TN9 TunerPro RT Setup
TN9 TunerPro RT Setup
TN9 TunerPro RT Setup
When first using TunerPro RT it is important the Data Acquisition and the Emulation
preferences include certain settings as illustrated here. Under the Tools->Preferences
menu and Data Acq./Emulation tab, be sure the Data Acquisition & Logging interface is
set to "Use Plug-in" and "TunerPro Data Acquisition I/O Interface" is the selected
component. Configure the data acquisition plug-in's port type to be "Shared with
Likewise under Emulation select the "TunerPro Emulator Interface" plug-in and in its
configuration be sure to deselect "Enable Dual Emulator", and select "Use High Speed if
USB detected". Also under the Emulation tab be sure "Upload Whole Tables" is
Under the menu File->Open Bin… select the Bin file supplied with the device—or
better, a copy that you can freely modify so the original can remain unchanged from its
factory values. (If you received the files in a .zip archive then you automatically have
original copies by simply re-extracting them.)
Under the menu XDF->Select XDF… select the XDF file supplied with the device. It
will typically have a similar name as the Bin file, above.
Under the menu Acquisi;on->Load Defini;on… select the ADX file supplied with the
device. It too will typically have a similar name as the XDF and Bin files, above.
Next select the Tools->Emula;on->Enable Emula;on menu item, and also the
Acquisi;on->Start/Stop Data Scan menu item. The annunciators should then look
something like this showing both "Emulating" and "DA: Connected":
And finally select the Tools->Emula;on->Download Bin From Emulator menu item to
get all of the table, scaler, and flag contents from the device and store them in computer
memory for editing and display. In this way you will be editing the current device's
values as a starting point within TunerPro RT.
A table is not considered "changed" unless at least one value in it is different than
what was last downloaded from the device or altered in the computer's memory (the
local copy of the Bin). When the values have been edited—indicated as red characters
—they can be uploaded to the device (and saved in the Bin image in memory) by
clicking the disk icon with the blue up-arrow in the upper left of the table's window. The
adjacent red-X icon closes the table without saving (or uploading) any changes.
Keep in mind:
• After altering a table value you must click a different cell, or move out of the altered
cell with an arrow key, otherwise the cell is not marked as closed and won't get its
valued uploaded.
• If a table is open and you re-download the Bin you have to close and reopen the table
to show the latest Bin data.
• If a table upload fails you should attempt to re-upload the table. However, TunerPro
RT may not consider the table as "changed" so you may have to edit a value in it so
the (re)upload is triggered.
To save your tuning work select the menu item File->Save Bin As… (be careful to
select "Save Bin As…", not simply "Save Bin").