Solo & Co-Op Rules v2.0.0
Solo & Co-Op Rules v2.0.0
Solo & Co-Op Rules v2.0.0
Solo & Co-Op Rules: These rules give Model Types: Before the game begins you 1. Is the AI model carrying an objective?
players a way to play solo or co-op need to classify each model into one of 3
against AI controlled enemies. model types so that things flow smoothly • Yes - Go to step 4
once you actually start playing. Note that • No - Go to step 2
Multiple Choices: Whenever there are
squadrons follow the same decision trees 2. Are there any objectives not under the
different choices that seem to be equally
as ships, but always start at step 2. AI’s control?
correct, roll a die to randomly determine
which one is going to be the chosen one. Hybrid Models: Models with upgrades
• Yes - Go to step 3
which are geared both for ranged attacks
Preparation • No - Go to step 4
and ramming count as hybrid models.
The Fleets: To ensure that playing against 3. If you Move will any enemies be in
Shooting Models: Models with upgrades
the AI is fair, we recommend creating a shooting range?
which are geared more toward ranged
set of 3-6 balanced fleets lists, and then attacks count as shooting models. • Yes - Move toward the objective and
randomly determining which will be used
Ramming Models: Models with upgrades shoot if possible
by the AI and which by the players.
which are geared more toward ramming • No - Cruise toward the objective
Objectives Set Up: When setting up count as ramming models. 4. If you Move will any enemies be in
objectives first divide the area of the table
Decision Tree - Hybrid shooting range?
where you may place objectives into 6
equal squares. When it’s the AI’s turn to • Yes - Move toward enemy and shoot
1. Is the AI model carrying an objective?
place an objective first roll for a random if possible
square, and then place the objective in • Yes - Go to step 6 • No - Cruise toward enemy
the center of the square. If that’s not • No - Go to step 2
possible roll for another random square Decision Tree - Ramming
and move the objective toward it just 2. Are there any objectives not under the
enough to be in a valid position, whilst AI’s control? 1. Is the AI model carrying an objective?
following the objective set up rules. • Yes - Go to step 4
• Yes - Go to step 3
AI Deployment: When deploying fleets, • No - Go to step 6 • No - Go to step 2
the players must deploy their entire fleets
3. Are there any enemies in the way? 2. Are there any objectives not under the
in a random deployment zone first. Then
AI’s control?
AI models are randomly divided into 3 • Yes - Ram the enemy if possible, else
groups of equal size (as far as possible). Move toward the objective and shoot • Yes - Go to step 3
To deploy, divide the table into 3 sections if possible, else Cruise toward the • No - Go to step 4
along the AI’s deployment zone table objective instead
edge, and number them 1, 2 and 3. For 3. Are there any enemies in the way?
• No - Go to step 4
each group roll a D3 to determine which
• Yes - Ram enemy if possible, else
section its models deploy in, re-rolling if 4. Is the objective in Cruise range but not
Cruise toward the objective
all groups would deploy in the same in Move range?
• No - Cruise toward the objective
section. Then deploy one random model
at a time in its section, as close as • Yes - Cruise toward the objective
4. Are any enemies in ramming range?
possible to the nearest objective, and • No - Go to step 5
outside of difficult and dangerous terrain. • Yes - Ram enemy
5. If you Move will any enemies be in
• No - Cruise toward enemy
Challenge Bonus: Optionally players may shooting range?
give the AI a bonus as a challenge. If at
• Yes - Move toward the objective and
the beginning of a round the AI is holding
shoot if possible
as many objectives as the players, then all
• No - Cruise toward the objective
its models get +1 to hit rolls until the end
of the round, and if it’s holding less 6. Are any enemies in ramming range?
objectives, then its models get +1 to
toughness rolls on top of that. • Yes - Ram enemy
• No - Go to step 7
7. If you Move will any enemies be in
shooting range?