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Laboratory 4

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LABORATORY 4: Series and Parallel DC Circuits


Copy Questions/Problem to a separate sheet of paper and answer as required.

Submit answered sheet at the drive provided on the FB groups.

A. Series DC Circuits


The focus of this exercise is an examination of basic series DC circuits with resistors. A key element is
Kirchhoff’s voltage law which states that the sum of voltage rises around a loop must equal the sum of
the voltage drops. The voltage divider rule will also be investigated.

Theory Overview

A series circuit is defined by a single loop in which all components are arranged in daisy-chain fashion. The
current is the same at all points in the loop and may be found by dividing the total voltage source by the
total resistance. The voltage drops across any resistor may then be found by multiplying that current by
the resistor value. Consequently, the voltage drops in a series circuit are directly proportional to the
resistance. An alternate technique to find the voltage is the voltage divider rule. This states that the
voltage across any resistor (or combination of resistors) is equal to the total voltage source times the ratio
of the resistance of interest to the total resistance.




Figure 1
Figure 2


1. Using the circuit of Figure 1 with R1 = 1 k, R2 = 2.2 k, R3 = 3.3 k, and E = 10 volts, determine the
theoretical current and record it in Table 1. Construct the circuit. Set the DMM to read DC current and
insert it in the circuit at point A. Remember, ammeters go in-line and require the circuit to be opened for
proper measurement. The red lead should be placed closer to the positive source terminal. Record this
current in Table 1. Repeat the current measurements at points B and C.

2. Using the theoretical current found in Step 1, apply Ohm’s law to determine the expected voltage drops
across R1, R2, and R3. Record these values in the Theory column of Table 2.

3. Set the DMM to measure DC voltage. Remember, unlike current, voltage is measured across
components. Place the DMM probes across R1 and measure its voltage. Again, red lead should be placed
closer to the positive source terminal. Record this value in Table 2. Repeat this process for the voltages
across R2 and R3. Determine the percent deviation between theoretical and measured for each of the
three resistor voltages and record these in the final column of Table 2.

4. Consider the circuit of Figure 2 with R1 = 1 k, R2 = 2.2 k, R3 = 3.3 k, R4 = 6.8 k and E = 20 volts. Using the
voltage divider rule, determine the voltage drops across each of the four resistors and record the values
in Table 3 under the Theory column. Note that the larger the resistor, the greater the voltage should be.
Also determine the potentials VAC and VB, again using the voltage divider rule.

5. Construct the circuit of Figure 2 with R1 = 1 k, R2 = 2.2 k, R3 = 3.3 k, R4 = 6.8 k and E = 20 volts. Set the
DMM to measure DC voltage. Place the DMM probes across R1 and measure its voltage. Record this value
in Table 3. Also determine the deviation. Repeat this process for the remaining three resistors.

6. To find VAC, place the red probe on point A and the black probe on point C. Similarly, to find VB, place
the red probe on point B and the black probe on ground. Record these values in Table 3 with deviations.
Table 1

Table 2

Table 3


1. For the circuit of Figure 1, what is the expected current measurement at point D?

2. For the circuit of Figure 2, what are the expected current and voltage measurements at point D?

3. In Figure 2, R4 is approximately twice the size of R3 and about three times the size of R2. Would the
voltages exhibit the same ratios? Why/why not? What about the currents through the resistors?

4. If a fifth resistor of 10 kΩ was added below R4 in Figure 2, how would this alter VAC and VB? Show

5. Is KVL satisfied in Tables 2 and 3?

B. Parallel DC Circuits


The focus of this exercise is an examination of basic parallel DC circuits with resistors. A key element is
Kirchhoff’s current law which states that the sum of currents entering a node must equal the sum of the
currents exiting that node. The current divider rule will also be investigated.

Theory Overview

A parallel circuit is defined by the fact that all components share two common nodes. The voltage is the
same across all components and will equal the applied source voltage. The total supplied current may be
found by dividing the voltage source by the equivalent parallel resistance. It may also be found by
summing the currents in all of the branches. The current through any resistor branch may be found by
dividing the source voltage by the resistor value. Consequently, the currents in a parallel circuit are
inversely proportional to the associated resistances. An alternate technique to find a particular current is
the current divider rule. For a two resistor circuit this states that the current through one resistor is equal
to the total current times the ratio of the other resistor to the total resistance.




Figure 1

Figure 2

1. Using the circuit of Figure 1 with R1 = 1 k, R2 = 2.2 k and E = 8 volts, determine the theoretical voltages
at points A, B, and C with respect to ground. Record these values in Table 1. Construct the circuit. Set the
DMM to read DC voltage and apply it to the circuit from point A to ground. The red lead should be placed
at point A and the black lead should be connected to ground. Record this voltage in Table 1. Repeat the
measurements at points B and C.

2. Apply Ohm’s law to determine the expected currents through R1 and R2. Record these values in the
Theory column of Table 2. Also determine and record the total current.

3. Set the DMM to measure DC current. Remember, current is measured at a single point and requires the
meter to be inserted in-line. To measure the total supplied current place the DMM between points A and
B. The red lead should be placed closer to the positive source terminal. Record this value in Table 2. Repeat
this process for the currents through R1 and R2. Determine the percent deviation between theoretical
and measured for each of the currents and record these in the final column of Table 2.

4. Crosscheck the theoretical results by computing the two resistor currents through the current divider
rule. Record these in Table 3.

5. Consider the circuit of Figure 2 with R1 = 1 k, R2 = 2.2 k, R3 = 3.3 k, R4 = 6.8 k and E = 10 volts. Using the
Ohm’s law, determine the currents through each of the four resistors and record the values in Table 4
under the Theory column. Note that the larger the resistor, the smaller the current should be. Also
determine and record the total supplied current and the current IX. Note that this current should equal
the sum of the currents through R3 and R4.

6. Construct the circuit of Figure 2 with R1 = 1 k, R2 = 2.2 k, R3 = 3.3 k, R4 = 6.8 k and E = 10 volts. Set the
DMM to measure DC current. Place the DMM probes in-line with R1 and measure its current. Record this
value in Table 4. Also determine the deviation. Repeat this process for the remaining three resistors. Also
measure the total current supplied by the source by inserting the ammeter between points A and B.

7. To find Ix, insert the ammeter at point X with the black probe closer to R3. Record this value in Table 4
with deviation

Table 1
Table 2

Table 3

Table 4


1. For the circuit of Figure 1, what is the expected current entering the negative terminal of the source?
2. For the circuit of Figure 2, what is the expected current between points B and C?

3. In Figure 2, R4 is approximately twice the size of R3 and about three times the size of R2. Would the
currents exhibit the same ratios? Why/why not?

4. If a fifth resistor of 10 kΩ was added to the right of R4 in Figure 2, how would this alter I Total and Ix?
Show work.

5. Is KCL satisfied in Tables 2 and 4?

Format of Paper: Times New Roman, 12 font, Justify, A4 size, with Borderline of 1-inch each side.

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