Using Pivot Tables
Using Pivot Tables
Using Pivot Tables
In this lab, first you will learn how to format data as a table, how to create a Pivot Table and use fields to arrange
data in a Pivot Table, and how to perform calculations using Pivot Table data. Next, you will learn some other
features that we can use with Pivot Tables, including Recommended Charts, Filters, Slicers, and Timelines.
Although you can use the Excel Desktop software if you have access to this version, it is recommended that you
use Excel for the web for the hands-on labs as the lab instructions specifically refer to this version, and there are
some small differences in the interface and available features.
We are using a modified subset of that dataset for the lab, so to follow the lab instructions successfully please use
the dataset provided with the lab, rather than the dataset from the original source.
After completing this lab, you will be able to:
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Task B: Create a pivot table and use fields to arrange data in a pivot
1. Select cell D4
3. Click OK.
6. In the fields list, drag City Location to Rows above Industry Vertical.
7. In the fields list, drag Startup Name to Rows below Industry Vertical.
9. Use the drop down arrow for the City Location and Sort By Value in descending order (Largest to smallest)
by the Count of Amount in USD.
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10. In the ribbon, select the PivotTable tab, click Settings, then in the PivotTable Settings pane, under Layout,
select Single column.
11. Right-click on the row label Amritsar and select Expand/Collapse and Collapse Entire Field.
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3. Click OK.
4. Select the column called Sum of Amount in USD and then on the Home tab, select Accounting Number
Format > $ English (United States).
Note: The ‘Recommended Charts’ feature only works with ‘full’ Office for the web plans (those plans that
come with an Office 365 subscription). Recommended Charts do not work with the ‘basic’ plan that comes
with a Microsoft Account.
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6. Select column C, D, E.
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2. In the Date timeline, click top right drop-down and select QUARTERS.
3. In the Date Timeline, select 2019 Q1, then drag 2019 Q1 to 2019 Q3.
4. In the Date timeline, click the Clear Filter icon.
5. In the Date timeline, click top right drop-down and select YEARS, then select 2020 only.
Congratulations! You have completed Lab 7, and you are ready for the next topic.
Sandip Saha Joy
Other Contributor(s)
Steve Ryan
Date Version Changed by Change Description
2023-04-12 1.3 Anita Verma Added sort by value and collapse
2020-09-10 1.2 Steve Ryan Added software/dataset info
2020-07-23 1.1 Steve Ryan ID review
2020-07-20 1.0 Sandip Saha Joy Initial version created
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