Eq. (2.17) can be written as follows:
d(i, + i', + i I 3 ) (3.3)
el = 4 1 - +Ll (2.18)
dt dt where p1 = U b i 1 , p', = @ b i ' 2 , PI3 = Wbh', and
where i', and i', are the currents of wiiiding 2 and
a b is the base fresuency at INhich the reactances
winding 3 referred to winding 1.
are computed. The flux linkage per second of the
windings can be expressed as:
Similarly, the induced voltage of winding 2, e?, is
given by:
pl = a b & = 4 + v)m (3.4)
p', = wbk'2 = xh i', + ,4,9, (3.5)
d ( i , + LN i ,
A2 +LaQ
e=Ln - Nz +Zi,) po3= @ b k ' 3 = xb i', + qb (3.6)
dt dt where
(2.19) pm= O b L,, (il + i', +it3) (3.7)
Multiplying Eq.(2.19) by N1/ N2.yields:
The current il can be expressed in terms of pl and
using Eq. (3.4). Similarly, i', can be expressed in
terms of p'2and & using Eq. (3.5) and i', can be
expressed in terms of p', and q~ using Eq. (3.6).
(2.20) (3.8)
Eq. (2.20) can be written as:
a, d(i, + i', +if3)
e'2= L,, 7 + LI
(2.21) (3.9)
Following the F e procedure of Eqs. (2.19-2.21),
the induced voltage- of winding 3 is: (3.10)
di', d(ii+i', +in3)
e;= Li3 - + L
l dt
Substituting the above expression of, il, i', and i',
The voltages e; and e; are winding 2 and winding into Eq. (3.7),yields:
3 induced voltages referred to winding 1. While, --'%" - PI-'?" + ~ , ' 2 - - ~ +m~ ' 3 - ~ m
L',, and di3 are the leakage inductances, Ln and Xm1 x 11 912 ?GI 13
do3 d(i, + i', +it31 XI1 6 2 X'l3
va3=it3 rS3+i i 3 - + ~ l (2.25)
dt dt Letting
1 1 1 1 1
3. INTERNAL FAULTS SIMULATION xM xml xll x'22 x'13
In this section, the total flux linkages of the three Eq. (3.12) can be written more compactly as:
windings will be chosen as the state variables. In
terms of these variables, Eqs. (2.23-2.25) can be (3.14)
written as:
Using Eqs. (3.8), (3.9) and (3.10) to replace the
(3.1) currents, Eqs. (3.1). (3.2) and (3.3) can be expressed
as integral equations of the th~reetotal flux linkages,
(3.2) that is:
228 :
M, ._.
4.2 Switching-On with an Internal Fault in the References
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The secondary winding is divided into two sections. [SI Ong, Chee-Mun, Dynamic Simulation of
The first is 90% of the origmal winding and is open Electric Machinery, Prentice Hall, 1997.
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primary winding is connected to the same voltage Toolbox, Prentice Hall, 1994.
source given in Section 4.1. The healthy part of the
secondary winding (90% of the original secondary
winding) and the internal fault winding are referred
to the primary winding. The second harmonic is
much smaller than the fundamental. The ratio
between second harmonic and fundamental is