Breast Wall Quantity, Final COS
Breast Wall Quantity, Final COS
Breast Wall Quantity, Final COS
730 Km length on
Goha-Khellani section on NH-244 in Union Territory of Jammu & Kashmir on EPC mode.”
Abstract of Quantity
Rate SoR 2012- Rate Excluding
Sr No Description Unit Qty Amount Ref no
13 Vat @ 12.6%
Earth work in bulk excavation by mechanical means (hydraulic excavator) over areas
(exceeding 30 cm in depth, 1.5 m in width as well as 10 m2 on plan) including
1 Cum 6946.56
disposal of excavated earth lead upto 50 meters and lift upto 1.5 m, as directed by
Providing and laying cement concrete in retaining walls, return wall, wall (any thickness ) including
attached plasters, columns, piers, abutments,pi;;lers,posts, struts, buttereses, string or laces execuliding J&K SoR 2012 ref
2 Cum 974.40 5474.5 4861.90 47,37,435.88
cost centering,shuttering and finishinhg. no.4.6.3
1:2:4 (1 Cement: 2 Coarse sand: 4 graded stone agreegate20 mm nominal size) Crushed
Centering and shuttering inculiding strutting,propping etc. and removal of form work :- foundation, J&K SoR 2012 ref
2.1 sqm 1185.60 179.25 159.19 1,88,737.83
footing, base of columns no.4.7.1
3 Random Rubble masonry with Hard stone from qyarry with 1:3 Cement : fine Sand Mortar 0.00 -
morth data book ref
3.1 Upto Plinth Level (Random Rubble Stone Masonry) Cum 5529.60 3183.00 2826.82 1,56,31,187.21
no 13.4
morth data book ref
3.2 Above Plinth Level (Random Rubble Stone Masonry) Cum 15348.45 3183.00 2826.82 4,33,87,302.48
no 13.4
Providing and laying of Filter media with granular materials/stone crushed aggregates satisfying the
requirements laid down in clause 2504.2.2. of MoRTH specifications to a thickness of not less than 600
morth data book ref
4 mm with smaller size towards the soil and bigger size towards the wall and provided over the entire Cum 8352.00 663.82 589.54 49,23,822.95
no 13.10
surface behind abutment, wing wall and return wall to the full height compacted to a firm condition
complete as per drawing and Technical Specification.
J&K SoR 2012 ref
5 Providing of PVC Pipe in Weep Hole RM 18787.20 160 142.10 26,69,584.37
morth data book ref
6 Pointing Work on the surface of Random Rubble Masonry Wall with 1:3 Cement Mortar Sq.m 13920.00 73.15 64.96 9,04,305.51
no 13.2
Back filling behind abutment, wing wall and return wall, Breast Wall complete as per drawing and morth data book ref
7 Cum 5712.00 682.27 605.92 34,61,035.74
Technical specification no 13.9
S.N Material Type Qty Unit Lead Disc. Lead ate excludin Amount Remark
Earth Material for
From Project J&K SoR 2012 Ref
1 Embankment Preparation & 14064.00 cum 5 Km ₹ 141.07
Site No
Carriage of excavated rock for From Project J&K SoR 2012 Ref
2 20878.05 cum 5 Km ₹ 225.73 ₹ 47,12,764.54
masonry work Site No
1:6 Ratio Cement Mortar used
3 7766.63 cum
in masonry Work
From J&K SoR 2012 Ref
4 Cement 2795.99 Tonne 80 Km ₹ 468.57 ₹ 13,10,116.49
udhampur No 1.1.10.
From Crusher
5 Stone Dust 5824.97 cum 25 Km ₹ 242.48 ₹ 14,12,427.05 Doda crusher plant
plant Doda
6 M15 used in PCC Work 974.40
From J&K SoR 2012 Ref
7 Cement @ 250 kg/ cum 243.60 Tonne 84 Km ₹ 468.57 ₹ 1,14,143.69
udhampur No 1.1.10.
Stone Dust & aggregate From Crusher J&K SoR 2012 Ref
8 805.23 cum 25 Km ₹ 242.48 ₹ 1,95,251.21
@2149.1Kg/cum plant Doda No
Total Amount ₹ 77,44,702.97
₹ 77,44,702.97
“Up-gradation to Two lane with Paved shoulder from Km 20+300 to Km29+030 of 8.730 Km length on Goha-Khellani section on NH-
244 in Union Territory of Jammu & Kashmir on EPC mode.”
Measurement - 3 Mtr Height
4 Above Plinth Level (Random Rubble Stone Masonry) Cum 1 2880 1.017 2.500 7320.00
deduction for volume of weep hole Cum 72.61
6 Weep holes RM
2880 1.34 3859.20 bottom
2880 1.1 3168.00 intermediate
2880 0.77 2217.60 top
8 Backfilling behind the Breast Wall Cum 1 2880 0.350 3.000 3024.00
9 Coping 25mm Thick Avg. In M 15 concrete Cum 1 2880 0.600 0.025 43.20
“Up-gradation to Two lane with Paved shoulder from Km 20+300 to Km29+030 of 8.730 Km length on Goha-Khellani section on
NH-244 in Union Territory of Jammu & Kashmir on EPC mode.”
Measurement - 4 Mtr Height
8 Backfilling behind the Breast Wall Cum 1 1920 0.350 4.000 2688.00
4 Coping 25mm Thick Avg. In M 15 concrete Cum 1 1920 0.600 0.025 28.80
Annexure A
Length in Excavation
Chainage Heights in Mtrs Side
Mtrs Height in Mtrs
20+300 20+580 280 22.533 4 RHS
20+580 20+900 320 22.439 3 RHS
20+900 21+100 200 22.439 4 RHS
21+600 21+820 220 22.439 3 RHS
20+900 21+050 150 22.439 4 LHS
22+280 22+370 90 13.15 3 RHS
22+380 22+580 200 26.428 3 RHS
22+900 23+080 180 22.784 4 RHS
23+310 23+500 190 21.551 3 RHS
23+510 23+700 190 22.784 3 RHS
23+710 23+940 230 18.907 3 RHS
24+050 24+150 100 15.158 4 RHS
24+050 24+150 100 15.158 4 LHS
24+160 24+230 70 20.456 3 RHS
24+360 24+550 190 20.682 3 RHS
24+590 24+750 160 20.052 3 RHS
24+750 24+970 220 20.052 4 RHS
25+060 25+190 130 18.577 3 RHS
25+310 25+420 110 11.167 3 RHS
25+550 25+680 130 9.538 3 RHS
25+730 26+200 470 14.411 3 RHS
26+700 26+880 180 22.227 3 RHS
28+160 28+400 240 18.514 4 RHS
28+400 28+850 450 18.514 4 RHS