8.1 Important information 29
8.2 Tapped hole 30
8.3 Install fixing screws in parallel to actuator 32
8.4 Install fixing screws side-on to actuator 33
8.5 Centre the bolt in the actuator housing 34
8.6 Rotate the bolt in the actuator housing 90° 34
8.7 Installation on sliding gate 35
8.8 Installation on swing gate 36
8.9 Installation with mounting bracket 38
8.10 Installation with mounting plate 39
8.11 Installing the escape release 39
8.11.1 Important information 39
8.11.2 Installation positions for escape release 40
8.11.3 Installation stationary escape release 41
8.11.4 Installation external escape release 43
8.11.5 Uninstalling the escape release 46
Section 9 Adjustment 47
Section 10 Operation 48
10.1 Normal mode 48
10.2 Error display 50
Section 12 Dimensions 53
Section 16 Appendix 69
1 Introduction
This warning must be heeded! It warns of a hazardous situation that poses
an immediate threat of serious injury and death and indicates preventive
measures that can be taken.
This warning must be heeded! It warns of a hazardous situation that could
lead to serious injury and death and indicates preventive measures that can
be taken.
This refers to a hazard that can lead to a less serious or minor injury plus
material damage, and also provides information on preventive measures
that can be taken.
This describes a situation in which the product or devices could be dam-
aged and also provides information on preventive measures that can be
taken. It also highlights areas within the text that are of particular import-
This gives advice on applications and provides information on special fea-
2 Safety
Foreseeable misuse
} Safety switches and actuators of the safety gate system PSEN ml b 2.1/2.2 must not
be used as mechanical limit stops
} Use of the PSEN ml b 2.1/2.2 under corrosive environmental conditions (cooling emul-
sions, surface treatment, gases, …)
Please contact Pilz.
2.2.5 Disposal
} In safety-related applications, please comply with the mission time TM in the safety-re-
lated characteristic data.
} When decommissioning, please comply with local regulations regarding the disposal of
electronic devices (e.g. Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act).
Loss of safety function due to substituting an actuator from the interlocking
and guard locking system
Substituting an actuator for an inappropriate actuator may lead to serious in-
jury and death.
– You should prevent the interlocking and guard locking system from
being manipulated with an inappropriate actuator.
– Keep the substitute actuator in a safe place and protect it from unau-
thorised access.
– If substitute actuators are used, these must be installed as described
under Installation [ 29]
– If the original actuators are replaced with substitute actuators, the ori-
ginal actuators must be destroyed before disposal.
} Do not remove the connector's protective cap until you are just about to connect the
unit. This will prevent potential contamination.
3 Overview
4 Function description
4.1 Structure
The interlocking and guard locking system prevents the safety gates to the danger zone
from being opened while there is any hazard within the danger zone (machine movement,
voltage, ...).
The safety outputs may have a high or low signal, depending on the position of the actuator
and the signal path of safety inputs S31 and S41 (solenoid operation).
Safety switch
Safety switch
t max
Guard locking
t max
Guard locking
tmax Maximum time between the rising edges from S31 and S42
1. PSEN ml 2. PSEN ml
Y1 Y32 Y1 Y32
Fieldbus module
Timing diagrams
S31 + S41
Actuator [5]
Guard locking
12 + 22
[t1] [t1]
[t2] [t2]
[1] [2] [3] [4] [6] [7] [8]
[1] Gate is open
[2] Gate is closed
[3] Guard locking is activated by the safety control system
[4] Guard locking is activated
[5] Execution of the hazardous machine function is permitted
[6] Outputs will be deactivated
[7] Guard locking will be deactivated
[8] Gate is open
[t1] Processing time of guard locking signal = 100 ms
[t2] Time window for changing guard locking status
S31 + S41
Guard locking
12 + 22
[t1] [t1]
[1] [2] [3] [5] [6] [7] [8]
[1] Gate is open
[2] Gate is closed
[3] Guard locking is activated
[4] Execution of the hazardous machine function is permitted
[5] Outputs will be deactivated
[6] Guard locking will be deactivated
[7] Gate is open
[t1] Processing time of guard locking signal = 100 ms
[t2] Time window for changing guard locking status
A1 A2 S31 S41 Y1
& Y32
Safety Gate
If guard locking is deactivated using the auxiliary release, there is a low sig-
nal at safety outputs 12 and 22. An error code will be issued (see under
Operation [ 49]) and the safety switch switches to a fault condition.
[1] Auxiliary release screw Torx T10
[2] Security screw Torx T10, sealed with varnish when delivered
Mode of operation:
1. Remove the security screw [2] using a Torx T10 screwdriver.
2. Rotate the auxiliary release screw [1] half a turn anti-clockwise using a Torx T10 screw-
driver. The guard locking pin is displaced and the bolt is released.
The safety gate to the danger zone can be opened.
4.6.1 Recommissioning
If the auxiliary release screw is not turned back correctly after use, the
PSEN ml b 2.1/2.2 switches to a fault condition.
[1] Through hole on the actuator for attaching a padlock
[2] Padlock
[3] Actuator
If the actuator is to blocked using several locks in parallel, a multiple lock can be used (e.g.
Brady – Lockout device, article no. 852439).
[1] Escape release stationary
[2] Escape release externally
[3] Tension pressure cables in lengths of 1.50 m to 4 m
[4] Button of the escape release pin
[5] Escape release pin
If guard locking is deactivated using the auxiliary release, there is a low sig-
nal at safety outputs 12 and 22. An error code will be issued (see under
Operation [ 49]) and the safety switch switches to a fault condition.
Mode of operation
If in the hazardous area the button of the escape release pin [4] is pressed towards the
safety gate, the escape release impacts directly on the auxiliary release of the safety switch
and the auxiliary release unlocks the safety gate. The safety gate can be opened immedi-
ately, enabling the operator to leave the danger zone.
There is a low signal at safety outputs 12 and 22 if the escape release was operated.
} Scope of supply stationary escape release
– 1 escape release stationary
– 1 adapter disk
– 2 screws for adapter disk
– 4 screws for installation on the adapter disk
} Scope of supply external escape release
– 1 escape release external with installed push/pull cables (see Order reference:
Accessories [ 66])
– 1 adapter disk
– 2 screws for adapter disk
– 4 screws for installation on the adapter disk
4.8.1 Recommissioning
1. Pull back the button of the escape release pin.
2. Switch the voltage off and then on again.
3. Carry out a function test using the escape release. The safety function may only be
checked by qualified personnel.
5 Wiring
The colour marking for the connection lead only applies for the cable that
Pilz supplies as an accessory
Only use safety relays with a 24 VDC supply voltage. Safety relays with a
wide-range power supply or in AC device versions have internal potential
isolation and are not suitable as evaluation devices.
Potential loss of safety function due to failure to test for a safe condition
Depending on the application, serious injury or death may result.
– Use an evaluation device/safety system to test whether the plant is in
a safe condition.
– Do not operate the solenoid of the PSEN ml b 2.1/2.2 via S31/S41
unless the plant is in a safe condition.
} The use of Safety Device Diagnostics is described in the System Description "Safety
Device Diagnostics".
24 V 0V
A1 A2
PSEN ml 12 Programmable safety system
Actuator Activation of guard locking
Sensor 22
S31 S41
Lock/Unlock Request 2
Lock/Unlock Request 1
24 V 0V
A1 A2
PSEN ml 12 Programmable safety system
Actuator Activation of guard locking
Sensor 22
24 V
S31 S41
Lock/Unlock Request 1
[1] Protected cable layout
24 V 0V
A1 A2
PSEN ml 12
PSEN ml Programmable safety system
Actuator 22 Activation of guard locking
S31 S41
Lock/Unlock Request
Safety switch 24 V 0 V
S31 S41 12 22
FS: Failsafe
24 V
PNOZmulti PSEN ml
5 Y32
8 Y1
A1 2 A1
A2 7 A2
O2 (FS) 6 S31
O1 (FS) 1 S41
I0 3 12
I1 4 22
– The actuator must not be removed during the learning procedure.
– This actuator cannot be retaught on the same safety switch.
No other actuator may be taught in once this actuator has been taught.
8 Installation
Refer to the guidelines for designing guards and integrating interlocks with
guard locking in EN ISO 14120.
Install the safety switch and actuator so that the possibilities of defeat are
reduced to a minimum (see guidelines for reducing the possibilities for de-
feating interlocking devices in EN ISO 14119).
Install safety switch and actuator so that it is not possible to reach through
with hand or finger.
} The safety switch and actuator should be installed opposite each other in parallel.
} Make sure that the actuator makes complete contact with the mounting surface.
} Make sure that the at least one of the auxiliary release/escape releases can be oper-
ated after installation.
} For a minimum screw depth of 6 mm, M5 screws with resistance class 8.8 should be
used to attach the safety switch and actuator.
} Torque setting: Please note the information provided under Technical details [ 60].
} Use non-removable flat head locking screws to attach the safety switch and actuator
(e.g. cheese-head or pan head screws) or rivets.
} Use the same type of screw to attach the safety switch and actuator.
} Prevent self-loosening of the fastening elements on the safety switch and actuator,
– On the safety switch: through torque (see Technical details [ 60])
– On the actuator: through torque (see Technical details [ 60]) and bonded screw
} Make sure that the actuator does not present a risk.
} The mounting surfaces for safety switches and actuators can have a max. unevenness
of 0.5 mm.
} Prevent the safety switch and actuator being exposed to heavy shock or vibration.
} The fastening of safety switch and actuator has to be sufficiently stable to ensure the
proper operation of the safety switch and the actuator.
Please note that the stated holding forces only apply when installed without
a mounting bracket. The holding forces when installed with a mounting
bracket can be found in the table "Technical details for mounting
bracket [ 65]".
Provide the mounting surface with tapped
holes as indicated.
ø 6,5
[1] [2]
Y [3]
X [3]
[1] Safety switch
[2] Actuator
[3] Fixing screws of the safety switch in parallel to actuator
[1] [1]
The bolt must be centred in the actuator housing in order to maintain the distances on set-
tling gates.
Centre the bolt in the actuator housing (see diagram).
Bolt centred within the actuator hous- Bolt not centred within the actuator housing
[1] Spring plate in the housing skin
[2] Bolt, can be rotated 90°
[3] Housing skin
[1] Safety switch, installed on gate frame
[2] Actuator with mounting bracket (available as Accessory [ 66]), installed on
sliding gate
1. Install the safety switch with the fixing screws of the safety switch in parallel to the
actuator [ 32] or side-on to actuator [ 33] on the gate frame.
2. Use two M5 screws to fix the actuator to the gate.
[1] Safety switch on gate frame
[2] Actuator, installed on swing gate
1. Install the safety switch with the fixing screws of the safety switch in parallel to the
actuator [ 32] or side-on to actuator [ 33] on the gate frame.
2. Use two M5 screws to fix the actuator to the gate.
The actuator should engage smoothly into the safety switch.
Make sure that a slight shift of the rotation point of the door is maintained when installing
the actuator.
R The distance of the upper part of the safety switch from the rotation point of the
X Parallel shift of the actuator
α Tilt angle when installing the actuator
} Tilt the actuator during installation by 10° in the following situations:
– 50 mm < X < 75 mm and R < 600 mm
– X < 50 mm and R < 500 mm
Loss of safety function due to the incorrect installation of the escape re-
If the button of the escape release pin is accessible from the outside, the
guard locking device can be released from the outside and the safety gates
opened, although the hazardous machine is switched on.
Depending on the application, serious injury or death may result.
The escape release should be installed so that it is only accessible from in-
side the danger zone.
} The button of the escape release pin must be impossible to reach from a position out-
side the protected area.
} Make sure that the escape release cannot be operated unintentionally.
[1] [2]
[1] Installation options at the sides
[2] Installation options at the back
The external escape release can be installed on the three auxiliary releases in four different
directions each. The push/pull cable can be led out on different sides.
[1] [2]
[1] Installation options at the sides
[2] Installation options at the back
[1] Security screw of the auxiliary release
[2] Pin in the adapter disk
[3] Hexagon sockets M3x8
3. Screw the escape release with the 4 raised head screws M3x12 to the adapter disk with
1,2 - 1,5 Nm (see diagram).
} The button of the escape release pin can be removed for the installation (e.g. when the
escape release pin is to be run through a wall). The button of the escape release pin
must be secured again with a threadlocker and hand-tightened after escape release in-
stallation is complete
} To bridge larger distances the escape release pin can be extended by a max. of 25 mm
two times (see Order reference: Accessories [ 66]).
[1] Button of the escape release pin
[2] Escape release pin
[1] Security screw of the auxiliary release
[2] Pin in the adapter disk
[3] Hexagon sockets M3x8
3. Screw the escape release with the 4 raised head screws M3x12 to the adapter disk with
1,2 - 1,5 Nm (see diagram).
4. Screw the housing of the escape release with the screws [1] to a mounting surface with
6 - 6,5 Nm (see diagram).
} The screws of the push/pull cable [2] can be loosened to make installation easier (e.g.
when the push/pull cable is to be run through a wall). The screws must be fixed with 6 -
6,5 Nm after the escape release is installed.
[1] Screwing the escape release to the mounting area
[2] Screwing the cable
[1] Cover
[2] Nut M10 x 0,75
[3] Fork head
[4] Slot nut
2. Loosen the nut [2].
3. Pull out the push/pull cable with the slot nut [4] and remove the slot nut and the nut [2]
from the cable.
4. Run the cable through the conduit pipe.
5. Push the nut [2] and the slot nut [4] over the fork head [3] back on the cable.
6. Push the cable with the fork head [3] on the fork in the escape release. The slot nut [4]
must be fitted into the nut again.
7. Tighten the nut [2] with 6 - 6,5 Nm.
8. Put the lid [1] back on.
9 Adjustment
Please note:
} Safety switch and actuator must be aligned correctly
} Distances are maintained as stated in the following diagram
} Actuator is centred (see Centre bolt in actuator housing [ 34])
} Always test the function with a connected evaluation device.
} When installing an external or stationary escape release, check the function of the es-
cape release with a connected evaluation device.
[8] [2]
10 Operation
The safety function should be checked after initial commissioning and each
time the plant/machine is changed. The safety functions may only be
checked by qualified personnel.
Status indicators:
} "Device" LED illuminates green: The unit is ready for operation
} "Safety Gate" LED lights up yellow: Actuator is within the response range
} "Lock" LED lights up green: Guard locking active
} "Input" LED lights up yellow: The unit is ready for operation
LED off
LED on
LED status
Remedy / meas-
Device Safety Gate Input Lock Switch status ure
Safety gate Check the actu-
closed, actuator ator's
Green Yellow Yel- Green detected, guard alignment [ 47]
low locking cannot be to the safety
activated / deac- switch.
The supply Turn back the
voltage to safety auxiliary release
inputs S31 and screw and then
S41 was switch the supply
switched back on voltage on (see
before the auxili- Recommissionin
ary release g[ 19]).
screw was turned
Display not defin- Display not Safety switch Check the supply
itive definitive active despite voltage.
Yellow Yel- over or under-
If safety inputs
low voltage
S31 and S41 are
activated or de-
activated while
an undervoltage
warning is
present, the
safety switch
switches to a
fault condition.
Previous LED display is Display not Safety outputs in Check the wiring and switch the
retained definitive fault condition supply voltage off and then on
Red again.
Auxiliary release/ } Auxiliary release: Turn back the
escape release auxiliary release screw and then
Red activated
switch the supply voltage on
Recommissioning [ 19]).
} Escape release: Pull the button
of the escape release pin back
again and then switch on the
voltage supply again (see Re-
commissioning under escape
release [ 21]).
Error Please contact Pilz.
Display not definitive Safety switch Change the safety switch.
does not start
Visual inspection:
} Check that the seal on the security screw on the auxiliary release is intact. If the seal is
not intact, make sure that the security screw is inserted and use varnish to seal the se-
curity screw.
} Check the safety switch and actuator for damage.
} Make sure that the safety switch and actuator are firmly secured.
} Check the offset of the safety switch and actuator.
– Max. lateral offset
– Max. angular offset
– Max. vertical offset
} Check that the wiring is correct.
} Remove any dirt from the safety switch and actuator.
Function test
} The actuator is detected and at the safety outputs 12 and 22 there is a high signal after
detection of the actuator.
} The guard locking device can be activated/deactivated when the safety inputs S31 and
S41 are activated.
} Under these conditions there is a high signal at safety outputs 12 and 22:
– Actuator is detected and
– Guard locking pin has successfully been activated (guard locking pin is in the
locked position)
If one of these conditions is not met, the signal at the safety outputs will be low.
Escape release
} Test whether the button of the escape release pin can be detected and reached.
} Check the function of the escape release.
12 Dimensions
43,25 193,5
30 10 20
8,5 15,5
8,5 15,5
Mounting bracket with handle unit for sliding gate (see Accessories [ 66])
30 98
Mounting bracket with handle unit for swing gate (see Accessories [ 66])
69,5 63,5
79,5 63,5
13 Technical details
Solenoid inputs
Drain Source
Safety switch C2 Safety control system C2, C3
Source Drain
Safety switch C2 Evaluation device C1, C2
You must comply with the safety characteristic data in order to achieve the
required safety level for your plant/machine.
A safety function's SIL/PL values are not identical to the SIL/PL values of
the units that are used and may be different. We recommend that you use
the PAScal software tool to calculate the safety function's SIL/PL values.
Be sure that you observe the mechanical life. The safety characteristic data
are only valid as long as the values of mechanical life are met.
14 Supplementary data
This product complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules and with Industry Canada licence-exempt RSS standards.
Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
1) this product may not cause harmful interference, and
2) this product must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
Changes or modifications made to this product not expressly approved by Pilz may void the FCC authorization to operate this equipment.
NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial
environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the
instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause
harmful interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense.
Le présent produit est conforme aux CNR d'Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils radio
exempts de licence. L'exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes:
(1) le produit ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et
(2) l'utilisateur de le produit doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible d'en compromettre le
15 Order reference
15.1 System
Product type Features type Order no.
PSEN ml b 2.1 unit Mechanical safety gate M12, 8-pin con- 570 402
system with guard locking, nector
fully coded
PSEN ml b 2.2 unit Mechanical safety gate M12, 8-pin con- 570 404
system with guard locking, nector
uniquely coded
PSEN ml b 2.1 switch Mechanical safety switch M12, 8-pin con- 570 403
with guard locking, fully nector
PSEN ml 2.1 actuator Actuator, fully coded 570 481
15.2 Accessories
Installation accessories
16 Appendix
The following check list is intended as a guide to provide support during commissioning, re-
commissioning and the prescribed regular testing of the PSEN ml b 2.1/2.2.
Note that the check list is not intended to replace the plant-specific safety analysis required
for commissioning/recommissioning, nor the resulting inspections and actions.
Commissioning, recommissioning and regular inspection may only be car-
ried out by qualified personnel.
We recommend that you keep the completed check list and store it with the machine docu-
mentation for reference.
switch Actuator
Date Action Number Number OK Not OK Notes Signature
17 EC declaration of conformity
This product/these products meet the requirements of the directive 2006/42/EC for ma-
chinery of the European Parliament and of the Council. The complete EC Declaration of
Conformity is available on the Internet at
Authorised representative: Norbert Fröhlich, Pilz GmbH & Co. KG, Felix-Wankel-Str. 2,
73760 Ostfildern, Germany
0-0-2-3-000, 2017-00 Printed in Germany
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