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Strength and Durability Studies On Alccofine Concrete With Micro Steel Fibres

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58 Revista Română de Materiale / Romanian Journal of Materials 2018, 48 (1), 58 - 63




School of Civil Engineering, SASTRA Deemed University, Thanjavur – 613 401, India.

The study of High Strength Concrete (HSC) has become interesting as concrete structures grow taller and larger. The
usage of HSC in structures has been increased worldwide and has begun to make an impact in India. Ordinary cementitious
materials are weak under tensile loads and fiber reinforced cementitious composites (FRCCs) have been developed to improve
this weak point. Specimens such as cubes, cylinders were cast for High Strength concrete containing Alccofine as mineral
admixture and reinforced with micro steel fibers to study the mechanical and durability properties at 28 days and 56 days of curing.
The concrete were designed to have compressive strength of 60 MPa. Mixtures containing 0% and 10% replacement of cement by
Alccofine and with 1%, 2% and 3% of micro steel fibers by weight of concrete were prepared. Durability properties such as
Sorptivity, water absorption, resistance against Sulphuric acid, Sodium sulphate and Magnesium sulphate were studied for
control, Alccofine and Alccofine with steel fibers for different days of curing. Mixtures incorporating Alccofine with fibers
developed marginal increase in strength and durability properties at all ages when compared to control concrete.

Keywords: HSC, Alccofine, Micro steel fibers, Fiber content, Compressive strength, Split tensile strength, Durability, Sorptivity, Acid and
Sulphate resistance, Water absorption

1. Introduction mode of failure from brittle to more ductile [3] found

that by addition of a supplementary cementatious
The study of high strength concrete has material alccofine the compressive strength can be
become interesting as concrete structures grow increased by varying the percentages from 0 to 18%
taller and larger. The usage of high strength concrete the optimum was found to be 13% for M50 grade. [4]
in structures has been increasing worldwide and has found that addition of steel fibre to light weight
begun to make an impact in India. The achievement improved its strength characteristics improving the
of such high strength concrete has been made compressive strength to some extent and by
possible through the introduction of supplementary increasing the split tensile and flexural strength
materials such as silica fume, slag, Alccofine, fly ash largely. Thus they came to a conclusion that by
etc. The addition of micro steel fibers to concrete is varying the fiber content in light weight concrete by
expected to arrest cracks, and improve bond and 1-1.5% is extremely effective in improving the
corrosion resistance due to superior performance. strength and toughness of concrete.[5] found that for
Also, this would substantially increase the static and a high strength concrete by addition of 1.5% fibre
dynamic properties, thus changing an inherently showed maximum strength and above that
brittle material with low tensile strength and impact percentage showed to decrease in strength but the
resistance into a strong composite with superior split tensile strength showed increasing in strength
crack resistance; improved ductility and distinct post- by increasing in fibre volume fractions. [6, 7] found
cracking behavior of concrete. [1] found out that by that by varying the percentages in the replacement
varying in the addition of micro steel fibers from 0 to of cement by metakaolin showed improved strength
1.25% the concrete increases its compressive but the maximum strength was achieved when the
strength in the beginning and then reduces but the cement was replaced by 10% of alccofine. [8] found
split tensile strength is gradually increased till final. that by addition of sulfuric acid the changes in weight
[2] incorporating various types of steel fibers in to the and compressive strength was checked for 30, 60,
concrete mixes achieved the 90,120 and 180 days. [9] performed their research

Autor corespondent/Corresponding author,
E-mail: sumathi@civil.sastra.edu
A.Sumathi, K. Gowdham, K. Saravana Raja Mohan / Strength and durability studies on alccofine concrete with micro steel fibres 59

on High strength concrete to understand the effect manufacturers manual the main element presented
of steel fiber on strength and durability in the Alccofine are CaO and Silica (SiO2) and Al2O3
properties.[10] conducted research on experimental constitute 31-33%, 33-35% and 23-25%
and statistical method to evaluate the effect of fly respectively.
ash and fiber in various concrete properties.[11]
made their research on concrete with locally 2.1.3.Aggregate
available jute fiber in improving flexibility and River sand passing through 4.75 mm and
ductility properties of concrete, found that addition retained on 2.36 mm sieve was used as fine
of fly ash and fibers to concrete provide resistance aggregate. The specific gravity and fineness
to crack propagation and crack widening before modulus of the fine aggregate was 2.65 and 3
being pulled out or stressed to rupture.[12] found the respectively. Aggregate passing through 20 mm
performance of concrete such as compressive sieve and retained on 12.5 mm sieve was used as
strength, permeability and sorption under four coarse aggregate. The specific gravity and fineness
curing conditions. Sorptivity coefficient was found modulus of the coarse aggregate was 2.7 and 6.5
using ASTM 1585 for two cement levels respectively.
350kg/m3and 450kg/m3. Results indicate sorptivity
was decreased by 42.7% when cement was 2.1.4.Micro steel fiber
increased from 350kg/m3 to 450kg/m3. When Straight micro steel fibers was obtained from
replacement material silica fume was added to 10% Go Green Technologies, Chennai with aspect ratio
sorptivity decreased from 64.5% to 68.3%.[13] (l/d) of 43.33 was used in the present study is
made research on silica fume based steel fiber shown in Figure 1. Yield strength and elastic
concrete with chemical admixture, found the modulus were 2100 MPa and 2.1 x 105 MPa
optimum percentage of chemical admixture, fiber respectively.
content and silica fume.[14] performed research on
sorptivity with natural and RCA concretes with three
methods of compaction based on sorptivity values
and distribution along the height of the
specimen.[15] done research on silica fume and
nano-silica with forta-ferro and steel fibers to
understand the mechanical properties, found that
8% silica fume and 2% nano-silica in the concrete
reinforced with 1% content of steel fibers improves
the performance of concrete.[16] made research on
concrete with recycled fibers and aggregates on
Fig. 1- Micro steel fiber.
mechanical properties and inferred that, pavement
thickness was reduced of about 8% and 16% for 2.2 Specimen Details
concrete with 0.5 and 1% respectively. Based on the The mix design was done as per ACI
literature review extensive research has been method and the guidelines given in ACI 211.1-91
carried out on the use of steel fiber in concrete but [21] method for concrete with a characteristic
much work has not been published in concrete with compressive strength is 60 MPa. The mix
Alccofine and micro steel fibers. Hence in the proportion obtained is 1:0.56:1.89 (cement: fine
present research work focussed on strength and aggregate: coarse aggregate) with a w/b ratio of
durability properties of concrete with 10% Alccofine 0.33. High range water reducer was used as
and micro steel fibers. workability agent and due to which w/b ratio
reduced from 0.33 to 0.3. Slump test was used as
2. Experimental programme measure of workability of concrete and was done as
per the guidelines given in ASTM C143 [22]. All
2.1 Material Properties mixes fall under the medium workability range of 75
2.1.1.Cement mm to 10 mm are shown in Table 2. The exact
The cement used was ordinary Portland quantity of the materials is presented in Table 1 and
cement of grade 43, having a specific gravity of 3.16 2. Specimens were cast as per IS and ASTM
[18]. standards to study the strength and durability
characteristics at 7 and 28 days of curing. Cubes
2.1.2.Alccofine were tested to evaluate compressive strength of
ALCCOFINE 1203 is a specially processed concrete as per IS 516 [22], cylinders were tested
product based on slag of high glass content with as per ASTMC496 [22] to determine split tensile
high reactivity obtained through the process of strength and prismatic specimens of size 100 mm x
controlled granulation, and it was procured from the 100 mm x 500 mm as per IS 516 [22] after 28 days
local supplier. The specific gravity was noted as 2.9 of curing, with the aid of 1000 kN capacity Universal
and bulk density 600-700 kg/m3. As per Testing Machine (UTM) by subjecting the concrete
specimens under four-point loading
60 A.Sumathi, K. Gowdham, K. Saravana Raja Mohan / Strength and durability studies on alccofine concrete with micro steel fibres

Table 1

Mix proportions for 1 m3 of concrete

Concrete Mix M60
Cement (kg/m3) 522.43
Alccofine (kg/m3) 48
Fine aggregate (kg/m3) 294.06
Coarse aggregate (kg/m ) 982.8
Water (kg/m ) 157
Superplasticizer 0.8 – 1.2%
Table 2
Mix Proportion percentages of Cement, Alccofine and steel fiber
Mix Designation Cement (%) Alccofine (%) Micro steel fiber (%) Slump (mm)
CC 100 0 0 88
AC10F0 90 10 0 86
AC10F1 90 10 1 87
AC10F2 90 10 2 91
AC10F3 90 10 3 95

for flexural strength. After 28 days of normal curing 100

the specimens were also cured for acid and 7 days 28 days

Compressive Strength MPa

sulphate at 28 days. Acid curing was done with 80
sulfuric acid of 0.1N and sulphate curing of sodium
sulphate and magnesium sulphate was done for 60
durability test such as acid resistance, sulphate
resistance, water absorption and sorptivity.

3. Results and discussion


3.1 Effect of alccofine and micro steel fiber on

compressive strength CC AC10F0 AC10F 1 AC10F 2 AC10F 3
The compressive strength of concrete cubes made
Mix Labels
with various weight fraction of steel fiber was plotted
against different days of curing are shown in Figure
2. Three specimens were tested to assess the Fig. 2 - Compressive strength for 10% Alccofine and Micro
compressive strength for control and 10% alccofine steel fiber (%).
with steel fiber content (0%, 1%, 2% and 3%) in
weight fractions. Failure pattern obtained during 12 7 days 28 days
testing were shown in Figure 9 and 10. From results
Split tensile strength MPa

it is clear that the maximum compressive strength is 10

attained for mixes containing 10% alccofine along 8
with 2% fibers at 7 and 28 days of curing and the
strength has enhanced for all fiber specimens 6
compared to control concrete.The percentage
improvements in compressive strength compared to
control concrete was found to be 7.35%, 23.93%, 2
32.51%, 25.13% and 7.62%, 24.48%, 33.56%,
28.29% at 7 and 28 days respectively. 0
CC AC10F0 AC10F 1 AC10F 2 AC10F 3
3.2 Effect of alccofine and micro steel fiber on Mix Labels
split tensile strength
Fig. 3 - Split tensile strength for 10% Alccofine and Micro steel
Three cylinder specimens were tested to fiber(%) .
assess the split tensile strength with steel fiber
content (0%, 1%, 2% and 3%) in weight fractions.
From Figure 3 there is an increase in split strength curing. The percentage improvements in split
of concrete with the increase in fiber content. The tensile strength compared to control concrete was
addition of steel fiber to HSC in weight fractions of found to be 12.12%, 27.88%, 46.46%, 60.8% and
3% caused a maximum increase in strength 34.29%, 41.76%, 65.57%, 73% at 7 and 28 days of
compared to control concrete 7 and 28 days of curing respectively.
A.Sumathi, K. Gowdham, K. Saravana Raja Mohan / Strength and durability studies on alccofine concrete with micro steel fibres 61

3.3 Effect of alccofine and micro steel fiber on their continuity. As a result, permeability is not
flexural strength necessarily directly related to absorption. It has
The flexural strength test of the mixes was been related to water cement (w/c) ratio of concrete.
conducted on the prism specimens after 28 days of Water cement ratio is the measure of the amount of
curing, and their results are presented in Figure 4. water divided by the cement in a mix. Thus the
Three specimens were cast for control, 10% concrete with low permeability has less water
alccofine and Alccofine with steel fibers content absorption thus the concrete mix withAC10F2 has
(0%, 1%, 2% and 3%) in weight fractions. The low water absorption showing it has low
results of control and 10% alccofine concrete were permeability and control concrete has high
found to be 5.92 MPa and 6.59 MPa respectively. permeability is shown in Figure 5.
Mix with steel fibers were found to be in the range of
6.59 MPa to 9.37 MPa . There was a maximum
increase in flexural strength for 3% steel fiber
content. The percentage improvement in flexural
strength compared to control concrete was 11.3%,
32%, 47.8% and 58.27% at 28 days.

10 28 days
Flexural strength MPa

2 Fig. 5 - Water absorption

0 3.5 Effect of acid and sulphate curing on

CC AC10F0 AC10F1 AC10F2 AC10F3 strength properties
Mix Labels Figure 6 shows that after normal curing of
28 days and acid curing of 28 days the results were
Fig. 4 - Flexural strength for 10% Alccofine and Micro steel noted. The specimens were treated to sulphuric
acid of 0.1N and the corresponding results were
achieved. There was a maximum reduction of
3.4 Effect of alccofine and micro steel fiber on strength of 2MPa for sulphuric acid. The specimens
water absorption were also subjected to two kinds of sulphate
Saturated Water Absorption (SWA) tests on solutions which are sodium sulphate solution and
concrete mixes were executed using cube magnesium sulphate solution. These solutions
specimens of 100 mm x 100 mm x 100 mm size after were also taken for 0.1N and they were also
28 days curing in accordance with ASTM C642 [25]. subjected to strength test where in the specimen
The specimens were weighed before drying then the treated with sodium sulphate solution showed a
specimens were dried at 105oC in a hot air oven. variation of (0.64 to 1.73MPa) and the magnesium
The samples were taken out at a standard duration. sulphate solution showed a strength variation of
The variation of the weight of the saturated and the (0.22 to 1.2 MPa). Figure 11 shows the appearance
oven dried specimens were computed using of specimen after exposed to acid and sulphate
curing at 28 days.
Percentage water absorption = x 100
Sulphuric acid
100 Sodium Sulphate
Compressive strength in MPa

where, Magnesium sulphate

W s = mass of the cube specimen at fully 75
saturated state in g, and
W d = mass of the oven dried specimen in g.
The specimen was cured for 56 days and the
wet weight and dry weight of the specimens were 25
calculated and the water absorption was calculated
and the control concrete showed high water 0
absorption. Permeability of concrete differs from CC AC10F0 AC10F 1 AC10F 2 AC10F 3
absorption. Permeability relates to the size of the Mix Label
pores, their distribution and most importantly
Fig. 6 - Graph for strength of acid and sulphate curing
62 A.Sumathi, K. Gowdham, K. Saravana Raja Mohan / Strength and durability studies on alccofine concrete with micro steel fibres

3.6 Effect of acid and sulphate curing on weight CC AC10F0 AC10F 1

AC10F 2 AC10F 3
After 28 days of normal curing the specimens 20
were subjected to acid on sulphate solutions and
their weight was checked. The results are shown in 15
Figure 7. The specimens treated with sulphuric acid

solution showed a large variation in their weight. It 10
varied from (7.2 to 8.7%). Then the weight variation
for the solution was a little lower than the acid 5
solution. The sodium sulphate solution showed a
weight variation of (3.7 to 5.9%) and the magnesium 0
sulphate solution showed a weight variation of (1.7 0 √15 √30 √45 √60 √90 √120
to 4.5%). In all of the solution the mix with 10% √T (min)
alccofine and 2% fibre showed lower weight
Fig. 8 - Sorption Coefficient.

Fig. 7 - Weight reduction of specimen treated in acid and sulphate

Fig.9 - Failure pattern of CC specimen.

3.7 Effect of alccofine and micro steel fibre on

The sorptivity curves attained for the mixes
at the age of 28 days curing ASTMC1585 [26]. The
graph is plotted for the square root of time versus
the parameter Q/A is shown in Figure 8. It is found
that the sorption coefficient is high for the control
concrete which indicates that it has high water
absorption and the sorption coefficient is less for the
mix AC10F2 which indicates that it has low water
absorption. Thus the mix with alccofine and fibre
content give better results on the absorption. This is
mainly due to superior matrix than control concrete.
Fig. 10 - Failure pattern of AC10F2 specimen.
4. Conclusions
From the results of the experimental
investigation, the following conclusions were made
on the addition of Alccofine and micro steel fibers.
1. The super-plasticizer for this high strength
concrete was found to be 0.8 to 1.2 percent to
maintain the adequate workability for Alccofine
concrete and Alccofine with micro steel fiber
2. The maximum increase in compressive and
split tensile strength for AC10F0 mix was Fig. 11 - Specimens after exposed to acid and sulphate curing.
A.Sumathi, K. Gowdham, K. Saravana Raja Mohan / Strength and durability studies on alccofine concrete with micro steel fibres 63

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