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Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery
Science and Mathematics
Time Allowed: 2 Hours
Candidate’s Name: _______________________________________________

Applicant Code: _________________________________________________

Please read the following instructions carefully

1. Make sure that you write your name and applicant code in the space above
and on the given answer sheet.
2. Mark ONLY ONE answer to each question. No credit will be given for
multiple answers.
3. If you change an answer, be sure that you completely erase the old answer
before marking your new answer.
4. There will be 85 questions in five sub-sections:
Biology (15 MCQs),
Physics (15 MCQs),
Chemistry (15 MCQs),
Mathematics Reasoning (20 MCQs),
Science Reasoning (20 MCQs).
5. Attempt all questions.
6. Questions can be attempted in any order.
7. In Biology, Chemistry and Physics sub-section every wrong answer loses
0.25 marks.

1. When a molecule binds to an area of an enzyme that is not the active site, and
changes the shape of the enzyme so that it no longer can work, this is called
A. Denaturation
B. Competitive inhibition
C. Noncompetitive inhibition
D. Substrate delocation

2. Which of the following is present in both gram-positive and gram-negative in

the structure labelled A?

A. An outer membrane
B. Peptidoglycan
C. Techoic acid
D. Lipopolysaccharides

3. Fungi resemble animals because they are

A. Saprotophs
B. Autotrophs
C. Heterotrophs
D. Heterosporous

4. Fluid secreted by Sertoli cells provides sperms

A. Liquid medium
B. Protection
C. Nourishment
D. All of the above

5. The machine shown in the picture helps cleans the blood either by:

A. Passing it through an artificial kidney

B. Filtering it within abdomen
C. Removing the whole blood from body
D. By both A and B

6. Cystic fibrosis patients lack a gene that codes for trans-membrane carrier of the
A. Chloride ion
B. Sodium ion
C. Potassium ion
D. Calcium ion

7. In the figure, the phase labelled A, B and C represent which part of the cell
cycle respectively?

A. G1-phase,S-phase and G2-phase

B. G1-phase,G2-phase and G3-phase
C. S1-phase,S2-phase and S3-phase
D. S1-phase,G-phase and S2-phase

8. The specific RNA in the picture has a sequence of three bases called anticodon
which is complementary to codon of

B. RRna

9. Which of the following is not true about the Parasympathetic system?

A. It maintains normal breathing rate
B. It constricts the pupil of eyes
C. It will delay food digestion.
D. It occurs during rest conditions.

10. Pacinian Corpuscles in the skin detect

A. Rapid and deep pressure changes
B. Changes in temperature
C. Light touch sensation
D. Pain sensation

11. Which of the following cell layers gives rise to the Notochord?


A. A
B. B
C. C
D. None of the above

12. A man with blood group AB marries a woman with blood group AB. Which of
the following blood group is not possible in offspring?
A. A
B. B
D. O

13. Which of the following occurs due to deficiency of potassium in plants?

A. Leaves become pale yellow
B. Leaves become red in colour
C. Leaves become bluish-green in colour
D. Leaves do not change colour.

14. How many molecules of ATP are required to convert one molecule of glucose
to two molecules of Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4

15. Placental Mammals are included in which of the following sub-classes of

A. Sub-class Prototheria
B. Sub-class Metatheria
C. Sub-class Eutheria
D. Sub-class Euphoria

16. Which of the following is a dimensionless quantity?
A. Friction
B. Coefficient of friction
C. Coefficient of expansion
D. Temperature coefficient of Resistivity

17. A stone is thrown upwards from the top of a cliff. After reaching its maximum
height, it falls past the cliff-top and into the sea.
The graph shows how the vertical velocity v of the stone varies with time t after
being thrown upwards. R and S are the magnitudes of the areas of the two

What is the height of the cliff-top above the sea?

A. R
B. S
C. R+S
D. R-S

18. Car X is travelling at half the speed of car Y. Car X has twice the mass of car
Y. Which statement is correct?
A. Car X has half the kinetic energy of car Y.
B. Car X has one quarter of the kinetic energy of car Y.
C. Car X has twice the kinetic energy of car Y.
D. The two cars have the same kinetic energy.

19. To travel at a constant speed, a car engine provides 24 kW of useful power.

The driving force on the car is 600 N. At what speed does it travel?
A. 2.5 m/s
B. 4.0 m/s
C. 25 m/s
D. 40 m/s

20. A stone is tied to a string of length 10 m and whirled in a horizontal circle with
a constant speed such that it makes 20 revolutions in 10 sec. The acceleration
of the stone will be
A. 486 m/sec2
B. 586 m/sec2
C. 986 m/sec2
D. 980 cm/sec2

21. In a double slit experiment setup light sources of two different wavelengths are
used. What will be the ratio of the wavelengths of light used if 4th bright band of
one wave coincides with the 7th dark band of the other?
A. 1.875
B. 1.625
C. 1.25
D. 1

22. Time period of a simple pendulum is 4 sec at the surface of the earth. What will
be its time period if it is taken to a planet where value of g is one-fourth of its
value at the surface of the earth?
A. 1 s
B. 2 s
C. 3 s
D. 4 s

23. An electric field exists in the space between two charged metal plates.

Which graph shows the variation of electric field strength E with distance d
from X along the line XY?

24. To increase the sensitiveness of a galvanometer which of the following should
be increased
D. None of the above

25. A solenoid consists of 1000 windings and is 0.5 cm long. A current of 2.0 amps
is supplied to the windings. What is the magnitude of the strong, constant
magnetic field which runs through the center of the solenoid?
A. 0.30 T
B. 0.10 T
C. 0.67 T
D. 0.50 T

26. The following represents a sequence of radioactive decays involving two α-particles
and one β-particle. What is the nuclide X?

A. 85At
B. 77Ir
C. 82Pb
D. 81Tl

27. How many spectral lines are possible when an electron jumps from N shell?
A. 1
B. 3
C. 6
D. 10

28. How is heat transferred through the base of saucepan?

A. by conduction only
B. by radiation only
C. by conduction and convection
D. by convection and radiation

29. During full rectification, the frequency becomes

A. 2f
B. f
C. f/2
D. 4f

30. A light of wavelength 5.8 x 10-7 m enters a medium whose refractive index is
2. The wavelength of light in the medium is
A. 5.8 x 10-7 m
B. 2.9 x 10-7 m
C. 64 x 10-7 m
D. Not enough information

10 | P a g e

31. Concentrated aqueous sodium chloride is electrolyzed using inert electrodes.

Which statement about the electrolysis is correct?

A. Chloride ions travel through the solution to the negative electrode.
B. Electrons travel through the solution to the sodium ions
C. Gases are given off at both electrodes
D. Sodium is formed at the negative electrode

32. What is the correct anode (positive electrode) and cathode (negative electrode)
product when aqueous copper (II) sulfate is electrolyzed using inert electrodes?

Anode product Cathode product

A Aqueous copper (II) Copper metal
B Aqueous copper (II) Hydrogen gas
C Oxygen gas Copper metal
D Oxygen gas Hydrogen gas

33. C2H5-OH boils at higher temperature then CH3-O-CH3 though both have same
molecular formula because of
A. Ionic bonding
B. Covalent bonding
C. Hydrogen bonding
D. Polar bonding

11 | P a g e
34. Which diagram shows the isomer of butane?

35. The number of anions in one mole of FeCl3 is

A. 6.02x1023
B. 1.204x1024
C. 1.806x1024
D. 2.408x1024

36. The energy profile diagram for a reaction is shown. Which statement is

A. The activation energy of the reaction is (H3-H1)

B. The activation energy of the reaction is (H3-H2)
C. ∆H is (H1-H2)
D. ∆H is (H1-H3)

12 | P a g e
37. A molecule of sulfuric acid has the structural formula shown.

How many electrons are involved in forming all the covalent bonds in one
A. 6
B. 8
C. 12
D. 16

38. The pH of 0.001 mol dm-3 HCl (fully dissociated) at 25°C will be
A. 4
B. 3
C. 2.40
D. 0.60

39. The structure of three hydrocarbons from the same homologous series are

Which statement is correct?

A. All three molecules are unsaturated hydrocarbons.
B. All three molecules have same empirical formula
C. W has the lowest boiling point
D. X is an isomer of y

40. Sodium reacts with water more vigorously then lithium because it
A. Has higher atomic weight
B. Is more electronegative
C. Is more electropositive
D. Is a metal
E. Has a high melting point

13 | P a g e
41. Following table show the non-polar single covalent bond

Bond Bond Energies

X—X 347KJ/mole
Y—Y 244 KJ/mole
Z—Z 435 KJ/mole
A—A 192 KJ/mole

Which element has the least atomic number?

A. X
B. Y
C. A
D. Z

42. Element X has a lattice of positive ions and a ‘sea of electrons.’

e– e–
e– e– e–
e– e–
e– e– e–
e– e–
e– e– e–

Which property will X have?

A. It conducts electricity by the movement of mobile ions
B. It has a high melting point.
C. It is decomposed by an electric current.
D. It is not malleable.

43. All carbon in benzene are ------ hybridized

A. sp3
B. sp
C. sp2
D. None of these

44. The IU-PAC name of benzene is

A. 1,3,5-hexatriene
B. 1,3,5-cyclohexene
C. 1,3,5-cyclohexatriene
D. 1,3,5-cyclotriene

14 | P a g e
45. How many electrons can have the value n=2, l=1 and s=+1/2 in the
configuration 1s2, 2s2, 2p3
A. 1
B. 3
C. 5
D. 7
E. 9

15 | P a g e
Mathematics Reasoning
46. If A and B are two sets A = B
i: n(A ∪ B) ii: n(A ∩ B)
A. (i) is greater
B. (ii) is greater
C. Both are Equal
D. Can’t be determined

47. If 60 feet of uniform wire weighs 80 pounds, what is the weight of 2 yards of the
same wire? {where 1 yard = 3 feet}
A. 2
B. 6
C. 2400
D. 8

48. A is 4 year older than B, who is 3 times as old as C if the sum of their ages is 25
years. How old is B?
A. 3 years
B. 9 years
C. 12 years
D. 13 years

49. If A ⊆ B
i: n(A − B) ii: n(B − A)
A. (i) is greater
B. (ii) is greater
C. Both are Equal
D. Can’t be determined

50. State whether a ∈ C if {a} ⊂ A

i: A⊆B ii: B⊆C
A. Statement (i) is sufficient
B. Statement (ii) is sufficient
C. Statement (i) and (ii) both are sufficient individually
D. Statement (i) and (ii) are sufficient if combined
E. Incomplete information

16 | P a g e
51. If A = {a}
i: n(A) = 1 ii: No of Proper Subsets of A
A. (i) is greater
B. (ii) is greater
C. Both are Equal
D. Can’t be determined

52. In a G.P. 1, 2, 4, … 256. How many terms are there?

A. 9
B. 8
C. 18
D. 19

53. i: How many terms of the series, 1 + 3 + 5 + 7 + ...... make 144?

ii: Which term of the sequence –3, 3, 9, 15, …… is 81
A. (i) is greater
B. (ii) is greater
C. Both are Equal
D. Can’t be determined

54. Find the 20th term of the series

i: Series: (2  4) + (4  6) + (6  8) + ......
ii: T1 = 8, T2 = 24
A. Statement (i) is sufficient
B. Statement (ii) is sufficient
C. Statement (i) and (ii) both are sufficient individually
D. Statement (i) and (ii) are sufficient if combined
E. Incomplete information

55. The sum of the first 16 terms will be

i: Tn = 7n − 5 ii: a = 2, d = −5
A. Statement (i) is sufficient
B. Statement (ii) is sufficient
C. Statement (i) and (ii) both are sufficient individually
D. Statement (i) and (ii) are sufficient if combined
E. Incomplete information

17 | P a g e
56. Which term of the G.P 8 −1 , 4 −1 , 2 −1 , 1,  is 32:
A. 6
B. 7
C. 8
D. 9

3 1 1
57. The ratio of the G.P , − , ,  is
4 2 3
A. −
B. 1
D. −

58. Find the 20th term of the series log 2 + log 4 + log 8 + log 16 + ………
A. 21 log 2
B. 20 log 2
C. log 2
D. 10 log 2

59. If cos x = 0 then x equals

A. 00
B. 900
C. 450
D. 10

60. The area of a circle is 49 π. Find its circumference in term of π.

A. 14 π
B. 
C. 49 π
D. 98 π

61. 3 cos 60o sin 30o = _______

A. 3cos30osin60o
B. 3(sin 30) 2
(tan 60) 2
D. Both B and C

18 | P a g e
62. What is the angle AOC in the given figure?
A. 65O
B. 110O O A
C. 53 O ? 74 o

D. 120O
74o 74o

63. In the triangle ABC, If AB > BC > AC, then

i: x ii: y
A. (i) is greater
B. (ii) is greater
C. Both are Equal
D. Can’t be determined

64. Find the angles of the triangle

i: Triangle is Isosceles ii: One of its angles is 1000
A. Statement (i) is sufficient
B. Statement (ii) is sufficient
C. Statement (i) and (ii) both are sufficient individually
D. Statement (i) and (ii) are sufficient if combined
E. Incomplete information

65. Area of ∆RST = _________


19 | P a g e
Science Reasoning
Passage I


20 | P a g e



A. Day 1
B. Day 3
C. Day 6
D. Day 10


21 | P a g e
71. Based on Table 1, which graph best shows how the amount of Fe2O3 produced
by the sugar solution changes over time?

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Passage II

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Passage III

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Passage IV

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Please Use this page for rough work

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