Measurement and Evaluation in Physical Education
Measurement and Evaluation in Physical Education
Measurement and Evaluation in Physical Education
A test may be called as a tool, question or examination which belong to
used to measure or particular characteristic of an individual or a
It may be either Subjective or Objective, Qualitatively or
Quantitatively. In order to reach conclusion or result.
2)Waist Hip Ratio: To calculate the waist-to-hip ratio, we use the following formula:
Ratio = W ÷ H. In this formula, W refers to the circumference of the waist and H
represents the circumference of the hip. For example, a person with a 28 in (71 cm)
waist and 35 in (89 cm) hips has a waist-hip ratio of 28/35 = 0.8 in.
EQUIPMENT REQUIRED: Vertical jump board or marked wall, marking chalk powder.
PROCEDURE:- The subject is asked to stand erect facing the board.
His/her dominant hand’s fingertips are marked with chalk powder and the
subject is asked to raise the marked fingertips to a maximum height on the
blackboard without lifting the heels so as to mark his/her maximum reach
point. The fingertips are re chalked. With the chalked hand side towards the
wall, a vertical jump is to be performed by the subject to make another
mark at the maximal height of the jump. The subject is not allowed to run
or hop. However, the subject is properly instructed to take a good jump by
bending knees and swinging the arms.
SCORING: - The maximum distance (among all the trails) between the
reaching height and the jumping height provide the score of the test. The
subject may be give three to five trails at his/her will and the best
performance is considered.
2.CHIN –UP:- To measure upper body strength.
Pull- ups for Boys-
PROCEDURE:- The bar is located at such a height so that the feet of
the tallest subject do not touch the ground while hanging on the
chinning bar. The subject is asked to hang from the bar by his hands
with forward grip and to chin up by pulling himself up until his chin
is above the bar. Then he has to lower the body until his arms are
straight and is asked not to use kick or jerky motion. If he does not
straighten his arms completely when lowering the body or if he kicks,
jerks or keeps (keeping one’s chin on the bar) in performing the
movement, then half counts are recorded.
SCORING: - The number of complete pull-ups plus one half of the
half counts (if any) constitute the scoring.
Pull- ups for Girls:-
PROCEDURE: Either an adjustable horizontal bar or one bar of
the parallel bar which permits convenient raising and lowering, is
used for this test item. A mat is laid on the floor to prevent the feet
from slipping. The bar is adjusted to a height equal to the level of
the sternum of the subject. The subject grasps the bar with palms
outward and slides her feet under the bar until the body and arms
form nearly a right angle when body is held straight. The weight
rests on the heels. The subject is asked to pull- up to the bar with
the body keeping straight as many times as possible.
Procedure: The bar is adjusted to such height that the student can hang free of the
floor. The student should grasp the bar with his palms facing away from his body
(overhead grasp). The student should then raise his body until his chin is over the
bar and then lower it again to the starting position with his arms fully extended.
Scoring: One point is scored each time the student completes a pull-up. Part scores
do not count, and only 1 trial is permitted unless it is obvious that the student did
not have a fair chance on his first trial.
Test Administration
Purpose: To measure arm and shoulder strength.
Facilities and Equipments: A horizontal bar approximately 1 ½ inches
in diameter is placed at a convenient height. A score sheet and few
assistants are also needed.
Procedure: The height of the bar should adjusted to the standing height
of the subject. The student grasp the bar with an overhand grasp. She the
rises her body off the floor with the help of assistants to position where the
chin is above the bar. The elbow should be flexed and the chest should be
close to the bar. The subjects holds the hang position as long as possible
and is stopped when the chin touches the bar, falls below the bar.
Scoring: The score is the elapsed time to the nearest second that the
subject has
maintained in the proper hanging position.
Test Administration
Procedure: The student lies flat on the back with knees bent and feet on the
floor with the heels no more than 1 foot from the buttocks. The knee angle
should be no less that 90 degrees. The fingers are interlocked and placed
behind the neck with the elbows touching the floor. The feet are held
securely by a partner. The student then curls up to a sitting position and
touches with the elbows the knees. This exercise is repeated as many times
as possible in the time requirement.
Scoring: One point is scored for each correct sit up. The score is the
Test Administration
Purpose: To measure speed and agility.
Facilities and Equipments: Two lines parallel to each other are
placed on the floor 30 feet apart. Since the student must over run both
of these lines, it is necessary to have several feet more of floor space at
either end. Two blocks of wood, 2 by·2 by 4·inches, a stopwatch, score
sheet and helpers are needed.
Procedure: The student stands at one of the lines with the two blocks
at the other line. On the signal to start, takes one, and return to starting
line, and places the block behind that line .He/She then returns to the
second block, which carried across the starting line on the way back. Two
students can run at the same time if 2 timers are available.
Scoring: The score is elapsed time recorded in seconds and tenths of
seconds for better of two trials.
Test Administration
Purpose: To measure the explosive power of the legs.
Facilities and Equipments: Measuring tape, a mat, space on the
floor or an outdoor, jumping pit, score sheet and few supporters.
Procedure: The subject stands behind a line marked on the ground
with feet slightly apart. A two foot take-off and landing is used, with
swinging of the arms and bending of the knees to provide forward
drive. The subject attempts to jump as far as possible, landing on both
feet without falling backwards.
Scoring: The score is the distance between the take-off line and the
nearest point where any part of the student’s body touches the floor. It
is measured in feet and inches to the nearest inch. Only the best trial is
Test Administration
Purpose: To measure speed.
Age level and sex: Same as previous test.
Facilities and Equipments:. An area on a track, football field, or
playground with a starting line, and a finish line. Two stopwatches. A
score sheet and few officials are needed.
Procedure: After a short-warm-up period the student takes a position
behind the starting line. The starter uses the command, "Are you ready?"
and "Go "The subject start running to cross the finish line as quickly as
possible . One trial is permitted.
Scoring: The score is the elapsed time to the nearest tenth of a second
between the starting signal and the student crosses the finish line.
Test Administration
Purpose: To measure endurance.
Facilities and Equipments: A track, or an area within a
football field, and a stop-watch. A score sheet and few
assistants are also needed.
Procedure: The subject is asked to stand behind the starting
line. At the ready signal go, the subject is asked to cover 600
yard distance in minimum time possible. The subject can also
cover 600 yards by walking.
Scoring: The time taken to run 600 yards is recorded in
minutes and seconds which is the score of the test.
Pull Ups To measure arm and shoulder
Flexed arms hang To measure arm and shoulder
Sit-Ups To measure abdominal strength
and endurance.
Shuttle Run To measure agility and speed.
Standing Long Jump To measures the explosive
power of legs
50 yard Dash To measure maximum speed.
600 yard Dash To measure endurance.