Matching Information
Matching Information
Matching Information
1 evidence that animals react to warnings even when
they are not in danger
spot 2 why animals place themselves in a dangerous position
In both Academic Reading and General Training Reading. you
may be asked which paragraph of a passage contains various
3 examples of communication between animals and
pieces of information. You may find it helpful to underline the human beings
key words in the question (as in the example below). You 4 an account of different reactions to different sounds
should look for something that fits the whole piece of 5 an instance of one non-human species understanding
information. so in the example it is not just something about
protection. but about how it is organised . ... TF 8 sounds made by another
6 a classification of all animal sounds according to their
3 The passage has seven paragraphs labelled A-G.
7 an explanation of the reason for using a particular term
Which paragraph contains the following information?
8 a comparison between the numbers of sounds used
Write the correct letter A-G. by different species
NB You may use any letter more than once. 9 a classification of sounds according to who produces
Example : 0 how a species organises protection for itself them
Answer: ....... C...... 10 evidence of a learning process in animals
(The relevant section of text is underlined .)
5 Label the words and phrases in italics below with Speaking Part 3
one of the words and phrases (1-9) from exercise 4.
1 My newspaper's gone up to a quid. 6 In small groups, discuss these questions.
2 Despite its name, NASA not only carries out • What makes some people sound boring when
research into space, but also into the earth. they are speaking?
3 Would you like to listen to my brand new CD? • Can you give some examples of effective speakers,
4 I'm going to have to buy a new computer - my perhaps a salesperson, or one of your friends?
old one's on its last legs. • How do effective speakers keep the attention of
5 Not all semantic phenomena can be handled by their listeners?
binary features. • How important is non-verbal communication,
such as facial expressions and gestures, when