My Final Output in Curriculum
My Final Output in Curriculum
My Final Output in Curriculum
December 2023
Republic of the Philippines
Submitted to:
I.………………………………………………………………….……...………. Introduction
II.….………………………………………………………....... Purpose of the Assessment
III.….…………………………………………………………. Requirement of 3 Cone Test
IV.….……………………………………………...…. Process in Conducting Assessment
V.….………………………………………………….…………………….….. Data Analysis
VI.….………………………………………….... Result and Review of Related Literature
VII.….……………………………………………………………….……………. Conclusion
VIII.………………………………………………………………………...…..... References
I. Introduction
The wall sit exercise is a real quad burner, working the muscles in the front of your
thighs. This exercise is generally used for building isometric strength and endurance
in the quadriceps muscle group, glutes, and calves.1
The wall sit is not a complicated exercise, but many people get it wrong. You know
that you are performing the wall sit properly if you form a right angle (90 degrees) at
your hips and your knees, your back is flat against the wall, and your heels are on the
ground. You should be able to feel a slight pulling of the quad area. You can do this
exercise as part of any lower body routine.
Here's a brief overview of how the Single-Leg Wall Sit is typically conducted:
• Do a short warming up for your lower body;
• Look for a wall with a smooth surface and stand with your back against it;
• Lower yourself and place your feet a little wider than shoulder width;
• Your legs should be bent about 90 degrees;
• Keep this position for as long as possible;
• The other leg is tested after five minutes.
Equipment required: Flat non-slip floor, smooth wall and a stopwatch.
• Explain the test procedures to the subject. Perform screening of health risks
and obtain informed consent. Prepare forms and record basic information such
as age, height, body weight, gender, test conditions. Perform an appropriate
• It is best to let the arms hang by your side, or crossed over your chest. The
hands may not be used to assist holding the leg up or bracing against the wall.
• This test requires minimal equipment and can be conducted with large groups
all at once.
Variations / alternatives:
• There is a similar wall squat test performed with both legs on the ground. Some
procedures position the lifted leg differently, such as requiring the leg to be held
out straight, or placed on top of the support leg.
• Stand comfortably with feet approximately shoulder width apart, with your back
against a smooth vertical wall. Slowly slide your back down the wall to assume
a position with both your knees and hips at a 90° angle. Move the feet position
if required. The timing starts when one foot is lifted off the ground and is stopped
when the subject cannot maintain the position and the foot is returned to the
ground. After a period of rest, the other leg is tested.
• The total time in seconds that the position was held for each leg is recorded.
The table below gives a general guideline to expected scores for a single leg
for adults, based on my personal experiences. Comparing the scores for each
leg may indicate muscle weakness on one side.
• To measure the strength endurance of the lower body, particularly the
quadriceps muscle group.
• Proper warm-up and stretching are crucial before performing this test to prevent
• Consistent testing conditions and proper measurement are essential for
accurate and reliable results.
II. Purpose of the Assessment
The primary reasons for conducting the Single-Leg Wall Sit Test include:
Endurance Assessment:
The single-leg wall sit endurance assessment is used to look at the muscle
endurance of the lower extremity in a single-leg position.
Variations / Alternatives:
There is a similar wall squat test performed with both legs on the ground. Some
procedures position the lifted leg differently, such as requiring the leg to be held out
straight, or placed on top of the support leg.
Increasing Efficiency:
When your muscles can work efficiently, they provide your body the necessary
support it needs to work properly. This means an increased ability to move properly,
keep good technique, and maintain core strength and balance.
New Insights:
Individuals who train by exercising for a long time will develop better oxygen
delivery to muscle and endurance capacity; those who work against a heavy load will
get bigger and stronger muscles.
Injury Prevention:
By improving your muscle strength, power, and endurance, you are preparing
your body for strenuous activity and preventing your risk of injury.
III. Requirements of the Assessment
Here are the basic requirements for conducting the Single-Leg Wall Sit:
1. Smooth Wall: You need a flat and smooth wall so that you can be able to do
the assessment.
3. Appropriate Attire: It can include leggings, shorts, tank tops, jackets and long
sleeve shirts. These pieces all offer the same performance fabrics that help you
give the most to your workout.
4. Assistant: Athletes must have an assistant in requiring a test. Also, they help
athletes develop their skills as individuals and as members of a team.
5. Instructions: Clearly communicate the test procedure and any specific rules
to the participants. Make sure they understand the requirement to raise their
leg every set.
Key Components:
Collection of Medical Certificates: Assuring the participants' health, which
aids in the prevention of any hazards or issues throughout the evaluation