Transceiver Isolation Design For FDD Terminal of Tiantong-1 Satellite Mobile Communication System - Reference Network
Transceiver Isolation Design For FDD Terminal of Tiantong-1 Satellite Mobile Communication System - Reference Network
Transceiver Isolation Design For FDD Terminal of Tiantong-1 Satellite Mobile Communication System - Reference Network
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WANG Riyan, YANG Kunming, ZHOU Lingli, LIN Qihua, WANG Xin, FENG Wei
Because its transmission and reception work at the same time, the receiving link is more
susceptible to interference, especially from the terminal's own transmission channel to th
e receiving channel. The influence of the transceiver transmission channel on the receivi
ng channel is divided into two aspects: first, the noise floor of the transmitting channel is
raised and leaked to the receiving channel, resulting in the deterioration of the terminal r
eceiving sensitivity; Second, the transmit power of the transmit channel causes the gain
compression of the receiving channel, blocking the receiving channel of the terminal [2].
The Tiantong-3 mobile communication ground terminal is small in size, the RF transceive
r circuit is nearly spaced, and there are many ways for the transmission channel to affect
the receiving channel, of which the main ways are divided into three types. First, the RF t
ransceiver chip itself receives and transmits port coupling; The second is based on the c
oupling of the transmit and receive links; The third is the spatial coupling of the RF front-
end link. The actual design needs to be considered from multiple aspects such as core d
evice design, link suppression index allocation, and circuit space isolation to meet the sy
stem requirements [4]. A schematic of the transceiver transmit channel affecting the recei
ve channel is shown in Figure 2.
5 Design example of transceiver isolation of FDD satell
ite mobile communication terminal based on RX6003 c
The terminal of the Tiantong-36 satellite mobile communication system needs to commu
nicate with geostationary satellites with an orbital altitude of 000,40 km, and the terminal
transmission power is much larger than that of the ground mobile communication termina
l. Taking the terminal transmit power of 45 dBm, the gain of the front end of the transmit c
hannel of 30 dB, and the gain of the front end of the receive channel as the typical config
urations, the above transmission channel affects the receiving channel according to the
way [5].
5.1 Indicator design of transmission channel noise floor rise on receivi
ng channel
The noise floor of the receiving band raised by the transmit channel will directly lead to th
e poor reception performance of the receiving channel, so it is required that the noise flo
or rise of the coupling receiving channel of any coupling path is less than the noise floor
of the coupling point itself [6].
(1) Analysis of RX6003 chip port coupling pathway. When the transmission gain of the R
X6003 chip is maximum, the TX port noise floor ≤ -150 dBm/Hz, the minimum power of t
he signal reaching the RX interface of the RX6003 chip is -95 dBm, and the measured is
olation between TX and RX is greater than 60 dB, so the noise floor of the transmit chan
nel will not affect the receiving channel through this path [7].
(2) Analysis of signal link coupling pathway. The transmit link contains a first-stage acous
tic meter (or body surface) filter, power amplifier, and duplexer behind the RX6003 chip,
and the link gain of the transmit noise floor into the receive channel is
Formula: SRX6003 is the noise floor of the transmitter of the RX6003 chip; ITX-SAW is t
he transmit filter's rejection of the receiving band; GPA is the amplifier gain; ITX-RX is the
rejection of the RX band by the TX channel of the duplexer. The total rejection of the RX
band by the transmit link filter and duplexer TX channel has been calculated to be greate
r than 70 dB. Based on the actual device specifications, the rx band rejection by the tran
smit filter is selected to 25 dB, and the isolation of the TX channel of the duplexer to the
RX band is greater than 50 dB [8].
5.2 Indicator design of transmit channel power to receiving channel
The effect of transmit power on the receive channel is manifested by the blocking of the t
ransmit channel to the receive channel, causing the amplifier gain compression in the rec
eive link, which in turn leads to a decrease in receive performance. Based on this, a step
-by-step analysis is required, and the link design ensures that all stages of amplifiers ope
rate in the linear region [9].
The Tiantong-6003 satellite mobile communication terminal receiving link of this design e
xample consists of a duplexer, off-chip low noise amplifier, acoustic meter/body surface fi
ltering, and RX2 chip. The low-noise amplifier circuit consists of a 16-stage gain of 0 dB l
ow noise amplifier chip, a single low noise amplifier has a noise figure of 5.1, and the ma
ximum output power P-1 at 5 dB gain compression is 1 dBm, so the input signal of the lo
w noise amplifier should be smaller than its input P-6003, otherwise the low noise amplifi
er will operate in the gain compression state. The RX160 chip uses a circuit architecture
with multi-stage amplification and two-stage IF filtering, which can provide up to <> dB re
jection for TX-band signals.
The maximum transmit power of the RX6003 chip is 2 dBm, the isolation between TX an
d RX is greater than 60 dB, and the TX signal is coupled to the RX6003 chip through this
path The RX link power is -58 dBm, which is much smaller than the input P-6003 indicato
r of the RX1 receive link in this band -38 dBm.
The signal enters the RX6003 chip receive channel through the duplexer receiving end, l
ow-noise amplifier, first-stage SAW filter, or body surface filter, and the transmitted signal
is leaked to the receive channel through the ANT end of the duplexer. The receiving chan
nel needs to ensure that each stage of the amplifier tube operates in the linear area.
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