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eni spa 18012.SSE.ETI.

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exploration & production division
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1. SCOPE.......................................................................................................................................... 4
2. TERMS, DEFINITIONS AND ACRONYMS.................................................................................. 4
2.1. TERMS AND DEFINITIONS ......................................................................................................... 4
2.2. ACRONYMS ................................................................................................................................. 4
3. INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................... 5
3.1. RESPONSIBILITY......................................................................................................................... 5
3.2. REFERENCE DOCUMENTS........................................................................................................ 5
4. GENERAL DESIGN REQUIREMENTS........................................................................................ 6
4.1. EQUIPMENT QUALIFICATION .................................................................................................... 6
4.2. ANALYSES FOR DYNAMIC UMBILICALS .................................................................................. 6
4.3. ON-BOTTOM STABILITY ANALYSIS .......................................................................................... 8
4.4. FREE SPAN ANALYSIS ............................................................................................................... 8
4.5. THERMAL ANALYSIS .................................................................................................................. 8
4.6. PULL-IN ANALYSIS...................................................................................................................... 8
4.7. INTERFACE LOAD ANALYSIS .................................................................................................... 9
4.8. PRELIMINARY INSTALLATION ANALYSIS ................................................................................ 9
5. COMPONENT DESIGN, MANUFACTURE AND TEST............................................................... 9
5.1. ELECTRIC CABLES ................................................................................................................... 10
5.2. FIBRE OPTIC CABLES .............................................................................................................. 11
5.3. HOSES........................................................................................................................................ 11
5.4. METALLIC TUBES...................................................................................................................... 13
5.5. OTHER COMPONENTS............................................................................................................. 15
6. TERMINATIONS AND ANCILLARY EQUIPMENT ................................................................... 16
6.1. TERMINATIONS ......................................................................................................................... 16
6.2. ANCILLARY EQUIPMENT.......................................................................................................... 17
7. UMBILICAL DESIGN AND MANUFACTURE............................................................................ 22
7.1. DESIGN....................................................................................................................................... 22
7.2. MANUFACTURING..................................................................................................................... 22
8. TESTING REQUIREMENTS....................................................................................................... 25
8.1. DESIGN VERIFICATION TESTS ............................................................................................... 25
8.2. FAT.............................................................................................................................................. 28
8.3. INTEGRATED TESTS ................................................................................................................ 28
9. STORAGE, PACKAGING AND PRESERVATION.................................................................... 30
9.1. STORAGE................................................................................................................................... 30
9.2. PACKAGING............................................................................................................................... 30
9.3. MARKING ................................................................................................................................... 31
9.4. WOODEN CRATES .................................................................................................................... 32
9.5. REELS......................................................................................................................................... 32
10. LOAD OUT ................................................................................................................................. 34
10.1. PRE LOAD OUT TESTS............................................................................................................. 34
10.2. MONITORING DURING LOAD OUT .......................................................................................... 34
10.3. POST LOAD OUT TESTS .......................................................................................................... 34
11. INSTALLATION TESTS ............................................................................................................. 35
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Rev. N° 0 First issue

October 2010

Rev. N° 1 Technical revision

February 2012


Rev. N° 1

Page Chapter Change

17 6.2 Bullet 4: new wording
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This specification is based on the ISO 13628 - Petroleum and natural gas industries - Design and
operation of Subsea Production Systems.
The purpose of this document is to specify the minimum additional requirements and amendments to ISO
13628-5 for the design, fabrication, installation, testing, commissioning and operation of the Subsea
Umbilicals and the associated ancillary equipment.

The present document shall be read in conjunction with the standards referenced in section 3.2, with
“Data Sheet – Umbilical System – MOD.ETI.TUB.001” that integrates this specification with the specific
project requirements, and with any project addendum.



COMPANY The COMPANY is the party that initiates the project and ultimately pays for its
design and construction. The COMPANY will generally specify the technical
requirements. The COMPANY may also include an agent or consultant
authorized to act for, and on behalf of, the COMPANY.

CONTRACTOR The CONTRACTOR is the party that carries out all or part of the design,
engineering, procurement, construction, commissioning or management of a
project, or operation or maintenance of a facility. The COMPANY may undertake
all or part of the duties of the CONTRACTOR.

CCT Critical Crevice Temperature
CP Cathodic Protection
CPT Critical Pitting Temperature
EPC Ethylene Propylene Copolymer
EUT Equipment Under Test
FAT Factory Acceptance Test
HISC Hydrogen Induced Stress Cracking
MBR Minimum Bending Radius
NDE Non Destructive Examination
OD Outer Diameter
PE Polyethylene
PO Purchase Order
PRE Pitting Resistance Equivalent
ROV Remotely Operated Vehicle
SCS Subsea Control System
SWL Safe Working Load
TDP Touchdown Point
TSP Twisted Screened Pair
UV Ultra-violet
VIV Vortex Induced Vibrations
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WPQR Welding Procedure Qualification Record

WPS Welding Procedure Specification


It is the responsibility of anyone who supplies equipment to this specification to ensure and document
compliance with the requirements defined by this specification, other relevant standards and statutory
requirements. Any deviation from any of the requirements defined herein shall be clearly indicated and
treated as a non-conformance.


Reference is made to 18016.SSE.GEN.SDS - “Subsea Systems Applicable Standards”.
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The umbilical system shall be designed to operate in the environment defined in the basis of design of the
project and to withstand the most onerous combination of functional, environmental and accidental loads
imposed on it during manufacturing, testing, storage, handling, installation (including laying, retrieval, pull-
in), in-place operation and any specified temporary conditions.

The design life for the umbilicals and associated hardware items shall be specified by project in “Data
Sheet - Umbilical System - MOD.ETI.TUB.001”.

The umbilical system design shall consider no planned repair or replacement during the specified design

Each umbilical shall be manufactured, tested and delivered as a single continuous length with no post
lay-up splices. For umbilicals composed of one dynamic type riser portion and one static portion lying on
the seabed, transition between the two portions shall be seamless.


CONTRACTOR shall make use of technologies, design solutions and materials that are field proven in
the offshore petroleum industry in environments and service conditions similar to those specified for the
selected project. Field proven means that successful operation in the field over an operating period in
excess of 5 years can be documented.

CONTRACTOR may propose new technologies, new design solutions and/or new materials not yet field
proven, provided that improvement in design, operability, reliability or cost can be demonstrated and that
successful qualification tests have already been carried out (in accordance with the applicable standards,
regulations and COMPANY requirements) in simulated environments similar to the specific project
The results of the qualification tests shall be submitted to COMPANY which shall reserve the right to
finally approve or discard such proposals.

If, during the execution phase of the project, any equipment or design area undergoes substantial
changes in fit, form, function or material with respect to a qualified or field proven design, CONTRACTOR
shall document such changes and their impact in terms of overall performance, availability and reliability
of the product, for COMPANY to evaluate if a re-qualification is necessary.


For umbilicals incorporating portions, a Dynamic Analysis Design Basis document shall be produced by
CONTRACTOR to include the data relevant for the dynamic analysis:

• umbilical data;
• environmental conditions;
• hang-off facility motion data;
• load cases to be analysed;
• model used;
• software used;
• sensitivity studies.

The document shall also include a description of the methodologies employed.

The configuration of these umbilicals shall be such that their dynamic portions shall not transfer any
tension to the subsea umbilical termination; i.e. even with the hang off facility in the abnormal/damaged
position, the catenary horizontal tension shall be fully taken by soil friction before the first subsea
umbilical termination.
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CONTRACTOR shall perform the following analyses for dynamic umbilicals:

• global strength analysis;

• fatigue analysis;
• interference analysis (if required by COMPANY in “Data Sheet - Umbilical System -

4.2.1. Global strength analysis

Global strength analysis shall be performed by CONTRACTOR under extreme-event load cases to verify
the robustness of the design and to describe the overall static and dynamic structural response of the
umbilical at both start of life and end of life conditions.

As a minimum near, far and cross offset conditions (relative to dynamic umbilical heading) shall be
analysed for the selected extreme-event load cases and they shall be defined as base cases.
Such base cases shall be studied considering the following conditions for the hang-off facility:

• both normal and abnormal positions;

• ballasted, intermediate and fully loaded conditions.

In applications where the umbilical is hanging from a disconnectable system, the base cases shall also be
replicated for the ‘disconnected’ condition.

Sensitivity load cases shall be identified and studied on the basis of the results obtained from base case
analysis. Typical sensitivity load cases shall be, as a minimum:

• accidental loss of buoyancy;

• bend stiffener temperature;
• variation in umbilical hydrodynamic parameters;
• sensitivity to water ingress in buoyancy material during service life;
• maximum roll and pitch motion at hang-off point;
• installation tolerances;
• marine growth;
• directionality of sea waves;
• variation on seabed friction coefficient.

4.2.2. Fatigue analysis

A complete fatigue analysis shall demonstrate that fatigue damages during component manufacture,
umbilical fabrication, load-out, transportation, installation, operation and any specified temporary
conditions do not exceed the acceptable level for the design life with a safety factor of 10.

All failure modes versus fatigue shall be identified.

A global and local fatigue analyses shall be conducted.

Response to wave frequency motions, low frequency dynamic response of the system and vortex induced
vibrations shall be considered by CONTRACTOR in the fatigue analysis.

Sensitivity studies for current, draft and offset of the hang off facility shall be performed to select the worst
loading conditions to perform the fatigue analysis of the umbilical.

If required by the results of the fatigue analysis, CONTRACTOR shall provide VIV suppression devices
for the dynamic part of the umbilical. The presence of any VIV suppression device shall be accounted for
in the global strength analysis as an increasing factor for the drag coefficient.
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Fatigue calculations shall also take into account the effect of mean stress, internal friction between
components, soil characteristics at TDP, wear/corrosion, temperature and effect of accumulated strain.
The design curve used for the fatigue analysis of each component shall be qualified against any
parameter concerned by the manufacture, load-out, installation and operation phases, including but not
limited to:

• Material
• Manufacturing process
• Size/diameter
• Wall thickness
• Presence of a weld
• Pre-straining cycles according to the manufacturing process and load-out of the component and
umbilical, including contingencies (e.g. weld cut and re-weld)
• Design temperature
• Environmental conditions (e.g. seawater corrosive environment)
• Service fluids

In case there is no qualified design fatigue curve for the umbilical components, fatigue tests shall be
conducted by CONTRACTOR.

4.2.3. Interference analysis

If required in “Data Sheet – Umbilical System - MOD.ETI.TUB.001”, the interference analysis shall be
performed according to DNV RP F203 to ensure that no impact will occur between the in-place dynamic
umbilical and any adjacent structure (including risers and umbilicals) for all critical load-cases.


The on-bottom stability of the umbilicals shall be verified by CONTRACTOR in accordance with DNV RP
If any section is found un-stable, CONTRACTOR shall identify all possible mitigating measures/solutions
for stabilising the umbilical and submit them for COMPANY approval.


Free span analysis shall be performed in accordance to DNV RP F105 to evaluate the behavior of the as-
laid umbilical in a steady bottom current condition under span-length and tension combinations. As a
result of this analysis, the maximum allowable free span length shall be assessed by CONTRACTOR.


For certain applications (e.g. umbilical with power cables, umbilical with high temperature gas lift/injection
lines) a thermal analysis is required to assess the thermal gradient across umbilical elements.


If required in “Data Sheet – Umbilical System - MOD.ETI.TUB.001”, pull-in analysis shall be performed to
asses the following:

• friction force due to the weight of the umbilical and due to the bends around corners of the I/J-
• estimation of the required pull-in force;
• verifications that maximum axial load and maximum bending moment acting on the umbilical
components are within acceptable limits.
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Maximum tension and maximum bending capacities of each umbilical termination interface (topside and
subsea) shall be calculated by CONTRACTOR and compared with the actual loads experienced during
either installation or operating life (whichever is the highest) to confirm the final safety factors.

CONTRACTOR shall provide during tender phase, calculation of the maximum allowable loads for each
umbilical termination interface.


CONTRACTOR shall prepare an installation guideline for each different umbilical section covering the
following phases:

• normal laying;
• contingency abandonment;
• recovery.

For each of the above phases the installation guideline shall include, as a minimum:

• the minimum requirement of naval spread necessary to perform the work;

• recommended installation pressure in the umbilical hydraulic and chemical lines.

Preliminary installation analysis shall be performed by CONTRACTOR in accordance to the installation

guideline in order to establish the loads imposed on the umbilical sections during installation.
In particular the following shall be included in the analysis:

• predicted maximum installation load;

• maximum allowable tension against bend radius for installation of the umbilical;
• maximum allowable crush loads and recommended caterpillar/tensioner clamping force;
• fatigue analysis.

Recommended practices shall be given by CONTRACTOR to prevent increased fatigue at TDP and at
overboarding system due to contingent temporary suspension of the installation operations.

A proper coefficient shall be included by CONTRACTOR in the installation analysis to take into account
dynamic loads (typical Dynamic Amplification Factor shall be 1.3).


All umbilical components shall be capable of continuous operation immersed in a seawater environment
and shall be designed for direct contact with the service fluids specified by project in “Data Sheet -
Umbilical System - MOD.ETI.TUB.001” and with any other preservant/test fluid used by CONTRACTOR
during manufacturing and testing.

CONTRACTOR shall adopt a design free of in-line splices for cables, hoses and tubes in each dynamic
portion of umbilical: the length of cables, hoses and tubes on the lay-up reels shall be sufficient to
manufacture the complete dynamic portion.

CONTRACTOR shall adopt the same approach for umbilicals incorporating static portions as well (or
even entirely static), unless CONTRACTOR can justify splices due to length and/or equipment limitations
and gets COMPANY approval.
Once the option for splicing is approved by COMPANY, CONTRACTOR shall qualify each type of splice,
using its internal procedures and the project specific cables, hoses and tubes. The splice qualification test
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procedure shall verify the integrity, the mechanical and the electrical properties of the splice for the
intended service and shall be submitted to COMPANY for review and approval.
Splices can be made by CONTRACTOR on the final product only after successful completion of the
qualification process.
Usage of one-piece unthreaded couplings is the only acceptable way for joining two hose lengths during
umbilical manufacturing.


Cables shall be designed for continuous operation when curved to the minimum bending radius
recommended by CONTRACTOR.

Electric cable conductors shall be fabricated from high conductivity plain annealed circular copper wire,
stranded with a minimum of 7 strands. The conductors shall comply with IEC 60228.

Conductors shall be insulated in a single/multiple extrusion process with EPC and shall meet the
applicable requirements of IEC 60502. PE may be proposed as substitute for EPC provided full
qualification records and/or field service showing suitability for operations in similar conditions.

Insulated conductors shall be twisted, the interstices filled with a non hygroscopic filler to achieve a
circular consolidated arrangement and then covered with an extruded outer sheath of polymeric material.
CONTRACTOR shall state the filler material he intends to use on the basis of a well established
performance history.

The outer sheath shall provide protection to the cores from compressive forces and crushing forces that
can arise in the laid-up components and it shall accommodate any relative movement with other umbilical

For applications where screening is required by SCS electrical analysis, CONTRACTOR shall ensure that
electrical continuity of the screen shall not be broken throughout its design life. The thickness and number
of layers shall be defined by CONTRACTOR.

Insulation, sheathing material thicknesses, position and lay of the electric cables inside the umbilical shall
be selected to avoid damage being caused during bending and external pressurisation of the umbilical.

Electric cable characteristics set out by COMPANY in “Data Sheet – Umbilical System -
MOD.ETI.TUB.001” shall be subjected to SCS power and communication analysis. The cable purchasing
specifications shall therefore be produced by CONTRACTOR on the basis of the results of the analysis.

The cables shall have their ends capped to prevent water ingress during all phases of manufacturing.

As a minimum, each electric cable shall be identified with manufacturer name, cable description (e.g.
TSP, Quad, screened, armoured,…), conductor size, cable rating, part number, date of manufacture and
individual cable identification for traceability within the umbilicals.

All the electric cables shall be manufactured in accordance with ISO 13628-5 requirements. As a
minimum, CONTRACTOR shall record and report to COMPANY the following manufacturing parameters
which shall be continuously monitored:

• Insulation thickness
• Insulation outside diameter
• Insulation spark test
• Outer sheath outer diameter

Any sheath repair made during manufacturing shall be treated, recorded and documented as a minor
non-conformance in accordance with the definition set out in the scope of work of the project.
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5.1.1. Verification tests

On the basis of the adopted electric cable design, CONTRACTOR shall be responsible to assess and
demonstrate whether or not a dedicated verification test program is required.

Where a particular design is not pre-verified, has no service history or a new manufacturing process is
used, verification tests shall be performed by CONTRACTOR in compliance with ISO 13628-5

Verification test procedures and results shall be submitted to COMPANY for acceptance.

5.1.2. Factory acceptance tests

All the electric cables shall be factory acceptance tested as dictated by ISO 13628-5.

The FAT procedures and results shall be submitted to COMPANY for review and approval.


The fibre optic cables shall be designed for continuous operation when curved to the minimum bending
radius recommended by CONTRACTOR.

The optic fibres shall comply with IEC 60793 and IEC 60794 requirements.

The design of the fibre optic cables shall adopt proper structural components so that any tensile and
crushing loads are not imposed on the optic fibres.

Each cable shall be identified in accordance with ISO 13628-5 requirements.

Cable characteristics set out by COMPANY in “Data Sheet – Umbilical System - MOD.ETI.TUB.001”,
shall be subjected to SCS communication analysis. The purchasing specifications of the fibre optic cables
shall therefore be produced by CONTRACTOR on the basis of the results of that analysis.

5.2.1. Verification tests

On the basis of the adopted fibre optic cable design, CONTRACTOR shall be responsible to assess and
demonstrate whether or not a dedicated verification test program is required.

Where a particular design is not pre-verified, has no service history or a new manufacturing process is
used, verification tests shall be performed by CONTRACTOR in compliance with ISO 13628-5

The verification test procedures and results shall be submitted for COMPANY review and approval.

5.2.2. Factory acceptance tests

The fibre optic cables shall be factory acceptance tested as dictated by ISO 13628-5.

The FAT procedures and results shall be submitted to COMPANY for review and approval.

5.3. HOSES
All hoses shall be designed to withstand, as a minimum, the value of external pressure dictated by ISO
13628-5 without collapsing, with the additional specification that the hose internal pressure value used for
the qualification process shall consider the worst case scenario experienced by the hose between
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installation and in-service condition. The worst case scenario shall be representative of both fluid density
(test fluid for the installation case and actual fluid for the in-service condition case) and hose internal
pressure (CONTRACTOR’s recommended pressurisation level for the installation case and static head
for the in-service condition case).

Whenever required, CONTRACTOR shall use thermoplastic hoses of high collapse resistant type.

CONTRACTOR shall state operating temperature range for each hose design. This range shall be
compatible with the storage and in-service environmental conditions.
Hoses shall be capable of operating continuously at full working pressure and maximum or minimum
operating temperature.

All hoses shall be capable of continuous operation at their full design pressure within their entire
operating temperature range, even when curved to the minimum bending radius recommended by

All hoses shall be manufactured in accordance with ISO 13628-5 requirements. CONTRACTOR shall
record and report to COMPANY the following manufacturing parameters which shall be continuously

• Liner thickness
• Liner outside diameter

Any sheath repair and any splices in the braided yarn made during manufacturing shall be treated,
recorded and documented to COMPANY as a minor non-conformance in accordance with the definition
given in the scope of work of the project.

The materials used to manufacture the hoses shall be demonstrated compatible with the service fluids
that they will be in contact with, considering also permeated fluids for compatibility of reinforcement yarn
and outer sheath.
CONTRACTOR shall supply a list of all fluids that have been tested with the proposed materials. The list
shall include the names of all fluids that have been deemed to have failed compatibility tests as well as
those considered to have passed.
Hose liner permeability data shall also be provided for the specified service fluids.

CONTRACTOR shall be responsible of identifying and perform any additional compatibility and
permeability test required to qualify the hose for the specified fluids.

Throughout the manufacture, termination and testing of the hoses CONTRACTOR shall ensure that no
significant ingress of contamination or moisture occurs.

For hoses carrying hydraulic control fluid, hose sizes set out by COMPANY in “Data Sheet – Umbilical
System - MOD.ETI.TUB.001”, shall be subjected to SCS hydraulic analysis.
For hoses carrying chemical fluids, hose sizes set out by COMPANY in “Data Sheet – Umbilical System -
MOD.ETI.TUB.001”, shall be subjected to flowassurance analysis.
The hoses purchasing specifications shall therefore be produced by CONTRACTOR on the basis of the
results of these analyses.

All hoses shall be marked in compliance with ISO 13628-5 requirements.

5.3.1. Verification tests

On the basis of the adopted hose design, CONTRACTOR shall be responsible to assess and
demonstrate whether or not a dedicated verification test program is required.

Where a particular design is not pre-verified, has no service history or a new manufacturing process is
used, a verification tests program shall be performed by CONTRACTOR in compliance with ISO 13628-5
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Verification test procedures and results shall be submitted to COMPANY for review and approval.

5.3.2. Factory acceptance tests

All hoses shall be factory acceptance tested as dictated by ISO 13628-5.

After proof pressure test required by ISO 13628-5, the hoses shall be flushed to verify fluid cleanliness:
the flushing operations shall follow the guidelines of ISO 13628-5 for hose testing during umbilical FAT.
The minimum cleanliness requirements are specified in “Data Sheet – Umbilical System -
MOD.ETI.TUB.001”, as well as the type of test fluids.

The FAT procedures and results shall be submitted to COMPANY for review and approval.


All tubes shall be capable of continuous operation at full design pressure even when curved to the
minimum bending radius recommended by CONTRACTOR.
As minimum, the following effects shall be taken into account by CONTRACTOR in the design and choice
of the metallic tubes:

• Loads during umbilical installation.

• Tie-in and in-place loads.
• Loads during recovery.
• Loads during manufacture, test, storage and delivery of the umbilical.
• Operating environment.
• Compatibility with test and service fluids.
• Cyclic effects, pressure, thermal and other cyclic loads.
• Reduced ductility effects (i.e. HISC phenomena, refer to DNV RP F112 or DNV OS F101)
• Corrosion/erosion resistance.
• Effects due to support, anchor and terminal movements.
• Fluid expansion effects.
• Thermal expansion/contraction effects.
• Dynamic loads (e.g. impact, seabed stability, vibration).
• Wear and friction.
• Weight effects.
• In-service repair.
• Weldability and weld reliability.

The hard metal tubing shall be fabricated from super duplex stainless steel (or equivalent) material.
CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for selecting the type and grade of the stainless steel material;
CONTRACTOR shall submit the results along with all pertaining and detailed justification to COMPANY
for review and shall demonstrate to have considered as minimum the following:

• Material strength.
• Metallurgical failure mechanism (e.g. crevice corrosion, pitting corrosion, corrosion between
dissimilar metals, stress corrosion cracking).
• Material fatigue considerations.
• Suitability for the required service life.
• Compatibility with the fluids with which the material will come in contact.
• Ease of manufacture (e.g. welding).

The PRE of the proposed material shall be established as part of CONTRACTOR's proposal and shall not
be lower than 40.
Design-life corrosion resistance to seawater and to the fluids specified in “Data Sheet - Umbilical System
- MOD.ETI.TUB.001” which will come in contact with the tubes shall be demonstrated taking into account
the experienced temperatures.
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The hard metal tubing wall thickness shall be calculated and documented by CONTRACTOR.

A detailed stress analysis shall be provided taking full account of all manufacturing, installation and
operational requirements, the laid up configuration and any restraints within the umbilical.

CONTRACTOR shall state the maximum acceptable value for the accumulated tube strain and shall
ensure that this value is never reached considering the sum of all the strains encountered in the following

• tubes and umbilical manufacturing process;

• repair and re-work operations (if any) performed prior to load out;
• relocation activities within the umbilical manufacturing facility;
• load out;
• installation with the project appointed vessel including contingency relocation of umbilical
termination assemblies;
• recovery, repair and re-installation scenario with the project appointed vessel;

CONTRACTOR shall submit a report detailing the contribution to the tube accumulated strain of each of
the above stages.

The hard metal tubing shall as a minimum be in accordance with the appropriate ASTM standards and
shall meet or exceed the requirements of ASTM A789 and the requirements of this specification.

CONTRACTOR shall provide as part of its manufacturing process document detailed descriptions of the
hard metal tubing manufacturing process and the NDE procedures that shall be utilised to ensure that the
hard metal tubing is produced in accordance with ISO 13628-5 standard.

Throughout manufacture, termination and testing of the hard metal tubes, CONTRACTOR shall ensure
that no significant ingress of contaminant or moisture occurs.

Each hard metal tube shall be uniquely marked to ensure that manufacturing, inspection and testing
records shall be traceable. A material control system shall be used to ensure that only approved materials
are used and that every tube can be identified to the relevant documentation. All tubes shall have an
identification in accordance with ASTM A789.

CONTRACTOR shall provide as part of its manufacturing process document all the relevant properties of
the hard metal tubing, including as minimum the following:

• Manufacturer's dimensional tolerances

• Minimum/maximum yield strength
• Minimum elongation
• Minimum burst pressure
• Maximum bending strain
• Minimum bending radius
• Corrosion performance (CPT and CCT)
• Maximum hardness
• Ferrite content (range)

CONTRACTOR shall perform verification and acceptance tests on welds and on tube bodies as dictated
by ISO 13628-5 in relation to the tube material, with the following additional specifications:

• all welding operations shall be qualified, including testing, in accordance with ASME Section IX;
• all NDE procedures and operators shall be qualified in accordance with ASME Section V.

All tube production weldings shall be performed using orbital automatic or semi-automatic process.
Termination-end and tie-in weldings may be performed using manual process.
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Welding procedures (for both automated and manual processes) shall be subject to COMPANY approval.
Welding operations shall progress only after COMPANY approval of the WPS and WPQR.

Weld repairs of base metal defects in the hard metal tubing are not permitted under any circumstances.

After coiling on the lay-up reels, the hard metal tubing shall be proof pressure tested and flushed to
ensure the required level of hydraulic cleanliness. The minimum cleanliness requirement is specified in
“Data Sheet – Umbilical System - MOD.ETI.TUB.001” as well as the type of test fluids.

For tubes carrying hydraulic control fluid, tube sizes set out by COMPANY in “Data Sheet – Umbilical
System - MOD.ETI.TUB.001”, shall be subjected to SCS hydraulic analysis.
For tubes carrying chemical fluids, tube sizes set out by COMPANY in “Data Sheet – Umbilical System -
MOD.ETI.TUB.001”, shall be subjected to flowassurance analysis.
The tube purchasing specifications shall therefore be produced by CONTRACTOR on the basis of the
results of these analyses.


Other strength/weight components may be added in the umbilical to provide mechanical strength, weight
for stability or dynamic behaviour. These may take the form of armouring, steel rods, steel ropes.

Armour wires, if present, shall be designed according to EN 10257-2.

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6.1.1. Subsea-end terminations of umbilical electric and fibre optic cables
The umbilical cable terminations to be permanently installed subsea shall be part of the subsea umbilical
termination assemblies.

The cables shall be terminatedeither into dielectric oil (or gel) filled pressure compensated junction boxes,
or into subsea connectors.

The junction boxes and the subsea connectors shall comply with the requirements set out in
18030.SSE.STA.FUN - “Functional specification - Subsea Control System”, unless otherwise dictated by
project specific requirements.

The electric and the fibre optic cables of the umbilicals shall be designed and qualified for use with their
appointed subsea terminations.

While terminating the cables into the subsea umbilical termination assembly CONTRACTOR shall take
maximum care not to violate the cable MBR and shall implement all the necessary means to protect the
cables from damaging (e.g. using protective spiral wrap and/or mechanical supports to limit movement of
the cables).

6.1.2. Subsea-end terminations of umbilical hoses and tubes

The umbilical hose and tube terminations to be permanently installed subsea shall be mounted on the
subsea umbilical termination assemblies.

These termiantions shall be hydraulic couplings complying with the requirements set out in
18030.SSE.STA.FUN - “Functional specification - Subsea Control System”, unless otherwise dictated by
project specific requirements.

Steel pipework used to terminate the umbilical hose and tubes to the corresponding hydraulic couplings
shall have the same size and same pressure rating of the corresponding umbilical line.

Materials shall be checked at the interfaces between umbilical tubes and umbilical termination assembly
tubes for compatibility in terms of strength and corrosion resistance.

6.1.3. Topside-end terminations of umbilical electric and fibre optic cables

The topside end of umbilical electric and fibre optic cables shall usually take the form of pigtails housed
inside the pull-in head. The length of the pigtails shall be determined considering the distance between
the umbilical hang-off location and the pigtails tie-in point on the host facility. The pull-in head internal
volume shall be sufficient to accommodate the umbilical cables avoiding violation of their MBR.

Depending on the project specific installation sequence, the cable ends shall be prepared in two different

• If the pulling head is installed as first end, the cable ends shall be sealed using potted resin or
similar method to ensure protection from sea water ingress during umbilical deployment.
CONTRACTOR shall qualify the sealing capability of the proposed system at 1,5 x hydrostatic
pressure for the specified maximum wet exposure period. The qualification test procedure shall
be submitted to COMPANY for review and approval. The conductors/optical fibres part of the
same cables shall be shorted at the end to allow cable continuity monitoring during laying.
• If the pulling head is installed as second end, the cables shall be prepared in such a way that it
shall be possible to easily connect the test spread for monitoring their integrity (continuity) during
umbilical laying from the installation vessel. After removal of the test spread, the design of the
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cable termination shall be self-sealant (e.g. dry mate subsea connector) in order to prevent sea
water ingress during deployment of the pull-in head. The sealing design shall be qualified as
detailed in the previous bullet point.

6.1.4. Topside-end terminations of umbilical hoses and tubes

The topside end of the umbilical hoses and tubes shall be terminated to a bulkhead plate housed into the
pull-in head.

The hoses and tubes shall be terminated with proper hydraulic pressure plug arrangements suitable for
submersion at design water depth. The plug arrangements shall be designed to seal against the highest
test pressures experienced during load out tests, monitoring during umbilical deployment and post-
installation integrity test.
The plug arrangements shall also include provision to allow safe removal of the pressure plugs and
connection and disconnection to the test rig with no fluid spillage even when these umbilical lines are
pressurised at CONTRACTOR’s recommended pressure for umbilical integrity monitoring during
installation. Such provision may be the interposition of a small bore valves acting as barriers between the
umbilical line and their pressure plugs.

The plug arrangements shall be removed after umbilical hang-off to the host facility, during final hook up
of the umbilical lines to the host facility’s equipment.


All ancillary equipment shall be manufactured to a proven design, based on documented experience
gained from similar applications.

All umbilical ancillaries shall be designed taking into account the mechanical, electrical and functional
characteristics of the equipment which they shall interface with during umbilical storage, transportation,
installation and in-service operations (e.g. reels, carousels, installation vessel laying system, I-/J-tube
dimensions, intervention tools).
CONTRACTOR shall liaise with the other appointed project organisations to ensure compliance of the
ancillary equipment design with all the relevant interfaces.

All ancillary equipment designed to be integrated along the umbilical length shall be of compact size to
facilitate handling, spooling/unspooling, storage, installation activities and it shall be free of any sharp
edge that could potentially damage the umbilical.

Any necessary corrosion protection shall be achieved by a combination of cathodic protection and surface
coating protection designed for the entire design life of the umbilical.
Wet storage period (if any) shall be specified in “Data Sheet - Umbilical System - MOD.ETI.TUB.001”.
For surface coating protection, CONTRACTOR shall refer to the applicable parts of
18003.SSE.GEN.SDS “General Design Requirements For Subsea Systems”.
Cathodic protection system design shall be in accordance with DNV RP B401.

All ancillary equipment shall be designed for safe handling of any removable parts. In this regard,
CONTRACTOR shall consider 25 kg as maximum acceptable weight for items supposed to be manually
lifted during any installation, recovery and in-service operation. For items heavier than 25 kg, but still
originally supposed to be lifted by hand, CONTRACTOR shall provide proper lifting points to allow crane
lifting in lieu of manual lifting.

Marking of ancillary equipment shall comply with ISO 13628-1.

Transportation devices, lifting points and sea fastening points shall be clearly marked with their function
and rating in order to prevent incorrect use.

Intervention interfaces shall comply with ISO 13628-8.

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Where specified by COMPANY in “Data Sheet – Umbilical System - MOD.ETI.TUB.001”, the ancillaries
shall be designed for recovery and reinstallation in case of damage to the product during and after

6.2.1. Pull-in head

The umbilical pull-in head shall allow safe pulling of the umbilical during installation and shall be designed
to prevent the umbilical elements from being subjected to forces they are not designed to bear.

The pull-in head shall be supplied fitted with a suitably rated shackle-swivel assembly.

CONTRACTOR shall provide the maximum applicable pull-in force and the shackle-swivel SWL for
COMPANY approval.
The pull-in head and umbilical design shall consider any excessive force which may be experienced
during pull-in through the I-/J-tube. In such circumstances, it may in fact be possible that the umbilical is
subjected to a pull-in force higher than the theoretical value (e.g. due to presence of a compression type
seal at the bottom of the tube, friction between the pull-in head and the internal wall of the tube, presence
of marine growth inside the tube, excessive capacity/inaccuracy of the host facility pull-in equipment).
The maximum applicable pull-in force and the shackle-swivel SWL, shall take into account such excess

The fully assembled unit shall be able to freely pass through the host facility I-/J-tube with the attached

The pull-in head shall allow access to the umbilical internal components for monitoring/testing purposes.

All electric/fibre optic cables and all the chemical/hydraulic lines inside the pull-in head shall be clearly,
univocally identified and marked.

6.2.2. Topside hang-off

The topside hang-off assembly shall enable final hanging of the umbilical in its operative position from the
top end of the I-/J-tube, following pull-in. Unless otherwise dictated by project design, it shall be
composed of an umbilical collar and a split flange complete of its counter flange. The counter flange shall
be welded at the top end of the I-/J-tube, providing structural support for making-up and fixing the two
halves of the split flange, that shall retain the umbilical by the collar structurally bond to it.

The topside hang-off assembly shall be designed to transfer all the operational loads of the umbilical to
the I-/J-tube top end. Bonding of the collar to the umbilical shall in fact transfer all the loads carried by the
load bearing components of the umbilical to the collar. In turn, the collar shall transfer all these loads to
the split flange, which shall trasfer them to the counter flange, which shall finally transfer them to the J-/I-
tube top end.

Unless otherwise specified by the project, the counter flange shall be supplied by CONTRACTOR
together with all the other parts of the hang-off assembly, including stud bolts, nuts and washers needed
for securing the hang-off split flange to the tube flange. The project may however require the counter
flange to be supplied by others, and in such case CONTRACTOR shall provide COMPANY with all the
technical details allowing this item to be purchased.

If required by the project, the hang-off assembly shall incorporate a port to fill the I-/J-tube annulus with
treatment fluids following umbilical installation.

Should an inclined interface be needed in order to ensure correct configuration and routing of the
suspended umbilical (Azimut and declination angles), it shall be provided by CONTRACTOR together
with any related necessary equipment.
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6.2.3. Tube seal

If required by the project, CONTRACTOR shall design and supply an I-/J-tube compression type seal, to
be installed at the bottom end of the tube, such that it will seal the annulus between the tube and the
umbilical installed within. Full details of the design and materials of the tube seal shall be submitted to
COMPANY for review and approval.

The sealing arrangement shall prevent migration of fluids between the tube annulus and the sea. In case
of free flooding umbilical design, this shall additionally be accomplished by avoiding perforation of the
outer sheath of the umbilical along the portion inside the I-/J-tube.

The sealing unit shall be designed for permanent contact with seawater and with the fluids specified by
project at the given temperatures.

The assembly shall foresee proper intervention interface helping disengagement of the seal during
umbilical pull-out in case of necessity.

CONTRACTOR shall design the seal with all necessary umbilical over-bending protections at its ends.

CONTRACTOR shall state the additional umbilical pull-in load necessary for pulling in place the seal at
the bottom of the I-/J-tube.

CONTRACTOR shall provide a detailed installation procedure to describe and to list all the activities
required for assembling the seal onto the umbilical and for putting it in operation.

6.2.4. Subsea umbilical termination assemblies

Subsea umbilical termination assemblies provide connection point for distributing umbilical functions.

The loads acting on the umbilical shall be transmitted directly to the umbilical termination assembly
structure without stressing the umbilical inner components and the equipment inside the umbilical
termination, such as cables, hoses, tubing, connectors, fittings and couplings.

If required by subsea umbilical termination assembly design, CONTRACTOR shall design a foundation
structure to ensure stability of the termination assembly on the seabed once laid in respect of all loads
experienced during service life (including tie-in/hook-up connections).

Design of subsea umbilical termination assemblies, foundations and protective structures (if required)
shall be in accordance with all the applicable parts of 18019.SSE.MET.FUN - “Functional specification -
Subsea structures” and in compliance with any additional requirement set out in “Data Sheet - Umbilical
System - MOD.ETI.TUB.001”.

In particular, the design of the umbilical subsea termination assemblies shall take into account the

• loads experienced during manufacturing, assembling, testing, load out, transportation,

installation, in service operation and contingency recovery;
• method of installation and installation vessel capabilities;
• accessibility in respect of subsea intervention philosophy and project specific intervention tools;
• interface with bend limiters;
• handling during umbilical spooling/transpooling operations, during on-deck operations, during
installation and during contingency operations;
• umbilical packing and seafastening during transport (refer to the applicable parts of ISO 19902 for
seafastening requirements);
• umbilical characteristics (such as maximum allowable tensile load, MBR, umbilical termination
interface general arrangement, etc.);
• subsea marking requirements;
• the design of each subsea umbilical termination assembly shall allow both first end and second
end deployment.
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The design of the subsea umbilical termination assemblies and all the related structures shall be focused
on the maximum modularity, in order to ease the installation operations.

The actual inclusion of the subsea umbilical termination assemblies, foundations and protective structures
in CONTRACTOR’s scope of supply will be specified by project.

6.2.5. Joint box

Joint boxes shall only be used offshore, in all the cases when seamless splices of the umbilical cannot
practically be made. This may typically include joints to overcome reel/carousel capacity limitations in
long length installations, or repair joints to be used in case of major damage occurring to the umbilical
during deployment involving its inner members.
Each joint box shall permit to join the umbilical while preserving its tensile strength as long as its
electrical/optical and fluid conduit integrity.

The design of the joint boxes shall take in due account the project specific umbilical method of installation
and installation loads.

Each joint box shall mainly consist of an in-line, free flooding steel box, equipped with sacrifical anodes
and bend limiting devices at both sides as necessary, housing and protecting all the joints of the umbilical
inner members.

Together with each joint box, CONTRACTOR shall deliver also all those items necessary to make up one
fully operative umbilical joint. This, according to CONTRACTOR’s design, typically includes but is not
limited to all necessary:

• Tube/hose union fittings

• Electrical unions joints
• Screws, washers, nuts, bolts, etc.
• Spare pieces of each of the above
• Consumables

CONTRACTOR shall qualify joining of cables, hose and tubes within the joint box using its internal
procedure and the project specific umbilical elements. The qualification test procedure shall verify the
integrity, the electrical and mechanical properties of the joints for the intended service and shall be
submitted to COMPANY for review.

Joint boxes shall never be applied to umbilical sections that operate in a dynamic mode.

Joint boxes to be used for repairing accidentally damaged umbilicals shall be as much universal as
practical, allowing splicing of umbilicals even with different cross sections and outer diameter.

A detailed repair procedure shall be produced by CONTRACTOR to describe and list all the activities to
be undertaken and all the tools/consumables to be used in the event a major umbilical repair (i.e. use of
the repair joint box) is required during the offshore installation campaign.

6.2.6. Bend stiffener

Bend stiffeners shall be used to prevent over-bending, kinking or excessive fatigue loading to the
umbilicals at transition points between umbilicals and a rigid structures.

The choice of the bend stiffener material shall be based on its ability to sustain loads, its compatibility with
surrounding fluids and its limited degradation due to ageing.

The bend stiffener shall be made of one continuous composite material. Repair of bend stiffeners is not
allowed at any stage.
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CONTRACTOR shall be responsible to identify, demonstrate and inform COMPANY about any point
where a bend stiffener is required to protect the umbilical during installation and/or service life. This
typically include, but is not limited to, the following points:

• umbilical entry point at the bottom of I-/J-tube;

• transition points between umbilical and I-/J-tube seal;
• transition point between umbilical and pull-in head;
• transition point between umbilical and joint box;

If any section of the I-tube bend stiffener is above sea level during operating life, the ambient temperature
fluctuations and exposure under direct sunlight shall be considered in the design.

If not clearly specified by COMPANY in “Data Sheet – Umbilical System - MOD.ETI.TUB.001”, the
method for connecting the bend stiffener to the rigid structure shall be proposed by CONTRACTOR to
COMPANY for review and approval.

6.2.7. Bend restrictor

Bend restrictors shall be installed at all transition points between the umbilicals and rigid structures where
the bending moments would otherwise be excessive. They shall prevent over-bending and kinking of the
umbilical during handling, installation and operation by providing a mechanical positive locking.

The bend restrictors shall be designed to withstand the maximum bending moment encountered during
umbilical handling, installation or operation, whichever is the highest.

The choice of material shall be based on its ability to sustain loads and its limited degradation due to
ageing. If made of steel or any other metal/alloy subjected to corrosion, the bend restrictors shall be
properly coated and cathodically protected.

6.2.8. Other ancillaries

CONTRACTOR shall be responsible to identify and notify COMPANY about any additional ancillary
equipment necessary for the given service application and not listed above (e.g. buoyancy modules,
anchor clamps, mid water arches, weak links, dummy pull-in heads, bellmouths, messenger wires).
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CONTRACTOR is responsible for ensuring that the umbilical geometry is compliant with the application
requirements and is fit for purpose.

CONTRACTOR shall propose and justify a cross section design for the umbilical bundle that is optimised
with respect to suitability for its service and cost.

The umbilical shall be torque balanced and designed to prevent rotation and twisting at the required

Cabling configuration of components shall be optimised to minimise the umbilical outer diameter.

It shall be possible to pressure test and maintain pressure in all of the umbilical lines anytime during
installation, as well as after hook-up to the host facility.

The umbilical, its metal components and its ancillary equipment shall be cathodically self-protected for the
given design life, in seawater.

Free flooding requirement (for umbilical, ancillary equipment and terminations), holes spacing, flooding
speed shall be verified and justified by CONTRACTOR for the specific project application.

If any section of the umbilical is kept above sea level during operating life, the ambient temperature
fluctuations and exposure under direct sunlight shall be considered in the design.

The armouring and weighting members (if present) shall be designed to withstand the strain and stress
fatigue of the umbilical during manufacture, load out, installation and service.

As a minimum, the following umbilical design parameters shall be stated by CONTRACTOR:

• MBR with reference to applied tension and applied internal pressure for all load cases (storage,
installation, normal operation and abnormal operation) in both load controlled and displacement
controlled conditions;
• Maximum allowable crush load both with all lines unpressurised and with all lines pressurised at
CONTRACTOR’s recommended pressure for umbilical integrity monitoring during installation.
The crushing capacity shall be referenced to a specific type of tensioner pad;
• Umbilical minimum breaking load;
• Minimum breaking load for umbilical termination interfaces;
• Maximum allowable working tensile load;
• Maximum allowable installation tensile load;
• Overall minimum friction factor, either internal or external whichever is the lowest (in dry and
lubricated conditions);
• Axial, bending and torsional stiffness;
• Maximum allowable compression;
• Nominal OD and tolerance;
• Nominal mass with all lines full of their service fluids and all interstices full of seawater;
• Weight in air with all lines full of their shipping fluids and all the interstices full of air;
• Weight in seawater with all lines full of their shipping fluids and all the interstices full of seawater;
• Drag to apparent weight ratio, which shall be validated by interference analysis;
• Design water depth.

The umbilicals shall be manufactured as a single continuous length, free of splices unless COMPANY
gives approval.
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Manufacturing processes shall be in accordance with the relevant sections of ISO 13628-5.

As a general guideline, any repair performed during manufacturing that significantly alters the geometry
and/or physical characteristics of the umbilical shall be recorded as a major non-conformance in
accordance with the definition given in the scope of work of the project.

7.2.1. Lay-up
The umbilical lay-up configuration and the method used shall be determined by CONTRACTOR such that
the finished umbilical meets the specified functional and technical requirements.
The lay-up method shall ensure that all the umbilical elements are not subjected to excessive torque,
tension, contact forces and compressive loads.

The minimum lay angle shall be provided and justified based on equipment induced twist in the umbilical
and on fatigue damage contribution from friction.

The manufacturing plans and procedures shall include requirements for set-up and calibration of the
cabling equipment and monitoring of the lay-up process variables: as a minimum, tensions and lay angles
shall be properly established at the beginning of the fabrication operations, maintained and recorded
throughout umbilical manufacture.

CONTRACTOR shall perform continuous inspection procedures during bundle manufacture to ensure
that the lines are not gouged or scratched or otherwise damaged: these procedures shall be included as
part of umbilical manufacturer’s process document and shall specify the remedial action to be taken in the
event that line damage is detected.

7.2.2. Sheaths
Umbilical sheaths (both inner if required and outer) shall be made of a continuously extruded
thermoplastic material.Only for static applications CONTRACTOR may offer an alternative based on
helically applied synthetic fibre roving.

CONTRACTOR shall ensure that during inner sheath extrusion (if any), there will be no adverse effects
on any of the core components due to the high temperatures involved.

The outer sheath material shall be heat, seawater, ozone and UV resistant for long-term storage and

The outer sheath shall be yellow for ease of visibility and shall be complete with a longitudinal black stripe
minimum 10mm wide, applied to the full length of the umbilical as a mean of indicating twist.

Each sheath shall be checked on the outside diameter at least every 20 m during the manufacturing
process to ensure that the outside diameter (measured in two planes) meets the specified requirements.
Actual outside diameters (with mean, minimum and maximum measured values) shall be included by
CONTRACTOR within the engineering documentation produced during project execution.

If any rework is performed by CONTRACTOR after application of the outer sheath and before delivery of
the umbilical to COMPANY, CONTRACTOR shall measure, record and officially communicate to
COMPANY the new umbilical OD in the reworked section and its location alongside the umbilical length.

7.2.3. Armouring
A layer of anti-fretting tape of mylar or similar material shall be interposed between each adjacent armour

The inner armour layer shall be separated from the other umbilical components by a sheath of extruded
thermoplastic material.
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7.2.4. Length checking and marking

Each manufactured umbilical shall be measured with accuracy of -0/+1% over true length, with calibrated
and certified devices capable of such accuracy.

Each umbilical section shall be sequentially marked in lengths of 100 m with the exception of the first and
last 300 m which shall be sequentially marked in 10 m increments minimum.

Markings shall be in subsea high visibile paint that shall have a composition compatible with the external
sheath, with good adherence and anti-fouling properties.

The umbilical full length shall be lengthwise marked every meter with the incremental distance by means
of a mechanised method.

The following marking, in addition to ISO 13628-5 recommendations, shall be used:

• length mark every 50m (over the full umbilical length);

• position mark for each buoyancy module (if applicable);
• fixed point mark for the touch down point (for dynamic umbilicals).

Any other special marking requirements, will be specified by project in “Data Sheet - Umbilical System -

CONTRACTOR shall develop a marking scheme to specify the marking philosophy next to significant
points (e.g. hang-off points, touch down points, subsea terminations,…).
Marking scheme shall be submitted to both COMPANY and Installation Contractor for review and
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CONTRACTOR shall develop a comprehensive test program clearly stating witness and hold points for
each test. The test program shall include umbilical component tests, umbilical tests, ancillary equipment
tests and integrated tests (if any), and shall be submitted to COMPANY for approval.

The testing philosophy shall be based on the following requirements.

a) The tests shall be performed by use of the appropriate test facilities and test media required to
demonstrate all the functions of the system, including the interfaces to other equipment.
b) CONTRACTOR shall develop a testing program which minimises in-house test equipment and
dummy intems while maximising the use of project deliverable equipment.
c) The test program shall include all the necessary system interface and stack-up tests to verify all
the internal and external interfaces involved in the overall umbilical system.
d) For FATs and integration tests, CONTRACTOR shall run an internal test before COMPANY
attendance: this internal “pre-test” shall verify that the equipment is fully functional and ready for
FAT/integration test. The results of the internal “pre-test” shall be made available to COMPANY
for review before commencement of the actual FAT/integrated test.
e) Where applicable, all tool interfaces shall be tested by the use of the appropriate tool. Particular
consideration shall be paid for ROV/diver interfaces: a specific testing program involving access
to and operation of the intervention interfaces shall be developed by CONTRACTOR on the basis
of the project intervention tasks list. Attendance and/or active participation of other contractors
and intervention tools to be used during ROV/diver interface tests shall be specified by
COMPANY on project basis.
f) Fit tests shall be performed in such a way as to prove the guidance and orientation features of
the EUT.
g) All COMPANY-provided items shall be involved in the testing program to verify interfaces and
h) The test procedures to be submitted to COMPANY for approval, shall reflect all the functional
requirements specified for the different systems and units.
i) Care shall be taken to ensure that the testing does not cause deterioration or wear of the
equipment, or affect the cleanliness level of the hydraulic systems, at the point of delivery of the
j) All the FATs and integrated test procedures produced by CONTRACTOR shall include a punch
list section for recording failed, unsatisfactory, damaged or faulty items during the test.
CONTRACTOR shall create, update and maintain a register of all the punch items raised during
the entire project testing program and notify in writing COMPANY to attend resolution of any
outstanding punch item. All related punch items must be cleared by CONTRACTOR before
release of equipment from its testing facility.
k) All the offshore operations (installation, retrieval, re-installation and commissioning) associated to
the EUT shall be replicated, to the extent practical, by CONTRACTOR during the onshore testing

Training of personnel, including familiarisation with equipment and procedures, is an important factor
during FAT and integrated test activities: depending on project application, CONTRACTOR may be
required to actively involve in the testing program other contractors and/or project appointed
CONTRACTOR service personnel.

At the end of the testing phase the equipment shall be preserved and packed as required.


Each type of umbilical cross section shall undergo a verification test session to validate the performance
of the umbilical and its design.

Test fluids shall be those specified in “Data Sheet – Umbilical System - MOD.ETI.TUB.001”.

As a minimum the following verification tests shall be performed by CONTRACTOR:

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• combined torsion balance and tension test

• bend stiffness test
• crush test
• fatigue test

The above tests shall comply with ISO 13628-5 requirements with the additional specifications described
in the following paragraphs.

Depending on the project, CONTRACTOR may be required to perform the following verification tests
(reference is made to “Data Sheet – Umbilical System - MOD.ETI.TUB.001”):

• lay-up trial
• strength of end-terminations
• combined tension and bending test
• friction factor test
• free flooding test
• bundle impact test
• axial compression test
• hydrostatic and collapse resistance test
• repair splice qualification test
• topside and subsea termination interface test

For any verification test, CONTRACTOR shall issue the test procedure to COMPANY for review and

8.1.1. Combined torsion balance and tension test

The mechanical means of terminating the test sample shall employ the same design as for the actual
umbilical system in order to test the tensile capability of the umbilical termination interfaces.

For dynamic umbilicals, the test shall be performed with fluid conduits pressurised at maximum working
pressure. Static umbilicals shall undergo this test with fluid conduits pressurised at the CONTRACTOR’s
recommended installation pressure.

Cables continuity shall be continuously monitored and recorded during the test.

Electric cable insulation resistance shall be measured and recorded before and after the test.

The umblical torsion angle shall be measured during the test for each applied tensile load.

The test shall also include determination of the umbilical torsional stiffness (at multiple tension steps) by
applying torque both clockwise and anti-clockwise to the same specimen.

All hoses and/or tubes shall be proof pressure tested before and after the test.

NDE of the terminations shall be undertaken at the end of the test.

8.1.2. Bend stiffness test

For dynamic umbilicals, bend stiffness shall be measured both with the hoses pressurised at the
CONTRACTOR’s recommended installation pressure value and with hoses pressurised at maximum
operating pressure.

For static umbilicals, bend stiffness shall be measured with hoses pressurised at the CONTRACTOR’s
recommended installation pressure value.
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Cables continuity shall be continuously monitored and recorded during the test.

Electric cable insulation resistance shall be measured and recorded before and after the test.

All hoses and/or tubes shall be proof pressure tested before and after the bend stiffness test.

8.1.3. Crush test

For each umbilical cross section, crush test shall be performed and repeated towards all directions
deemed important to assess overall crushing capacity of the product.

The plates used for the crush test shall be representative of the actual installation system and therefore
shall be specified by project.

Cables continuity and electric cable insulation resistance shall be monitored and recorded before and
after the test.

Crush test shall be repeated with fluid conduits both un-pressurised and pressurised at CONTRACTOR’s
recommended installation pressure value.

All hoses and/or tubes shall be proof pressure tested before the crush test.

Each crush test shall be performed on new umbilical samples (i.e. which have not been subjected to
previous crush tests).

8.1.4. Fatigue test

For static umbilicals, a fatigue test shall be performed to demonstrate that the design can withstand the
loads and flexures experienced during installation. Their hoses and/or tubes shall therefore be
pressurised at the CONTRACTOR’s recommended installation pressure value.
As main outcome of the fatigue test, CONTRACTOR shall state the maximum allowable duration of a
stop during static umbilical installation.

For dynamic umbilicals, a fatigue test shall be performed to demonstrate that the design can withstand
the loads and flexures experienced during operational life. Their hoses and/or tubes shall therefore be
pressurised at the maximum working pressure value.

If specified by project in “Data Sheet - Umbilical System - MOD.ETI.TUB.001”, a fatigue test shall be
performed to assess the fatigue performance at hang-off facility exit region of dynamic umbilicals. The
same design of the in-service end fitting shall be used: if it incorporates a bend stiffener of other means of
strain relief, such device shall be incorporated in the test sample.

During the fatigue test, the tension in the umbilical shall simulate the actual umbilical tension.

The number of cycles and deflection angles required for the test shall impart the same level of potentially
damaging fatigue stresses to the umbilical as it is expected to withstand during the selected scenario
(either installation or operational life, according to the above requirements for each type of umbilical).

Cables continuity shall be continuously monitored and recorded during the test.

Electric cable insulation resistance shall be measured and recorded before and after the test.

All hoseh and/or tubes shall be proof pressure tested before and after the fatigue test.
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8.2. FAT
8.2.1. Umbilical FAT
Umbilical FAT shall be performed prior to, and/or after, fitment of umbilical end terminations, according to
the project requirements set out in “Data Sheet – Umbilical System - MOD.ETI.TUB.001”.

Each umbilical shall be tested in accordance with ISO 13628-5 requirements with the following additional
test (where applicable):

• hoses dynamic response test in compliance with ISO 13628-5.

8.2.2. Ancillary equipment FAT

CONTRACTOR shall develop a factory acceptance test procedure for each umbilical ancillary item to
demonstrate compliance with the project requirements.

At least the following tests shall be performed (where applicable):

• interface test between subsea umbilical termination assembly and associated foundation to
demonstrate compliance with the project umbilical installation methodology;
• load test of the umbilical terminations load bearing interfaces at 1.5 times the maximum working
load of the umbilical system (in installation or operation, whichever is highest); NDE to welds after
test completion;
• proof pressure test and flushing of the subsea umbilical termination assemblies hydraulic
pipework prior to fitment to umbilical;
• fit up test of buoyancy module on an umbilical sample with axial load test to ensure that the
buoyancy module clamping system is capable of withstanding the installation loads;
• pull-in head load test at 1.5 times the shackle-swivel SWL;
• bending moment test at the specified MBR for the bend restrictors;
• interface test between hang-off split flange and the flange mounted on top of the I-/J-tube;
• interface test between tube seal and I-/J-tube bottom interface;
• interface test between the dummy pull-in head and the I-/J-tube, with particular focus on passage
of the pull-in head through the curved zone of the tube;
• functional test for the weak link activation load;
• fit up test of mid water arch clamp on an umbilical sample with axial load test to ensure that
clamp is capable of withstanding installation and operational loads.

The above list is indicative only. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible to carry out all necessary tests to
prove the design of each ancillary item part of the umbilical system.


At the end of the individual FAT, the following test shall be performed if explicitly required by COMPANY
for the selected project:

• Production umbilical and subsea distribution system integration test to verify the mechanical
interfaces, the electrical/optical and hydraulic integrity of the whole susbea distribution system.
The scope of this test shall typically include:

o Continuity test for hydraulic and chemical lines;

o Leak test for hydraulic and chemical lines;
o Fluid and system cleanliness test;
o Electrical and/or optical tests;
o Power supply distribution test;
o Communication test inclusive of sensitivity test;
o Functional check of all interfaces with equipment internal and external to the umbilical
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o ROV/diver access check and operation of all intervention interfaces part of the umbilical

For these tests, CONTRACTOR shall liaise with COMPANY and other project appointed organisations for
logistic, items involved, responsibility, test scope and acceptance criteria. Such coordination shall be
specified in the scope of work of the project.
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The umbilicals shall be delivered from FAT with all the hydraulic and chemical lines filled with the
corresponding shipping fluids, thereby acting as preservation fluids.

During the storage period (regardless of its duration) all the hoses and/or tubes of each umbilical section
(excluding unterminted sections) shall be kept pressurised at the value recommended by ISO 13628-5 for
integrity monitoring during storage. CONTRACTOR shall provide equipment for monitoring and adjusting
the pressure in the lines (excluding pumps) whenever required in order to maintain the pressure stable
inside hoses and/or tubes regardless of their temperature. Such equipment shall be delivered together
with the relevant umbilical section to allow integrity monitoring of the hoses/tubes during load out,
transportation and installation: it shall therefore be rated for the maximum pressure experienced during
those stages.

During the storage period, all necessary means to protect the umbilical lines from damage,
contamination, dust and water ingress shall be adopted by CONTRACTOR.

CONTRACTOR shall state the maximum allowable period during which the umbilical can be left exposed
to direct sunlight with no UV protections. If at any stage during project execution the umbilicals will be left
exposed to direct sunlight in excess of this period, means for UV protection shall be supplied by

CONTRACTOR shall submit a procedure for umbilical inspection and preservation during storage for
COMPANY review and approval.

Ancillary equipment and loose items shall be stored in a protected environment to prevent damage and
deterioration of quality.

This chapter details the minimum requirements to be fulfilled by CONTRACTOR for packaging of
equipment prior to shipment/delivery to COMPANY.
On the basis of the requirements detailed in this section, CONTRACTOR shall submit during tender
phase a packaging and shipping procedure to COMPANY for review and acceptance. This procedure
shall also explain how CONTRACTOR proposes to pack each item part of its scope of supply for delivery

a) After the final testing and acceptance, CONTRACTOR shall clean and dry all items from
contaminants prior to packaging.
b) All non-painted surfaces (bare metals part) shall be coated by CONTRACTOR with either grease
or other coating as stated on the product/part specification. CONTRACTOR shall provide proper
solvent for removal of such grease/coating prior to use.
c) All items shall be packed such that they do not rest on any seal or seal surface.
d) Protectors shall be installed as required to protect critical features such as flanges, ring grooves,
sealing surfaces and threads. Protectors shall be securely fastened to prevent movement or loss
during handling and transit. UV protections shall be used where necessary.
e) The items being shipped into crates shall be secured to prevent movement and direct contact
with any other item packaged in the same crate during transit.
f) Each shipping list shall be issued to COMPANY for review and approval at least three months in
advance of the date of the shipment it refers to. Each shipping list shall contain at least the
following information for each item part of it:

o Description;
o Part number;
o HS code;
o Quantity (required spare and total);
o Shipping dimensions (in mm) and shipping weight (in kg);
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o Shipping packaging number (e.g item number / total number of items part of the
o Drawing codes;
o Remarks and notes;
o Type of packaging (e.g. wooden crates, metal boxes, skids);
o Precise terms of delivery, with clear INCOTERMS reference with regards to place of
delivery and responsibilities.

g) The packaging process may require COMPANY attendance for verification of packaged
quantities against COMPANY approved shipping list. COMPANY’s need for inspecting packaging
will be stated on a project basis. For any required inspection, CONTRACTOR shall notify
COMPANY when all items included in the approved shipping list are available for inspection.
Shipment shall take place only after successful completion of this inspection.
h) Small items (e.g. bolts, nuts, washer) shall be packed in such a way to prevent them from
scattering during transit, and shall be placed on top during packaging for easy retrieval.
i) Packaging shall not make use of pallets.
j) Accompanying documentation and certificates shall be specified by project. Each unit shall be
accompanied as minimum by the following:

o Copy of applicable certificates;

o One copy of the operating and maintenance manual;
o One copy of the installation manual.

k) Items weighting more than 2000 kg shall be shipped out in one of the following ways, depending
on the instructions of COMPANY and the type of item:

o dedicated metal shipping skid;

o heavy duty wooden crates;
o container.

Each item, including crates, part of a delivery shall be univocally identified with a sheet containing at least
the following information:

• Supplier
• Shipping address
• PO Number
• Equipment description
• Project Name and Code
• Departure location
• Final destination
• N/N (number of item / total number of items part of the shipment)*
• Dimensions (Length)x(Width)x(Height) in millimeters
• Gross weight (kg)
• Shipment date

*Note: Numbers shall be consistent with latest revision of the approved shipping list.

A copy of this identification sheet shall be placed in a weather proof envelope and shall be securely
attached to the item.

On crates, the following shall be present:

• Identification sheet (copies protected into weather proof envelopes) on each later side and on
• Crate content list (protected into weather proof envelope) attached to the exterior of the crate.

Each crate shall be clearly marked with centre of gravity.

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All markings must be removed before reusing any crate.

All markings shall withstand rainy weather and prolongued exposure to direct sunlight.

CONTRACTOR shall include any other needed symbols for the transport (e.g. “Fragile”, “Handle with
Care”, “Keep dry”, “This side up”).


Construction of the wooden crates shall adhere to the following requirements.

a) The wood shall be bark free.

b) The wood must be fungus free.
c) No crack shall be present on the wood.
d) No discoloration shall be present on the wood.
e) Wooden crates shall comply as a minimum with ISPM n°15. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible
of identifying and complying to any additional wood packaging requirement/certificate required by
the country of destination. The marking required by ISPM n°15, indicating that wood packaging
material has been subjected to approved phytosanitary treatment, is applicable to any wooden
pieces used in the packaging process (e.g. pieces used for stabilising the cargo inside the
wooden box).
f) Wooden crates shall be robust enough to be stacked in several layers.
g) All wooden crates shall be metal strapped before shipment.
h) Wooden crates shall be constructed to allow lifting by soft straps and to allow handling by forklift.

9.5. REELS
Depending on the project, CONTRACTOR may be required to deliver the umbilicals coiled on reels.
This shall be specified in “Data Sheet - Umbilical System - MOD.ETI.TUB.001” and in the project scope of
work, along with the type of reels (storage or installation type) and their nature (either purchased or rental

The following functional requirements shall apply, where applicable.

a) The reels shall be suitable for offshore transportation and shall be designed to withstand sea
transport loads.
b) Ucoiling direction for installation reels shall comply with the project installation methodology.
c) The reels shall be equipped with suitable attachment points for lashing and seafastening.
d) Soft rigging shall not be used for seafastenings of umbilical terminations.
e) All moving elements shall be secured.
f) Sharp angles are not allowed in the reel design.
g) The installation reels shall be designed in accordance with the laying system interfaces and for
use with under roller drive system.
h) The reels shall be supplied with suitable support frames for long term storage and transportation.
i) CONTRACTOR shall ensure that the umbilicals are spooled on with adequate constant back-
tension. This tension shall be controlled during coiling.
j) The reels shall be designed not to violate the umbilical MBR.
k) When multiple umbilical lengths are stored on the same reel, separation flanges shall be used.
l) Coiling and uncoiling of the umbilical shall be continuously monitored to ensure no damages
occur to the product.
m) CONTRACTOR shall ensure that the umbilical ancillary equipment is adequately supported on
the reel so that it does not move during transport and uncoiling operations.
n) CONTRACTOR shall provide proper lifting aids to allow safe and controlled handling of the
umbilical ancillary equipment (in particular umbilical terminations) during uncoiling operations.
o) CONTRACTOR shall prepare and submit dimensioned reel packing drawings to COMPANY for
p) The umbilical packing arrangement shall avoid objects protruding from reel envelope.
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q) Any works requiring high temperatures or welding shall be prohibited in the surroundings of the
reels without specific protection to the coiled umbilical.
r) Spreader bar and rigging shall be supplied for balanced onshore and offshore lifting of the reel.
s) The reels shall have clear external marking indicating, in addition to the information listed in
section 7.3, the uncoiling direction and, in case of multi-compartment reels, the umbilical position
on the reel.
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Date, location and key responsibilities for load out will be specified in the project scope of work.

The following sections describe all the applicable testing requirements.

CONTRACTOR shall provide all the tools and consumables required to complete the test scope
described hereafter.


Pre load out tests shall be performed by CONTRACTOR before load out when at least one of the
following conditions applies:

• the umbilical is moved to different storage areas, either belonging to manufacturer’s facility or not,
after testing phase.
• load out is performed more than one month after conclusion of the umbilical FAT.

Test scope shall comply with the requirements of ISO 13628-5.


During load out consisting of transpooling of the umbilical from the onshore facility to the appointed
vessel’s carousel, the umbilical shall be continuously monitored by CONTRACTOR in accordance with
the requirements of ISO 13628-5.


Post load out tests shall be performed by CONTRACTOR after load out from onshore facility to the
appointed vessel when at least one of the following conditions applies:

• the umbilical is transpooled to the appointed vessel’s carousel;

• the product is suspected of having been damaged during load out.

Test scope shall comply with the requirements of ISO 13628-5.

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CONTRACTOR shall prepare and submit a test procedure to COMPANY for approval, detailing a set of
tests to be used to verify the integrity of the umbilical sections during and after installation.

The procedure shall cover:

• integrity monitoring during laying;

• post pull-in test;
• post hook-up test after each subsea connection has been made.

Test scope shall comply with the requirements of ISO 13628-5.

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