Organic Chemistry
Organic Chemistry
Organic Chemistry
ngl in organic chem it’s more useful to learn the concepts and understand the mechanism then
memorise separately
the reactions from each chapter & some explanations/details to know regarding them (which
kinda? helps with memorisation) are in the summary the concepts/other things to know are
within each specific chapter
personally just find it easier learn that way ;-;
Types of Formulae
o Empirical & Molecular Formula: same as before
almost never used in Organic Chem unless it’s some stoichiometry
o Structural formula: shows how atoms are joined together in a minimal way
that isn’t unambiguous: CH3CH(OH)CO2H lactic acid
get used to reading this & converting it to structural formula
To understand this, read from left to right and construct formula from
If something is like 1-iodobutane CH3(CH2)3I, the CH2 is in a long
straight chain
If something is like (CH3)2CHCH2Br, the 2 CH3 groups are bonded to
o Skeletal formula
The best (and fastest) way to draw
organic molecules; super easy to read too
Hydrogen atoms connected to carbon are
Carbon-carbon bonds & functional
groups remain
o Stereochemical formula
shows 3D spatial arrangement of bonds,
usually around a stereochemical centre
(see Isomerism)
Normal (straight) lines indicate in the plane of the paper
Solid wedges (the black thingy) indicate pointing out of the plane of
the paper – towards you
dashed/hashed lines (the linelineline thingy) indicate bonds pointing
away from you
Drawing skeletal formulae
o With the carbon chain, go in a zig-zag manner (to allow for the
tetrahedral/trigonal planar geometry)
o Note that triple bonds will have linear geometry:
o Every joint/end point is a C atom i.e. when you put your pen down on the
paper, that point is already a C atom
o Filling in implicit hydrogens: all carbon atoms must have 4 bonds unless
stated otherwise (with -ve charges to fufil octet, or to indicate hydrogen loss)
o When drawing double bonds, try to draw other bonds as far apart from the
double bond
If there is no FG, number the chain so that the substituent has the
lowest number
If there is >1 substituent, number the chain so that there is the smallest
set of numbers:
o Parent
Choosing the parent chain: (in order of priority)
Contains the functional group (note that the length of carbon
chain INCLUDES the carbon in the functional group) e.g.
butanoic acid has 4 carbons
Contains more double bonds
Contains more triple bonds
Contains the most number of carbons
If the carbon atoms are joined in a ring, “cyclo-” is added in front (e.g
Naming the number of carbons in the parent chain:
o Unsaturation
Unsaturation refers to double/triple bonds as there are fewer than the
maximum number of H atoms possible for that number of carbons
No unsaturation: “-an-” (eg methane)
Double bonds: “en” (pronounced een)
Triple bonds: “-yn-“ (pronounced ine)
Double bonds are placed first e.g. Pentadeca-8,10,14-trien-4,6-diyn-3-
o Functional Group
The primary functional group follows a priority list:
o Addition/Elimination
Addition: Breaking a π bond to form 2 new σ bonds
Elimination: Opposite of addition, removal of a molecule (new π bond
o Condensation/Hydrolysis
Condensation: Two molecules combine, small molecule such as H2O
eliminated (condensation is NOT Elimination!!)
Esters/Amides are formed as a result
Concept of “half & half” – half of each molecule contributes to
the H2O/small molecule
Mechanism for this is Addition - Elimination (H3); but these
add & elim processes ARE the steps from above
Hydrolysis: Generally opposite of condensation, H2O thrown in
Often catalysed by dilute acid/base
o Oxidation/Reduction
This is where the “perfectly ionic Lewis structure” way to discern
oxidation states comes in handy
Oxidation – oxidation state of the functional group increases (e.g. -1 in
ethanol to +3 in ethanoic acid)
Reduction – oxidation state of the functional group decreases
In general however:
oxidation = O atoms added/H atoms removed
reduction = O atoms removed/H atoms added
o Writing balanced redox reactions in organic chem: Simplified EOHC (use [O]
for oxygen atoms added, [H] for hydrogen atoms added)
E: balance your elements
Just like redox EOHC, you’ll be using H2O
For oxidation: add H2O to balance the H followed by [O] to
balance O
H: For reduction: add H2O to balance the O followed by [H] to
balance the remaining H
This time H isn’t balanced with H+ that’s all
o Arrow-pushing
Involves formation/breaking of covalent bonds
Curly arrows are used to represent electron flow
The tail represents the electron source
The head represents where the electrons are going to
Single electrons have a partial head
An electron pair has a full head
there is restricted rotation about the C=C bond due to the π bond
If the two groups on each end of the alkene are different, then the
alkene can be cis-trans:
“cis” – identical groups on the same side
“trans” – identical groups on opposite sides
o Other molecules:
cycloalkenes – only cis isomer can exist
larger ringed alkenes are able to accommodate the trans form
Cycloalkanes can be cis-trans if there are non-identical groups attached
to each carbon
NOTE: by right these are kinda both enantiomers and cis-trans
isomers … :(
o A molecule’s mirror image is non-superimposable onto itselfjust fyi, this should actually be
“superposable” hehe; superimpose just means to put one on top of another
o Fun fact, your body is also chiral too! case in point, look at your left and right
hands; they’re mirror images :)
o Conditions for enantiomerism (state both in exams)
(very often) contain one or more chiral centres
do not possess an internal plane of symmetry
o What is a chiral centre?
An atom with tetrahedral geometry around it that is bonded to 4
different groups
Chapter 10 – Alkanes
Alkanes are the simplest and least reactive homologous species in organic chemistry
They can called Hydrocarbons; for they only contain hydrogen and carbon
Alkanes have the general formula
Alkanes only contain sp3 hybridised carbon
o Straight chain – connected in a continuous line
o Branched – carbons within the chain may be connected to more than 2 other
carbon atoms
Straight/branches alkanes have a general formula CnH2n+2
o Cycloalkanes – closed rings of carbon atoms
General formula: CnH2n
Alkanes can exhibit constitutional isomerism & enantiomerism
Physical properties
o Alkanes are non-polar; usual id-id story
o Immiscible with water, and less dense than water (will float in water)
o Boiling point increases regularly with increasing number of carbon atoms in a
o RECAP: Branched alkanes have lower boiling point than straight chain alkane
of the same Mr; surface area of contact for id-id forces
o Melting point
Packing effect becomes significant now (arrangement of molecules in
a solid crystal lattice
Boiling point is a measure of the id-id surface area
Generally, the more densely packed something is, the higher the
melting point, especially for covalent compounds since packing
efficiency affects surface area of contact and in turn, dispersion forces
o Viscosity
Viscosity increases with number of carbon atoms present
id – id increase
long molecules tend to “tangle” with each other
Chemical Properties
o Combustion
Complete combustion (use Stoichiometry): CxHy + (x+ 0.25y)O2 ->
xCO2 + 0.5yH2O
Incomplete combustion gives carbon and carbon monoxide
2CH4 + 3O2 -> 2CO + 4H2O
CH4 + O2 -> C + 2H2O
Free-radical substitution (FRS)
o UV light is necessary to break strong covalent bonds to form radicals
(covalent bond broken homolytically)
o C – H won’t break but Cl – Cl will (compare their BE values: C-H is 410 vs Cl
- Cl 244kJmol-1)
o FRS is known as a chain reaction as a radical reacts to regenerate another
radical allowing the reaction to continue
o As the reaction is self-sustaining, only a short burst of UV light is needed to
break Cl-Cl bond in the initiation step; in fact, prolonged exposure to UV light
may cause an uncontrolled explosion as too many reactive radicals are formed
(bond forming is exothermic, remember)
Formation of FRS side-products
o Extent of substitution is difficult to control
You can favour mono-sub with excess alkane
Favour multi-sub with excess halogen
o CH4 + Cl2 can give CH3Cl, CH2Cl2 etc
o Position of substitution is also difficult to control (all H atoms are susceptible
to substitution)
Ratio of products formed are determined by 2 factors:
Stability of radical intermediate
Statistical probability of attack
Stability of alkyl radicals
o Alkyl groups are electron donating, compensating for the electronic deficiency
of carbon radicals [this same story will re-appear for carbocations in Alkenes]
o Therefore the more alkyl groups attached to the carbon radical, the more stable
it is
o 3º radical most stable, followed by 2º, then 1º
Predicting ratio of products
o (if data is given) Ratio of products can be calculated by:
(Relative reactivity of that H) x (ratio of that H against total)
If not, use statistical probability, then discuss variations of that based
off reactivity
More stable intermediate, more likely to form the corresponding
o Number of hydrogens at a given position (symmetry very important here!!!!)
o With longer (non-polar) alkyl chain, solubility decreases, extent of pd-pd/H
bonding decreases, while id-id increases, so solubility decreases
Nucleophilic Addition
o C in C=O bond is the electrophile
O is the more EN atom
delocalisation of π electrons over the O atom
o Both are sources of hydride ions H-, but LiAlH4 is the stronger reducing agent,
and is thus less selective (reacts with a bunch more stuff)
o because of this hydride ion, LiAlH4 MUST be anhydrous
o NOTE this means that LiAlH4 cannot reduce alkenes as alkenes are electron
rich (no electrophile for hydride ion to attack)
o Li+ VS Na+: Li+ smaller, higher charge density more able to accept lone pair of
electron from O atom in C=O/polarise C=O bond, increasing electrophilicity
of carbonyl carbon if LiAlH4 is used
o Al Vs B: Al is less EN (EN decreases down the group), this more of the
negative charge in LiAlH4 is held by the H atom
Chapter 18 – Carboxylic Acid Derivatives
The carbon in C=O is less electrophilic than in carbonyl compounds as there is
delocalisation of the lone pair of the -OH/-O- group
Hence, carboxylic acid groups, while containing the “carbonyl” group, because
differently from normal carbonyl compounds
Nomenclature of carboxylic acid groups
o Carboxylic acid can only be found at the end of a carbon chain
o Carboxylic acid groups have the highest priority, so if u have that, your parent
chain will contain those 2 -COOH groups
o You can use “carboxy” as a substituent for molecules with 3 or more -COOH
groups e.g. 3-(carboxymethyl)hexanedioicacid
o apparently because of the need to have 3 COOH groups, there will be at least
one COOH group as a side chain; hence, tricarboxylic acid ⇒ the 3 C-atoms
are not part of the parent
o … oh well. nomenclature is 1 mark.
Physical properties
o Hydrogen Bonding is stronger than that of alcohols as the electron-
withdrawing C=O group causes the H atom to be more positively charged (and
hence, polarised O-H bond)
o Remember dimerization of pure carboxylic acids/solvated in solvents that
can’t form H-bonding
o The acidity is all about the stability of the carboxylate conjugate base
Comparing acidity (strongest to weakest)
o Carboxylic acid > Phenol > Water > Alcohol [exam may ask u to compare.
must say why alcohol is destabilised and not just be elimination]
o Negative charge in carboxylate ion is delocalised equally over two highly EN
O atoms, dispersing the negative charge and carboxylate anion is highly
o conversely, phenol is a weaker acid as the negative charge on O is delocalised
over less EN C atoms, thus stability is lower
o Alkyl groups in conjugate base R – O- conjugate base are electron donating,
intensifying negative charge, destabilising it
o EDGs intensify negative charge on carboxylic acid, destabilising conjugate
base (hence acidity decreases)
e.g ethanoic/propanoic/butanoic acid
the length of alkyl change doesn’t affect acidity greatly (their pKa
values are super similar)
o EWGs disperse negative charge on carboxylic acid, stabilising conjugate base
(hence acidity increases)
o Usual factors of inductive effects & proximity apply here too
o just remember: intensify negative charge -> destabilise & vice versa
o Electrons of benzene will delocalise into the COO- group, destabilising the
conjugate base (and decreasing acidity)
o Usual EDG (activating) & EWG (deactivating) rules apply to benzene too:
less activating, electrons are less able to delocalise into COO- group etc.
Carboxylic acids are less electrophilic as the lone pair of the O atom bonded to H can
delocalise into the C=O group, lowering partial positive charge on the electron
deficient C atom
Amino Acids
o A mixture of ABE & Organic Chem
o Amino acids consist of carboxylic acid & amine groups
o α-amino acids just refer to the -NH2 group being bonded to the α carbon of the
carboxylic acid group
o FYI, amino acids are formed via the nucleophilic addition of NH3, followed by
SN using CN, then hydrolysing the CN to give CO2H
o This is known as Strecker Synthesis
o Amino acids have both base (amine) and acid (carboxylic acid), and can
undergo intra-molecular acid-base reaction to form dipolar ions with no net
electrical charge, known as zwitterions
o by this logic you can also call amino acids “amphoteric”
Halogen Derivatives
o dilute NaOH, heat
only reaction where water is actually used for this chapter
-X replaced by -OH
o ethanolic KCN, heat
-X replaced by -CN
o ethanolic conc. NH3, heat in sealed tube
-X replaced by -NH2
if NH3 in excess, mono-sub favoured
if RX in excess, multi-sub favoured as the R-NH2 also behaves like a
RX + NH3 -> RNH2 + HX
RNH2 + RX -> R2NH + HX
R2NH + RX -> R3N + HX
o ethanolic KOH, heat
dehydrohalogenation; HX eliminated & C=C formed
o Test to identify halogen in RX
Add NaOH & heat -> add excess HNO3 -> add AgNO3
test to confirm that HNO3 is in excess with litmus paper (you
really need to remove OH- because Ag(OH)2 is insoluble and
will mess with your AgX ppt
do the silver halide QA test in data booklet thingy
Or u can use ethanolic AgNO3
Besides the QA AgX test, AgI forms the fastest, followed by
AgBr, then AgCl
(Concept is a combination of H3 stuff – polar protic solvent
favours SN1, which means leaving group stability is the more
important factor)
Hydroxy Compounds
o Alcohol/Phenol + Na (s)
Redox reaction, H2 (g) formed alongside conjugate base
o Phenol + NaOH
Acid-base reaction, phenoxide & H2O formed
o Tertiary alcohol + conc. HCl
-OH replaced by -Cl
solution turns cloudy (no more hydrogen bonding from alcohol,
halogenoalkane not soluble)
o Primary/Sec Alcohol + HCl, ZnCl2 catalyst
reaction mechanism is SN1
-OH replaced by -Cl
solution turns cloudy
o (questionable) Lucas Test
Tollens’ test
Silver mirror formed
Freshly prepared in the lab: 1) NaOH + AgNO3 to form
Ag(OH)2 ppt 2) NH3 (aq) added until precipitate just dissolves
Carboxylic Acids
o Acid-base
with Na (s), forms H2 gas
with Na2CO3, forms CO2 gas & carboxylate ion
(speaking of this, FYI, phenol will react with CO32- to give HCO3-, but
not H2CO3)
o Condensation (nucleophilic acyl substitution)
with PCl5 -> ROCl (acyl chloride) + POCl3 + HCl
can also use PCl3 (gives H3PO3)/SOCl2 (gives SO2)
Acyl chlorides react with like almost everything
room temperature with all reactions involving acyl chlorides
hydrolysis with water to give carboxylic acid & white HCl
+ amines -> gives amides
o Reduction with LiAlH4
Gives primary alcohol
only LiAlH4 is strong enough to reduce carboxylic acids
o Hydrolysis of ester/amide
dilute NaOH/H2SO4, heat
the C-O/C-N bond is cut
Forms carboxylic acid in acidic /carboxylate in basic conditions &
Nitrogen compounds
o Amines react like a normal base (eg RNH2 + HCl -> RNH3+Cl-)
o nitrobenzene + Sn, conc HCl -> phenylamide
o Amide + LiAlH4 -> amine + water
remember to kick out your OH!!!
H2 (g), Ni catalyst
o Alkene -> Alkane
o Aldehyde/Ketone -> Alcohol
o -CN -> -CH2NH2
LiAlH4 in dry ether (acting as hydride ion H-)
o does not reduce alkenes
o Aldehyde/Ketone/Carboxylic Acid -> Alcohol
o Ester -> C=O side becomes aldehyde (then alcohol); C-O side becomes
alcohol directly
o Amide -> Amine
o -CN -> -CH2NH2
o Weaker RA than LiAlH4; only reduces aldehydes & ketones
Sn, conc. HCl
o Nitrobenzene -> Phenylamine