Lusty Sighs 1-12-23 (40594786)
Lusty Sighs 1-12-23 (40594786)
Lusty Sighs 1-12-23 (40594786)
Draping silks dangle in the street, and one dips so low that a B ROTHEL ON TOP...
passing fellow catches hold of it by reflex. He gives it a tug
The first and most obvious function of the Lusty
and it comes free from its mooring with not a sound of tearing, Sighs takes place in the open: in and out of the
but instead a giggle: up his eyes follow the red silk to a woman sumptuous rooms wander men and women alike,
leaning over the banister of the second floor, her breasts pressed all seeking the same thing. The suitors they find
tight in her thin dress. She beckons teasingly for him to return are each tremendously skilled in their areas of
her property, a reward hinted, as the door of the establishment expertise, whether massage or dancing or
swings wide. From inside pour the warmth of a crackling fire, lovemaking. It’s rare for a visitor to leave
the fragrance of wine, the laughter of its inhabitants... and more displeased, and the matron is only too happy to
than one breathy moan. All too quickly that door closes again as bend over backwards to ensure their needs are
a woman slips furtively out, but the merriment and the pleasure taken care of—at times literally. Many visitors
lingers for a moment or longer in the street. end up returning many times, hooked on the
Almost ephemeral, a red-skinned man of impeccable dress pleasure or the sweet company they find.
glides from a room overlooking the city: he grips the banister
and levels that intense gaze at something far-off in the distance.
But at the door a new voice springs up: the honeyed tone of a ...G AMBLING DEN IN
curvaceous woman with a giant bust, her chest wobbling with
every move. "Pleasures beyond your imagining," she promises
sweetly, as behind her a remarkably fake forked tail attempts to For those more interested in the tangible feeling of
wave. gold in the hand, the Lusty Sighs is well prepared
to indulge that vice as well. The main floor of the
brothel is dedicated almost entirely to the pursuit
OMEWHERE IN THE RED - LIGHT DISTRICT of filthy lucre. Now and then the guards do poke
of an otherwise mundane city is a den their noses about, but enough gold is sent their
of depravity and sin... or so detractors of way to ensure they don’t look too deeply. Here is a
the place would have you believe. Listen place to make a fortune, but for every lucky strike
to the wrong people and you might be convinced there must of course be a streak of ruinous luck.
the Lusty Sighs is a place which corrupts and The comfort waiting upstairs can be a reward to
degrades both mind and body—but listen to those the victor as surely as a balm to the loser.
who’ve been there and you’ll hear a very different There are rare occasions when the top floor and
story. You’ll hear something about the comfort the middle mix, when shows are put on or revelry
the top level of the establishment offers, perhaps, overtakes fortune. A curious and open-minded
or the fun and frivolity of the ground floor. Speak visitor might find quite a schedule of events
to the esteemed few, on the other hand, and you awaiting them—enough to keep them coming
might hear close-kept whispers of just what again and again.
awaits visitors to the basement...
This module contains many ways to entertain and ...S ECRETS BELOW.
occupy your players. Perhaps during their down– The Lusty Sighs doesn’t have a basement—just a
time, they might stumble on it by accident. Perhaps small storage room, more boring by far than the
they might be called to a quest. Or perhaps they gambling tables of the ground floor and the soft
might indulge their desires... and get more than beds of the Hanging Silks. This is what the average
they bargained for! visitor to the brothel will hear if they happen to
ask. For most, this is the truth of the matter; after
Rolling for Seduction all, what reason would most have to ever need
This content has been developed with the intent of being anything else than the fortune of the ground floor
available for any and every adult game table, but its full and the pleasure of the rooms above? Only on
erotic potential can be unlocked by combining it with the invitation do a lucky and devoted few gain entry
core rulebook Rolling for Seduction, available from to the closely-kept secret of the winding space
DrivethruRPG and Gumroad. Some terms have been
beneath the Sighs colloquially referred to as the
colored pink: these terms have special rules and lurid
descriptions you can find in the core rulebook! Thighs. Now and then particularly loud laughter,
If you like this content on its own, consider picking up moans, screams and stranger noises still do filter
Rolling for Seduction to see its full potential... and bring some up through the floorboards, but the suitors of the
eroticism to your game table! brothel are only too happy to redirect attention to
Past the oak double doors of the entrance to the T HE G AMES
Lusty Sighs lies the most socially acceptable of
Games of chance and skill of every type are to be
entertainments the establishment offers. Here
found in the Lusty Sighs. Two local games are
is where fortunes may be made, lost, and made
reproduced here.
again. Attractive servers wander here and there
with drinks and food, eager to encourage... and to D RAGONSHADE
coax upstairs.
Dragonshade is a game where gamblers guess the
random way a flipped coin settles on differently-
G AMBLING colored dragon scales.
When playing Dragonshade, each player chooses
Gambling Rules a sheen and a color. They make a bet. Then, the
Every table has a hand cost, which represents the cost of a GM rolls a d8. If their same sheen is rolled, or their
round of play. The winner of a round is awarded twice the color, they win the amount of their bet. If both are
hand cost, while the losers receive nothing. A truly fantastic rolled, they win double their bet. Otherwise, they
hand, the culmination of "playing the table" for several
rounds or even hours, awards the winner with the jackpot in
lose the money they bet.
certain special circumstances.
A round begins by charging every gambler the hand cost. d8 Color Sheen d8 Color Sheen
Each gambler rolls an Insight or Deception check: the 1 Green Chromatic 5 Blue Chromatic
highest roll wins the round. Tables have a base DC to 2 White Chromatic 6 Black Chromatic
supply the opposing roll if only one player and no named 3 Bronze Metallic 7 Gold Metallic
NPCs are at a table. Rolling 10 above the next highest roll 4 Brass Metallic 8 Silver Metallic
(or the DC) wins the jackpot.
A player may attempt to cheat with a Sleight of Hand R UNEWORDS
check against the table’s DC. If successful, they get
Advantage on their Insight or Deception roll for that round. Runewords is a game played with cards marked
If unsuccessful, they are caught and lose the round by simple runic sigils. Gamblers compete to be the
automatically. Being caught twice may result in being first to empty their hand of cards by making unique
thrown out of the Lusty Sighs, or worse. strings of matching runes.
A table "dries up" and the gamblers leave if the player
wins the jackpot or an equivalent amount. Every hand of Runewords requires an ante equal
to the Hand cost for the table’s stake level. At the
beginning of every hand, a gambler may make an
T HE T ABLES Arcana check. If they beat the table’s DC, they
gain Advantage on their rolls to win the round.
Tables of Low, Medium and High-stake games are
available at all hours of day and night. Exclusive
Laughter and curses echo throughout the large room amid the
games come around now and then, only open to
sounds of coins jingling. Beautiful dancers sway atop the
those who’ve won a High table’s jackpot. A player
circular tables left and right of the entrance—past them,
who’s managed such a feat may be approached
gamblers scoop coins and cards towards themselves. Patrons
with an invitation.
relax at the bar downing mugs of ale: one has her shoulder
Stakes Hand cost DC Jackpot tapped by a charming fellow with an open-chested shirt. She
Low 10 SP 12 2 GP eagerly follows him up the stairs, stepping under the fluttering
Medium 1 GP 15 50 GP silks hanging down from above.
High 50 GP 18 1000 GP Now and then a wanton sigh echoes down from the
Exclusive 100 GP 20 2000 GP* Courtesans’ rooms one floor up, provoking a round of laughter
from the eager crowd. Leaning over the banister below the
*At the GM’s discretion, some gamblers may find themselves skylight above, women and men in loose dress call sweet words
rewarded at an Exclusive table with magical items or less and beckon. Standing out among them like a dragon in a herd
tangible things in addition to a jackpot. of deer is a severe-looking fellow: that red-skinned Tiefling
sharply dressed and sharper of gaze.
A clatter of chairs announces the start of a fight, two
gamblers jabbing fingers into each others’ chest—but that
Certain tables, especially high-paying ones, plump, pleasant woman with the fake Devil’s tail places herself
attract tough customers. Appendix C: Gamblers firmly between them and with honeyed words dissipates the
features these professionals—and their own tension. She turns back, noticing your stare, and favors you
unique effects on the games—who might be found with a teasing wink.
at the various tables.
Above the hustle and bustle of the ground floor P URCHASING A C OUR TESAN
lies the true attraction of the Lusty Sighs. A
If a player discovers an individual to their liking
constant flow of interested customers wander up,
in Appendix B: Courtesans, they may seek to
then return relaxed, pleased, already thinking of
purchase their services for a short encounter or
their next visit. The courtesans of the Hanging
even for the remainder of the night. The cost is
Silks keep their rooms up here: some wander the
determined by the price such a suitor demands,
ground floor coaxing customers while the more
chosen from the table below:
exclusive rely on word of mouth.
Courtesan prices
Rank Short encounter All night
Below the fluttering silks which give the upstairs floor of the Bronze 1 SP 5 SP
Sighs its name, passerby pause and look up in a mixture of Silver 1 GP 15 GP
curiosity and lust at the beautiful courtesans calling down to Gold 25 GP 500 GP
them. A skylight in the roof shines sun and moonlight down Platinum N/A Depends
into the ground floor, illuminating the dancers below. Some
lucky few are led upstairs by gentle hand or insistent tug, then Suitors who catch the eye of a courtesan may find
disappear into the private rooms for special performances. a heavy discount applied, and return customers
The air is thick with perfume and muted, soft sighs: even tend to enjoy an even greater reduction. Prices
outside the courtesans’ rooms some pairs indulge themselves. may be halved if the courtesan is Friendly towards
Soft kisses are given, subtle strokes—and yet not all who the suitor, and waived if Adoring.
venture up these stairs do so for entirely carnal reasons. Sweet Normal prices don’t apply to the Platinum
music floats through the air as a man, enraptured, listens to a courtesans: this highest rank of escorts enjoy the
song played on pan flute. Lust is in his eyes as he looks at his ability to freely pick and choose their clients as it
slender male partner, but admiration and awe as well. Only for pleases them. An aspiring suitor will have to do
a moment, the noise ceases: up the stairs glides the owner of their best to woo their target, and will have to
the central private room, the ethereal creature known as The compete against other interested parties: a
Willow, their slender and beautiful face peeking from a shroud Platinum courtesan takes but one customer a
of silks. night—and discretion is expected.
The stairs down to the basement level of the Lusty The store room at the base of the ladder leading from the ground
Sighs are small and unassuming, and they seem floor is a mess, clearly cleaned only infrequently. Barrels and
to terminate at a small storage room: food, drink, boxes of ale and food line the walls, while racks of bedding are
bedding. Through a secret passageway the true arranged in rows back to the nearby brick wall at the end of the
nature of the bottom floor awaits— though very cellar.
few ever see it.
When your players make it through the secret wall:
S ECRET ROOMS A cleverly-hidden rectangular seam appears, growing until the
The isolated rooms of the Thighs are carefully secret door has swung wide. Past it a hallway curves off in a
designed to be soundproof, secured, and discreet. horseshoe shape, nondescript doors lining the outside of the
Down here after hours, a person could find hall. Just stepping through the secret passage reduces the
anything if they walked into the right room at the chatter and laughter from above to a dull murmur: some kind
right time... assuming they know the right thing of enchantment or the construction of this secret area itself
to say to be let in. Rooms are well-equipped with deadens all but an oppressive silence and a distant, soft
all the sorts of tools and equipment a group might murmur. Each door along the wall is the same: thick, metal
need to entertain themselves, or any guests they and completely impenetrable, as if each sourced from a bank’s
might be keeping. vault.
Rooms can be rented for a hefty sum—100GP a
night. In order to do so Matron Mercy will have
to be approached and, though she won’t pry into D EMONIC SUMMONING
exactly what the room is to be used for, she’ll need One room is set apart from the rest, restricted
certain reassurances. Her rules are simple: from entry and from rent. This is Matron Mercy’s
• All encounters consensual. personal sanctuary, and one she uses for purposes
• All participants of age. even the guards the Lusty Sighs bribes wouldn’t
• No evidence left afterwards. allow: the summoning of demonic creatures.
• The secrecy of the Thighs maintained. Here in this comfortably-arranged, plush and
lavish room a single magical summoning circle is
So long as the individual or the group agrees to
the center of attention. Every night, Matron
these terms, she’ll happily offer what they need.
Mercy disappears downstairs, leading several
C LANDESTINE MEETINGS people who’ve caught her eye throughout the day.
These lucky few are in slated for a world of
Now and then groups use these rooms to carry out pleasure unlike anything they’ve ever known: they
secret meetings where discretion is the watchword. give their seed and their warmth to the seductive,
The Lusty Sighs—and the Thighs themselves—are adoring figures which emerge from that circle.
just the right mixture of above the law, but below Surely these Succubi, Incubi and still stranger
the table. A player might be invited here for an outsiders must profit from this pleasure—but
induction or a secret celebration... or they might most of those lucky enough to participate are too
stumble upon a secret organization which throws distracted to ask.
them into danger.
Entering the Thighs
Random room uses An inquisitive creature traveling down to the basement will
d10 Use find only a blank wall at the end of the storage room. The fact
1 Alcohol and/or drug addiction recovery it’s a false wall can be determined with a DC 12 Perception
2 Swingers’ sex party, happy to welcome visitors or Investigation check.
3 Extreme BDSM group meeting The wall swings open, leading to the hallways and rooms
4 A secret sexual rite performed by Clerics beyond if the right stone in the wall is pushed in. Finding this
5 An authority figure’s secret, shameful pampering stone requires a DC 15 Perception or Investigation check. If
the players have been searching for at least 10 minutes, they
6 Potion brewers experimenting with sexual draughts find it automatically. It’s trivial to open from the other side.
7 An abandoned nude figure, tied to a table, dehydrated Every Skill check made by the party, roll a 1d6. On a
8 Two lovers from warring families, meeting secretly 1 or 2, have an NPC begin to come down the stairs in order
9 Magically filled with water and aquatic humanoids to pick up supplies. If the players open the wall without this
10 Empty, but for the mess left by the last group occurring, summon one at that moment.
One Lusty Night is a one or two-session adventure for a group If the players have seen The Willow, bar their
of 3-5 adventurers of level 2-5. way to speaking with them by Matron Mercy
The players will visit the Lusty Sighs and discover
Matron Mercy’s secret summoning habit. They’ll learn the informing them Platinum courtesans are seen by
secret of a powerful Demon who’s slipped free from their invitation only. If they manage to slip upstairs
restraints and killed an aggressor—a Demon living secretly and find The Willow nonetheless, they’ll find the
as a highly-ranked courtesan, The Willow. They will have courtesan expecting them, waiting patiently in
to choose between exposing the demon, vanquishing them their room. Otherwise, have a special invitation
or allowing the subterfuge to continue.
from The Willow draw them upstairs anyway.
The Willow will greet the players and ask for
Introduce the players to the brothel, using its fame help with their unique predicament: aware the
(or infamy) as a selling point. If this isn’t enough to church will soon know of Father Agnew’s death,
pique their interest and bring them into the Lusty the courtesan is willing to pay handsomely if this
Sighs move to Dead Priest, below. situation is resolved without inappropriate
suspicion falling on The Willow themselves. If the
D EAD P RIEST courtesan is questioned, they’ll provide the
The limp body of a 30-something priest is dragged following information:
out to the back alley of the Lusty Sighs: this is • They don’t know anything about Demon activity
Father Agnew. Seemingly drained of life, a DC in the Sighs.*
10 Medicine or Religion check will determine he • They knew Father Agnew was interested, but
has died as a result of the essence-draining sexual kept him at arms’ length.*
powers of a Demon. • They would potentially trade a night’s visit for a
If you didn’t need this to rope the players in, player’s share of the reward, if they’re interested.
make sure it’s shown in Enjoying the Brothel.
*With a DC 14 Insight check the party can tell these are
E NJOYING THE B ROTHEL half-truths... but The Willow is evasive.
Now is an opportunity for the group to become When the conversation is done, or if too much time
acquainted with the Lusty Sighs. Let the party elapses, The Willow thanks and dismisses them.
enjoy themselves whether gambling, carousing, or
something in between. In this time, make sure
two things happen: let Matron Mercy introduce M OVING ON
herself and make the party feel at home and let
When you come to a natural lull—or time
Master Silas be caught stealing suspicious
becomes an issue—describe Matron Mercy lead–
glances at the party. The rest should be left to
ing a young man, Lucas, down the stairs and then
player agency.
returning minutes later without him. When the
D IGGING FOR C LUES players follow make sure you scoop up anyone
engaged with a courtesan upstairs.
If the players ask about Father Agnew, the
following details can be uncovered from the NPCs
around the Sighs: I NTO THE T HIGHS
• None of the NPCs appear to know Agnew is dead.
Instead, they assume he was tossed out after The stairs to the basement are guarded by a
becoming too drunk to stand. waitress, Aoife. She can be snuck by with a DC
• Agnew was a chaste man. 14 Stealth check, convinced of the party’s need by
• Agnew recently began to ask incessant questions a DC 16 Persuasion or distracted with a DC
about The Willow. 14 Deception check. If she’s taken a liking to one
• Agnew was last seen heading down the stairs to of the party, give Advantage on Persuasion and
the basement. Deception checks to that player.
When The Willow is mentioned, describe their Once into the basement, the group will be
entry. Speaking softly with several patrons and confronted with the trick wall. NPCs should
drifting up the stairs as the place falls silent and attempt to interrupt them, as described in
fawns over them... the courtesan locking eyes The Thighs, but shouldn’t be fighting-inclined.
with the party as they ascend to the Hanging They can be dealt with by persuasion or by
Silks. nonviolent means.
A DC 14 Survival check reveals the most recent The group can now travel freely to confront
tracks lead along the west side to the end. As they The Willow about the real truth. The Willow will
go, let them try whatever doors they want, rolling answer all questions honestly and will explain:
randomly for their contents or choosing them that they became suspicious of Father Agnew,
appropriately. As they pass the halfway mark, ask followed him downstairs, and found him about to
harm the Succubus in the summoning circle in
for Perception checks. Players who get more
Matron Mercy’s chambers. They’ll hint at using
than 12 notice the noises of a beast inside the
their own Demonic, sexual powers to drain the
second to last room. The party can pass without
Father of his life, and will relate breaking free of
issues with a DC 16 Stealth check but if they the same summoning circle years ago—then being
make too much noise, out of the room bursts a concealed and protected here by the Matron.
Minotaur: Crusher. He attacks the group with The Willow will put themselves at the party’s
abandon but before he would be dropped, or mercy: time among mortals has made the
would drop a player, yields and explains with courtesan conflicted morally and they don’t know
embarrassment he misunderstood them as being if what they did was right. If the party decides to
the unnamed other party of a sexual roleplay expose the truth, conceal it or carry out their own
fantasy—being attacked and seduced by a justice, The Willow will submit to it and will pay
Minotaur. He’ll apologize and offer them as much them just the same.
information as he can provide. Several important
nuggets can be asked after: C ONFRONTING M ATRON M ERCY
• Crusher saw Father Agnew walking down the The group can confront Matron Mercy before
hall. He later saw The Willow as well. they meet with The Willow; otherwise, the
• He knows Matron Mercy often brings people Matron will confront them on the stairs down.
down she takes a shine to, but he believes it’s Worried and accusatory, she’s concerned for the
to pamper them privately. safety of The Willow; if the group has decided to
The final door awaits, slightly open and moans expose the truth, she’ll ban the party from the
emitting from within. premises. Otherwise, she’ll admit her role in the
summoning of Demons, declaring it a "fair
exchange," pleasure for power, and compares it to
M ERCY ’ S CHAMBERS the transactions of the brothel as a whole. She
Inside the final door the group will find a very doesn’t see anything she’s doing as wrong, and
amorous Succubus sensually attending to the can’t be convinced otherwise. She’s not a fighter,
young man Lucas. He seems to be enjoying however, and will surrender if threatened.
himself, but reward Perception or Insight by
hinting at him being overwhelmed and even E NDING
potentially in danger. She reacts to the party’s • If the summoning and The Willow’s secret are
entrance with hostility, warning she’ll hurt the preserved: slash all prices within the Lusty
young man if they don’t leave them alone, and Sighs for the party by half.
accusing them of being "in league with the priest." • If The Willow’s secret is preserved: the party
How to handle the situation is up to the players. has earned their friendship and they will accept
If allowed, she’ll ride the young man until he nightly visits at any time.
passes out... exhausted, but unharmed. • Either way, pay the group The Willow’s rewards.
The Succubus can be talked down with a DC
16 Persuasion check, intimidated with a DC Award the players 100 GP multiplied by their average level.
18, sated by willing players who step in for the Furthermore, grant them 1 Common Magical item per
average level—ideally choosing Erotic Magical Items if
young man... or, of course, fought. If satisfied or available.
defeated, she will be released from the summoning
circle back to the home of Demons. If the group End the session with...
treats her well and asks before she does, she’ll
• If either secret has been exposed: a description
provide the following information:
of an investigation and the closure of the Lusty
• Matron Mercy does these summonings, Sighs—only to surely pop up elsewhere.
granting pleasure to mortals, power to Demons. • If the secrets are preserved: a description of an
• She was accosted by Father Agnew and saved investigation which goes nowhere. Engage the
from smiting by The Willow. players in discussing how they spend the night
• At least one Demon has escaped, but she says at the brothel, if they do.
the wards have been strengthened since.
The proprietor of the Lusty Sighs is sugary sweet in
appearance and action. Pleasantly plump and soft, her rosy
Medium female Succubus, chaotic neutral
cheeks are dimpled in a constant smile. Her eyes sparkle when
she sees new visitors—and it seems she knows just about STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
13 (+1) 15 (+2) 15 (+2) 18 (+4) 16 (+3) 20 (+5)
everyone by name after she’s met them once. "Love", she
proclaims when anyone asks what exactly her little Skills Insight +8, Perception +9, Persuasion +10, Sensuality +10
establishment is for, "and a simple exchange of one’s time for
another’s." Natural Insight. Mercy gains Advantage on Insight checks to
Seeming perhaps 30 or 40, the Matron effortlessly outshines defeat deception, and on saves to resist mental compulsion.
many of her underlings. It’s hard for her not to: her large Enticing Nature. Mercy makes all Enticement and sexually-based
proportions offer a bouncier chest, wider hips and a softer checks at Advantage.
physique than all but the most voluptuous of the courtesans.
"Don’t let yourself get ensnared by a Succubus," she’ll warn Description
teasingly, flaunting her remarkably fake forked tail, swearing to Mercy is sweet and soft, but stern when her home is threatened.
the Sighs’ moniker as a sweetly Demonic experience. Appearance. Mercy has plump rosy cheeks and bright eyes.
Freckles dot her tanned complexion, disappearing in gentle lines
and crinkles when she smiles—evidence of her middle age,
Plump, sugary and sweet, the proprietor of the perhaps, or a lifetime of mirth. She delights in outrageous
Lusty Sighs is a kindly woman who strives to make costumes which she often swaps between by the day, altering
visitors feel right at home. Her tenderness belies a her long, wavy brown hair and cakey makeup to match. Despite
fury and ruthlessness rarely seen except by those her outfit two fixtures never change: an impressively fake tail
who would do the courtesans of the Sighs harm, affixed to her rear and a pair of horns on a hairband at her
whom she considers her adoptive children. forehead. When she giggles her large chest jiggles, often
revealing a great deal: the Matron prefers costumes with a great
G UIDE , G REETER , G LADHAND deal of cleavage.
Personality. Mercy is a kindly and loving woman, but fiercely
Mercy drifts from floor to floor, from group to protective of those under her. She keeps an ear close to the
group as she oversees the operation of the Sighs. ground about each and every one her courtesans and strives to
When she notices a new entrant she’ll quickly get them what they want and what they need. This attention is
move to welcome them to her establishment and also paid to her visitors, whom she regards with a kind of
do her best to get them squared away where she tenderness as well. If a nervous fellow walks into the Sighs she’s
thinks they’ll best enjoy themselves. Returning there in a flash to ease his concerns, and if a troublemaker
customers she also greets with warmth and walks in she’s quick to soothe her tension. Any who remain a
pleasantries. A endless source of gossip, Mercy problem are kindly—but firmly—escorted out.
can frequently be found carrying whispered Utility
messages or hushed conversations.
Mercy will happily guide the party where they’ll best enjoy
Matchmaker. The Matron has seen many satisfied customers. If
Matron Mercy describes herself as a "Sweet a player asks, and sometimes if they don’t, she’ll suggest who she
Succubus," but a single glance is enough to prove thinks would be a good courtesan for them.
this is merely showmanship. A false tail waves Hot Gossip. Mercy has an ear in every wall. If a player asks her
lazily behind her, and the horns she wears are for dirt on an individual in town, they can roll Investigation at
decorative. "It fits the role," she’ll explain if asked, Advantage with her help.
and laugh... and that may be the end of it. To the
naturally suspicious, however, there’s more to Pleasures
this story. Traces of magic and Mercy’s own Mercy rarely indulges. But "rarely" isn’t "never."
powers—rarely shown—describe a Polymorph Seduction - DC 20. Mercy isn’t available in the same way as
spell cast long ago to change her appearance: a her courtesans, but now and then she does indulge herself with
Succubus hiding in plain sight. Discovering this longtime customers. If a player has previously bought time with at
least 3 courtesans, they roll to Seduce Mercy at Advantage.
requires a DC 18 Arcana check. Spells such as
Detect Magic may grant this check Advantage. Preferences. Mercy enjoys herself when she does indulge, but her
idea of lovemaking is a sensual, long affair. She doesn’t tire easily.
The Matron rolls to resist orgasm at Advantage.
Kinks. Mercy likes cockwarming, fingering, and missionary. She
doesn’t like spanking, rough sex, or anal.
The second-in-command of the Sighs is firm and severe as the
Matron isn’t. Where she might be likened to steel under silk, M ASTER S ILAS
Medium male Tiefling, chaotic neutral
he is simple steel—frowning blue eyes seeming to pierce
through illusion and subterfuge. His butler’s coat flaps as he Armor Class 17 (studded leather armor)
stands stiffly at the banister of the Hanging Silks, watching Hit Points 79 (9d10 + 30)
over all those below. He stands and walks as if his spine was Speed 30 ft.
an iron pole... though a surprising amount of grace can be
seen in his movement all the same. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
A sparkle does enter his cold eyes, if only for a moment, 13 (+1) 20 (+5) 15 (+2) 9 (–1) 12 (+1) 16 (+3)
when his gaze traces over the gambling tables below. There
Skills Athletics +5, Insight +5, Intimidation +5, Sleight of Hand +9,
are those who are lucky enough to have seen him actually sit Domination +5
down to play a hand of cards—or perhaps unlucky, as they Senses passive Perception 15
rarely leave the table themselves with the coins they arrived Languages —
carrying. Worse off, though, are those who risk his ire: Silas Challenge 1 (200 XP)
steps in when a steel gauntlet is needed more than a soft word.
He brooks no disagreement, and his red skin flushes in rare Twist the Knife. Silas critically hits on a natural 19 or a 20. On a
anger if disobeyed. Despite his dress, he is rarely confused for a successful critical hit, he rolls two additional damage dice.
butler or a well-dressed servant: something about his presence Keen Reflexes. Silas may take the Dodge action as a Bonus Action.
has an air which commands respect.
Rapier. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit:
Thin and severe, this red-skinned Tiefling is a 9 (1d8 + 5) piercing damage.
sharp contrast to the Lusty Sigh’s proprietor. The
power and influence he wields in the Appearance
establishment suggest a lofty position—but his The first of Silas’ notable features are his piercing blue eyes; the
exact role is far from certain. He drifts between second, his wiry body. Two slender horns poke through shoulder-
tables and jots down quick notes—glaring length, shiny black hair. Although his face is frequently twisted into
severely at his patrons. a frown, during a particularly challenging game or a difficult duel
his eyes flash and his lips smirk. Where Matron Mercy varies her
S EVERE O VERSEER style by the day or the hour, Silas is only found wearing formal coats
and suits—appearing more a butler than a proprietor, perhaps.
Silas’ role in the Sighs can best be described as Underneath the suit his history becomes clear: a network of scars
"fixer." Though Matron Mercy is capable of traverse his entire front down to his forearms... but leave his back
fending off jealous customers or unruly patrons, bare. A duelist faces forward, always.
Silas is the final word in security. Mild
disturbances are thrown out and barred from the Personality
property... while more major issues meet the steel Judging by Silas’ appearance one might be inclined to believe him
underneath his cloak. cruel and calculating, but "cold" would be a better way to describe
him. He keeps the patrons and the workers of the Sighs equally at
C ONSUMMATE D UELIST a distance, remaining professional. In rare moments of passion he
might be seen to quirk a smile or even relax: these brief glimpses
When Silas sits down to gamble for a round or speak more to a man choosing solitude over friendship. Perhaps
two he rolls up his sleeves: a cursory look reveals the scars from his dueling days are more than just physical.
the litany of scars criss-crossing his forearms,
evidence of a life spent clashing blades. Players Pleasures
able to make a DC 12 History check know in Silas mostly keeps to himself. But a gentleman knows how to
Silas’ previous life he was an unmatched fighter please.
who won accolades in arena and alley alike. Seduction - DC 16. Silas is no courtesan, but he knows what
Though he’s officially retired, his skill has hardly rooms are available. If he’s charmed by someone, he might
waned. Highly honorable, Silas will rise to meet a suggest a more private conversation. If a player beats Silas in a
round of gambling, they roll to Seduce him at Advantage.
challenge offered to him... or invite another to a
duel if they provoke it. More than one belligerent Preferences. Silas is a giving lover. He prides himself in working his
partner over to the point they hardly know where they are. Players
patron is found bleeding from a dozen deft slices;
being Stimulated by Silas roll to resist orgasm at Disadvantage.
the true offenders are simply not found at all.
Kinks. Silas likes oral, fingering, frotting and kissing. He doesn’t like
dominant approaches, receiving blowjobs, or public sex.
Soft and ethereal, this vision of loveliness is the talk of any
town the Sighs sees fit to spring up in. The allure of mystery is
Medium nonbinary Demon, lawful good
a heady brew, and the questions surrounding them only make
them more attractive to many. Ever-clad in veils, they move STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
8 (–1) 13 (+1) 11 (+0) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 20 (+5)
with a grace that draws the eye and dries the mouth. More
thrilling still are the rumors that few if any have ever seen Saving Throws Wis +3, Cha +5
underneath those garments at the shapely body beneath. Was Skills Insight +5, Perception +5, Performance +8, Persuasion +8,
it so beautiful it struck them dumb? Or does their demand for Sensuality +8, Submission +8
secrecy hold such power?
Beautiful gem-bright eyes stare from those swathed blue
silks, startling against suntanned skin. As they capture yours
they seem to be communicating something—a plea, perhaps, The Willow is the most prestigious courtesan at the Sighs... and
for good reason.
an entreaty. They seem a damsel in need of rescuing... or
perhaps, this feeling is just part of their allure. The soft scent Appearance. Most of the Willow’s form is obscured by the veils,
the silken wraps laying gently on their body. Soft cloths of
of their perfume and the graceful glide of their movement
shimmering design and delicate make drift as they walk,
could be just another piece of the game... but with how well
fluttering in the air as if caught by a playful gust. Only peeks of
they play it, does it matter? sun-tanned skin can be seen now and then, enticing glances at a
slender body, soft lips, dark eyes and thick eyelashes. Those
Soft and supple, something of a dance is present lucky enough to see those silks stripped keep their mouths
shut—but the aching wonder in their eyes speaks volumes.
in every movement made by the highest-ranked
Courtesan in the Lusty Sighs. The Willow is an Personality. The Willow is a consummate courtesan, perhaps
enigma, intentionally so: man or woman, or born or even made for this role. Their only thought is to the
needs and the wants of their suitor, and possess an uncanny
somewhere in between? Elf or Tiefling, or
ability to see just what those are. Attentive and kind, they are
something stranger? Kind or cruel, warm or cold? always alluring—but possessive of their secrets. When a suitor
These questions confound—and pique interest. catches their fancy and are invited up to their rooms, everything
is to please their guest, and nothing is off-limits.
When the Willow enters the room, conversations Utility
stop. A faint scent of cinnamon, the gentle pads The Willow is an object of desire for many, but there are few who
of footsteps: these are enough to draw eyes and can claim to have seen their chambers.
drop jaws. When conversation does start up it’s to Inspiring Presence. Those lucky enough to see The Willow dance
wonder at the apparition of loveliness which only in their private chambers find themselves revitalized and focused.
just passed through—and to exclaim they’ll be the They gain Inspiration.
next to be called to the Willow’s room. Fame by Association. People from all walks of life know of The
Willow. A player who can honestly boast to have seen the insides
P ATRONIZED BY K INGS of their chambers finds weight lent to their statements. Players
who’ve had a private meeting with The Willow make Persuasion
A significant part of the power wielded by the and Deception checks at Advantage within the city containing the
Sighs is represented in the web of connections the Sighs.
Willow stands at the center of. Dukes, Princesses
and those of even higher stations slip into the Pleasures
Sighs in disguise and scale the stairs to the The Willow makes a business in all kinds of pleasures.
Willow’s chambers: what secrets might they Seduction - DC 16. The Willow is happy, once bought, to perform
share? A player invited into the Willow’s for their client. Whether dance or song or something else, up to
confidence might learn hints of these secrets, if and including the sensual.
they were charismatic enough. Preferences. The Willow prefers to take all night coming to a
conclusion whether sex is on the table. When it is, they prefer
Persuasion check Discovery something delicate and sweet. If The Willow has not become
less than 10 A faint hint about a local noble Aroused during the night, they won’t sleep with their client.
less than 15 A noble’s romantic inclinations
Kinks. The Willow enjoys subtle flirtation, massage, outercourse,
less than 20 A noble’s dark secret
grinding, and cuddling. They don’t like impact play, submissive
more than 20 A noble’s most debilitating weakness
approaches, crude language or exhibitionism.
Courtesans roam the
ground floor of the Lusty
Sighs. To grab a random
selection of these
amorous beauties, roll
2d6 on the Bronze and
Silver rank tables in
Appendix B: Courte-
sans and 1d6 on the
Gold rank table.
Food Cost
Sweetroll 5CP
House ale (hoppy) 1SP
House wine (fruity) 1SP
Local ale (dark) 1SP
Mince pie 1SP
Salad 5CP
Meat skewers 5CP
Bread and cheese 2SP
(shared platter)
Random events
d6 Event
1 Tables are overturned:
a gambler cheated!
2 One of the Courtesans
tries to charm a player.
3 A special show begins,
and eyes turn towards
the dancers.
4 A customer is too
handsy, and gets
shown the door.
5 A group of guards
enters shiftily.
6 A performance is called
for! The crowd favorite
wins a free trip upstairs.
A larger version of this map can be found at this link.
The upstairs rooms of
the Lusty Sighs are
communal, and freq–
uently cleaned. Only the
central room, decorated
in icy blue, is owned:
property of The Willow.
If another room is
peeked inside, there’s an
equal chance it would be
any of the Courtesans
currently using it—or
kept empty, for the
For many, the Thighs are
simply a store room
connected to the Ground
Floor by a ladder. But
clever eyes and cleverer
hands can find their way
through the fake wall
into a corridor which
wraps around the inner
Trapped Doors
Matron Mercy details a
careful method of opening
each room when she rents
one out for a night. The
unaware may find them-
selves confronted by a
chastising dart flung from a
hidden mechanism.
The hidden door from
the store room and the
door to Mercy’s room are
not trapped.
• Trap: Poison Dart
• Discovery:
DC 18 Investigation
DC 15 Thieves’ Tools
• Discovery: DC 18
Thieves’ Tools
• Damage: 1d6, DC 14
Constitution Save or be
• NE: Potion experiment–
• ENE: Faerie glen role–
• ESE: Noble and his
secret mistress
• SE: Extreme bondage
A larger version of this map can be found at this link. • S: Minotaur King role–
• SW: Matron Mercy’s
Bronze Courtesans are only beginning to pick up skills outside the sheets of a bed, and are usually hired
simply for matters of passion.
d6 Name Race Gender Description Fetishes
1 Sasha Human Non- Lithe and shapely, this courtesan is a favorite among returning customers. Foreplay,
binary Is it their sex appeal? Well, yes–but also the softness of their embrace, and cockwarming
(F) their willing ear.
2 Anthy Yuan-ti F Gold and green-scaled, this humanoid snake woman loves a captive Bondage,
audience. Once you’re in her coils, she’s likely to regale you with all sorts coiling
of wonderful stories—pausing now and then to squeeze.
3 Sunni Tieflings M and These two blue Tieflings are perfect twins, discernible only to themselves. BDSM, footjobs
and F They delight in swapping places now and then to confuse and tease their
Aunri returning clients—can you guess which one of us it is this time?
4 Bubble Mermaid F This curvy mermaid’s hips dissolve into shimmering scales almost as Deepthroating,
beautiful as her doe eyes. Often found at the gambling tables, she’s happy to oral,
tease about how long she can hold her breath—and she’s not exaggerating. underwater
5 Ssimira Drow Elf F This gray-skinned Elf has a sweet tone, but a suitor unaware of her Bondage,
homeland’s customs is likely to end up tied down and toyed with. Thick dominating
of thighs and hips, this courtesan offers prayer to her Goddess atop the
bound form of her most recent lover.
6 Raphiel Human M A playboy who enjoys lounging about with a torn-open shirt, this man Teasing, anal
espouses a love of romantic poetry and flowery language... a facade he’s
carefully crafted. He keeps his lovers at arm’s length, worried they’ll discover
he’s ill-read and heavily-accented.
Silver Courtesans have picked up a skill or two they can display in polite company. Though many are
still happy to indulge themselves, there are suitors who purchase their time just for a dance, a song, and
so on.
d6 Name Race Gender Skills Description Fetishes
1 Saphiria Moon Elf F Singing Soft-spoken with a sweet smile, this blue-skinned young Oral, fingering
woman with a slim body and small breasts likes to be praised
for her abilities—and isn’t above showing her other talents.
3 Aerie Human F Chess A striking figure with orange-red hair and blue eyes, this Bondage,
woman loves when someone expresses a sharp wit. Keen pegging
to put that to the challenge, she likes nothing better than
a challenge where the winner can do what they like to the
4 Jaymi Half-Orc M Acting This burly hunk of a green-skinned man doesn’t mind playing Cuddling,
to his looks—playing a character is like breathing to him. To romance
find his true heart, a suitor will have to ply their romantic
5 Janill Slimefolk Non- Mimicry This soft-spoken Slimefolk doesn’t have a complete grasp on Creampies,
binary the Common tongue, but is eager to please. She delights in kissing
(M+F) altering her form to match her suitor’s preferences, though
it may entail an extra charge.
6 Ahnrei Half-Elf M History Soft and slender, this hesitant man is tender, kind and Submission,
attentive: thanks to his manner of dress and appearance, exhibitionism
many confuse him for a woman. He does little to disabuse
them of this notion.
Courtesan effects
Rank Effect Duration (short/night)
Bronze Afterglow normal / normal
Silver orangeAfterglow, +2 in 1 of the courtesan’s skills normal / 1 day
Gold Afterglow, +4 in 1 of the courtesan’s skills 1 day / 2 days
Platinum Afterglow, Advantage in 1 of the courtesan’s skills N/A / 1 week
Gold Courtesans are much more exclusive than their lower-ranked kin, and many have developed unique
tastes a suitor must indulge to gain entrance into their bed. Gold Courtesans take the Lusty Sighs’
assurance they can choose their customers and filter their suitors accordingly: this one I’ll dance for, this
one I’ll refuse, for this one I’ll do more than just dance.
The zenith of the Lusty Sighs—the very height of skill in the world of the courtesans. Only three people
in the organization have been elevated to this level, and though competition for the rank is fierce, a
shift in the power dynamic is practically unheard of.
d3 Name Race Gender Skills Description Fetishes
1 Crusher Minotaur M Sensuality, Loud and boisterous, this fellow is happy to show off and Mating press,
Athletics, loves to rise to a challenge. Few can meet the rigorous face-fucking
Acrobatics demands of his wrestling—or his lovemaking.
2 Dahlia Orc F Domination, This well-built woman with one chipped tusk turns heads, Footjobs,
Insight, and she should: she stands a head above the crowd. The reverse
Intimidation leather armor she wears is a callback to her adventuring Amazon
days: only the sufficiently traveled and storied catch her
3 The ??? Non- Submission, As described in The Willow. Slow burn,
Willow binary Performance, sensual
Persuasion massage
These NPCs are provided to add another dimension to the gambling occurring on the ground floor of the
Lusty Sighs. A player investigating the tables is likely to find a few of these gamblers already amassing
coin—especially at the more difficult tables.
If you want to populate a gambling table, follow these instructions:
Table Stakes Instructions
Low Roll a d4 on the Gamblers table and add that NPC to the game.
Medium Roll 2d6 on the Gamblers table and add those NPCs.
High Roll d6+2 3 times on the Gamblers table and add those NPCs.
Exclusive Roll d4+6 3 times on the Gamblers table and add those NPCs.
Every round of gambling, NPC Gamblers roll a 1d20 and add their modifier, though you don’t need to
keep track of their GP if they win or lose. NPC Gamblers can win the jackpot too! If their roll results in a
value of at least 10 above the next highest, they rake in the money and the table closes down.
Some of the Gamblers are Courtesans on their break, and some are betting their last dollar—a winning
player may find themselves propositioned for a quick romp upstairs in the Hanging Silks in exchange for
not collecting the debt racked up in the game.
Some Gamblers have special rules which modify their own behavior or the behavior of the game. Keep
these in mind as your players gamble!
Roll Name Mod Description Special Rules
1 Viziar +0 A red-skinned tiefling with an eyepatch—though he -
keeps switching it between eyes.
2 Elloquen +0 Slender of body and pointed of ear, this Elf maiden’s If Elloquen hasn’t won in the past 3 rounds, reduce
eyes glint when she sees gold. the table’s DC (and her modifier) by 2.
3 Halric +1 Loud and boisterous, this Human man is missing Halric doesn’t mind cheating. A player must cheat
several teeth. 3 times before being ejected from the game, not 2.
4 Thimble +2 She needs to sit on a stack of pillows, but this Now and then, Thimble attempts to cheat: she
Halfling woman is a card shark nonetheless. rolls a d20+2 opposed by the player(s)’ Perception
checks. If she’s caught twice, she leaves the game.
5 Diarmuid +3 This Half-Elf’s unnaturally white hair hangs low over The result of a roll which would win the table’s
his eyes. jackpot must be at least 8 above the next highest,
not 10.
6 Crusher +4 (As described in Appendix B: Courtesans). This Crusher does not like cheating. If a player is caught
Minotaur holds the cards almost daintily—a good even once, he challenges them to a duel.
thing, they’re nearly miniature in his giant hands.
7 Orythia +5 She would seem a normal woman if it weren’t for the Orythia can see clearer than others, despite her
blindfold and the closely-pulled hood from which the blindness. Sleight of Hand checks at her table are
hisses of a Medusa’s hair emerge. rolled at Disadvantage.
8 Alan +6 This slender man keeps sneaking glances across the Alan can be distracted with a Seduction check he
table, admiring looks at the player. opposes with a d20+2 save. If the check succeeds,
he begins to roll at Disadvantage.
7 Bubble +7 (As described in Appendix B: Courtesans). This Now and then, Bubble tries to charm the opposition.
turquoise-scaled mermaid splashes in a basin of She rolls a d20+6: players must pass an opposing
water brought up to the table, but she keeps the CHA save or roll with Disadvantage that round.
cards dry.
8 Dispater +8 An odd sight, this creature in a full suit of armor Dispater rerolls any roll below a 5.
doesn’t even lift their visor to stare at their cards,
keeping their identity a secret...
9 Regis +9 This portly, chortling Gnome is easy to If he feels the time is right, Regis may call for an
underestimate—which he counts on to fleece "all or nothing" round. The winner wins the jackpot!
newcomers. He rolls with Advantage on the round if the table
accepts his bid.
10 Silas +12 (As described in Master Silas). Silas keeps up a Players roll Insight and Deception at Disadvantage.
pleasant banter, but the players feel every time they If a player wins a round, he thanks the table politely
look away he’s scrutinizing them carefully. and leaves.
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