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Group A Advt-Deputation

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Advt.No.NITT/R/RC/NT/2023/06 Date : 01.02.2023

Recruitment for Non-Teaching Group A positions (on Deputation)
Online applications are invited from Indian nationals possessing excellent academic
record and relevant work experience for the recruitment to the post of “Non-Teaching
Group A positions- on Deputation” in National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli.
S.No Post Scale of Pay (Grade Pay, Band Pay) No of Posts
PB-4 (Rs. 37,400-67,100) with GP of
1 Registrar 1
Rs. 10,000/-
Superintending PB-4 (Rs. 37,400-67,100) with GP of
2 1
Engineer Rs.8700/-
PB-3 (Rs. 15,600 -39,100) with GP of
Senior Medical
3 Rs. 7600/- + NPA as per Government 1
PB-3 (Rs. 15,600-39,100 ) with GP of
4 Deputy Librarian 1
Rs. 7600/-)
PB-3 (Rs. 15,600-39,100) with GP of
5 Assistant Librarian 1
Rs. 5400/-
Senior Student
PB-3 (Rs. 15,600-39,100) with GP of
6 Activity and Sports 1
Rs. 7600/-
(SAS) Officer

For details regarding the online application, educational qualifications, experience, other
requirements and terms & conditions, please visit the Institute’s recruitment website
https://recruitment.nitt.edu/GroupABC/. Candidates are instructed to go through the
‘INSTRUCTIONS TO THE CANDIDATES’ and proceed further. Interested persons may
apply online in the prescribed application form available on the Institute’s recruitment
website. The last date for submission of online application is 01.03.2023.

S.No Details Date

1. Date of advertisement 01.02.2023
2. Opening date for online application 01.02.2023
3. Closing date for submission of online application 01.03.2023
4. Last date for submission of Hard copy application 08.03.2023

Registrar (i/c)
1. Essential qualification, Desirable qualification, Age and Experience:
Essential qualification, Desirable qualifications, age and experience for the
above posts are as per Recruitment Rules (2019) for Non-teaching staff in NITs
notified vide No.F.35-5/2018-TS.III of MHRD’s letters dated 20.02.2019 and

i. Number and nature of positions may change and vary at the time of
selection/recruitment. The Institute reserves the right to fill or not to fill some
or all the advertised positions or any position.
ii. All recruitment and pay-fixation shall be done, only on the recommendations
of duly constituted Selection Committee. The decision of the Appointing
Authority shall be final. There shall be no scope of fixing or altering pay
outside the Selection Committee.

2. Age limit and applicable relaxations:

i. Maximum age limit shall be as per Recruitment Rules.
ii. Age limit and other eligibility conditions for all the positions shall be
determined on 01.03.2023.
iii. Reservation for Scheduled Castes (SC), Scheduled Tribes (ST), Other
Backward Classes (OBC), Economically Weaker Sections (EWS), Ex-
Servicemen (ESM) and Persons with Disabilities (PwD) candidates
wherever applicable will be as per the directions issued by Ministry of
Education / Government of India from time to time.
iv. Age relaxation for SC/ST/OBC/PwD/Ex-Servicemen applicants shall be
applicable as per Government of India norms. No relaxation would be
applicable to SC/ST/OBC/PwD applicants applying for Unreserved (UR)

S. Category Age Relaxation permissible beyond the upper age

No. limit

1. SC/ST 5 years
2. OBC (NCL) 3 years
3. PwD (UR) 10 years
4. PwD + OBC (NCL) 13 years
5. PwD + SC/ST 15 years
6. Ex-Servicemen For Ex-serviceman upto the extent of service rendered in
defence forces (Army, Navy & Airforce) plus 3 years. The
Ex-serviceman candidates would be required to produce
a certificate that they have been released from the
Defence Forces. The certificate for Ex- serviceman and
Commissioned Officers including ECOs/SSCOs should
be signed by the appropriate authorities specified below
and should also specify the period of service in the
Defence Forces.
For any claim of Age Relaxation/ Reservation, applicants are required to
produce/ submit Certificate issued in prescribed format under the relevant
rules/notification and signed only by permitted authority with seal as per
applicable latest Government of India orders in this regard. All such claims
are also liable for independent verification by the Institute at any time.
v. Only date of birth indicated in SSC/SSLC/Birth Certificate will be accepted.
No subsequent request for change shall be entertained under any
vi. The date for determining eligibility of applicants in every respect i.e.
qualifications, experience and preferred age limit etc. shall be considered
as on 01.03.2023.
vii. Terms and Conditions for Persons with benchmark Disabilities (PwD) is as
per the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016, December 27, 2016
(A) Definition of Persons with benchmark Disabilities (PwD) as per section
31 (4) of the Act. Degree of Disability for reservation: Only such persons
would be eligible for reservation who suffers from not less than 40 per cent
of relevant disability. Applicants have to submit a Disability Certificate issued
by Medical Board constituted either by Central or State Government, no
other certificate will be accepted.
3. Processing Fee:
i. Applicants belonging to UR, EWS, OBC (Non-creamy layer) category shall
be required to pay online fee of Rs. 1,000/-. SC / ST applicants are required
to pay online Rs. 500/- only towards online application. PwD / Women
applicants are exempted from paying fees.
ii. The application fee once paid is non-refundable under any circumstances.

4. General Instructions:
i. Applicants applying in response to this advertisement should satisfy
themselves regarding their eligibility for the post applied for. They must be
fulfilling the eligibility criteria as on 01.03.2023, failing which their application
is liable for rejection at any stage.
ii. Any requisite experience gained after the minimum qualifying degree will
only be taken into consideration.
iii. Applicants would be allowed to appear in the selection process on the basis
of the information furnished by them in their application form. Issuance of
letter for the selection process will not confer any right for appointment. If
the applicants are found ineligible at any stage of recruitment process,
he/she will be disqualified, their candidature may be cancelled and if
selected, appointment may be cancelled. Hiding information or submitting
false information may lead to cancellation of candidature at any stage of
recruitment. In case any information given / declaration by the applicant is
found to be false or if the applicant has wilfully suppressed any material
information relevant to the appointment, he/she will be liable to be removed
from service and any penal action may be taken as deemed fit by the
appointing authority.
iv. The Institute will retain data of applications received for non-shortlisted
applicants only for three months after completion of recruitment process.
v. The applicants are required to apply through Online mode only. Application
in any other form will not be accepted and will be summarily rejected. No
communication in this regard will be entertained. Applications which are not
in prescribed form / without relevant supporting enclosures may be outrightly
rejected. No correspondence will be entertained in this regard.
vi. NIT Tiruchirappalli strives to have a workforce which also reflects gender
balance and hence, the eligible female applicants are especially
encouraged to apply.
vii. The Institute has the right to set higher norms than minimum prescribed in
the Advertisement. Decision of the Institute, related to all matters pertaining
to the recruitment shall be final and binding on the applicants. Any dispute
arising during the document verification stage, will be dealt by the Institute
and the decision of the Institute shall be final, in this regard.
viii. Institute reserves the right to reject or accept the candidature of any
applicant at any stage and also has right to cancel/restrict/modify/ alter the
advertisement / recruitment process, if need arises, without issuing any
further notice or assigning any reason, therefore.
ix. Persons serving in Government / Semi-Government / Autonomous Bodies /
StatutoryBodies / PSUs / PSBs should furnish a no objection certificate from
the designated authority of the organization they are serving, at the time of
verification, failing which their candidature will not be considered for further
selection process.
x. No vigilance/disciplinary cases should be pending against the applicants
working in any Govt./ Semi- Govt./ Autonomous Organizations. In such
cases, the application shall not be considered or scrutinized.
xi. Original documents, along with one set of self-attested copies will have to
be produced at the time of certificate verification prior to skill test. All related
certificates, in original, proving the eligibility are mandatory to be produced
during document verification. Without original certificates, the candidature
shall be outrightly rejected at the time of document verification.
xii. Applicants are advised to visit the Institute’s recruitment website
https://recruitment.nitt.edu/GroupABC/ regularly. Any addendum
/corrigendum shall be published only on the Institute’s recruitment website.
List of applicants shortlisted for participating in various stages of the
selection process will be displayed only on the Institute’s recruitment
website. No separate communication/intimation in this regard shall be made
by the Institute.
xiii. The Institute reserves the right not to fill up the posts, cancel the
advertisement in whole or in part, without assigning any reason and its
decision in this regard shall be final. The Institute reserves the right to extend
the closing date for receipt of applications and also reserves the right to
postpone/cancel the recruitment exercise for any/all the posts at any stage.
xiv. Applicants should not have been convicted by any Court of Law. The
decision of NIT Tiruchirappalli in all matters relating to eligibility, acceptance
or rejection of the applications, penalty for false information, mode of
selection, conduct of examination(s), selection and allotment of the
department / centre/ section to selected applicants will be final and binding
on the applicants. No enquiry/correspondence will be entertained in this
xv. Applicants must be in sound health. If selected, they must be prepared to
undergo such medical examination before the District Medical Board and
produce the fitness certificate after the selection process.

xvi. All the appointments are subject to verification of academic qualifications,

experience, conduct, community certificates, medical fitness followed by
police verification of the selected applicants. During the period of Institute
service, if the Institute, on its verification, finds any discrepancy in the claims
made by the applicant, besides departmental proceedings, suitable legal
action shall also be initiated as per Government of India Rules.
xvii. Photograph: One recent (not earlier than three months from the date of
application) colour passport size photograph with clear front view of the
applicant without cap, scarf, mask and sun glasses should be uploaded
while filling the Online application form. Identical extra colour passport size
photograph as uploaded on the online application should be kept for
verification at the time of selection process or as required by the Institute.
Applicants may note that Institute may reject the candidature at any stage
for uploading old/unclear photograph on the online application form and at
variance from the actual physical appearance of the applicant.

xviii. Applicants must carry at least one photograph bearing Identity Proof, in
original, such as Driving Licence, Voter ID Card, Aadhar Card and Passport
to the selection process, failing which they shall not be allowed to appear
for the selection process.
xix. No educational qualification shall be considered unless supported by
Degree Certificate or Provisional Degree Certificate along with mark sheets.
A grade card/mark sheet will not be treated as proof of eligibility of the
Degree. The Degree should have been received from any of the Universities
incorporated by an Act of the Central or State Legislature in India or any
other Educational Institutions established by an Act of Parliament or
declared to be deemed as University under Section 3 of the University
Grants Commission Act, 1956.
xx. Experience Certificate from employer must mention Pay Scale/ Pay Band &
Grade Pay, period of employment, designation (present) and all other details
of work experience which applicant has claimed in his/her application. It is
the responsibility of the applicant to provide conclusive documentary proof
in support of his/her claim. Recent pay slip shall also be provided.
Experience claimed without document support shall not be considered.
xxi. Selected Candidates will be covered under the New Pension System as
notified by the Government of India, Ministry of Finance vide notification
No.5/7/2003ECB&PR dated 22nd December 2003.
xxii. No TA / DA shall be paid to the candidates attending the selection process
/ Certificate Verification except PwD candidates who may avail the
reimbursement as per the Government / Institute norms
xxiii. Applicants are advised to fill their correct e-mail address in the online
application as all correspondence will be made by the Institute through e-
mail only. Schedule and details of selection process will be published on the
Institute’s recruitment website in due course. No separate letter (hard copy)
will be sent for this purpose.
xxiv. Any dispute with regard to the selection process will be subject to Honourable
court/Tribunal having jurisdiction over Tiruchirappalli.
xxv. No correspondence will be entertained from not-shortlisted candidates.
xxvi. Action against applicants found guilty of misconduct:
Applicants are warned not to furnish any particulars that are false or
suppress any material information while filling in the application form.
Applicants are also warned that they should in no case attempt to alter or
otherwise tamper with any entry in a document or the attested certified copy
submitted by them nor should they submit a tampered/fabricated document.
Without prejudice to criminal action, wherever necessary, candidature will
be summarily cancelled / debarred at any stage of the recruitment in respect
of applicants in case of any of the following:
a. Making wrong declarations and giving mis-interpretation of the facts in
the application.
b. Involved in malpractices.
c. Obtaining support for his/her candidature by any means.
d. Impersonate/Procuring impersonation by any person.
e. Submitting fabricated documents or documents which have been
tampered with.
f. Making statements which are incorrect or false or suppressing material
g. Candidature can also be cancelled at any stage of the recruitment on
any other ground which the Institute considers to be sufficient cause for
cancellation of candidature.

5. Selection Process:
i. Screening of online applications received may be done to restrict the
number of applicants to be called for selection process. The Institute at its
discretion may restrict the number of applicants to be called for at any stage
of the selection process.
ii. List of shortlisted applicants to be called for the selection process on a given
date and time, will be published on the Institute’s recruitment website only.
Such applicants may also be intimated on their registered email id. No
communication in this regard may be made through hard copy. No request
for change of date/ venue of the selection process by individual applicants
will be entertained under any circumstances.
iii. The Institute may decide to conduct a selection process comprising of
multiple stages of selection. Details of selection process will also be
published along with the list of shortlisted candidates.
iv. All details related to recruitment process shall be available on the Institute’s
recruitment website only. Applicants are advised to keep a regular watch
on the Institute’s website for any updates. No separate communication in
any form shall be made in this respect.
v. Screening of applications will be done on the basis of requirements
mentioned in the Recruitment Rules and as per the conditions laid down by
the duly constituted Screening Committee.
vi. Canvassing in any manner would entail disqualification of the candidature.
vii. List of shortlisted applicants shall be published on the Institute’s
recruitment Website only for participating in the selection process.
6. Documents/ Certificate to be enclosed/produced:
The following documents/certificates, in original along with one set of
photocopies, are required to be brought along with a printout of the online
application and receipt/proof of online application fee deposited, at the time of
appearing in the selection process, failing which the candidature would be
summarily rejected and applicant would be debarred from participation in the
further selection process.
i. Matriculation / 10th Standard or equivalent certificate indicating date of birth,
or mark sheet of Matriculation / 10th Standard or equivalent issued by
Central / State Board indicating date of Birth in support of their claim of age.
Where date of birth is not available in certificate / mark sheets, issued by
concerned Educational Boards, school leaving certificate indicating date of
Birth will be considered.
ii. Higher Secondary / Class XII (or equivalent) board marks sheet.
iii. UG / PG Degree / ITI / Diploma certificate (whichever is applicable) along
with mark sheets pertaining to all the academic years as a proof of
educational qualification claimed.
iv. The Community certificates in the proforma prescribed and issued by the
DOPT, Govt. of India vide letter no.F.No.36028/1/2014-Estt. (Res.) dated
3rd September, 2015 will only be accepted as sufficient proof in support of
an applicant's claim to belong to Schedule Caste / Schedule Tribe / Other
Backward Class. Relevant Caste / Tribe / Community certificates are
required to be submitted with duly completed application form. No other
certificate will be accepted as a sufficient proof. The caste of the applicant
must be in the State-wise Central list of SCs given at
or http://www.socialjustice.nic.in/UserView/index?mid=76750. The caste of
the applicant must be in the State-wise Central list of STs given at
v. OBC certificate issued on or after 1st April, 2022 shall be considered for
reservation under OBC (Non-Creamy Layer) category. The certificate
should clearly mention that the applicant belongs to non-creamy layer and
the caste of the applicant must be in the State-wise Central list of OBCs
given at http://www.ncbc.nic.in/User_Panel/CentralListStateView.aspx. The
OBC certificate must be produced in the prescribed proforma.
vi. EWS certificate issued by Competent Authority shall be considered for
reservation under EWS category, whose family has gross annual income
below 8.00 lakh (Rupees Eight Lakh only) for the financial year prior to the
year of application. Also, persons whose family owns or possess any of the
assets as mentioned in DoPT, Govt. of India OM No.36039/1/2019-Estt
(Res) dated 31st January, 2019 shall also be excluded from being identified
as EWS, irrespective of the family income. The EWS certificate must be
produced in the prescribed proforma.
vii. Divyaang (PwD) applicants shall be required to submit the Disability/Medical
Certificate in the proforma prescribed and issued by the competent medical
authorities for the purpose of employment as per Government of India
norms with duly completed application form. Persons suffering from not less
than 40% of the disability shall only be eligible for the benefit of reservation
under this category. The certificate will be rejected if the disability is less
than 40%. The Divyaang certificate must be produced in the prescribed
proforma issued by the Medical Board constituted either by Central or State
viii. Ex-Servicemen applicants shall be required to submit the certificates in the
prescribed proforma.
ix. Photo identity card (in original, such as Aadhaar Card / Passport / Driving
Licence / Voter ID Card).
x. No Objection Certificate and experience Certificate(s) from the Head(s) of
Organization(s) for the entire experience claimed, clearly mentioning the
duration of employment (date, month & year) indicating the basic pay, Grade
Pay (GP) / Pay Matrix Level and consolidated pay. The certificate(s) should
also mention the nature of duties performed/experience obtained in the
post(s) with duration(s).
xi. Any other relevant documents in support of the entries filled in application
form, Note: Date of birth mentioned in Online Recruitment Application is
final. No subsequent request for change of date of birth will be
considered or granted at any stage, even after the selection. Applications
with wrong date of birth entered during the time of submission will be

7. How to apply:
i. Applicants are required to apply online on the recruitment portal of the
Institute’s recruitment website: https://recruitment.nitt.edu/GroupABC/ from
01.02.2023 to 01.03.2023 (05.00 pm). Applicants may click on the online
application link, read the instructions carefully and fill-in the online
application form giving accurate information. If the online application is not
successfully completed, applicant is required to register again. Applicants
after successful submission of online application must keep a copy of the
finally submitted online application, which they will be required to produce
as and when asked for during the selection process. Incomplete applications
would not be accepted and summarily rejected. After online submission, the
candidates are advised to submit the hardcopy of the application along with
the supporting documents on or before 08.03.2023, 05.00 PM.
ii. No request for change in any data entered by the applicant will be
entertained once the online application is submitted successfully. While
applying online, applicants need to upload the scanned copy of their recent
passport size colour photograph & signature. Applicants called for selection
process will be required to produce his / her original certificates, a copy of
the same photo and other relevant documents as mentioned in the on-line
application form.
iii. The Institute will not be responsible for any applicant for not being able to
submit his/her online application within the last date on account of system
error or any other reasons. Follow the instructions carefully for payment
of fee.
iv. Candidate has to upload the following documents at respective tabs, while
a. SSLC Certificate
b. HSC Certificate (if applicable)
c. ITI / Diploma / UG / PG Degree Certificate, whichever is applicable.
d. Community Certificate (if applicable).
e. Recent passport size colour photograph as prescribed in para 4 - xviii
f. Scanned copy of the Signature

Registrar (i/c)

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