Karakterizacija Prirodnih Organskih Boja
Karakterizacija Prirodnih Organskih Boja
Karakterizacija Prirodnih Organskih Boja
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3394 V. Pauk et al. J. Sep. Sci. 2014, 37, 3393–3410
fluorescent active compounds. X-ray fluorescence requires A dye itself can be a complex mixture of substances. Com-
the presence of metals in a sample and is unsuitable for the pounds containing chromophore groups are called coloring
identification of organic compounds. NMR spectroscopy is an matters or coloring principles. Some dyes can contain dif-
excellent tool but can be insufficient for very small amounts ferent amounts of the same coloring matters. For example,
of sample and is unsuitable for analysis of trace components. the main component of kermes dye is kermesic acid, which
On the contrary, the hyphenation of separation and MS (CE– is also present in cochineal (see Supporting Information
MS, GC–MS, and HPLC–MS) is sufficiently sensitive and Table S1). Moreover, the ratio of coloring matters in the same
selective, provides structural information, and allows identi- dyes derived from different species can vary greatly (Sup-
fication of unknown compounds; however, sampling of an porting Information Table S1). A dyestuff can also contain
object must be performed [18]. Although CE has been suc- minor components characteristic of the particular species,
cessfully used to identify natural dyes in historical objects, its like in case of sea snails. Some of these molluscs (Bolinus
detection limits (even using MS detection) were substantially brandaris L., Stramonita haemastoma L.) produce dyes com-
higher in comparison with HPLC with diode array detection posed entirely of brominated indigo-derivatives, and the oth-
(DAD) and HPLC–MS [19, 20]. GC–MS has not been widely ers (Hexaplex trunculus L.) with some amount of nonbromi-
used in the study of natural dyes, due to the relatively high nated indigo [30, 31] (see Supporting Information Table S2).
molecular mass and polarity of the analytes. Derivatization Dyes can also contain degradation products and mineral im-
of the target analytes is a compulsory requirement for GC– purities useful for identification purposes. Colorants can be
MS [7, 21–24]. classified according to their source, application method, or by
The vast majority of the recent works dealing with iden- color and corresponding chemical structure.
tification of colorants has used HPLC. Starting from 1975 Most natural colorants are of plant origin but animals are
when HPLC provided data for investigation of binding media used for their production too. They are traditionally extracted
in paintings [25] and, later, for dyestuffs [26], it is the most pre- from roots (madder, turmeric, bedstraw), berries (buckthorn),
ferred method for analysis of natural dyes. In 2008, Surowiec flower heads (saffron), bark (oak), leaves (indigo, henna), and
published a paper delineating high-performance separation even from lichens and mushrooms [1]. Besides being avail-
techniques used for analysis of archaeological objects [18]. able, dyes also have to be sufficiently stable. For example,
In that work, HPLC of natural dyes was briefly mentioned. chlorophyll (green parts of plants), carotene (carrot), and beta-
In the same year, Rosenberg reviewed LC–MS methods for nine (red beet) degrade too fast, especially in light. Sometimes
the characterization of historical organic dyestuffs [27]. He the consumption of sources is enormous. The production of
focused more on MS detection rather than chromatographic only 1.4 g of Tyrian purple dye requires 12 000 snails [30].
separation. In 2009, Degano published an extensive review Moreover, the dye itself is not present in the shells. It is de-
on analytical methods used for the analysis of artworks and rived from precursor compounds, also called chromogens,
historical textiles [28].Various approaches using spectromet- present in hypobranchial gland secretions of molluscs by
ric techniques, direct mass spectrometric methods, LC, and means of subsequent fermentation, reduction, and photore-
CE were described. actions [32, 33]. Harvesting the red dyes of cochineal requires
This paper primarily surveys recent analytical protocols planting cacti, the manual collection of insects, and their sub-
for the identification of historical organic dyes by HPLC. De- sequent drying and extraction [34]. The most important his-
liberations on the operational and instrumental features in- torical dyestuffs, their chemical constituents, and application
dicate broad spectrum of information that can be obtained methods are listed in Supporting Information Table S1.
from HPLC data. Three types of dyes are distinguished in historical textile
dyeing: direct, mordant, and vat. Direct dyeing uses soluble
dyes with some affinity to the fibers. It does not require any
2 Classification of organic colorants mordants or metallic salts for fixing. As a result, the products
exhibit poor color-fastness to washing due to weak chemical
Colorants are commonly divided into two groups: dyes and interactions.
pigments [4]. Dyes are generally organic substances at least Most of the natural dyes bind to fibers through the appli-
temporary soluble in the vehicle. Pigments are usually in- cation of a mordant. They become more resistant to light and
organic compounds (metal oxides, sulfides, and other min- washing. Acid mordants have been obtained from tannin-rich
erals) insoluble in the paint medium. Nevertheless, organic sources such as oak gallnuts or bark. Basic mordants are salts
colorants can be used as pigments like indigo in oil paint- of different metals, such as aluminum, iron, copper, tin, or
ings [29] and drawings [1], or cochineal that after treatment zinc, that form coordination complexes between molecules
with mordant, e.g. alum (KAl(SO4 )2 ), and addition of metal of dyes and textile substrate such as wool or silk (Fig. 1). The
salt, such as chalk (CaCO3 ), produces an insoluble Ca–Al– color of the resulting dye is dependent on the mordant used.
colorant complex called the carmine lake pigment [1]. A dye Iron salts produce darker shades while alum intensifies color
penetrates into the substrate, usually fibers of textile, whereas brilliance [1].
a pigment is bonded to the surface of the substrate and is usu- Vat dyes are insoluble in common solvents. They are re-
ally applied as a suspension in a suitable binding medium duced in alkaline medium to form a colorless water-soluble
(oils, proteins, and resins). substance called leuco dye (Fig. 2). Fibers or textiles are
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J. Sep. Sci. 2014, 37, 3393–3410 Liquid Chromatography 3395
3.1.1 Sampling
3 HPLC protocol Various approaches and their combinations were more or less
successfully utilized for extraction of natural dyestuff com-
During almost three decades of HPLC practice in the field ponents from art and historical samples: HCl (hydrochloric
of natural organic colorants, the following general analytical acid) hydrolysis [5, 6, 10, 37, 40, 41, 43–45, 48, 49, 51, 52, 58–71],
protocol was established. The first step is extraction of EDTA (ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid) method [37, 41, 49,
dyestuff components from the sample of textile or paint. 68], formic acid extraction [37, 39–41, 48, 49, 58, 68, 72], TFA
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References colorantsa) procedure diameter (m); temperature Mobile phase flow LOD
1985 [26] Anthraquinoids (11) 3 M HCl, 100ºC Nucleosil C18; 150 × 4.1 A: water 55; 1.5 UV/Vis
C: 1% form. acid
1989 [66] Anthraquinoids (insect Water/MeOH/37% HCl (1:1:2), - - - UV/Vis
reds) (11) hot; rediss. water/MeOH (1:1)
1989 [92] Anthraquinoids (madder) (1) MeOH/20% form. acid; rediss. Cosmosil ODS 5C18; 150 × MeOH/0.1 M amm. 24; 1 UV/Vis
20% DMF/MeOH 4.6 acetate/ac.
J. Sep. Sci. 2014, 37, 3393–3410
Table 1. Continued
2003 [85] Indigoids (4) Warm pyridine A: water/ACN/THF (50:45:5) 18.3
B: THF/ACN (95:5)
2003 [90] Anthraquinoids, flavonoids, 3 M HCl/EtOH (1:1), 100ºC; Zorbax RX-C18; 150 × 2.1; 5; A: water/0.3% form. acid 40; 0.2 UV/Vis; ESI-MS, APCI-MS,
indigoids (13) rediss. water/MeOH (1:1) 30ºC, 20ºC B: ACN MRM
2004 [59] Insoluble reds (15) Water/MeOH/37% HCl (1:1:2), Hypersil BDS C18; 100 × 2.1; A: water 32 ; 0.3 UV/Vis
100ºC; rediss. DMF 3; 30ºC B: ACN
Water/MeOH (1:1), 100ºC C: 1% MSA
Table 1. Continued
2006 [86] Shellfish purple (10) DMSO, 100ºC Symmetry C18; 150 × 3; 5 A: water 30; 0.8 UV/Vis, 50 pg
2008 [31, 88] 10% C: 5% ph. acid 25; 0.8–2.1 UV/Vis
2006 [81] Shellfish purple (6) DMF, 70ºC XTerra C18, 40ºC; 250 × 3; 5 A: water/0.001% TFA 12 ; 0.4 UV/Vis; APCI-MS, SIM
B: ACN/0.001% TFA
2006 [63] Anthraquinoids, flavonoids, water/MeOH/37% HCl (1:1:2), - - 32.5 UV/Vis; ESI-MS, SIM 0.01
J. Sep. Sci. 2014, 37, 3393–3410
Table 1. Continued
2009 [37] +flavonoid glycosides, +Water/MeOH/0.5 M citric Alltima HP, C18, 250 × 3; 5; UV/Vis, ESI-MS
curcuminoids (14) acid (1:1:1), 100ºC; DMSO 35ºC
Water/MeOH/1 M ox. acid
(1:1:1), 100ºC; DMSO
Water/MeOH/2 M TFA (1:1:1),
100ºC; DMSO
5 M form.
Table 1. Continued
References colorantsa) procedure diameter (m); temperature Mobile phase flow LOD
J. Sep. Sci. 2014, 37, 3393–3410
Table 1. Continued
2011 [73] Anthraquinoids (30) MeOH/ACN/4 M HF (1:1:2), Interchim Uptisphere NEC , A: water 86; 0.2 UV/Vis
45ºC; rediss. DMSO B: ACN
J. Sep. Sci. 2014, 37, 3393–3410
Table 1. Continued
V. Pauk et al.
2 M ox.
(1:30:30:40), 60ºC
Pyridine, 100ºC
DMF, 100ºC
J. Sep. Sci. 2014, 37, 3393–3410
J. Sep. Sci. 2014, 37, 3393–3410
Table 1. Continued
2013 [53] Shellfish purple (4) DMSO, 150ºC Symmetry C18; 150 × 3; 5 A: water 30; 0.6 UV/Vis
Numbers in parentheses indicate the number of resolved or identified compounds (e.g. coeluting compounds can be distinguished by MS).
The last eluting compound.
The most efficient columns investigated in the study.
Abbreviations: ACN, acetonitrile; APPI, atmospheric pressure photoionization; EtOH, ethanol; FLD, fluorescence detection; HESI, heated-electrospray ionization; MRM, multiple reaction
monitoring; SIM, selected ion monitoring; THF, tetrahydrofuran.
Liquid Chromatography
3404 V. Pauk et al. J. Sep. Sci. 2014, 37, 3393–3410
(trifluoroacetic acid) extraction [37, 48], oxalic acid extrac- of flavonoid glycosides. For flavonoid dyes on silk, the EDTA
tion [37, 38, 40, 41, 48], HF (hydrofluoric acid) procedure method seems to be more efficient, while formic acid treat-
[40, 45, 73, 74], DMF (dimethylformamide) [3, 35, 41, 44, 46, ment is more useful for the anthraquinoid-type dyes [68]. The
47, 51, 59, 64, 75–84], pyridine [41, 67, 85], DMSO (dimethyl- combination of both formic acid and EDTA is also very effec-
sulfoxide) [31, 42, 50, 53, 54, 86–89], and few others (see Table tive [37]. However, among five examined methods (citric acid,
1). Usually extraction is performed as follows: oxalic acid, formic acid/EDTA, TFA, and HCl methods), TFA
(water/MeOH/2 M TFA, 1:1:1, 100⬚C) was superior for cur-
(i) The sample is treated with a small volume (50–400 L) of cumins, rubiadin, and sulfuretin; the use of TFA was compa-
solution mixture for a time ranging from a few minutes rable to other methods for indigotin and indirubin (according
to a few hours [40] at elevated temperature (40–60⬚C for to S/N) [37].
mild methods, 100⬚C for HCl extraction, or higher for Oxalic acid (0.2 M oxalic acid/acetone/MeOH/water,
DMF or DMSO extraction of indigoids) or, in rare cases, 0.1:3:3:4, 60⬚C) and 2 M TFA treatments are the most effi-
without heating [40, 45]. cient methods for removing cochineal dye from textiles [48].
(ii) The extract is cooled and evaporated to dryness under The oxalic acid method showed better chromatographic res-
vacuum or under nitrogen flow (strong acid must be olution than TFA and other methods and rendered a higher
evaporated due to its corrosive nature, it can damage level of agreement, based on PCA scores, between cochineal-
metal counterparts of an HPLC instrument as well as dyed reference textiles and extracts from Dactylopius coccus
column packing). Costa insect.
(iii) The residue is redissolved in a small volume (typically HF is also an efficient complexing agent for mordant dye
100–400 L) of water/methanol (MeOH) [5,10,38,40,43– metals, especially Al and Fe. A mild extraction by HF was as
45, 49, 51, 52, 61, 63, 66–71, 85, 90], MeOH [35, 78–80, 91], efficient as the classical HCl method for the removal of acid-
DMF [47, 59, 63], MeOH/DMF [56, 58, 61, 92], or DMSO stable components (alizarin, purpurin, kermesic acid) from
[6, 37, 46, 60, 65, 73, 74]. Al-based lakes. Besides, mild conditions allowed analysis of
acid-labile compounds (pseudopurpurin, munjistin, and var-
Filtration or centrifugation may be applied after each of ious glycosides) [45]. The HF method can also be applied
these steps. In any case, undissolved particulates should be for dyes mordanted with other metals (Ba, Sn) and for non-
removed prior to HPLC injection. mordant and synthetic dyes. A disadvantage does exist in the
HCl hydrolysis (water/MeOH/37% HCl, 1:1:2, 100⬚C) is necessity to eliminate excess fluorides either by SPE cleaning
the most widely used method, especially for mordant dyes or by evaporation to dryness and HPLC online clean-up. Ex-
where a strong acid is needed to disrupt dyestuff–metal com- treme care must be taken while working with HF since it is
plexes. Since many dyes, particularly flavonoids, belong to highly caustic. Only properly equipped and certified labora-
O-glycosides, they easily hydrolyze and only parent aglycon tories should be allowed to perform this type of extraction.
can be observed. Information about the original dyestuff is It was shown recently that double extraction of the same
lost (the presence of the glycoside moiety may provide valu- sample with a mild method followed by HCl treatment pro-
able information on the plant source, see Supporting Infor- vided more information than a single-step procedure [39]. The
mation Table S1, yellow). Moreover, the method alone is not first step isolated glycosides, and the second increased yield of
efficient for extraction of indigoid compounds insoluble in aglycones. However, formation of stable O-methylated deriva-
aqueous medium. Therefore, attention was switched to mild tives due to reaction of flavonoid O-glucuronides with MeOH
extraction methods to preserve the glycoside structure and in the presence of HCl should be taken into account [72].
acid-labile dyestuffs such as saffron or turmeric. Nine methods including double extraction were applied
There are several papers explicitly devoted to revealing to different textile samples (wool, cotton, and silk), pigments,
the best extraction method [37, 40, 41, 48, 68]. The methods and paints obtained from various biological sources and
are usually compared according to the following criteria: from crude plant material as well. The method involving HF
(i) HPLC peak areas of extracted compounds [37, 40, 41, 68]; (MeOH/acetone/water/HF, 30:30:40:1, 4 h) followed by tradi-
(ii) number of compounds extracted from substrates [37, 68]; tional HCl hydrolysis was the most efficient for the extraction
or (iii) S/N measured for each compound [37]. Principal com- of acid-labile components and indigoids, except that recover-
ponent analysis (PCA) scores of multivariate component anal- ies of carthamin and rutin were low. The best extraction for
ysis [48] or differences identified by analysis of variance statis- textile combines oxalic acid (MeOH/acetone/water/0.21 M
tics [41] were also applied in some cases. oxalic acid, 30:30:40:1, 60⬚C) and traditional HCl hydrolysis.
EDTA as chelating agent for Al3+ and other cations used Formic acid (MeOH/formic acid, 95:5, 40⬚C) followed by HCl
in dyeing can be efficient to aid in the analysis of mordant hydrolysis is recommended for extraction of indigoids from
dyes [49, 68]. Interestingly, free EDTA is reported to be more textiles [40].
effective than its disodium salt [68]. Upon comparison of In the most common extraction methods, the extract of
the results of a formic acid/MeOH (5:95, v/v, 40⬚C, 30 min) a dyestuff is dried and reconstituted with a water/MeOH
and a 0.001 M EDTA/acetonitrile/MeOH (2:10:88, v/v, 60⬚C, mixture. Improvement using MeOH/DMF was reported.
30 min) extraction, both methods rendered better results than Dissolving of the residue, obtained after acid hydrolysis and
traditional HCl water/MeOH systems and allowed detection evaporation, in MeOH and DMF (1:1, v/v) improved the
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J. Sep. Sci. 2014, 37, 3393–3410 Liquid Chromatography 3405
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3406 V. Pauk et al. J. Sep. Sci. 2014, 37, 3393–3410
Water and MeOH were used in the early days of HPLC of Colorant molecules absorb well in the UV/Vis range. Diode
natural colorants [26,66,67,78–80,92]. Acetonitrile has certain array detectors can support identification of a compound
advantages over MeOH, including lower absorbance in the through the comparison of UV/Vis spectra.
200–275 nm range, lower UV cut-off, and lower back-pressure Fluorescence detectors are more selective than UV/Vis
due to lower viscosity [91]. However, its higher price may be and offer lower LODs [18, 55, 60]. Limited number of com-
disadvantageous when large amounts of analysis is necessary. pounds exhibit natural fluorescence, but derivatization can
Other solvents were evaluated to improve the solubility of be performed. Complexation with metal ions increases fluo-
indigoid dyes but did not receive general recognition, as in rescence of flavonoids. Anthraquinoids and hydroxybenzoic
the case of tetrahydrofuran [85], or were not successful at all, acids in natural dyes and textiles were detected fluorimetri-
like DMSO [89]. Addition of 5% DMSO to acetonitrile did not cally after postcolumn complexation with zirconyl ion [18,60].
improve peak shape [89], and higher content was precarious With optimized fluorescence detection, considerably lower
due to the higher cut-off wavelength (268 nm) and viscosity detection limits were obtained for all complex-forming com-
it imparted. pounds (all flavonoids and dihydroxybenzoic acids), with the
Usually, gradient elution is applied and performed as exception of alizarin [60]. Additionally, bathochromic shifts
follows: Starting from water/organic (95:5) modifier mixture for flavonoids after postcolumn deprotonation or complexa-
with additives and changing to 100 (90)% organic modifier tion with zirconyl facilitated structural recognition of flavones
within 30–60 min, depending on the column diameter, flow or flavonols, respectively [60].
rate, and complexity of analyzed mixture. In one study, a MS has been shown to provide a few considerable
faster gradient from 40 to 90% acetonitrile (acidified with advantages over UV/Vis detection, including better LODs,
0.001% TFA) enabled an acceptable separation of six natu- improved selectivity, and the possibility for structural
ral indigoid colorants within 15 min [81]. In other studies, elucidation of unknown compounds. For some fixed HPLC
a linear gradient (65–100% acetonitrile in 10 min) allowed conditions, representative LODs can be compared:
the efficient separation of the seven indigoid components
of shellfish purple [75, 83]. Work using UHPLC has shown (i) UV/Vis: 0.18–1.71 g/mL; MS: 30–90 ng/mL (anthraq-
decreased analysis times to 6 min [64]. uinoids) [95];
(ii) UV/Vis: 2–31 ng/mL; MS: 0.5–12 ng/mL (anthraq-
uinoids, flavonoids, benzoic acids), 32 ng/mL (quinizarin)
(iii) UV/Vis: 10–70 ng/mL; MS: 0.4–20 ng/mL (anthraq-
3.2.4 Additives uinoids, flavonoids, benzoic acids, tannins, indigotin) [6].
Addition of acid suppresses dissociation of analytes, most Thermospray ionization [27, 92] and later more robust
of which contain acidic groups, and prevents nonspecific API techniques, ESI [5,6,10,29,37–39,41,43,44,48–52,54,63,
interactions with silanol groups on the stationary phase 65,68,72,76,90,94,95] and APCI [6,65,81,90], have been exten-
silica support [18, 91]. Formic acid [5, 6, 10, 26, 29, 39–41, sively used to facilitate MS detection of colorants. The perfor-
43, 44, 49–52, 54, 56, 58, 64, 68, 70, 72–74, 76, 84, 87, 90, 94], mances of ESI and APCI have been specifically compared [6].
TFA [3, 37, 42, 45–47, 55, 65, 69, 71, 81, 91], and phosphoric ESI is suitable for the detection of all anthraquinoids,
acid [31, 35, 44, 61, 67, 73, 77–80, 84, 86] belong to the most of- hydroxybenzoic acids, and flavonoids investigated. However,
ten used additives. Sometimes methanesulfonic acid (MSA) only indirubin was detected among indigoids. This result
[59, 60, 89], acetic acid [95], acetate buffer [62, 90, 92], formate is in agreement with another work [90]. Carminic acid was
buffer [65], and perchloric acid [38, 48] have been added. The detected in negative ESI mode. Under APCI conditions, all
use of strong acids such as TFA and MSA with acetonitrile flavonoids were ionized both in positive and negative mode
has been shown to lead to improved peak shape, and thus, while anthraquinones were detected in negative mode only.
better resolution of analytes (indigoids) [89]. However, TFA Mono- and dihydroxybenzoic acids provided signals both in
causes significant signal suppression in mass spectrometric the positive and negative ionization modes, whereas gallic
detection. Reducing TFA concentration from 0.1 to 0.001% acid was only observed in the negative mode. Both indigotin
can still provide adequate chromatography without peak de- and indirubin were ionized in negative mode APCI [6]. On the
terioration [81]. TFA also causes corrosion of LC–MS equip- contrary, another study [90] demonstrated that positive-mode
ment [27]. Its concentration should be kept at the reasonable APCI was suitable for indigoids. Recently, atmospheric
minimum or it should be replaced with more suitable additive pressure photoionization in negative mode [75, 83] and
such as MSA or formic acid. MSA is sometimes preferred for thermally assisted ESI in positive mode [56, 87] have also
its lower absorption in the UV region and weak ion-pairing been successfully used for indigoid analysis.
properties [89]. Formic acid is suitable for HPLC–MS and can Collision-induced dissociation after soft ionization pro-
render comparable separation performance as the stronger vided clue for identification of natural organic dyestuffs, but
TFA or perchloric acid choices [64]. it was limited to samples with higher concentration or to pure
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J. Sep. Sci. 2014, 37, 3393–3410 Liquid Chromatography 3407
standards in the past [27]. Using a modern high-sensitivity even belonging to the same biological family can differ in
Q-TOF instrument, it was possible to confirm the presence of quantitative colorant profiles, e.g. madder (Rubia sp.),
indigotin and indirubin in 0.1 mg microsamples according to cochineal and kermes (see Supporting Information Table
MS/MS data [56]. Identification can be supported by accurate S1), or shellfish purple (see Supporting Information Table
mass determination. An LTQ Orbitrap instrument with mass S2). Nevertheless, quantitation alone sometimes produces
measurement error <0.5 ppm allowed trustworthy identifi- data from which differences are not obvious (see Support-
cation of four new compounds in extracts from H. trunculus ing Information Table S1, cochineal). Multivariate data
L [87]. The mass error of the MS/MS measurement in most analysis (PCA method) differentiated between species of
cases was about 5 ppm. A considerable amount of informa- cochineal [48]. The investigations involved freshly prepared
tion on MS of natural historical dyes, including ionization and dyestuffs but historical samples represent a more complicated
typical fragmentation patterns of main chemical classes of issue. Even if the exact amount of dye components in the
colorants, is presented in Rosenberg’s review [27]. Since that extract is known, the interpretation is complicated due to the
time, several new papers dealing with LC–MS of flavonoid unknown impact of degradation processes during aging [18].
glucuronides from sawwort [72], plant-derived flavonol Identification of shellfish purple dye origin is the most
conjugates [94], newly elucidated anthraquinoid components difficult task. Some authors identify the dye source (a
of cochineal [65], and, as mentioned above, recently discov- particular shellfish species) according to the ratio of in-
ered indirubin analogues from shellfish purple [87] were digoid components [31, 53, 80, 83]. However, all quantitative
published. Simple MS methods without chromatographic presumptions are made using the relative area of chro-
separation and using direct ESI [96] or laser desorption– matographic peaks for a given wavelength without a proper
ionization MS [97, 98] can confirm the presence of a certain calibration procedure, as it is difficult to obtain standards that
dyestuff. contain all possible isomers. Further, significant diversity
It is worth noting that significantly worse repeatability of dye composition occurred even for the same species. The
(ten times worse SDs) of MS detection in comparison to DAD content of certain compounds in a dye obtained from the
has been reported [5]. It is not an exception that the RSD of H. trunculus L. species collected in different geographical lo-
MS detection results can reach 10% [5, 95]. cations (Spain and Israel) differed noticeably [31] (Supporting
Information Table S2). Sometimes the relative abundances
of dye components can overlap with other species. It is
3.4 Quantitative aspects and identification of hardly possible to distinguish between B. brandaris L. and S.
origin/source haemastoma L. (see Supporting Information Table S2). The
composition of dye depends on the sex of snails [76] and their
One of the most important issues in analysis of natural biological life phase. Probably, ancient dyers were aware of
historical colorants is the identification of their biological these differences since different composition alters the final
source and, thus, their possible geographical origin. A very shade of the colorant. They could also mix all together in
efficient method of analysis has to be developed. This should one dyeing vat without sex- or age-specific selection since
enable extraction, separation, identification, and quantitative all of the used snails produced the desired dye to a greater
estimation of major and trace components from extremely or lesser extent. Actually, mixtures of shells from different
small amounts of an original sample. In addition, without species are often found in coastal deposits [99]. Samples
appropriate biological reference material, the reliable identi- of a colorant taken from a 1000-year-old artifact (textile or
fication of either plant or animal source is impossible. Even painting) most likely will differ from the freshly prepared
its availability is not a guarantee of success. For example, dye. Indigoid bromo-derivatives in leuco-form undergo
although over 200 plants have been analyzed and their dye subsequent photodebromination under UV radiation, thus,
profiles were obtained, some of the textile extracts did not the ratio of mono-, di-, and nonbrominated compounds can
match any of them [49]. There are several dyestuffs that be dependent on the processing of the dye [82]. Therefore, it
contain the same major coloring matters, such as carminic is practically impossible to determine the source of shellfish
acid (cochineal species), alizarin and purpurin (madder and purple dye in case it was produced from mixture of snails
lady’s bedstraw), luteolin and apigenin (weld, sawwort, and or was affected by processing or physical environmental
dyer’s broom; see Supporting Information Table S1), or conditions [3].
bromoindigoids (shellfish species; Supporting Information Another issue in analysis of natural historical colorants
Table S2). Differentiation can be made on the basis of certain is the detection of degradation products of the primary dye
highly specific compounds usually present in very small components. Aging experiments followed by HPLC–MS
amounts. For example, chrysoeriol (3 -O-methylluteolin) is analysis showed that flavonols degrade to form molecules
a key marker for weld, genistein for dyer’s broom, or as it specific to each dye [5]. For example, 3,4-dihydroxybenzoic
was recently found, chlorogenic acid together with luteolin-, acid was detected in aged threads dyed with quercetin,
eriodictyol-, and diosmetin-O-glucuronides is a marker 2,4-dihydroxybenzoic acid in aged morin dyed threads, and
for sawwort. Another approach is to quantify the main 4-hydroxybenzoic acid in aged kaempferol-dyed threads [5].
components of the dye. Dyes obtained from different species Dye components can be traced by identification of their
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3408 V. Pauk et al. J. Sep. Sci. 2014, 37, 3393–3410
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