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DLP Maria Kalipay

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Detailed Lesson Plan

Technology and livelihood Education (TLE)
For Grade 7 students
Prepared by: Mary Joy J. Casuyac
I-Objectives: at the end of the lesson, the students are expected to do the following:
a. Identify the Food processing methods;
b. Explain the Food processing methods;
c. Cite factors that causes us to preserve our food; and the risks of eating rotten foods.
Topic: Different Food processing methods
III-Learning Resource
Reference: Technology and livelihood Education Grade 7/8
Materials: PowerPoint presentation, Laptop, pictures, visual aids, marker, Bell
Values: Being Mindful
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

I-Preparatory Activities
A. Prayer
Class, please stand for our prayer. Who (A student will volunteer to lead the prayer.)
would you like to lead?

B. Greetings/ Checking of Attendance

Good afternoon students! I’d like to
know how many absentees we have

Before anything else, kindly pick up (The students will arrange their chairs and
the pieces of trash and arrange your dispose any pieces of trash they may find)
chairs properly.

This will be our Rules for today. T-hings you should do:
Kindly read! H-elp your group mates
E-xpress and share your ideas
R-aise your hands before answering
E-xpect an additional point everytime you
S-it properly and keep quiet
E-xplore and have fun!
M-aintain cleanliness
O-organize and arrange your chairs
N-ever cheat
I-nstructions will be given, so listen properly
C- ooperate in any activities
A-nd if you wish to talk nonsense during
discussion, use English or better keep your
Mouth shut!
C. Review
What was our previous topic?
Ma’am our previous topic was all about the
Measuring Tools and utensils.
Can you state at least 2 measuring tools
and utensils?
Measuring spoons and scales. Ma’am
Very good!

What are the 2 kinds of measuring

Liquid and dry measuring cups ma’am
That’s right very good!


Class, before we will proceed to our
lesson for today, I prepared a short Mechanic:
game for you to be energize. It’s called 1. The class will be divided into 4 groups
“Organize and Guess the Mess” and each group will choose 1
2. Each group will be given a folder
containing puzzled pictures
3. The representative will be the one to
arrange the picture
4. The other members will try to guess
the picture. Once you already know
the answer you need to tap the bell
before stating it.
5. The group who can finish the task first
will be considered as champions of the
Game and will be given extra points.

Is it clear? Yes ma’am

Okay, start counting 1 to 4 now. (The students will start counting)

All group 1 kindly stand and stay on

this side. All Group 2 stand up and stay
on that area. Group 3 stand and stay
here and All Group 4 stay on that side.

All representative of each group come

here in front and get your folder. Stay
here, once I said go then start
organizing the picture and paste it on
the board and let your other members
to guess it so that you will compete
your task and gain additional points.
Am I clear? Yes Ma’am

Now class do you have any idea about Ma’am I think our lesson for today is about
our lesson for today? the different food processing methods.

Very Good! You got it right!

Our topic for today is about the

different Food Processing methods.

Everybody Read our objective for At the end of the lesson, I can:
today! a. Identify the different food processing
b. Explain the different Food processing
c. Cite factors that causes us to preserve
our food and the risks of eating rotten
Discussion foods.
Class, when you hear the word FOOD
PRESERVATION, what comes in your Ma’am it is very important because it refers to
mind? the consumption of food in a safe manner to
further consumption.
Very good!
What do you think is the difference
between a refrigerator and a freezer? Ma’am freezer is used for freezing food or
keeping it frozen to maintain its form while
refrigerator only allows food to be cold and to
maintain its freshness.
Very Good!
Class, as you can see there are pictures
posted in every corner of the room, we Mechanic:
will do the ‘STOP AND SHOP” for 1. Each group will have the chance to
you to understand it more, Please read look and observe the picture
the mechanics and criteria. 2. Each group will assign somebody to
Everybody! jot down their observations
3. After gathering some informations
each group will finalize their
4. The given time in finalizing the
answer is 10 minutes. Each group will
have their own yell as well
5. Each group will assign a
representative to present their ideas
and observations.
Delivery- 20 points
Content- 15 points
Fluency- 10 points
Cooperation- 5 points

50 points
Is it clear?

Okay, group 1 kindly stand, look and Yes Ma’am

observe the picture 1 silently. After
that, proceed to the next pictures and
the other groups will follow.
Did you understand?
Okay, group 1 proceed now!
Yes ma’am
After gathering the information, go
back and discuss it with your group in
10 minutes.

Group 1, you will explain picture 1 and

2. Group 2 will explain picture 3 and 4.
Group 3 will explain pictures 5 and 6
and lastly Group 4 will explain pictures
7 and 8.

Let’s welcome the Group 1 who will Group 1:

explain to us about the pictures 1 and 2 Picture 1 talks about DRYING as the
oldest food presentation process, this
methods can be done naturally by
exposing Food to the sun’s heat.

Picture 2 is about REFRIGERATOR.

It is a convenient modern techniques
Very Good! keeping different food in every
In addition to DRYING methods, compartment to retain freshness and
commercial dryers have been invented quality.
and are now used in food processing
like conventional Dryer (used heat)
vacuum dryers (Pulls water out)
Osmotic pressure or freeze drying
(Using ice crystal to vaporize.)
Under the method of refrigeration,
However, food still gradually
deteriorates in the refrigerator. That’s
why there is a special part of the unit
which is the freezer and the other group
will discuss about the freezing methods

For now, Let us welcome the

representative of Group 2
Group 2
Picture 3 talks about the method of
canning or bottling as the process of
packing fruit and vegetables into self-
sealing jars then heating sufficiently to
kill dangerous organisms that could
cause spoilage.

Pictures 4 is about curing- the method

of applying a high concentration of
salt that binds with water in food,
Very Good! making it unable for microorganisms
To further understand the canning or to grow.
bottling method, let’s watch a short
video about this method.
(The students will watch the video)
And about the curing method, that uses
a high concentration of salt w/ water in
food. Salt is often combined w/ sugar,
spices and salt peter (salitre) when
applied to meats.

In this methods, what is the role of the


Ma’am sugar lessen the hardness of

Brilliant! Very Good! straight- cured process making the
What about spices and salt peter? product more appetizing.

Yes, that’s right! Ma’am, spices give flavor and aroma

Today, the most commonly cured while salt peter imparts the pink/red
meats include hams, sausages, hotdogs color of cured meat products.
and bacon.

Let’s welcome the Group 3 for their


Group 3
Picture 5 is about the fermentation
process that is commonly used in
vegetable such as cucumber, olives
bok chok and cabbage. Salt or vinegar
is added to regulate bacterial growth.
Crock pot or earthen wares are the
best container to use since salt reacts
w/ metals.

Picture 6 is about the PICKLING

method that uses vinegar to preserve
food. The acidity of vinegar deters
microorganism to grow. Often,
pickles are associate w/ cucumber,
papaya, cabbage and onions that are
Very Good! persevered w/ vinegar, salt and spices.
In addition, the famous “KIMCHI” in
Korea is also preserve using the
fermentation method. While the famous
“ATSARA” here in the Philippines is
done using the picking method.

Now, Let us welcome our last Group

the Group 4 for their presentation.
Group 4
Picture 7 is the Sugar concentration
method. This method is used to
produce jams, jellies, marmalades,
conserves, fruit butters, and fruit
cheeses by coating fruit with high
concentration of sugar.

Pictures 8 is the freezing method. This

method is convenient, safe and of all
preserving methods, keeps food
closest to its original form.
Very good! Temperature is the key to safe
In addition to sugar concentration freezing.
method, sugar has a dehydrating effect,
similar to salt, that inhibits the growth
of microorganisms. On many
preserves, sugar not only keeps food
from spoiling but also helps it set.

In addition to freezing method, when

food is brought to a temperature of -18
Celsius or 0 degree F or below, the
growth of food spoilage organism is
halted and the activity of enzymes
(proteins that stimulate chemical
change in food) is drastically reduced.

Since we are talking about the methods

in food processing. And you said that
food preservation is important, can you
state some kinds of illnesses or risks
that we can get if we eat a rotten foods?
Yes that’s right!
Ma’am there’s a chance that we can
get food borne illness or food
What do you think are the common poisoning.
symptoms of food poisoning?
Very good! Ma’am those are: Diarrhea, headaches and
Symptoms of food poisoning also
includes loss of appetite, abdominal
cramps and mild fever

Did you understand everything?

Yes ma’am
Again, what are the different food
processing methods that we had
discussed? Ma’am those are: Drying,
Refrigeration, Canning or bottling,
curing, fermentation, pickling,
sugar concentration and freezing
What appropriate methods should we
use in processing Tuyo or Danngit?
Drying method ma’am
Very Good!

In the pickling method, what specific

ingredients is used in preserving food?

That’s right! Vinegar Ma’am

Since you have understood our lesson,

Let’s have an individual quiz.

(For 10 points) Make your own graphic
organizer of the different food
processing methods w/ a short

Class, why is important for us to know
the different food processing methods?
Ma’am it’s very important for us to be aware
of the appropriate methods to use so that we
Very good! can avoid any harm like food poisoning in
You should always remember that the eating our food.
different food processing methods not
just helps us in reducing the risk of
having a spoiled food but it also helps
us to be mindful and careful in
everything that we do.


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