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Murulidhar et al. World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

SJIF Impact Factor 7.421

Volume 7, Issue 10, 735-740 Review Article ISSN 2278 – 4357


Dr. Murulidhar N.*1 and Dr. Mohan Kumar B. N.2

Assosciate Professor, Dept. of Agada Tantra, AAMC, H & R.C, D. B. Pura, Bangaluru,
Principal, Proff. & H.O.D, Dept. of Rasashastra & Bhaishajya Kalpana, AAMC, H & R.C,
D.B. Pura, Bengaluru, India.

Article Received on
05 August 2018, Rasashastra is an ancient Pharmaceutical science developed in an
Revised on 25 August 2018,
Accepted on 15 Sept. 2018
Indian soil probably during 7th Century A.D with a noble thought to
DOI: 10.20959/wjpps201810-12448 achieve Emancipation. To achieve this primary motto initially ancient
seers experimented tremendously on Parada i.e. Mercury with wide
range of herbal drugs. By this study they have drawn a conclusion that
*Corresponding Author
Dr. Murulidhar N. the processed Mercury would be very effective. With this positive
Assosciate Professor, Dept. result eventually these scholars explained various formulations like
of Agada Tantra, AAMC, H Khalvirasayana, Kupipakwarasayana, Parpatirasayana, Pottalirasayana,
& R.C, D. B. Pura,
Bhasma, Pishti, Satvapatana, etc. Bhasma has been proven clinically
Bangaluru, India.
for its efficacy over the various ailments. In this regard even the
prominent texts of Ayurveda like Charaka Samhita, Sushruta Samhita & Ashtanga Hrudaya
have thrown a light in their treatment section. Eventually it got developed & modified during
medieval period. The authors of this science Rasavaghbhata, Somadeva, Sharangadhara,
Yashodharabhatta, Shreeshanandasharma, etc have emphasized immensly on this. Hence the
present study has been taken up to review the process of Bhasma.

KEYWORDS: Bhasma, Parada, Charaka, Sushruta, etc.

Rasashastra is an ancient Pharmaceutical science known to Indians since thousands of years
ago. Probably it came into existence during medieval period i.e. 7th Century A.D with an
intention to remove poverty and to eradicate completely human illnesses. However the
ultimate goal of this science is to achieve Salvation. This could be possible only by means of
healthy body. To achieve this goal the ancient seers came out with two important principles

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Murulidhar et al. World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

they were Lohaveha & Dehavedha. Initially the scholars experimented rigorously on Parada
i.e. Mercury with wide range of prescribed herbal drugs. After keen observation and constant
hard work they had drawn a conclusion that if processed Mercury could transform lower
metal into higher metal like Gold, then it would be very effective on human ailments also. As
a resultant of this experiment they contributed huge number of medicinal preparations like
Khalvirasayana, Kupipakwarasayana, Parpatirasayana, Pottalirasayana, Bhasma, Pishti,
Satvapatana, etc. Bhasma is one such preparation processed with prescribed herbal drugs and
exposed to appropriate amount of fire. For various scientific reasons Bhasma has gained its
importance in the field of Ayurvedic medical science. Those are physically very minute, for
lightness, quick action, easy bio-availability, tastelessness, etc. Hence it may exhibit effective
Pharmacological action.

Earlier to this Pharmaceutical science, the various literatures have contributed the
methodology of medicinal preparations. Prominently Charaka Samhita, Sushruta Samhita &
Ashtanga Sangraha. These texts have revealed so many preparations like Swarasa, Kalka,
Shruta, Hima, Phanta, Lehya, Ayaskriti, etc. Ayaskriti is one such medicinal preparation
where chiefly metal is being used in Charaka Chikitsa Sthana[2] – 1/3/15-20(Rejuvenation),
Sushruta Chikitsa Sthana[4] – 10/11(Mahakushta – Skin disorder) & Ashtanga Hrudaya
Chikitsa Sthana[3] 12/28-32 (Prameha Chikitsa) respectively. Eventually the Rasashastra took
birth with a noble thought to achieve Salvation by means of healthy body and underwent lot
of modification in Pharmaceutical process. For various scientific reasons the metallic
medicines became a significant part of ayurveda.

Definition of Marana
Initially the Metals & Minerals must undergo for Purification with prescribed herbal juice or
with decoction for a stipulated time. Then it should be treated with appropriate amount of
fire. This process has to be repeated till we get appropriate Bhasma lakshana. This process is
known as Marana.[1]

Definition of Puta
Puta indicates the quantum of heat provided to Rasa, Maharasa, Uparasa, Sadharanarasa,
Dhatu, Upadhatu, Ratna, Uparatna etc during the agni samskara. It should not be too high or
too low during the process and the optimum temperature must be provided. The properly
prepared bhasma may not cause harmful effect & will be fit for therapeutic purpose.[5]

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Necessity & Significance of Puta in Bhasmikarana

As we know that the unprocessed Rasoushadhis are not suitable for therapeutic
administration. So to overcome this this the ancient Rasavaidyas have focused tremendously
over the agnisamskara and cautioned us heavily not to administer the same. If so it may cause
deleterious effect over the body. By keeping this in mind they have clearly explained that,
drug has to be treated with fire till it attains Bhasma lakshana, Rasayana, Vajikarana, etc.

Benefits of Puta.[5] Those are as follows:

1. It enhances therapeutic properties.
2. It will become so light for digestion, hence it facilitates effective rate of absorption.
3. Effectively stimulates digestive enzymes.
4. Attains Bhasma lakshanas like Vaaritara & Rekhapurna.

Classification of Puta
Puta has been classified based on various factors like the sources, intensity and type of the
fuel and equipment’s used in the process. They are as follows:

(Source) (Intensity) (Fuel & Equipment)

Chandra puta Mahaputa Gorvara puta
Surya puta Gajaputa Bhanda puta
Agni puta Kukkutaputa Baluka puta
Bhudhara puta

General Requirements
Sl No Names Sl No Names Sl No Names Sl No Names
Different Puta – Mahaputa,
1 3 Cloth 5 Water 7 Spoon
Gajaputa, Varahaputa etc.
2 Mud plates - Sharavas 4 Multhani 6 Khalva Yantra

Samanya Puta karma

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Based on its specific characteristics & as per classics it is mandatory to undergo

Rasoushadhis for purification process initially like Bhavana, Nirvapa, Dhalana with wide
range of herbal drugs. Then it has to be grinded for some time either with prescribed herbal
juice or with decoction. When it attains semisolid consistency, even size of pellets are
prepared and dried under sunshade. Later with the help of wet smeared mud cloth they are
enclosed in suitable size of strong mud plates. This process has to be repeated till we get
appropriate bhasma lakshana. The following photos will illustrate.

1 Jaggery with Mica 2 Eranda Leaf Juice -Grinding With Mica

3 Before Igniting Process – Pellets of Mica

4 Exposing To Fire 5 After Incineration

General Steps of Incineration (Example: Abhraka Bhasma)

As a known fact that the Metals & Minerals are not suitable for therapeutic administration.
Hence it requires to undergo for various processes like Shodhana, Marana, Pishti,
Satvapatana, etc. Bhasma is the outcome of Marana process. The important texts of Ayurveda
have emphasized immensely on this. In Charaka Charaka Samhita, Sushruta Samhita &

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Ashtanga Hrudaya and they have indicated in Rasayana, Mahakushta & Prameha chikitsa
respectively. These authors have addressed Raja, Churna as Bhasma. Eventually it got
developed and modified moderately during medieval period. I.e. 7th Century AD. Whereas in
Samhita period, Teekshna loha patra has to be heated immensely and quenched in Triphala
Kashaya, Go-mutra, Kshara jala, etc. This process has to be repeated till it turns powder form.
Here we may not find any Bhasma lakshanas. Eventually the Rasavaidyas have strictly
recommended that any Rasoushadhi initially must need to undergo purification and then
incineration. Also they have explained Bhasma lakshanas for each drug. These things we may
not find in earlier texts. For safe & better efficacy it is extremely mandatory to pass the
following tests. Those are as follows.[1] In Apunarbhava Bhasma pareeksha the test is being
done by triturating required quantity of bhasma with Mitra panchaka varga (Gunja, Guda,
Guggulu, Tankana & Madhu). Later when the mixture is placed in a crucible and subjected
for intense heat and no changes in its quality & quantity is observed, and then it clearly
indicates that bhasma process is proper. The Rationality behind, the original characters of
metals are malleability, ductility, hardness, luster etc. These properties are likely to lose after
bhasmikarana. If these properties present even after incineration then it shows the process is
not completed. In Vaaritara test the Pinch of bhasma is taken and gently dropped from the
closed distance over the undisturbed surface water and if it floats, confirms the completion of
bhasma process the completion of Bhasma process. In Uttama pareeksha a pinch of bhasma is
dropped gently from the closed distance over undisturbed water surface. Later 2 to 3 grains
are placed gently over the bhasma. Even then it floats; it indicates the fineness & lightness of
the bhasma. The purpose of these test is to determine its lightness. If the drug is light in its
weight, it may facilitate bio-availability & enhance rate of penetration. In Rekhapurna
pareeksha a pinch of bhasma is taken in between thumb and index finger, pressed gently and
observed carefully. If it enters in between the minute finger lines, it confirms the completion
of process. The intention of this test is to decide its sheerness. The sheerness property can
penetrate even at the deepest level. Thus it may exhibit appropriate action. In Niruttha
pareeksha the required quantity of bhasma has to be taken in crucible along with Silver foil
and subjected to heat. The test is being carried out to determine its metallic properties. After
the process one should see that that the bhasma particle should not stick to the surface of
Silver foil. If it happens, then it clearly indicates the presence of metallic properties and may
not fit for therapeutic administration. In Niswadu pareeksha It is a simple test in which a
pinch of Bhasma has to be tasted and observed for avyakta rasa. The idea of conducting this
test, the metals & minerals loses all its properties and hence it may not possess any taste.

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Bhasmikarana is a process in which immense therapeutic properties will be enhanced. Due to
its minute particle size it may facilitate fast action and provide maximum bio-availability.
Lesser dosage may sufficient during treatment. Bhasmapareekshas may ensure the
completion of process.

1. Shri Sadananda Sharma, Rasatarangini, Delhi: Motilal Banarasidas, 2009.
2. Prof. Priyarat Sharma, Charaka Samhita, Varanasi: Chaukhambha Orientalia, 2008.
3. Prof. K.R. Srikantha Murthy, Ashtanga Hrdayam, Varanasi: Chaukhambha Krishnadas
Academy, 2003.
4. Prof. K.R. Srikantha Murthy, Illustrated Sushruta samhita, Varanasi: Chaukhambha
Orientalia, 2016.
5. Dr. Indradev Tripathi, Rasaratnasamuchchaya, Varanasi: Chaukhambha Sanskrit
Sansthan, 2009.

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