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Ecmei Cat 2010

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Insulators &



Introduction - About Us 2-3 Porcelain Insulators 4-23


Polymer Insulators 24-31 Fittings 32-34


RTV Coating 35-36 Certificates & Approvals 37-39


75 years ago, we started with a clear vision to position
Elsewedy Electric for successful growth, inspired by
innovation, determination and spirit of hardworking
staff, empowered and liberated by a strong enterprise

Since Elsewedy Electric started, we made the same motto

did not change till today... Behind our success is
a professional dedicated team and latest technologies which
deliver comprehensive product portfolio and unmatched
services. Elsewedy Electric always delivers top-rated
products and services customers need with the best results
they deserve. Our creative solutions help corporations and
organizations to quickly adapt to new technologies that
enhance business productivity and enable them to stay
ahead of the competition.

At Elsewedy Electric, we focus on three pillars of sustainability: Human, Environment, and Technology.
We are working to produce the best products and offer a wider selection of solutions in order to meet growing energy demands
We are striving to reduce our impact on the environment, conserve natural resources, and reducing our operating costs in the process.

Our heritage, as an energy solutions provider, runs deep. What began with Elsewedy Cables more than 30 years ago and became
Elsewedy Electric has transformed into a global diversified company with more than 10,000 employees and 30 production facilities.

We are one of the top Energy Solutions companies in Middle East and Africa operating in 5 diversified energy segments; cables &
accessories, electrical products, energy measurment & management, transformers, engineering & construction.
We are proud of what we have achieved so far but recognize that there is much work to be done to meet the aggressive goals we have
set for ourselves. Elsewedy Electric has the capacity and the will to lead. We will continue to work & fight for those things that make
the world a better place.

We remain dedicated to penetrate new markets with a vision of providing the best products and services to our clients and shareholders
and create a good working environment for our employees. That’s Performance with purpose. That’s what every business owner should
strive for.

2 www.ecmei.com

In June 2008, Elsewedy Electric has acquired The Egyptian Company for Manufacturing Electrical insulators ( ECMEI) , the distinctive
company in the middle East in manufacturing ceramics insulator.

ECMEI was established in 1994 with an annual production capacity of 7000 tons under license of CERAM group who have wide
range of products and long standing experience in high tension insulators of different applications up to 210 KN in 500 KV Network .

We have also ISO9001:2008 for Quality Management System, ISO 14001:2004 for Environmental Management System,
OHSAS 18001:2007 for Occupational Health and Safety , ISO/IEC 17025:2005 for High voltage testing lab.

ECMEI ‐ as a part of Elsewedy Group ‐ has embarked on a two‐way strategic plan calling for vertical and horizontal integration.

Our Vision:
To be one of the pioneer companies in the field of manufacturing electrical insulators and provide related services world wide

Our Mission:
Manufacture different electrical insulators and supply to international markets as well as enhancing and developing our society.

Our Values:
• Mutual respect, Credibility, reliability, and integrity.
• Human resources are our dearest asset.
• Loyalty for our Customers.
• Innovation, creation, and continuous improvement.
• Working in a safe friendly environment.
• Quality is uncompromised

Electrical Insulators 3
Insulators 1

4 www.ecmei.com

Main Features:
1- ECMEI disc insulators contours ensure maximum Creepage path due
to their distinctive geometrical configuration .Smooth rounded shell
provides protection against chipping.

2- The glaze applied is compressive in nature which adds to mechanical

strength and provides smooth surface for self cleaning under contamination.
Standard glaze colours are Brown or Grey

3- Caps are made of malleable cast iron and pins are made of forged
steel. These are galvanized to provide better protection against corrosion
.Socket caps and pins are checked by specified gauges one and all to
assure interchangeability . Socket portion suits R clip. The security clips
are made of bronze or stainless steel as per customer’s choice.

4- A fine resilient bitumen coating on side of the cap and surface of the
ball pin as well as on sand band on the head and in the cavity in contact
with cement, is applied to absorb stresses developed due to thermal
expansion . It also protects metal part.

5- Application of Gravel on shell helps in uniform transfer of static and

dynamic stresses by providing firm gripping surface for the cement which
is used as filler between porcelain and metal part.

6- Rapid hardening Portland cement with special sand, and jigs

equipped with vibrating arrangements, ensure proper distribution of
bonding medium in assembly of metal part.

7- Insulators having alternative electro-mechanical ratings, spacing or

Creepage distance to suit environmental conditions. Sacrificial collars of
Zinc of 99.9 % purity to serve corrosion polluted areas can be provided as
optional features.

porcelain cap and pin insulator complies with the standard specifications of(IEC, IS, EN, ANSI)

Tests are carried out on ECMEI cap and pin insulators in compliance with National, International standards or customer’s standard.

(A) Routine test:

• Hydraulic proof load test on porcelain shells
• High frequency flash over test on porcelain shells
• Power frequency flash over test on porcelain shells
• Visual examination
• Routine mechanical test on assembled cap & pin insulators
• Power frequency flash over on assembled cap &pin insulators

(B) Sample test:Test samples are subjected to acceptance test in the order indicated below:
• Verification of locking system
• Verification of dimensions
• Temperature Cycle test
• Mechanical falling load test
• Electro-Mechanical falling load test
• Puncture test
• Porosity test
• Galvanizing test

Electrical Insulators 5

(C) Type test:

• Visual examination
• Verification of dimensions
• Impulse voltage withstand test
• Wet power frequency withstand voltage
• Temperature Cycle test
• Electromechanical falling load test
• Under oil puncture test
• Mechanical falling load test

(D) Additional tests for EHV insulator string:

(above 220kv)
• Wet switching withstand test
• Radio interference voltage test mechanical strength of complete string
• Thermal mechanical performance test

(E) Special test to meet customer’s requirements:

• Steep front wave flashover test with an effective rate of rise of 2500kv/us
• Power arc test of 10 kA ( sym) RMS for 0.1 sec.
• Pollution test Wet power frequency voltage test
• Autoclave test ( for cement expansion )

Application Guide:

Suspension insulators (disc porcelain) are the most widely used models for transmission
and distribution lines. In strings they can be used for any voltage depending on the number
of units mounted in series.
Their design varies to suit different types of polluted zones and mechanical strength as per customer’s requirements. It is possible to
connect strings in parallel in sets of two or more to provide adequate mechanical strength for large spans or heavy conductors.Life
expectancy of these insulators are extremely high but may be adversely affected if operated beyond specified limits of electrical or
mechanical stress.

(a) choice of insulator profile

Normally three types of shell profile are available. The standard profile is used in temperate climate and reasonably clean areas. The anti fog
type for the same insulator string length provides a longer leakage distance. Open profile insulators are meant to reduce accumulation of
dust in desert area where rainfall is scare, due to aerodynamic characteristics of insulator profile.

(b) Choice of string length for unpolluted areas

Standard profile is recommended, the string length is determined by the parameters of the system voltage and network.
For service voltage up to 220kv, the electrical criterion should be the dry impulse withstands/ flashover voltage of the insulator string
which depends on the dry arcing distance of the complete strings set.
For service voltage above 220kv, the electrical criterion should be the wet switching surge withstand/flashover voltage. This depends on
the length of the insulator string, the shape and position of string fittings and the location of the string with respect to the metal body of
the tower.

(c) Choice of string lengths for polluted areas

The insulator string lengths with insulators subjected to polluted, wetted and max service voltage conditions are determined by its
power frequency withstand voltage. According to severity of pollution, the performance of insulator string may reduce widely.
The wetting caused by fog, drizzle or sea spray, controls the severity of pollution .heavy rain may remove the contaminants and
thereby improve upon the performance of insulators strings.
The length of the insulator string can be calculated by using the recommended insulation level (mm/kv) for a certain profile and taking
into account of the unit spacing of the selected insulators. Any increase in string length results in increase of height of tower with
consequential higher line cost

6 www.ecmei.com

Recommended profile of insulators and creep age paths for various categories of pollution zones are indicated in the following table:


(recommended profile for polluted areas)

Suspension strings (vertical)

Area Normal Anti-fog type profile Open profile

coastal Possible Recommended Possible
Desert Possible Recommended Recommended
Industrial Possible Recommended Recommended
Mixed Not-advisable Recommended Recommended
Tension strings ( horizontal )
Area Normal Anti-fog type profile Open profile
coastal Possible Recommended Possible
Desert Possible Recommended Recommended
Industrial Possible Recommended Recommended
Mixed Not-advisable Recommended Recommended
Table II ( recommended creepage path )

Recommended creepage
Pollution level Typical environmental condition Distance mm/kv of highest
System voltage

Agricultural areas, mountain areas, low density industrial/

housing areas but subject to frequent clean winds and rain falls.
Light 30-35
The above areas should be at least 20 km from sea and should
not be exposed to direct sea breezy and dry weather.

Industrial areas not producing any polluting smoke ,high density

Medium industrial/ housing areas with frequent winds and rain falls. Areas 35-40
not close to sea.

Areas subject to severe industrial pollution; areas close to sea and

Heavy 40-45
exposed to sea winds.

Areas subject to conductive dust, industrial smoke producing

Very heavy conductive deposits, desert areas with terrain close to coast and 45-55
exposed to sea spray and polluting sea wind.


• Creepage distance mm/kv correspond to highest system voltage in kv ( phase to phase)

• In areas with no significant pollution a creepage distance not lower than 16 mm/kv may be considered
• Creepage distance higher than 45 mm/kv in case of exceptionally high polluted areas, may not be a solution. RTV coating,
periodical cleaning and live line washing are recommended in such cases.

Electrical Insulators 7

(d) string length at strain points

Dead end or large angle structures are often located where safety is important such as at road or rail road crossings or where other
utilities are crossed.

Mechanical or electrical failures can least be afforded at these points. Since electrical troubled are followed by mechanical troubled,
longer strings are recommended in strain points than at regular suspension points.

Flashover values, both power frequency dry or impulse for insulator strings in the strain position are less than those for the same string
length in the vertical position, as the sagging of horizontal strings reduces the arcing distance. Further reduction of approximately 8 to
10% in power frequency dry and impulse flashover values of strings in horizontal position is expected due to distortion of electrostatic
field at the line end of strain strings where change in direction is involved . As drip water does not accumulate on horizontal string unlike
on vertical string , the wet flashover value of a horizontal string is only slightly lower than its power frequency dry flashover value.

(e) choice of M & E rating

Generally loads applied to the insulator on an operating line are calculated by taking into account the weight of conductors and wind
velocity under everyday load condition, on the most loaded section of the line conventional safety factor is thereafter to be applied for
determining the minimum M & E rating of the insulators.
ECMEI suspension disc insulators can be loaded permanently at 40% of the catalogue rating taking advantage of their high reliability
and insensitiveness to continuous and changing mechanical, electrical and thermal influences. The maximum load should not however
exceed 65% of the rated M & E strength.

(f) corrosion
For polluted areas use of pins protected by a sacrificial zinc sleeve fused around the pin at air cement interface is recommended. the zinc
sleeve does not take part in the mechanical structure of the insulator and its gradual elimination does not affect the mechanical
characteristics of the whole complex.

(g) General guide for Ball & Socket coupling standards for designing insulator strings

IEC standard

Minimum failing load in KN Standard (ball& socket size) mm

70 16

80 16

90 16

120 16

120 20

160 20

210 20

8 www.ecmei.com

(h) Correction for Altitude and Ambient temperature

The flashover voltage of String insulators decreases due to lower atmospheric pressure in high altitude or due to exposure of - insulators
to tropical climates having temperature above 400C. At altitudes of over 1000 M above sea level or in places with temperature over 400C,
it is recommended that the flashover voltage value at Normal condition is multiplied by the following factor and the number of insulators
is increased to meet the requirement.

Correction factor for tºc Service temperature = 273 + t º


Correction factor H meters of Altitude above sea level = 1 + 01 ( H- 1000)


( * )Power arcs
Short circuit currents of high magnitude may cause melting of the insulator pins. lt is therefore, necessary to have the protection fittings
in an insulator string carefully designed. lt may noted that short circuit currents of 20000 and 30000 amps. of one second duration cause
melting of steel bars of 16 mm and 20 mm diameter respectively.

Electrical Insulators 9

A- Normal Disc & Open Profile types

Cap and pin insulators are generally used on over head transmission and distribution network to evacuate bulk power over long distances.The
insulators could be in suspension or tension made in string form to insulate the conductor from tower. We manufacture Normal Profile type up
to 120 KN electro-mechanical strength and up to 320 mm leakage path. Open profile type is up to 120 KN electro-mechanical strength and 350
mm leakage path. The Open profile’s pin includes zinc sleeve; and for normal Profile’s pin excludes zinc sleeve unless if required. Every insulator
is tested with hydraulic pressure and combination of high and power frequency electrical test; followed by routine mechanical and electrical test as
per IEC standard after assembling with cement and metal parts.

Product No. 040-00 044-00 044-01 044-02 044-06 053-00 053-01
Porcelain Dia.(D) mm 175 255 255 255 255 330 320
Spacing (H) mm 110 146 146 146 146 146 146
Creepage Total Creepage mm 190 320 320 320 320 295 350
Protected Creepage mm 100 165 165 165 165 150 250
Combined Electro Mechanical Strength KN 40 90 100 70 120 80 120

Power Dry KV 55 75 75 75 75 75 75

Flashover Frequency Wet KV 37 45 45 45 45 45 50

voltage Positive KV 75 115 115 115 115 115 115
Negative KV 80 120 120 120 120 115 115

one minute Dry KV 50 70 70 70 70 70 70

Withstand power frequency Wet KV 33 40 40 40 40 40 45

Voltage Positive KV 70 110 110 110 110 110 110
Negative KV 75 115 115 115 115 110 110
Visible Discharge Voltage KV 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
Power frequency Puncture Voltage KV 90 110 110 110 110 125 130
Ball Socket Size mm 11 16 16 16 16 16 16
Net Weight (Approx.) kg 2.5 5 5 5 5 5.5 6

* We have the ability to fulfill client requirements within international standards

Normal Type Open Profile Type

10 www.ecmei.com

B- Anti Fog Profile

Cap and pin insulators are generally used on over head transmission and distribution network to evacuate bulk power over long distances.
The insulators could be in suspension or tension made in string form to insulate the conductor from tower.

We manufacture Anti-fog type to 210 KN electro-mechanical strength insulators and up to 555 mm leakage path for networks up to 500
KV. In a straight head design, the insulator pin includes zinc sleeve.

Every insulator is tested with hydraulic pressure and combination of high and power frequency electrical test; followed by routine
mechanical and electrical test as per IEC standard after assembling with cement and metal parts.

Product No. 041-00 043-00 045-00 045-01 045-02 046-00 046-01 050-00 050-02 052-00

Porcelain Dia.(D) mm 255 280 280 280 280 320 320 320 320 320
Spacing (H) mm 110 146 170 146 146 146 146 175 175 175
Total Creep age mm 320 450 450 450 450 465 465 555 555 555
Creepage Distance
Protected Creep age mm 220 320 320 320 320 320 320 400 400 400
Combined electo-mechanical strength KN 40 90 120 120 120 90 120 160 120 210
Dry KV 78 80 80 80 80 85 85 95 80 95
Power Frequency
Wet KV 45 48 45 45 45 55 55 60 45 60
Flashover Voltage
Positive KV 120 125 125 125 125 145 145 150 125 150
Negative KV 125 130 130 130 130 150 150 155 130 155

one minute Dry KV 70 75 70 70 70 80 80 90 70 90

power frequency Wet KV 40 42 40 40 40 45 45 50 40 50
Withstand Voltage
Positive KV 115 120 120 120 120 135 135 140 120 140
Negative KV 120 120 125 125 125 140 140 150 125 150
Visible Discharge Voltage KV 9 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18
Power frequency Puncture Voltage KV 110 130 130 130 130 140 140 140 130 140
Ball Socket Size mm 11 16 20 20 16 16 16 20 20 20
Net Weight (Approx.) kg 3.7 8 8.5 8.5 8.5 9 9 11 11 11.25

* We have the ability to fulfill client requirements within international standards

Anti-Fog Type

Electrical Insulators 11

Main Features:
ECMEI Solid core line post insulators conforms to specifications of IEC 383 and ANSI-C29.7.
1-ECMEI product range includes line post with clamp top and stud base for both horizontal and vertical mounting .Conductor groove type
line posts are supplied with short stud or long stud as required.

2- ECMEI insulators are made from highest quality wet process porcelain having excellent electrical and mechanical characteristics.
Metal parts are made of malleable iron or steel both galvanized as per ASTM specifications .Cementing operations are carried out under
rigidly controlled conditions.

3- ECMEI insulators have stream-lined feature with symmetrical upper and lower electrodes which prevent accumulation of salt and dust
and therefore have an excellent antipollution performance.

4- These insulators have high arc resistibility similar to solid core long rod insulators. There will be little decrease in flashover voltage if a
shed get damaged .Sufficient distance between electrodes makes these insulators puncture proof.

5- Owing to comparatively longer distance between upper and lower electrodes , the RIV is extremely low.

6- Insulators are normally brown glazed or light grey.

The following tests are carried out on ECMEI solid core
line post insulators in compliance with national and
international standards:

Routine test:
• Visual examination
• Routine mechanical test

Sample test:
• Verification of dimensions
• Temperature Cycle test
• Mechanical falling load test (Cantilever)
• Galvanizing test
• Porosity test

Type test:
• Visual examination
• Verification of dimensions
• Impulse voltage withstand test
• Wet / Dry power frequency withstand voltage
• Mechanical falling load test (cantilever)

Application Guide:
ECMEI solid core line post insulators up to 33 kv can be used for construction of overhead lines at a cheaper cost but having the reliability
of a line using suspension long rod insulator. To supplement the deficiencies of pin insulators ,Solid core line post insulators based on
long-rod concept are recommended for distribution lines up to 33 kv .Further line construction cost using solid core line post insulator is
cheaper compared with that using long rod insulators for suspension .These insulators can be used as support for conductors on cross-arms
of transmission and distribution line poles.

12 www.ecmei.com

Line Post Insulator

Line post insulators are applied on medium voltage overhead distribution lines up to (36KV) for fixing conductors to tower bodies and
used in the distribution systems of the town. We manufacture these insulators with leakage path from 356 mm up to 1660 m with
mechanical strength up to 12.5 KN.

Product No. 090-00 090-01 090-02 090-03 090-04 090-07
Recommended voltage KV 24 15 36 36 36 36
Insulator length (H) mm 305 230 510 368 381 506
Insulator biggest diameter (D) mm 152 145 185 178 165 232
Creepage distance mm 560 356 1320 825 737 1660
Dry arcing distance mm 228 166 450 310 312 500
Stud size mm 20 20 20 20 20 20
Cantilever strength KN 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5
Dry KV 110 80 175 125 125 155
Power Frequency
Wet KV 85 60 150 100 100 135
Flashover Voltage
Positive KV 180 130 290 210 210 300
Negative KV 205 155 350 260 260 350

one minute power Dry KV 90 70 160 100 100 150

frequency Wet KV 65 53 135 93 93 130
Withstand Voltage
Positive KV 150 110 250 170 170 270
Negative KV 150 110 250 170 170 270
Net Weight (Approx.) kg 7.5 4.5 21 10 10 22

* We have the ability to fulfill client requirements within international standards

Line Post Insulator

Electrical Insulators 13

Main Features:
1- ECMEI pin insulators are made of high grade wet process and normally brown glazed.

2- Pin insulators of ECMEI are one piece manufactured. One type of threads is normally provided, a non –ferrous metal insert is cemented
inside the pin hole .Metal insert (thimble) is made of lead or Zinc.

3- Height of the pins used shall be suitable to provide maximum dry arc distance. Pin insulator with special head grooves to accommodate
special conductors can be supplied on request.

Pin insulators conforms to specifications of IEC 383

The following tests are carried out on ECMEI pin insulators in compliance with national and international standards:

(A) Routine test:

• Routine electrical test
• Routine visual examination

(B) Sample test:

• Verification of dimensions
• Temperature Cycle test
• Mechanical falling load test (Cantilever)
• Puncture test
• Porosity test
• Galvanizing test

(C) Type test:

• Visual examination
• Verification of dimensions
• Impulse voltage withstand test
• Wet power frequency withstand voltage
• Temperature Cycle test
• Mechanical falling load test (cantilever)
• Under oil puncture test

(D) Additional test

• Dry power frequency flashover test
• Wet power frequency flashover test
• Artificial pollution test.

Application Guide:
• Pin insulators of one piece construction are widely used in low cost distribution lines. ECMEI manufactures full range of pin insulators
for application in sub-transmission and distribution lines up to system voltage 33 Kv .
• These insulators are available with creepage distance to meet different requirements of pollution up to 45mm/Kv

14 www.ecmei.com

Pin Insulator
Pin insulators are used on medium voltage over head distribution lines (15, 25 and 36 KV) for fixing conductors to tower bodies to
distribute power from substation to town and inside the town networks. The insulators are manufactured with leakage path from 330
mm up to 990 mm and 10 KN bending strength or subject to client requirements.

Product No. 024-00 024-01 024-02 024-05 025-00 025-01 025-03 033-02
Highest System voltage KV 15 15 36 15 36 36 36 11
Total creepage distance mm 440 535 686 330 990 990 990 115
Cantilever strength KN 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 4

Power Dry KV 85 100 110 45 120 105 120 44

Flashover Frequency Wet KV 45 50 60 40 100 85 100 25

Voltage Positive KV 125 125 140 85 175 120 175 85
Negative KV 130 130 140 90 175 120 175 90

one minute Dry KV 80 90 100 40 110 96 110 28

Withstand power frequency Wet KV 40 45 55 35 90 80 90 20

Voltage Positive KV 120 120 130 75 170 125 170 75
Negative KV 120 120 130 75 170 125 170 75
Power frequency Puncture Voltage KV 135 135 150 95 180 180 180 NA
Net Weight (Approx.) kg 5.4 5.5 7 2.7 12.5 12 11 1

* cantilever strength is subject to the required spindle

024-05 024-00 024-01



025-03 025-00

Electrical Insulators 15

We manufacture low voltage distribution transformer bushings with leakage path up to 100 mm which support the low voltage side of
the transformer to carry the output cables up to 3150A .

Product No. 003-00 006-00 005-00 004-00 001-00 011-00 010-00 009-00 008-00 007-00

1KV/250 1KV/630 1KV/1000 1KV/2000 1KV/3150 1KV/250 1KV/630 1KV/1000 1KV/2000 1KV/3150
Transformer rating KV/Amp
Amp Amp Amp Amp Amp Amp Amp Amp Amp Amp

Dimensions A mm 75 70 90 85 110 110 125 125 145 150 50 60 70 85 70 110 104 125 125 150

B mm 32 60 47 70 65 90 80 105 100 125 14 20 22 28 32 37 44 51 50 61

C mm 30 40 45 46 65 57 80 70 100 90 70 30 80 30 85 36 85 35 85 35

D mm 37 26 43 41 53 46 66 64 86 80 45 50 55 70 55 90 55 104 55 125

E mm 14 20 22 28 32 37 44 51 50 61 27 26 53 41 53 46 66 64 86 80

F mm 60 --- 70 --- 90 --- 105 --- 125 --- 32 30 47 46 65 57 80 71 100 90

Power Frequency Dry KV 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25

Withstand Voltage Wet KV 21 21 21 21 21 10 10 10 10 10

Impulse withstand voltage KV 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45

Net Weight (Approx.) kg 0.43 0.12 0.8 0.4 1.1 0.7 1.4 0.75 1.5 0.9 0.2 0.1 0.4 0.2 0.7 0.5 0.9 0.6 1.5 0.8

(Upper Insulator) (Lower Insulator)


(Upper Insulator) (Lower Insulator)


16 www.ecmei.com

Transformer bushing for outdoor and indoor are used as structure carrying on conductor through a partition from the transformer tank.

Product No. 016-00 015-00 014-00 013-00 012-00 019-00 018-00 017-00

20NF/250 20NF/630 30NF/250 30NF/630 20NF/3150 10NI/250 10NF/250 10NF/630

Transformer rating KV/Amp
Amp Amp Amp Amp Amp Amp Amp Amp

Dimensions Dia. A mm 145 155 145 165 190 95 135 145

Dia. B mm 155 165 155 175 210 100 140 150

Dia.I mm 150 160 150 170 200 111 111 128

Dia.K mm --- --- 155 160 --- 74 74 88

Dia.C Max mm 111 128 111 128 187 33 33 39

Dia.D Max mm 74 88 74 88 130 70 70 85

Dia E Min mm 33 39 33 39 74 33 33 39

Dia F mm 70 85 70 85 125 70 70 85

Dia G mm 15±1 24.5±1 15±1 24.5±1 17±0.5 15±1 15±1 24.5±1

T mm 22±1 30.5±1 22±1 30.5±1 62±0.5 22±1 22±1 30.5±1

H mm 385 385 485 510 410 245 295 295

H1 mm 55 55 55 60 55 35 50 50

H2 mm 85 85 85 80 85 245 295 295

H3 mm 90 90 85 85 80 35 50 50

H4 mm 50 50 90 90 60 75 105 105

H5 mm 25 25 65 70 30 45 50 70

H6 mm 80 80 25 25 100 25 25 25

H7 mm --- --- 80 100 --- 65 65 65

Visible Discharge Voltage KV/Amp 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12

Power Frequency Dry KV 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45

one minute withstand voltage Wet KV 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45

Impulse withstand voltage KV 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95

Net Weight (Approx.) kg 5.9 6.8 7.6 9.6 6 2.7 3.8 4.9

Electrical Insulators 17

Post insulators are used in medium voltage 12, 25 KV with leakage path 440mm up to 1047 mm, with mechanical strength up to 4 KN
and also for 66 KV with leakage path 2450mm. It can be used for indoor and outdoor applications.

Product No. 029-00 029-01 029-03 030-00 030-01 030-02
Type P70 P70s P70 P13s --- ---
Rated Insulation voltage KV 25 25 25 36 72.5 36
Total creepage distance mm 440 500 550 1047 2450 1200
Height (H) mm 250.5 257 280 380 902 460
Biggest Diameter mm 127 131 136 180 180 180
Bending falling load KN 4 4 4 2.3 2.3 2.3
Number of sheds Nos. 6 6 6 9 20 10
Arcing Distance mm 193 193 194 305 820 385
one minute power Wet KV 50 50 50 50 185 80
Withstand Voltage
frequency Impulse KV 130 130 130 150 410 200
Net Weight (Approx.) kg 4.5 4.5 5 11 25 13.5

P70 P13
029-00 030-00

18 www.ecmei.com

Long rod insulators are applied on medium and high over head distribution and transmission lines for suspension or tension of conductor
to tower bodies.

We produce long insulator with ball and socket coupling-Long rod insulators are absolutely puncture-proof and have excellent anti-pollution

Long rod insulators are made with ceramic materials and it can be manufactured with other voltage levels and higher leakage path as per
customer’s request.


Product No. 037-00 037-02 037-03 037-04 037-05 037-06 037-07 037-08 037-09 037-10

L 90E L 70 L 70 L 70 L 70 L 100 L 100 L 100 L 120

Type of insulator according to IEC433 ----
240 E 175 E 245 E 310 E 380 E 380 E 411 E 550 E 550
Insulator length (H) mm 390 340 410 460 550 580 611 895 915 847
Insulator diameter (D) mm 150 180 180 180 180 190 150 190 200 185
Creepage distance mm 550 400 500 650 800 800 1000 1200 1200 1800
Type of coupling mm 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 20
Mechanical breaking load KN 90 70 70 70 70 100 100 100 120 160
Withstand Power ferquency Wet KV 70 50 70 85 95 95 70 140 140 200
Voltage Impulse Dry KV 170 125 170 200 250 250 170 325 325 400
Net Weight (Approx.) kg 9 7 8 9.5 12 12.2 13.5 13.5 14 20

Electrical Insulators 19

Stay insulators give protection in case of accidentally broken live wire that can accidentally energize a stay wire and remains in contact
with line which doesn’t trip. In some cases the bottom portion of the stay would have no voltage due to insulation, stay insulator will
normally be installed in the middle of stay wire.

Three types of stay insulators are generally used for rural and railway:

• 1.1 KV stay
• 15 KV stay
• 36 KV stay

Product No. 080-00 080-01 080-02
Highest voltage KV 36 1.1 15
Creepage distance mm 76 48 57
Tensile strength KN 89 53 80
Dry KV 40 30 35
Withstand Voltage Power frequency
Wet KV 23 15 18
Net Weight (Approx.) kg 1.9 0.7 1.5

080-00 080-02 080-01

20 www.ecmei.com

These insulators are applied on low voltage over head distribution lines for fixing of conductors to poles.
This group of our manufacturing range includes low voltage insulators (Shackle, Spool) standardized in accordance with DIN and ANSI
standard application.

Product No. 039-00 039-01 039-02 055-01 076-00 076-01 076-03
Creepage distance mm 65 66 60 60 60 57 57
Mechanical strength KN 8 8 6 8 12 12 12
Withstand Power Dry KV 22 23 22 20 18 18 20
Voltage frequency Wet KV 9 10 8.5 9 6 6 8
Net Weight (Approx.) kg 0.55 0.6 0.5 0.3 0.5 0.4 0.5

Electrical Insulators 21

These insulators are fitted on low voltage over head lines (1.1KV) for fixing of conductor to
poles and in the distribution system of the town with leakage path 150 mm up to 280 mm
and with bending load 8KN to 18 KN.

Product No. 055-00
026-01 027-01
Creepage distance mm 280 175 150
Biggest diameter (D) mm 86 71 93
Height (H) mm 140 100 110
Bending failing load KN 10 8 18
Dry KV 40 20 20
Power frequency Withstand Voltage
Wet KV 30 10 10
Lightining Impulse voltage KV 75 55 40
Puncture voltage in oil KV 70 50 35
Net Weight (Approx.) kg 1 0.5 0.7

026-01 055-00

22 www.ecmei.com

Electrical Insulators 23
Insulators 2

24 www.ecmei.com

ECMEI is one of few companies who can offer both porcelain and polymer electrical insulators products
Our insulators are the result of more than 20 years of research and development.

ISO certification 9001,14001, 18001 and special one ISO17025 has been achieved due to our wide engineering special knowledge
and shared experience with our esteemed customers.

High performance and quality of our polymer insulators have been proven by strict attention paid to the quality control processes,
advanced manufacturing rules and selection of the best materials and optimum designs give us the capabilities to be leader in our
field and meet our customers’ requirement.

We have conducted the standard tests specified in international standards, such as IEC .various tests, from chemical analysis of
the materials to full-scale electrical and mechanical tests on polymer insulators, fulfilled in accredited independent international

Our process is highly automated process mainly depend on high temperature and pressure vulcanized (HTV) shedded housing
that is injected and vulcanized directly on the fiberglass rod already equipped with the crimped end fittings
This guarantees its high quality, and total reliability.

All range of our insulators from the simplest to the most demanding of applications is produced with the same materials and

Some of the advantages of ECMEI Polymer Insulators are:

• High mechanical strength and low weight using FRP rod that has a high mechanical and acid resistance utilizing ECR glass fiber
• Robust and shock resistance: anti-vandal
• Pollution resistance with weather sheds design Pollution resistance chemical or natural
• High hydrophobic housing
• very high track and arc resistance
• very low smoke emission and low toxicity
• Two metal end fittings radial compressed onto the Fiberglass rod.

Electrical Insulators 25

General features:
The new ECMEI long rod insulators type 45SPI marked with “ Elsewedy Polymer Insulators” combine the highest levels of electrical
insulation and mechanical tensile strength with a compact, light- weight design. The superior design and low weight of 45SPI long rod
insulators makes it especially suited for over- head compact-line applications where low tower design and short line spans are required.

They are also more economical to transport and install .Polymer insulator of are one piece products up to 6 m with no joints on the housing
(sheath) or at the weathershed interfaces. Housing is directly vulcanized to the core during compression molding process ,providing
superior bonding performance. Also, pressure controlled uniform crimping provides superior long-term mechanical performance.

The 45SPI insulator housing is HTV1 silicone rubber housing made by intelligent joint technique IJT2 by injection molding process. The
HTV silicone is directly molded onto the core rod by overlapping the triple junction point and part of the metal end fittings. The design
ensures a total enclosure of the most critical parts of a silicone insulator – the triple point (metal end fitting/FRP rod/silicone housing),
where usually the highest electrical field strength is concentrated. This overlapping system eliminates any need of traditional sealing
systems while preventing any moisture ingress attacks. On the basis of contamination level , We can propose best-fit shed profile . Shed
profile complies with IEC standard.

The core rod is a boron-free, corrosion- resistant ECR glass-fiber-reinforced plastic rod (FRP rod). Due to the extremely high hydrolysis
and acid resistance of the FRP rod the risk of so-called brittle fracture is completely eliminated for 45 SPI insulators.

End Fittings:
We use only the end fittings, made of high grade hot-dip galvanized forged steel not ductile cast iron to ensure the durability for very long
time in different climatic condition, they are directly attached to the FRP core rod by a circumferential crimping process. Each crimping
process is strongly monitored with a special control system. A complete range of end fittings according to the latest IEC and ANSI standards
is available up to 340 kN of SML. The 45SPI is 100% exchangeable and compatible with existing insulators and line hardware of all types.

The special design of the end fitting in the junction minimizes the electrical field strength and partial discharge inside the junction zone as
well as on the silicone housing surface, by utilizing an integrated grading ring. This reliably prevents corrosion of the insulating material
and eliminates the risk of subsequent failure of the insulator.

26 www.ecmei.com
45 SPI – HTV silicone rubber housing for best pollution performances

The excellent pollution layer characteristics of the HTV silicone rubber ensure maximum reliability of the 45SPI insulator, even under
extreme service conditions like heavy sand storms or high IR levels in sunny areas. The high hydrophobic housing prevents the formation
of conductive film on its surface. Even the most severe polluted conditions, such as salt fog in coastal regions or dust-laden air in industrial
areas, cannot impair the intrinsic hydrophobicity of the HTV silicone rubber. Surface currents and discharges are ruled out. Neither water nor
dirt on the housing surface can cause insulator flashovers.

According to long-established Elsewedy tradition and experience in high-voltage equipment for more than a 50 years, each production
step for the 45SPI – beginning with numerous incoming raw material inspections through the assembly of the individual components to
routine tests of the finished product – is rigorously monitored and well controlled

Long Lasting Service Life-No moisture ingress

The intelligent joint technique for housing of the 45SPI insulators, weather sheds design and core rod sheath (coating) with optimal design
triple junction point, all work in coherent performance to minimize the electrical field stress, which can easily lead to erosion damage of the
polymer interfaces. In particular leading to erosion of the bonding between sheds and rod sheath, and thus damage to the insulator housing.
Triple junction point in the connection zone, where all three elements (FRP rod, metal end fitting, and silicone housing) meet each other, is
absolutely water- and air-tight sealed during manufacturing by using an overmolding housing system.

It totally encloses this junction point with the HTV silicone rubber of the housing itself. Also the highest bonding strength of the HTV silicone
housing to the FRP core rod via special interface matreial combined with the overmolding design system prevent moisture ingress at the
connection zone of the insulator.

Minimized electrical field strength

After numerous electrical calculations regarding E-field distribution along the insulator, and the connection zone on the High-voltage side
in particular, the design of the 45SPI insulator was optimized for maximum reduction of electrical field stress,reduced corona effect, and
minimized RIV value.

Two design keys ensure improved life expectancy by reducing

electrical field stress in the triple point and on the silicone

• The spherical-shaped rim of the end fitting inside the housing

homogenizes the E-field distribution on the high-voltage side
of the 45SPI insulator with an integrated grading ring up to
170 kV.

• The over molded design system and the silicone housing

shape at the connection zone reduce the electrical field
strength inside the housing, at the inner triple point in particular, as well as on the silicone surface directly. This by displacing the higher
electrical field strength outside the housing (i.e. to the surrounding air area), and by taking advantage of the higher silicone relative

• In this way, 45SPI insulators can be applied on 170 kV systems without the need for additional grading/corona rings.

Electrical Insulators 27
Standards & Tests
All 45SPI long rod insulators are designed and tested in compliance with the latest IEC standards.
Each 45SPI insulator is routinely tested with a corresponding mechanical tensile test load of at least 50 percent of the defined SML load
for at least ten seconds.

IEC 61109 Insulators for overhead lines – Composite suspension and tension insulators for a.c. systems with a nominal voltage
greater than 1,000 V

IEC 62217 Polymeric insulators for indoor and outdoor use with a nominal voltage >1,000 V
IEC 60815 Selection and dimensioning of high-voltage insulators intended for use in polluted conditions
IEC 61466-1, -2 Composite string insulator units for overhead lines with a nominal voltage greater than 1,000 V

Configuration of End Fitting:

Dimensions in mm
SML (Specified Mechanical Load) : The SML is a load specified by the manufacture that has to be verified during a mechanical test. It forms
the basis for selection of an insulato RTL (Routine Test Load):

The RTL is rating equal to 50% of the SML.


Designation SML

16 70kN/ 100kN/ 120kN

20 120 KN/ 160 KN/ 210 KN
24 210kN/ 340kN


Designation SML

13L 70kN
16L 100kN/ 120kN
16N 100kN/ 120kN
19L 160 kN
19N 160 kN
22L 210kN
22N 210kN

28 www.ecmei.com
Arc protection devices such as arcing horns and corona rings for reduction of electrical field stress Customer-specific solutions as well
as other connection and cable clamps are also available on request.

Corona are carefully designed based on

numerous electrical simulations regarding
electrical field distribution. For system
voltages above 170 kV corona rings are
included in 45SPI

Corona Ring

Recommended corona rings (diameter in mm) by line voltage

Ground end Line end

Line voltage (KV)
(top end fitting) (conductor end fitting)

≤ 170 None None

245 None Ø 250
420 Ø 310 Ø 310
550 Ø 310 Ø 310

Nominal operated voltage and related SML

Maximum values Units PL3 PL0 PL1 PL2

Highest voltage for equipment, Um From KV 12 72.5 245 420

to KV 36 145 <420 550

Nominal system voltage , Un From KV 11 66 220 400

to KV 33 132 <400 500

Specified mechanical failing load (SML) From KN 70 100 120 160

to KN 100 160 210 340

Electrical Insulators 29

Ball & socket long rod polymer insulator for suspension and tension applications are available up to 765 KV .Just afew selected insulator
are listed below , Shorter or longer lengths and mechanical load are available on request .

insulator Wet Power Lightening Specified

* Highest Arcing Leakage Routine Approx.
Length Coupling freq. impulse mechanical
CAT.NO. voltage
distance path
size withstand withstand load (SML)
test load weight
KV mm mm KN KG
mm Kv KV KN

PL09016H300 12 355 205 560 16A 80 170 90 45 1.45

PL09016H301 24 488 340 1100 16A 100 200 90 45 1.9

PL09016H303 36 578 440 1400 16A 115 220 90 45 2.3

PL09016H302 36 623 475 1620 16A 130 250 90 45 2.4

PL10016H000 72.5 1110 1000 3600 16A 300 500 100 50 4.75

PL12016H000 72.5 1128 1000 3600 16A 300 500 120 60 5

PL12020H000 72.5 1145 1000 3600 20 300 500 120 60 5.3

PL16020H000 72.5 1196 1000 3600 20 300 500 160 80 6.25

PL10016H001 145 1290 1180 4320 16A 350 650 100 50 5.5

PL12016H001 145 1305 1180 4320 16A 350 650 120 60 5.75

PL12020H001 145 1325 1180 4320 20 350 650 120 60 6

PL16020H001 145 1375 1180 4320 20 350 650 160 80 6.7

PL10016H005 145 1690 1585 5950 16A 400 750 100 50 7.1

PL12016H002 145 1710 1585 5950 16A 400 750 120 60 7.4

PL12020H002 145 1725 1585 5950 20 400 750 120 60 8.2

PL16020H001 145 1765 1585 5950 20 400 750 160 80 8.9

PL12016H003 145 1890 1765 6650 16A 510 950 120 60 8.7

PL12016H101 245 2030 1835 7220 16A 460 1050 120 60 9

PL16020H101 245 2047 1850 7220 20 460 1050 160 80 10.7

PL12016H100 245 3202 3075 11930 20 645 1600 120 60 12.5

PL16020H100 245 3255 3075 11930 20 645 1600 160 80 13.5

PL16020H201 420 4750 4560 17890 20 680 1800 160 80 19.7

PL21020H201 420 4750 4560 17890 20 680 1800 210 105 19.7

PL16020H200 550 6240 6045 23875 20 710 2250 160 80 24.7

PL21020H200 550 6240 6045 23875 20 710 2250 210 105 24.7

30 www.ecmei.com

Socket/ socket long rod polymer insulator for suspension and tension applications are available up to 765 KV .Just afew selected insula-
tor are listed below , Shorter or longer lengths and mechanical load are available on request

insulator Wet Power Lightening Specified

* Highest Arcing Leakage Routine Approx.
Length Coupling freq. impulse mechanical
CAT.NO. voltage
distance path
size withstand withstand load (SML)
test load weight
KV mm mm KN KG
mm Kv KV KN

PL09016S300 12 343 195 560 16A 80 170 90 45 1.75

PL09016S301 24 476 330 1100 16A 100 200 90 45 2.2

PL09016S303 36 566 430 1400 16A 115 220 90 45 2.6

PL09016S302 36 611 465 1620 16A 130 250 90 45 2.7

PL10016S000 72.5 1098 990 3600 16A 300 500 100 50 5

PL12016S000 72.5 1116 990 3600 16A 300 500 120 60 5.3

PL12020S000 72.5 1134 990 3600 20 300 500 120 60 5.6

PL16020S000 72.5 1180 990 3600 20 300 500 160 80 6.5

PL10016S001 145 1278 1170 4320 16A 350 650 100 50 5.3

PL12016S001 145 1293 1170 4320 16A 350 650 120 60 6

PL12020S001 145 1314 1170 4320 20 350 650 120 60 6.3

PL16020S001 145 1360 1170 4320 20 350 650 160 80 7

PL10016S005 145 1675 1575 5950 16A 400 750 100 50 7.4

PL12016S002 145 1695 1575 5950 16A 400 750 120 60 7.7

PL12020S002 145 1710 1575 5950 20 400 750 120 60 8.5

PL16020S001 145 1810 1575 5950 20 400 750 160 80 9.2

PL12016S003 145 1875 1755 6650 16A 510 950 120 60 9

PL12016S101 245 2018 1825 7220 16A 460 1050 120 60 9.3

PL16020S102 245 2030 1840 7220 20 460 1050 160 80 11

PL12016S100 245 3190 3065 11930 20 645 1600 120 60 12.8

PL16020S100 245 3240 3065 11930 20 645 1600 160 80 13.8

PL16020S201 420 4734 4550 17890 20 680 1800 160 80 20

PL21020S201 420 4734 4550 17890 20 680 1800 210 105 20

PL16020S200 550 6225 6035 23875 20 710 2250 160 80 25

PL21020S200 550 6225 6035 23875 20 710 2250 210 105 25


Insulator code PL XXX XX X X XX

polymer suspension / tension insulator

SML (70 to 340 KN)
Fitting size ( 16 to 24)
Fitting type
system voltage

any change in insulator design

Electrical Insulators 31

32 www.ecmei.com

SF is our trusted mark which ECMEI introduces as metal fitting configurations required for insulators string up to 500 kV overhead
transmission lines
• Long rod string
• Cap & Pin string
• Polymeric string
• Ground wire strings
• Conductor’s accessories
• Ground wire accessories

Manufacturing facility:
ECMEI operates from a purpose built unit which is committed to produce high quality products relating of Fitting for Overhead Transmission
segment of the Power Industry SF manufacturing program offers wide range of solutions for its customers based in different parts of world.

Quality Control:
Whole process under strict & stringent quality control at every stage from raw materials to finished products. The factory is also equipped
with a tool development facility, R & D Unit with a State of the advanced Laboratory capable of conducting various tests as per customer
requirements & various standards.

Material Used for Transmission Line Equipment:

• Aluminum
Parts in contact with aluminum or aluminum alloy conductors should be made of aluminum to prevent fretting corrosion. Suspension
clamp, strain clamps, spacers, parallel groove clamps etc. are cast from aluminum or aluminum alloys. Aluminum being a good conductor
material, aluminum clamps affords high short circuit resistance and largely eliminates inherent losses, as they are non-magnetic.

• Steel
The following parts are mainly made of steel:

Drop Forged Steel : All insulator string accessories subject to pull (sag) load such as Ball eye, Double Eye Clamps etc.
Sheet Steel : Yoke Plates.
Flat Bar Stock : Suspension are Yoke Shackles Extension Links.
Round Bar or Tubular Stock : Arcing and Guard fittings.
Screw Steel : Rivet head bolts, Threaded bolts etc.

All steel components are hot dip galvanized conforming to BS-729

• Galvanizing Steel
Hot Zinc galvanizing is considered to be the most effective protective coating for steel and malleable cast iron under normal conditions.
That is why we exclusively use hot galvanizing wherever possible. A farther advantage of this protective method that zinc remains
relatively inert against other metals such as aluminum or copper, so that it can brought into direct with them without reservation.

To ensure that dimension of bolts, holes eyes, clevises etc. will be accurate after galvanizing, blanks are made accordingly, ie. screw
threads are cut undersize, hexagons of socket head fasteners are pressed oversize.

Galvanizing and the corresponding test are carried out according to Bs 729 specification and renowned international Standards.

Electrical Insulators 33

Insulator fitting set up to 36 Kv

It is the string which contain some of the following parts to make a complete insulator string mainly for disc and long rod insulators

*Tension clamp

Conductor Dia. Ultimate strength

Code No. of bolts
(mm) (KN)

From To

A-01 2 4 10 45

B-01 3 10 18 70

C-01 3 14 22 90

D-01 4 18 24 100
Tension Clamp

Hook IEC 120 ball size 16A Chain Shackle

Extension link for 3u bolt Extension link for 4u bolt

tension clamp tension clamp

IEC 120 ball size 16A Suspension Clamp

Ball eye
Socket Eye

34 www.ecmei.com

Electrical Insulators 35
Coating 4

36 www.ecmei.com

Porcelain strength meets hydrophobicity

To avoid leakage currents, discharges and pollution flashovers, a silicone layer is applied to the insulator surface by using a special spray
coating technique. This silicone layer provides a hydrophobic surface, combating the negative effects of contamination and enhancing
the electrical characteristics and low leakage currents in highly polluted areas.

ECMEI is one of the few insulator manufacturers who is able to offer RTV coating directly to our customers without involving an external
company for this service.

Definitions: RTV silicone

RTV Silicone (Room Temperature Vulcanizing silicone) is a type of silicone rubber made from a two-component
system (base plus curative; A+B) available in a hardness range of very soft to medium - usually from 15 Shore A
to 40 Shore. RTV Silicones can be cured with either a platinum catalyst or a tin catalyst. Applications include low
temperature over molding, making molds for reproducing, and some optically clear grades have lens applications.

Vulcanization or vulcanization is a chemical process for converting rubber or related polymers into more durable
materials via the addition of sulfur or other equivalent “curatives” or “accelerators”.

These additives modify the polymer by forming crosslinks (bridges) between individual polymer chains. Vulcanized materials are less
sticky and have superior mechanical properties. A vast array of products are made with vulcanized rubber including tires, shoe soles,
hoses, conveyer belts and hockey pucks. The process is named after Vulcan, Roman god of fire. Hard vulcanized rubber is sometimes sold
under the brand names ebonite or vulcanite, and is used to make hard articles such as bowling balls and saxophone mouth pieces.

Hydrophobicity Transfer
In the case of pollution particle deposition on the coated layer, the low molecular weight (LMW) siloxanes will
spread from the silicone bulk material to the pollution layer and encapsulates these particles within a short time
period. Now the insulator surface is hydrophobic again.

In-house coating is especially advantageous for projects using new insulators. A

product ready to be installed is delivered and a hydrophobic insulator surface is
assured from the first day. De-energizing of the substations for frequent washing is
no longer required and maintenance expenditure is reduced to a minimum compared
to conventional porcelain insulator surfaces.

Main benefits of RTV-Silicone coating:

• Excellent self cleaning characteristics and long-term resistance to weathering and difficult environments.
• Long-term hydrophobicity due to the migration of low molecular weight (LMW) siloxanes into the pollution layer Suppression of leakage
current, discharges and pollution flashover.
• Long-term RTV stability makes repeated application of grease unnecessary.
• Reduced maintenance expenditure, as in washing, compared to conventional insulator surfaces
• RTV coated surfaces withstand high pressure jet washing up to 90 bar (normal application, 25cm distance).
• The best of both worlds, mechanical strength of porcelain and pollution performance of silicone rubber
• Non toxic and environmentally friendly material.
• Transmission reliability as well as environmental and resource conservation by efficiently utilizing generated

Electrical Insulators 37
Certificates &
Approvals 5

38 www.ecmei.com

Certificate of Registration Certificate of Registration

management system of

Egyptian Co. For Manufacturing Electrical Egyptian Co. For Manufacturing Electrical
Insulators (ECMEI – Egypt) Insulators (ECMEI – Egypt)
Area (1/4)-South (A-1), Area (1/4)-South (A-1),
10th of Ramadan City 10th of Ramadan City
Egypt Egypt

ements of:

ISO 9001:2008
ISO 14001:2004
management s
related to:
Design and Manufacturing of Electrical insulators

Design and Manufacturing of Electrical insulators

Certificate Number: 16065

Issue Date: 22nd October 2015
Original Issue Date: 22nd October 2009

Authorised Signature: Calin Moldovean – President, Business Assurance Authorised Signature: Calin Moldovean – President, Business Assurance
Intertek Certification Limited, 10A Victory Park, Victory Road, Derby DE24 8ZF Intertek Certification Limited, 10A Victory Park, Victory Road,
Derby DE24 8ZF

Intertek Certification Limited is a UKAS accredited body under schedule of accreditation no. 014.

In the issu

organisation maintaining their system i

- - -EN- -P- -ISO 14001:2004-UKAS-EN-A4-P-

Certificate of Registration

system of

Egyptian Co. For Manufacturing Electrical

Insulators (ECMEI – Egypt)
Area (1/4)-South (A-1),
10th of Ramadan City

has been assessed and registered by Intertek as confor

OHSAS 18001:2007
health and safety risks associated with:

Design and Manufacturing of Electrical insulators

Certificate Number: 16065

Issue Date: 22nd October 2015
Original Issue Date: 22nd October 2009
21st October 2018

Authorised Signature: Calin Moldovean – President, Business Assurance

Intertek Certification Limited, 10A Victory Park, Victory Road, Derby DE24 8ZF

Intertek Certification Limited is a UKAS accredited body under schedule of accreditation no. 014.
In the is

organisation maintaining their system

-OHSAS 18001:2007-UKAS-EN-A4-P-

Electrical Insulators 39

40 www.ecmei.com
Electrical Insulators 41
Head office & Factory: 10th of Ramadan City - Area (1/4) - South (A-1)
Mailing P.O.B: 1654 - El-Mogawra No. (9)
Tel.: +2 0554 412560
Fax.: +2 0554 411255
Website: www.ecmei.com
E-mail: info@ecmei.com , ecmei@elsewedy.com

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