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BS 336

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14/08/2009 10:38 603-6156-0657, KOLLING ENG.


BS 3:36 : 1989

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603-6155-0657 KOLLING ENG. SDN BHD PAGE 02/18
BS 3:36: 1989
u,oc 8:11 . 6~3.415: S14,84:1.~:
,002,7: COl '1: 000,3/,S: 620,1


@ brldOO Standards ln~I~Atlon, No port of this publlcntlon rn~v be pho~l)r,!oplod or otherwl.!l~ r(mroduead without the Ptlo• p~rrnl,nlun h1 writing of 0$1

British Standard Specification for

Fire hose couplings and
ancillar~v equipment

Aaccords de tuy;;ux d'incenclie et materi0ls connexes - Specifica'tions

Feuerloschschliiuche und Zubehor

• i



British Standards Institution

14/08/2009 10:21 503-5155-0557 I<OLLI NG ENG . SDN BHD PAGE 17/18

BS 336 1989


This Bt·iti~h Stand::u·d. h~Js been prepared ut1der ·t;h~ dit·l;!ction

... of the Fire Standards Committee. It ~;upen;ed(;)S BS 336 ;
1980 which i; withdrawn. .,. .
l Although dimensions are given in metric terrn1,, sct·~w~d and
l,. instantaneous coUplings and connccto'rs mamrfactwed. in
· a'ccordance with this ::;p~cific~ltion will be intet c:h~nl~~!<:~bl~
with e:X.i5tlng couplings.
In this edl1;iot'l the iigurcs Jrc,: included in t:h(,! n·1air1 body
o'f the :>;peciflcation, so that reference rnav bC maclc readilY
to a requirement in the text, and to the nJievtt.nt informa- I
tion iri. tables and figures. In the 1980 edition the fig1..mH;
wi!i!re grouped after the main text. TJ.;H::: nurnb&t of drawings I
has been redl.ICE!d by ~;Ot'r'Jbit"lt~tion. so that inforrncrticm is
presented mor~ compac1:1y .
·Table 1, which specifies the various 1"11atet·ia1s used for the
diUcre11t compot'lcnts i~ prr.s~nted in o morr~ ~:ornp~ot
arrangement, intended tc> lrnpl·ove case of cross-reference
whet:'e it L$\ der.irod to usc the minimum numbGr ol lTHlterials
for 01 range 9f components.
; ...
A minimum btll'e 'for delivery hose couplings i• now
specified, which will ;~ssist users in specifying hose repair
I tools, which have to par.s throu[!h the couplings. A 1. hird
L method of hose fixing is 5pecif.ied. R12qUii'QmE!nts for a
suction ho:;e wrench antl controllabl0 br(lnchpipes are
included, Jn(l some changes I'H'IVE! been made b:.1 clltl1Cnsions
and tolcrancc.5 to cort'i.~Ct inCOlisistencio:s. More pr0ci5e
definitions of blal'lk c:t~p;; cu~d ph)gs hvvc been incOriJo~atod.
The possibility o·f introducing an altcrnativ0 d(:::;ign (the
so·called drop·througb typq) of suction hose coupling was
considered. HOW(.lvcr, t.hC!>C designs ncce::;sar.ily have smallel'
tail dismctGrs not suitClblc for use with hos~ o'f· th(! ~;t,:mcJard
djmension.s of BS 3165. It was t11er~for~~ cJ~Ci(ll~d not to
include these altermrtivcs in this rC!vision,
Delivery hose compon~n!:~ me ~~.1it(lble ·for usc with hose
Cornplyin~.J with r;1S 6391 ~ncJ r,uction ht1t.c cornponcnts
arc suitablf:'! ·ro1· usft with ho~~~ c.:ornplyin~J with 13S 3165.
A'!'f. with J'"ll"!'!viot.JJ> issues, h10J'i'l. of 1.hP. prnrha~h dn!!l1' with
in this revision rnny be: rr"lAdf;! of Hl~trr'1in!1..n11 ;Jik;·y, or coppor
alloy. Zinc-aluminium Jlloys huve bect1'introduced for
SOllle appl\cation:s. C(:JJ"tt1i1"1 of the .zinr.-aluminium alloys
specified are suitable for· t,J$€ in ht1L8J'dous locw-iOI"lS whcn.1
other aluminium ::~l!oys, because they can produce;:~. spark
when struck wlth othP.r mQtorhtls, connot bo llE·Cd.
Copper, copper t~lloy <:~ncl pln~tit:s component!; <Jiso fire
sp~rk res!11t~11t.

Compliance with a British Stondard dooo not of itself

confer immunity fJ'OI'i'l leo(!\ oblig(:ltions.
bU~-blbb-Ubb/ KULLlNG lNG. bVN UHV 1-'AGI:.. U:.:l/ 1 Cl
. w1 1\1 ill 1 1\U ,.i. i CJ '.'~ v ,·~·:'

BS 336 1 1989
02 040397


Pago Pag~
I Foreword Inside front cover Tables
I Committees rcspo,nsiblc eacl< cover 1 Choico of materials
' 3
2 Dimensions of delivery hose coupling tails 10
Specification 3 Siz• of •xpansion ring fittings 11
Section one. G@n~ r~l 4 Nomin~l ~lt~rhatlve size:; oT no~tifH;. fqr
1 Scopo 7. branch pi pes 13
2 Definitions 2 5 Suction hose coupli'ng dimanslons 21
3 Material~ 2 6 Work sizes and permissible dcvlatk·..n:; (If
z round 'form •crew thr~~ds for suction hose
4 Manufacture
6 ~r'essun~
6 Marking
retor ·:ion 2
7 Si <OS of basket Wainer; and lengths ol
. CO I'd

Soetion two. Speo:ific requirements Figures

7 Delivery hose· ~~ouplings G 1 DGiivery hose cot1p1tng5 ~.. genel"l~l ar1·angoment .]
8 Delivery hose ~~onnectors 12 2 Dollve1·y l1oso couplings female details a
9 Dividing Md ,,,;llecting breechings 13 3 Da!lvery hose couplings- male r.lE:ttalls 9
10 Standard braro:hpipes 13 4 Delivery ho:se couplin9s ~tall, details 10
11 Integral and c;.ntrollable branch pipes 15 5 Del! very hose couplings- expansion ring

l .I
·12 Notzle SPMM's
13 Blank caps. plugs, and chain
14 Standpipe•
6 Delivery hose connector
7 Dividing and coll•ctlng breechinq
15 Hydrant key 'nd bar 16 8 Branch pipe 14
16 Suction hose couplings 16 9 Nozzle for branch pipe 14
17 Suction collecting heads 21 10 Integral branchpipe 15
1a Suction strain·m 22 11 Nozzle ~paroiM 15·
19 SuetiQn hose (")l.ipling wrench 23 12 Standpipes 17'
20 Foam inlet ad,aptors 23 13 Hydrant key socket 18
14 Suc\ion hose coupling genoral arrangement 18
Appond.ico< 15 Suction hose coupling- dotail< 19
A rests on insta'nt~nP.6us delivery hose cowplings
16 Suction collecting heads 20
17 Metal r.uction strainer 22
and btanchpipes in plastics materials 26
B Hydrostatic test for prossurc retention 26
lS B<!!sket strainer for suction str(linrv 24
19 Suotion ho~e ccn.1pling wrer1ch 25
c Spanoer test 26
20 Foam inlet adaptor
D Strength test fer standpipes 26 2G
E Strength test fca· hydrant keys 26
F Reverse flow test for collii!cting he~;~ds 27

G Strength test far suction hose coupling wrench 27



t j


14/08/2009 10:21 503-5155-0557 I<DLLI NG ENG . SDN BHD PAGE 15/18

BS 336 : 1989
Specification. Section one

Section one. G~meral .,.i

1 Scope 4 Manufacture

This British Standard spe<ifies reql)lremonts for couplings, 4.1 Ca~>tin$1~ and mouldings
connoctors'and other cofTponents 'f·or "'e with delivery Ca!;tings shall be clean. sound .;:111d 1-n;!a ·f1·om woss porosity,
hosa complying with BS E:l91 and with suction hose crt1cks and other surfacG imperfection:;. No filling or
complying with ElS 3165, ;md suit~blc for II refighting simll.ar after-tn:;~.atment ol castings shall be cm·rit~d out
purpo'!~es. It also appliss to other items of equipment. (!l~so· without th~r: approval o-f the purchar.cr.
dMed with tho usc of fire fighting hose.
NOTE. O!l die~!Jst fitting~ and plar.tic injt"Jt;;t:)oh t'ri¢1.1kirng~~ whore
The pressure retain'ing cor1ponents are suiti!ible for u~~ a1: t1 bon~ it. t.howr1 m p;.r<:~llcl. <t r(:)asonable t:lp~r !:.ht::t~ll·~ bt! <~li~wt<!cl
wot·k1t1g pn~l'SUres not exc,~ediMg 1!5 bar~·, to f~:~cllltl11,f! corf! wlthdr;~w\11, biH thi~ toper should bo l~opt to th"tl
i"nlnlmurn requlrl:!d for· thl~ purpo~(!,
NOTE. Tho tiller. of the publllatlom: referred to in this stenderd r
orQ llr.~od on the Inside back c:~ver.
4.2 Welding
Weld$ shall be fr'CG i"l'om lack. of fusion) crnck s,
2 Definitions hon-mcr.allic inclusions, POt'(l:>ity and cavities.
Welding of ;.1luminium shall be in accoJ•dancc with the
l;:;t.)1' 1110 purpor.c of this spt,cification_ the definition~ given requirements of· either BS 3019: Pat·t 1 or Bn 3571 :
In BS 4422 •pply, togothe ·with the following: P~rt 1, occordln~ to '\11< n~c\hod of welding "mploycd.

2.1 blank oup. A compono~t that fits on t<l'a male del ivory
hose c·ont10Ctor ot· suction (:011nection and complies with 4,3 Finish
the pr9ssurQ retention and other appropriate requiroments Machined surfaces, unle" otherwise specified, sholi be o·f
ol this specification. · gr?de N7 assessed in accordance with BS 113•L
2.2 bl•nk plug, A compor,ont that fits into • !~male NOTE 1. A~~CW'I"'t!tH mt'IV be n'l.tldt:: usihS rouQ"hness ~omparison
del!vet'V hose connectot· or ·;uction connection and complies !lpeclmem; c:allbrat~d In accordonce With as 1134 With thr.r O!JPl'G•
with l:ho pre~•uo·¢ rotentior and other appropriate require·
ment of '!;hit! purcha.'ior.

n1o1111 of thi< <poei'fieation When aluminium i~ used ro1· OXI:>Osed sur·fmcor. they shall [
NOTG. Du~t cc;wor!:, ~o•nr.tlmc:~ u!lm:l to c:over eonnoctors, mey not h.f.lve a SF.!Qiec;l anoOized f"inish 1 of thickness n~)t I€:Iss th<:1n
bo··cal1\'lblo Qt cQn'lf;l'lylna wlth ti'!O I'J(Crt:t,JI'O rfl!tenti(m requ!roment9. gt·ndc AA 15, specified i11 acoor·donee with th<• meth~cls
descr·ibed In BS 1615 or BS 5599. Wlloro cl,omo plating
i.s used it slit~ll be in accordance with BS 1224. [
3 Materials Parts not machined shall be finished clean~~· ''"st.
NOTE 2. Alll1urrr. nnd r.horp fH:I~c.r. ~hould be removtld .. Wa~erwlly!l,
The material for each component shall be chosen from the
11<1 ~r· P'iJ'I'I'lltt:~d 111~to>iol~ •!IV0n oithor• 111 tnbl• 1 Ot' i11 tho
thG bores of bran~h pipe!i nnd no;.,;r,lf."!r., ~llovlcJ hoVe a
~mooth flhl~li. Tho nxh)riQt· of toll eQmPt"'n"ttl"'~~ ~hovl·~ b~J ·6Uffi~iont·1y I

r·clovnnt cll.'!u!le, rol.u'l~ad ond !lmoolh \t:! ovoltl_ln]l.lr\1 dvrlno,ht.H'ItHIMJ.l. Surfne.o$11"1
contact with ho5er, !ihould bo particularly ~rnt:~Q\h :m tlil to avoid
NOit'l 1. ih~ (:ho;co·or moteorl~~lr. :;hould be m~:~do with dul! ro!Jard dam;.sm to 1·ho hoJ:e, All ~~M,mbli;~d thrum:ls. o'f nlumlnlum Dlloy ~nd
to po5slblo oorro!ilon,· pnrtlcul<~rfy bi"metoiflc corrosion where .-::if"!lf;!•lil1.11'fllt'hH'1'i Qlloy t.l'lould bu coated wit-h nultnbla gi'ea!Hi! before
dlrlnrttht mot·nllllo tr.tnln t!ol1tnlit, fQmj:~u:!'tllry, oco:u::.lot'lol contBOt of
!men'tl.:ltv. !
(II Here~,. !'!'1t11,rJI~ 11'1 'wo ~Oml?<t•,ent~ t-(lnMet.ael d1JdM9 ~..~~.,in nQt 1.:1
l)rr.'lbl~m. but whore dlfft:!tr.mt rnt!Uil~ artl u~M In the ~otne eompom:mt
cnvrm1 tlorrot\ol'l rnqy l'..'l(:lt!Ut. ll'll'~rtltlul:~r :~lurninlum :mcl It& .nlloys 4.4 Permissible doviations
~ttl ll~l.. ltt tto~ e.,_tr~dn "wh~&n In (l•3!HM~ "'-ilth C"'f=l'POr o~ lh ollt:;ivll, Wn\ess otl1erwjso <pocifiod, tile dcvlntions on'" work sizos
ono whore there I! ivch oontcot !Uitcblc moot.\lror. $110Uid be token ;,j machined ports sl1all be :t 0.2~ mm'.
to jmWdNt ~Ol'tO~ltln,
Pnrllcuuu care ~;houlcll1t! oxrm:i ;nc:l·ln the J:eiP.otltln of rnatl':!t'ials for
NOit!. Pt:rmi::tslblc devi<~tions have l)e:en !:P~<!Int:!d where ncec.m~:rv '.I
to enable componr.nt~ to btl lntorchi.mt.!i!ablr., but h c:loen not
In m~dn~ ,,,virQnmttnttt Wl'11!r~ Um waV1r tQ bn '·'~"(l )1, tho tim .II,
no~r.mHJ;~rliy lolii)W th·•H I.'JVOI''r' WDI"k ~:.l:tn nncl porml3sit.lo dovlntlon
110!10 moy bO ~cawtttor. Atttiriilrm Ill drnwn to aa MA 10 Pnd
hQI) been &\)Q<:If!od, WhQrc ~hc3e tm: OM,Ined the mMJfMh~rtlr
OS MA 60.
s11ou!d use I)Xpcrienr.l") In clN:crtrilnil"'!'l what these should be nnd,
NOTE 2. Material~ should be f ·m; ftom toxh::t substanc0s and shovld 1f hocGssary, shOlrld ~.:on~ult tho purchaser. ·
11ot l'JIVd rlnll to tnde, odour, el-)udlnoe11 or di~colo~•rntlot'! Q[ t.hn
w~uir or fo:JtDr ony mlcro·blolt,~h;:t'll groWlh.
NtliE 3. It h· ~cknowlcdrJr,d thn~ mlltOr!ol~ othct thM tho~e g!van
111 tnl:l!o 1 m~v be t.tlHld tor co~1~!1nn~ ~nd thnt th(!:~c muv otMrww~
5 Pressure retention '.
~:~r.~tt(Pt·ttl tu tht:~r:·tahd#rd, bllt !h~ U~fl o! tho~o othiH· matorlnlll.lt: i
cu\lidq th~ !GoPc of tlw mndwd, Tho pressure retnining portn or dol ivory hOr•o ';J\lplingE, i
MnTF oil Thn rulrnhRj;l'll" ;;h(·U!Irl hn l'lrhrl•u•ri thM ~~ fM iM )'H"l!:t.lhlr. thn r.uction ho5o couolinCJs. deliw.ll:y ha~e connectms. dividino
t;:t3U~'I!!HJ·Cf r.oppor c;~r ~:;1;1r,'IIJIH 'IIQY ~cmPQiit.lntll ~o olllum!nlum u!lov ~11_c;J qolleqiit1(1 brO<;iChinos. bnmchpipf:!s, nozzles, standpipes,

c,'~ ;.]n~·~l~in,l•lh.u'tl ii1\~'t'• •h!!i~L.i:~l\;t~ rtYi;~,ldqd 1 j::lft~~·I~!!Ulb••ly wh,.ro blcnN caps end plucs, suction colitlctlng hc~dn a11d 1oa111
oanUJ~.t 1~ f~r hH1tl !;tllr!ot;!", 011 ~tlac;Vt'ly\IQ octiQh ~n(l aonr-.ocp.t<tnt
i11lot ocl~pt<>ro sh~\1 wltlmnnt:! without lonkn~" or porn111nnnt
uono!l<ln m~v '""'"· 11~ lhQul~l niiQ hn ndv!10d thnl It I• pro!orabla
'" WMh •ill>i<tdUtllK Wilk fr~l~ .VO!BP olin> U<o Ot 001\IMI Whh dnfannatiM llilydr'0'1tltlic to!' I PI'Ot.~UI'D o! 22.~5 bM f-or'
~r.n wt'Httr ur brt~[Jkt~n wntttr~ 2 min w11o11 tested ilv tho m~thocl doscrlbod lr· oppondlx B. '
14/08/2009 10:38 603-6155-0657 KOLLING ENG. SDN BHD PAGE 04/18

Tobl• 1. Choleo ol mai•rlals

·- .
_ ... ______
'' ·-~
Pradu.::t Mtunrhll anti ralovnnt llrlt\sh Stondurd flUnil.mt
. -
• .... alloy.s
.......... ........ ......................' ..E.~~!~. . Q,
6062 6082 LMG LIV116 I.M25 ooaaA :i1\l4A 5251
T6 TF M TF Tl' 0 or ON H~ H4
loZ 1•12
~I "
1474 1471 1490 1490 1490 1473 14n 1470 1470 ~870 ;
CI<H.lsi.J' I'Ziguro SM Srw
rCd'P.(encc: rcfcnmcm Note NOte!

: Cll;!llverv hor.e co~~ piing~ 7 I 1~0 5

--·-- --·- ---· - -I--· '
~I --- ......... ,,,,' ..... ~- .. ' ,., _______
. .-~-·-········
.... ·-·----- --·---~----
..........________ ...... ,....,...... ···-·· ..............____......,
0(!!1very l1ot.C r:onnoc~o~·~: 0 G
--- 9 ·------~··
7 X X X
---·- 1------
m!!t<'ll 10, 11 a
--- 4
No:.:2!os for branchplpe11

Br<~nchplpas (f,JI3!:t\cs)
__,..., lO

-..-.- ------ ---~...-
... .. ____ ................_.., ,..,.... ......·1-·-- ..,.__......
, , , ~

- --
------·~~- - - -- ---- - ·- ---- --- -- ---· ~··

S!'<'H'II1~r.'l for nozzhM

Blank e::~ps

and plugs
ancl 'S' hook~


- --- - X
-- -


-- - ~-

---- ------- _,
--- ·-·-- ----- -·--- --- -
St;;~ndplpe sh:lft
Sr:..111dplpc btu:e and
__ ____ .,.


--- ---·-
__ ., X X
Hy('l~."Hlt key:; ~nd bi!lf~ 15 13 X X X X

- --- -·-·- ----- --- ---------- ---· -----

___ ______

.......... -- ..................
Suction !1osP-· couPlings 16 1'1. 15 X X
., ,__
·--~ .. --- "·---~-
---·· ---
--- ·-- '

·- ·-·-- --.- ......,___ _...,____ -
Sue~ ion co!lcet~n~ hf.,oll(lll 17

s~,~r.tion ~tr~;~\n~r
--- ··-------··---
16 X X X X X X X
- - '

S~r~:~lner ;:~nd


-·----- _ 18.2
_____ __. ..
16.1 17
~~, ___ __ ,.
-""""·..........- ----· -

_, __
X X ~

ao~kot ~trnir'lei
... --
- --~- ··-- ~~·---
--- --- _____,_,,.
Suction hot.r~ wrenr:hc! "19

-·-·---...- -·------···--- __
.,, ___ ,...,..._
____, ____ ........, __ ---- .. ----· ·~------
---- ~•v~-

-----· -·--· ____,_

Foam il11et adaptor 20 20 X X
Sec Note 9
- ' " ' - - · · - - · · - - ·---·--· - · -- " '


WaSh I'm;
!.'nd t:h·ciiP5
. ----· --- -·-- -···~--. '
-~'- . ..

r~·._..l .
NOT't 1, .See 7.4, 8.4,, 16.2 or 18.1.4,
NOTE 2. Should not b~ U!i~.;lwitf' :tlum(nlum r,.rod~lctt..

NOTE: ,3. Of~ gaugt; !:Jitab1e for welding.

'! I
NOTE -1. For couplinrJ rOIC'tlf.e h¢u!ln!)~ only.
NOTR 6. Any plastic:~ 'Tiatcrll'll complvir'lg witl1 7.1.4 or 11.3 may be used for tho body, but the, rcloMe plunger 1:: alwayt. tnlld6
of met<:~ I (!lqe 7.1.5 an~ 11.4)'
NOTE 6. StMI (chrome or cadmium pl~tedl.
NOTE; 7, COI)pllnO ports of ~lum 1'nlum ;llloy r.olloctir~g beads MP. ty'f!05 LM16 · TF or LM26 · Ti=, Combln~tiOns of thP.5C nllr,.ys
with thl) ~pcclflerJ ca~q~or a!lovs l)ra pormisEibiP..
NOif; 8. tixpomlof! rlr1gs only.
NOTF.:. 9. Ant:~dizod. ~·*~a 4,3 .


14/08/2009 10:21 503-5155-0557

BS 336 : 1.£
Section or

------- ----·----------------~----

""0r alltt\1'!1
------ -r-"·

-··~·-~· fliiOY!:
lOB C7.1 07 C7.108 Cl!112 CZ121 · DCB1 OC83 LG2 l.:A12

r~ 6017 2870 2873

2670 2872 2S74 2872 2874 1400 1400 1400


,...._ ____ ___, ., _______ ._~.


.... "

X ·x X X .X f
............ " . -- ---···---- ----- - - ... -----· ---1-----" ·--·-···- ......... --· . · - - · - - · - - - - · · - - · _ _ ,.....,___,!_

No ttl

-------.. ------- ---- --·-----·---·-------··-+-- ......• --,.------:I


S\Qill '
................ --·-- ---- -------- ---j---1----1---+-----...J.------1

... _, ___ ...................... __........ __:;___ .. -~......... --~ ..----· ...>:_...... __x__ , x
·--·--· . .·--·-··-·-·- . . . --"'""i.....___.......l
$_,. . .•
··-----·. +·-__,,,._1-..---1-~"'"-~''""'~''12..".
X X '
" .... ··- -----+--4- X X X . ---- ----· __l'__ ··- -----· -·- \
X X X X x --;-- -;;-· X-- set Not'o ';.•
........ - .........!-·"'"""" ..-·-····---~·,...,_, __ "--··-- ---·~ -· ..---... . ·
. .... ...

----~·-- -·-1------1--+-----1
- ..·----1 --- .. -.......... - .. __ - __ ___ ..., ...,, ..,._, ______ ..

~ -~---·- --~ ~---- ., , ..,....,

,~·-··-·--~~~- - - · ···\·_._
8 110 1 8
. ... ,. . ___ , ,_.,,..,..,_______
__ ~·--·~-·~· ...................................._............... --~
G a 1va ,,·;~'"..
-~.. -_.,.,,_ · - - -... --:.~--.,_ ....._......_
X _,_...,.,........... .., ____
X ----..........X,_,_,_,_... ------...........
X ...................- .. ·----·---------·-!-----
l"riild 5t1l:el

"............_............. ~f-- ..........f-----.

·- ---·1------1-----1
·- -----~---------
X ..·---1-_:.::- I
...... J-----·---1---·"""'"J....... -....;:.-+----i--+·---_____,, ________
X '
··-- ___. _ _ --1

- L - -1- ·--'----'---L---'---..l.--.L--L_....l____i. St!tc Nott: ':


KULLlN~ ~N~. ~VN ~HV


• I



4 lllar71< .-

EIS 336 : 1989

~iection one

6 Marking
().1 Each product. shall bear legible and permanent marking
to ..iderytify. ,th~·· mat"'ufa(:j~urar and year of ma!"lufacture.
rt~r~mbQr ~o'lnd\cnte th11 yai1l', for O.W.Bo'll'lr., 'A/8S'. j A' being the
rnanuf~etun:n'$ ~ode letter ~nd 88 lndleMin~ thst thll product WI:'!:
modo In 1966.

6.2 The manufacturer •hall either:

,-j (a) mark the product 'BS 336: 1989' or

packaging or
(b) a\tornatively indicate by certificate,
literature that the produot conforms to BS 336: 1989.
NOiE. Each of thO·QptiOii!~ (al or (b) cmrrh·~~ the ~nmo degree· ot
T'.,(';ponslbill~y, *

. I




1! I

'"M(Irkfng BS 336: 10~9 on ¢r.ln rnlnt\(ln ·to a prodLJ¢t reprP.~MU a monuf.:u::turer'~ dar.:J.,(otlon r>f eonf!)r'mltv, i.t~ . ., ~I ('Jim bY or an bohalt of'
the manufact~ou~;~r that thO proeh.Jct meet:; the r~qulr~ment$. of the ~tal"'dard. The: ~~curacy of tho claim iG therefore sc.lcly the rP.~poM\blllty ··u·!
of the !')<H!!On making (he claim. Such a doclttfatlon I$ not to be oonfused with third Party ccrtlflcatlon of conform IN, which moy ~;~lso be

14/08/2009 10:21 503-5155-0557 I<OLLI NG ENG . 5DN BHD PAGE 13/18

BS 336: 1989
Section two

Section two. Specific requirements

7 Delivery hose couplings 7.1.4 Expansion dng type coujjlings shall bn in aecordanes:
with the following figures:
7.1 Generol (a) Figure 1(c) ·For overall general arrangement•.
7.1.1 Delivery hose coup I ngs shall be of instantaneous (b) Figurer. 2 and 5 fo1· female half-couplings and
pattor·n as shown in figure 1 and shall be in .accordance wast1ers.
with the relevant figures ·~·ecilied in 7 .1.2, 7 .1.3 or 7 .1.4, (c) Figures 3 and 5 fo~ male half-couplinfl'··
t><oP.pt tknt the r.oloa~:m mtlt~hanh:m may bo of tho twist·
rolea<e typo lnstood of th< pull·r•J•••• type shown in the 7.1.5 Where a coupling I~ r'l113llllJfacturod trott1 :1 pla!:ticrJ.
figure~. Work ~ii!:e' for the lettered dimensions in 'flgure 4 mat~rial it shall ~l1ow hO visible damaga nor ~armanent
l'h$.111 be in accordence w1tr1 table 2, and si;r;.os for the de!formation whet1 ta:SV:!d as described in app~nd\x A.
lettered dimensions in figure 5 .hall be in accordance with 7.1.6 The releaoe plun~er shall alvvays be m~ul• of metal. r:
toblo 3, according to tho •ito of ho~e to b• accommodated.
NOTF... Thl!!llll!) flgu1'91'! ~ru dr~lfl(fJ with t4111plec~s 1or 70 mm htJ!i{l'. 7.2 Locking of plunge"
Although ~~llpl~oftll Will Yl:'lry ~111 fl.hown In toO!o ::!, oil othor
dlrnf.!n!llon~rernuln the $t'Me f·~t all sl~e$ of hose. When tail!'iece~ Nuts on plungers r.hall be of the sei'F-Iocking ty_pe.
"to above or balow 70 mm thn cha·ng@ of bor(! should be gradual NOTE!. '1'-"ccning' over the end of the ~h;!!hk Is not n'!~JArc;led a~ sn
· to prevent ,,mnaces!ary pre::~ur~ lo:::$C~ ond ·the de!:lgn J:hould be efficient mcon!: of loekin~ the plungP.r,
at the manufactur~r·~ dl~crotlon.'

7.1.2 Molti·somated type :ouplings shall be in accordance 7.3 Plunger springs

with the following figures: Plu11ger springs sh01ll bG o'f. such r.trcngt:h that ·;hey can be
(a) ~igure l(a) for overall general arrangomentr.. compressed to a length suf'ricient to froo the ~~Iunger 'from
(b) Figures 2, 4(b). 4(d I for female half-coupling• engagement by a for·ce of not le.ss ·than 45 N and not more
than 65 N.
and washers.
(c) Figures 3, 4ib), 4ldl for male half-coupling,, 7.4 Washers
7.1.3 Ribbed type couplin,lS shall be in accordance with Coupling washers shall l1ave the dimcn;ions gi•1en in
',. the following figures: figure 2(a) and shall [)e of Mtural rubber· (grades Y40,
(a) Figure 11b) for over1ll general arrangements. Z40) to BS 1154 or chloroprene (grade C40) 10 BS 2757..
E~pansion ring washer. shall be of an elastomnr of
lb) Figures 2, 4(a), 4(c) lor female half-coupling• m~ximum llhOl"C ht~rdness 70. The tolcranc:e:; .on th~ Ui!t:ted
a11d 1Nar.he1·r.. dfmt:!n~iorH• !!ihall b~ iii i.'lccordance with ¢lass M3 of
(c) Figures 3, 4(a), 4(c) l'or male half-couplings. BS 3734.

KULLlNCi I:.Nt::i. ~VN ~HV r'At::il:. ~1/1~

ss 336 : 1as:a
Section two

•.., ·-Release •. --Rei ease

Male c"upllng Female. coupling Male ~uplln~.ll Female couplln g


\ 'II (1~:
:J •...... ....... -·
" """
·---~ ~ ::::~: ,..,....

~m' . :'"-
;,.r.i:.,i' ]

(a) Serrated H II I'YPf! lb) i-Ubbed tall typ1~


Figure 1. Deliv.cry hose couplingS'- general arrangement


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BS 336: 1989
Secti.on two


" .. 0.1

3 min,
- 1-T2;l e 'q 0
- ,._I
l 1- f-3
Rl.z _l
~ t--4 min.
..--R 3
rS¢!.t: figurCl 4 for
h!l d~!'.lgn
t?;'l l'.:iR r-z

. ,,·-·-" --- - -·~

~ -

... •1 ~ ~
,_ ~

•...: 4,;). " [;/-a.

~ __

Ii '
I I% Ill pLLlu.l ~l 12. hq" 0,1
Rlj..C 0

RO ;_)13\. ~.
Rolcat:.l! plunger

,, ..

. ~~'

lbl Plmio'
All dhnon~loru n~<~ln miiHmrlltQ:!L

Flguru 2, Dollvorv h<>•• 0 .,upli~;i - fgmalo detail!

'·1 ..
_ 14/_~:L\!n~~~ 1~_;_2_~ .
I I<ULU NG I:.NG • oVN llHV 1-'AGI:. ~~/ 1 ~

as 336: 19M
Section two

R\' J )\

~///.?'~ ~/
ZJ min


-.. ;:;;
. ;;;
. - -·-- - 1- ~


"'" "' " ...""


- ~~ :-'\<

, RJO),\

JO.S --.I

(a) ll•lal

2) rntn.


.. .. ~

" • "''

" ..
0 coo
- --- -- 0
,; N
J ~

~ ~ J
~ ~
" "
' I

(.tJ) f•lastics

u,,, All cfimon~ions are in milllrnetrt:s.

No~·E.- For ~flil d.c;:lgn seo figure 4.
'~" Fi!JIHG 3. Doli very hos~ COl.lplings ..- tnalo det~ils
Li .~. ,., ----------------------------------
~}/' 9
14/08/2009 10:21 503-6155-0657

BS 336: 1989
Section two


Toblo 2. Dim•n•ion• ,,f dolivory hose coupling

. tail• (figuro 4)
Nominal ~r.t.o l~omitH'II ·ho!le Tr~ll ~xtern~l r:ixtornnl diamet(lr lntorhol dl.nme1nr, mo 11.1-~orra~rn:f
cll.omatar In diamotor bntwe•m rib~ nncl ribbod
H; 6~91
A B c
. Mnt.:.l
nll"n mm mm ·- mm ---
'1"1/2 4; 38.1 35,7 26.6
l ,1.

1~~- 4; 44,5 42.0 3?..9 3 I,

~ 5•) 50.8 47 .G 38.5 :J
53.5 60.3
51 ,;i!
0 I
----- ____ __ __
69.9 0
3 7li 76.2 7?. ,2 63.1 6
3'/2 9(1 88.9 "
84.9 75,8 , , 77

PIJ'rmlsslblc dovlntlon +0,8 +0.2!) ~+3,0 0

0 .• Q.25 (I 3

J ·~---·---


'·~ r:1

(a) Aibbod ~Ail lmetnO

20D± 2"

/3 :'\ ' 'l/'

20°:!; 2(')
·--1--~~ Z2'72z;::;q:zzz£it.:.l-1---"'1
.- .. - -~--- • <PIJ !J
(r.l ~lbbod tall (pla~tict.l
All dlmlln~l~nlt nrn In mlllmott'o~.
.iw ,I

Non, San to~ln Z for 1r.11ar'~ Qlmonolono, Ftauro 4. Dalivarv no; a r.ouplinn; ~·tall data lis

\\ ,...~--~··-,,,k' __ ,_,___ _ '

10 II
~ ' I .• .' I •·I
bU~-blbb-Ubb/ KULLlNG lNG. bVN UHV

BS 336: 1989
Section two
Tobl• 3. Si•e
axpansion ring fitting$
,......... .............. __
Dhunetor ·r A B c Cl It F a N I J II
of ha111o ~lp w~,h~r ~lp .S:dwl Rial!!&•• OIU.IPiillU Wa"hor w..t... W~11hllt Fllnu Rlnu
t~n<t es G391 1 d13rn~tllr r6eGt'l! wldth hm~;~th Wlthh l!it)~tt OUt!: Ida lntarnat wlcllth QUtild(ll tonglh
. •' dl<'motor dlnmotor
. dlnmotnr

In mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm m"' mm mm
Ph 40 4B·.3 3.2 34.9 6.3 .:l8,5 48.4 39.? u sa.o 31 ·'
45 64.6 3.2 34.9 6.3 44.8 64,7 46,0 4,S 44.5 31.7
1 '/•
?. so SC!6' 04.3 4.8 41,3 7.9 ll1.2 64.~ 52.4 0.3 50.9 39.0
2'/2 65 NOTE:( 77.0 4.9 41.3 7.9 64.0 77.0 .. G$.1 9.3 03.6 3B,O
2'/• 70 \13.3 4,9 41.3 7.9 S4.0 83.3 71.4 G.:l GU 39.0
75 4.8 7.9 54.0 77.9 S,3
l 3 89.7· 41.3 89.7 76.2 39.0
I Perml~t.i\;llf!o 0 ±0.25 ••o.2S :t:0.25 0 m0.25 ±0.25 t.0.25 .. o.2s ±0.25
di')Vi:)t~on -0.25 -0.4 '
NOll: 1. Olme11 slons arc not given for the 3 1h in size.
NOiE 2:. R~:~quir ement:;. fo( dimension A, tl~c lip diameter, should be obtained from tho purr;;h<~~or. Considuu11Qn t.hould b~ given to
the: nominal bo· ~~and woll thleknes~ of th¢ hot.o nnd ~heir tol~r~ncr.t., and to anv aHowemcQ roq.uired to aid assembly,
NOiE: ~. Wher11 stMd.,rd '0' r'in9s ore w~ed In place of 9!iU.VI)< :;!)l~tion wanhers, the di<.imoto~ of tt·u~ W:\sh(lr rt~(:f.o::$ may be adJusted to
accommodnte 1I IR!le,
](( .

J 0
0. .....

... 16mln

16 swg
11.63 I

Edges ro i"
1 '
. .J

u ··''
All dimt}n~ions 1:1rc it'! miU\motrr.~.
NOTE. Sel) t:;lb t: 3 for lr.tterod dinii":Jl~ion~.

Figur~ 5. ~el i'Jery hose eouplings expansion ring details

I ...1
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BS 336: 1989
Section two

8 Delivery hose connector~ 8.3 Plunger sPrings

Plunger springs shell be of such ~trcmgth that they c~n be.
8,1 General compressed to a leng·ch sufficient to free tho plunger·from
Unless otherwise orderod d< IIvery hose connectors shall
b~ of !he'slnglg lug twlst·reiEI·ase ln.stantaneous pattern as
engagement by a force of not less than 55 Nor more than
~ 10N. )j
,., .
shown In figure 6 and shalll1ovo the dimensions given In
llgure 6. 8,4 Washers
NOTE. The purchas.j:]r ~h¢t,lld
endt ore to btl !lcrowc(l or or~
b(' :.af:ked to state whether cOnnector
to l>e !:ult1lble forwoldin!!J.
Washers~~~~~ !iave the clih'lemlons given
of naturafrubbcr Igrades Y40, Z40) to BS 11 ~;4 o.r
1'11 ·figure 2 and bP.
chi"oroprcne {grade C40) to BS 2752.
8.2 Locking of plunge"
Nuts on plunge" shall be o·' a self·locking type.
• n
NOfE. Peening over the and of the ~h::mk Is: not re~;~ard~d M tll'l "
efficient mMn~ of locking thP. ~dung~r.
. ·.· .[ il
..-----------'-'- .~~----------'----··---..--.--..- - · - - - - - , ·''-"'
... ·:

4 mi~-·- r-·
22 (9 .
16 min.
3-.o ~· _i
1' ~ Xl~

" ro
-~'- ""
~ ~-

1-+ - - - f .

"=''-1 -

37 (

~-·-.- •0 .1
25 .5 0
_[12 8 0


,,.... ~
~-~- ....
~,_r:.;IV I f
Ro.e · · y' ·. ... I
1S,i, • %. 1 · This ond "rewed or for
weld1ng as roquired by
lht purchaser

14/08/2009 10:38 603-6156-0557 KOLLING ENG. SDN BHD
,, PAGE 10/18
ns 33e : 1989
Section two

9 Dividing an.lcollecting breechings ··~··o Standard branchpipes
' . ; .
Dlvlcllllg and colle<~:lng breechings shall bo constr~ICt~d as 10.1 Standard branch pipes shall be rn.1de of rnotal'and
shown in figure 7 ""d •hall consi•t of~ thre~·way branch shall be constructo'd as shown In figc!ri 8. The wash•r shall
bodyat60". be 'dressed leather' natural'rubbor {grnde ,70) to as 11,54'
NOi!;, The pun:I,3!:El" m:'ly rco.ulro the breecli1tig to incorporate or chloroprene rubber (grade C70) to a!?, 2752,
control clovl(;li:$, • ··
10.2 Unless otherwi!e"'specifled by th·i purchaser nozzles
. Dividing breechlne' shall be provid~d with t~? fom~lo for use wltl1 standard branch pi pas &hill I ba of the form,
·' I
,. :·
outlets Which shall bo connectors of ths singl•·lug twiot finish and si2e shown In flguro 9 ~nd detn,ll~d In iabl• 4..
release type (see ClllUSO 8) and a single male inlet complying Noxzles shall bo indelibly mark~d with th0 size
with the appropri< >:c parts of clau•c 7 and having the (di'mcnsion A) in numerals of h'eight r1ot loss than 6 mm.
1 dimensions given in ,figure 3(a). NOT~. Altornotlve pro rHOs to the WPil sh~llltlf'lln f!(IUtt'l 9 Ufl:l
Collecting broochir,gs shall be provided with one female
outlet which sl'!all be a connector of the single lug twist
a.vollflblo. Th!l Pvrehns~:~r mov n~<:~uh·Q the n~RfO&t
a<:~ulv;.lent of. an lmp!!rlal :1\~t! to be ~uppl\r!IL

release WPc (see clause S) and 'two male inlet• complying ,,

with the approprL•te parts of clause 7 and havin~ the T$bla 4. Nomimd alterna.tlva stu~ of no~zhu.
dimensions given figure 3(a).
for branchpipcs · __,
Dimnr~!'l.lon ~(lrtl'\1"-!.:iblu Norninal altorn.~ti'Vo
'- from figurl.r.'i deviatie>m: !fllzeg
g and 10
__.,,...--. I(.\"'
n·un mm
A ±0.4 l2.!i, 15, 20, 25, 30

Coupling end may be inl·egral.

welded or screwed on
''h-i ;-.·
' j};• "t~s
~if,. .

,) ';.1.'

,.: . \ , ~;I 4.5 min-

I :: •,,'
.I 1,.:.,' . . . ,, .5 min . • I

"., A A

Figure 7. Dividing a,nd ~ollecting b-reaching

14/08/2009 10:21 503-5155-0557 KOLLING ENG. SDN BHD PAGE 09/18

BS 336: 1989
Section two
• J

28 !J
- - - - " " ' - - · _ ....... _ _ ._ ro -
~ · - - - ····"··" •·•·• ·-
$ "'



___ J].~Lmin.... [
All dlrnenslons are In m11 imetrB!L

Figuro 8. Branchpipc
P11ra!lel portioh
olllY finish N6
to as 1134

l ,,
1tl..ll dlmen!lion!: :'It~ in miHlrrHitroli.
1\IOTE. For tlirrmnsion A ~(J'D labhl 4. ,l
l'iguro 9. No-.lo for branchpipo
KULLlN~ ~N~. ~DN ~HV
r'A~~ 11/1~

BS 336 ; 1!lt•
Section twC)

1 1 lnte!;lral and controllable branchpipes 11.3 Where a branch pipe Is m11nu!octurod from a pln1tl
material It shall show no vislblq damaga nor permanent '
11.1 Integ·~! branchpipes/nozzle units shall be made of deformation when tested as de1crlbed in appendix A.
metal and/,)r plastics and shall be constructed as shown
in figure HI. Nozzles shall ba marked with th• si%e 11.4 The release plunger shall alway' be made of metal
(dimensior, A) in numerals of height not less than 6 mm.
11.2 HanC·held contrnllable branchpipes shall be made 12 Nozzle spanners
of metal a11d/or plastic;. The means of controlling the flow
of water st.:~ II provide a-shut· off jet facility and ~dditionally Spanners for' no1.z1es on stancl>1rd branchplpms shall bo i>
may provide a spray. accordunce with the details gl•ton In fiour~ 11 and 1holl
NOTE. Otl"'lll" pl'l:rformanco t:ihar<~oteri:;tlcs Mt'IV bl) SPI!CHiad by the show no visible damage.or permMent dl;tortion of the
1 "urc:haser b'Jt theso :)ri'!: oU~nlde the S!ilQj:Hl (I( thi-s Orlti&h Stnndnrd. jaw whon tested as descrlbod in appendix C.

\ . . . 1(.

i'=i!;Ju"o 111 lntl'oral branc;;.hpipe NOiE. ~t:~r tail dimenslol'l!:. ~ee figure 3. Fo.r diiTifH'I~IonA sea t~bl~:~


. ··I·

I I ,_.;.__'l...-___,...--\

.I' I

Applied ·est load 350 N

All d(tnen~ions err: \n mllllmcttt~s.

r. I ,.tt
hexagon bar--.
Figure 11. Nozzle spanoor
r ----------------------·--------··--
1}5 .

14/08/2009 10:21 503-5155-0557 I<OLLI NG ENG . SDN BHD PAGE 08/18

BS 336: 1989
Section two .

13 Blank caps. plugs, iilnd chain

Slank caps and plugs shall be a1:iached to the equipment
15 Hydrant key and bar
15.1 General
with whieh they ~re to bo used \)y an 'S' hoo~ and chain The dimensions of the hydrant key socket shall be in
with l:lra2ed, welded or lntogrally cast joints (see figure 12).
NOTE. Unlt!!i!'l otherWI~e !!!Paclflod tv the purchaser ~1\lnk plugs
for Uandplp4!~ l~l'lii! 14.4) (lrn non.v~ nted. If \l~htlng I~ re(lviro(llt
accordance witli figure 13.
NOIE. The koy i!l Intended tot ~~.r;c on hYclr:J~nt vnlves cornplylr'lg
with BS 750; sdlliPtor~ may be supplied for t•~e on othor hvdnmt

r.hould bn In &ceordi)MO with BS 6CA1 : P:.rU 1 and 2. vttlve!:. Tha leMth of the l~oy should bu sufti.;:il.:lf"'t to t~lloVIr tlw
bor to clear ad)~n::rmt standpipe~ 01' Other ob:mvctii)l"l.!:, The bar
shO\J!tl fit f!asilY into 1:he kay eye.
14 Standpipes
·14.1 General 15,2 Materials
, A standpipe shall comprise: · The hydrant key (Inti brll' shall be rnade 'from one cl the i1
Ia! a shaft; following materials; '
lb) a swivel head; (a) alumini~;m alloy, ao de'toiled in \able 1;
and shall be In accordance with i'igure 12.
14.2 Standpipe shaft
NOTE. These k(!ys and ban; mov itlC.ItJdc ~Ort'l(t

Ib) all stainless steel to BS 970: Part 4 as follows:

!:tee I ccmponentr..
I r1
key end 18/8 Cr, casting
The standpipe shaft shall be flttod with a base having the
~ dimensions given in figure 12 and capeblo of engagement
r.hart tube
37.1 $22 o1· 321 S20
4:)1 S2!'l
with ~fit~ hydrant complying 11ltli BS 760. The shaft shall
(c) 11'011 and steel as 'rot lows:
also be fitted wlih a mean~ of ll'ltachment to tho swivel
heed. The Wa!hor shall be dreslud leethel', hO!Utal rubber
l~rado 270)to BS 1154 or chluroptcne leether IC70) to
key end
shal't tubn
Malleable iron casting toSS (·i681
CD S2 to I'JS 6323 : Port 1
605 M36 condition T
I:IS 2752.
to 8S 970 : Part 4.
14.3 Swivel head
15.3 Resistance to torsion and bending
The swivel head ~hall be fitted with • means of attachment
to tho ohoh and sball hove one '" two outlet!. Eadh outlet The key shall not sustain any damag¢ or permancr,t .
<hall bQ fitted with an lnstanta11oous fom~le connector deformation (!XC!:!~ding 2 "' wh~n ~uccesj;lvcly tcs'tcd by th~
J complying with tho requirements of 8.1. The bond In the rnethocls given in E.1 !torsion) ancl E.7. (bending), I 'I
swivel ho~d !hall have a radius U the ce11tro of !he band of
not less than 75 mm.
r ,
14.4 Blank plug
1 G Suction hose couplings '
A double outlet head shall be wovlded with a blanl( plug
·{,e~ clause 13). 16.1 General ~¥! '

· · 14.5 Means <;~l attachment Suction l1osc couplings shall be of tl1c locking ril'l'J ~attorn
as shown in figl.lr~ 14 and shmll bo in ;Jccordance \IIIIth the
Tho r.wlvol head shall bo attach<td to the ,h•!-t by ono of the
details given in figure,s 15 and 161c). Dimensions ·,ariable
fOllowing mean~:.
with hose size shall be In accorclanco with tab los~~ and 6.
Ia) an Instantaneous deliver~ hose coupling complying
wfth the requirements of cl,!liSO 7 except thot • tailp/coo 16.2 Washer
'Is not r•Ciuitad, or
Washet'$ shall be of dn!lssed leather, natunal rubber
lb) a gland that wi~l,oll<>w contillu,ous .rotation o'i· tho !grade <:70) to BS .1154 or Ghloropren~ rubber IC70)
head through 360 , .. · to 8$ 2752 and ~hall h~vo the dimen>ions given i11
Wllnre a d0llvory hose eouplinrti• used the female coupli11g figure 15(o).
sl1all be on the •tandplpe shalr,

14.6 Strongth
The <tandplpe shall show no c amago or permanent I
.. deflection when tested~~ dcs<:ribed In appendix D, I.

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BS 336: 1989
c;ection two



'Bolt Ol' screw joinLed

incorporating gland to
\ permit swivel I ing Standpipe
I shaft

End l'O suit method of

;Jssombly to st•ndpipe 0
shaft 5.7-0.4

+ 0.4 \
t/J 65.4 0

IL<:.?<::;:.;:-~.<;1 '~.

R 3.51


' l
I R2 6

i ¢ 95
_, I
\1! 101
-1'1111 ~-·-- ·--··'"''•''""''"--- ,_,.,, '

All diml'ms'ion~ i:'lrP- \n mHiimem::s.

.... J
NO·TE, Lcadlng.and lr'::!ilinQ odg() IP.at,lliH~ \1) ("Je t.:Ul·b~t;k to '1./J ~hrn<1d thick,lt:!SS .

Figura 12. S1:andplpes

• 17
14/08/2009 10:21 503-5155-0557 I<OLLI NG ENG . SDN BHD PAGE 07/18

BS 336 : 1.989
Section two

·---- ·----~--- ·------..---------,

Minimum dirnensh~n~ A~
A SNol Alunlihi\.lm

- 61.4 69.4

4G.9 !54,9
lA ''II

76 ~
Givil"'9 mlnln1t,Jiii web~ ¢r
G mrn for $tee I nn<l10 111m
for aluminil)m alloy,

Figure 13. HyclroM: koy •ookct

----- -----


f-igure 15
Smc::ured bY~ screw, M6 in accordance 1"'lth
/ BS 41GB Qr M6 111 ~i.'niC.rdohca With SS ,,;219,
'"--'-·· .. _.../ The :-crew 5holl bq fllnt, or reet!IO:>Cd whr.n Ottcd.

""-~~~f?t~~~'__,. ~see figure 15 f' .

~==~. :==~~~~~~==~~~


Malo hiilf r-emote half

Fiu~ro 14, euotlon hoso o~upltng - gonoral arrungomont

- - - - - - - - _;,~--··--·-------~----
_14/08/2009 10:38 503-5155-0557 I<OLLI NG ENG . SDN BHD PAGE 13/18

as 336 : 1eee
Sact\o 11 two


6·;1tl 13-l r-··13

-·n _[~
) . J, K I! L p f,'

Jt - --- ·-~--

- '~'-.JC
G Th<"d
I"• lobi< 5) 4•s1oh
Underct.Jt r.qui.IUy
(b) r-'iibbct:i ~nit pir.ce for femalr; hoso r.Quptlng S.~.\JC!!d

~The dirnr,ngions of the &IOU. ~hall

C•:>n1orm ta dlmM$'It:ms g!vcn In
N~ble 3 ~~~ BS 2090: 1954.

(c) Locl~ing r\ng



L Thread
(seo lablo,SI

L, li A 11 P, 1/0.C·· '
j, ........... _ s, p
I •
-·· i 1--

.J F~alher ~dge~
to bQ removed

(c) Nvt far fam~lo ho~e cau~ling

All dlmen~lors ar!l in milllmctrQ~.

NOiE. Ford rn~rl~lons A B, C :md 0 se\l tJblc 6. FQr other dimrHHiDn5 ~c~ tnbl€1 6.
Figure 15. :;uctlon hoso eoupllng- dotoib.

14/08/2009 10:21 603-6156-0657 KOLLIN? ENG. SDN BHD PAGE 05/18

BS 336: 1989
Section two

(~;~) ln·llne pattern (b) Angle pnttern

!I thre~ds per inch
......~ ,.
1 a. 466 l 1a. 466 1 I

R1.95 I

> r··
i I


R 2.39 I,
(c) Ba~lc forrn ~~ sc~ew thrr.:tuJ for ~uctlon hose coupling



' -
. r-J
.j - - - - - J I



:,.A:,. I
1~1 Radial pattern (plan)
All dimon~l9nllnro In m/lllmt:t·:I 10I!,

Figuro 16. Suction oollooti~g hood•

lei Redial pettorn (olovoti~l'l

• l
t' 20
L4/ UCJ/ :,;:uu':l 1u: :.::8 bU~-blbb-Ubb/ KULLlNG lNG. bVN UHV

as 336: 1989
Section two


16.3 Screw t~read~ 17 Suction collecting heads

16.3.1 Round thrmd. The basic form of round thread 17.1 General
shall be as shown i11 figure 16(c) and the major and minor Suction collecting heads sh~ll be of on~ of the following
diameter si1.es shall be. in accordance with figures 15(d), types:
16(c) and table 6. (a) in-line pattern (sec figure16(a)) fitted with •
16.3.2 'V' thread. The sizes and screw threads of the swivel outl~t;
looking ring and nut for tl,. l~rn•l• holf coupling snail be lbl angle pattern (see figure 16(b)) fitted with •
in accordance wit~ table 5. The applicable tables and swivel outlet;
permissible deviati;,n$ as defined in BS 1580 :'Part 1
(c) radial pattern (see figur~, 161dl ''nd 16le)) fitted
1962 are ao to'11ow1.
with a fixed outl.et. • ·
NOTE. Tl'lc design should be !:ueh es to rtllnlmlzc rr.:r~t-rietlon to
itJblo Limit or'ld W::I1Elf t\OW,
IBS 1560) toll;jr(!nea
~ .... 17.2 Outlot connection~
Locking ring 29 Ciao• 1A Outlet connections shall be lem~le scr,!W thread for suction
Nut for female t aIf coupling 32 Class 1B hose in accordance with table 6 and HlLirCS 15(c)
and 16(c),

Tabla 5, Suction hose coupling dimen•ions (see figure 15)

D ~:~motor Qf ho;;;c
- Dn\llatiQn
100mm 140 rtlh'l
7 l)mm
ll'il mm mm mm
£ 77.8 103.2 14U ±0,4
F 71 .4 96,8 134.9 ±0.8
t; l9.0 114.0 152.0 ±0,6
H 15.0 38.0 o7.o ±0,8
J 22,0 117 .4 155.5 0
+ 0.6
J, :;8.2 93.6 131.6 0

K ;2,0 117,4 155.5 0

K, l3,7 119.1 157.2 0

L ~18,2 93.6 131~8 ···0.11

L, ,,9.9 95,3 133.4
M ''s.o 121.0 159.0 ±0.8
N 10.0 137,0 175,0 ±0.8
p i 1.0 197.0 235,0 ±0.8
. P, W,O 165.0 203.0 ±0,8
0 :0,2 105.7 143,7 0

R 19.0 24.0 24.0 ~0.8

s 11 4,3 142.9 181.0 ±0.8

s, 11 4.3 142.9 181 ,0 ±0.8
t min 4,0 4,0 4,0
Thread • 3.90 in 4,go in 6.50 in
Thread# 3.90 in 4.90 in 6,50 in
_ _ _ _ _ _ L_ _ _ _ _ _

•SuNS•1A to BS 11580, t~b!c 36.

#SIJNS-1 s toms 1!iBO, tnble 36.
s~~ t~r~o a.3.:2.
_....._ __
14/08/2009 10:21 503-5155-0557 KOLLING ENG. SDN BHD PAGE 05/18

BS 336 : 1989
Section two

T(lble G. Work t~zgs and p, rmi:!t!tiblti d•.wi~tion$ of roi.And form
sernw threads for sur:tion 1 Oll'l (:OtJpling~ I
Olnmt'tor of ho~e

In thrond
FOmaln thrn:ui
~eo flg11r~ 15(e) :-1
A /J D c
m• jor dlamntnr minor major minor diametor

-- .
"" .
)I. tnln.


rnin. max, min. I


9; 1.0"




4 100 11' 1.4 117.0 106.8 118.6 108.4 108.0
5 1h 140 15! ).5 155.1 144.9 156.7 146.5 146.1
NOll!, Tho rneomm~ndod nomln~lt;l:r.M
Numbor ollnlot•
_75 mrn
of t.'lUtlets
BPJ as followr.. tha11 60 • and shall not open to any position where it
may jam, The Golle.ctiitg head shall be m~rke<J 'TOP'
in letters of not less than 20 mm In height on tho"sido ···
, QJ- :l 100mtn of the body at which the flap valve is hinged.
J or 4 or 5 or 6

17.3 Inlet eonnoctions

140 mrn
18 Suction strainers II
Inlet connections shall be mal•, in$1~ntnneous in <occo~donce 18,1 Metal strainers
with llg'ure 3(a) and s.hall be mached to the collecting
head bY. screWed end,, !Iongo; or by welding, 18,1.1 Matotiols •holl be ~elected ·from thoso givon in 1"1
table 1.
The spacing between centreo of Inlet connections 'hall be
hOt I•" th011' 18,1.2 Metal strainlm shallliave the dimensions :hown
115 mm for In-line pattern, and in figure 17, and shall be provid.od with a l'ixed outlet
having a female !!Crew thread in accordance with ·:~:tble 6
134 mm for radial pattorn.
and figure5 15(,e) and "16(C).
17.4 Non·return valves
Each Inlet connection shall be fitted with a non·return
volvo whiGh '"~II $how no ;lgn <>f vioiblo wato1· lool<>go
18,1.3 The cylindrical perforated shoot shall havo brazed
or welded scams dressed s'mooth on both ;urfabes,
and shgll bQ not lo.!~ than 1.50 mm thlolc The oncl shall
when tolt~d at~ prassura of 1 :r bar •• de!Crlb~d In
'' appendix F.
be not less than 2.00 mm thick. Tho]olna to tho outlot
and to tho e11d shall be l'iveted, welded or bra~ed. ·
The non-return valva shall be •lithe~:

18,1,4 Tho washor •hall be o·f <ires'sed leather, n"tutal
(al ol the-spring loaded muihroorn tYPe or tubber (grodo 270) to as 1154 or ohloroprono rui~bor
(bl of the flap valve type f(.t· in-line and angle pattorn (grade C701 to BS 2762, and sMII have tho dimooolons
collecting hued; only, Th~ H,ofve shell open to Mt less givc·n in figure 15 (a I.
·-- t"J
!lltrnin;r A ~·8



·-- iJ
100 350 140

1•10 450 180

1'ho I'OlOI OI'On or /1010$ ahOUid

nc:.t bfl lor:s thDn S,7Ei tim~• f,h"
l'hrot~t ;~ro01.

All d!mem:iot'l$ .,.raIn mlll!m(ttl1i~. .u

Ho:•! ¢6 ~ 1
Flnure 17. Metal suction ma1nor
i I
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BS 336: 1989
Section two

18.2 aasket straimws 19 Suction hose coupling wrench

1'8.2,1 General. Ba~k~t strainers shall be in accordance
with fl~uro 18 and :,,ble 7 including method of connection. 19.1 Form and length
A suction hose coupling wrench shall h11ve a fixed jew,
18.2.2 Baskets. Tho strainer basket shall be of· cane and
with an open yoke and a sloUed pivoted jaw adjustable
shall have •ix botton sticks. The 75 mm size shall have
to fit 75 mm, 100 ml)) and 140 rnm suction hose couplings
19 stokes, the 100 mm size 2o1 stakes, anct tho 140 "'~"' (oeo clause 16). Tho ovorolllongth of tiH wrench shall be
si?.e 23 stakes with lhree rod borders, T.h•r• shall be three not less than 500 mm·.
roUnds of upsetting; ~he first rot.m~ having four rods.
NOTE, TypicBI Wt!H'1¢I'e~ ClrC shown ·ff1 fl!lUrf! ~ 9. Thl:! pure:n·~~t.!r
There shall bo two double body wales at the centre of' the 11'\~Y rt'!qulre O'lr. et'ld of the bar to ~a for~ed.
75 mm and 100 m~1 sizes and four rounds of three rod
waling at tho centre of the 140 mm size. There >hoi I be 19.2 Strength
two rounds of wallr11~ ut'tder tl'l!? border on cocl1 tlize,'
A wreflch ~hnll not break nor ~l)ffer any permanent vlslblt!i
wltl"l four runner forming Gtakes.
di~tottlon when ~ubjactfld to 8 torque fH 1?0 N·m, ·
NOTE 1, The !:.pac!nf t~rms U!:ed )n 18.2.2oro daflncd in BS ·11.33:
Section 17. as described in appendix G.
NOTE 2, Suhable WP!·!: of·cane Include Pelerrtban~. Kooboo.
19.3 Mauriol
18.2.3 Slaevas. The ~loeVo Shall be constructed as !:hown WroMh« <hall be rnade of galvanized mild ste.ol (seo
in figure 18. Bra" s•il eyelets and rings of one of tho typos table 1 ).
specified in BS 310;! shall be fixed in the centre of each
hem and shall be eq"ally spaced as follows;
(a) 6 eyelets eacfl end for the 75 ~r~m size; 20 Foam inlet adaptors
(b) 8 oyolots onch end for the 100 mm si>.e; 20,1 Materials shall bo solooted f1·om the relevant oolu~r~n
(c) 10 eyelets eanh end for the 140 mm size. of table 1, Where alumlnlu~r~ alloys are liSod they shall
The ends of all cords shall be whipped and stitched to be anodized in accordance with 4.3 1 bectwse of their
prevent fraying. higher susceptibility to atmospheric corrosion.
20,2 The adaptor end shall be in accordance wi1:h figure 20
19.2.4 Cord. One lor.g and one short cord of the lengths with deviations of± 0.8 mm.
given in table 7 shall be ·inserted In the eyelets of each f\IOTI.:. Oet;"~llt: of fequirernent.!l forth" other ~~!'ld or the .('ldi:'IPtQI'
sleeve and loosely ti~d to p1:event detachment. ~hould be obtainad from the l:)urchasers,.

Table 7. Sizos of hasket •trainers and lengths of co(q
- - -
Olmemion froira figuro 18
Bask~t 1rtr~inor Sleeve
l..ong1:h ~;:~1~;otd
(!lee figure 1OJ

A 8 c ·f) E F Cord X CQrd Y

mm mm mm mm mm mm m"1 rnrn mm
75 17S 127 305 185 203 197 107.0 1830
100 203 159 406 216 229 229 1140 1900
140 241 197 508 254 267 267 1240 2000

1 •.

14/08/2009 10:21 503-5155-0557 I<OLLI NG ENG . SDN BHD PAGE 04/18

BS 336: 1989
Section two

Cord X theaded throu§h (~rd Y thr-eaded through ~

<I>E eyelets and basket this eyelets and basket· this II
[ ''-·_,..
end end

~--..M.-1 '

~B rt
-t . I
4> 11 brass eyelets
spaced equally not
less than 76 ap~r t

- --~--1----------~- . . ____ L~: ..



- I
F i.d.
·r _ -~

• ..........
I '
_j_I _________________
_ _ _ _ _ .,...... ~.J....-
1 I
I 13
Enlarged de.tails of
joint ,in slee.ve
! ·:
-'---38-11_~-1 ,· /j -j-36
I I ,.
I -~-76. hem as defail--1---•
I I ,_ _ _ , . 381 _____ ____,
I' ' I
I Sleeve

Brass eyelet\ 'Stitching

II' .

~ ~-~~

[ ;?..j .J~-19

Basket strainer
Enlarged del·ail of hem at each
end of sleeve
of COrel X
Length cord of cord Y~t\ l~
General essembly of
Basket strainer
'"~·'" ·····)



All dlmonslons ere ln mllllme1res,

NOTE. For dlmnnt:larHI A t~;~ I' t'nd for X and Y aoo tnbln 7,

Figure 18. 13asket strainer for suction strainer

.l. . [

KULLlN~ ~N~. ~VN ~HD r'A~~ lb/1~

BS 336 : 1989
Sectibn two

Typir.al form of pivoted jaw

Typical form of fixed•jaw

All dlmQn~IOI~~ ore in millimetrer.,

Figure 19. Huction ho!:o coupling wreht:::h

·!.:,i,::: ¢95



Thi:: end to suit /!-·--''"'"''·"---·-"

pu ·chas~r·s r~quir~men ts

All dlmonslom ore In mlltlmctrf)s,

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65 336: 1989
Appendices A to E

••• '

Appendix A. Tests on instantaneous B.2 Procedure

delivery hose couplings and branchpipes in .,I

plastics materials
Locate the product or component b;ec clause 5) in position "
on tl"le approPI'i~H~ f•ixture. Pump wat!!r into the product or
the component until it is full;at"the same tinle venting tho
ISoe 7.1.4 a~rl11.3) air from \110 syr.tem. Close tlie ail· verlt passage, and pump ·I
the water to the test ptessur·e 122.5 bor). Control tl1e
IJI'!l!:!l!fUI'e ns dcsc1·ibed in B.1. Remove till stH"P ~J~ watr::r
A.1 Water absorp1:iion test frorn the ox:ternal su1·i·acet. of the t-lxture by applying blasts
of air· ond by wiping.
(Typ• test to provo suitabi ity o·r plastics material lor· the Mt~intain the te::st p1·essw·e ·ror 2 min. During thG test,
application.) in~pect thr.i! prodtJCI; for wrrtr:!r l~rlkt:~gi~ by vi!!iual obs(lrvation
Couplings and branchpipe' produced by the method to be and via rnii'I'OI'~.
u!::t::td ll'l prodLICtion are :!'iUb:il:'!!l'::tt':d to an acceleratad w~tcr NOTE. F,ilr;:t;;f!!Jt.~ cl intern:ll le;<;~k~:~gc t'lwougll Hlc eircult vol\ie~.
absorption test to E!$tabli&l, th<)t no dimenslotlal cho:mgG" €1 grMter empho:;l~ h; pl;;~t;;n~l !;In tllG vl~~t€11 cht:cl~s th<r1 Qn ihr;:
nffecting interchange(:lblli1)1, or reduction it' l'itrengtl1 onuge roDdin!:'!~.
olfocling sM~IV, occurs as " result of prolongod contact R~~Jueo the prossun~ in the fixture by cxhaurdng t11e
with water. pressurized supply of water to a tanl<. Rc111o1e the product
Immerse the items in watH at 60 i 3 'C for a period of from tile fixture.
48 hand then allow them ::o cool to ambient t•mporature
In oir. Check functional dimensions to conllrt)l that they
l1ave remained within the limits specified in clause 7 or 11. Appendix C. Spanner test
46 h after the end of tho immersion pl,aso Hibjcct the
itom!.: to an ihternal prassue test of 35 bar. (See clouso 12.)
Engage the spa11ner· with" fixed 61 mtn hcx'''JOM<ll steel
bar. Apply<~ static force of 350 N normal to tile handle at a
A.2 Proof test distance of ,175 ;1; 10 mm from the centre lim·s of the juw
(see figurP. 11 ).·Examine the spanner for deformation Ol'
Select somplcs ot random Irom o<~ch new batch o·l· material {!amoge.
and ~:ubjoct them to an 1n1mnal hydr.aulle ~1t'r.ssurc of
35 bat.

Appendix D. Strength test for standpipes

A.3 Impact test
ISoo 111.6.)
Select oamplcs at ran{lom lrom each new botch of material.
Conditi<>H lhc;tn •I- 10 ± 11.6 •a lor 24 hand thor1 ~ubjoct
thAm to an Impact tn!l as fellows.
Attach the coupling or brimhpipe to a pendulum of 4 m
In length which may be cl1'1cr rigid or flexible. Swing the
coupling or brs~chpipc l·tt>m the horizontal SQ that ils
Asslilt'l'lbiQ '~ha sta1~dpiPa oh u fixod ~ountln!]
with a 5crewed outlet complying wltll S.Z of SS 780 :
1984. Apply a pulling for'cQ of 1.1 k N at an t11.Jtlct at right
angles tQ tile axis of tho slla'f! .for a period of 60 ± 10 s.
Examine for damage or clelormatlon.

• I

clrcumfer~ncG strikes the ;urfacc of .a rlgld vertically I
mounted i.OO mrn thick SlMI block.
l,t,t!!!ms used in tke above tc~,t are to be scrapped after tc!iting.
Appendix E. Strength test for hvdrant keys

!See 15.3.)
Appendix B. Hydrostatic·test for pressure
retention E.1 Torquetest

(Soc clau•e 5.1 Suppor·t the key, either vertically or 110I'i7.on1ally, between
a Gpindlc cap il"l ~ccol'd.flncl:! with BS 5~163 and suitable
restl'aint for' the bOI'. Apply o.tOI'QUo of 800 ~J-m without
B. 1 ' Apparatus introducing 6ny br:ndino stress in the koy.

Eith~r •11 air powo1·ed hylfroulio pump ;y;tem or a l1and

opgmoa ctlract hydraulic tlump 11 Ulod, In the air powered E.2 Bending test
•ynlqm 111~ hydraulic P''"!!UI'~ l11thq !V!I~n1l1 eontr·ollod
lly thD Air prgg!uro nnd b~ lndlvldugl dlraot roodlr10 prc1sure Locoto tl1o l1oy on a flxod npindle or Ji><Qd ~p'ndlo cop.
gouge~, ror th~ hftnd op"lllt.~d pump, 0011\r·ol o! pramJrQ 11
hy dlrce! rc~dlng proasura gauges only,
Apply a foroc o1137$ N, 111 I'IUht or1~l~5 to tl1o oxln ol tho
key, ot a dlst~nco of 940 mm from tl1c bose. ..
I<ULU NG I:.NG • oVN llHV 1-'AGI:. 1 //1~

BS 336: 1989
Aprjend ices F and G


Appendix F. R;werse flow test for Appendix G. Strength test for suction hose
collecting heads coupling wrench

(Soc 17.4.1 (Soe 19.2.)

. Appl..y internal watEI' pr~ssurc to the head and vent .air U5e a test rig comprising a suction hosli! COI.Jpling, or a
from tho head and Ho~t rig. Adjlist the pro,ure to 1.7 bar simulated coupling, rigidly fixed to a mtatable mounting.
with tho rever~e of ·:he valve ~xposed to atmosphere. Locate the wrench on'the co"pling on<l opply a static load
Examine for visible leakage of wotor. at a distance of 75 mm ± 25 mm from the end. Thilload
shall bo •ueh as to apply a torque of 1/1) N·m to the
moun'l:ing. Ext.~minl1! the, bar foe breaka!J'~ and for any
permanent deform::~tion. ·

' , \' .

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14/08/2009 10:21

.. r.


11 I~ A-~ 1881
,\:·,,I 1\l81
j J /''l'

···-- ----
---· • r
20 JU U9.95_ __ ___,_,, .............
---- r
_.... ... I
.. r
·- ----
I .I

- - ' I

- ---
( '•

··- ·-·


•• I
28 blank
I<ULU NG I:.NG • oVN llHV 1-'AGI:. 1 ~/ 1 ~

Publications referrm:l to
BS 750 Spuclflciltl<:lll fof ~tf"'dorgrout\d Hro hydronu t\nd c:urf&C!IO b())ll f~amo, und dovar•
BS970 Speol!loRtloli for wrouuht s1ao11 for moch8nlool onglnoerln~ purpolo;
Pnrt 1 Goner~,! !nspe~tiOt\ Bnd t~~Hr1p PrOCi'ldurn~
Pon 4 Valvo l;tqn!B
BS 1133 Pocknglng ctda
Section 17 Wicker and venoi.lr bn~:kets
BS 11~4 Mothocl for :he as.s:O:':.~rnDnt of ~urfnce tt'l)(tl,lre
BS 1154 Speclficn·tloi, for not~,.~rol rubber compounds.
es 1224 Spoc1flcetloll for !.'!)ect~OI!J1Qted coMings of r'lit:ke1 end c:h(omlum
BS 1400 Spoo<:lflcotiOr) for capper olloy 1n9ots Pnd CO!=Jpor olloy and high c:onductlvlw coppur c:u,tlng~
BS 1470 SpaolfleotiOII for wrou~hlalumlnlum ond nlumlnlum alloy! for gonurolenglnoorlng PUrpo"'- Ploto, ohout ond Urlp
BS 1471 Spac:l{)¢8~)0'11 ~or wrou9ht (llurnlnlum ~nd alum.lnlum alloys for gont~ral en(lll'lftt)rJng purp0S(11! ~ rJr41Wn tUblll
BS 14?3 Spedfle..,tloll f.or wrought aluminium and olumln1um alloys for ganetal enult'lniirlng purpo~t?s- rlvo~, bolt tmd IIC:rfiW'n~oc:k
BS 1474 $peclf1cnt1or, for wrougllt aluminium and aluminium olloys tor general onglneor1ng purli)o&o& btm, li!Xtruded rOUJ'ld tubcil
Md ~ee:tlon~
as 14ao $p~cHicct1o'" for nlumlflll,lrn and ah..1rnlnlum alloy Ingot~ tlnd cesting!'i
BS 1680 SpeclflcotiOt1 .for unified !lcrt~W thraads
Pm·t'1 Dlam~tU(5 '/t~"pt'ld ll!llrgcr
BS1615 Method fot !.::u~·elfylhg anodic oxidation coattngs on ~lumlnlum and lt11 aljoys, .~·
as 2oso SP'eelflcatlot1 for hool~ spt'\1'\ners. t'OrJ !:panMrs, touplln~ wrenches tind the rc1atc:d ~lot~. holes and horm
I B$ ~792 Sr.aec:lfh)('lt:lo,'l for dl"'loroprQf"'Q rubber r.Qrnpounds I )
BS 2779 Spedflcatlo·l for pipe th~~tKJ~ for t~lbn$' and fittiMG whore Pr'CI\~uro•tlght joints arc not made on thiJ thr~o'd!!,
(ml;!'trlt: dlnHn~lons)
BS 2B70 St'!ttclfientlo 1 for rollod copp(lr nnd cof,;lpt;t t~lloys; sh~Qt ~trip £11id toH
·~· es 2071 Speclflcatlo, ~or copper ~nd coppor nlloys, lr.~be~
,, Pnrt 1 COJ:~per tu~es tor wnter, gilt; at,d !lanitatlon
as ?.en Speclficl!l·tlo 1 fqr cbpp~r nnd oo~par alloys, Forging ~t~:u:.k nnd forgings
es 2sn Spl'.u,!lfleDt1o1 for cl)pper and copper aiiOVG. Wire
as 7.874 Spooclflcatio1 ,for c~:~pper and eopper alloy rod~ and sections (otM~ than fon~lng ~tock)
8S3019 TIG weldln11
Part 1 Spoclflcotion for TI·G welding of alvmlnium, mi;.'lgneslum and ''heir alloy!;
as 3102 SpP.clficatlon f0r brass cyeiSt"i and Wtt!lhers for gerieral PUfPO!:es
es 3165 Spetcl.fleotlor for rL,Lbber and p!o!ltlcs suction hosos nnd hose ilSSP.mblioG 1or flre"fl(lhtina p~Jrpo~es
B$ ~671 MIO woldln~
Part 1 Speclflt:ntioo for MIG weld In~ or ~luminium ond alumit'lll..lm alloy~
es 4168 Hoxo,gon 90·:Ket r.erews and wrench l~cy~ ~ metric ~crl~!l j
es 4219 Slotted set r.(:row~ro; metde sorles
BS 447.:< Glossory of terms <JG:oocia~ed w1th fire
BS 5041 Fire hydtMt !ly9tei"TH• equipment
BS5163 Speclflcatlo~ for predominantly koy·operatod c~:;t lrbt'l ~;:de;. valvt~~ fM wDtorwork~ purpo!es
es eee9 Spe¢/flcatlor for hard anQdlc oxide contlnfls ~;?li ~lumln!um ~or en!illllf':~rlng purpo~et.
BS 6017 Speclflcntlr;~r for C01i1Pf1t refln~rY 'hape"
BS 6323 Speclflcaii¢1' for ~eamlcss rll'ld welded steel tubes for automoL)ite, mech\ll"'ica\ and ~ener~l englfleerln!) pur~d~e~
Part 1 GMerat requlrl)ments
BS 6391 SpacUle~tlor, for non"percoln,lng iayflnt de11\lerY ho~e~ and ho~:e as~of1'\b11e~: for fire fighting purpot.c~
BS 6681 Speclflcotlon fqr molleabta cot:t Iron
as MA 1a SpeclflcBtior1 for salt wnter piping systems In ~hlps
as MA 6o Summorv Qt)d appll¢0\'lon of copper end copper alloy tubes for ~hins' pip1:work systarra~<
po 139 Spet:lflooticm for ~i*'c·aluminivrn allOY Ingot~ and CJ~tlngs
as 3734 Specrficatictt ror dimorision::a1 toloraneP-$. of ~o!ld mould~d and extruded rubber prod~1ett.
' . """""·
14/08/2009 10:21 503-5155-0557 •'" ' ,.

BS 336 1989
Thl~ 8rltlsl1 Standard, hftvlng b~en prcp::~red under the dlrr.ct!on Copyright, U~crs of BriH~h Standnrd~ <.'lru: remind"d that copyright
Of thO Fire Standard~ CommttHI!!, wa~ published und!!!r' thl'! ~ub!;l~~~ )t'l -!~It 9$1 PU(;lilt::<ltions. 1\Jo f),;lrt of tf11S pubfiCEltiOt'i ltla)l be
nuthority' of tho 13.ol)r(:l of BSI f'nd come$ lhtO effect on rr.produccd In any form withou~ \he Prior Pll'rmiuion 11'1 wdting of
31 July 1969 l3Sl. Thi:: doas not prt:!ei•Jdo the frco U3t!, in th(1 colU$(1 of
If;) British StDndard!i Institution. 1!i!S9
implmnr.nlin!J tho !:lnt'lrJ(Jrd, of tiOco~snry dotnil!l $U1:h a!! ~vrnbol~ llt'!cl
~lzt!, tVI't!l or [lrlldf! dc$lgnatlori~. l:nqulriclillhO~IId bll addrcsM:d to
Fir~t publl~hod Match 1928 thn. Publications M~Mgcr, BSI, t.inford Wood, M'dtcn KoyM:;
Flr!!t rcvl!llon Nttvembor 1936 MKH 6l.!l;. The numbf!r for talopi1QM onquidtM is 0908 220022
Second ruVf~lon March 1964 ~nd for toiE:lx 825777,
Third revlliQti Jar;uBrV 1 gao Contr:'ld roquiremt~M~$. A Brlll~h Star1d.,rd door. h¢t purport to
Pour'h revl~lon Moy 1965
Fifth ravitlon Sa!)tlllmber 1980 include .'lit \'he nocen~ltlt'Y provlr.loM:;; ol a cotltrRct, u~:crs of B~ltisl1 r·
Sixth tovltiti-ti July' 1989 ·
ISBN 0 680 17372 0
St<~m.1&rds aro rc~i.'Onsib!c ror thoir c.:om:ct :.p~ticat!ot1,
RcviJ:It.",!M Qt t!lritish St:.nt:I<Jrd,;, Brlti~h Stnndl:lrdr.llrr.'r~vi!!cd, when
ille folloWing DSircfen:meos re.11te to t'ho'worl~ OJi thlr. s~~ndard:

naccr.r.n~y. by tho i!lsul! r.lthor of :'lrt"lcndmr.M~s or of t,,.,fi.md c~Htion!l,
Commlttl!llo rofAr""neo FSM/G Croft fl')r comment 8?/:39013 D~
h i.!l lmptut:.ht thot u!lnr$ ~f Brltl:':h Stand:trdS shoul~ uscorUJiM thnl
thny rtr~ in pos!IC!l!:ioh of tho l:~t~:.tst omnnclmct'rtS ur tJdltlorJs.
Avtornntlc updtlting !lorvir;;e, BSI ~rovidi!'S <)n cconorr~ic, individual
Brifi~h SUmdnrd!t: ln«tltution. Inc nrportlted by Royal Ch:1ri'l:~r, BSI is <Jnd nut.om<.ltic standMdi> updntin!1 .!itHviet: called P'LUS. Detail!: ort
the Independent notlonnl bbdy for thi! prl)'pttl't~tion of Briti~h
Str~ndArr;h, It ~~ the UK ml'!l'\"'bur !)f the I nlf!rn"'tlonal Organlz:~Hoh
f.,r Stnndardl.!t~*ion and Ut( l:~(Jrj,Or Ot the Brll!J:h N(ltlonl:ll
av~llable fr('Jt'I"''/3SI Enquiry SectiQtl at .Milton Kcvn•1n, telrmhone
J?908 Z21166, (~lex 82577'1, lj

Committee of th~ lntornatlonnl !llt'!ett'Ottlehnlcal Comr•·d~sion. lnforrn:rtit:m on all BSI ~lJb)ic:atioh:i i~ In ~Mo BSI Ct~~l•IOQU(t,
In oddltlon tQ the tm:parotlon nncl promulgation of Wlhdotrd~. BSI ~;urmlomemcd i"!'O!ch month by BSI N&ws which is 11V:1i!~blo to
otr@r5 ~~~elall$:t $Crvlea~ lnclm:llntl th@ provision of I!"!formation .!:Ub~t::ribin~ rnombert'; ¢f BSI Dnd !1iVC:!l de,ail!:. of Mw p·ublle<!tions,
thmuFth the SSI LlbrAty tmd Starldordl.inn Ool'lt<!basc; Tcehnienl H~lp rovflllonr., nm~ndmonu oncl withdr~VIrn slnlidards, At'W perJ:Or'l who,
to t.!~pQrtt:tn; and other Rfitvlc:as. ~1dvlec l'::!}n be obtained from thf:l lf'Jhr:m making u~r. or n Briti~ll Standard, oncountor$ vn ln~tt.:curocy or
Enquiry Section, asl.
Milton KRI'nn! MK14 GLE, tolephono atnblgultv, Is I'Ct'llJOstcd to notify 1351 without dolay In ordor thnt
0909 ?.?. 11 SB,I•I" 92577?. tho mmtar rnay bn invfutigi'l\l:!cl nntlrllmroprin(ooctinl1 token.

Committees responsible for this British Standard

The preperntiQI"' i:>f this Brlt'!J:M Stnr~dsrd Wtl~ Mttu:;ted by t·h~ Pire Extinguishing irDdor. A&$Oc:iatlon
Flro Stahdord• Committe• f~SMI 'I to Tcchnlonl commlt!Do FSM/S, Home OffiM
upcm vvhlt::h tha fclh:~wl.,ll bQ,dJor. wnr'~ r"'prnllnntf)d: ln~~lt\Jtlon 9f ~ire l;nQihODrG

A·.nocletlon of CountY Counellt IMtltutlon of Moch<~nical Eoginr:mrs

London Fll'e ~:~nd Clvll DAfonoc Au~llorlty
Brltlch Flrn Sorvlc"' Aoooolntlon Lo,o;s l'rovnntiQI"I Council
b~ltild'! Pl~~tlc" f=ederntlon
Minlliltry of Dufoncr. r···
Brltl$h Valve ond Actuator Mtmufacturer!:' A;!:oc!ptlon
Chlof bnd All'~llt:fll"!t Cl'llef ~lrn Offl,~~r,.• Au.Q.::!Mion
C<;~llvontiOh of. SQonlsh LO«;:ltl ·AI,It.,orltiO!
t::~oyal ll'l~tltl.ltl1 of Brltl.~h Archltoct~

1olloWh'l!l bodl!:!!l wQre alSo rcpro~cmli'd In thn dr<~ftlng ot tha

Copper O!'tvetopment Anoclatlon

~tat'l!jord 1
through iio~Jb•comrnittocs t:md ponol$:
Om,:)Urtmunt of thn Envlronmnnt li~roporw SIJrvlcor. Aa~:~nQyl
O~portmont of Tr~n~port - MDrltH Directorate' Eioctrlclty Supply Industry In England ond W!ilos

Amendments issu~d since ,~ublication

Arne!. No, Date or issue Toxt ~lfccted

British Standards lr1stituticn · 2 Park Str~et London W1A :i!S$ • T~l~t~ht>l'l~ OH~29 51000 · ioto~ ~G61il33

aao7-7-I.Bk- JWD FSM/6

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