Paper 3
Paper 3
Paper 3
= e e +
is called the set of all real rhotrices of dimension n, where
2 1
( 1) 1
( )
h R r
+ +
= is the heart of any rhotrix
( ) ( ) R n R n e , and \ 2 n is the integer value obtained on division of n by 2.
For example, when n=3, we obtain rhotrix of dimension three as
2 4
(3) ( )
R r h R r
, where
( ) h R r = is the heart of R(3). Also, for n=5, we get rhotrix of dimension five as
2 3 4
5 6 8 9
10 11 12
(5) ( )
r r r
R r r h R r r
r r r
( ) h R r = is the heart of R (5).
Definition 2.2 (Inner product of rhotrices)
Let R(n) and S(n) be rhotrices in
( ) R n , the dot or inner product of R(n) and S(n) denoted by
( ) ( ) R n S n - , is the scalar obtained by multiplying corresponding entries and adding the resulting
1 1 2 2
( ) ( )
n n
R n S n r s r s r s - = + ++
Definition 2.3 (Euclidean rhotrix space)
( ) R n in which an inner product of rhotrices is defined, is called a Euclidean rhotrix space.
Definition 2.4 (function over rhotrix set)
( ) R n and
( ) S n be sets of real rhotrices of the same dimension n. A correspondence that associates
with each element
( ) ( ) R n R n e a unique element
( ( )) ( ) f R n S n e is called a function from
( ) R n
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International Journal of Advances in Science and Technology,
Vol. 3, No.3, 2011
( ) S n , which we shall write as
^ ^
: ( ) ( ) f R n S n . Here,
( ) R n is called the domain of f,
( ( )) f R n
is called the image of f and
( ) S n is called the range of f.
Definition 2.5 (Norm and distance over rhotrices)
Let R(n) and S(n) be rhotrices in
( ) R n , the distance between rhotrices R(n) and S(n) denoted by
( , ), d R S is defined by
2 2 2
1 1 2 2
( , ) ( ) ( ) ( )
n n
d R S r s r s r s = + ++
The norm or length of the rhotrix R(n), written R , is defined to be the nonnegative square root of
: R R -
2 2 2
1 2 n
R R R r r r = - = + ++
The reader can observe that
( , ) d R S R S =
Definition 2.6 (Metric space over rhotrices)
A pair of objects (
X , d) consisting of a non-empty set
X of real rhotrices of the same dimension and a
^ ^
: , d X X where the set of real numbers, is called a metric space over real rhotrices
provided that:
( , ) 0, , ; d P Q P Q X > e
(ii) ( , ) 0, d P Q =
if and only if
, , ; P Q P Q X = e
( , ) ( , ), , ; d P Q d Q P P Q X = e
( , ) ( , ) ( , ), , , . d P R d P Q d Q R P Q R X s + e
The function d is called a distance function or metric on
X and the set
X is called the underlying set.
Definition 2.7 (Topological space over rhotrices)
X be a non-empty set of real rhotrices of the same dimension and let t
be a collection of subsets of
X such that:
, X t C e
(ii) If
1 2
, ,........................,
O O O t e , then
1 2
O O O t e
(iii) If for each , , O
o t eI e then O
e .
The pair of objects (
X ,t ) is called a topological space. The set
X is called the underlying set, the
collection t is called the topology on
X , and the members of t are called open sets.
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International Journal of Advances in Science and Technology,
Vol. 3, No.3, 2011
3. Results
Theorem 3.1
( ) R n be the set of all real rhotrices of dimension n as defined by equation (2.1),
where 2 1 n Z
e + and let d be a distance function between any two members of
( ) R n , defined by
the correspondence
2 1
( 1)
( , ) ( )
i i
d A B A B a b
= =
( ( ), ) R n d is a metric space of real rhotrices.
For any 2 1 n Z
e + , the real valued function d is well defined since for any ( ) A n A = and ( ) B n B =
( ) R n , we have
2 1
( 1)
( , ) ( ) 0
i i
d A B A B a b and
= = >
2 1
( 1)
( , ) ( ) 0 .
i i
d A B A B a b iff A B
= = = =
Next, the real valued function d satisfies symmetric property since
2 2 1 1
2 2
( 1) ( 1)
2 2
1 1
( , ) ( ) ( ) ( , ), 2 1.
n n
i i i i
i i
d A B A B a b b a B A d B A where n
+ +
= =
= = = = = e +
Finally, triangular inequality holds in
( ( ), ) R n d since for any three members A(n)=A, B(n)=B, C(n)=C
( ) R n , we have:
2 1
( 1)
( , ) ( )
i i
d A C A C a c
= =
2 1
( 1)
( )
i i i i
a b b c A B B C
= + = +
A B B C s + (triangular inequality of the Euclidean norm)
2 2 1 1
2 2
( 1) ( 1)
2 2
1 1
( ) ( )
n n
i i i i
i i
a b b c
+ +
= =
= +
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International Journal of Advances in Science and Technology,
Vol. 3, No.3, 2011
( , ) ( , ) ( , ) d A C d A B d B C s + . Hence, the result follows.
Theorem 3.2
^ ^
( ) R R n = be the set of all real rhotrices of dimension n as defined by equation (2.1) and let t be the
collection of all subsets of
R , then
( , ) R t is a topological space of real rhotrices.
Since t
is a collection of all subsets of
R then
, R t C e
Arbitrary union of members of t
tot , since for any ,
A i t e e , an indexing set, we have
e . Finally, intersection of finitely
many members of t
belongs to t , since for
1 2
, ,................,
A A A t e implies that
1 2
A A A t e . Hence, the result is established.
Remark 3.2.1
(i) Of all the various topologies that one may place on a set
R , this
( , ) R t contains the
largest number of elements and is called the discrete topological space.
(ii) The distance function defined in theorem 3.1 can serve as a metrization of the topological space
in theorem 3.2.
Theorem 3.3
^ ^
( ) R n R = be the set of all real rhotrices of dimension n and let
{ }
, ( ) R n = C
be the collection of
some subsets of
R such that, C is the empty or null set and
( ) R n is as defined by equation (2.1)
( , ) R is a topological space.
{ }
, ( ) R n = C
is a collection of some subsets of
then C,
Re . Arbitrary union of
members of
belongs to . Finally, intersection of finitely many members of
belongs to .
Hence, the result is proved.
Remark 3.3.1
Of all the various topologies that one may place on a set
( ) R n , this
( , ) R contains the smallest
number of elements and is called the indiscrete topological space.
The following definitions will be of help in the next theorem:
Natural rhotrix: A rhotrix is called a natural rhotrix if all its entries belong to the set of natural numbers.
Integer rhotrix: A rhotrix is called an integer rhotrix if all its entries belong to the set of integer numbers.
September Issue Page 25 of 105 ISSN 2229 5216
International Journal of Advances in Science and Technology,
Vol. 3, No.3, 2011
Rational rhotrix: A rhotrix is called a rational rhotrix if all its entries belong to the set of rational
Theorem 3.4
^ ^
( ) R n R = be the set of all real rhotrices of dimension n as defined by equation (2.1) and let
{ }
^ ^ ^ ^
, ( ), ( ), ( ), ( ) N n Z n Q n R n O = C be the collection of some well defined subsets of
R such that, C
is the empty or null set,
( ) N n
is the set of all natural rhotrices,
( ) Z n
is the set of all integer rhotrices and
( ) Q n is the set of all rational rhotrices,
( , ) R O
is a topological space.
{ }
^ ^ ^ ^
, ( ), ( ), ( ), ( ) N n Z n Q n R n O = C
is a collection of some well defined subsets of
( ) R n
, R C eO. Arbitrary union of members of O
belongs to O. Finally, intersection of finitely many
members of O
belongs to O. Hence, the result is established.
4. Conclusion
A new technique of constructing topological spaces using real rhotrix set as the underlying set has been
proposed. It seems interesting to consider developing ideas for rhotrix topological algebra which may be
analogous to existing ideas in matrix topological algebra. Examples of such ideas are continuity and
compactness in rhotrix topological space.
5. Acknowledgement
We wish to thank Professor G.U. Garba for his helpful suggestions. We also wish to thank Ahmadu Bello
University, Zaria, Nigeria for funding this relatively new area of research.
6. References
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Authors Profile
A. Mohammed is a Mathematics Lecturer at Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria. His research interest includes
algebra, optimization theory, rhotrix theory and applications. This Author is the first Young Scientist that receives
Ph.D. Mathematics degree, specialising in a relatively new area called Rhotrix Theory and Applications, from
September Issue Page 26 of 105 ISSN 2229 5216
International Journal of Advances in Science and Technology,
Vol. 3, No.3, 2011
Ahmadu Bello University in 2011. He is a member of Mathematical Association of Nigeria, Computer Association
of Nigeria and Nigerian Mathematical Society.
A. A. Tijjani receives his Ph.D. degree from Imperial College, University of London in 1995. He is presently the
Head of Mathematics Department of the Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria and also the Deputy Dean of
Faculty of Sciences, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria. He has supervised several M.Sc. and Ph.D. works in
Mathematicaal Analysis. He is a member of Nigerian Mathematical Society and Mathematical Association of
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