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Rancangan Harian / Daily Lesson Plan 2023/2024: Unit 2: Life in The Past

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DAY Monday YEAR 6

SUBJECT English Language MODULE Listening

THEME World of knowledge DATE 3/7/2023

TOPIC Unit 2: Life in the past TIME 8.00-9.00


Content Standard: Pre-lesson: As a whole class, pupils play a little activity to see who
guesses the verbs the fastest. Pupils refer to Activity working with
Main: 1.1 Recognise and reproduce target language sounds words in textbook page 24.

Lesson delivery:

Complementary: 1. Pupils refer to vocabulary box at the top of page 26 in textbook.

1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts
Pupils guess the meaning of the words and check their answers by
reading the sentences in textbook page 135.
Learning Standard:
2. Pupils refer to Activity 1. Teacher asks pupils who they think the
Main: man is in the picture. Pupils share their answer.
1.1.1 Recognise and reproduce with independently a wide range of target language phonemes
3. Audio 1.10 is played for the pupils. Pupils listen and say the
dialogue. Pupils are divided into two groups to role play the
1.2.5 Understand more complex supported questions
4. Teacher explains the usage of the Wh- questions and we use
them to ask when we require any information.

5. Teacher writes the questions Did you use to study maths? Did
you use to live in the countryside? Teacher shares that these are the
yes/no questions.

6. Pupils refer to activity 2 and change the dialogue using the given
phrases. Pupils share their answers.

7. Pupils refer to Activity 3 and are guided to make questions using

the given clues.

Post-lesson: Pupils ask the questions prepared to their partners.


Main: At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to listen textbook songs/audio clips
and say the dialogues.
Creating Pair/Group discussion

Complementary: At the end of the lesson, pupils will be

able to listen and answer the questions. Group-based activities


1. All the pupils were able to complete the task.

2. Lesson was carried out successfully.

Week 13

Subject English

Day / Date 3.7.23/ Monday Time 9.00 a.m-10.00 a.m

Year 2 3

Topic Unit 6: The old house

Content standard Content Standard: Content Standard:

Main: 3.2 Understand a variety of linear and Main:

1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar co
non-linear print and digital texts by using
appropriate reading strategies

2.3 Communicate appropriately to a sm
Complementary: 1.2 Understand meaning in a
variety of familiar contexts

Learning standard Learning Standard: Learning Standard:

Main: 3.2.3 i) Reread a word, phrase or Main:

1.2.2 Understand with support specific informati
sentence to understand meaning

Complementary: 1.2.2 Understand with support Complementary:

2.3.1 Narrate very short basic stories a
specific information and details of simple

Objective Main: At the end of the lesson, pupils will be Main: At the end of the lesson, pupils will be
able to read and fill in at least 5 blanks correctly. able to listen and ask suitable questions.

Complementary: At the end of the lesson, pupils

will be able to talk about their ambition with at
least 2 sentences correctly.

Activites Pre-lesson: Pupils do a little recap of daily Pre-lesson: Ask pupils what they would like to
routine sentences. be when they grow up. Share a few other
Lesson delivery:
Lesson delivery:
1. Pupils are introduced to 2 daily routine
reading cards about 2 friends. Pupils read the 1. Pupils take some time to draw what they
cards guided by the teacher. would like to be in the future in their exercise
book. They also write 3 sentences about the
2. Pupils are explained about running dictation. occupation.

3. Pupils are given the dictation task sheet in 2. Pupils are directed to textbook page 19. Pupils
pairs. listen to the audio 28.

4. Pupil A runs to the wall to read the text and 3. A demonstration is shown on how they can
identify the first missing word while pupil B ask question and answer.
listens and writes what pupil A has said. Pupils
take turns with roles for the second text. 4. Pupils play the ‘Let’s be friends’ game. Pupils
Post-lesson: Pupils compare their answer with stand in 2 lines facing each other. Decide which
the reading cards side of pupils are going to ask the question first.
Pupils ask and answer about what they would
like to be when they grow up with pictures by
taking turns. They move to their left when
teacher says ‘move’.

Post-lesson: Pupils do a little about their

friends’ ambitions.

Reflection 1/1 pupils achieved the lesson objective. 1/ 1 pupils achieved the lesson
pupils did not achieve the lesson
objective pupils did not achieve the lesson
Lesson has been postponed due to
____________________ Lesson has been postponed due to


Week 13

Subject English
Day / Date .3.7.23/MONDAY Time 11.30-12.30

Year 4 5

Topic My Weeek Module 1: Towns and cities

Content standard Content Standard: Content Standard:

Main: Main:
1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts
1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar co

Complementary: Complementary:
1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts
4.3 Communicate with appropriate lan

Learning standard Learning Standard: Learning Standard:

Main: Main:
1.2.2 Understand with support specific information and
of longer
a sequence
simple texts
of supported questi

Complementary: Complementary:
1.2.5 Understand longer supported questions
4.3.2 Spell a range of high frequency words accu

Objective Main: At the end of the lesson, pupils will be Main: At the end of the lesson, pupils will be
able to listen and fill in at least 6 boxes correctly. able to listen and answer the questions.

Complementary: At the end of the lesson, pupils Complementary: At the end of the lesson, pupils
will be able to listen and say out at least 1 will be able to spell a range of high frequency
answer correctly based on the audio. words in independent writing accurately.

Activites Pre-lesson: Pupils listen to CD 1 Track 26. Pre-lesson: Teacher writes name, age, birthday,
Pupils are called out at random to say out the brothers and sister (siblings). Teacher asks
answers. pupils if anyone would like to share the details
of the things written. Teacher asks pupils when
Lesson delivery: we might give our personal information to
someone. Pupils share their answers.
1. Pupils refer to Activity 4 in textbook page 19.
Pupils listen to CD 1 Track 27. Lesson delivery:

2. In pairs, pupils model the exchange they hear. 1. Pupils refer to textbook page 92 Exercise 1.
Teacher explains that pupils must listen to an
3. Pupils are introduced to a sentence pattern, audio that consists of the correct dialogue. Pupils
“Do you have to…….at home?”. Teacher can write the questions in their exercise books.
demonstrates to pupils. Pupils listen to CD3-02 to write the correct
4. Pupils each get the “Do you have to…….at
home?” hunt task sheet. Pupils are explained 2. Teacher checks the answers with the class.
about the activity.
3. Pupils refer to Exercise 2. Pupils read the
5. Pupils go around the class to ask their friends KEY PHRASES and copy the questions in their
using the sentence pattern. Pupils write down exercise book. Pupils are given some time to
their friends’ names in the box. copy.

Post-lesson: Pupils share the kind of chores they 4. Then, teacher plays CD3-03. Pupils listen to
would like to do or learn to do at home. the conversation and tick the questions they
hear. Pupils can compare their answers with
their friends.

5. Pupils refer to Exercise 3. Pupils copy the

table into their exercise books. Pupils listen to
CD3-03 again and fill in the table correctly.

Post-lesson: Pupils check their answers. Teacher

asks pupils what they have learned about Luke
from the conversation. Pupils can think and
share their answers

Reflection 3/ 6 pupils achieved the lesson 2/ 3 pupils achieved the lesson

objective. objective.

3 / 6 pupils did not achieve the lesson 1 /3 pupils did not achieve the lesson
objective objective

Lesson has been postponed due to Lesson has been postponed due to
____________________ ____________________

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