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IEEE -CON 2002, May 7-9,2002, Cairn ,EGYPT.

Modeling Transformer Internal Faults Using Matlab

Hesham B. Elrefaie Ashraf I. Megahed
Electrical Engineering Department, Alexandria University, Egypt
Hesham_elrefaie@hotmail.com megahed@dataxprs.com. eg

Abstract machine winding is presented. The winding with

equally divided sections is considered. That will
This paper describes a technique for modeling make the number of sections liuge if this method is
transformer internal faults using MATLAB. In this used for simulating the small turn-to-turn fault of
technique a model for simulating a two-winding- the transformer. Another method to calculate the R-
single-phase transformer is modified to be suitable L parameters of the split winding is proposed to
for simulating an internal fault in one of the simulate the internal faults in the transformer [4].
windings. The transformer is represented by three Implementation of this method assumes detailed
windings in this case; one winding is the healthy knowledge of the parameters of the winding
winding, while the other two represent the faulty structure.
windings. Three differential equations representing
these windings are simulated and solved using In this paper, the Chee-Mun Ong's technique [5],
MATLAB/SIMuLINK. Simulation results include which is used to simulate a healthy two-winding-
inrush magnetizing current and internal fault single-phase transformer, is miodified to be suitable
current. Fast Fourier transform (FFT) is used to for simulating a single-phase transformer with an
analyze the simulated currents, and it shows that the internal fault in one of its windings. The
second harmonic component of the internal fault transformer is represented by three windings in this
current is not predominant which agrees with case; one winding is the healthy winding, while the
transformer theories. other two represent the faulty winding. Three
differential equations representing these windings
Keywords: Transformer, modeling, simulation, are simulated and solved using MATLAB/
winding faults, MATLAB. SMULINK [6].The software package, MATLAB,
allows, due to its flexibility and expandability, the
development of a set of equalions for the required
1. INTRODUCTION analysis of a single-phase tramformer with an
internal fault.
The use of a digital computer to analyze transients
in electric power systems. requires accurate and Section 2 of this paper dejcribes the proposed
efficient simulation models of all major pieces of technique for modeling a single-phase transformer
' equipment [l]. Good models exist of transmission with three windings. The simulation of an internal
lines, synchronous machines and motors but a fault in the transformer is given in Section 3. The
transfomier model with an accurate and realistic proposed technique is tested iin Section 4, and the
representation of the effects of the steel core has conclusions are drawn in Section 5.
been lacking. A good transformer model is needed
not only because transformers exist at every point in
electric power systems where a change in voltage 2. MODEL OF A THREE WINDINDING
level takes place, but even more importantly because SINGLE PHASE TRANSIFROMER
often transformer behavior is crucial to the
phenomena being investigated. In the development of the model, henceforth, it
will be assumed that a single-phase transformer,
Degeneff et al. used lumped R-L-C circuit to with an internal fault, consists of three windings.
represent transformer-winding [2]. This method
The equations representing the induced voltages
requires knowledge on the details of the transformer
construction to get these parameters, and these in these windmgs, in ti" of flux linkage,
parameters are very difficult to estimate from an leakage flux and the r e l u c t " of the core are
external testing. In [3], a method to establish a developed in this section.
multi-section network model for study of high
frequency transient behavior of the transformer and 2.1 Flux Linkage Equations

0-7803-7527-0/02/$17.00 82002 IEEE. 226

When leakage fluxes are included, as illustrated in h3=N3 (@, + @a
Fig. 2.1, the total flux linked by each winding may
= N3 (Nd& + (N1il+N2i2+N3i3) Pm) (2.7)
be divided into two components: a mutual flux
= (NiPO+N i Pm)i3 + N I N ~ G+INzN3PG2
component, am,that is common to all windings,
and a leakage flux component that links the winding The resulting flux linkage equations for the
itself. In terms of these flux components,the total magnetically coupled windings, expressed in terms
fluxlinhedby eachwinding canbe expressed as: oftheirwindinginductances,are:
11= L1l il + LI2i2+ L13i3 (2.8)
h2=L21 il + h i 2 + L 2 3 i 3 (2.9)
h3=L/31 i l + b i 2 + k 3 i 3 (2.10)
where Lll, b a n d L33 are the self-inductanasof the
windings, and LIZ LZI,L13, b1,Lp and L32 are the
mutual inductances between them.

I The s e l f - i n d m of winding 1 may be considered

as the sum of its leakage, Ln,and magnetizing, Lml,

i’ in&ctan= when its own current, il, is acting

alone!. Thus for winding 1, with i2= i3= 0, L11 is
written as:

Fig. 2.1 Magnetic coupling of a three-

winding transformer.
0 1 = @n + @, (2.1)
0 2 an + am (2.2)
3 = @B
a +om (2.3)
where QI, (ob and (DB are the leakage flux L33 = ’3,i,=i,=O
= NipO+ Nipm=LO+ h
components of windings 1, 2 and 3, respectively. ij.
Assuming that N1turnsof winding 1 effectively link (2.13)
both (D, and the leakage flux, CDn, the flux linkage
of winding 1, d e f i n e d as the number ofturns times Based on the voltage ratio between the windings,
the total flux linked,is: the followingequationscan be written [4,5]:
hl=Nl@l=N1(@11+@m) (2.4)
The right side of Eq. (2.4) can be expressed in terms
of winding currents by replacing the leakage and
mutual fluxes by their respective “fs and (2.15)
permeances.The leakage flux, O n , is created by the
mmf of winding 1, NI&, over an effective leakage
permeance path Pn. The mutual flux, amis created 2.2 Induced Voltage Equations
by the combined mmfs of the three windings acting
in the mutual permeance path Pm.Substituting for The induced voltage in each winding is equal to the
the leakage and mutual fluxes, Eq. (2.4) can be rate of change of the winding’s flux linkage. Thus,
rewritten as: using the flux linkage expression given in Eq. (2.8),
hl=N1 (Nlil Pn + (Nlil+N2i2+N3i3)Pm) (2.5) the induced voltage in winding 1, el,is given by:
= (N: Pn+ N: P a il+ NI N2Pmi2+ NIN3Pmi3 el = d2 l= L l 1 -2
di +LIZ2 di +L13 - A3
Similarly, the flux linkage of winding 2 can be dt dt dt dt
expressed as: Replacing L11 by (Ln+Ll), LIZi2 by N2Lmlifl1 and
3L5..N2(% + @d L13 i3 by N&,I iJN1, the voltage induced in winding
1 can also be expressed as (51:
= N2 (N2i2Pn+ (Nlil+N2i2+N3i3)P,) (2.6)
= (Nq Pn+ N: Pm)i2+NlN2PAl+ N2N3P&
and the flux linkage of winding 3 can be expressed
as: t ’- dt

Eq. (2.17) can be written as follows:
d(i, + i', + i I 3 ) (3.3)
el = 4 1 - +Ll (2.18)
dt dt where p1 = U b i 1 , p', = @ b i ' 2 , PI3 = Wbh', and
where i', and i', are the currents of wiiiding 2 and
a b is the base fresuency at INhich the reactances
winding 3 referred to winding 1.
are computed. The flux linkage per second of the
windings can be expressed as:
Similarly, the induced voltage of winding 2, e?, is
given by:
pl = a b & = 4 + v)m (3.4)
p', = wbk'2 = xh i', + ,4,9, (3.5)
d ( i , + LN i ,
A2 +LaQ
e=Ln - Nz +Zi,) po3= @ b k ' 3 = xb i', + qb (3.6)
dt dt where
(2.19) pm= O b L,, (il + i', +it3) (3.7)
Multiplying Eq.(2.19) by N1/ N2.yields:
The current il can be expressed in terms of pl and
using Eq. (3.4). Similarly, i', can be expressed in
terms of p'2and & using Eq. (3.5) and i', can be
expressed in terms of p', and q~ using Eq. (3.6).

(2.20) (3.8)
Eq. (2.20) can be written as:
a, d(i, + i', +if3)

e'2= L,, 7 + LI
(2.21) (3.9)
Following the F e procedure of Eqs. (2.19-2.21),
the induced voltage- of winding 3 is: (3.10)
di', d(ii+i', +in3)
e;= Li3 - + L

l dt
Substituting the above expression of, il, i', and i',
The voltages e; and e; are winding 2 and winding into Eq. (3.7),yields:
3 induced voltages referred to winding 1. While, --'%" - PI-'?" + ~ , ' 2 - - ~ +m~ ' 3 - ~ m
L',, and di3 are the leakage inductances, Ln and Xm1 x 11 912 ?GI 13

Ln, referred to winding 1. Adding the resistance (3.11)

voltage drops to Eqs. (2.18), (2.21) and (2.22), then where x, = w b L,, . Collecting the @,, terms to
the resultant voltages on the three windings can be the right, the desired expression of % in terms of
written as: the three desired states is obtained, that is:
1 1
di', d(i, +?,+it3) Xm1 XII X'IZ ~ ' 1 3
VI, = if, rt2+- dt
- -9 1 + $0'2 ~

do3 d(i, + i', +it31 XI1 6 2 X'l3
va3=it3 rS3+i i 3 - + ~ l (2.25)
dt dt Letting
1 1 1 1 1
3. INTERNAL FAULTS SIMULATION xM xml xll x'22 x'13
In this section, the total flux linkages of the three Eq. (3.12) can be written more compactly as:
windings will be chosen as the state variables. In
terms of these variables, Eqs. (2.23-2.25) can be (3.14)
written as:
Using Eqs. (3.8), (3.9) and (3.10) to replace the
(3.1) currents, Eqs. (3.1). (3.2) and (3.3) can be expressed
as integral equations of the th~reetotal flux linkages,
(3.2) that is:

228 :
M, ._.

Collectively, Eqs. (3.8 - 3.10), (3.14 3.17) form a - -60

-80 J
basic dynamic model of a single-phase t ransformer
suffering from an internal fault and hence
represented by three windings. In this model, the Fig. 4.3 Primary current for a 10% internal
flux linkages are the internal variables, the terminal fault in the primary winding.
voltages are the inputs, and the winding currents are
the main outputs. Amper
70 1
The MATLAEVSIMLTLINK software package is 20
used to model and simulate a 120/240V, 1.5 kVA,
10 HZ
60-Hz, pole-type, two-winding distribution
transformer [6]. The circuit parameters of the o - .
transformer are as follows:
rl = 0.25 Q, r 2 = 0.134 Q, xI1= 0.056 $2,
Fig. 4.4 Discrete transform of the
~12=0.056Rand~,l=708.8Q. primary internal fault current.
4.00E+Ol All parameters given above are referred to the 120
3.50E+Ol V, winding side. The magnetization curve of this
3.00E+OI transformer is given in [ 5 ] . After trying different
2.60E+01 numerical integration methods available in
?.OOE+Ol MATLAB, it is found that Adams/Gear method with
minimum step size of 0.1 ms a maximum step size
of 1 ms, and an error tolerance of 7e-' is the most
O.OOE+OO ec. suitable one. Three cases are considered in this
study to test the transformer model and they are
J.OOE+OO A p p p p p p p p p p
a a
N explained in the following subsections.

Fig. 4. lPrimary inrush current.

4.1 Switching-On a Healthy Transformer

The transformer has two windings. The Primary

winding is connected to a 120V sinusoidal voltage
supply and the secondary winding is open circuit.
The switching current in this case is a non-
sinusoidal inrush current as shown in Fig. 4.1. The
discrete Fourier transform of this current is shown .
in Fig. 4.2. It is noted that the second harmonic
(120 Hz) is close to the fundamental (60 Hz) and the
ratio between second and fundamental is 0.7272.
" t0 L 0
g 0
: B

Fig. 4.2 Discrete transform of the primary

inrush current.

4.2 Switching-On with an Internal Fault in the References
Primary Winding
[l] Microtran Power !system Analysis
The primary winding is divided into two sections. Cooperation, EMTP program manual,
The first is 90% of the original winding and is Vancouver, Canada, Sep. 1992.
connected to the same voltage source given in [2] Degeneff, .RC.and Mckenny, P.J., “A method
Section 4.1. The second winding is 109’0. It for constructing reduced order transformer
represents the internal fault winding and it is models for system studies from detailed
shorted. The secondary winding is open circuit. lumped parameter models“ IEEE Trans. on
Both internal fault winding and secondary winding Power Delivery, vol. 7 , no. 2, pp. 649-655,
are referred to the primary winding. The switching Apr. 1992.
current is sinusoidal as shown in Fig. 4.3. The [3] keyhani, A. and Abw, A., “Maximum
Fourier transform of this current is shown in Fig. likelihood estimation of high frequency
4.4, and it is noted that the second harmonic is machine and transformer winding parameters”
much smaller than the fundamental. The ratio IEEE Trans on Power Delivery, vol. 5 , no. 1,
between second harmonic and fundamental is pp. 212-219, Jan. 1990.
0.05958. [4] Megahed, A.I., “A model for simulating
internal earth faults in ~ansfomers”IEE 7*
4.3 Switching -On with an Internal Fault in International Conference on Developments in
the Secondary Winding Power System Protection. no. 479, pp. 359-
362, April 2001.
The secondary winding is divided into two sections. [SI Ong, Chee-Mun, Dynamic Simulation of
The first is 90% of the origmal winding and is open Electric Machinery, Prentice Hall, 1997.
circuit. The second winding is 10%. It represents [6] Cavallo, A., Setola, R and Vasca, F., Using
the internal fault winding, and it is shorted. The MATLAB, SIMULINK and Control System
primary winding is connected to the same voltage Toolbox, Prentice Hall, 1994.
source given in Section 4.1. The healthy part of the
secondary winding (90% of the original secondary
winding) and the internal fault winding are referred
to the primary winding. The second harmonic is
much smaller than the fundamental. The ratio
between second harmonic and fundamental is


The Chee-Mun Ong’s twhniQue for simulating

single-phase two-winding transformer is modified in
this study to be suitable for modeling and simulating
a single-phase transformer suffering from an
internal fault. The faulty transformer is modeled as
a three-winding single-phase transformer. The flux
linkage and voltage equations are used to describe
the complete model of the transformer. The
MATLAB/SIMULINK software package is used to
simulate the developed model. The results show the
difference between switching currents of healthy and
internal fault windings. The switching current is
non-sinusoidal and the second harmonic is close to
fundamental in case of a healthy winding but the
current is sinusoidal and the second harmonic is
much smaller than the f i ” e n t a l in case of a
winding with an internal fault.


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