KCL ACF 2024 Dementia
KCL ACF 2024 Dementia
KCL ACF 2024 Dementia
3. Research institutions in which training will take place: King’s College London (KCL)
The standard training trajectory post qualification is for a trainee to complete three years as a ST1 -3 trainee
and during that time to gain their Membership of the Royal College of Psychiatrists; as part of this training
over three years all trainees have access to structured teaching up to one day a week. Candidates would
also be expected to participate in workplace-based training and assessment and to meet ARCP criteria for
progression through training.
There is an extensive postgraduate teaching programme based on a weekly protected day for postgraduate
education that includes the Grand Round, lectures, Journal club, psychotherapy training and the Maudsley
Training Programme / IoPPN MRCPsych course. ACFs will have formal academic and educational
supervision from an Old Age Psychiatrist. The post will attract an NTN in Old Age Psychiatry, with run through
to the Old Age Psychiatry higher specialty training programme.
The post-holder will take part in the out of hours (on-call) rota throughout the duration of the post, including
during research placements. Flexibility in timetabling will be considered, where possible, if this impacts on
research projects.