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ISSN : 2249-5746

International Journal of Ayurvedic and Herbal Medicine 3:5 (2013) 1315 1329
Journal homepage: http://www.interscience.org.uk


Dr. Chaudhari Manojkumar V.
M.D. (Ayurveda- Samhita), Ph. D. (Ayurveda) - Scholar
Diploma in Yoga & Ayurveda, B.A. (Sanskrit)

Dept. of Samhita & Siddhanta, Ashtang Ayurved College, Pune (India)

Charaka Samhita is superior text of Chikitsa, which needs a polish just to prove its significance and
utmost importance in todays context, in order to earn perfection in Ayurvedic Chikitsa. Charaka has
elaborately described the use of Panchakarma in different diseases. Also Charaka has described
Vamana, Virechana, Anuvasana Basti, Aasthapana Basti and Shirovirechana as the Panchakarma. He
has not included Raktamokshan in Panchakarma.Charaka Samhita seems to be dealing with holistic
approach in Panchkarma. In Charak Samhita all the Karma are described in detail. Charaka has
almost covered all the aspects of particular Karma. He has given extensive lists of indications and
contraindications in all the Karma. Also Samyak Yoga, Atiyoga, Ayoga symptoms are very extensively
explained by Charaka. There are very few exceptions found in Sushruta and Vagbhata as compared to
Charaka. These symptoms should be considered as contributory factors of Sushruta and
Vagbhata.Chronologically Sushruta and Vagbhata are after Charak Samhita. Hence accordingly
there are certain changes observed in these two Samhita. Sushruta is Shalya Pradhana Samhita.
Hence there are certain indications which are elaborately described by Sushruta Samhita. Due to
shalya pradhanta he added the Raktamokshana in Samshodhana chikitsa. Ashtang Hridya is
considered as critical edition of Charaka and Sushruta. Hence Vagbhata has given combinatory
symptoms from Charaka and Sushruta. Also certain symptoms are contributory from Vagbhata. In
short, it has found that Charaka has given all the aspects of Karma in detail. The additional symptoms
given by Sushruta and Vagbhata can be included in aspects described by Charaka. Hence it is utmost
important to study Charak Samhita thoroughly using lights of Sushruta Samhita and Ashtang Hridya.
It is found that there is definite and positive co-relationship between concepts of Panchakarma in
Bhrihattrayee. But there are some additional symptoms are also given by Sushruta and Vagbhata. So
while preceding the Panchakarma we must follow the Charaka Samhita in the illumination of Sushruta
Samhita and Ashtang Hridaya.
Key Words: Virechana, Purgation Therapy, Panchakarma
Ayurveda guides the preventive aspect of human health by means of proper Ritucharya (seasonal
regimen), Pathyasevana (dos & donts about food & behaviour) and Samshodhana-karma (cleansing
therapies). In todays mechanical life many people does not follow proper Ritucharya (seasonal
regimen), Pathyasevana (dos & donts about food & behaviour) and Samshodhana-karma (cleansing
therapies) & hence large number of people consequently suffers from many diseases. For these
diseases, they usually take a symptomatic treatment but this treatment suppresses the symptoms rather
than curing diseases. Hence, Dosha vitiates after some time. These vitiated Doshas accumulate in
body. These accumulated Doshas in favourable environment start showing their Prakopa symptoms on
body. Hence, in Ayurvedic Samhitas, Samshodhana (cleansing) therapy is of much importance than
Samshamana (palliation) therapy. For preventing, further vitiation of Dosha and for curing of disease1.
Charaka-Sutrasthana suggests that Doshas which are treated by Samshamana (palliation) therapy may
be aggravated but which are treated by Samshodhana (cleansing) therapy never appear again.
Panchakarma (5 types of cleansing therapies) is the most popular and effective treatment of Ayurveda.
Panchakarma achieves the cleansing or bio-purification of human body. This bio-purification achieves
Dr. Chaudhari Manojkumar V., International journal of ayurvedic & herbal medicine 3(5) Sep-Oct. 2013(1315-1329)

balance of the 3 Doshas and Srotasa (channels or system) purification. Timely and appropriate
cleansing therapies prevent many diseases.
Acharya Charaka first used the term Panchakarma. He included following 5 procedures or therapies in
1. Vamana

2. Virechana

3. Asthapana Basti

4. Anuvasana Basti

5. Shirovirechana

Sushruta-samhita, Ashtanga-sangraha and Ashtanga-hridaya described following Samshodhana-karma:

1. Vamana
2. Virechana
3. Basti
4. Shirovirechana
5. Raktamokshana
These are the Pradhana-karma (main procedure) of Panchakarma as described in Bhrihattrayee.
Besides Pradhana-karma there are Purva-karma (pre procedure) and Pashchata karma (post procedure)
too. These three steps comprise Panchakarma. Purva-karma covers Snehana (oleation) and Swedana
(fomentation). Paschata-karma includes the procedures indicated after Pradhana karma that mainly
comprise of Samsarjan Karma (diet regimen after Panchakarma).
The term Panchakarma has been more used by Charaka while Sushruta and Vagbhatta have put
occasionally emphases on the use of this term. The respective commentators Chakrapani, Dalhana and
Arundatta have also used this term.
The knowledge about Panchakarma therapy starts from the classical period of Ayurveda. Charaka has
discussed Panchakarma therapy in brief in Sutrasthana, Vimanasthana Chikitshasthana the greater
details are available in Siddhi Sthana. The Kalpa Sthana exhibits description about Panchakarma.
Panchakarma procedures are also recommended for purification of body for Rasayana (rejunuvation)
therapy, Vajikarana (vitalisation) therapy, Aushadhi sevana (internal administration of medicines) etc.

Steps of Panchakarma:
The whole procedure divided into three steps
1. Purva karma
2. Pradhana karma
3. Paschat karma
1. Purva karma:
a) Snehana
b) Swedana
2. Pradhana karma:
a) Shirovirechana
b) Vamana
c) Virechana
d) Anuvasana Basti
e) Niruha Basti
Dr. Chaudhari Manojkumar V., International journal of ayurvedic & herbal medicine 3(5) Sep-Oct. 2013(1315-1329)

Acharya Sushruta, Vagbhata, Sharagdhara, Bhavaprakash etc. used the common term Basti for both
Anuvasana and Niruha. They added the one more karma that is Raktmokshana. Hence, the number
five remain the same.
3. Paschat karma:
It is also termed Samsarjana karma or Postoperative procedure.

Use of Panchakarma:
1. To maintain the health of healthy person - a) Dincharya, b) Ritucharya
2. To treat the diseased person.
3. To prevent disease by enhancing immunity
4. To attain Rasyana and Vajikarana properties

Indication of Panchakarma:
Avipaka Pidika Durgandha Klaibya
Aruchi Kotha Unutsaha Moha
Sthaulya Kandu Kaphautklesh Asashta svapna
Pandu Arati Pittautklesh Balnash
Gaurava Alasya Anidra-atinidra Varnanash
Klam Daurbalya Tandra Trishna

Benefits of Panchakarma:
Jatharagni tikshanata Mana buddhi Santanautpatti
Vyadhi prasamita Varna prasadata Veeryavridhi

Svasthya anuvartita Bala vriddhi Delayed vriddhata

Indriya prasanta Shareera pusti Ayushya vriddhi

Time of Samsodhana:
According to Charaka Samshodhana karma performed in season having common character and
stopped in other season. The seasons having common characters are Pravrita, Sharad and Vasant.
These seasons are the most convenient ones and are not harmful to body and drugs because of
moderate cold, heat and rain, while others, due to excessive cold, heat and rains are inconvenient ones
and harmful to body and drugs.

Parihar Kala:
According to double of the period passed in Basti etc. should be observed as the period of abstinence
from unwholesome things2.

Contraindication in Panchakarma:
During this period, one should avoid excessive sitting, standing, and speaking, journey on vehicles,
day sleep, and coitus, suppression of natural urges, cold regimen, and exposure to sun, grief, wrath and
taking unwholesome and timely food3.

VIRECHANA (Purgation therapy)

Dr. Chaudhari Manojkumar V., International journal of ayurvedic & herbal medicine 3(5) Sep-Oct. 2013(1315-1329)

Synonyms in Ayurvedic literature: Anulomana, Samsrana, Bhedana, Rechana, Praskandana.

Virechana related topics in Ayurvedic literature:

Charak Samhita: The term Panchakarma has been used frequently only in Charaka samhita, when
compared to Sushruta & Vagbhata. Descriptions regarding Virechana karma are available in Sutra,
Kalpa & Siddhi sthana. The details are as follows:
Charak Samhita Sutrasthana, chapter 1 In this chapter purgative roots & fruits are mentioned.
Charak Samhita Sutrasthana, chapter 2 Some purgative drugs are quoted.
Charak Samhita Sutrasthana, chapter 4 Preparations from Virechaka drug followed by
Virechanaopaga drugs are stated
Charak Samhita Sutrasthana, chapter 15 Deals broadly about different aspects of Virechana.
Charak Samhita Kalpasthana, chapter 7 12 chapters are dedicated to Virechana karma.
In Charaka Siddhi Sthana different aspects of Virechana karma has been mentioned.

Sushruta Samhita: References regarding Virechana are available in Sutra, Kalpa, Chikitsa Sthana.
Detailed description of Virechana is available in Chikitsa 33rd chapter by name Vamana Virechana
sadhya upadrava chikitsa and in 34th chapter for Vamana Virechana Vyapat Chikitsa.

Ashtanga Sangraha: Detailed description regarding Virechana is available under the heading of
Vamana Virechana vidhi adhyaya in 27th chapter of Sutrasthana.

Ashtanga Hridaya: Vagbhata has described Virechana in Sutra sthana 18th chapter entitled Vamana
Virechana vidhi adhyaya.

Sharangadhara Samhita: Virechana types like anulomana, sramsana, bhedana & Virechana are
explained in fourth chapter of Purva khanda i.e. in Deepana pachanadhyaya. In Uttara khanda 4 th
chapter detailed explanation of Virechana vidhi is explained.

Kashyapa Samhita: In khila sthana, combined description regarding Vamana & Virechana has been
found under the heading Samshuddi visheshaneeyo nama adhyaya.

Bhela Samhita: Reference of Virechya is found in sutra sthana 21st chapter under which the disease
Vicharchika is mentioned separately apart from kustha. In sutra 23rd chapter, by name Gadha
purusheeya we can find reference regarding Vamana Virechana anarhas. In kalpasthana 7th, 8th &
9th chapters are dedicated for Dantiphala kalpa, Shankini kalpa, Shyama trivrit kalpa adhyaya
respectively. In Siddhi sthana, references regarding Virechana are obtained in first 4 chapters.

Harita Samhita: No separate chapter for Virechana karma has been found. However, wherever
necessary, Virechana karma is advised in particular state of the disease.

Bhava Prakasha: In Purvakhanda, for Virechana karma, Virechana vidhi chapter is dedicated for
Virechana & there some drugs and preparations which are used in particular season for Virechana has
been explained.

Chakra-datta: A separate chapter for Virechana karma is described under the heading of
Virechanadhikara that contains some of the Virechana yogas, signs and symptoms of Samyak
Virechana, durvirikta and Atiyoga are found & according to dosha, Virechana vidhi is also explained.

Yoga Ratnakara:No separate chapter is found, but Panchakarma treatments are mentioned as a part of
the treatment principal.

Dr. Chaudhari Manojkumar V., International journal of ayurvedic & herbal medicine 3(5) Sep-Oct. 2013(1315-1329)

Vangasena Samhita (Chikitsa Sara Sangraha): Virechanadhikara is the name of the chapter explaining
in detail about Virechana including some of Virechana yogas.

The word Virehchana is derived from Richa Dhatu (i.e. detachment of relation) with applying
Lyut suffix and Vi prefix. The word "Virecana" has three components (Va. 4847Vacaspahyama
Vi - Upasarga (prefix); Ricir - Ric Dhatu (root): Lyut - Pratyaya (suffix) (Malade Nissaranam); Here
(I) "Ricir" evacuation; (II) "Ric" - Viyojana (separation), Samparcana (combination)
The word "Recana" is commonly used in the first sense i.e. Ricir = evacuation. As the evacuation is
done by both Vamana and Virecana, therefore sometimes Virecana word is used for both Vamana and
Virecana4. But in general Virecana word denotes to evacuation through lower gut by purgation. Thus,
Virechana means Maladeh Nirharanam i.e. removal of Mala from the body.

Definition: It means that which eliminates the impurity from the lower part is known as Virechana

Properties of Virechana drugs:






Adhobhag prabhava
Importance of Virechana:
Virechana therapy is the best in pitta eliminating ones5.
Virechana is regarded as the best one among all the therapeutic measures for Pitta6.

The whole procedure has following steps:

I. Purvakarma: It includes following 8 points.
1. Sambhara sangraha: Charaka has advised for collection of some of the drugs to manage the
complications, which may occur during main procedure and certain necessary equipments, which
helps to handle the emergency. Drugs necessary for deepana, pachana such as trikatu, panchakola etc
has to be collected & sufficient quantities of sneha dravyas required for abhyantara snehapana has to
be collected7.
Certain Virechaka drugs like trivrit, eranda taila, aragwadha, Icchabhedi rasa, jalodarari rasa, abhayadi
modaka has to be stored. Certain Virechanaopaga drugs like draksha, triphala, parushaka etc are also
should be collected. To combat certain complications like atiyoga medicines like kutaja ghan vati,
karpura rasa, jatiphaladi chura, sanjeevani vati, bilwadi churna, piccha basti are to be collected.
Dietary articles required for Samsarjana krama are also to be collected.

2. Atura pareeksha: Vaidya should decide whether the patient is fit for Virechana therapy or not, if fit
then different matra of Virechaka oushadhi should be decided. One should even assess samyak
snigdha symptom in a patient before administering the Virechana karma. Such examination includes
dosha, bheshaja, desha, kala, bala, shareera, ahara, satmya, satva, prakriti, vaya8. It is highly essential
Dr. Chaudhari Manojkumar V., International journal of ayurvedic & herbal medicine 3(5) Sep-Oct. 2013(1315-1329)

to consider the snigdha or ruksha state of the person, i.e. if in cases like ruksha, bahu anila, krura
kostha, habituated with vyayama & deeptagni conditions the administered medicine will be digested
without causing Virechana, hence in those individuals initially Basti should be given followed by
Snigdha Virechana9.

3. Identification of Kostha of the patient: It is highly necessary to assess the kostha of a patient to
decide the nature and matra of the Virechaka dravya. Certain drugs like guda, draksha, ksheera etc,
given in excess quantity, if it causes Virechana, then kostha is mridu & bahu pittavastha is confirmed.
If normal stool is passed, then it is madhyama kostha, even with tikshna Virechaka medicines if
Virechana occurs occasionally, then Krura kostha is confirmed.

4. Snehana and Swedana: Snehana and Swedana must be done before performing Virechana Karma.
As described in Vamana karma.

5. Kala: The Snehapana, which is administered for Shodhana purpose, should be at the time where in
the diet taken on the previous night should be digested completely and there should be
Anannabhilasha. This time is exactly early in the morning, If this time is passed, then the administered
Sneha will be unable to perform provocation of the Doshas & gets digested (Hemadri on above
reference). Virechana karma, 3 days of gap is given as per the reference. Abhyanga & Swedana should
be carried out during the gap of these 3 days.

6. Diet & regimen: During Snehapana, drava, ushna, anabhishyandi ahara should be consumed.
Ushonodaka is mandatory, one should follow brahmacharya & avoid vyayama, krodha, shoka, hima &
atapa, pravata, yana, adhwa bhashya, atyasana sthiti, dhuma & raja also should be avoided10.

7. Diet before Virechana: Diet containing jangala mamsa rasa, yusha & diet with snigdha, laghu, ushna
quality & kapha avriddhikara aharas are necessary12, since manda kapha state is required during
Virechana. If during snehapana itself, dosha paka occurs in durbala & bahudosha patients & swayam
pravritti of doshas starts then one should give bhedaneeya bhojana. Main precaution during Virechana
Kaphakara diets should be avoided.
If kapha becomes more than normal, then Virechana drug may produce Vamana.
During Virechana karma amashaya should be empty in contrast to Vamana.
In natisnigdha shareera, snigdha Virechana is indicated & for snehotklishta shareera ruksha
Virechana is indicated.
In Kustha, natisnigdha Virechana is given.
In certain cases like mandagni, krura kostha, snehapana is performed after adding kshara,
lavana to it to obtain deeptagni & vatakapha hara state & later Virechana should be

8. Matra vinischaya: In general, Charaka says the medicine which results in removal of vaikarika
doshas, without causing ati , ayoga or any other complications is said to be the proper matra for
shodhana. The potency of the drug should be such that in alpa matra it should act to produce maha
vega, should have the capacity to eliminate bahudosha, laghu paka, good taste, preenana,
vyadhinashana property, natiglanikara, having proper gandha varna rasa12. To decide the exact matra,
one should have the knowledge of agni & kostha of the patient.

II. Pradhana Karma: It starts from intake of medicines up to completion of Vegas.

1. Virechana yoga sevana: Initially snehana & swedana should be completed successfully, followed by
3 days of gap wherein bahya Snehana & Swedana must be completed. On the previous day of the

Dr. Chaudhari Manojkumar V., International journal of ayurvedic & herbal medicine 3(5) Sep-Oct. 2013(1315-1329)

karma, laghu, ushna & kapha avriddhikara drugs should be taken. There should be devoid of mental
tensions, as explained in Ch.Si.6/17. Prior to administration swasti vachana is done.

2. Atura paricharya: Due to oushadha gandha, utkleshakaraka state, chardi may occur. Hence, to avoid
it soon after the intake of medicine, cold water should be sprinkled over face, gargle with hot water,
asked to smell fragrance of flowers. To avoid the hindrance of vega, hot water is prescribed
repeatedly, even swedana over abdomen is also beneficial.

3. Jeerna ajeerna oushadha lakshanas: If the medicine is digested, then vatanulomana, swasthya, kshut,
trishna, indriya laghuta, udgara shuddhi occurs. Ajeerna oushadha lakshanas include Udgara,
angashula, trit, moha, bhrama, murcha, shiroruja, arati and balahani occurs13. If ayoga occurs due to
ajeerna of oushadhas, in that state second time medicine should not be administered, since it may
cause atiyoga. Jeerna oushadhi state if hrita dosha symptoms are not obtained, then diet is given on the
same day and on next day Virechanaoushadhi should be given. Even then, if Virechana does not occur,
then after a gap of 10 days again Snehana and Swedana is done later Virechana is administered. If on
either route karma does not start, then Swedana should be done to nabhi and udara pradesha. During
pitta kala if trishna & murcha occurs, then pittaghna madhura & sheetala medicines are given.

4. Assessment of Virechana:
Chakrapani has categorized Shuddhi under 1. Antiki 2. Vegiki 3. Maniki 4. Laingiki.

Chakrapani concludes by saying laingiki shuddhi is important in Samyak virikta laxana.

Antiki shuddhi just indicates to stop the Virechana karma & to avoid further occurance.
Kaphanta Virechana is desired.
Vaigiki Vega should be counted after passing of initial 2-3 vegas.
Maniki 4, 3 & 2 prasthas are considered as pravara, madhyama & avara shuddhi respectively.
Laingiki ch.sidd. 1/17 in the person purged well, cleansing of channels, clarity of senses,
lightness, energy, proper, digestive fire, freedom from disorders are observed as well as
expulsion of faeces, pitta, kapha and vata in this order.
One should consider finally the laingiki & antiki criteria to assess samyak snigdha lakshanas.
According to Charaka, Anila shuddhi is mentioned which has been completely eliminated.

Importance of 4 criteria:
Laingiki & Antiki criterias are the indicators to stop the Virechana karma.
Maniki & Vegiki criterias are helpful to assess expulsion of Doshas from the body which may be
further taken as criteria to decide Samsarjana krama. Samsarjana karma corrects the body physiology
starting from Agni up to homeostasis of all the physiological processes.(JJ Ch.Si.1/12)

Management of atiyoga:
1. Sprinkling of water on patients body
2. Tandulodaka with honey
3. Kapittha swarasa with honey
4. Padmakastha, nagakesara, rakta chandana with honey
5. If mala kshaya occurs then masha soup should be given along with kulmasha.

III. Paschat Karma:

This period starts from cessation of Virechana vegas till the patient takes his normal diet. Certain
behavioral restriction like astha mahadosha varjakara bhavas should be kept in mind. Apart from these
atyasana, atisthana, chankramana, krodha, shoka, atapa, avashyaya, atipravata, viruddha bhojana,
vegasandharana should be avoided.

Dr. Chaudhari Manojkumar V., International journal of ayurvedic & herbal medicine 3(5) Sep-Oct. 2013(1315-1329)

Samsarjana krama: To restore & the boost the hampered Agni special dietetic procedure called
peyadi krama is followed. According to Jejjata, the need of peyadi krama is told as the doshas being
liquified & reaches amashaya by shodhana process which hampers agni. After shodhana karma, agni is
enhanced by providing laghu ahara14.

Synonym: Meeting, Mingling, Mixture, Combination with attracting, Winning over, Conciliating,

Definition: The process of restoration and the boosting up the hampered Agni due to sodhana therapy
by special dietetic procedure is called samsarjana karma. This special dietary manner is to be followed
after shodhana.
The liquefied vitiated Doshas move towards in Amashaya, which causes irritation in Aamashaya
weakening its Agni. (Jejjatta)
To enhance this weaken Agni of Amashaya, Samsarjana is followed.

Helps to regularize the body, which is weakened due to purification process (Prakrti

To provide strength to the debilitated humours

By arranging such plan, the diet comprised of all the tastes can be served through 12 meals.
1. Due to Dosha elimination from the body after Samsodhana Karma, Agni becomes weak. So to
restore the strength of Agni and Prana, Peyadi Samsarjana Krama should be followed.
2. Here Dosha elimination needs some clarification. Shodhana process mainly takes place in kostha.
Kostha is the seat of Vata, Pitta & Kapha. Shodhana removes the vitiated matter mixed with vata, pitta
and kapha. In this process, along with Udana Vayu and apana vayu, Samana Vayu has also to play a
great role. In this whole process, drug is accepted in Kostha by Samana vayu. But 'Virya & Prabhava
of the shodhana medicine' augment Udana and apana Vayu. Hence instead of further progression of
food, it is dragged backwards or forward expelled through mouth or anus. Thus, during shodhana, the
functions of Samana Vayu are hampered.
All the above factors that regulate the functions of Agni are interfered in this arduous process.
Therefore, to normalize them Samsarjana Krama is planned.
3. Yogindranatha Sen mentions that during shodhana process doshas become Dravibhuta (Liquify),
so that they can be expelled out easily. By evaluating the number of Vega during shodhana, one can
understand the proportion of Doshas, which are liquefied. During shodhana if Vegas produced are
more in number, then it indicates that doshas in the body are having more Drava guna. One can easily
understand that if liquid property is increased in excess then it enter the Amasaya. Hence, more and
more weakening of Agni will happen. Thus during the Uttama Vaigiki Shuddhi, Agni will use more
time to return to normal position, so maximum days (7 days) are attributed to it. Hence, the
Samsarjana Krama is arranged in proportion to Suddhi done during shodhana.
4. Vigorous Sodhana causes, weakness, loss of weight, freeness of Sandhibandha, decrease in the Agni
and emptiness in the respective ashayas due to expulsion of Kapha, Pitta, Vata and Mala. Hence,
patient cannot tolerate any type of treatment or diet. [Ca. Si. 12/3-5]. Therefore, "Samsarjana krama"
should be planned.
5. Dalhana raised the question on the verse stating as 'samsarjana sequence' is arranged to regularise
devastated Agni after Vamana, Virechana, Raktamoksana & Snehapana [Su. Ci. 39/3-5]. He
questioned that[ if these are the processes followed by aiming to augment the Agni then why it is
quoted that Agni is dwindled due to the same ?He resolved the confusion himself by clearing that Agni

Dr. Chaudhari Manojkumar V., International journal of ayurvedic & herbal medicine 3(5) Sep-Oct. 2013(1315-1329)

is abated for a little time, it inclines systematically. Therefore, there should be no confusion. [Da. on
Su. Ci39/3-5]. Haranacandra pointed a very empirical point that this mitigation of Agni lasts up to
maximum one week. So it should be lifted by light diet sequentially.[Haran. on Su. Ci. 39/3-5].

Divisions of Samsarjana Krama:

Charaka classified Samsarjana Krama into two divisions as:
A) Peyadi Samsarjana Krama
B) Tarpanadi Krama
Chakrapani says that depending on character of shuddhi, i.e. in pravar shuddhi, peyadi krama should
be started for 3 annakala, for madhyama shuddhi 2 annakala is preferred, whereas for jaghanya
shuddhi 1 annakala is mentioned.

A) Peyadi Samsarjana Krama:

The Peyadi Sequence is advised as diet regime as follows :
Days Annakala Pravara suddhi Madhyama suddhi Avara suddhi

I day 1 morning - - -
2 evening Peya Peya Peya
II day 1 morning Peya Peya Vilepi
2 evening Peya Vilepi Krtakrt Yusa
III day 1 morning Vilepi Vilepi Krtakrt Mamsarasa
2 evening Vilepi Akrta Yusa Normal diet
IV day 1 morning Vilepi Krta Yusa -
2 evening Akrta Yusa Akrta Mamsarasa -
V day 1 morning Krta Yusa Krta Mamsarasa -
2 evening Krta Yusa Normal diet -
VI day 1 morning Akrta - -
2 evening Krta Mamsarasa - -
VII 1 morning Krta Mansarasa - -
2 evening Normal diet - -

B) Tarpanadi Krama :
However, in the following patients, Charaka advised to follow "Tarpanadi Sequence" as ' Samsarjana
1. The patients with increased Kapha and Pitta
2. When Kapha & Pitta are eliminated in a smaller quantity during Samshodhana
3. In the alcoholic patients.
4. The patients having Vata, Pitta Prakrti.
This is preffered against 'Peyadi Samsarjana Course' as it may produce Abhisyanda' (increase in the
secretions) again in the srotasas (channels) of Vishodhita (well purified) body.

Sequence of Rasa used in Samsarjana Krama:

According to Charaka, for Agni sandhukshanartha initially snigdha, amla, madhura and hrid dravyas
are used to pacify Vata, amla & lavana is used to enhance the agni, madhura & tikta rasa for Pitta
shamana. Later to pacify Kapha kashaya & katu rasa should be used (Chakrapani on Ch.Si.12/6-8).

Dr. Chaudhari Manojkumar V., International journal of ayurvedic & herbal medicine 3(5) Sep-Oct. 2013(1315-1329)

According to Sushruta, initially madhura, tikta rasa should be given to pacify Vata Pitta to increase
Agni, later snigdha, amla, lavana, katu is taken to pacify Vata and Kapha and to boost Agni. To pacify
Vata Pitta generated due to previous rasas, madhura and tikta rasa is used in next series. Later kashaya
& katu rasa should be used to pacify Kapha and Pitta situated in upper part (Dalhana on Su.Chi.39/18-
19). Ruksha and snigdha is used as vyatyasa karma (alternatively) and the same is followed in further
days. The intention is to make practice to shodhita body and to have abhyasa of all rasa in these days.
It is even appropriate to continue further for few days while taking normal diet.

Ashta Mahadoshakara Bhava:

The following Ashta Mahadoshakara Bhava and some other activities are to be strictly avoided after
shodhana until Prakriti sthapana is achieved.
They are as under:
1. Speaking loudly 5. Eating during indigestion
2. Travelling on vehicle 6. Eating unwholesome food
3. Excessive walking 7. Sleeping at day time
4. Excessive seating in same posture 8. Sexual acts

Virechana Arha:
This list given by Charaka can be classified as
1. Diseases due to Pitta Vitiation: Kamala, Pandu
2. Diseases due to Rakta Vitiation: Kushtha, Visarpa
3. Diseases having Urdhva Gati: Urdhva Raktapitta, Chardi
4. Shodhan Pradhan Diseases: Udavarta, Garavisha
5. Diseases of the organs having seat of Pitta: Hriroga, Shwas, Grahani
The different symptoms given by Sushruta and Vagbhata that cannot be included in any of the above
classes are Shastra Kshar Agni dagdha, Shlipad. Out of which Shastra Kshar and Agni karma are
surgical procedures. Hence, they are not included in Charaka List. Charaka mentioned the treatment of
Shlipada as Siravyadh and Kaphaghna Chikitsa. Hence, he has mentioned Shlipada in Vamana Arha
and not in Virechan Arha.


1. Jvara + + +
2. Kushtha + + +
3. Prameha + + +
4. Urdhvaga rakta pitta + + +
5. Bhagandara + - +
6. Arsha + + +
7. Bradhna + - +
8. Pleeha dosha + + +
9. Gulma + + +
10. Arbuda + - +
11. Galaganda + - -
12. Granthi + + +
13. Gara - + +
14. Visuchika + - +
15. Alasaka + - +
16. Mootraghata + + +
17. Krimikoshtha + + +
18. Visarpa + + +

Dr. Chaudhari Manojkumar V., International journal of ayurvedic & herbal medicine 3(5) Sep-Oct. 2013(1315-1329)

19. Pandu + - +
20. Shirah shoola + - +
21. Parshvashoola + - -
22. Udavarta + - -
23. Netradaha + - +
24. Asyadaha + - +
25. Hridroga + - +
26. Vyanga + + -
27. Neelika + - -
28. Aruchi + - +
29. Netrasrava + - -
30. Nasasrava + - -
31. Haleemaka + + -
32. Shwasa + + -
33. Kasa + + -
34. Kamala + + -
35. Apachi + + -
36. Apasmara + - +
37. Unmada + + -
38. Vatarakta + + +
39. Yonidosha + + +
40. Retodosha + + -
41. Timira + + +
42. Udara + + +
43. Avipaka + - -
44. Chhardi + + +
45. Visphota + + +
46. Pakvashayavyatha - + +
47. Vibandha - + +
48. Vidradhi - + +
49. Shvyathu + - +
50. Shastra kshara agni - - +
51. Dushtavrna - + +
52. Akshipaka - - +
53. Abhishyanda - + +
54. Kacha - + +
55. Gudadaha - - +
56. Medhradaha - - +
57. Nasa karna daha - - +
58. Anaha - - +
59. Shlipada - + -
60. Stanyadosha - + -
61. Hrillasa - + -
62. Mukha srava + - -

Virechana Anarha:
This list given by Charaka can be classified as
Dr. Chaudhari Manojkumar V., International journal of ayurvedic & herbal medicine 3(5) Sep-Oct. 2013(1315-1329)

1. The person who cannot tolerate Virechana: Garbhini, Langhit

2. Acute diseases: Kshatakshina
3. Diseases of Anus: Kshatguda
4. Diseases having Adho Gati: Adhoga Raktapitta, Atisar
5. Saam Avastha: Navajvara
The additional diseases given by Sushruta such as Navapratishyaya, Navaprasuta can be included in
Saam Avastha. The other conditions such as Nitydukhi, Bheet etc are mental conditions, which cannot
tolerate Virechana. Rajayakshma is acute disease. Hence, Charaka has not mentioned separately.


1. Subhaga + - -
2. Kshataguda + + -
3. Muktnala + - -
4. Adhogata + + +
5. Langhita + - -
6. Durbalendriya + - -
7. Alpagni + + +
8. Niruhthith + + -
9. Kamadivyagra + - -
10. Ajeerna + + +
11. Navajvara + + +
12. Madatyaya + - +
13. Adhmana + - -
14. Shalyardita + + +
15. Abhihat + + -
16. Atisnigdha + + +
17. Atiruksha + + +
18. Daruna koshta + + -
19. Kshatakshina + + +
20. Atisthula + + +
21. Atikrisha + + -
22. Bala, vridha + + +
23. Durbala + + +
24. Shranta + - +
25. Pipasita + - +
26. Karmabhara + - -
27. Upavasita + - -
28. Maithun prasakta + - -
29. Vyayam prasakta + - -
30. Chinta prasakt + - -
31. Ksham + - -
32. Garbhini + + +
33. Navaprasuta - - +
34. Navapratishyaya - - +
35. Rajayakshma - + -
36. Atisara - + -

Dr. Chaudhari Manojkumar V., International journal of ayurvedic & herbal medicine 3(5) Sep-Oct. 2013(1315-1329)

37. Kshudhita + + -
38. Nityadukhita - + -
39. Bheeta - - +

Virechana Samyak yoga:

Charaka has given detail list of symptoms. Hence, very few symptoms are different in Sushruta and
Vagbhata. The symptoms like Sthir Dhatu, Bala prapti and Ayu are directly related to Agnivridhi.
Since these symptoms directly depends up on well being of Agni.
The Vagbhata has given one symptom Ayoga Lakshanabhava. Charaka has not described this
symptom separately.


1. Sroto vishuddhi + - -
2. Indriya prasada + - +
3. Laghuta + - +
4. Agnivriddhi + - -
Mala pitta kapha + - 5. +
vata nissarana
6. Vatanulomana + + +
7. Ayogya - + -
8. Anamayatva + - -
9. Glani + - -
10. Daurbalya + - -
11. Vyadhi anuta + + -
12. Ruchi + + -
13. Hridaya shuddhi + + -
14. Varna shuddhi + - -
15. Kshudha + - +
16. Trishna + - -
17. Utsaha + - -
18. Mana shuddhi + + +
19. Buddhi shuddhi + - +
20. Vega pravartana + - -
21. Karshya + - -
22. Udara shuddhi - + -
23. Dhatu sthir - - +
24. Bala prapti - - +
25. Ayu - - +

Virechana Ayoga:
In Ayoga, due to non-evacuation of Doshas, one can observe the symptoms of Prakopa of three
Doshas. Hence, the additional symptoms given by other authors can be included in Prakopa of Doshas.


1. Kapha-Pitta utklesh + + +
2. Peenas + + -
3. Vata prakopa + - -

Dr. Chaudhari Manojkumar V., International journal of ayurvedic & herbal medicine 3(5) Sep-Oct. 2013(1315-1329)

4. Agnimandya + - +
5. Gaurava + - +
6. Pratishyaya + - -
7. Tandra + - -
8. Chhardi + - -
9. Aruchi + + +
10. Vatapratilomata + + -
11. Shthivana + - -
12. Adhmana + - -
13. Adaurbalya + - -
14. Jangha uru sadana + - -
15. Staimitya + - -
16. Daha - + +
17. Hriday ashuddhi + + +
18. Kukshi ashuddhi - + +
19. Kandu - + +
20. Vit-sanga - + +
21. Pidika - + -

Virechana Atiyoga:
The list of Charaka can be classified as
1. Teevra Dhatukshaya
2. Symptoms due to Water loss from Rasa Raktadi Dhatu
3. Symptoms due to Doshakshaya
The additional symptoms given by Sushruta are Murccha, Shool, and Gudabhransha. The murccha
can be included in Dhatukshaya symptoms. Shoola can be attributed Vataksaya. Gudabhransha is due
to more evacuation of faecal matter. The additional symptoms described by Vagbhata are Bhrama,
Netra praveshana, Krishata, Daha and Vamana Atiyoga Lakshana. The first four symptoms can be
attributed to Doshakshaya and Dhatukshaya. The last symptom cannot be attributed to any cause. The
commenter of Ashtang Hridaya has not thrown any light on this topic.


1. Kaphakshayaja + - +
2. Pittakshayaja vikara + - -
3. Raktakshayaja vikara + - -
4. Supti + - -
5. Angamarda + - -
6. Klama + - -
7. Vepathu + - -
8. Nidra + - -
9. Balabhava + - -
10. Tama pravesha + + -
11. Unmada + - -
12. Hikka + - -
13. Murccha - - +
14. Gudabhransha - + +
15. Shoola - - +

Dr. Chaudhari Manojkumar V., International journal of ayurvedic & herbal medicine 3(5) Sep-Oct. 2013(1315-1329)

16. Kapha pitta rahit - + -

17. Kapha pitta rahit + + -
lohitaudaka nissarana
18. Mansa dhavanavat + + -
udaka srava
19. Medokhandavat + + -
20. Trishna + + -
21. Vata roga + + -
22. Pramoha + - -
23. Bhrama - + -
24. Netra praveshanam - + -
25. Ati vamana vyapada - + -
26. Krish - + -
27. Daha - + -

1. Yadavaji Trikamji, Editor, Charaka Samhita of Agnivesha, Sutra sthana, chapter 16 verse no. 20 ed
5 Varanasi: Chaukhamba Surbharati Prakashan, 2008 p 97
2. Yadavaji Trikamji, Editor, Charaka Samhita of Agnivesha, siddhi sthana, chapter 1 verse no. 54 ed
5 Varanasi: Chaukhamba Surbharati Prakashan, 2008 p 685
3. Yadavaji Trikamji, Editor, Charaka Samhita of Agnivesha, siddhi sthana, chapter 1 verse no. 54 &
55 ed 5 Varanasi: Chaukhamba Surbharati Prakashan, 2008 p 685
4. Yadavaji Trikamji, Editor, Charaka Samhita of Agnivesha, kalpa sthana, chapter 1 verse no. 4 ed 5
Varanasi: Chaukhamba Surbharati Prakashan, 2008 p 651
5. Yadavaji Trikamji, Editor, Charaka Samhita of Agnivesha, sutra sthana, chapter 25 verse no. 40 ed
5 Varanasi: Chaukhamba Surbharati Prakashan, 2008 p 131
6. Yadavaji Trikamji, Editor, Charaka Samhita of Agnivesha, sutra sthana, chapter 20 verse no. 16 ed
5 Varanasi: Chaukhamba Surbharati Prakashan, 2008 p 115
7. Yadavaji Trikamji, Editor, Charaka Samhita of Agnivesha, sutra sthana, chapter 15 verse no. 3 ed
5 Varanasi: Chaukhamba Surbharati Prakashan, 2008 p 92
8. Yadavaji Trikamji, Editor, Charaka Samhita of Agnivesha, sutra sthana, chapter 15 verse no. 5 ed
5 Varanasi: Chaukhamba Surbharati Prakashan, 2008 p 93
9. Ashtang Hridaya Samhita of Vagbhata, sutra sthana, chapter 18 verse no. 53 & 54 ed 5 Varanasi:
Chaukhamba Surbharati Prakashan, 2005 p 75
10. Ashtang Hridaya Samhita of Vagbhata, sutra sthana, chapter 16 verse no. 25 to 27 ed 5 Varanasi:
Chaukhamba Surbharati Prakashan, 2005 p 68
11. Yadavaji Trikamji, Editor, Charaka Samhita of Agnivesha, siddhi sthana, chapter 1 verse no. 9 ed
5 Varanasi: Chaukhamba Surbharati Prakashan, 2008 p 678
12. Yadavaji Trikamji, Editor, Charaka Samhita of Agnivesha, siddhi sthana, chapter 6 verse no. 15 &
16 ed 5 Varanasi: Chaukhamba Surbharati Prakashan, 2008 p 704
13. Yadavaji Trikamji, Editor, Charaka Samhita of Agnivesha, kalpa sthana, chapter 12 verse no. 75-
79 ed 5 Varanasi: Chaukhamba Surbharati Prakashan, 2008 p 674
14. Sushruta Samhita of Sushruta, chikitsa sthana, chapter 39 verse no. 5 ed 5 Varanasi: Chaukhamba
Surbharati Prakashan, 2005 p 423.


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