Science Lesson Plan Dec
Science Lesson Plan Dec
Science Lesson Plan Dec
General Organizing Idea: Scientific Methods: Investigation of the physical world is enhanced through the use of
Learning scientific methods that attempt to remove human biases and increase objectivity.
GLO: Students relate investigation to building knowledge
SLO: Students will investigate the different associations to simple machines and how they apply directly to
building such machines.
Students will:
- learn the various definitions associated with simple machines
- simple machines
- Levers
- Wheels
- Inclined Planes
- Wedges
- Screws
- Pulleys
- understand how to apply different materials into a simple machine and their purpose in a simple machine.
- learn the different types of simple machines (Indigenous simple machines)
● Students will know the definition to force, friction, ● Handouts: Check Your Understanding
tension, and exertion
● Handouts: Simple Machines
● Students will differentiate between a contact and a ● Handouts: Reflection Page
non-contact force
Adapted from a template created by Dr. K. Roscoe
- students will have the definitions for:
● lever
● wedge
● wheel
● inclined plane
● pulley
● screw
Introduction Differentiation Time
Students will be reintroduced to previous lessons taught about forces. I will ask
students if they remember the four types of forces we have talked about (elastic,
tension, applied, and friction) and I will remind students that when applying a force 10
it can change an object's size, shape, or movement (I will relate this to a previous min
science kit lesson).
Body Differentiation Time
Simple Machines
For behavioral students such as
I will ask students a true or false question asking if simple machines make our lives B.N., circulation is the most
harder because it makes us do more work. Following, I will ask students if they effective means of keeping
recall the six different types of simple machines we have talked about over the past them on task. Any behavior
two weeks. (lever, pulley, inclined plane, wedge, wheel, screw). that is unnecessary will follow a
- I will then ask students what simple machine a knife would be considered 1, 2, 3 rule that communicates
to be as well as a wheelchair ramp the expectation of myself and
the consequence if 3 is
Indigenous Perspective reached.
I will tell students that simple machines have been used by people since there were
people, and remind students of the science max video we watched previously Students who sometimes need
which explained the evolution of the wheel and how they needed to use a rope more encouragement,
system to move items around (as well as rollers for the pyramids). I will relate to motivation, or a push in the 63
the Indigenous ways of using simple machines with tools such as the: right direction such as C.v.E. or min
- ulu W.P. will be watched for over
- arrowhead stimulation or lack of interest in
- antlers the activity at hand.
- paddles Expectations will be made
- bow and arrow before students begin writing
- horse and travois that it is a quiet activity so as to
I will show examples of such tools and explain how some were and still are used by relieve the amount of noise
Indigenous people. Afterwards, I will ask students to recall which tools we just from others.
talked about and write these examples on the white board.
- All answers to all questions will be written on the white board in a word
bank so that students may recall what we talked about when completing
their Check Your Understanding page.
Students will then complete their Check Your Understanding page. (~30 min).
Closure/ Cleanup/Recess Transition Differentiation Time
Once students have completed their Check Your Understanding Page, they may
complete their Simple Machines page and Reflection Page.
- If there is more than ten minutes left of class, students will be asked to 7
silently read until lunch time. min
Adapted from a template created by Dr. K. Roscoe
Sponge Differentiation:
Silently Read
Formative/Summative: Formative/Summative
Lesson Reflections
Adapted from a template created by Dr. K. Roscoe
Next time:
Additional Notes:
Adapted from a template created by Dr. K. Roscoe